TOWNSENDCENTER FOR THE HUMANITIES UC BERKELEY September/October 2012 HIGHLIGHTS 21 Fiat Lux Redux 22 Depth of Field Film + Video Series 26 Litquake: Language and Politics Vikram Seth, see p. 6 Wendell Berry, see p. 4 TOWNSEND NEWSLETTER The Doreen B. Townsend Center for the Humanities SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2012 at the University of California, Berkeley STAFF DIRECTOR Alan Tansman, Professor of Japanese TABLE OF CONTENTS ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR Teresa Stojkov 3 A Note from the New Director WEB AND COMMUNICATIONS SPECIALIST Alan Tansman Julie Van Scoy BUSINESS AND OFFICE MANAGER 4 Labor of the Hands Melissa Wong Juliana Chow FELLOWSHIPS ADMINISTRATOR Scott Roberts 6 Vikram Seth, Una's Lecturer Kristin Hanson FACULTY ADVISORY COMMITTEE David Bates, Rhetoric 8 Visions from the Peripheries Lawrence Cohen, Anthropology Jacob P. Dalton Catherine Cole, eater, Dance & Performance Studies 11 Program News Victoria Kahn, English Ken Goldberg, Industrial Engineering and Operations Research Suzanne Guerlac, French 17 Calendar of Campus Events Niklaus Largier, German and Comparative Literature Francine Masiello, Spanish and Comparative Literature Nancy Scheper-Hughes, Anthropology Hans Sluga, Philosophy Mary Ann Smart, Music TOWNSEND CENTER FOR THE HUMANITIES University of California 220 Stephens Hall, MC 2340 Berkeley, CA 94720-2340 TEL.: 510/643-9670 FAX: 510/643-5284 EMAIL:
[email protected] WEB: TOWNSEND CENTER FOR THE HUMANITIES | SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2012 A Note from the New Director by Alan Tansman groups will be formed in particular to foster conversations between humanists and their non-humanist colleagues. You will be hearing more about these groups in the coming months, and we, in turn, look forward to learning of your ideas about creating others.