inter collegia te ar ts & liter ar y mag azine mag y ar liter & ts ar te collegia inter S – – – f all all f – – V olume VIII, Issue II Issue VIII, olume V – 2002 P I R E S f a l l 2 0 0 2 S PIRES S PIRES intercollegiate arts & literary magazine ! f all 2002 " Copyright 2002 of Spires Volume VIII, Issue II 12345 First Edition 67890 All rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and r etrieval system, without prior written permission from Spires and the author. Critics, however, are welcome to quote brief passages b y way of criticism and review. F or ways to support Spires check out or write to us at: S p i r e s Campus Box 52 Contract Station 24 One Brookings Drive Washington University Saint Louis, Missouri 63130 A one-year subscription to Spires costs only $15.00. Make checks payable to: Spires Intercollegiate Arts and Literary Magazine Washington University
[email protected] F r ont Cover “Trading Places” by Nathan Ratcliffe from Washington University Back Cover photography by Juliet L. Fong from Washington University CONTENTS Danny Marcus cosmos . 9 F a ye Gleisser he was not . 10 Erin Harkless Untitled . 11 Erin Harkless Untitled . 11 Sam Eddington Night by the Ocean . 14 Michhael Parks Alberquerque, NM . 16 Eric Van Cleve Neapolitan . 18 Lauren Harte Untitled .