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Travel Research & Education Proud of our close Thoughts from En himmel full av stjerner. Norwegian explorer ties: Amerikafest in Blått hav så langt du ser. Karmøy En jord der blomster gror. Thor Heyerdahl Read more on page 9 Kan du ønske mer? Read more on page 5 – Lillebjørn Nilsen Norwegian American Weekly

Vol. 122 No. 30 August 26, 2011 Established May 17, 1889 • Formerly Western Viking and Nordisk Tidene $1.50 per copy .com News Find more at A dignified, powerful memorial www.norway.com News On Aug. 21, the In a recent poll by Sentio, one National Memorial in four knows someone who was directly af- Ceremony fected by the July 22 attacks. honored all those (blog.norway.com/category/ news) affected by the Culture July 22 tragedy Eighty years after it sank in the Canadian Arctic, explorer St a f f Co m p i l a t i o n Roald Amundsen’s three-mast Norwegian American Weekly ship Maud may once again sail across the Atlantic to be- The National Memorial Cer- come the centerpiece of a new emony organized by the Norwe- museum in Norway. Canada, gian government took place Aug. however, must still agree to the 21 at the Spektrum Arena. repatriation plan amid strong Those in attendance were 6,700 opposition from locals in the survivors, family members of vic- Canadian territory of Nunavut tims, and others directly affected who want the ship to stay for by the bombing of the downtown tourists to admire from shore. building in Oslo and the shootings (blog.norway.com/category/ at Utøya. Also invited were volun- culture) teers from the Red Cross and Nor- Photo: Kyrre Lien / Scanpix HM King Harald gave a moving speech at the National Memorial Ceremony, which drew lengthy applause from the thou- Sports CONTINUES PAGE 6 sands gathered inside Oslo Spektrum on Aug. 21. Norwegian biker Edvald Boas- son Hagen (Team Sky) won the Vattenfall Cyclassics in Laying the foundation Feeding the world Hamburg on Aug. 21, showing Eidsvollsmen Council of North America that the Norwegian biker con- World's largest tinues in good form after he finds descendents of constitution signers also won two stages at the Tour aquaculture de France, while also claiming a clean sweep of the jerseys at exhibition had a the Eneco Tour. record number of (blog.norway.com/category/ sports) visitors this year Photo: nor-fishing.no Aq u a No r What’s inside? “The exhibition is a very ef- Fishing Foundation, which is the fective meeting place, created by organizer of the event. News 2-3 all the exhibitors and visitors who Aqua Nor is a biennial confer- Business 4 are here,” said Liv Holmefjord, ence in , Norway, that Research & Education 5 Chairman of the Board of the Nor- Opinion 6-7 CONTINUES PAGE 4 Taste of Norway 8 Travel 9 Tutta wins Safeway Classic Roots & Connections 10 Suzann Pettersen Obituaries & Religion 11 Image courtes of Wikimedia Commons takes a victory in The painting “Grunnlovsforsamlingen 1814” was painted by Oscar Ar- Arts & Style 12 nold Wergeland in 1885, 70 years after the historic signing of the Norwegian final round In Your Neighborhood 13 Constitution in 1814. In the painting, Christian Magnus Falsen is standing before Norwegian Heritage 14 the assembly and reads the Constitution, with Wilhelm Frimann Koren Christie No r w a y Po s t sitting next to him. The painting currently hangs in Stortingssalen in the Sports 15 (Norwegian Parliament). Norway's top female golfer Suzann Pettersen produced a strong $1 = NOK 5.4454 So l v e i g Le e ing sworn a solemn oath to “de- 64 before beating South Korea's Na updated 8/22/2011 Mount Vernon, Wash. fend Norway’s independence and Yeon Choi in a play-off to win the In comparison risk life and blood for the beloved LPGA Safeway Classic in Oregon 7/22/2011 5.4145 May 17, 1814 – a date to re- Fatherland,” who put ink to paper on Aug. 21. 2/22/2011 5.6807 member! Norway’s freedom was to forge the independent future of “I didn’t really expect this Norway. when I when I woke up this morn- 8/22/2010 6.2409 centuries in the making, but it was the 112 Eidsvollsmen, hav- CONTINUES PAGE 13 CONTINUES PAGE 15 Photo: suzannpettersen.com 2 • August 26, 2011 norwegian american weekly Nyheter fra Norge Nyheter - Utøya-besøket er et viktig ledd i sorgprosessen Åpnet filmfestivalen med flagget på halv Helgens Utøya-besøk stang Flaggene vaiet på halv stang i hele byen for de overlevende og da årets filmfestival i åpnet med festpremiere på Jens Liens «Sønner etterlatte vil bli et tøft, av Norge». Tragedien som rammet Oslo og men nødvendig ledd i Utøya 22. juli, var et selvfølgelig tema også under åpningen av den 39. Norske filmfes- sorgprosessen, ifølge tivalen i Haugesund. Etter det offisielle programmet skulle forskningsminister Tora psykiater Trond Heir B. Aasland ha åpnet årets festival, men på grunn av den nasjonale minneseremonien Af t e n p o s t e n over de drepte i terrorangrepene, var det ordfører Petter Steen, jr. (H) som foretok I helgen vender 1600 personer tilbake til den høytidelige åpningen av festivalen. – Å Utøya for å minnes de døde. I dag er det de feire filmfestivalen er både et godt og riktig etterlatte som får muligheten til å returnere svar på det angrepet som ble rettet mot det til øya, hvor en egen vert vil følge de som norske samfunnet for en måned siden. Kul- ønsker det til stedet hvor deres kjære mistet turelt mangfold er rett svar, framtidstro og livet. Ifølge TV 2 ønsker 50 av 69 familier å optimisme et annet. Å ta livsgleden tilbake besøke Utøya i dag. er også rett svar. I tillegg til en sjanse til å minnes og vise (VG) respekt til de døde, vil besøket bli et viktig Foto: Paal Sørensen/Wikimedia Commons Klimameldingen utsatt nok en gang ledd i sorgprosessen, sier forsker og psykiater Trond Heir ved Nasjonalt kunnskapssenter Først neste år vil regjeringen gi sitt svar på bra tiltak, som faglig sett er riktig å gjøre, første møtet er viktig fordi det gjøres i fel- om vold og traumatisk stress (NKVTS). Et- hvordan Norge skal klare å kutte 20 prosent både for overlevende og etterlatte. lesskap med andre etterlatte og overlevende. tersom mange av de overlevende ikke har et av klimautslippene innen 2020. Den såka- – Vi har forsket på mennesker i tilsvar- Samtidig kan det for mange være for tidlig å lte klimameldingen skulle egentlig legges klart bilde av hva som skjedde kan det å dra ende situasjon. Mange har behov for å mark- komme tilbake bare en måned etter terroran- fram for Stortinget i høst, ett år senere enn tilbake gi et mer oversiktlig bilde. ere og dele sorg på denne måten. Noen vil grepet. forutsatt. Nå ryker også denne tidsplanen. – De overlevende har et behov for å føle nærhet til de døde ved å være på stedet – Folk har forskjellig behov til forskjel- – Angrepet på regjeringskvartalet har skapt forstå hva som hendte og hvorfor de over- de sist oppholdt seg. I mye av sorgarbeidet lige tider. Noen har et sterkt behov for å vite forsinkelser. Mange i departementene sit- levde, når andre døde. Mange sliter med kommer stadig tilbakevendende tanker om alt nå, mens andre vil komme til å ville ha ter med PC-en på fanget og jobber, sier overlevelsesskyld og det er en følelse det er hvordan dødsfallet kan ha skjedd. Som re- mer informasjon siden. Det må være opp til miljøvernminister Erik Solheim (SV). lettere å bearbeide når man får et mer over- gel er det lettere å forholde seg til en konkret den enkelte. Men ut i fra påmeldingen ser jo (NTB) siktlig bilde av hendelsen, sier Heir. virkelighet enn til en fantasi som stadig en- ut til at dette er noe folk føler et behov for å De inviterte får muligheten til å snakke drer seg. Virkeligheten er lettere å bearbeide, være med på, sier han. Nesten alle døde på øya med politifolk og redningsmannskaper om sier han. English Synopsis: Over 1,600 people visited Utøya 65 av de 69 drepte ble funnet på Utøya. To det som skjedde når de returnerer til øya i Han tror også at mange vil ha behov Aug. 19 – 20. Psychiastrist Trond Heir said visiting the døde på fergekaien på fastlandet, én druknet dag og i morgen. Heir mener det er et veldig for å komme tilbake også senere, men at det island is an important part of the grieving process. og én ble erklært død på Ullevål sykehus. Det opplyser direktør i Helsedirektoratet Bjørn- Inge Larsen etter informasjon fra Helse Sør- Skolene får 22. juli Vi nærmer oss fem millioner Øst. Det er første gang myndighetene går ut med denne informasjonen. inn i læreplanen Folketallet i Norge (Aftenposten) økte med over 15.000 Ap og Høyre er naturlige partnere for KrF Kristelig Folkepartis leder Knut Arild Ha- i andre kvartal i år reide mener at avstanden mellom KrF og Fremskrittspartiet har økt. Han ser i stedet Af t e n p o s t e n på Høyre og Arbeiderpartiet som naturlige Innbyggertallet nærmer seg fem mil- samarbeidspartnere. Utspillene fra Carl I. lioner med stormskritt. Fra april til juni økte Hagen har økt avstanden mellom Frp og folketallet med 15.700 til 4.953.000. Folketil- KrF på kommuneplan, mener Hareide. – Av- veksten er rundt 1.000 flere enn i tilsvarende standen til Frp på grasrota i KrF øker med kvartal i fjor. Hovedårsaken til økningen er slike uttalelser som Hagen har kommet med. økt nettoinnvandring. Nettoinnvandringen Det er inntrykket jeg sitter med, sier Hareide sto for to tredeler av økningen, mens fød- til Klassekampen. – Både Høyre og Ap ser selsoverskuddet sto for resten, viser tall fra på oss som en attraktiv alliert i kommunene. Vi legger