HIGH HOLY DAY SCHEDULE 2003-5754 by Jerome P. David, D.O. EREVROSHHASHANAH t's summertime - and the living is easier and life's Friday, S Jl,tember 26 - 8:00 pm pace appears slower. I suspect that there is a (Early and ~ate Ticket holders) I part of every one of us that would like to have the power to make time stand still. There are those sa­ ROSH HASHANAH DAY cred moments in life that we wish we could just freeze Saturday, September 27 and never let time come and take away that good Early Service - 9:00 am feeling. Young children can't understand that. For them, time passes too slowly. Late Service - 12:15 pm They would love to be able to hurry it up, to be a year older, to reach the next Family Service* - 3:30 pm milestone already, to date, to drive, to graduate. They can hardly wait for the 2nd DAY ROSH HASHANAH new year. But for the rest of us, time passes all too quickly. Sunday, September 28 -10:00 am As a very young rabbinical student, I learned what our sages have always (Early and Inte Ticket holders) . taught about time. Namely, live each day fully as if it is your last. However, this summer, I was inspired by the wisdom of one of our members, who has EREV YOM KIPPUR faced many difficult and trying challenges. He shared his philosophy of life, Sunday, October 5 . which is "live each day as if it is your first". I really like that. It reminds me that Family Service - 6:15 pm each day is significant, each day a new beginning and an open door to possi­ (Early and Late Ticket holders) bility; each year all the more so. Kol Nidre Service - 8:30 pm • To realize the value of one year: ask a stUdent who has failed a final exam. (Early and Late Ticket holders) • To realize the value of one month: ask the mother of a premature baby. • To realize the value of one week: ask an editor of a periodical. YOM KIPPUR DAY • To realize the value of one minute: ask the person who missed a plane or Monday, October 6 train. Early Service - 9:00 am • To realize the value of one second: ask the person who survived an acci­ Late Service -12:15 pm dent. Mternoon, Ne'ila and Yizkor • To realize the value of one millisecond: ask the person with a silver medal. Service - 3:15 pm • To realize the value of a lifetime ... ask a person who just sat shiveh for a Family Havdalah Service - 6:30 pm loved one. . *Service signed for the deaf.

Have a good first day. I look forward to seeing you soon. (Continued on page 2)

Get involved in a wonderful monthly "mitzvah"! President's Message 2 Our Sisterhood sponsored Casserole Cooking project is ongoing throughout Executive Director 3 the year. We will be meeting on Wednesday, August 1jh at 7:00 pm in our kitchen. Come out and help us prepare casseroles to be distributed to the Lifelong Education 4 Neighborhood Center in Camden. We feed 200-300 people a hot meal Seniors Scene 6 monthly and we can always use extra hands. Call the Temple Office if you have any questions. Sisterhood 8 Men's Club 9 2

by Kenneth A. Korach ell, by this point in the sum­ the answer was clear. If not us, then who, and if not now, mer you have hopefully all then when. Our campaign was approved by the Board and W heard the fantastic news. WE we were off and running. DID IT! Our Temple Emanuel "Israel The first order of business was to set up a committee Emergency Campaign" was successful which would develop and organize our fund raising efforts. and we met our goal of raising enough Amy and Andy Blackstone stepped right up to the plate money to purchase an armored school and agreed to serve as the Co-Chairs of this committee, bus for Israel. This incredible project, assisted by some of the most dedicated and energetic which resulted in our raising over one committ~e members we could have ever hoped for (and hundred and fifty thousand dollars, is in too many for me to mention in this article, but you know my opinion one of the greatest success stories in Temple who you are!). Next, we decided that this campaign had to Emanuel histo . To truly appreciate just how significant involve everyone and every organization at Temple this event is, you haVe to understand a little about what we Emanuel. This, my friends, is what I believe made this ef­ did, why we did it, ancthi:.-'-"( it was accomplished. fort so successful. Literally dozens of fund raising activi­ Just a few short mont.ns ago, David informed our ties were initiated by our various organizations, your fellow Board of Trustees of an extremely urgent and important Temple members, local businesses owned by Temple initiative launched by the Jewish Federation. In coopera­ members, and friends of Temple Emanuel. The idea of tion with other regional Federations, our Southern New purchasing an armored school bus for Israel truly hit home Jersey Federation was starting an Israel Emergency Cam­ with everyone and captured our collective imagination. paign to raise funds for our brothers and sisters in Israel. Perhaps most incredible was the outpouring of support As we are all painfully aware, the past two and one half by our children. This included our Pre-School, children years in Israel have been some of the most difficult, if not breaking open their piggy banks to give us their saved the most difficult, in its history. Mindless Palestinian terror­ change, donations from gifts received by our Bnai Mitzvah ism, focused on murdering innocent Israelis, primarily young adults, and even a talent show. If our goal was to young people, has had a devastating impact on the nation purchase an armored school bus for Israel, we exceeded it of Israel. In addition to the incomprehensible cost in hu­ in so many ways. In addition to our gift to Israel, we suc­ man life, this terrorism has virtually decimated the Israeli ceeded fn teaching our children the true meaning of tzeda­ economy. Since there is no question that we truly are our kah and the mitzvah of helping others in need. Although I brother's keepers, we knew that we had to act; the ques­ am rarely at a loss for words, I cannot find the right ones to tion was "what should we do?" express my admiration and appreciation for everyone who While raising money was obviously the ultimate goal, contributed to this campaign. On behalf of Temple Rabbi David understood that Temple Emanuel, as one of Emanuel, THANK YOU! the leading congregations in Southern New Jersey, had a Mazel Tov to everyone who played a role in making our greater obligation. In addition, he knew we needed a fund dream a reality and I look forward to our future as Temple raising goal that would capture the imagination of all our Emanuel moves from one success to another. As the Temple families. As opposed to just raising money, we song goes, "see you in September" and enjoy the rest of needed a specific object or program which all of our mem­ your summer. bers could relate to. Given the continuing terrorist targets B'Shalom of buses and children, what better objective could we have but to raise funds in order to purchase an armored school bus? While this was certainly a laudable goal, the ques­ tion was, could we really raise this much money in such a short period of time? In typical Temple Emanuel fashion,

High Holy Day Schedule (Continuedfrom page 1) 2nd Day Rosh Hashanah Our Second Day Rosh Hashanah Services will be held on Sunday, September 28th from 10:00 am to 12 Noon. This is an opportunity for reflection, prayer and study on the second day of Rosh Hashanah. Expand your celebration by joining us for this participatory service. We will conclude the service with a light Kiddush and wishes for a sweet new year. This service is designed for adults and children in 4th grade and above. Please note: A ticket to High Holy Day Services (Early or Late Ticket holders) is needed to attend. Erev Yom Kippur On Erev Yom Kippur, Sunday, October 5th , we will offer a Kol Nidre Family Service at 6:15 pm. Come with your children to this shortened service, geared towards people of all ages. It's a meaningful way to enjoy the spirit of the holiday with your whole family. Let's usher in the New Year as a congregational family! Please note: A High Holy Day Ticket (Early or Late Ticket holders) is needed to attend this service. Children under 4th grade will be admitted without a ticket. Adults may attend this family service and stay for the main Kol Nidre Service at 8:30 pm. 3

by Mayda Clarke

You don't have to be a millionaire to be a philanthropist. There are hundreds of ways and numerous gifts you can afford. Giving of yourself costs nothing and no matter how much you give, Everyone gains and you never lost a thing.

