Regulation 27 Proposed Submission Core Strategy April 2011

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Regulation 27 Proposed Submission Core Strategy April 2011 Regulation 27 Proposed Submission Core Strategy April 2011 Isle of Wight Council Proposed Submission Core Strategy April 2011 1 SCOPE OF THE CONSULTATION 2 1 INTRODUCTION 4 2 THE ISLE OF WIGHT AND THE ISSUES IT FACES 9 3 SPATIAL VISION AND OBJECTIVES 20 4 KEY DIAGRAM 26 5 SPATIAL STRATEGY AND STRATEGIC POLICIES 27 6 AREA ACTION PLAN POLICIES 97 7 DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT POLICIES 120 8 IMPLEMENTATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE DELIVERY 179 9 MONITORING 185 10 GLOSSARY OF TERMS 208 1 APPENDIX 1: HOUSING TRAJECTORY 220 2 APPENDIX 2: NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT 229 POLICIES 3 APPENDIX 3: SITES OF IMPORTANCE FOR NATURE 231 CONSERVATION (SINCS) 4 APPENDIX 4: PARKING ZONES AND STANDARDS 246 5 APPENDIX 5: SAVED UDP POLICIES TO BE REPLACED 252 2 Proposed Submission Core Strategy April 2011 Isle of Wight Council 1 Scope of the consultation Topic of this consultation Isle of Wight Local Development Framework: Island Plan Core Strategy. The (Regulation 27) Proposed Submission version of the strategy providing strategic planning guidance for the Island through until 2027. Scope of this consultation The purpose of this consultation is to allow statutory/non-statutory stakeholders to make representations on the (Regulation 27) Proposed Submission Core Strategy. Geographical scope Isle of Wight Basic Information To General public and statutory/non-statutory stakeholders Body responsible for the Isle of Wight Council consultation Duration For a 6 week period of representations, starting on Friday 15th April 2011 and ending at 5pm on Friday 27th May 2011 Enquiries Planning Policy Isle of Wight Council Planning Services Seaclose Offices Fairlee Road Newport Isle of Wight PO30 2QS Telephone: 01983 823552 Email: [email protected] How to respond Preferably via the Council's online consultation facility, or by email. Written representations can be sent to the above address. After the consultation The Council will consider the responses and may propose changes to the document as a result. The Core Strategy will then be submitted to the Secretary of State to undergo an independent Examination. Background Getting to this stage Isle of Wight Council Proposed Submission Core Strategy April 2011 3 Previous engagement Early engagement has been undertaken through the previous rounds of consultation undertaken whilst developing this strategy and a targetted stakeholder consultation in May 2010. Regulation 25 consultation was undertaken for a six week period in October 2010. All of these stages have included wide involvement from key stakeholders and the general public. 4 Proposed Submission Core Strategy April 2011 Isle of Wight Council 1 Introduction The Island Plan – the Island’s Local Development Framework 1.1 The Isle of Wight is well known for the quality of its environment, with its landscapes and coastlines enjoying a high level of special designation and protection. Whilst this helps to give the Island its unique character, it also presents us with the challenge of protecting, conserving and enhancing the environment, whilst at the same time facilitating regeneration and development. 1.2 The Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 (as amended), has introduced a system of plan-making that will help us to do this – the Local Development Framework (LDF). It is not a single plan, but an overall term for a number of separate documents known as Local Development Documents (LDDs), which may be prepared at different times; each one passing through a number of stages before it can be adopted by the Council as part of the Isle of Wight’s LDF, which is called the Island Plan. 1.3 The policies of the Island Plan, once they are adopted, will replace the existing Unitary Development Plan (UDP) saved policies. 1.4 We have developed the Island Plan Core Strategy with a range of people and groups so that, wherever possible, it complements other strategies and plans for the Island. StatementStatement of of CommunityCommunity InvolvementInvolvement LocalLocal AnnualAnnual Development Monitoring Development IslandIsland Plan Plan Monitoring SchemeScheme ReportReport CoreCore Strategy Strategy MedinaMedina Valley Valley RydeRyde Area Area Action Action TheThe Bay Bay Area Area DeliveryDelivery and and AreaArea Action Action Plan Plan PlanPlan ActionAction Plan Plan ManagementManagement DevelopmentDevelopment DevelopmentDevelopment DevelopmentDevelopment DevelopmentDevelopment PlanPlan Document Document PlanPlan Document Document PlanPlan Document Document PlanPlan Document Document Flood Risk and Planning Flood Risk and Planning Green Infrastructure Vulnerable Coastal Obligations Green Infrastructure Vulnerable Coastal Obligations Strategy Communities