ingen føringer for hvilke partier Statistisk sentralbyrå.Verdens befolkning har våre lokalpolitikere skal samarbeide med, Foto: Christy Olsen Field for øvrig økt med én milliard de siste tolv årene og kommer i år til å passere sju mil- men begge disse partiene er viktige samar- VG beidspartnere rundt om i kommunene. liarder, viser tall fra Det nasjonale instituttet (NTB) Over fire uker etter tragediene 22. for demografiske studier (INED) i . juli skal skolene starte undervisningsåret English Synopsis: Norway’s population nears 5 mil- lion, with 15,000 new arrivals in the second quarter. – Folk er blitt flinkare til å bruke bilbelte 2011/2012 med minnemarkeringer. Men se- Foto: Nancy Bundt/Innovation Norway Statens vegvesen sin landsomfattande bil- niorforsker Jon-Håkon Schultz ved Nasjon- beltekontroll i førre veke viser at folk er blitt alt kunnskapssenter om vold og traumatisk Mette-Marit ville hatt lengre sommerferie flinkare til å bruke bilbelte i tettbygde strøk. stress (NKVTS) poengterer at dette ikke Men utanfor tettbygde strøk blir det synda først og fremst er for å sørge sammen. Da kronprinsen spurte elevene i Folldal om de ville hatt like mykje som før med bruken av bilbelte. – På de aller fleste skolene i Norge er Totalt blei det kontrollert 86.000 bilar, og lengre sommerferie, fikk han et klart ja ikke sorg det mest framtredende... det er sjølv om folk er blitt flinkare til å bruke bil- noe annet enn sorgaspektet. Kunnskap og Da g b l a d e t belte, blei det skrive ut 1.550 gebyr. Statens forståelse gir trygghet, sier Schultz. vegvesen analyserer alle dødsulykker. Des- Ved de gamle gruvene i vakre Folldal – Jeg ville også hatt lengre sommerfe- – Dagens barn vil fortelle om 22. juli verre viser statistikken at 40 prosent av dei innledet kronprinsparet det to dager lange rie! utbrøt hun. 2011 til sine barnebarn slik vi fikk høre om som dør i trafikken kvart år ikkje har brukt fylkesbesøket i Hedmark. Kronprins Haakon I talen til folldølene snakket kronprin- 9. av dem som opplevde tyskernes bilbelte. – Ein person som kjem i full fart og kronprinsesse Mette-Marit ble tatt imot sen om tiden etter terrorangrepene 22. juli. invasjon. Det som skjedde i sommer blir en over forsetet i ein kollisjon kan ha ei tyn- av ordfører Eva Tørhaug, fylkesmann Sylvia – De siste ukene har vært vanskelige, sentral del av norsk historie og vil alltid være gde som eit par elefantar. Og vi ser at veldig Brustad og politimester Tormod Bakke. men vi har også opplevd fellesskap og sam- med oss. Vi har fått mye informasjon gjen- mange personskader skjer fordi personane i Kronprinsparet tok seg god tid til å prate hold. La oss holde tak i dette når vi nå går inn nom mediene og hverandre, men nå må sko- baksetet ikkje brukar bilbelte. Under årets med dem som hadde møtt fram, og blant dem i hverdagen, sa kronprinsen, som berømmet len inn i denne prosessen med det pedago- aksjon blei ti passasjerar bøtelagt for å ikkje var mange skoleunger. For dem var mandag folldølene for å bruke mye tid på hverandre. bruke bilbelte i Telemark, seier Vibeke Lin giske perspektivet. første skoledag, og kronprinsen ville vite om Jacobsen i Statens vegvesen i Telemark. English Synopsis: HRH Crown Princess Mette-Marit English Synopsis: Norwegian schools are planning noen av dem kunne tenkt seg lengre ferie. agreed that summer vacation should be longer in a re- (NRK) how to process the July 22 tragedy in the classroom. Svaret var et klart ja. cent visit to Hedmark. Norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/news August 26, 2011 • 3 News Sharing Sigvald Utøya turned over to AUF This week on Norway.com Exhibition at Vesterheim Aker Solutions to create 500 UK jobs On Aug. 23, the police Norwegian International oil services features Norwegian- company Aker Solutions aims to create 500 American sculptor released the Utøya new jobs in the U.K. over the next year, in youth camp over to a bid to increase its business in the region substantially. Norway-listed Aker Solutions Labor Party Youth (AUF) says it is set to recruit 300 staff to its Aberdeen operation and create 200 positions at the company’s west-London engineering office. St a f f Co m p i l a t i o n The move follows a successful start to the Norwegian American Weekly year for Aker Solutions, which has increased its order backlog by 19 percent since Jan. 1. There are already plans for a total reha- It says that market outlook for the U.K. and bilitation of the traditional Arbeidernes Un- Norwegian North Sea, Brazil, West Africa gdomsfylking (AUF) center on the island, and Asia Pacific remains strong. where a lone gunman killed 69 people on (Aker Solutions) July 22. The motivation is to rebuild Utøya and First day of school re-enforce its role as a place for political ac- The youngest child of TRH Crown Prince tivism and recreation. Survivors of the mas- Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit sacre don’t want it to become a place ruined started at Jonsløkka school in Aug. by the massacre but rather a center for the 18. He was accompanied by his parents promotion of democratic principles. and his grandmother HM Queen Sonja. On According to Aftenposten, there is al- reaching the school, the prince was met by Photo courtesy of Vesterheim ready a “July 22nd fund” totaling NOK 15 another student, his sister Princess Ingrid million, earmarked for rebuilding the camp. Photo: Johannes Dalen Giske/AUF Alexandra, who is a year ahead of him. Much of the money has been donated AUF President Eskil Pedersen at Utøya on July Princess Ingrid Alexandra was the first of 20.“The island should be remembered for what it the Royal Family to begin in Jonsløkka. Ve s t e r h e i m No r w e g i a n -Am e r i c a n Mu s e u m by individuals, but private investors Petter was before July 22... it should again be filled with Crown Prince Haakon and Princess Martha CONTINUES PAGE 14 joy,” he said to Aftenposten on Aug. 20. Louise attended Smestad. Smestad was to be Vesterheim Norwegian-American Mu- HM King Harald’s primary school as well, seum announces the opening of a new fine-art but because of World War II, his first day of exhibition, “Sigvald Asbjørnsen, Sculptor,” Geography still relevant school was in the U.S. on view from Sept. 1, 2011, through Sept. 3, (The Royal Palace) 2012. An opening reception is scheduled for Support for most Sept. 1, 5 – 7 p.m. The exhibition is spon- Recent North Sea discovery even larger sored by a bequest from Helen M. Heitmann, parties follows distinct than expected a granddaughter of the artist. geographical patterns The recent oil discoveries at Aldous and The exhibition will be in the newly-ren- Avaldsnes fields show these discoveries may ovated gallery on the first floor of the mu- that can be traced back represent an oil structure of between 500 seum’s main building. In honor of Sigvald to traditional political million and 1.2 billion barrels of recoverable Asbjørnsen, the gallery will be dedicated oil equivalent, making the discovery one of later as the Asbjørnsen Gallery in a private cleavage between the 10 largest oil finds ever on the Norwegian ribbon cutting ceremony by the Queen dur- center and periphery continental shelf (NCS). “Norway has not ing the visit of their Majesties King Harald V seen a similar oil discovery since the mid- and Queen Sonja of Norway in October. 80s,” says Tim Dodson, Statoil’s executive vice president for Exploration. The exhibition explores the life and St a t i s t i cs No r w a y (Statoil) work of Norwegian-American sculptor Sigvald Asbjørnsen, who lived from 1867 to Most switching takes place between Deadly polar bear had a toothache 1954 and was a well-known figure in Chi- parties that are ideologically close to each A polar bear that attacked a group of British cago’s community. Busts, other. These are some of the findings pub- campers on Svalbard earlier this month may reliefs, and interpretive works are featured lished from the Electoral Study today. The have been especially aggressive because of a in the exhibition, along with the pastel draw- Photo: Statistics Norway study was conducted by Statistics Norway toothache, according to a state veterinarian ings Asbjørnsen preferred in his later years. Support for the Labor Party at the municipal and the Institute for Social Research. who has examined the bear’s head. Bjørnar Most of the pieces on view are from Vester- level in the 2009 election. Labor has its strongest support in inte- Ytrehus of Norway’s Veterinary Institute heim’s collections, with a few from private rior parts of the country, ranging from the told news bureau NTB that the nerves were owners and other institutions, including gions. However, its traditional weak position southeastern part and all the way up north. exposed on several of the bear’s teeth. Luther College and the Marquette Regional in the western part of the country is not so Except for the most northern county – Finn- Earlier autopsy results had also revealed that History Center. There are also text panels pronounced any more. This is due to weaker mark – Labor’s share of the votes is signifi- the bear’s stomach was mostly empty. support in the other regions. (Views and News of Norway) CONTINUES PAGE 8 cantly lower along the fjords and coastal re- CONTINUES PAGE 15 Raise funds with the Norwegian American Weekly Share the Norwegian American Weekly with your fellow Norwegians, and benefit your organization at the same time!