he strength of Temple Emanuel lies in the commitment of our members. Each and every activity, event, project, idea, plan and initiative depends on committed volun­ teers who devote themselves to the betterment of Temple Emanuel, our community T and the world. This past year, hundreds of volunteers helped to make the Mitzvah Mall, the Wedding, the Tree of Life, the Purim Shpiel, the Reach for the Stars Weekend, the Armored School Bus Campaign, the Annual Picnic, and many other important programs a great success. As we begin putting plans in place for the 2003-04 program year, there are many opportunities available for each of you to become involved. Volunteering helps in many ways -- you meet ~ore members in our Temple Emanuel family, and we benefit by having you provide the peoplepower. Please consider "giving" yourself to Temple EmanueL Please call me so that we may discuss your interests and find the perfect fit for you. People are the glue that holds us together. We have long and short-term projects, projects that require good leadership and others that require good followship. We need sorters and stuffers, as well as spokespeople and chair people. Whoever you are, and whatever you have to give, we have a place for you. I look forward to your call.


August 2 Devarim the land that Moses may only see from throughout this week's parasha, beginning Deuteronomy 1 :1-3:22 afar. Moses tells the people to obey the with the word "re'eh," "see". "See, this day The fifth book of the Torah begins with laws and rules exactly as given to them by I set before you blessing and curse: bless- the phase "Eleh ha-devarim," ''These are God so that they may live and prosper in ing, if you obey the commandments of the words." This phrase is also the theme the land that God is giving to them for all God ... and curse, if you do not obey the of the last book of Torah, Deuteronomy (in time. He reminds them of the day the Isra- commandments ..." (Deut. 11 :26-28). God Hebrew called "Devarim"), for the entire elites received the Ten Commandments continues with a list of things that the peo- book is devoted to "these words" which from God and of the commandment to pie should watch carefully. Once the peo- Moses spoke in his fil)al speech to the teach their children and their children's pie enter into the Promised Land, they are children of Israel before his . In this children. to totally destroy the religious sites belong- week's portion, Moses begins to retells the August 16 Ekev ing to other nations no matter where they history of the Israelite people from their Deuteronomy 7:12 - 11 :25 are located. After the people are settled time at Horeb (Mount Sinai) through the Ekev literally means "on the heels of ." and safe from their enemies, they are to forty years of wandering. He mentions the "Ekev" can also be understood as "the worship God only at the site that God des- difficulty he experienced in governing the consequence of' or "the result of." In this ignates. They are to bring their offerings people and the establishment of a system parasha "the result of' the Israelites follow- there and rejoice with their families by of tribal chiefs to aid him in serving the ing the rules means that they will continue feasting at the place of sacrifice. people and delivering the word of God. to enjoy the benefits of the covenant made August 30 Shofetim August 9 Va-Etchanan by God with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Deuteronomy 16:18-21:9 Deuteronomy 3:23-7:11 These benefits include: health, abundant Once the Israelites enter into the Land Moses continues to retell the story of produce, and fertility. Moses reminds the they are commanded to set up courts of the Israelites 40 years in the desert. people that, in addition to these blessings, law within their settlements. Judges are Va 'etchanan means "And I pleaded" with all of their enemies will be defeated and instructed to be fair and impartial, to refuse God to allow me (Moses) to go into the they will be able to enter the Land with bribes, and to favor no one in court. Moses Promised Land. Moses is told to go up to God's help. continues to warn the people against Mount Pisgah and look, but he will not August 23 Re'eh idolatry. The testimony of at least two wit- cross the Jordan River. Joshua will be the Deuteronomy 11 :26-16:17 nesses is required to pass a verdict of leader of the people and take them into God speaks to the people of Israel guilty on anyone accused of idolatrous 4

by Rabbi Deborah Bodin Cohen Director of Lifelong Education

ewish education is a life­ It can be very interesting and meaningful to celebrate long - and a yearlong - Shabbat at a different congregation while on vacation. J pursuit. I encourage you to There are over 900 Reform Congregations in North Amer­ incorporate Jewish learning and ica and Reform congregations in 40 countries throughout fun into your summer plans. the world. To find a congregation where you are vacation­ Here are some ideas, both large ing, check out the following web-sites: uahc.org (for North and small, for informal learning American congregations) and wupj .org (for congregations about over the summer: in other parts of the world). At home with the children: • Have fun using the following I look forward to greeting each of you on the first day of Hebrew words: religious school in the fall and hearing about how you Kayetz - Summer made Jewish learning part of your summer experience. Cham - Hot Sot HaYam - Beach Tryul - Trip or Outing B'rachah - Pool Chofesh - Vacation • Eat like an Israeli. Gather the ingredients from your gar- SHABBAT den or a local farm stand and make Israeli salad : TORAH STUDY 2 large tomatoes 2 cucumbers 1 large onion 3 to 4 tbsp. olive oil 2 tbsp. lemon juice or vinegar Our Shabbat Morning Torah Study group meets salt & pepper to taste throughout the year. Newcomers to Torah Study Dice finely and evenly. Add salt and pepper, and pour lemon juice and oil over all. Some people add chopped are encouraged to come. We read selections from fresh mint leaves or chopped green peppers. Toss well the weekly Torah portion together and have lively and serve. and engaging discussion. We will meet at 10:00 am • Tzadakah, or righteousness, is the Jewish command to in August and at 9: 15 am in September. Come be give to people who are less fortunate. Participate in a part of our study community. Coffee is served - family tzedakah project. Ideas include collecting food or school supplies for donation. what could better? • Tu B'av, or the 15th of the month of Av, is the Jewish holiday of love. According to tradition, young people August - Begins at 10:00 a.m. were encouraged to find their partners on Tu B'Av. This 2 ~ Rabbi Cohen, Devarim, Deuteronomy 1:1-3:22 th year, Tu B'Av falls on August 13 . Make Tu B'Av cards 9 - Bruce Sachais, Ve'etchanan, Deuteronomy, or gifts for friends and family with your children. 3:23-7:11 At the synagogue: • Participate in Shabbat morning Torah study or catch a 16 - Rabbi Newburge, Ekev, Deuteronomy summer movie with Gefilte Flicks. 7:12-11:25 • Come into our synagogue library to choose a book for 23 - Sheila Stem & Judy Lubetkin, Re'eh, summer reading. Deuteronomy 11 :26-16: 1730 - No While traveling: Torah Study, Labor Day Weekend • Visit Jewish sites while traveling. There's truth in the children's song "Wherever you go, there is always someone Jewish." Seek out Jewish sites wherever September - Begins at 9:15 a.m. your summer travels take you. There are many Jewish 6 - Rabbi Newburge, Ki Tetze, Deuteronomy travel books. Here are just three suggestions: 21 : 10-25 : 19 * Jewish Travel Guide 2003 by Michael Zaidner 13 - Rabbi David, Ki Tavo, Deuteronomy 26: 1-29:8 * The Jewish Travel Guide by Betsy Sheldon 20 - Lay-Leader, NitzavimlYayelech, Deuteronomy * The Jewish Traveler: Hadassah Magazine's Guide to 29:9-31:30 the World's Jewish Communities and Sights by 27 - Rosh Hashanah Alan M. Tigay 5 Adult Education

