University of California General Catalog 1937-38

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University of California General Catalog 1937-38 VERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BULLETIN PUBLISHED AT BERKELEY , CALIFORNIA Volume XXXI . - September 20, 1937 - Number 9 GENERAL CATALOGUE • 1937-36 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES For sale by the STUDENTS' COOPERATIVEBOOS STORE LOS ANGELES Price, Twenty-five cents RSITY OF CAL-IFORNIA BULLETIN PUBLISHED AT BERKELEY , CALIFORNIA Volume XXXI November 1, 1937 Number 11 Circular of INFORMATION 19373a UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES 405 HILGARD AVENUE LOS ANGELES Administrative Bulletins of the University of California 1937-38 The administrative bulletins of the University of California present infor. mation concerning the colleges, schools , and departments of the University. For copies of the bulletins or other information concerning instruction at Los Angeles , address the Registrar of the University of California at Los Angeles; for other bulletins , and for information concerning the departments at Berke- ley, address the Registrar of the University of California , Berkeley ; bulletins of the schools and colleges in San Francisco may be had by addressing the deans in charge . The publications are sent free except those for which a price (which includes postage ) is given. Bulletins Referring Primarily to the University of California at Los Angeles The General Catalogue of the University of California at Los Angeles: con- taining general information about the University , requirements for admis- sion, for the bachelor 's degree in the College of Letters and Science, in the College of Business Administration , in the Teachers College , and in the Branch of the College of Agriculture in Southern California ; for the mas- ter's and the doctor 's degrees , and for teaching credentials; students' fees and expenses ; and announcements of courses of instruction in the Univer- sity of California at Los Angeles . Price , 25 cents. The University of California - An Introduction to the Los Angeles Campus: An illustrated circular of information. The Announcement of Graduate Study at the University of California at Los Angeles. The Announcement of the College of Business Administration. The Schedule of Classes , University of California at Los Angeles: containing the time -schedule of exercises and an office directory of officers of instruc- tion and administration . Published in February and August of each year for the semester immediately following . Price , 5 cents. The Catalogue of Officers and Students , Section II (University of California at Los Angeles ). Published annually in October . Price , 85 cents. The Announcementof the Summer Session of the University of California at Los Angeles. General Bulletins , and Bulletins Referring Primarily to Divisions of the University at Berkeley and Davis The General Catalogue of the University of California (primarily for those interested in the Undergraduate Division at Berkeley ) : General Informa- tion about the University , its organization , the requirements for admission to undergraduate status , and for the bachelor 's degree in the colleges of Letters and Science , Agriculture Chemistry, Commerce , Engineering, and Mining ; requirements for certificates in the several curricula; students' fees and expenses , and announcements of courses of instruction in the Departments at Berkeley . Price, 25 cents. (Continued on third page of cover) University of California Bulletin Volume XXXI Berkeley, California, November 1, 1937 Number i i CIRCULAR OF INFORMATION UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES X937'38 405 Hilgard Avenue Los Angeles UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BULLETIN A SERIES IN THE ADMINISTRATIVE BULLETINS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA . ENTERED JULY 1, 1911, AT THE POST OFFICE AT BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA , AS SECOND -CLASS MATTER , UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS OF JULY 16 , 1894. ISSUED MONTHLY FROM OCTOBER TO APRIL , AND THREE TIMES A MONTH FROM MAY TO SEPTEMBER. GENERAL INFORMATION Letters of inquiry concerning the University of California at Los Angeles should be addressed to the Registrar, University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles , California. Letters of inquiry concerning the University in general should be addressed to the Registrar, University of California, Berkeley, California. For the list of bulletins of information concerning the several colleges and departments see pages 2 and 3 of the cover. In writing for information please mention the college , department, or Andy in which you are chiefly interested. The registered cable address of the University of California at Los Angeles is UCLA. CONTENTS PAGE Calendar . 8 Regents of the University . 10 Officers and committees of the Regents . ... ... 