Content Authentication for Neural Imaging Pipelines: End-to-end Optimization of Photo Provenance in Complex Distribution Channels

Pawe lKorus1,2 and Nasir Memon1 New York University1, AGH University of Science and Technology2

Abstract which exploits inherent statistical properties result- ing from the photo acquisition pipeline. While the Forensic analysis of digital photo provenance relies former provides superior performance and allows for on intrinsic traces left in the at the time advanced protection features (like precise tampering of its acquisition. Such analysis becomes unreliable af- localization [38], or reconstruction of tampered con- ter heavy post-processing, such as down-sampling and tent [25]), it failed to gain widespread adoption due to re-compression applied upon distribution in the Web. the necessity to generate protected versions of the pho- This paper explores end-to-end optimization of the en- tographs, and the lack of incentives for camera vendors tire image acquisition and distribution workflow to fa- to modify camera design to integrate such features [4]. cilitate reliable forensic analysis at the end of the dis- Passive forensics, on the other hand, relies on our tribution channel. We demonstrate that neural imag- knowledge of the photo acquisition pipeline, and statis- ing pipelines can be trained to replace the internals of tical artifacts introduced by its successive steps. While digital cameras, and jointly optimized for high-fidelity this approach is well suited for potentially analyzing photo development and reliable provenance analysis. In any digital photograph, it often falls short due to the our experiments, the proposed approach increased im- complex nature of image post-processing and distribu- age manipulation detection accuracy from 45% to over tion channels. Digital images are not only heavily com- 90%. The findings encourage further research towards pressed, but also enhanced or even manipulated before, building more reliable imaging pipelines with explicit during or after dissemination. Popular images have provenance-guaranteeing properties. many online incarnations, and tracing their distribu- tion and evolution has spawned a new field of image phylogeny [13, 14] which relies on visual differences be- 1. Introduction tween multiple images to infer their relationships and editing history. However, phylogeny does not provide Ensuring integrity of digital images is one of the any tools to reason about the authenticity or history most challenging and important problems in multime- of individual images. Hence, reliable authentication of dia communications. and videos are com- real-world online images remains untractable [39]. monly used for documentation of important events, and At the moment, forensic analysis often yields useful as such, require efficient and reliable authentication results in near-acquisition scenarios. Analysis of native protocols. Our current media acquisition and distribu- images straight from the camera is more reliable, and tion workflows are built with entertainment in mind, even seemingly benign implementation details - like the and not only fail to provide explicit security features, rounding operators used in the camera’s image signal but actually work against them. Image compression processor [1] - can provide useful clues. Most forensic standards exploit heavy redundancy of visual signals traces quickly become unreliable as the image under- to reduce communication payload, but optimize for hu- goes further post-processing. One of the most reliable man perception alone. Security extensions of popular tools at our disposal involves analysis of the imaging standards lack in adoption [20]. sensor’s artifacts (the photo response non-uniformity Two general approaches to assurance and verifica- pattern) which can be used both for source attribution tion of digital image integrity include [24, 30, 32]: (1) and content authentication problems [10]. pro-active protection methods based on digital signa- In the near future, rapid progress in computational tures or watermarking; (2) passive forensic analysis imaging will challenge digital image forensics even in