We have a new fundraising offer for Scandinavian organizations: • For every new subscription you sell, your organization gets $20 of the profit (It adds up quickly!) • Use the money towards programs, scholarship funds, or however you like • Every subscription is an investment in Norwegian heritage, and keeps your members in the loop about Norway and the Norwegian-American community Want more information? Contact Kelsey at [email protected] or (800) 305-0217

Norwegian American Weekly (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 1942-1389) is published weekly except the last two weeks of July, the first two weeks of August and the last week of Dec. by Norwegian American Weekly Inc, 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, WA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Norwegian American Weekly 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Phone: (206)784-4617 • Email: naw@norway. Proud to bring you the Norwegian American Weekly com • Website: norway.com. Annual subscription cost: USD $55 domestic; USD $75 to Canada; USD $175 to Norway and all other foreign countries. 4 • august 26, 2011 Online: blog.norway.com/category/business norwegian american weekly Business Exchange Rates Oslo Børs: Week at a Glance (August 22, 2011) Great place for business Norsk Kr. 5.4454 Oslo Innovation Week brings together Dansk Kr. 5.1786 bright minds and bright ideas in October Svensk Kr. 6.3529 Canadian $ 0.9892 Euro 0.6952 Ra s m u s Fa l c k Oslo, Norway For detailed information about the Oslo Børs, visit www.dn.no. This year’s Oslo Innovation Week is set and skill levels. But the beauty of Kikora to take place Oct. 17 – 21. Here investors, sci- is how the exercises are completed. Using Norwegian Commercial Club entists and business leaders will gather to put unique software it gives students feedback seattle, washington innovation and value creation on the agen- as they work. This means that they can da. This is the sixth time Oslo In- isolate where they’ve made a mis- Please join us! novation Week has happened. take, and try to correct it as The program will consist they go. September 8: Guest speaker: Geoff Briggs of a series of events or- Oslo was recently Geoff Briggs will talk about the 56-foot Viking ship his ganized by a number of named best city for at- organization is building using traditional methods. The prominent actors. The tracting inward invest- vessel will be used to provide wilderness experiences for aim is to bridge the gap ment in the British youths. between entrepreneurs, business magazine investors and centres of “The New Economy.” Menu: Please call the Leif Erikson Hall for dinner menu excellence to promote The decision was made innovation and growth. based on a range of crite- The largest ethnic business club in One of the events is ria considered by an award the Norwegian Investment judging panel, combined Washington Forum. It is the largest venture with public voting on the inter- forum in Norway and is attended by net. Some of the main factors were 6 p.m. at Leif Erikson Lodge, located at 2245 NW 57th Street, Seattle, more than 200 participants. Up to 30 growth economic development and growth, good WA 98107. To purchase tickets (dinner included) contact Ozzie companies will have the opportunity to pres- governance and transparency and liquidity Kvithammer at Viking Bank (206) 297-4254. ent themselves and the Forum is looking for in the market. candidates. The World Bank has ranked Norway supporting local norwegian bu siness since 1932 Last year the Norwegian software com- among the top performers in the case of do- pany Kikora gave a presentation at the Fo- ing business. The Norwegian economy is rum. The company provides online learning strong, open and globally integrated with a materials for math education. It works close- high level of trade and foreign investments, ly with students and teachers to develop its and a favourable international competitive- 2709 SAN PABLO AVE — BERKELEY, CA 94702 products, and uses unique software to help ness. Phone: (800) 854-6435 — Email: [email protected] ensure that students increase their under- There are many sound business reasons standing as they work. Kikora has its roots for investing in the Oslo region, but equal- in the Department of Computer Science at ly strong are the incentives to experience a Featuring great Nordic products the University of Oslo. The company was quality of life unparalleled in many Europe- Books • Candy and Chocolates • Canned goods • Condiments founded in 2005, and today has seven full- an cities. With a unique blend of vibrant big Cooking wares • Dry Goods • Gift items • Specialty meats time employees. “Kikora” means joy in city life and recreational opportunities, Oslo and more! Swahili. makes a great place to both work and live. The company has more than 4,000 math Why don’t you visit Oslo Innovation Visit us online: www.nordichouse.com exercises, targeted to different age groups Week and check it out for yourselves? Business News & Notes Arctic drilling in a safe way sive need for new technologies, improved stan- DNV’s summer students presented the results dards and increased arctic research. But that’s of seven weeks of intense and targeted work not all: the students predict that drilling in the with a concept for year-round drilling and ex- Arctic could be up to four times as expensive as ploration off the shore of north-east Greenland. drilling in the North Sea. More than anything their work unfolded a mas- (Det Norske Veritas) feeding the world... (…continued from page 1) use for the first time this year. In the main entrance hall a large information screen has been an important international venue was installed, and some 15 smaller screens for the aquaculture industry for over 30 were placed in the various exhibition halls years. The recipe for success is a balanced to inform visitors and exhibitors of coming mixture of exhibitors, professional confer- events. In addition an application for “smart ences, seminars and presentations. In addi- phones” was developed to show a map of the tion, international visitors added color to the area and the entire program for the exhibi- exhibition. tion and related events. “All told we have had visitors from 61 “With more than 20 mini-seminars and nations,” says Ola Eriksen, Managing Direc- conferences going on it is not always easy tor of Trondheim Spektrum, the technical to remember when and where to go,” says organizer. Aqua Nor also draws a number of Eriksen. We will be developing this further foreign delegations to Trondheim. Five for- for the next exhibition. I can help you with your changing insurance or financial needs. eign ministers visited the exhibition as heads In a comment at the end of the exhibi- of official delegations. tion, Liv Holmefjord, Chairman of the Nor- Scott F. Peterson “Many of the fish farming companies Fishing, said: “We are very happy with the (206) 783-2195 have brought many of their own staff to the results this year. But we are already looking 1713 NW Market St. exhibition this time. Managers as well as ahead to the next exhibition, which is the Seattle people in the work force,” added Eriksen. Nor-Fishing fisheries technology exhibition [email protected] The common comment from the exhibi- Aug. 14 – 17, 2012.” tors is that it gives them an opportunity to More than 17,500 visitors from 61 na- Come and compare your current policy with one from Allstate. discuss professional problems, but also to tions came to Aqua Nor this year. This was Insurance and savings offered only through select company and subject to availability and qualifications. Savings applies to most 3,500 more (25 percent) than during Aqua major coverages.Allstate Fire and Casualty Insurance Company: Northbrook, IL. © 2009 Allstate Insurance Company. just get together more socially. New information technology was put to Nor 2009. norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/research august 26, 2011 • 5 Research & Education Thoughts from a “double-man” Memories from working with the famous Norwegian explorer Dr. Thor Heyerdahl

Dr. St e i n a r Op s t a d , Norway

Ed. Note: Steinar Opstad, who worked with Thor Heyerdahl for many years, has written this “interview” with Dr. Heyerdahl. Since Dr. Heyerdahl no longer is with us, Opstad has used published genuine state- ments from Heyerdahl as answers.

I met the late famous explorer and sci- entist Dr. Thor Heyerdahl when he was key- note speaker at the World Editor’s Congress in Oslo, Norway, in the 1970s. The Norwe- gian became famous around the world after his journey of 101 days on a raft sailing from Peru, South America to Raroia island in the Polynesians together with six men in 1947. The last time we had a presentation to- gether was at Augsburg College in Minne- Photo: Bengt Jonson/SEBRA FILM AB apolis, Minn., in 1999. We also met a few From left: Steinar Opstad, Bengt Jonson and Thor Heyerdahl in Columbia, South America. times after Augsburg, but after Dr. Heyer- dahl understood that he had a terminal can- give us a chance to walk on the moon. For progress and to our own good. Progress is means “double-men.” The original reason for cer illness, he devoted his time to his family sure, the time ahead will give us surprises. measured as the distance from the natural en- this descriptive term was that the islanders and his work. Thor Heyerdahl died in 2002 We must bear in mind that the future is not vironment that bought us into existence. had never seen European clothing. The first in his dear village Colla Micheri in at a continuation of the present, which would Dr. Thor Heyerdahl declared himself Spaniards who came ashore on Fatu-Hiva 88 years old. mean stagnation; the future is a prolongation as one of the growing numbers of environ- took off their helmet, and they had another The first opinion I remember from my of the past. It is necessary to project an ex- mentalists, and as one with an academic head underneath, they took off their coat and first meeting with him was his clear statement tension of the past to get at least a slight idea background of biology, but also as one who trousers, socks and boots, and there was an- that any attempt to meet the challenges of the about some of the trends of the future. knows from personal experience that we other man inside. This man inside, when they future is bound to involve a certain amount These statements from Heyerdahl are a cannot survive without an adequate and vi- got to know him, also proved he had a double of hazard, for whether we are prophets or few of the many memories I have from my able civilization. way of thinking. He forced the islanders to planners we must allow for the minimum of contact with him. We travelled to several “At the age of 22, way back in 1936, I put on warm trousers and long dress and told unknown factors, and more today than ever parts of the world when I was assistant pro- was so thoroughly convinced that western them is was sin to run around naked without before in human history. As someone said ducer for SEBRA FILM, a Swedish compa- civilization was on the wrong course, that I shame, whereupon he told them of God who at a recent assembly of the World Wildlife ny which was granted rights to all Heyerdahl picked myself a bride and left for a South Sea created Adam and Eve naked without shame Fund: “The real problem in our time is that documentaries. In addition, we became good island, intending to turn right back to nature and threw them out of his garden because he the future isn’t what it used to be.” personal friends during all these travels. I and thus get a clear impression of the true found them covered up with fig-leaves. And Indeed, never before have there been so remember Heyerdahl had many comments values of our own civilization by viewing it never had the Lord seen longer gowns and many radical changes, decade by decade, as regarding the present international situation. from the outside,” said Heyerdahl. With an bigger hats than when these Polynesians be- we witness in human society and in our envi- The ants have a clear concept of what iron pot and a long knife, but with no provi- gan to go to church. ronment at the present time, said Heyerdahl they want when they build their ant-hill, the sions, matches or medicine he and his young The next lesson from the “double-men” in his address to the world’s editors in the wasps when they build their nest, and the wife Liv went ashore the little jungle island was the Christian message that one should early 1970s. beavers when they build a dam to flood the of Fatu-Hiva in the Marquesas group right not think of tomorrow, but look how well Heyerdahl meant that these changes are entrance to their hut. But homo sapiens, the under the Equator. There was no radio, no God took care of the birds and butterflies. almost without exception caused by man wisest of all creatures, have no idea of what contact with the outside world, and nobody This message pleased the islanders, who had himself, intentionally or unintentionally, so they are building. We do not build according ashore but Polynesian-speaking natives. never thought of tomorrow anyhow. But the if we could become better planners it would to instinct nor to plan. The captain of the schooner, who used three “double-man” was quick to come back with also be easier for us to become better proph- We work together like masons, car- weeks to bring them there from Tahiti, prom- his savings box, bank installment, insurance ets and predict with some degree of reassur- penters and plumbers coming to a common ised to come back after a year to find out how and old age policy, and scorned the island- ance the conditions of tomorrow. building site with no architect and no blue- they were getting along. ers for their laziness. They had to come and This violent and truly extreme discord print, each adding at random a brick, a win- It was during the year in the Marquesas work on the copra plantations and think of among the prophets is a marked post-World dow, a piece of tube, anything raising a tow- Island that he heard to his surprise the name the future. War II phenomenon. It has grown into a ering structure above the ground. these islanders had given to the first Euro- The Polynesians were ancestor-wor- world debate reflected in all sorts of publi- The problem will become clearer in the peans. They called them enata-eua, which CONTINUES PAGE 11 cations, and will without doubt increase in next decade, predicted Heyerdahl. We have vigor and intensity in the coming years. It is no concept of what we want: no model, no a discrepancy of opinion on the road ahead goal. We are in fact not building towards which concerns all of us: writers, publish- something, and we are only building to get ers and readers. It is already affecting the away, away from some obscure past. Be- growing generation and is causing insecurity hind us loom shadows of cannibals and ape AIR – SEA – LAND SPECIALISTS among modern youth, who distrust our judg- men. We dread our own forgotten pedigree ment as to how to organize a world worth- and have lost the rue concept of the civilized SAS now offers nonstop flights NEWARK – OSLO. Call for details while for them to confront as adults. generations prior to our own. Like orphans Our grandparents counted on a human striving for security in a self-made world we Contact us for all your travel needs, domestic and worldwide! are guided by the philosophy that any step future continuing with reasonable adjust- 7906 Fifth Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11209 ments, much the way they had arranged it. we can take, as long as it brings us further Tel: (718) 748-7400 • Fax: (718) 238-3604 • [email protected] They did not imagine that their steps would away from the jungle and Mother Nature, is 6 • august 26, 2011 norwegian american weekly opinion An opinion column about current issues in Norway Join the conversation! On the EDGE The mother of all “system failures” By Solveig Torvik, author of “The World’s Best Place: Norway and the Norwegians”

