WIRING the SINGER Classical Voice and the Microphone

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WIRING the SINGER Classical Voice and the Microphone ! ! ! !"#"$%&'()&*"$%)#&& & +,-../0-,&12/03&-45&673&8/092:7243&& & ! ! ! ! "#$%&!'())*&+,! ! !"#$%&'#()*+,*-%./0'(1%* * * * * !"#$%&'&"&()*'##%+"',"-(.-'.*%,#"-/0"#$%"+%10%%"/-"2/3#/0"/-"4$'./&/5$6" " " * * * !"#$%&'()% ! ! ! !"#"$%&'()*++$%,( ! !"#$%#&#'()"$*(+,-#.$! ! #$%&'!()&!*+$,*$(-!./!()&!0112$30($.'!./!4.*'5!(&3)'.2.6-!(.!()&!32044$302!%.$3&7!()$4!()&4$4! $'%&4($60(&4!()&!80-4!()&!0912$/$30($.'!./!()&!32044$302!%.$3&!$4!0!30(02-4(!/.:!'&8!&;1:&44$%&! 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