8621 Cross entropy loss

Post­proc. A

Classification labels: pristine, post­proc. A ­ Z Post­proc. B

RAW Developed JPEG NIP MUX Downscale FAN = measurements image Compression

Post­proc. L2 loss Y =

Desired Post­proc. output image Z

Acquisition Post-processing / editing Distribution Analysis Figure 1. Optimization of the image acquisition and distribution channel to facilitate photo provenance analysis. The neural imaging pipeline (NIP) is trained to develop images that both resemble the desired target images, but also retain meaningful forensic clues at the end of complex distribution channels. near-acquisition authentication. In the pursuit of bet- ited by the necessity to modify camera hardware, our ter image quality and convenience, digital cameras and approach exploits the flexibility of neural networks to smartphones employ sophisticated post-processing di- learn relevant integrity-preserving features within the rectly in the camera, and soon few photographs will expressive power of the model. We believe that with resemble the original images captured by the sensor(s). solid security-oriented understanding of neural imaging Adoption of machine learning has recently challenged pipelines, and with the rare opportunity of replacing many long-standing limitations of digital photogra- the well-established and security-oblivious pipeline, we phy, including: (1) high-quality low-light photogra- can significantly improve digital image authentication phy [9]; (2) single-shot HDR with overexposed con- capabilities. tent recovery [15]; (3) practical high-quality digital We aim to inspire discussion about novel camera de- zoom from multiple shots [37]; (4) quality enhancement signs that could improve photo provenance analysis ca- of smartphone-captured images with weak supervision pabilities. We demonstrate that it is possible to opti- from DSLR photos [18]. mize an imaging pipeline to significantly improve de- These remarkable results demonstrate tangible ben- tection of photo manipulation at the end of a complex efits of replacing the entire acquisition pipeline with real-world distribution channel, where state-of-the-art neural networks. As a result, it will be necessary to deep-learning techniques fail. The main contributions investigate the impact of the emerging neural imaging of our work include: pipelines on existing forensics protocols. While impor- tant, such evaluation can be seen rather as damage 1. The first end-to-end optimization of the imaging assessment and control and not as a solution for the pipeline with explicit photo provenance objectives; future. We believe it is imperative to consider novel 2. The first security-oriented discussion of neural possibilities for security-oriented design of our cameras imaging pipelines and the inherent trade-offs; and multimedia dissemination channels. In this paper, we propose to optimize neural imaging 3. Significant improvement of forensic analysis per- pipelines to improve photo provenance in complex dis- formance in challenging, heavily post-processed tribution channels. We exploit end-to-end optimization conditions; of the entire photo acquisition and distribution chan- 4. A neural model of the entire photo acquisition and nel to ensure that reliable forensics decisions can be distribution channel with a fully differentiable ap- made even after complex post-processing, where clas- proximation of the JPEG codec. sical forensics fails (Fig. 1). We believe that immi- nent revolution in camera design creates a unique op- To facilitate further research in this direction, and portunity to address some of the long-standing limi- enable reproduction of our results, our neural imaging tations of the current technology. While adoption of toolbox is available at digital watermarking in image authentication was lim- neural-imaging.