Adults - Get Ready to Learn! The following Adult Education Courses begin in September. Call Jean Klein, 489-0035, for more information or to register. Big AI's Yiddish Lunch & Learn How's your MamaLashon --- your Yiddish? Join us for this informal, easy to learn conversational course. Novices and more experienced speakers welcome. Please bring your lunch. Thursdays, 11 :30 a.m. to 1 :00 p.m., starting September 18 and running weekly throughout the fall. Instructor: AI Rubin Our Sages and Their Texts From Maimonides to Rashi to Rabbi Meir of Rothenburg, we will consider noteworthy sages, their texts, and their message for their own time and today. Tuesdays, 1 :00-2:00 p.m., September 16 & 30, running approximately every other week throughout the year. Instructor: Rabbi Geri Newburge Responsa & Medical Ethics Explore fascinating Jewish insights into pressing contemporary issues and medical topics. We will study respon­ sum - answers from Jewish tradition to modern questions. Expect lively debate. Tuesday, 8:00-9:00 p.m., Septem­ ber 16, 23, 30, October 7, 14,21,28, and November 11 . Instructor: Rabbi Jerome P. David, 0.0 Introduction to Hebrew Learn Ivrit! An introductory course for students with no previous Hebrew knowledge. Learn to decipher Hebrew characters and start building prayerbook reading skills. Tuesdays, Noon-1 :00 p.m., September 16 & 30 and running approximately every other week throughout the year. Instructor: Rabbi Debbie Cohen. There will be a textbook fee. Introduction to Hebrew -- A Spiritual Approach In this beginner's course, learn to read Hebrew characters and begin to build prayer skills. Vocabulary of prayer and spiritual concepts will be introduced. Tuesdays, 7:00-8:00 p.m., September 16 to May 18, excluding holidays. Instructor: Robin Cogan. Fee: $35 plus textbooks. Conversational Hebrew Learn to speak Ivrit! We will sudy basic modern Hebrew vocabulary and grammar. You should have basic He­ brew knowledge to take this course - the ability to decipher and read Hebrew characters. Instructor: Martyne Greenblatt. Fee: $35 plus textbooks. Yoga and Jewish Meditation We will explore the roots of Jewish meditation and experience the mind-body connection in a spiritual practice. Wear comfortable clothes and prepare to have fun! Thursdays, September 18, 25, October 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, Novem­ ber 13, 20, December 4, 11. There is also a winter session and a spring session planned. Instructor: Laura Markowitz. Fee: $45 Post B'nai Mitzvah Study Group This class is open to our adult learners who have completed their adult B'nai Mitzvah ceremony. It is a unique class, which explores Jewish issues, values and liturgy with Rabbi David. Tuesdays, 12 noon to 1:00 p.m., Septem­ ber 16 & 30 and running approximately every other week throughout the year. Instructor: Rabbi Jerome P. David, DO.

Millie Fisher on the engagement of her son Jason and Laura Hoffman on the birth of their daughter, Lyle to Melanie Gurian Lindsey Beth Hoffman Jane and Chuck Vortreflich on the birth of their Andrea Kimball and Hope and David Hoffman on the birth granddaughter, Kaelin Rose Hibbs of their granddaughter, Lindsey Beth Hoffman Gert and Max Pastelnick on the birth of their Dr. Bruce and Linda Sachais on the birth of their nephew, great-grandson, Ian Alexander Irushalmi Jake Ashton Valeira Cindy and Rick Perr on the birth of their daughter, Drs. Marty Rosenberg and Ellen Fennick on the marriage Lindsay Rose Perr of their son, Matthew to Amy Sue Glasz Jordan and Debra Borenstein on the birth of their Judy and Harry Morrow on the engagement of their son, daughter, Hannah Leora Borenstein Jeffrey to Lelac Almagor Lorraine and Harold Rayden on the birth of their Chuck and Audrey Blackman on the engagement of great-grandson, Mark Benjamin Berman their daughter, Heather to Perry Fraiman 6

ur senior group brown bag lunch meetings are taking a well deserved vacation this summer. As in the past, we will not be meeting during July and August. This O does not mean that our senior board will not be working during the summer. There is much to do arranging programs for the coming season. I would like to thank the senior board for their cooperation, their willingness and their desire to bring us the best possible programs during the past year. Our board members are the backbone of our group, they make it all happen. Thank you all for your continued support during the year. Have a good summer. Hope to see you, and greet you in September. 99 9 9 9 999999 9 999 9 999 ~99 ~~99~~~~~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~ : BE A HOST FAMILY FOR ZAHAL SHALOM : 9 "These two weeks have changed my life forever". ~ : These words were spoken simply, but forcefully by a disabled : Israeli war veteran, and captured the essence of Zahal Shalom. ~ Zahal Shalom was initiated four years ago, in this region, by a : group of volunteers. Once a year, Zahal Shalom brings a delega- ~ tion of ten disabled Israeli veterans to the Philadelphia/Southern : New Jersey area for a two-week visit for rest, relaxation, and edu- ~ cation. The veterans are chosen by the IDF Disabled Veterans Organiza- : tion. During their two-week stay, they are hosted by local families. ~ They travel to American landmarks in , Washing- : ton DC, and Philadelphia. ~ Our next delegation will be arriving on October 20, 2003. We : need host families for our delegates. Share the American Jewish ~ experience with a disabled Israeli veteran by welcoming him into : your home with little or no expense to you. ~ Call the Zahal Shalom Hot Line at 751-9500 ext. 421 for more : information or please call Renee Stemmer at 856-489-8868. ~ ~ 9~~9~~~~~~~~~9~~~~~~~~~99~~~~~~~~~~~~~~9~ ·. ------~ . . • • Welcome to the Family • • • • We warmly welcome the • • • • following new members into our • • congregational family: • • • By Beth Strum • Marsha Cohen • Kol Emanuel welcomed in summer with two uplifting • • : . performances. On June 11th, the choir joined other local • Marc and lIyse Friedman • choirs at Temple Beth Sholom for a community concert. • Steven and Ari • We also sang at the Mens Club Father's Day Shabbat on • • • June 13, 2003. • Joel and Abbey Greenblatt • • Jason and Carly • Director Julia Zavadsky, who also directs the Chavurot • • HaZemer Israeli choir, and brought Kol Emanuel together • • • Eric and Beth Levin • with the Israeli choir for an inspiring joint performance. • Chloe and Max • Our repertoire for this year has been incredibly challeng­ • • ing and under Julia's direction, Kol Emanuel just keeps • Marshall and Vivian Margolis • • • getting better and better. • Tyler and Zachary • • • The choir will continue to rehearse throughout the • Aileen Schwartz Lily Alexis • summer in preparation for the melodic Rosh Hashanah and • • Kol Nidre services. As always, we welcome musically • • minded new members. If you are interested in joining, • Howard and Jennifer Wallach Michael and Steven • please check the office for summer rehearsal dates. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 7 When you are in the synagogue this summer, be sure to stop and see the Tree of Life and read all the good news of your Temple family. So many of you have honored a loved one or re­ corded your simcha on this beautiful wall. Remember, this is the only space totally allocated for happy events. It is not too late to record a past event or too early to reserve a leaf for a future event. If you need an order fonn mailed to you or have any ques­ tions at all, please call Irene Strauss in the Temple office. Please notice the larger Celebration Rocks at the base of the Tree. They make an excellent gift for that person who has everything. Don't let TREE OF LIFE this opportunity pass you by. There are a limited number of leaves by Jerri Pinsky available and many have already been reserved. Thanks for making this project so successfuL DONOR IN HONOR OF Phyllis & Richard Dittrich Bat Mitzvah of Rebecca Dittrich

