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REVIEW Hyper-recornbination and Bloom's Syndrome: Microbes Again Provide Clues about Rodney Rothstein and Serge Gangloff

Department of Genetics and Development, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, New York 10032

Once again, a family first identified in mi- microbes and man that specifically increase re- croorganisms has been linked to human cancer combination. predisposition. The first in a series of intriguing links between microbial genetics and tumorigen- esis in man emerged when the responsible Bloom's Syndrome for pigmentosum were identified as Bloom's syndrome, originally identified as a dis- homologs of yeast DNA repair genes (for review, tinct erythematous facial rash (Bloom 1954), is see Cleaver 1994; Tanaka and Wood 1994). An- inherited as an autosomal recessive trait. In addi- other link surfaced 2 years ago with the identifi- tion, individuals affected with Bloom's syndrome cation of human susceptibility are characterized by growth retardation, abnor- and in a homolog of a bacterial and mal spermatogenesis, and an elevated risk of de- yeast mismatch repair gene (Fishel et al. 1993; veloping cancer (German 1993). Besides these Parsons et al. 1993). Earlier this year, the gene clinical manifestations, cells from individuals responsible for ataxia- was identi- with Bloom's syndrome exhibit elevated levels of fied as a member of a kinase gene family that may breaks and gaps, somatic cross- play a role in DNA damage recognition (Green- overs, and sister chromatid exchange (German well et al. 1995; Hari et al. 1995; Morrow et al. 1995; Savitsky et al. 1995). The latest link is the 1993). Genetic experiments with Bloom's syndrome identification of the Bloom's syndrome gene, cell lines showed that transfer of chromosome 15 BLM (Ellis et a]. 1995a). BLM encodes a could complement increased sister chromatid ex- homologous to the RecQ/Sgsl DNA sub- change. Further refinements in the genetic map family first identified in bacteria and yeast localized the defective gene to a region near (Umezu et al. 1990; Gangloff et al. 1994). Muta- 15q26.1 (Ellis et al. 1994). An important break- tions in BLM and in the yeast homolog con- through came when German's group found that fer the common of hyper-recom- they could exploit an early observation. They no- bination to cells. ticed that although most cells of individuals with Hyper-recombination collectively refers to Bloom's syndrome exhibit high sister chromatid any cellular state in which the frequency of ge- exchange, there exists a minor population of netic exchange is elevated. The exchanges can lymphocytes with low sister chromatid ex- occur, for example, between sister chromatids, al- change. Cells with low sister chromatid exchange lelic genes, or repetitive DNA sequences scattered were predominantly found in individuals whose throughout the genome. The frequency of re- parental alleles were not identical by descent and combination can be measured genetically be- therefore contained different mutations in BLM. tween marked intervals and also cytologically as An intragenic crossover between the paternal and deletions, inversions, translocations, sister chro- maternal alleles generated a wild-type gene on matid exchanges, and somatic crossovers. In this one chromosome and a gene containing both pa- review we limit our discussion to mutations in rental mutations on the homologous chromo- some. After segregation, half of the recombined cell lines became homozygous for polymorphic ~Corresponding author. markers distal to the BLM , whereas they E-MAIL [email protected]; FAX (212) 923- 2090. remained heterozygous for polymorphic markers