8622 2. Related Work of the emerging neural imaging pipelines, or to exploit this opportunity to improve photo reliability. Trends in Pipeline Design Learning individual steps of the imaging pipeline (e.g., demosaicing) has a long history [21] but regained momentum in the re- 3. End-to-end Optimization of Photo cent years thanks to adoption of deep learning. Nat- Provenance Analysis urally, the research focused on the most difficult op- Digital image forensics relies on intrinsic statisti- erations, i.e., demosaicing [17, 23, 34, 35] and denois- cal artifacts introduced to photographs at the time of ing [6, 26, 40]. Newly developed techniques delivered their acquisition. Such traces are later used for reason- not only improved performance, but also additional fea- ing about the source, authenticity and processing his- tures. Gharbi et al. proposed a convolutional neural tory of individual photographs. The main problem is network (CNN) trained for joint demosaicing and de- that contemporary media distribution channels employ noising [17]. A recent work by Syu et al. proposes to heavy compression and post-processing which destroy exploit CNNs for joint optimization of the color filter the traces and inhibit forensic analysis. array and a corresponding demosaicing filter [34]. The core of the proposed approach is to model the Optimization of digital camera design can go even entire acquisition and distribution channel, and opti- further. The recently proposed L3 model by Jiang et al. mize the neural imaging pipeline (NIP) to facilitate replaces the entire imaging pipeline with a large collec- photo provenance analysis after content distribution tion of local linear filters [19]. The L3 model reproduces (Fig. 1). The analysis is performed by a forensic anal- the entire photo development process, and aims to facil- ysis network (FAN) which makes a decision about the itate research and development efforts for non-standard authenticity/processing history of the analyzed photo- camera designs. In the original paper, the model was graph. In the presented example, the model is trained used for learning imaging pipelines for RGBW (red- to perform manipulation detection, i.e., aims to clas- green-blue-white) and RGB-NIR (red-green-blue-near- sify input images as either coming straight from the infra-red) color filter arrays. camera, or as being affected by a certain class of post- Replacing the entire imaging pipeline with a mod- processing. The distribution channel mimics the be- ern CNN can also overcome long-standing limitations havior of modern photo sharing services and social net- of digital . Chen et al. trained a UNet works which habitually down-sample and re-compress model [31] to develop high-quality photographs in the photographs. As will be demonstrated later, foren- low-light conditions [9] by exposing it to paired ex- sic analysis in such conditions is severely inhibited. amples of images taken with short and long expo- The parameters of the NIP are updated to guaran- sure. The network learned to develop high-quality well- tee both faithful representation of a desired color pho- exposed color photographs from underexposed raw in- tograph (L loss), and accurate decisions of forensics put, and yielded better performance than traditional 2 analysis at the end of the distribution channel (cross- image post-processing based on brightness adjustment entropy loss). Hence, the parameters of the NIP and and denoising. Eilertsen et al. also trained a UNet FAN models are chosen as: model to develop high-dynamic range images from a single shot [15]. The network not only learned to cor- ∗ θ = argmin kyn − nip(xn | θ )k (1a) rectly perform tone mapping, but was also able to re- nip nip 2 θnip n cover overexposed highlights. This significantly sim- X  plifies HDR photography by eliminating the need for + log fanc(dc(nip(xn | θnip)) | θfan) (1b) bracketing and dealing with ghosting artifacts. c X  Trends in Forensics The current research in foren- ∗ θfan = argmin log fanc(dc(nip(xn | θnip)) | θfan) sic image analysis focuses on two main directions: (1) θfan n c learning deep features relevant to low-level forensic X X  analysis for problems like manipulation detection [3, where: θnip/fan are the parameters of the NIP and FAN 41], identification of the social network of origin [2], networks, respectively; xn are the raw sensor measure- camera model identification [11], or detection of arti- ments for the n-th example patch; yn is the correspond- ficially generated content [27]; (2) adoption of high- ing target color image; nip(xn) is the color RGB image level vision to automate manual analysis that exposes developed by NIP from xn; dc() denotes a color image physical inconsistencies, such as reflections [33, 36], or patch processed by manipulation c; fanc() is the prob- shadows [22]. To the best of our knowledge, there are ability that an image belongs to the c-th manipulation currently no efforts to either assess the consequences class, as estimated by the FAN model.

8623 RAW LUT Normalization White Color space Gamma Demosaicing Denoising RGB (h, w, 1) mapping & calibration balancing conversion correction (h, w, 3)

½h, ½w, 4

NIP RGB (h, w, 3)

Figure 2. Adoption of a neural imaging pipeline to develop raw sensor measurements into color RGB images: (top) the standard imaging pipeline; (bottom) adoption of the NIP model.