Bat Mitzvah of Danielle Dittrich Amy & Ed Krell Their Children Rebecca, Bradley & Kyle Dorothy Klein Marriage Renewal of Jerrilyn & Robert Pinsky Beth & K.C. Isdaner Samantha's Bat Mitzvah Corey's Bar Mitzvah

:Linda & Bruce Sachais Henry Berlinsky's 90th Birthday

.:Jerrilyn & Robert Pinsky Brett Rosen's High School Graduation

Marsha & Mark Morrow Bar Mitzvah of Jacob Pachter Oxford 'Susan Kaufman & Michael Shore B'Nai Mitzvah of Lee, Benjamin & Rebecca Shore .'Lorie, Steven & Benjamin Goldsmith Honor of their grandmother's 100th Birthday Marion Cohen B'Not Mitzvah of Allison & Jillian Cogan Deborah & Jay Amsterdam Ian Amsterdam's ELITE graduation

Abby & Michael Cohler Bar Mitzvah of Max Cohler Reserved 2 Leaves Helen Mitnick & Family Sam Kujawski's 80th Birthday

Reach Out To A College Student

The Kesher College Outreach program at Temple Emanuel sends mailings and gifts to our college students several times a year. If you have not given us your college address, please e-mail it to [email protected] or call Gilda Zimmerman at 489- 0029 with it. We would like to stay in touch with you! On Monday, September 15, last four years, two very special I would also like to take this 2003, Sisterhood will kick off the people, Randi Bard and Debbie opportunity to acknowledge the year with an exciting fall fund­ Thomson, our Religious School wonderful women who serve on raiser: a Dinner and Auction at Coordinators, have done a won­ the Sisterhood Board of Directors. Pasta Vino Restaurant. The derful job of delivering snacks and It is truly my pleasure to work items will be donated from cata­ other goodies as each holiday (and play) with every one of them, logue vendors (such as Avon and comes around. Although they and each has given their own spe­ Pampered Chef) and the rules of made it look easy, it took Randi cial talent to Sisterhood. I am so the auction will surprise you and and Debbie a great deal of time to grateful to all of them, and 1 wish keep you intrigued. So, bring make sure that the children re­ I could list everything they each your family and friends and join ceived a tasty treat or other re­ have given to Sisterhood. As the us for this evening of pure fun! minder of the fun and food of each year unfolds, you will be hearing We are busy planning many Jewish holiday. They didn't just more about their contributions. other events throughout the year, give out the snacks; they made it For now, suffice it to say that the including the Paid Up Brunch fun and meaningful for the chil­ credit for all the exciting events (November 16, 2003), the Hanu­ dren as well. I would like to ac­ and ideas that you will be hearing kah Bazaar (December 7, 2003), knowledge their dedication and about in the near future belongs to name a few. hard work and express Sister­ to them. So, stay tuned ... . hood's deep gratitude for a job One of Sisterhood's most im­ well done. Our new Religious By the time you read this, hope­ portant commitments is to sup­ School Coordinators, Bonnie fully many of you have joined Sis­ port the Religious School in nu­ Sharps, Polly Katz and Eve terhood for 2003-2004, but its merous ways. One part of this McCance, are very enthused never too late! At any time dur­ commitment is to provide deli­ about taking over this role and I ing the year, you can remit your cious snacks and other "extras" know they will also do a great job! dues of $36.00 and be part of this that add that special tOJlch for the great organization. major holidays. Over the

L'Zecher Olam In Memorium for an Everlasting Memorial

EUGENE AND ADELE FEINERMAN DR. MURRAYS.ABRAMS MURIEL MEYERSON Brother of Dr. Barry Abrams Mother of Donald Meyerson Father and Mother of Dr. Larry Feinerman

ROSE BAKER ANNE MORGAN LANDER GERALD W_ GORDON Sister of Max Pastelnick Grandfather of Elena Miller Husband of Sandra S. Gordon

DEBRA DRAZEN JOEL SCHWARZ Wife of Alan Drazen Uncle of Dr. Ellen Fennick LILLIAN MARMER Mother of Daniel Drazen Grandmother of Robin and Joe Miller Great-Grandmother to Brandon, TOBY HARTY HAROLD SHERMAN Jordan and Dillon Aunt of Stacey Roach Father of Cantor Robin Sherman BEVERLY MILLER SIDNEY HEDEN Mother of Joseph Miller Grandfather of Mindy Gotleib HERBERT STERN Wife of Raquel Stern PAULINE KREWSON Brother of Fred Stem CHARLES J. MUSS Grandmother of Grandfather of Dr. Larry Feinerman Mark Sinofsky BETTE TOMAR MOSES WEINBERG ADELINE LEVY Aunt of Dr. Jim Soffer Father of Dr. Stephen Weinberg Mother of Barry Levy 9

The Men's Club Annual Shabbat Service was held on Friday, June 13, 2003. I want to thank Steve Lubetkin and Rabbi Lewis Eron for selecting the readings and prayers for this year's service. The new officers and directors of the Men's Club installed by Rabbi David during the service are: . Kenneth J. Huffman President Dr. Bruce Sachais Vice President Program Dr. David Chasen Vice President Membership Steve Ehrlich Vice President Ways and Means Alan Clarke Treasurer Jim Resnick Secretary

Earle Goldstein Director Dr. Hank Cutler Director Alan Schorr Director Dr. Andrew Blackstone Director David Schwarz Director The primary purpose of the Temple Emanuel Men's Club is to promote fellowship and to provide a social, recreational and educational medium for the Jewish men of the community. In order to achieve this purpose, we must provide programs that not only reflect the interests of the current membership, but also are of interest to the men of Temple Emanuel who are not currently members.

The officers held a meeting on Wednesday, July 2, to begin formulating plans for the coming year. We are moving forward on a number of very exciting programs and have begun contacting speakers. We will also spon­ sor events which will allow fathers to spend special time with their children. I will be providing more details about the programs and special events in the September issue of The Light.

The Temple Emanuel Men's Club is a very active member of the Jewish Athletic Group (JAG). The men of Temple Emanuel will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of JAG sports tournaments such as bas­ ketball, bow ling, racquetball, street hockey and, of course, softball. If you want to participate in any of the sports tournaments, please contact our JAG representative, Earle Goldstein.

Our Sunday breakfast meetings begin at 10:00 a.m. and are held in the Social Hall. We look forward to see­ ing you. Please mark your calendar for the following dates: September 7, October 26, November 9, December 14, January 11, February 8, March 14, and April 18.