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ROTHSTEIN AND GANGLOFF proximal to the locus (Ellis et al. 1995b). Thus, that its protein sequence shared significant ho- somatic crossover point mapping helped demar- mology with bacterial RecQ. In addition, another cate the boundaries of the gene and narrow down RecQ homolog has been identified as a result of the chromosomal region. It is interesting to note the Caenorhabditis elegans sequencing project that the hyper-recombinogenic nature of the bhn (GenBank no. U00052, K02F3.1). To date, no dis- probably led to the high incidence of ease mapping to the human RECQL gene ho- this somatic event. Then, using direct cDNA se- molog has been reported. For C. elegans, the phe- lection, a clone was isolated that mapped to the notype of mutants is also unknown. In both of candidate region. Translation of the DNA se- these cases, the homology shared with RecQ is quence of this clone revealed motifs homologous restricted to the seven conserved helicase motifs. to the RecQ/Sgsl helicase subfamily (Ellis et al. BLM is also homologous to Sgsl, a yeast pro- 1995a). tein (Gangloff et al. 1994). On the basis of a com- parison of their primary structure, four lines of BLM and Sgsl May Be Homologs evidence suggest that BLM may be the human homolog of Sgsl (see Fig. 1). First, unlike what is RecQ, the founding member of a subfamily of observed for RecQ and RECQL, the sequence sim- DNA , is a DNA-dependent ATPase that ilarity between BLM and Sgsl extends beyond the possesses a 3' --4 5' DNA translocation activity. It helicase domains. Second, the size of the two pro- was first identified as a protein involved in the teins are nearly identical, more than twice the RecF recombination pathway in Escherichia coli size of the other RecQ family members. Third, the (Umezu et al. 1990). The absence of RecQ in E. conserved helicase domain is in the same posi- coli does not have any discernible phenotype un- tion in the two , situated -700 amino less a major recombination pathway (RecBCD, acids from the amino terminus. Lastly, the SbcBC) is mutated (Clark 1991). In this situation, amino-terminal domain of BLM contains two loss of RecQ function leads to UV sensitivity and clusters of charged amino acid residues parallel- to a decrease in recombination. Recently, the ing the Sgsl organization. In addition to the RecQ subfamily of helicases has grown. A human structural similarities of BLM and Sgsl, blm and helicase, RECQL, was identified biochemically sgsl mutant cells both exhibit increased levels and was shown to possess the same in vitro prop- of . In yeast cells, hyper- erties as bacterial RecQ (Puranam and Blackshear recombination is manifested by an increased 1994). Cloning and sequence analysis revealed frequency of marker loss. In Bloom's cells, it is revealed by increased sis- ter chromatid exchange RecQ and symmetrical quadr- iradials, which probably RECQL represent exchange fig- ures between homolo- Sgsl gous in metaphase (German BLM 1964). On the other hand, recQ mutants ex- hibit decreased levels of Helicase domain recombination. Acidic amino acid cluster

Extended homology Sgsl May Provide Clues to BLM Function Protein backbone with no homologies 200 AA First identified as an ex- Figure 1 Alignment representing the primary amino acid sequence of four mem- tragenic suppressor of the bers of the RecQ/Sgsl DNA helicase subfamily. The four proteins share strong sequence similarities within the region corresponding to the helicase domain. BLM slow-growth phenotype and Sgsl exhibit regions of homology directly surrounding the helicase domain, of topo Ill-deficient mu- which are not found within the other members of the subfamily. BLM and Sgsl also tants, the SGS1 locus was contain two clusters of acidic residues in their amino-terminal moieties that, in shown to interact physi- Sgsl, have been proposed to mediate transcriptional activation. cally with both topo II

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MICROBIAL CLUES ABOUT CANCER PREDISPOSITION and topo III (Gangloff et al. 1994; Watt et al. crossover can become homozygous, resulting in 1995). As both of these DNA topoisomerases are loss of heterozygosity. potentially involved in the resolution of replica- tion intermediates (Wang 1991; Fig. 2), it is Hyper-recombinafion and Cancer tempting to speculate that Sgsl differentially modulates their activity. For example, in the ab- A few human disorders have been associated with sence of Sgsl, the failure to resolve the inter- increased levels of chromosomal rearrangements twined strands generated at the point where rep- (see Table 1). A common facet of these "hyper- lication forks merge would give rise to recombi- recombination" syndromes is their high cancer nogenic lesions (e.g., breaks) in a newly risk. Table 1 also lists selected genes from bacteria replicated chromatid. Repair of such lesions, us- and yeast that show increased recombination ing information from the sister chromatid, could (Hartwell and Smith 1985; Barnes et al. 1992; lead to a sister chromatid exchange event (Fig. Gangloff et al. 1994; Kato and Ogawa 1994; Mor- 3A). Alternatively, a cell could repair the dam- row et al. 1995; Savitsky et al. 1995; Smith and aged chromatid using information on the homol- Rothstein 1995). In bacteria, many of these genes ogous chromosome resulting in a mitotic ex- were identified using a simple assay in which re- change (Fig. 3B). In the mitotic division follow- combination between direct repeats leads to a se- ing such an exchange, DNA distal to the lectable phenotype (Konrad 1977). The fre-