3.1. The Neural Imaging Pipeline • The actual quantization is approximated by a con- tinuous function ρ(x)(see details below). We replace the entire imaging pipeline with a CNN which develops raw sensor measurements into color The key problem in making JPEG differentiable lies RGB images (Fig. 2). Before feeding the images to in the rounding of DCT coefficients. We considered the network, we pre-process them by reversing the non- two approximations (Fig. 3a). Initially, we used a Tay- linear value mapping according to the camera’s LUT, lor series expansion, which can be made arbitrarily subtracting black levels from the edge of the sensor, accurate by including more terms. Finally, we used normalizing by sensor saturation values, and apply- a smoother, and simpler sinusoidal approximation ob- ing white-balancing according to shot settings. We tained by matching its phase with the sawtooth func- also standardized the inputs by reshaping the tensors tion: sin(2πx) to have feature maps with successive measured color ρ(x)= x − (2) channels. This ensures a well-formed input of shape 2π h w dJPEG ( 2 , 2 , 4) with values normalized to [0, 1]. All of the We validated our model by comparing pro- remaining steps of the pipeline are replaced by a NIP. duced images with a reference codec from libJPEG. The See Section 4.1 for details on the considered pipelines. results are shown in Fig. 3bcd for a standard rounding operation, and the two approximations, respectively. 3.2. Approximation of JPEG Compression We used 5 terms for the harmonic rounding. The devel- To enable end-to-end optimization of the entire ac- oped module produces equivalent compression results quisition and distribution channel, we need to ensure with standard rounding, and a good approximation for that every processing step remains differentiable. In its differentiable variants. Fig. 3e-h show a visual com- the considered scenario, the main problem is JPEG parison of an example image patch, and its libJPEG compression. We designed a dJPEG model which ap- and dJPEG-compressed counterparts. proximates the standard codec, and expresses its suc- In our distribution channel, we used quality level 50. cessive steps as matrix multiplications or convolution 3.3. The Forensic Analysis Network layers that can be implemented in TensorFlow (see sup- plementary materials for a detailed network definition): The forensic analysis network (FAN) is implemented as a CNN following the most recent recommendations • RGB to/from YCbCr color-space conversions are on construction of neural networks for forensics analy- implemented as 1 × 1 convolutions. sis [3]. Bayar and Stamm proposed a new layer type, • Isolation of 8×8 blocks for independent processing which constrains the learned filters to be valid residual is implemented by a combination of space-to-depth filters [3]. Adoption of the layer helps ignore visual con- and reshaping operations. tent and facilitates extraction of forensically-relevant low-level features. In summary, our network operates • Forward/backward 2D discrete cosine transforms on 128 × 128 × 3 patches in the RGB color space and are implemented by matrix multiplication accord- includes (see supplement for full network definition): ing to DxDT where x denotes a 8 × 8 input, and D denotes the transformation matrix. • A constrained convolutions layer learning 5 × 5 • Division/multiplication of DCT coefficients by the residual filters and with no activation function. corresponding quantization steps are implemented • Four 5×5 convolutional layers with doubling num- as element-wise operations with properly tiled and ber of output feature maps (starting from 32). The concatenated quantization matrices (for both the layers use leaky ReLU activation and are followed luminance and chrominance channels). by 2 × 2 max pooling.

8624 (a) rounding approximations (b) libJPEG vs dJPEG (standard) (c) libJPEG vs dJPEG (harmonic) (d) libJPEG vs dJPEG (sin)

round Q Q harmonic Q90 Q90 Q90 40 sinus Q80 Q80 Q80 Q70 Q70 Q70 Q60 Q60 Q60 Q50 Q50 Q50 35 Q40 Q40 Q40 Q30 Q30 Q30

Q20 Q20 Q20 30

Q10 Q10 Q10 PSNR for libJPEG [dB]

−1.5 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 30 35 40 45 50 55 30 35 40 45 50 55 30 35 40 45 50 55 PSNR for dJPEG [dB] PSNR for dJPEG [dB] PSNR for dJPEG [dB] (e) uncompressed (96x96px) (f) libJPEG(50), PSNR=34.4 dB (g) dJPEG(50), PSNR=35.5 dB (h) dJPEG(50), PSNR=37.9 dB

Figure 3. Implementation of JPEG compression as a fully differentiable dJPEG module: (a) continuous approximations of the rounding function; (b)-(d) validation of the dJPEG module against the standard libJPEG library with standard rounding, and the harmonic and sinusoidal approximations; (e) an example image patch; (f) standard JPEG compression with quality 50; (g)-(h) dJPEG-compressed patches with the harmonic and sinusoidal approximations.