One evening in the fall of 2008, I joined 1960s. Naivete is the Norwegians’ own apt a nation that downplays the role, rights and will calibrate that loss, or assign responsibil- several hundred people who’d seen a news- word for their rosy world view. responsibilities of the individual. ity for it, remains to be seen. My guess is paper ad inviting the public to Oslo’s Lit- Do cut the police some slack; they were Stubborn refusal to anticipate unthink- they won’t go there. teraturhuset to hear Norway’s finance min- preoccupied with the shocking bombing in able events and willful blindness to changing Americans celebrate the individual; ister explain what the global financial crisis Oslo when the shooting started on the island. social realities are hallmarks of the Norwe- Norwegians celebrate the common good. might portend for Norway. And don’t blame individual police officers; gian police force, which to all appearances Socialized to be self-effacing, they’re far That evening foreshadowed how it this tragedy is not of their making. They ap- is accountable to a higher authority only on more willing than Americans to defer to de- could be possible for a deranged gunman in pear to have done the best they could with paper. Police routinely, and without penalty, cisions made for them by “the authorities” this wealthy kingdom to spend 90 leisurely the sub-standard training, resources and shelve solvable cases. An army of pickpock- because they trust that whatever’s being minutes killing 69 young people on a small policing strategy they had. Their confused, ets, drug dealers, prostitutes and gangs roam done and decided is for the good of society. island after he had detonated a car bomb at Keystone Kops rescue effort horrifically ex- Oslo’s streets, free of police interference. “Individualism” is in fact a dirty word in government headquarters, killing eight. posed a mother of all “system failures,” the Instead of a police presence outside govern- Norway, where calling attention to oneself, Everyone entered the lecture hall that formulation Norwegians fall back on when ment buildings to prevent attacks, cameras making personal demands or too eagerly as- evening unchallenged. No security was in things go wrong and, as if by tacit agree- record the deed. Because armed lunatics are suming a leadership role is bad form. Few sight. When Finance Minister Kristin Hal- ment, no one is to be held accountable. inconceivable in Norway, nearly 600 of the Norwegians willingly admit they’re the boss vorsen arrived, the entrance to the auditori- Nonetheless, when a government head- nation’s young Labor party members, as of anyone, and Norwegians don’t do orders. um was so tightly jammed with people that to quarters cavalierly is left unprotected from well as top government officials, can be sent Consensus rules in decision-making, dif- reach the stage, she had to physically shoul- car bombs and people are being murdered to an island gathering where there’s only one fusing personal responsibility. In my view, der her way through the crowd that pressed over a 90-minute period while police are unarmed security guard. this amorphous accountability system is one against her. No police, no bodyguards, no no-shows, “rosy” inescapably metamorpho- This is reactive, not proactive, polic- reason the government fails to come to grips security guards were visible, and none inter- ses into “irresponsible.” In most countries, ing. with corrosive problems such as ineffective fered. This was a quintessential Norwegian “criminally negligent” would be fair judg- Norway is a debt-free country. It has the policing. faith-based moment: It was simply unthink- ment of such a systemic government failure world’s largest sovereign wealth investment The underlying trigger of this tragedy, able that anyone might harm the finance to protect citizens. fund. But since oil riches aren’t spent on do- of course, is Norway’s struggle to integrate minister. Or blow up government headquar- But so far, such condemnation hasn’t mestic needs, there’s just one police helicop- newcomers of color into an historically xe- ters. Or shoot helpless teenagers trapped on been much in evidence in Norway, where the ter for this entire 1,100 mile-long nation of nophobic society. Perhaps these cold-blood- an island. That would be un-Norwegian. emphasis has been on solidarity and closing nearly 5 million. On July 22, all the pilots ed murders will awaken not only a national It’s unthinkable, in other words, that ranks. The prime minister on whose watch were off on fellesferie, the ill-considered determination to be more accepting of dif- rapid-response, always-armed police ca- this horror occurred has cautioned everyone, common national vacation, grounding the ferent races and religions, but also a more pability and meaningful, proactive secu- including newspaper editors, to be careful chopper. vivid sense of what citizens have a right to rity measures could be needed in Norway. what they say. Norwegians reportedly are When a crime is committed in Norway, expect from their government by way of po- Norwegians pride themselves on an “open,” proud that there’s been no “American-style” the primary focus isn’t on obtaining justice lice protection – even in “the world’s best safe, egalitarian democracy. The operative call for revenge, and the government has for the victim. It’s on rehabilitation of the place.” assumption appears to be that bad things promised to keep an open society. perpetrator, because that’s judged to be in can’t happen in Norway; they only happen This is all well and good, even admi- the best interest of society. The unspoken at- Solveig Torvik is a in less civil societies. So Norwegians scoff rable. But it masks the fact that Norwegians titude is that crimes are committed against Norwegian-American at the formidable security barriers surround- are prone to confuse reasonable security society – certainly the case in this instance – journalist and author ing the United States Embassy in Oslo. precautions with a loss of democracy. And not against the individual victim. Yet it was of “The World’s Best When it comes to evil deeds, ordinary it glosses over the heartbreakingly obvi- 77 innocent, defenseless individuals to who Place: Norway and the citizens, the country’s political class and its ous: many lives could have been saved had died. And their deaths, in some measure, are Norwegians,” available hapless national police force suffer from a police been properly prepared to protect attributable to a collective failure of imagi- as an e-book or print- lack of imagination. While the world around citizens, who do, after all, have a legitimate nation. That seems to me a high price to pay able document at www. smashwords.com. them has changed, they’re living in the taxpayer claim on such services – even in for naivete. But how Norwegians themselves

The opinions expressed by opinion writers featured in “On the Edge” are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those views is not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor. powerful ceremony... (…continued from page 1) rial Ceremony featured performances from democracy and society. And I have faith in vite them for coffee, go on a walk some of Norway’s leading music artists, our opportunities to live freely and securely together,” Stoltenberg urged, noting wegian People’s Aid, staff from Sundvolden speeches from HM King Harald and Prime in our own country.” that families who lost loved ones Hotel (which served as an impromptu rescue Minister Jens Stoltenberg, and a reading of He said the tragedy proved a reminder will still have to face “the empty center), police, health care workers, fire and the victims’ names by five Norwegian ac- of “the fundamentals that tie us all together chair at Sunday dinner, the birth- other emergency personnel and soldiers who tors. in our multi-cultural society. Let us take care day without the birthday-boy or girl took part in the rescue operations. Dignitar- Norway’s 74-year-old monarch thanked of that, and of each other.” present, the first Christmas.” ies who attended the ceremony included the Stoltenberg for leading the country through In his speech, Stoltenberg said Norwe- • Keeping all senses alert for all signs Royal Family, government ministers, mem- its most difficult time since World War II. In gians must move forward, also to start dis- of extremism. “We will meet hate bers of the Norwegian and Sami parliaments, his speech, HM King Harald said that nearly agreeing amongst themselves again, because with arguments,” he said. all Nordic prime ministers, members of other all words used to describe the results of the the country’s diverse population is based on • Creating security. “Good prepared- Scandinavian royal families, the diplomatic attacks had “been used up,” said he wanted differences and disagreement is natural. He ness will create security, with vis- corps and the Church of Norway. to repeat what he said the day after the trag- stressed three national duties, though, in the ible police on the streets,” he said. Broadcast by NRK, the National Memo- edies: “I have faith that freedom is stronger spirit of the national solidarity that emerged than fear. I have faith in an open Norwegian so visibly after July 22: While the grieving will continue, the • Recognition for those mourners National Memorial Ceremony marks the cul- who will continue to need sympa- mination of Norway’s mourning period. Let us help with your next fundraiser! thy and support. “Bake a cake, in- Share the Weekly with your fellow Norwegians, and benefit your organization at the same time! We have a new fundraising offer for Scandinavian Russ Oberg, CLTC, CLU organizations: • For every new subscription you sell, your organization Independent Insurance Broker gets $20 of the profit Long-Term Health Care • Use the money towards programs, scholarship funds, Serving individuals and corporations or however you like • Every subscription is an investment in Norwegian Call me or visit my website: heritage, and keeps your members in the loop about Norway and the Norwegian-American community www.obergltc.com (206)362-5913 For details, contact Kelsey at [email protected] or (800) 305-0217 5650 24th Ave NW, Ste 603 Seattle, WA 98107-4155 UPDATE norwegian american weekly a August 26, 2011 • 7 opinion Norwegian American Weekly Published since May 17, 1889 Letters to the Editor 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Do you have something to say? Send your letters to us! Toll-free: (800) 305-0217 • Local:(206) 784-4617 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 fax: (206) 448-2033 • email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Publisher Norwegian American Foundation [email protected] Dear Editor, Dear Editor, and Washington with potential possibilities CEO and Executive Director, NAF My mother and I were talking tonight Will Thor Heyerdal (Kon-Tiki and Aku in Wyoming. Kim Nesselquist [email protected] about the Decorah Posten which she enjoyed Aku) be featured in a future issue of NAW? The original masts for the ship Fram Managing Editor as a child. He certainly belongs in with the explorers. came from the Pacific Northwest in the ear- Christy Olsen Field [email protected] My mother just turned 92. Our discus- Also his excavations in the Caucasus fea- ly 1890s. The Fram was built to test Fridt- sion came about because of a little basket tured in the book “Jakten på Odin. På Sporet jof Nansen’s theories on the currents of the Copy Editor and Subscriptions Manager that I have been bequeathed by my late aunt av vår Fortid” (The Hunt for Odin. On the Arctic Ocean. She is an “ice ship” and was Kelsey Larson [email protected] Emma, who lived up by Gully, Minn. Track of our Past). How about Helge Ingstad specifically built for this type of explora- Assistant Layout Editor and his find of Viking settlements on L’Anse tion: “She has voyaged further, both north Harry Svenkerud [email protected] aux Meadows? and south, than any other surface vessel in history.” In August 2010, she celebrates the Contributing Editors