Tzedakkah Collective: Forging Ties in the Community Just to show that our money has an impact we recently Over the last year, the Social Action Committee has received this thank you from the Food Bank: raised over $4,000 for the Tzedakkah Collective Fund. This fund disburses money to charities (mostly local) and "Thank you for your donation to the Food Bank of South­ programs in the community. We recently voted on distrib­ Jersey. This support will enable us to provide 3,751 uting funds. I am excited to report that the following will pounds of high quality, nutritious food to 595 individuals in receive a percentage of our funds: our four county area over a three day period." • Food Bank of South Jersey • Caring Hearts Please support us in the fall as we will host our second • Volunteers of America annual Fall Walk-a-Thon to raise money for the Tzedak­ • Shalom House kah Collective. The walk will take place on October 19 at • Israel Emergency Fund 9 am, so SAVE THAT DATE! An Honor

he very first "honor" that I had in a service was in mind your interests and abilities. We once again r.ight her~ at Te~ple Emanuel. It was an Eng­ would like to invite you to become involved and par­ Tlish reading. I will never forget it. I remember ticipate in our worship services throughout the year. If how hard and loud my heart pounded before and even you would like to be called on for one of the honors after I was called up. Oh, how my knees knocked. I listed below, please fill out the form that is enclosed in just couldn't understand how the congregation wasn't your High Holy Day packet and return it to the Tem­ able to hear those incredibly noisy sounds as I read my ple as soon as possible. Information changes and our piece. Even though I was an absolute wreck, I can fIles are updated with your new forms each year. honestly tell you what a wonderful and satisfying ex­ I look forward to receiving your forms! perience it was to have had an honor in a Shabbat ser­ vice at Temple Emanuel. Become involved in worship services throughout the Since then I have had the honor of chanting and year (Shabbat, Festival or High Holy Day) reading Torah several times. Although it is, and al­ Participants are invited to: ways will be, a nerve wracking experience for me to get up in front of a group of people, I know what an • accept the honor of having a Torah Aliyah honor it is to have a part in a service, and I will never • accept the honor of reading from the Torah say "no" when it is offered. (In fact, I sometimes even • accept the honor of reading Haftarah ask for it.) • read a blessing or prayer in a worship service As you enjoy what I hope is a relaxing summer, I • open the ark doors would like to ask you to think ahead just a little bit. It is our goal at -Temple Emanuel to involve as many in­ dividuals in as many ways as possible, always keeping Honors can be in English or Hebrew


Summertime Fun at Kamp Kayeetz

Campers at the Pre-School's ior counselors and CITs summer program, Kamp Kayeetz, for making this a wonderful summer for our campers. Your caring, nurtur­ * Do you want to meet other had a fun-filled summer exploring na­ moms and babies? ture, splashing in the water and en­ ing and fun-filled ways are what joying playing with friends! Our make our camp so special. To all our parents, thank you for sharing If you answered "yes" to any of campers loved watching the birds these questions, then Temple feeding at the bird feeder outside your child with us this summer. I Emanuel's Ima (Mommy) & Me class their window and witnessing the birth hope to see you next summer, too! is for you. It is a class for moms and of a butterfly as it emerged from its their babies between birth and 8 cocoon. Play in our great courtyard Looking ahead to fall, the Pre­ months of age to get together and was enhanced by the beautiful flow­ School at Temple Emanuel is gear­ have a great time. The whole spec­ ers and vegetable plants that the ing up for PACT (Parents and Chil­ trum of fun is covered from songs to children took such good care of each dren Together) programs. finger plays, to music, and informa­ day. The Fall Session will include: tion. Each week a speaker will pre­ Music was a special highlight for * Ima (Mommy) and Me (Birth to sent information and materials rele­ the campers. They had a great time 8 months) Facilitator: vant to this age level. Topics may learning new songs and finger plays Laura Hoffman * Do you have a baby between include safety, dental health, and de­ with Alexis and Larisa. A great time velopmentally appropriate toys to is had by all at our end of camp show birth and 8 months? name a few. when the campers sing for their fami­ * Are you looking for fun and lies, all the songs they have learned. informative mornings out with Thanks to all our counselors, jun- your baby? (Continued on page 15) TEMPLE EMANUEL August 2003 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 6:00 pm 10:00 am Torah Study Kabbalat Shabbat with Janet Sclaroff Prospective Member Open House

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 8:00 pm Shabbat 10:00 am Torah Study Introduction to Gefilte Flicks Evening Service with Judaism Dr. Joan Finch Choir Practice

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 7:00 pm Casserole 7:30 pm 7:00 pm Tot Shabbat 10:00 am Torah Study Cooking Ritual Committee 8:00 pm Shabbat Introduction to Evening Service with Judaism Murray Savar Choir Practice

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 7:00 pm Prospective 7:30 pm 7:00 pm 7:30 pm 8:00 pm Shabbat 10:00 am Torah Study Member Open House Exec. Bd. Mtg. Introduction to Membership Evening Service Judaism Committee Dvar Torah - Rabbi Choir Practice David

24 25 26 27 28 29 30 7:30 pm TE Board 7:00 pm 8:00 pm of Trustees Introduction to Shabbat Evening Judaism Service with Cantor Choir Practice Robin Sherman 31

------TEMPLE EMANUEL September 2003 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 Labor Day 2 3 4 5 6 1" Saturday Classes 7:00 pm Introduction 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 9:15 a.m. Torah Study 10:30 am Shabbat Morning Service 10:30 a.m. Bar to Judaism Choir Practice Tot Shabbat Bar Mitzvah of Mitzvah of DANIEL 7:30 pm Shabbat ADAM DAVID FRATER NATHAN HOHWALD Evening Family Service 6:15 pm Havdalah Servioe Bat Mitvzah of DIANE RUBIN

st 7 1st Sunday School Class 8 9 151 Hebrew and 10 1 Hebrew 11 12 13 7:30 pm Confirmation Class Class 7:00 pm Choir 8:00 p.m. Shabbat 9:15 am Torah Study 10:30 am Shabbat Morning Service 9 am Membership Committee - Exec. Bd. Mtg. 7:00 pm 7:00 pm Introduction Practice Evening Service Bar Mitzvah of NATHAN GILLMAN Meet and Greet Casserole Cooking to Judaism HUC-JIR Class Welcome Rabbi Geri 6:15 pm Havdalah Servioe 10:00 am Men's Club Mtg. Newburge Bar Mitzvah of 10:30 am Sisterhood Bd. Mtg. JACOB TODD DUBOFF

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 7:00 pm 12 Noon Adult Beg. 12 Noon Senior 11 :30 am Yiddush 7:00 pm Tot Shabbat 9: 15 am Torah Study 10:30 am Shabbat Morning Service Sisterhood Quarter Hebrew Group Brown Bag Lunch Club 8:00 pm Shabbat Bar Mitzvah of JACOB NOAH GOODMAN Auction and Dinner Post Bnai Mitzvah Lunch 7:00 pm Choir Evening Torah Service and Bat Mitzvah of JORDYNE LEIGH Class 7:00 p.m. Introduction Practice High Holy Day GOODMAN 10 pm Sellchot Service 1 pm Jewish Texts to Judaism Yoga and Discussion 7:00 p.m. Adult Meditation Hebrew 7:30 pm Ritual 8:00 pm Adult Committee Academy