• A 1 × 1 convolutional layer mapping 256 features Table 1. Digital cameras used in our experiments into 256 features. Camera SR1 #Images2 Source Bayer • A global average pooling layer reducing the num- Canon EOS 5D 12 864 dng MIT-5k RGGB Canon EOS 40D 10 313 dng MIT-5k RGGB ber of features to 256. Nikon D5100 16 288 nef Private RGGB • Two fully connected layers with 512 and 128 nodes Nikon D700 12 590 dng MIT-5k RGGB activated by leaky ReLU. Nikon D7000 16 >1k nef Raise RGGB Nikon D750 24 312 nef Private RGGB • A fully connected layer with N = 5 output nodes Nikon D810 36 205 nef Private RGGB and softmax activation. Nikon D90 12 >1k nef Raise GBRG 1 Sensor Resolution in Megapixels [Mpx] The network has 1,341,990 parameters in total, and 2 RAW file formats: nef (Nikon); dng (generic, Adobe) outputs probabilities of 5 possible processing histories (4 manipulation classes & straight from camera). 4.1. Neural Imaging Pipelines 4. Experimental Evaluation We considered three NIP models with various com- We started our evaluation by using several NIP mod- plexity and design principles (Table 2): INet - a sim- els to reproduce the output of a standard imaging ple convolutional network with layers corresponding to pipeline (Sec. 4.1). Then, we used the FAN model to successive steps of the standard pipeline; UNet - the detect popular image manipulations (Sec. 4.2). Ini- well-known UNet architecture [31] adapted from [9]; tially, we validated that the models work correctly by DNet - adaptation of the model originally used for using it without a distribution channel (Sec. 4.3). Fi- joint demosaicing and denoising [17]. Details of the nally, we performed extensive evaluation of the entire networks’ architectures are included in the supplement. acquisition and distribution network (Sec. 4.4). We trained a separate model for each camera. For We collected a data-set with RAW images from 8 training, we used 120 full-resolution images. In each cameras (Table 1). The photographs come from two iteration, we extracted random 128 × 128 patches and public (Raise [12] and MIT-5k [7]) and from one private formed a batch with 20 examples (one patch per im- data-set. For each camera, we randomly selected 150 age). For validation, we used a fixed set of 512×512 px images with landscape orientation. These images will patches extracted from the remaining 30 images. The later be divided into separate training/validation sets. models were trained to reproduce the output of a stan-

8625 optimization target bilinear demosaicing converged pipeline Native patch Sharpen Gaussian filtering JPEGNet Resampling (a) Only manipulation

(a) Improved demosaicing example (Canon EOS 40D)

optimization target converged pipeline (b) After distribution Figure 5. An example image patch with all of the considered manipulations: (a) only manipulation; (b) after the distri- bution channel (down-sampled and JPEG compressed).

ble 2. The measurements were collected on a Nvidia (b) Improved denoising example (Nikon D5100) Tesla K80 GPU. The models were trained until the rel- Figure 4. Examples of serendipitous image quality improve- ative change of the average validation loss for the last 5 ments obtained by neural imaging pipelines: (a) better de- dropped below 10−4. The maximum number of epochs mosaicing performance; (b) better denoising. was 50,000. For the DNet model we adjusted the stop- ping criterion to 10−5 since the training progress was Table 2. Considered neural imaging pipelines slow, and often terminated prematurely with incorrect INet UNet DNet color rendering. # Parameters 321 7,760,268 493,976 PSNR 42.8 44.3 46.2 4.2. Image Manipulation SSIM 0.989 0.990 0.995 Train. speed [it/s] 8.80 1.75 0.66 Our experiment mirrors the standard setup for im- Train. time 17-26min 2-4h 12-22h age manipulation detection [3, 5, 16]. The FAN simply decides which manipulation class the input patch be- longs to. This approximates identification of the last dard imaging pipeline. We used our own implemen- post-processing step, which is often used to mask traces tation based on Python and rawkit [8] wrappers over of more invasive modifications. libRAW [28]. Demosaicing was performed using an We consider four mild post-processing operations: adaptive algorithm by Menon et al. [29]. sharpening - implemented as an unsharp mask operator All NIPs successfully reproduced target images with with the following kernel: high fidelity. The resulting color photographs are vi- 1 −1 −4 −1 sually indistinguishable from the targets. Objective fi- −4 26 −4 (3) delity measurements for the validation set are collected 6 "−1 −4 −1# in Table 2 (average for all 8 cameras). Interestingly, the trained models often revealed better denoising and de- applied to the luminance channel in the HSV color mosaicing performance, despite the lack of a denoising space; resampling - implemented as successive 1:2 step in the simulated pipeline, and the lack of explicit down-sampling and 2:1 up-sampling using bilinear in- optimization objectives (see Fig. 4). terpolation; Gaussian filtering - implemented using a Of all of the considered models, INet was the easi- convolutional layer with a 5 × 5 filter and standard est to train - not only due to its simplicity, but also deviation 0.83; JPG compression - implemented using because it could be initialized with meaningful pa- the dJPEG module with sinusoidal rounding approx- rameters that already produced valid results and only imation and quality level 80. Fig. 5 shows the post- needed fine-tuning. We initialized the demosaicing fil- processed variants of an example image patch: (a) just ters with bilinear interpolation, color space conversion after manipulation; and (b) after the distribution chan- with a known multiplication matrix, and gamma cor- nel (as seen by the FAN module). rection with a toy model separately trained to repro- 4.3. FAN Model Validation duce this non-linearity. The UNet model was initial- ized randomly, but improved rapidly thanks to skip To validate our FAN model, we initially imple- connections. The DNet model took the longest and mented a simple experiment, where analysis is per- for a long time had problems with faithful color ren- formed just after image manipulation (no distribution dering. The typical training times are reported in Ta- channel distortion, as in [3]). We used the UNet model