Strategy Communities Supplementary Supplementary Supplementary Supplementary Supplementary Supplementary Planning Planning Document Planning Document Planning Planning Document Planning Document DocumentDocument Picture 1.1 Local Development Framework diagram Spatial Planning 1.5 Spatial planning is a process of shaping local places and is generally based on the following six guiding principles: Isle of Wight Council Proposed Submission Core Strategy April 2011 5 Produce a vision for the future of places that respond to the local challenges and opportunities and is based on evidence, a sense of local distinctiveness and community derived objectives, within the framework of national policy. Translate this vision into a set of priorities, programmes, policies, and land allocations together with the public sector resources to deliver them. Create a framework for private investment and regeneration that promotes economic, environmental and social well-being for the area. Coordinate and deliver the public sector components of this vision with other agencies and processes. Create a positive framework for action on climate change. Contribute to the achievement of sustainable development. The Island Plan Core Strategy 1.6 The Island Plan Core Strategy will set out how, in spatial planning terms, the Island will develop up to 2027. In principle, the Island Plan Core Strategy is about “place shaping” and delivery. The strategy and policies set out what will be delivered. When it is appropriate, they will also set out where, when and how it will be delivered. In developing the Island Plan Core Strategy we have drawn together all the other strategies of the Council and other organisations that have implications for the use of land. 1.7 This document sets out our spatial vision and objectives for the Island and the strategic policies to help deliver them. The spatial vision, objectives and strategic policies flow from the priorities and objectives set out in the Isle of Wight’s Sustainable Community Strategy – Eco Island. 1.8 PPS12: Local Spatial Planning sets out that Core Strategies may allocate strategic sites for development when they are considered central to achieving the strategy.The following paragraphs set out in very general terms the allocations that are being made in the Core Strategy, the rationale for them (which is explained in more detail in the supporting text to the relevant policy) and also why no housing allocations are being made. 1.9 Creating and sustaining jobs and increasing the Island's Gross Domestic Produce (GDP) is a key driver for the Core Strategy. The Council supports sustainable economic growth and regeneration by ensuring sustainable patterns of employment development, providing opportunities to diversify and strengthen the local economy and increasing the range of high skilled jobs available locally. Due to the importance of this issue to the Island, and the need to be pro-active to achieve the desired outcomes, the Core Strategy makes five employment-related allocations to ensure that there is the certainty of new employment land being supplied to come on-stream in a timely fashion within the plan period. 1.10 The Council will not be producing a separate Minerals and Waste Development Plan Document. Whilst Mineral and Waste Planning Authorities generally prepare separate plan documents to cover the areas of minerals and waste, the approach taken by the Council to include these elements in the Core Strategy is in conformity with both Minerals Policy Statement 1: Planning and Minerals, and Planning Policy Statement 10: Planning for Sustainable Waste Management. 1.11 An extension to the Island's landfill site at Standen Heath has been allocated in the Core Strategy. This is of strategic importance to the Island's infrastructure and ability to support the level of development planned for the plan period, as the capacity at the existing landfill site is due to be used up by 2015. 1.12 To ensure that the Council, in its role as Mineral Planning Authority, can meet its mineral requirement of 0.1million tonnes per annum, six allocations are made for mineral extraction sites. 1.13 No housing allocations have been made in the Core Strategy. Rather the general locations for, and levels of, housing have been identified and subsequent plan-led mechanisms for delivery. Due to the nature of the housing development on the Island and the wide range of potential sites, it was not considered necessary to make housing allocations in the Core Strategy to ensure 6 Proposed Submission Core Strategy April 2011 Isle of Wight Council delivery of housing development. The policy framework will ensure continuing delivery and the Area Action Plans provide the plan-led mechanism for housing allocations to be made. 1.14 The Island Plan Core Strategy should not be read in isolation. The Island Plan should be read as a whole
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