Catalogue of Coleopoterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum

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Catalogue of Coleopoterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum CATALOGUE OF COLEOPTEROUS INSECTS IN THE COLLECTION OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM. By ADAM WHITE, M.E.S. PART VIII. LONGICORNIA II. LONDON: PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES. 1855. PREFACE. 1 HE object of this book is to present a Catalogue of the well-established species of Longicorn Coleoptera, with references to where they are figured and to the more important synonyma, with descriptions of some species which appear to be as yet unnoticed in Entomological works. — It is intended for the following purposes : 1 . As a list of the species contained in the Museum Col- lection. They are marked B.M. in the outer margin. the 2. To point out the Desiderata of that Collection at period of publication. 3. As labels for the Cabinet. Coll. been The species marked Chevr. have compared with the corresponding species in the extensive collection of M. Chevrolat of Paris, which include the type specimens named in the Baron Dejean's Catalogue. The remaining Parts are in progress, and will follow as soon as they can be completed. JOHN EDWARD GRAY. British Museum, Nov. 1855. / /75 CATALOGUE OF LONGICORN COLEOPTERA. PART II. Fam. 2. CERAMBYCIDiE (continued). 10". COLOBUS. Colobus, Serv. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. ii. 554 (not Illig.). Stenocorus, p., Fabr. Cerambyx, p., Oliv. 1. Colobus hemipterus. B.M. C. ater, thorace villoso, utrinque spina, obtusa arraato; elytris valde abbreviatis, vix striatis, apice acutiusculis. Stenocorus hemipterus, Fabr. S. El. ii. 310. Oliv. Col.iv. 23. f. 181. Cerambyx hemipterus, 127. pi. Colobus hemipterus, Serv. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. ii. 555. Hab. Java. 2. Colobus sericeus. B.M. C. fusco-sericeus, antennis basi, pedibusque pallide ferrugineis; thoracis lateribus subangulatis, abdominis basi subtus albido- sericea. f. 2. Colobus sericeus, Saunders, Trans. Ent. Soc. n. s. ii. pi. 4. Hab. N. China (Shanghai) (Coll. Fortune). K IJC) CERAMBYCIDiE. 3. COLOBUS VELUTINUS. Colobus velutinus, Saunders, Coll. Hab. Silhet. 4- Colobus cingalensis, n. s. B.M. C. elytris pedibusque ferrugineis velutinis, abdomine atro, viola- ceo-micante, alis pallide ferrugineia apice subumbratis. Hab. Ceylon. From Dr. Hooker's collection. There is only a fragment of this distinct species in the Museum collection. 103. TOMOPTERUS. Tomopterus, Scrv. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. ii. 544. 1. Tomopterus Staphylinus. B.M. T. flavo linea thorace antice et postice anguste marginato ; elytris abdomine obliqua fiava a humero ad apicem currente ; nigro, testaceo femoribus ferru- seginento primo ; pedibus subnigris gineis. Tomopterus Staphylinus, Dup. Serv. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. ii. 545. Hab. Brazil. 2. Tomopterus pretiosus. fere T. elytris singulis linea obliqua alba, ad suturam connexis. Tomopterus pretiosus, Newman, Entom. p. 21. Hub. Brazil. 3. Tomopterus Vespoides, n. s. PL V. f. 8. B.M. T. thorace villoso, marginibus anticis posticisque flavo anguste diruidiata ornatis, elytrorum parte laterali pallide cinnamomea, abdominis segmentis subtus flavo marginatis; antennis, articulo primo basi rufo. with Upper parts of a blackish-brown, front of head golden- coloured hairs, antenna; of a blackish-brown with the basal por- black tion of first joint rufous. Thorax covered with long and cinereous hairs, the anterior and posterior margins narrowly or- hairs front of metathorax namented with short yellow ; margin line hairs the lateral half of the of a with a of yellowish ; elytra the inner light cinnamon-brown running into yellow on margin, the shoulder and the space about it rather coarsely punctured; cerambycidjE. 177 mesothorax on the hinder margin with two patches of yellow hairs : ahdomen black, the two basal joints above yellow, the terminal covered with hairs the joint above silky yellow ; posterior mar- gins of the segments below rather widely bordered with golden hairs. covered with cinereous hairs of Legs blackish, ; femora the of hind legs at the base and tip yellow ; basal half posterior tibiae yellowish. In another specimen seemingly of the same species, the third and fourth joints of the antennae are some- what rufous at the base, while the cinnamon-brown marking of the elytra is limited to the shoulder and to two short lines directed backwards from it, the space between the fork being black. Length from 3% to 4 lines. Hab. Guatimala (Coll. Deby). 4. Tomopterus Larroides, n. s. B.M. Very closely allied to the last species, with the thorax more transverse, more gibbous on the sides, and with two patches of is with yellow hairs placed transversely ; the scutellum covered golden-yellow pile; the femora of the hind legs at the base are the first of the antennae is black at base. pale ; joint Hab. Amazon (Santarem). (Coll. Bates.) There are specimens with the scutellum black, and a blackish- brown vitta runs down the patch on the lateral half of each ely- tron this is so as to render ; sometimes wide the patch almost to obsolete ; these specimens appear be males. 