21 22 23 24 25 26 EREVROSH 27 ROSH HASHANAH 10:00 am 7:30 pm Membership 7:00 pm Adult 7:00 pm Introduction 11 :30 am Yiddush HASHANAH 9:00 am - Early Service Men's Club Meeting Committee Hebrew to Judaism Lunch Club 8:00 pm Service 12:15 pm 8:00 pm Adult 7:00 pm Choir Late Service Academy Practice 3:30 pm Family Service 7:30 pm Yoga and Meditation 28 29 30 2nd Day ROSH 7:30 pm 12 Noon Adult Beg. Hebrew HASHANAH TE Board ofTrustees Post Bnai Mitzvah 10:00 am Service Habrew 1 pm Jewish TexiS 7:00 pm Adult Hebrew 8:00pm Adult Academy

. ------_ ._---_ .. . WE GRATEFULLY ACKNOWLEDGE YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS Our Temple Funds provide a beautiful way to remember someone special, and at the same time, help to maintain several worthwhile synagogue projects. Deadline for insertion in The Light is the first day of the previous month. Minimum contribution is $5

Building Fund Frlsch-Trautenbem Choir Fund To beautify & maintain the building. To endow the Temple Choir & other musical programs at the Temple. InHonorOf Donor In Honor Of Donor Ed Wolfs Lifetime Achievement Award Ken & Brenda Korach Helen Trautenberg's Special Birthday Adele Oberlander Mark & Janine Sobel Jordan Bard - Bar Mitzvah Debbie Fee Joen Grossberg & Michele Hirsch -Volunteers of Ken & Brenda Korach Roz & Ernie Jellinek the Year Stephanie & Andrew Kauffman zachary Walder - Bar Mitzvah Ken, Brenda, Max & Sam Korach Irene & Larry Kauffman Confirmation Class of 2003 Ken & Brenda Korach Judy Nadell - Confirmation Susan & John Johnson Adult Confirmation Class of 2003 Marge & Joe Sobel Jane Rose AI Wolfs Special Birthday Ernie & Roz Jellinek Sue & Sal Conde ERie & Bob Treuhaffs 50~ Wed. Anniv. Robert & Helen Hughitts Janice & Jerry Apple Mr. & Mrs. Harold Goodman Sandra Gordon ADie Landsman Marge & Joe Sobel Phil & Joan Miller Jack Sattin Ken Korach Stuart Friedman Ken Korach Melissa Hirsch - Confirmation Jane Rose Fred Strauss's Birthday AI& Mitzi Wolf Debbie, Matt & Craig Fee Ann & Fred Strauss's Anniversary AI & Mitzi Wolf Michele Hirsch - Confirmation Jane Rose In Memory Of Donor Debra Winter - Confirmation Jane Rose Helen Frankenstein Judy & Richard Franken Volunteer ot the Year Award - to Joan Grossberg & Michele Debbie, GUda, Irene, Jane, Joseph W. Frankenstein Judy & Richard Franken Hirsch Mayda & Jean Robert Cohn Glenda & Stan Buchman Shomrei Ha'or Award to Jerri Pinsky Debbie, Gilda, Irene, Jane, Barry Sklar Cookie & Steve Neiberg Mayda & Jean Jack Fishman Judy & Richard Franken Ian Amsterdam - E.l.I.T.E. Graduation Debbie Fee Ken & Brenda Korach Janice Apple & Family Judy Nadell Charles Balkin Shirley & Mort Zeserman Lauren Johnson's College Graduation Harold J. Zionts Margie & Robert Paul The Conde Family Jason Cohen Linda & Bruce Buller Jane Rose AI Katz Miriam Katz Liz Johnson's High School Graduation Judy Nadell MilierWoIf Debby & Brian Baratz Jane Rose Bernard Perlsweig Debby & Brian Baratz Ed Wolf, Jr. - Lifetime Achievement Award Connie Green 'Rebecca Frost Caroline Frost Alyssa Moran receiving Harvard Award-Outstanding Rose Grossman Peter Silverberg MilierWoIf AI & Mitzi Wolf H.S. Junior and Bausch & Lomb top Science Student Award - Sue & Sal Conde Dorman-Ra/ch Speakers Fund Speedy Recovery to John Johnson Sue & Sal Conde To enhance adult education programming. Liz Getzoff - rfuah shleima Sue & Sal Conde In Honor Of Donor Speedy Recovery for Liz Getzoff Jane Rose Michele Hirsch - Volunteer of the Year Penny & Ralph Hirsch Jared Friedman - Bar Mitzvah Marilyn Serls AI Wolfs Special Birthday Mark & Pam Adler Sarah Weiss - Masters Degree-Psychology Sue & Sal Conde Jay & Jeannette Adler Granddaughter to Jane & Chuck Vorlreflich Jane Rose Bruce, Lynn, Julian & Goldie Robins Irene Kauffman - Confirmation Karnig & Ginny Mukalian Theresa Norton Marriage of Matthew Rosenberg Janice & Jerry Apple Birth of David & Joyce Cynthia & Lawrence Levin Sheila Stern - Confirmation Sandra Gordon Soowars Granddaughter Jane Rose Gertrude Pastelnick - Confirmation Alan, Deborah, Lisa & Mike Klein Bruce Sachais - Confirmation Janice, Jerry & Alexander Apple Joe Strip's Special Birthday Lilly & George Field Jane Rose Birth of Great Grandson to Joyce & Matt Hoff & Family Gertrude & Max Pastelnick Joshua Saline - Bar Mitzvah Sandra Gordon In Memory Of Donor Brett Robbins - Confirmation Debbie, Matt & Craig Fee Helen Salt Midge Raich Debra Winter - Confirmation Debbie, Matt & Craig Fee Siegmund Halpern SteUa Schaevitz David Berger - Confirma tion Debbie, Matt & Craig Fee Midge Raich Ken Huffman's Election as Men's Club Pres . Debbie Fee Barbara S. Mannlein Irene Kauffman - Confirmation Stephanie & Andrew Kauffman Irving & Phyllis Stacy Birth of Granddaughter to David & Hope Hoffman Barbara & Murray Fineman Helen & Harry Pinsky Cantor Sherman Toby, Gary & Michael Heflich Murray Sayar Toby, Gary & Michael Heflich Harold Musnitsky Midge Raich Jane Rose Martin Bobman Eliane & Joe Strip Ellen Eisenberg - Confirmation Solomon Khazan Lana Brodsky In Memory Of Donor Abraham Pearlstein Adeline Seidner Sieg Halpern Uly & George Field Belle Dorman Midge Raich Oaire Fineman Barbara & Murray Fineman Nathan Herman Bernard Herman RoberiCohen Sue, Sal, Robert & Elyse Conde Berlha Liebmann Marianne Halpern Eleanor Dashow Ronald Dashow Rose Baker Alan, Deborah, Lisa & Mike Klein Israel Gordon Sandra Gordon Adele Oberlander Beatrice Bodner Barbara & Murray Fineman Charles Oken Adele Oberlander Ruth Berkowitz Ruth & Stan Levinthal Betty Tomar Joseph & Marcia Spatola Ruth Zimmerman Michael & Gilda Zimmerman Anna Schaevitz Stella Schaevitz Gates of Repentance Rose Litke Martin Litke High Holy Day