8626 43 Table 3. Typical confusion matrices (Nikon D90). Entries 41 ≈ 0 are not shown; entries / 3% are marked with (*). 39 (a) standalone FAN optimization (UNet) → 44.2% 37

PSNR [dB] 35 Predicted nat. sha. gau. jpg res. 33 True

1.0 native 27 24 18 20 11 sharpen * 93 3 * * .8 gaussian 7 4 59 12 18 jpg 26 23 18 21 12 .6 resample 14 7 38 20 21

.4 FAN only

FAN accuracy [%] (b) joint FAN+NIP optimization (INet) → 55.2% Joint FAN+NIP .2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Predicted nat. sha. gau. jpg res. Training progress [sampling steps] True Figure 6. Typical progression of validation metrics (Nikon native 41 16 22 18 4 sharpen 7 85 3 4 * D90) for standalone FAN training (F) and joint optimiza- gaussian 18 8 54 10 10 tion of FAN and NIP models (F+N). jpg 41 16 21 19 4 resample 5 * 14 * 77 to develop smaller image patches to guarantee the same (c) joint FAN+NIP optimization (UNet) → 94.0% size of the inputs for the FAN model (128×128×3 RGB Predicted nat. sha. gau. jpg res. images). In such conditions, the model works just as True native 90 * 9 expected, and yields classification accuracy of 99% [3]. sharpen 100 gaussian 97 * * 4.4. Imaging Pipeline Optimization jpg 13 3 84 resample * 99 In this experiment, we perform forensic analysis at the end of the distribution channel. We consider two optimization modes: (F) only the FAN network is op- fidelity.) We ran the optimization for 1,000 epochs, timized given a fixed NIP model; (F+N) both the FAN starting with a learning rate of 10−4 and systematically and NIP models are optimized jointly. In both cases, decreasing by 15% every 100 epochs. Each run was re- the NIPs are pre-initialized with previously trained peated 10 times. The typical progression of validation models (Section 4.1). The training was implemented metrics for the UNet model (classification accuracy with two separate Adam optimizers, where the first and distortion PSNR) is shown in Fig. 6 (sampled ev- one updates the FAN (and in the F+N mode also the ery 50 epochs). The distribution channel significantly NIP) and the second one updates the NIP based on the disrupts forensic analysis, and the classification accu- image fidelity objective. racy drops to ≈ 45% for standalone FAN optimization Similarly to previous experiments, we used 120 full- (F). In particular, the FAN struggles to identify three resolution images for training, and the remaining 30 low-pass filtering operations (Gaussain filtering, JPEG images for validation. From training images, in each compression, and re-sampling; see confusion matrix in iteration we randomly extract new patches. The val- Tab. 3a), which bear strong visual resemblance at the idation set is fixed at the beginning and includes 100 end of the distribution channel (Fig. 5b). Optimization random patches per each image (3,000 patches in to- of the imaging pipeline significantly increases classifica- tal) for classification accuracy assessment. To speed-up tion accuracy (over 90%) and makes the manipulation image fidelity evaluation, we used 2 patches per im- paths easily distinguishable (Tab. 3c). Most mistakes age (60 patches in total). In order to prevent over- involve the native and jpeg compressed classes. Fig. 7 representation of empty patches, we bias the selection collects the obtained results for both the UNet and INet by outward rejection of patches with pixel variance < models. While UNet delivers consistent and significant 0.01, and by 50% chance of keeping patches with vari- benefits, INet is much simpler and yields only modest ance < 0.02. More diverse patches are always accepted. improvements in accuracy - up to ≈ 55%. It also lacked Due to computational constraints, we performed the consistency and for one of the tested cameras yielded experiment for 4 cameras (Canon EOS 40D and EOS virtually no benefits. 5D, and Nikon D7000, and D90, see Table 1) and for The observed improvement in forensic accuracy the INet and UNet models only. (Based on prelimi- comes at the cost of image distortion, and leads to nary experiments, we excluded the DNet model which artifacts in the developed photographs. In our experi- rapidly lost and could not regain image representation ments, photo development fidelity dropped to ≈36 dB