A topo II topo llI - Sgsl


Figure 2 Resolution of merging replicons. Two pathways have been proposed for the resolution of intertwined strands found at the site of merging replication forks (Wang 1991 ). As the two replicons approach one another, topological constraints block the merging forks leaving a small stretch of unreplicated duplex. In the pathway shown at left, DNA synthesis proceeds using the leading strands from both replication forks and the DNA is converted into two intertwined duplexes that are decatenated by topo II. In the pathway at right, replication is arrested until the single strands are separated by the combined action of the helicase activity of Sgsl and the decatenation activity of topo III. In this model the Sgsl helicase tracks along the unreplicated stretch and the associated topo III decatentates the exposed single strands. DNA synthesis is completed by filling in the single- strand gaps. For the sake of clarity, only a few intertwines are depicted. (Adapted from Wang 1991 .)

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A B genesis begins (for review, see Knudson 1991). Thus, any mutation that results in an increase in mitotic recombination can potentially lead to an increase in the frequency of homozygosity of one of these recessive genes.

Increased Incidence of Cancer in him Heterozygotes? Finally, it is interesting to note that some reces- 1 1 sive genes, such as retinoblastoma and hrnsh2, give rise to cancer as if they were dominant traits when pedigrees are analyzed. This is owing to loss of heterozygosity at the cellular level. In the case of retinoblastoma, any loss of the wild-type copy by a variety of mechanisms, including re- combination between homologs, leads to a cell that has lost growth control. Similarly, in hrnsh2- associated colorectal , loss of the unaf- Recombination fected gene causes increased DNA slippage during SCE between homologs replication generating subsequent mutational events that lead to cancer. Therefore, individuals Figure 3 Recombinational repair of a DNA lesion. heterozygous for blm may also show an increased The DNA lesion is depicted simply as a double- incidence of cancer. This would occur in two strand break for purposes of illustration. In both steps: loss of the unaffected BLM gene followed cases, the repair is shown associated with a cross- over. (A) Repair of the lesion by homologous recom- by loss of heterozygosity of a tumor suppressor bination between sister chromatids. (B) Repair of gene. In this model, the frequency of the second the lesion by between event would be increased as a direct consequence homologs. The letters M and m indicate a distal of the blm phenotype in those cells. This hypoth- heterozygous gene. Because mitotic segregation of esis can be tested by measuring the occurrence of the replicated chromatids into the daughter cells sporadic tumors within Bloom's syndrome fami- can produce two outcomes, after a crossover, one- lies and by analyzing such tumors from heterozy- half of the segregations generate a cell in which the gous individuals to detect the homozygosity of distal marker has lost its heterozygosity. blm.