prayer book with bookplate $36. Sol Gitomer Selina Gitomer In Honor Of Donor Joseph Seidner Adeline Seidner AI Wolfs Special Birthday Seynnour & Esther Steinbrenner Edward L. Natal Israel Scholarship Fund Janice Israel Fund To make scholarships available for Confirmation & Post-Confirmation students to participate in To be used youth Activities. educational experiences in Israel. for In Memory of Donor In Memory Qf Donor Harold Balaban Ruth & Stan Levinthal Steve Markoe Beth Markoe Llbrarv Fund Rabbi EdwIn N. Soslow Endowment Fund To purchase a variety of Jewish interest books. In Memory Of Donor In Honor Of Donor Ruth Jacobson Sheila &Gerald Rosenfield Betsy Harvey Leia Andrew Beatrice Raph Arlene Soslow Barbara Gail Leia Andrew Milton Soslow Arlene Soslow Deb Berger Ted Andrew AlbertCohl Sheila & Gerald Rosenfield Alan Kritz Ted Andrew Lovina B. Slrat Beryl S. Rossner Sheila Stem - Bat Mitzvah Diane Leibowitz Claire Foos Sarah & Irv Berner Lenore Cohen's Special Birthday Selma Lessem Edward Saline Martin & Molly Price Speedy Recovery to Sally Kane Elaine Kramer Tessie Abramson Anne Gerson In MemorvOf Donor Bunny Perlsweig Estelle & Stan Deitch William Jack Ross Margery Ann, David & Jona­ Mary Applebaum Estelle & Stan Deitch than Todd Ross Victor Elias Rina Kalbacher WiUiam Strumwasser Joan Maglietta Carl Lefevre, Sr. Carl & Harriette Lefevre Anna Rosenfield Sheila & Gerald Rosenfield Muriel Stewart Kelly & Michael Fineman ' Good Works Fund Philip Heines Carol Heines To distribute funds to worthy charitable and cultural activities & to those who may need Bessie Ritter Elaine Kramer assistance at the discretion of the rabbis. Josh Amran Ann & Larry Winitsky In Honor Of Donor Rose Baker Ruth & Stan Levinthal Speedy Recovery for Len Grossman Nancy & Jon Forman Larry Van Dyk Lisa Van Dyk Adu~ Confirmation Mr. & Mrs . Robert Olin Bonnie Brill Zipkin Ada Brill Rabbi David Gerri & Art Rudner Joseph Brill R. Ada Brill The Kuperschmidt Family Rose lubarsky Ada Brill David Lubarsky Ada Brill Rabbi Cohen The Kuperschmidt Family Rebecca Lubarsky Ada Brill Irene Kauffman - Confirmation Nancy & Richard Maza Siegmund Halpem Fefix & Inge Bass AI Wolfs Special Birthday Barry & Judy Bannett Josephine Roubicek Lisa Van Dyk Max Cohler - Bar Mitzvah Shelley & John Adler Muriel Meyerson Andrea & Stephen Ehrlich Temple Emanuel Avner & Odette Haya Anna Mozenter Dr. & Mrs . Arthur Greene Ordination of Rabbis Newburge & Goldberg Adrienne & David Scott Museum/Art Fund Stevie & Rick Marks To purchase Art/Museum pieces to beautify the inside of our Temple. In Memorv Of Donor Ordination of Rabbi Geri Newburge Jeffrey & Jane Robbins Eva Jacobs Solomon Jacob Birth of Grandson to Dr. & Mrs. Gerald Jacobson Pamela & Harry Kuperscmidt Barbara Friedman Barry Friedman Marc Bowers - Confirmation Phil & Joan Miller Jacob Baron M.B. Summers Joshua Saline - Bar Mitzvah Ann Schwartz Nathan Fronton Doris & David Bluebond Recovery of Sally Kane The Kane Family Betle Tomar Emie & Roz Jellinek In Memory Of Donor Praverbook Fund Rebecca Jackson Nancy & Jon Forman Shabbat & Festival prayer books with bookplate $15. In Honor Of Donor AI Miller Nancy & Jon Forman Matt Sillman - Confirmation Maddie & Glenn Silverman Siegmund Halpern Claire & Irving Tecker Donna Sillman - Confirmation Maddie & Glenn Silverman Lois & Fred Schumm In MemorvOf Donor Marianne Halpem Stuart R. Hyans Rosemary Dworanczyk Helen Gillette Dr. Robert Pollak Todd, Wendi & Mildred Cohen Myra Hopkins Jeanne Gleaer Joyce Simmons David Pearlman Barbara Pearlman David Rosen Mike & Carol Goldenberg Molly Mintzer Pearl & Bud Plumer Pre-School Fund Sophia Lief Evelyn F. Lief To purchase equipment, educational toys & fund special programming. Bemard M. Goldberg Ruth Goldberg In Honor Of Donor David Goldsm~h Ruth Goldberg Alvin Wolfs Special Birthday Barry, Ann, Nicole & Jordyn Bella Persky Ira Cuttler Wolf Harry Stem berg Susan, Ed, AJ & Kammy Heffernan Ordination of Rabbi Geri Newburge The Lermack Family Ordination of Rabbi Eric Scott Goldberg The Lermack Family Harry Norwitz Ruth Norwitz Sharon Lubetkin - Graduation Toby, Gary & Michael Heflich Lucille Ray Herb Ray Michele Lubetkin - Graduation Toby, Gary & Michael Heflich Arthur W. Joseph Sandy & Steve Menaquale Rabbi Cohen Toby, Gary & Michael Heflich Dora Rose Naomi & Bob Hilbronner Rabbi David Toby, Gary & Michael Heflich George Seltzer Robert J. Se~er Jacob Oxford - Bar Mitzvah Toby, Gary & Michael Heflich Beckie Olinsky Mr. & Mrs. Robert Olin Barbara Silverman The Heflich Family Joseph Blackman Chuck & Audrey Blackman Gertrude Blackman Chuck & Audrey Blackman In MemorvOf Donor Bernard HeWman Chuck & Audrey Blackman Philip Klein David & Jean Klein Sara Rosen Lorraine & Harold Rayden Mae Kaminsky Jean Klein Lawrence Rayden Lorraine & Harold Rayden Steven Jones The Greenblatt Family Morris Frankel Roy Frankel Herman Geer Marcia Geer Alexander Sonny Meisler CHHS E. Staff & Faculty David Forman Bonnie & Carl Freedman Martin Kimball Jason, Laura, Melissa, Jennifer Dr. Robert Pollak Todd, Wendi & Mildred Cohen & Lindsey Hoffman Francis Steinfeld Renee Dillon Rabbi Edwin N. Soslow Endowment Fund Sol Dorosin Renee Dillon To be awarded as a scholarship to a graduaUng senior and to further Religious School Education Joseph Persky Ira & Arlene Cuttler In Honor Of Donor Joe Kirchner Richard & Linda Tennenbaum Great Grandson to Gertrude & Max Pastelnick Jane & Chuck Vorlreflich Uncle Pat The Kuperschmidt Family Rhoda Abrams - Confirmation Arlene Soslow Debbie Drazen Pamela, Harry, Marissa, Tiffany & Estelle & Stan Deitch Joseph Kuperschmidt Speedy Recovery to Robert Charen Estelle & Stan Deitch