8627 (a) the INet model (b) the UNet model

Nikon D90 (F+N) Nikon D90 (F) Nikon D7000 (F+N) Nikon D7000 (F) Canon EOS 40D (F+N) Canon EOS 40D (F) Canon EOS 5D (F+N) Canon EOS 5D (F) .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1 Classification accuracy [%] Classification accuracy [%] Figure 7. Validation accuracy for image manipulation detection after the distribution channel: (F) denotes standalone FAN training given a fixed NIP; (F+N) denotes joint optimization of the FAN and NIP models.

Table 4. Fidelity-accuracy trade-off for joint optimization.

Camera PSNR [dB] SSIM Acc. [%] reference UNet model UNet D90 42.7 → 35.9 0.990 → 0.960 0.45 → 0.91

(F) D7000 43.0 → 35.6 0.990 → 0.955 0.42 → 0.91 EOS 40D 42.8 → 36.1 0.990 → 0.962 0.39 → 0.92 EOS 5D 43.0 → 36.2 0.989 → 0.961 0.45 → 0.89 - worst INet model

UNet D90 43.3 → 37.2 0.992 → 0.969 0.44 → 0.55 D7000 40.6 → 35.4 0.985 → 0.959 0.43 → 0.53

(F+N) EOS 40D 41.6 → 33.1 0.985 → 0.934 0.38 → 0.50 EOS 5D 41.5 → 40.7 0.986 → 0.984 0.42 → 0.42 - best

UNet 5. Discussion and Future Work

(F+N) We replaced the photo acquisition pipeline with a CNN, and developed a fully-differentiable model of the entire acquisition and distribution workflow. This al- reference lows for joint optimization of photo analysis and acqui- INet sition. Our results show that it is possible to optimize (F) the imaging pipeline to facilitate provenance analysis at the end of complex distribution channels. We observed - typical significant improvements in manipulation detection ac-

INet curacy w.r.t state-of-the-art classical forensics [3] (in- crease from ≈ 45% to over 90%). (F+N) Competing optimization objectives lead to imaging Figure 8. Example image patches developed with joint NIP artifacts which tend to be well masked in textured ar- and FAN optimization (F+N) for Nikon D90. The UNet examples show the best/worst artifacts. The INet examples eas, but are currently too visible in flat regions. Sever- show typical outputs. ity of the artifacts varies between training runs and NIP architectures, and suggests that better configurations should be achievable by learning to control the fidelity- accuracy trade-off. Since final decisions are often taken (PSNR) / 0.96 (SSIM). Detailed results are collected by pooling predictions for many patches, we believe a in Tab. 4. The severity of the distortions varied with good balance should be achievable even with relatively training repetitions. Qualitative illustration of the ob- simple models. Further improvements may also possi- served artifacts is shown in Fig. 8. The figure shows ble by exploring different NIP architectures, or explic- diverse image patches developed by several NIP vari- itly modeling HVS characteristics. Future work should ants (different training runs). The artifacts vary in also assess generalization capabilities to other manip- severity from disturbing to imperceptible, and tend to ulations, and more complex forensic problems. It may be well masked by image content. INet’s artifacts tend also be interesting to optimize other components of the to be less perceptible, which compensates for modest workflow, e.g., the lossy compression in the channel. improvements in FAN’s classification accuracy.

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