Sincerely, 100th anniversary of the beginning of her Bjarne Anthonsen Bonsall, Calif. Roar Irgens historic voyage to the South Pole with Roald Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash. Carla Danziger McLean, Va. Mt. Vernon, Wash. Amundsen and his crew. A mast is represent- Gary G. Erickson Sunburg, Minn. ed on the medallion and logo with full sails Rasmus Falck oslo, Norway moving forward into the future. Marit Fosse geneva, Switzerland Shelby Gilje Seattle, Wash. Dear Roar, In 1930, Captain Otto Sverdrup con- Line Grundstad Hanke Seattle, Wash. We’re glad you asked! Thor Heyerdahl tacted G. B. Joergenson of East Stanwood, Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. is one of the most well-known Norwegians in Wash., requesting interested people to se- Leslee Lane Hoyum rockford, Minn. the world, and he deserves recognition. cure masts for the restoration of the Fram. Else Hvistendahl New York, N.Y. Inger-Torill Kirkeby Miami, Fla. Contributing editor Steinar Opstad Subsequently, a committee appealed to Ole Thor A. Larsen Fishkill, N.Y. worked with Thor Heyerdahl for many years, Lervick, a logger in East Stanwood. Mr. Ler- Solveig M. Lee Seattle, Wash. and has written an article about his experi- vick happened to be logging Zakarias Mar- Richard Londgren Thousand Oaks, Calif. Dagfinn Magnus New Orleans, La. ences. You can read more on page 5! tin Taftezon’s donation claim in what is now Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. Photo courtesy of Mark Toffle Oak on Whidbey Island, Wash. Berit T. Mesarick Williamsburg, Va. The origins of this basket are uncertain. David Moe Juneau, Alaska Sincerely, Three masts were secured by Mr. Ler- Ken Nordan Batavia, Ill. Editor vick measuring 110 feet long and four feet Bill Osmundsen New York, N.Y, Lisa Portelli Bradenton, Fla. They called it a “trollask.” It appears in diameter at the base. He delivered them to John Erik Stacy Seattle, Wash. to be quite old. The family records we have Oak Harbor. Captain O. O. Hvattum towed Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. trace it back to about the 1500s. It must have Dear Editor, the logs from Oak Harbor to Seattle. The logs Kjell Olav Strømsli Trondheim, Norway Beate Ørbeck oslo, Norway been quite a prized possession as it was one The story of Fram and Roald Amundsen were then shipped to the Fram committee in

of the things they brought over in their trunk. (see the “Norwegian Explorers” special issue Oslo, Norway. The ship is now displayed in CORRECTIONS: Norwegian American Weekly strives It has been handed down to the youngest per- from July 8) has a local angle which we start- the Fram Museum in Oslo. to make its news report fair and accurate. If you son in every generation. I was at the art fair ed celebrating in 2009 in Sons of Norway! Mange takk to the Sons of Norway Foun- have a question or comment about news coverage call (206) 784-4617. • Norwegian American Weekly today and a lady who makes wooden baskets Why “Fram, forward into the future?” dation for supporting our District 2 centenni- reserves the right to edit any and all submissions for was there. I asked her if she used spruce roots Fram means “forward” in English! The Sons al through the General Heritage and Culture style, grammar, accuracy and/or space, and the right for her basket and we talked a bit about the of Norway continues to move forward into not to print submissions deemed libelous, in poor taste, or not suited for publication in this newspaper. museum down in Decorah, Iowa. I’m won- the future by developing programs to honor • The opinions expressed by opinion writers and dering if there have been any articles about our ancestry and interest in Norway while letter writers are not necessarily those of Norwegian these “witches baskets” before or if any of adapting to new technologies. American Weekly, and our publication of those views is not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions your readers know anything about them. 2010 honored the centennial of the con- and complaints about the opinions expressed by solidation and merger on July 9, 1910, in the paper’s editorials should be directed to the Thanks! Grand Forks, N.D., of Sons of Norway of the publisher. • Norwegian American Weekly is published weekly except the first week of the calendar year, Mark Toffle Pacific Coast organized May 13, 1903, with the last two weeks of July, and the first two weeks St. Louis Park, Minn. Sons of Norway organized on Jan. 16, 1895, of August by Norwegian American Weekly, INC. • in the Midwest to become Sons of Norway. Please send address changes to 7301 Fifth Ave. NE Suite A Seattle, WA 98115 • Annual Subscription Our logo with the red, white, and blue Cost: US$55 Domestic, US$75 to Canada, Dear Mark, of our national colors commemorates the Grant and Partnership Grant programs. US$175 to Norway and all other foreign countries. We haven’t heard of a , but we trollask formation of District 2 which was comprised Fram design by Brent Swenson of SINCE MAY 17, 1889: hope our community of readers can help fill of lodges in Washington, California, Oregon, Rhombus, Inc. Formerly Norway Times in the blanks! Do you know any information Idaho and British Columbia. From 1913 – For more information, visit the District Western Viking & Washington Posten about the trollask basket? Please write to us 1924, lodges in Montana were part of Dis- 2 website: www.sonsofnorway2.com. at [email protected] or Letter to the Editor, Comprising Nordisk Tidene, Decorah- trict 2. In 1952, California lodges were trans- Posten og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, 7301 5th Ave NE Ste A, Seattle, WA 98115. ferred into the new District 6. In 1966, Brit- Sincerely, Minnesota Posten, Norrona and Skandinaven ish Columbia lodges were transferred into Christine M. Anderson Sincerely, District 7. We now have more than 11,000 Historian for District 2, Sons of Norway NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC. Editor members in lodges in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Seattle, Wash. Han Ola og Han Per 8 • august 26, 2011 norwegian american weekly Taste of Norway Sweet taste of multe Savor this sweet, traditional dessert that NORDIC DELICACIES “A TASTE OF NORWAY IN THE HEART OF BROOKLYN!” highlights the best flavors of August

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Do you have a lutefisk dinner coming up this fall? Contact us with the event information for our event calendar! Email [email protected] or call (800) 305-0217. Photo: Tine.no You are cordially invited to the 32nd annual Multekrem Cloudberry cream An old Norwegian standard! Delicious golden cloudberries with whipped cream, prefer- ably with some cookies, cake or crackers: cloudberry cream never goes out of fashion.

1 2/3 cups heavy whipping cream 2 cups cloudberries 3 tablespoons sugar

Mix the sugar and berries. You can also use cloudberry jam/preserves, about 1 ½ cups. Whip the cream, and blend it with the berries and sugar. Serve with some whole berries on top, with crackers or cookies. Scandinavian Day Festival Adapted from MatPrat.no SIGVA LD.… (…continued from page 3) is one his most celebrated works. He received Sunday, September 11, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. many honors for his life’s artwork, includ- VASA PARK, Route 31 along the Fox River, South Elgin, Illinois with photos and information about his out- ing the Order of St. Olav in 1952, which was door sculptures. presented by King Haakon VII of Norway. 7 miles South of 1-90 Northwest To l l w a y & 5 Miles North of IL Rt. 64 North Ave “This is the first time that so many Luther College intern Kelsey Simpkins • Come celebrate , DeKalb Footstompers and sculptures by Sigvald Asbjørnsen have been assisted with the exhibition. “After piecing , , Norway and sweet tunes for dancing by the exhibited together,” said Laurann Gilbertson, together the whole story, his life reveals him Vesterheim’s Chief Curator. to be a great man as well as a great artist,” Sweden! Sun City Dance Band Asbjørnsen spent his childhood in Oslo, she said. “His influence in both Chicago and • Enjoy traditional food, crafts, • FREE PARKING! Norway, and after a five-year scholarship to Norwegian-American communities is espe- games, gifts and entertainment • Admission: $10 for Adults, free the Royal Academy granted by King Oscar cially relevant in Decorah, and Vesterheim is • Featuring Sun City Concert for children 12 & under II, he immigrated to Michigan in 1892 to pur- the perfect place to feature him,” she said. Band, Nordic Folk Dancers, Ole sue his art. He married Margaretha Stuhr and Vesterheim’s collection of Sigvald Asb- • Join in the fun, rain or shine! they left for Chicago in 1893. Asbjørnsen’s jørnsen sculptures are online as part of the & Sven, Bjornson Male Chorus, first work in Chicago was with the World’s Smithsonian American Art Museum’s Na- Columbian Exposition and then he began to tional Art Inventories, searchable at: http:// www.scandinaviandayil.com create commissioned monuments, statues, americanart.si.edu/research/programs/inven- and busts of important American men and tory. Scandinavian Park, inc. nFP famous Norwegians. During the Great De- For complete schedules of events, exhi- Birthdays – Anniversaries – Weddings – Reunions – Graduations – Festivals – Picnics – Concerts pression, large commissions were scarce, so bitions, and classes, and more information ScanPark Hotline: (847) 695-6720 • E-mail: [email protected] he worked on smaller, interpretive pieces. about ways to donate, check out Vesterheim Asbjørnsen’s statue of explorer Leif Er- online at vesterheim.org. visit us online: www.vasaparkil.com icson, located in Humboldt Park in Chicago, norwegian american weekly august 26, 2011 • 9 travel Proud of our close ties Amerikafest in Karmøy, Norway, honors the strong bonds between Norway and the U.S.