Milton Shaw Larry & Stephanie Whitson Rachel Karpfs Scholarship Awarwds Dolores & Robert Karpf Bessie Trainor Lenore Cohen Arthur Solomon Selma Solomon Rabbis' Good Works Fund SchDlarshlp Fund In MemorvOf Donor In Memory Of Donor Alexander Selkin Lucille Orland Marjorie Goldenberg Michael & Carol GDldenberg Mother of Zena Fuller Helen Krader Anna Schaevitz Ruth NDrwitz Siegmund Halpem Eliane & Joe Strip Frances Winitsky E. Elizabeth Fineman Faye Winkler Toni NDvak Rosalind Isen Michele, Hal, Adam, Melissa, & Jeff Rog.olsky RDbin & Sam Wasser Jennifer Hirsch Ellen, Lee, Ariel, Nicole & Tay­ George Rhoda & Barry Abrams lor Agviar Myrtle Smith Rhoda & Barry Abrams Adele E. Joseph Dr. SimDn Joseph Edward Abrams Rhoda & Barry Abrams Minnie Reichman Claire Silver Lillian Seltzer Robert & Miriam Seltzer Oara Berger Seym.our Berger Mother of Mrs . James DDW Helen Krader David HDlzman Michele, Hal, Adam, Melissa & Eugene Isk.owitz Joyce & Walt Stein Jennifer Hirsch Goldie Shocket Judy & Marshall GersDn Barbara & Steven BelchatDwski Dr. Murray Abrams Mr. & Mrs. RDbert Olin Emanuel G.ottlieb Franklin Drachman Abraham Frost CarDline FrDst William Kennedy Jim & Billie Kennedy Barry Frost Sharren Rlan Chlldrens Ubrary Fund Martin & Marcia Brody Anna & Meyer Brody TD purchase books fDr children's library. Sam & Ida Weinerman Martin & Marcia Brody Ruth B. Wolf Archival Fund In Memory Of Donor TD enable the Temple tD prDtect our histDry for future generations. Debbie Drazen Sharren & Dave Filan In Honor Of Donor T.E. Foundation Fund Edgar Wolf, Jr. - Lifetime Achievement Award Nancy Benkin T.o benefit the end.owment fund. Judy JDseph In H.onorOf Donor Allie Landsman - ConfirmatiDn Edgar WDIf, Jr. Barbara Pachter Tri-State Human Resource Mgt. Samantha Jaye Isdaner-CDnfirmatiDn Edgar Wolf, Jr. AsSD. zachary Bryen Goodman - ConfirmatiDn Edgar Wolf, Jr. Ian Cherry's Bar Mitzvah The Manin Family Debra Sippora Winter - CDnfirmatiDn Edgar Wolf, Jr. Torah Fund Melissa & Michele Hirsch - ConfirmatiDn Nancy Banekin Judy & Barry Bannetrs 40 1h Wed. Anniv. AI & Mitzi Wolf To maintain and purchase .ornaments far T.orahs. In Memory Of Donor In Honor Of Donor Harold Musnitsky AI & Mitzie Wolf David Berger - Bar Mitzvah JDyce & Mat Hoff & Family Leonard Goldstein Esther B. Goldstein Michael Heflich - Bar Mitzvah J.oyce & Mat H.off & Family Gordon H. Brandes Judith B. Joseph Rosalind Isen Esther Goldstein In Memory Of Donor JerDme Brandes Edgar Wolf, Jr. Arthur S.ol.om.on J.oyce & Mat Hoff & Family Scholarship Fund Tzedakah Collective Fund TD SUPPDrt members, their children and ReligiDus School faculty t.o further their T.o support w.orthy charitable activities within the c.ommunity. Jewish educatiDn . In Honor Of Donor In Honor Of Donor Debra JDY GDldsmith's 4.0 Average at Indiana U. Rhoda & Barry Abrams Pearl Braunstein's New H.ome Betsy & Dennis Karpf & Family Ricky SCDtt Abrams App't. as Dir. Of Educa . @ Temple Beth Rhoda & Barry Abrams EI, Chappaqua, NY Max C.ohler - Bar Mitzvah Lisa, JDn & zach Orenstein Adam RDsenberg's GraduatiDn Jay & Barbara K1azmer Michael Heflich - Bar Mitzvah Randee, Alan & Nathaniel Michele Stulman's GraduatiDn Jay, Barbara & Erica K1azmer Moidoff Cindy Dvorin's Graduati.on Jay, Barbara & Erica Klazmer Speedy Rec.overy tD Sally Kane Helene & Anthony Engel Susie Greenberg SCDtt Oberlander Esther & Martin Zoblin J.ordan Bard - Bar Mitzvah The Grossberg Family Rebecca Dittrich - Bat Mitzvah The Grossberg Family In Memory Of Donor Rebecca ShDre - Bat Mitzvah The Grossberg Family Ellis Toft Judith Gensib Michael Heflich - Bar Mitzvah Bemie & Brenda Friedman Fred R.omash Herman RDmash Raanan Baratz - Law School Graduati.on Emle & RDz Jellinek JDhn Berger Seym.our & Ethel Berger Lauren Karpfs ELITE GraduatiDn Phyllis, Jack, Arielle Karpf Nelvin Rubin Mr. & Mrs . Jack Karpf & Family Fannie Rubenstein Ira Miller & Shelley Figures Max Kohler - Bar Mitzvah Ernie & Roz Jellinek ~~~======~ AI Wolfs Special Birthday Rhoda & Barry Abrams Brett Rosen DorDthy Klein ~ Visit our website ~ Max & Gertrude Pastelnicks Great GrandsDn Ruth & Stan Levinthal ~ www . templeemanuel. org ~ Continued RecDvery for Maury Scha.effer RhDda & Barry Abrams ~======~======~

(continued from page 10) Awaken Your Senses (9 to 17 experience the world around them development. Enjoy songs, activi­ months) Facilitator: Jodi Feldman through all their senses. Each week ties and fun as you and your child This program will focus on gross and children and parents will have fun and meet new friends. Toddler Territory fine motor activities that will stimulate explore music, games, and the enjoy­ is a wonderful introduction to our your child's senses, peak curiosity, and ment of making things happen. Pre-School program. This is a de­ encourage exploration. In addition to Through your child's natural curiosity, lightful age, so come explore this providing a playful, active and comfort­ he/she will play and learn. Whatever territory and savor the experience. able environment that promotes positive the weekly theme might be, the excite­ socialization for the children, it is our ment and joy of this age will be fun for Please call the Pre-School office at hope that PACT will provide a relaxed everyone. 489-0034 for information regarding the setting that promotes a sense of com­ Toddler Territory (15 - 28 months) dates/days and times these classes will munity for parents and caregivers of Facilitator: Laura Hoffman be offered and/or to request a same-aged children . Our "Young Ex­ Each week an exciting theme will be ex­ registration form. plorers" plored at every sensory level of 3101 Clifton Avenue OH 45220