109. CHARIS. Charis, Newman, Entom. p. 21. 1. Charis Euphrosyne. B.M. " basi testaceae : mav- Nigra ; antennae piceae, elytra testacea, suturali et incisurac ar- ginibus marginali nigris ; abdominis genteo-lanuginosae."—Newman. Charis Euphrosyne, Newman, Entom. p. 21. Hab. Brazil. 2. Chasus Erato. " antennis Caput nigrum, piceis ; oculi nigri, magni, in faciem conniventes : prothorax punctus, niger, vestigiis lateralibus argenteis, lineaque obscura. postica albida. : scutellum argenteo- late lanuginosum ; elytra puncta, testacea, marginibus nigris, lineaque singuli obliqua prope suturam argentea ; pedes ferru- 178 cerambycidjE. basi ginei, tarsis metatibiisque apice fuscis, metafemora pal- lida; sternum nigrum, vestigiis argenteo-lanuginosis; abdomen basi testaceum, apice nigrum."—Newman. Charis Erato, Newman, Entom. p. 21. Hub. Brazil. 3. Charis Mneme. "Nigra; antennis fuscis; oculi magni, nigri, in faciem fere conniventes ; protborax rotundatus, aspere punctus, caput albida obsitus versus lanugine ; elytra puncta, nigra, macula albida abdominis basale utriusque obliqua ; segmentum rufum, csetera tenui obsita nigra, subnitida, lanugine argentea — ; pedes nigri, femoribus aspere punctis, metatibiis hirsutis." Newman. Charis Mneme, Newman, Entom. p. 90. Hab. Brazil (Coll. Miers). 4. Charis Aglaia. B.M. " et antenna? oculi in faciem fere conni- Caput nigra ; magni, ventes, marginibus anticis manifesto elevatis; protborax punc- tus, niger; elytra basi nigra, profunde puncta, apice attenuata acuminata testacea— glaberrima; sternum et abdomen nigra; pedes picei." Newman. Charis Aglaia, Newman, Entom. p. 22. Hab. Brazil. 5. Charis A^ede. " testaceo annulatis Nigra, antennis subserratis, fuscis, ; oculi magni. nigri, in faciem fere conniventes; protborax niger, aspere punctus, tuberis '6 glabris instructus, 1 juxta caput, 2 basin versus elytrorum ; elytra aspere puncta, nigra, utriusque macula obliqua albida; pro- et meso-pedes fusci vel nigri, tumidis femorum linea femoribus ; metapedes testacei, supe- riori nigra tibiarum scopa magna postica nigra."—Newman. Charis Arcde, Newman, Entom. p. 91. Hab. Brazil (Coll. Miers). 6. Charis Thalia. B.M. Charis Thalia, Newman. Hab. Brazil. 7. Charis Melete. "Nigra; antennis apiee dilatatis nigris, basi piceis; oculi nigri, magni, in faciem fere conniventes; protborax aspere punctus, CERAMBYCID.E. 179 littera V nivea niger, utrinque lanuginosa, signatus: elytra vitta testacea puncta, nigra, utriusque ; pedes rufo-picei, tarsis saturatioribus ; meso- et meta-femoribus vix tumidis, basi flavidis; mesosternum et abdomen cingulis niveis ornata."— Newman. Charis Melete, Newman, Entom. p. 91. Hab. Brazil (Coll. Miers). 8. Charis ? laticorms. C. ferruginea, antennis apice dilatatis subserratis. Molorchus laticornis, Klug, Nov. Act. xii. 469. t. 44. f. 1 (1S25). Hab. Brazil. 110. HELIOMANES. Helionianes, Newman, Ann. Nat. Hist. v. 17 (1840). Necydalis, pt., Linn. Gymnopterion, pt., Schrank. 1. Heliomanes Sidus. "Fuscus; antennae corpore breviores; prothorax elongatus medio longitudinaliter impressus, utrinque pone medium deute late- rali armatus ; elytra extus curvata, fusca, fasciis albidis undu- latis duabus."—Newman. Heliomanes Sidus, Newman, Ann. Nat. Hist. v. 17. Hab. Australia. 2. Heliomanes umbellatarum. B.M. H. elytris testaceis immaculatis, antennis longis. Necydalis umbellatamm, Linn. Syst. Nat. ii. 641. 'Oliv. Coll. iv. t. l.f. 3. Panz. F.I. G. 119. pi. 34. Necydalis minima, Scop. Ent. Cam. p. 57. Gymnopterion minimum, Schrank, Faun. Boica, i. 689. Molorchus umbellatarum, Fabr. Syst. El. ii. 375. Kiister, Kdf. Eur. 19. 99. Molorchus umbellatorum, Mulsant, Col. Fr. p. 109. Heliomanes umbellatarum, Newman, Entom. p. 20. Hab. Europe. 3. Heliomanes insularis, n. s. B.M. thorace latcribus H. niger, punctato-reticulato, parallelis ; elytris antennis medio pallidis apice piceis ; rutiusculis; pedibus j)iceis. 180 cerambycidjE. the antennae reddish sides Black, ; thorax somewhat elongated; nearly parallel, the upper surface covered with reticulations formed of large shallow punctures. Elytra pale in the middle, tibiae pitch-coloured at the tip. Legs pitchy, paler ; abdomen blackish -brown, segments punctured on the under side. Hab. China (Hong Kong). J. C. Bowring, Esq. This small species is of the same size as H. umbellutarum, to which it is nearly allied. 4. Heliomanes bimaculatus. B.M. H. niger, cinereo-pubescens, thorace grosse punctato, obsolete sat dense 3-calloso ; elytris oblique impressis, punctatis, gla- bris testaceis, apice margineque plus minusve nigris. Molorchus bimaculatus, Say,Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc. Phil. hi. 428. Molorchus affinis, Leconte, Ann. Lye. N. Hist. N. York,
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