11 Administrative officers . 12 The University . 13 History and organization . 15 Administration . 16 University of California at Los Angeles . 17 History and development . .17 Site of the campus -Climate . 18 Survey of curricula . 19 Summer Sessions . 19 University Extension . 20 The Library . 20 Admission to the University . 21 Student Status . 21 Admission in undergraduate status . 21 Admission in freshman standing . 21 Admission by certificate . 22 Additional ways of gaining admission . 23 Admission by examination . 24 Removal of admission deficiencies . 24 Preparationfor University curricula . 26 Admission in advanced standing . 28 Removal of scholarship deficiencies by applicants from other colleges 29 Admission of special students . 30 Admission from schools and colleges in foreign countries . 31 Admission in graduate standing . 31 Admission in unclassified status . 32 . General regulations . 33• Registration . 33 Late admission and registration . 33 Medical examinations- Medical facilities . 33 Military science and physical education . 34 Gymnasiums and athletic facilities . 35 Subject A: English composition . 35 American Institutions . 36 Piano test . 37 [3] 4 Contents PAGE Study-list regulations . : . 87 Student responsibility . 87 Authority of instructors. 38 Degrees and teaching credentials . 38 Change of college or major . 38 Honors . 39 Credit and scholarship . 39 Study-list limits-Program limitation . 40 Gradesof scholarship; grade points . .. 41 Conditions and failures . .. .. 42 Minimumscholarship requirements . 43 Credit by examination . ... 43 Final examinations . 44 Leave of absence and honorable dismissal . 44 Discipline . 45 Miscellaneous information . 46 General expenses and fees . 46 Living accommodations and general expenses for women . 50 Living accommodations and general expenses for men . 51 Self-support and student employment . 52 Undergraduate scholarships . 54 Loans- Prises . 55 Public lectures, concerts, and art exhibitions . 56 The Associated Students . 57 University Religious Center .. 58 College of Letters and Science . 59 Lower division, junior certificate . 59 Upper division . 62 Letters and Science list of courses . 63 Organizedmajors and curricula . 65 Honors 75 Preparation for professional curricula . 76 Pre-Chemistry . 76 Pre-Dental . '76 Pre-Engineering . 78 Pre-Legal. 79 Pre-Medical . 79 Pre-Mining . 82 Nursing . 84 Public Health Nursing . 85 Pre-Optometry . 86 Pre-Pharmacy . 87 Contents 5 PAGE Professional curricula in other divisions of the University . 87 Journalism . ... 88 College of Business Administration . 89 Lower division . 90 Upper division . 91 Honors . 92 Teachers College . 93 Credentials . 93 Requirements for graduation . 93 Majors . .. 96 Honors . 97 Requirements for teaching credentials . Elementary - Kindergarten Primary . 98 Junior High School- Special Secondary . 98 Branch of the College of Agriculture in Southern California . 99 Requirements for graduation . 99 Honors . 102 Graduate Study . 103 Requirements for the master 's degree . 103 Requirements for the doctor 's degree . 106 Academic residence for graduate students . 108 Requirements for higher teaching credentials . 108 LEGEND. I I CAL 1&V BLDG 2 J,CjRY 3 POJh4 H C A y, L ( /OS/IIN RO YC[ HA LL $ L/BRARY Q .j MJ GYM 7 / NJ GYM AAO ARNORY 8 EDUCATION 9 KERCKHOFF HALL A a MECHARTS BLDO Ah0 ShtOPS IL OUTDOOR THEATRE ,at /7O wTS REJAXNCE a MYRAHER3?EYREJIXAC .E HILL # TRACK . VARJ/TYFDOTd4LL FIELD eatTENN/ 3 Gi PTJ SUBTROPICAL h,PT. AREA A RELIGOL iA MASOM LOYWC 6 4 ATYaCTYO FIELD 0oc:3 7 3 0 3 9 6 b /3 I / O' A3 s 0 0 I/N/VCRJ1TY OF CALIFORNIA /T /9 LOS ANGELES CALENDAR" 1937 Sept . 1, Wednesday Applications for admission to undergraduate or graduate stud y in September, 1987, with complete credentials , should be filed on or before this date to avoid penalty of late application fee. Sept . 8, Wednesday 9:00 A.M., Examination in Subject A. Sept . S. Wednesday Consultation with advisers by new students. Sept . 9, Thursday' Admission Day: academic and administrative holiday in all de- partments. Registrationof oldstudents and re8ntranta (graduates and undergraduates) 8:00 A.M. 9:80 A.M.-R-Z. Sept . 10, Friday 9:80 A.M.-11:00 A.M.-A-E. 12:00 M.- 1:80 P.M: F-K. 1:80 A.M. 8:00 P.M.- 8:00 P.M.- 4:00 P.M. All innitials. Registrationof new students (graduates and undergraduates) : 8:00 A.M.- 9:80 A.M.-A-L. Sept . 11, Saturday 9:80 A.M.-11:00 A.M.-M-Z. 11:00 A.M.- 1:00 P.M.-All initials. Registration of any student , old or new: 11:00 A.M.- 1:00 P.M. Sept . 18, Monday Instruction begins. Sept . 18, Saturday Special examination in Subject A. Sept . 20, Monday Last day to file registration books or to change study lists without fee. Sept . 27, Monday Last day to file application for admission to candidacy for the master's degreeor for the secondaryteaching credentials in February,1988. Oct. 1, Friday Last day to add courses to study lists. Oct. 8, Friday Last
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