Conclusions quency of this event can be estimated easily and permits the screening of large numbers of indi- The study of a basic biological phenomenon, ge- vidual mutagenized colonies for an altered fre- netic recombination, in simple microbial systems quency of recombination. Similarly, most of the has led to the identification of many genes in- hyper-recombination mutations in yeast were volved in DNA metabolism (Table 1). With the isolated using either natural or artificially created ability to rapidly identify the genes underlying direct repeat recombination assays (for review, human diseases that has been facilitated by the see Klein 199S). Recently, a similar strategy has Project, the corresponding hu- been employed in cell lines derived from patients man genes are starting to be identified. Although with ataxia-telangiectasia (Meyn 1993) or Werner many insights will be gained from studying the syndrome (Monnat 1992) . homologous genes found in simpler organisms, it It has been estimated that most individuals, is clear that many questions remain. For exam- either as a result of somatic mutation or inherit- ple, the SGS1 gene was cloned as a result of two- ance, are mosaic for cells that are heterozygous hybrid interactions with both topo II and topo for tumor suppressor genes (Loeb 1991). It is only III. Does the amino-terminal region of BLM sim- when loss of heterozygosity occurs for one of ilarly interact with topoisomerases to form a these genes that the progression toward tumori- complex? Do sgsl mutants exhibit increased sis-

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Table 1. Hyper-recombination Mutations

Organism Mutation Gene product/function

Escherichia coli fig DNA ligase polA DNA polymerase uvrD DNA helicase topB DNA topoisomerase Saccharomyces cerevisiae cdc9 DNA ligase cdc2, cdc17 DNA polymerase rad3, srs2, and sgs l DNA helicase top1, top2, and top3 DNA topoisomerase rfal DNA single-stranded binding protein esrl (mecl) DNA damage recognition? Homo sapiens 46BR (immunodeficient patient) DNA ligase Bloom's syndrome DNA helicase? ataxia-telangiectasia DNA damage recognition? ???

This is not an exhaustive survey of all possible hyper-recombination mutations but only lists some whose gene products may be directly involved with DNA metabolism. The bacterial and yeast genes have been reviewed recently (Kline 1995). The human disorders are referenced in the text. It should be noted that a consensus has not been reached for the hyper-recombination phenotype of 46BR.

ter chromatid exchange? Finally, as shown in Ta- recombination proteins in Escherichia coli. Biochimie ble 1, Werner syndrome is another human dis- 73: $23-532. ease that may cause predisposition to cancer as a Cleaver, J.E. 1994. It was a very good year for DNA result of hyper-recombination. It will be interest- repair. Cell 76: 1-4. ing to see whether this disease is also attributable to a mutation in a gene affecting DNA metabo- Ellis, N.A., A.M. Roe, J. Kozloski, M. Proytcheva, C. Falk, lism. and J. German. 1994. Linkage disequilibrium between the FES, D155127, and BLM loci in with . Am. ]. Hum. Genet. 55: 453-460.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Ellis, N.A., J. Groden, T.-Z. Ye, J. Straughen, D.J. Lennon, We thank D. Beach, F. Collins, N. Erdeniz, H. Klein, S. S. Ciocci, M. Proytcheva, and J. German. 1995a. The Lovett, S. Meyn, R. Monnat, U. Mortensen, V. Racaniello, Bloom's syndrome gene product is homologous to RecQ J. Smith, L. Symington, and H. Zou for critical reading of helicases. Cell 83: 655-666. the manuscript. We also thank N. Ellis and J. German for helpful suggestions on an earlier version of this manu- Ellis, N.A., D.J. Lennon, M. Proytcheva, B. Alhadeff, E.E. script. This work was supported by grants from the Na- Henderson, and J. German. 1995b. Somatic intragenic tional Institutes of Health (GM34587 and GM50237) and recombination within the mutated locus BLM can National Science Foundation (DMB89191812) to R.R. correct the high SCE phenotype of Bloom's syndrome cells. Am. ]. Hum. Genet. 57: 1019-1027.

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Hyper-recombination and Bloom's syndrome: microbes again provide clues about cancer.

R Rothstein and S Gangloff

Genome Res. 1995 5: 421-426 Access the most recent version at doi:10.1101/gr.5.5.421

References This article cites 30 articles, 11 of which can be accessed free at: http://genome.cshlp.org/content/5/5/421.full.html#ref-list-1


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