Banque Mondiale 7, Rue Larbi Ben Abdellah Tel.: (212) 537 63 60 50 Souissi – Rabat Fax: (212) 537 63 60 51 Simon Gray Maroc Email:
[email protected] Directeur Département Maghreb Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord January 22, 2013 Mister Nizar Baraka Minister for Economy and Finance Rabat, Royaume du Maroc (Transmission by fax : 212-5-37-76-40-81) Mister Mohamed Najib Boulif Minister delegate to the Head of Government In charge of General Affairs and Governance. Rabat, Royaume du Maroc (Transmission by fax : 212-5-37-77-47-76) Subject: Endorsement of Morocco’s New Governance Framework Implementation Support Project (P143979) presented to the Transition Fund. Dear Ministers, We are hereby endorsing the above mentioned project proposed jointly by the Ministry for General Affairs and Governance, as implementing agency, by the Ministry in charge of Relations with Parliament and Civil Society, the Ministry for Economy and Finance and the Ministry of Interior. The World Bank is ready to support the implementation of this strategic project as Implementation Support Agency. We welcome the transformational nature of this project proposal, which intends to support the concretization of the new rights and good governance principles enshrined in Morocco’s new constitution. The project aims at providing assistance to mutually reinforcing structural reforms that strengthen transparency, accountability and citizen engagement across the public sector, also leveraging expertise and experience from Transition Fund member countries. In our view, this project is fully aligned with the Transition Fund’s objective to strengthen economic governance as well as with the World Bank’s Country Partnership Strategy that promotes the strengthening of governance as a core priority.