Radical Berkeley Supported Radio Station
J. Stitt Wilson: the 1st Savio Hauled off the Stage, Oak Grove Tree-Sit, Dec. 2, 2006–Sept. 9, 2008 The Fight for Accessibility, 1972 (and last) Socialist Mayor Dec. 7, 1964 Activists took to the trees when plans for a new sports complex included the destruction of When Ed Roberts applied to UC Berkeley he of Berkeley, April 1, 1911 After 2 months of FSM protests, a long-standing grove.The protestors likened the tree removal to a hate crime. Ultimately faced resistance, not because of his qualifica- Wilson ran for Berkeley mayor strikes, and sit-ins, UC President theactivists—and the trees—came down, but not before they had accomplished the longest tions, but because he was quadriplegic. Ulti- on a platform of city ownership Clark Kerr called a meeting at urbantree-sit in history. Student Athlete High Performance Center, SAHPC (formerly the mately he was admitted, and he and several of utilities. After election, his the Greek Theatre where he oak grove) other disabled students formed a group called socialistagenda was stymied by addressed 16,000 students and the“Rolling Quads,” which was instrumental in a conservative city council, and faculty members. After Kerr openingup the campus to the severely disabled. he declined to run for a second spoke, Savio took the stage, but The Naked Guy Emerges, 1992 Roberts is considered by many to be the father of term. 1745 Highland Place was hauled off by police before thedisability rights movement. Berkeley sophomore Andrew Marti CowellHospital (Wilson’s house) he could speak. GreekTheatre Strikes for Ethnic Studies, Jan.
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