Photos courtesy of Amerikafest Left: U.S. Ambassador to Norway Barry White addresses the group of Norwegians and Americans Aug. 5 in Karmøy. Center: A visit to the Fishermen’s Memorial was part of the scheduled activities. From left: Mayor of Karmøy Kjell Arvid Svendsen, Ambassador Barry White, Arnold Rasmussen, Kaare Ness, and Consul Kim Nesselquist. Right: Consul Kim Nesselquist at the Statue of Liberty Monument in Karmøy. Copper mined in Karmøy was used in the iconic Statue of Liberty in New York.

Sp e c i a l Re l e a s e an important cultural connection. “The people from Karmøy who left for America are proud of their origins, and we A truly Norwegian-American event took think it is time that we show that we appreci- place Aug. 5 on Karmøy, an island on Nor- ate everyone who has a relation to the U.S.,” way’s southwest coast. Held by the Karmøy said the board of the Rotary Club. West Rotary Club at the Blue Cross premises Amerikafest is not part of Fiskerid- in Åkrehamn, the main goal of this gather- agene (“Fishing Days,” an annual festival ing, called Amerikafest, was to provide a day held in Karmøy) but it is held in consultation of social interaction and entertainment, and with the festival organizers. The traditional to simultaneously build closer ties between Fiskeridagene calls many Karmøy-Ameri- Norwegians, Americans, and those who have cans “home” to partake in the festival, which connections to both countries. inspired the Rotary to add Amerikafest as the “It is past time that we show that we are first event of its kind on Aug. 5. proud of the people from Karmøy who went “I expect that many will appreciate that to America and hold an event where we cre- such a party is being held,” said President of ate an even stronger bond between them and the Karmøy Club in Seattle, Tor Tollesen, to us,” said the board of the Rotary Club in an Karmøynytt. Recently, Tollesen was home interview with Karmøynytt. on Karmøy and took part in the planning of There was a full house with 260 people Amerikafest. Photo: Amerikafest from the U.S. and Norway. Forty people came “I am sure that many who come from From left: Mayor Kjell Arvid Svendsen, Consul Kim Nesselquist and Rolf Pedersen in Skudeneshavn. from Sons of Norway Haugaland Lodge #818 America to visit Karmøy this summer will in Haugesund, Norway. Dignitaries present attend the event. But it is important to em- at the event included the U.S. Ambassador to phasize that this is an event fro anyone who The Little Viking Gift Shoppe Norway Barry B. White, and Consul of Nor- has a relationship to America,” he said. way Kim Nesselquist from Seattle, Wash. Lasse Pedersen guided guests through a touch of in southern California Ambassador White and Consul Nesselquist the evening, and Voice of Joy Synnøve Aan- visited the Mayor and the Fisherman’s Me- ensen, Solfrid Brekkå and Hans Petter Tan- Come see our new shop in Temecula! morial during their visit to Karmøy, forging gen provided musical entertainment. Fine gifts and collectibles, cooking supplies, clothing, and more! Seaport Village • 817 West Harbor Dr. (619) 232-7160 • (951) 676-6800 Old Town • 28480 C Old Town Front St. San Diego, CA 92101 www.thelittleviking.com Temecula, CA 92590 Sigvald Asbjørnsen, Sculptor September 1, 2011-September 3, 2012 An exhibition of works by the accomplished Norwegian-American artist, including portrait busts of famous Norwegians and Americans. Sponsored through a bequest from Helen M. Heitmann.

Photo: Amerikafest Preserving a heritage. Connecting us all. With over 250 attendees, Amerikafest brought together people from both sides of the Atlantic to cel- ebrate the strong bonds between Karmøy and the U.S. 523 W. Water St., Decorah, Iowa • 563-382-9681 • vesterheim.org 10 • august 26, 2011 norwegian american weekly roots & connections Norwegian American Weekly Photo of the Week with David Moe

of California Earl Warren and the only Earl Warren was born March 19, Governor of 1891, in Los Angeles, Calif. His fa- California to ther was a Norwegian immigrant who be elected to worked as an employee for the Southern three succes- Pacific Railroad and Earl lived most of sive terms in his childhood years in Bakersfield, Ca- 1942, 1946 lif. As a young boy, he was determined and 1950. to become a lawyer, having listened to In 1946, he cases at the Kern County Courthouse. was the only After high school, he attended the governor to win an election unop- University of California at Berkeley, posed, as he won both the Republican majoring in political science. After three and Democratic primaries. In 1948, he years, he entered the School of Juris- was the Republican Party’s nominee for prudence. He received his J.D. degree vice-president of the United States on a in 1914 and was admitted to the Cali- ticket with Thomas A. Dewey. fornia Bar May 14, 1915. He served In 1953, President Dwight D. in the U.S. Army as a First Lieutenant Eisenhower appointed him the 14th until the end of World War I, and then Chief Justice of the United States Su- worked in the law offices in San Fran- preme Court. His most important de- cisco and Oakland. In 1925, he was ap- cision was the ruling that made racial pointed Alameda County district attor- segregation in public schools unconsti- Photo courtesy of Berit Brevig tutional. In addition to his work on the Subscriber Berit Brevig submitted this photo of her and her granddaughter Ingrid, who is ney when the incumbent resigned. He three years old, on the Boardwalk in Sparta, N.J. was elected to the post in 1926, 1930 court, he was appointed by President and 1934. During his 14 years as dis- Lyndon B. Johnson to head the com- trict attorney, he never had a conviction mission that investigated the assassina- Want to be featured in our Photo of the Week? reversed by a higher court. tion of President John F. Kennedy. Email [email protected] or mail your photo with a caption. As a Republican, he had broad bi- Earl Warren retired in 1969 and partisan support because of his centrist died July 9, 1974. He was laid to rest to liberal views. He was a member of at Arlington National Cemetery along with his wife, Nina, who died in 1993. One Sunday, Ole was feeling extra pious at the Board of Regents of the University the altar, where he intoned, “O Lord, I am unworthy. Please forgive my sins and trans- gressions, for I am nothing.” Lars was so impressed that he was moved to declare, Roald Amundsen South Pole Expedition Centennial “Lord, I am unvorthy of your grace, for I am 1911 – 2011 nothing.” Just then, the church janitor, Nels From the journal of Figgesnuppen, felt inspired to declare his hu- mility, concluding like Ole and Lars, “I am nothing.” “Hmmmph,” snorted Ole in Lars’ ear, “Look who tinks he’s NOTHING.” Ole and Lena America’s favorite Norwegians!

Effie O. Krogvold Brodhead WI Ragnvald N. Nelson Alliance NE Darwin D. Johnson Federal Way WA Aud Haarsaker Lynnwood WA Elsa Almaas Todd Walla Walla WA 30. august Gunnar Marøy Bøvågen Norway 26. august Mrs Valley Frossmo Seattle WA Alma Mell Howard Wildrose ND Lawrence Steberg Pennock MN Janet Jolliff Edmonton AB Harold Ellingsen Berkeley CA Carl Dale Arlington WA Kristine Kjøndal Landås Norway 25 august – fredag August 25 – Friday 27. august Ruth Carlson Stanwood WA –34°. Stille å tåke. De ser ut såm Minus 34°C. Still & foggy. It seems Sigurd Oswick Seattle WA 31. august åmm denn strenge kulle har jitt sei. Jei as though the extreme cold has abated. I Per Hopperstad Gonvick MN Hagbart Larsen Jerome ID Gerd Borgersen Rockford IL setter nu avreisen till onsdag den 30 au- will now set our departure for Wednes- Berit Siren Vassdal Bellingham WA gust. Inntill da ær vi alle færie me vårtt day, 30 August. Until then we are all Birger Vignes Bennington VT Gerhard Strand Stanwood WA utstyr. Stor glede i dag. ”Kamilla”, en a ready with our equipment. Great joy Britt Salvesen Los Angeles CA Alf Andersen Tacoma WA 28. august Mrs. Walter Johnson Running Springs CA våre kjekkeste valper, såmm var sporløst today. “Kamilla,” one of our best pup- Lisa Sjong-Wilson Mukilteo WA Hagbart Larsen Jerome ID fårrsvunnet på jemmveien denn dag vi pies, who had totally disappeared on the ventte tillbake på startplassen, kåmm i journey home the day we returned to our Fred G Hegre Seattle WA 1. september mårres tilbake. De ær ikke tvil åmm, att starting point, came back this morning. Mrs. Erick Johnson Trail MN John Erekstol Lebanon OR Thilda Soyland Vista CA Ody Moseng Kirkland WA denn har faltt i en sprekk å så endli fått There is no doubt that it must have fallen O.T. Wiprud Dutton MT arbeidet sei åpp ijenn. Har i dag inkjørt into a crevasse and had finally worked Paul Sando Olympia WA våre 4 distancejul. Resultatet var, att di its way up again. Today have tested our Mrs. Hector O. Gustad Irene SD Want to see your birthday in the viste noe fårr lite. Dær må legges en km four distance wheels. The result was that Donalda P Nakkerud Edmonds WA Norwegian American Weekly? till distancen fårr vær hele grad. Di viste they showed some faults. We will have to Oliver H. Simonsen Marysville WA alle likt. Bejyntte denn 23de å ta måren add a km to every whole degree. They all Sinn Solberg Newport Richey FL Call at (800) 305-0217 or email naw@ obsv. kl 8 uten lykt. showed the same. Took morning observa- norway.com. Birthdays must be submitted at 29. august Brought to you by the Fram Museum in Oslo tions on the 23rd without a light. Mrs. August Johnson Yankton SD least one month in advance. norwegian american weekly a August 26, 2011 • 11 Obituaries & Religion

MULLAVEY, PROUT, GRENLEY & FOE In Loving Memory a t t o r n e y s a n d c o u n s e l o r s a t l a w Do you have a loved one or friend who has recently passed? Advice regarding maritime and civil claims, disputes, Contact us at (206) 784-4617 or [email protected] to place an obituary free of charge. commercial transactions and estate planning.

Helen G. Berg 24001 NW Sixty-fifth P.O. Box 70567 Seattle, WA 98107 November 5, 1916 – April 26, 2011 Telephone: (206) 789-2511 Fax: (206) 789-4484 Helen Genevieve was born Nov. 5, 1916, relatives and friends over the years. She and in Litchville, N.D., one of 11 children born Victor thoroughly enjoyed their many trips to to Ole and Inga (Olson) Fostervold. She was Oregon to visit their daughter and her family Norwegian Lutheran Memorial Church baptized and confirmed in the Lutheran faith. and other relatives. They continued to live on In 1928, she moved with her family to Will- the farm until July 2000, when they moved Den Norske Lutherske Minnekirke mar, Minn., and she received her education into Willmar. The Norwegian Lutheran Memorial Church offers the best venue in Chicago for Norwegians, in Litchville and Willmar. Helen worked as a Helen is survived by her four children: Scandinavians and others who are interested in the wonderful language, culture and people of Norway. We welcome you to our warm and friendly family of members. Please visit us soon house keeper for several families in Willmar Helen M. Berg of Eugene, Ore., Andrew and help support this Norwegian tradition. Pastor: Sigurd Grindheim. and also in Minneapolis. M. (Jean) Berg of Willmar, Minn., Maury On Aug. 31, 1936, Helen was united in M. Berg of Princeton, Minn., and Gene M. marriage to Victor M. Berg at the Eagle Lake (Trina) Berg of Willmar, Minn; 12 grandchil- September 2011 Lutheran Church Parsonage. This union was dren: Diane, Vickie, Karen, Kristy, Elizabeth, blessed with four children. They lived on Nathan, Sarah, Dan, Denise, Michael, Sheila Sept. 4 Norwegian Service, 11 a.m. and farmed the Berg Farm on Long Lake for and Scott; and 21 great-grandchildren. Also Sept. 8 Ladies & Mens Aid Luncheon, 12 p.m. many years. She was a hard worker manag- surviving are a number of nieces and neph- ing the household and raising the children. ews, including Margaret Skoglund, who Sept. 11 Norwegian Service, Communion Helen was a devout Christian who lived spent some of her growing-up years on the 11 a.m. her faith in many ways, including a very ac- Berg Farm; cousins, and her siblings: Harriet tive involvement in the work of the church. Baklund, Opal Lief, Waynge “Pinky” (Wan- Sept. 17 Taste of Norway fundraiser, 3-7 p.m. She was a long-time member of Eagle Lake da) Fostervold, Ruth Westphal; sisters-in-law Lutheran Church, later a member of Zion Lu- Roma Fostervold and Doris Berg Fletcher, Sept. 18 Norwegian Service/English sermon, theran Church and at the time of her death, and brother-in-law Louis Hanson. 11 a.m. a member of Green Lake Lutheran Church. She was preceded in death by her hus- She led Bible studies, Sunday School and band Victor on Dec. 5, 2002, with whom Sept. 25 English Service 11 a.m. Bible school for well over 40 years. she shared 66 years of marriage, as well as She liked flower gardening and had a her parents, brothers Leif, Harold and James Funeral Home knack for getting flowers to grow well. She Fostervold, and sisters Sigrid Eliason, Mil- was a gracious hostess, entertaining many dred Eliason Hanson and Esther Hanson. SOlie and Crematory Honoring • Caring • Serving “Double-Man”… (…continued from page 5) tents, hunt and fish, cook our food on open 3301 Colby Ave. Everett, WA 98201 (425) 252-5159 fire and bake ourselves in the sun. shippers and knew of no ape-men to run Where we are really split into “double- away from. Their traditional culture was too men” is right there, Heyerdahl said, in our The Scandinavian Hour simple to inspire ours, built on firm rock. In double approach to nature. The further we distinction from us they drew no more than a struggle away from nature, the more we Celebrating over 40 years on the air sustainable yield from the environment, and appreciate it. Those who do not admit that with it they were far better off than the two- God gave us nature must at least admit that KKNW – 1150 AM thirds of mankind in the present decade that nature gave us life. That is in itself quite a Saturdays 9 – 10 a.m. PST suffer from malnutrition and inadequate liv- contribution measured with human eyes. The ing conditions in spite of, or because of, ac- more science advances, the more amazed the Streaming live on the internet at: culturation, urbanization and civilization. educated person gets as the scholars unravel www.1150kknw.com Thor Heyerdahl repeated that the United the secrets of the atoms and the fantastic in- Nations Environment Program warns hu- ner structures and interaction of the masterly manity of the immense problem of increased built-up ecosystem. As “double-men” we deforestation and the incredible speed with despise this original environment and term SAVING MONEY IS ONLY HALF THE CHALLENGE. which deserts are encroaching upon former it wilderness, yet we humbly have to admit MAKING IT LAST, THAT’S ALL IN usable land; and oil and solid minerals be- that we are the last inventions of that same gin to become more precious just as we need wilderness. All the other animals, even the them in mounting quantities. There is some- stupid apes, were present when the wilder- HOW YOU SLICE IT. thing fundamentally wrong with a civiliza- ness gave man the human brain. We, the tion expanding to take over all others and great inventors, were the only ones not yet dominate a planet without ability to adjust present when the most able of all computers You invested carefully. But how you distribute your itself to the environment, without ensuring was the device, the one we have made use retirement income is just as important. With high industry rankings and more than 100 years mankind a future for generations a hundred of for three million years to become second- hand inventors. of experience, Thrivent Financial understands years hence, a modest demand for the human both the ins and outs of retirement investing. species which has so far managed to thrive Some examples of Heyerdahl’s teach- for some three million years with primitive ing have gone into my own presentations. I From tools that protect your money to tools or former civilizations. normally end my lecturing about technology products that provide a lifelong income stream, put our careful, disciplined approach We are not fair judges of our own kitchen with some illustrations from his visions. He to work for you. unless we have tasted the food of others were said we claim to have invented electric light, one of Heyerdahl’s arguments. We have no but it was in use by deep-sea fish ages before To learn more, visit Thrivent.com/howyousliceit true concept of our own house until we see it man existed; we have made airplanes, but from outside the door. Since his life among nothing that can lift and land and use garbage the Polynesians, it has been difficult for him as fuel, like the common house-fly; radar and to rid himself of the impression that we real- sonar were installed as navigational aids on bats and whales millions of years before we Insurance products issued or offered by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, Appleton, WI. Not all products are available ly are “double-men.” We pity those who live in all states. Securities and investment advisory services are offered through Thrivent Investment Management Inc., in nature without modern conveniences, who knew how to use them; jet-propulsion was 625 Fourth Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55415, 800-847-4836, a FINRA and SIPC member and a wholly owned first put into operation by squid; and tele- subsidiary of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. Thrivent Financial representatives are registered representatives of sleep in huts and tents, hunt and fish, cook Thrivent Investment Management Inc. They are also licensed insurance agents of Thrivent Financial. communication was devised for transmis- their food on an open fire, and get scorched • NOT A DEPOSIT • NOT FDIC INSURED • NOT INSURED BY ANY FEDERAL GOVERNMENT by the sun. Then, whenever we get a vaca- sion and reception between the antennas of AGENCY • NOT GUARANTEED BY THRIVENT FINANCIAL BANK • MAY LOSE VALUE tion, we hurry away from all modern con- insects. Nature did not only split the atoms For additional important disclosure information, please visit Thrivent.com/disclosures. veniences, into the nature, sleep in huts and before us – it made them. 26349NAW N5-11 Appleton, WI • Minneapolis, MN • Thrivent.com • 800-THRIVENT (800-847-4836) 201101755 12 • august 26, 2011 Online: blog.norway.com/category/culture norwegian american weekly Arts & Style Turn to art for comfort After the horrific events of July 22, Norwegians Calendar of Events turned to the creative arts for solace What’s going on in your neighborhood?

California Bible Camp, located at 9916 Lake Ave. S., Premiere of “Don’t Hug Me, I’m Spicer, MN 56288. Cost for the day is $25 Pregnant” which includes all meals. For more infor- Sept. 30 – Nov. 20 mation, visit www.nordfjordlag.org or call North Hollywood, Calif. Ernest Anderson at (320) 634-4551. The World Premiere of Phil Olson’s musi- cal comedy “Don’t Hug Me, I’m Pregnant” Lutefisk and Meatball Dinners will be presented Sept. 30 – Nov. 20 at the October 8 Secret Rose Theatre at 11246 Magnolia Edina, Minn. Blvd, North Hollywood, CA 91601. Clara The Norwegian Glee Club of Minneapolis is 8 1/2 months pregnant when a freak presents its fall Lutefisk and Meatball Din- snow storm hits Bunyan Bay. She goes into ners on Oct. 8 at the Lutheran Church of labor and her husband, Gunner, will have the Good Shepherd, located at 4801 France to deliver the baby in the bar. For details, Ave. S, Edina, MN 55410. Serving Times: call (323) 822-7898 or DontHugMe.com. 2 p.m., 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. Admission is $18 per person, and tickets are required. Order Nordic Cup Golf Tournament your tickets early by mailing a check – made October 3 payable to the Norwegian Glee Club – to City of Industry, Calif. the Norwegian Glee Club, PO Box 23053, Richfield, MN 55423-0053. Deadline for Save the date! The Nordic Cup charity golf Photo: Knut Øystein Nerdrum/Innovation Norway tournament benefits the Norwegian Sea- ordering tickets is Oct. 5. Questions? Con- The Munch Hall at the National Gallery in Oslo. men’s Church in San Pedro and SCAN tact Earl Evenstad at (612) 861-4793 or (Scandinavian Center at Nansen Field) and Robert Olson at (612) 866-0687. Check out takes place Oct. 3 at the “IKE” golf course our website: www.norwegiangleeclub.org. Li n e Gr u n ds t a d Ha n k e Line Grundstad Hanke Interior Design in Industry Hills at Pacific Palms Resort in City of Industry. The net proceeds of New Jersey $12,000 from Nordic Cup 2010 were split ScanFest 2011 Art can do wonders for us in hard times. senses in motion again as soon as possible. evenly between the church and SCAN, and September 4 It is a proven fact that art stimulates our mind Here art is a big help, because it speaks to was a tremendous financial help for both Budd Lake, N.J. and makes us feel good, so it is no wonder that our feelings. To experience a concert, movie, organizations. Admission: $150 per person Come to ScanFest! It’s an all-day celebra- Norwegians went to see art galleries, muse- or art exhibit gives the possibility to come (including lunch and dinner). For informa- tion of Scandinavia at its best – where you’ll ums and movies in the few days after the July away from those other images.” tion, contact Paal Berg at (562) 716-9414 discover the customs, history and the eth- 22 attacks in Oslo and at Utøya. Some may not think that seeing a dis- or [email protected]. nic variety of the six Nordic nations: Den- By art, we mean storytelling, poetry, turbing painting like ’s “The mark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Norway music, dance, visual arts, painting and sculp- Scream” would be of any help to victims of Illinois and Sweden. Visitors and vendors alike are ture; everything that is usually thought of as trauma. On the contrary, said Meyer to Af- 32nd Annual Scandinavian Festival invited to catch a Scandinavian moment— creativity. Art is used in many forms and we tenposten. “It can be a comfort. The Scream September 11 to enjoy our return to the refreshing out- South Elgin, Ill. doors at the 27th annual festival in rustic see that it has a good effect in hospitals and lives in many of us after such an experience. Scandinavian Park, Inc., NFP presents the Vasa Park. $14 for adults, $13 for seniors, nursing homes. One feels free and gathers There, we can find an echo of what we can- 32nd Annual Scandinavian Day Festival on free for children (12 and under). Free entry strength in the beauty of art. not put into words... When you escape from Sept. 11, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Come celebrate with authentic folk dress! Call (610) 417- Cinemas and museums in Oslo had sur- the trauma and do something completely dif- Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and 1483 or visit www.scanfest.org. prisingly good attendance rates after the at- ferent, you are able to regain movement. It is Sweden with traditional food, crafts, games, tacks on July 22. “We expected much fewer necessary to take breaks. Then you can come gifts and entertainment. Featuring Sun City Pennsylvania visitors because of the situation in Oslo,” back to the pain with a new perspective.” Concert Band, Nordic Folk Dancers, Ole Bernt Balchen Scandinavian Fair said Hussein Hussein, department manager “Many do not have words to speak about & Sven, Bjornson Male Chorus, DeKalb September 10 of the Oslo Cinema, in an interview with what has happened,” Meyer continued. “The Footstompers & Sweet Tunes for Dancing Lackawaxen, Pa. Aftenposten. “But we sold almost as many advantage of art is that it, too, is wordless. In by the Sun City Dance Band. FREE PARK- Join us for the 9th Annual Scandinavian tickets as we would have before the attacks.” art there is room for both pain and healing.” ING! Admission: $10 for adults and free Craft Fair, sponsored by Sons of Norway On Saturday, the day after the tragedies, at- for children 12 and under. VASA Park is Bernt Balchen Lodge #566. From 9 a.m. tendance was especially high. “We got many located at Route 31 along the Fox River, in to 4 p.m. at the Central Volunteer Fire De- comments from people that it was good to South Elgin, Ill. For information, call (847) partment on 574 Westcolang Road, shop have a place to go to,” said Hussein. 695-6720 or visit www.scandinaviandayil. around our wide range of Scandinavian The National Museum, Viking Ship com. vendors: rosemaling, needlecrafts, gifts and Museum and the Munch Museum in Oslo E 801 Lauritzen Lane Waupaca, WI 54981 specialty items, food and baked goods, flea (715) 256-9930 • [email protected] also reported surprisingly small changes in Minnesota market. There is something for everyone! total visitors after the terrorist attacks in Oslo “A Don’t Hug Me County Fair” Free admission. Call (570) 685-1477. Check out our stunning selection and on Utøya. September 8 – October 16 of Scandinavian sweaters! The National Gallery reported that many St. Paul, Minn. Washington Norwegians – not just foreign tourists – vis- The Premiere of Phil Olson’s Puget Sound Ski for Light Fundraiser musical comedy, “A Don’t Hug Me County September 17 ited on the Sunday after the attacks. Fair” will be presented Sept. 8 – Oct. 16 Seattle, Wash. “When so many go to the art gallery in at Cabaret Theater at Camp Bar at 490 N. Join us for the annual Puget Sound Ski For this situation, I think it shows a need to go Robert St. St. Paul, MN 55101. It’s County Light Fundraiser Dinner at Leif Erikson back to a normal life,” said Jean-Yves Gal- Fair time in Bunyan Bay, Minnesota, and Lodge! Featuring open fire-cooked salmon lardo, the department director for communi- it’s the Miss Walleye Queen competition. and cod, and entertainment by Nordic Re- cation with the National Museum. The winner gets her face carved in butter at flections and friends. Happy Hour starts at In an interview with Aftenposten, Nor- the State Fair! For reservations, call (800) 6 p.m., and dinner served at 6:30 p.m. Ad- wegian psychotherapist Melinda A. Meyer 982-2787. Visit DontHugMe.com. mission: $20 per person, which benefits the of the National Research Center on violence cross-country ski program that provides a and traumatic stress said, “Many use art to Nordfjordlag Stevne pleasurable winter experience for the blind gain strength after a crisis.” September 18 and disabled individuals. Please join us for She has used art as therapy with trau- Spicer, Minn. a terrific celebration! Questions? Call- Er matized people. “After big traumas, a per- SWEATERS — COLLECTIBLES — A yearly gathering of people with ances- ling Berg at (206) 362-0629 or Leif Erik son’s senses attach themselves strongly to ROSEMALING — FISHERMEN’S CAPS — try or connections to Nordfjord, Norway. Lodge at (206) 783-1274 for reservations. images. Just think how many sat in shock JEWELRY — AND MUCH MORE This year’s gathering will be at Green Lake in front of news broadcasts in the days after Send your event to [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617 the attacks,” she said. This is why returning Visit us online at to be added to the Norway.com online calendar and the Weekly! to a normal life after a traumatic experience www.thetrollscove.com Event listings are free, but space is limited. Please contact us at least one month prior to event. is very important. “It is important to get the or our shop in Waupauca, WI norwegian american weekly a Online: blog.norway.com/category/norway-in-the-us August 26, 2011 • 13 In your neighborhood Scandinavian delight Enjoy the Sun City Dance Band and more at the 2011 Scandinavian Day Festival in South Elgin, Ill.

Sp e c i a l Re l e a s e

Bring your dancing shoes and a good ap- petite to the 32nd Annual Scandinavian Day Festival on Sunday, Sept. 11 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Vasa Park, located on Route 31 in South Elgin, Ill. The 2011 theme is “Celebrating Scandi- navian Delights & Nordic Foods” and NEW Featured Scandinavian and American this year will be dancing to the sweet tunes Entertainment in 2011 includes: of the Sun City Dance Band at 3:30 p.m. un- til the close of the festival in the Pavilion. Pavilion: 10 a.m. Scandinavian Day celebrates the culture, Church Service heritage and traditions of Denmark, Finland, Main Stage: 11:15 a.m. Iceland, Norway and Sweden. Bring your Opening Ceremony family and friends to beautiful 25-acre Vasa Pavilion: 12 p.m. Park, located on Route 31 (seven miles south Sun City Concert Band of I-90 Northwest Tollway and five miles Main Stage north of IL Rt. 64 North Ave.) Nordic Folk Dancers: 1 p.m. Come enjoy traditional Scandinavian Ole & Sven: 1:30 p.m. food, treats, baked goods, crafts, games, Bjornson Male Chorus: 2 p.m. gifts and entertainment. There will also be DeKalb Footstompers: 2:30 p.m. free pony rides for the children. The event is Pavilion: 3:30 p.m. held rain or shine. There is FREE PARKING Sweet Tunes for Dancing by the Sun and the cost for this great day of Scandina- City Dance Band! vian culture and entertainment is only $10 for adults, while children 12 and under are Please join us for Scandinavian Day at FREE. For free entry, wear full traditional Vasa Park! For more information, call the Scandinavian dress or costume and spend a Scandinavian Park hotline at (847) 695- few minutes in the park’s VIP/Culture Tent 6720 or visit www.scandinaviandayil.com or sharing the significance and history. www.vasaparkil.com. foundation... (…continued from page 1) Ellis Island in 1904 at the age of 19. He con- tinued travelling to his destination: Ballard, Pete Thorsen is back! a neighborhood with a strong Scandinavian These 112 trailblazing men met at Eids- Robert Wangard’s heart- presence in Seattle, Wash. In Seattle, Alf at- voll, Norway, in May of 1814 to draft, adopt pounding anthology and sign Norway’s Constitution, forever tended school to learn English and become includes stories such securing Norway’s independence from 500 an accountant. He served his new country years of Danish rule. Today, the Norwegian during World War II for Stone and Webster, as “Leif Erikson’s constitution is the second-oldest in the world an engineering firm in France, at which time Ghost” in which Pete still in existence. he had two passports, one American and the and sidekick Harry A new organization, Eidsvollsman other Norwegian. McTigue set out for Council of North America (ECONA), brings Alf and his wife had four children: a quiet day of fishing to light the fact that nearly 200 years have Virgil, Ruth, Keith and Jana. In 1921, the only to discover there’s passed since that time when 112 delegates Weidemanns moved to Bellingham. Brent’s something more deadly father, Keith, was a pharmacist who worked from all over Norway met in Eidsvoll to draw than trout in the river! up and sign Norway’s constitution. Michael for his uncle at Aubert Drugs. At that time, Bovre of Madison, Wis., is the president. The Brent was born. In 1948, the family moved organization is searching for descendants of to Anacortes where his father owned Sny- HARD WATER BLUES the original delegates who met in Eidsvoll. der’s Pharmacy, a business located on a site will make you laugh, Thus far, descendants of 80 Eidsvollsmen across from the post office, from 1948 to cry and want to double- 1986. Brent was a field superintendant for have been found in North America. Erik check your windows Tøndevold, a researcher in Nesøya, Norway, 37 years for Puget Power. Brent says the continues to work with the organization on family home in Norway, now a museum, was and doors. From the the difficult searches at various archives in in Toten. author of TARGET, Oslo. Perhaps you are another of those de- which ForeWord scendants. Might some of you own a copy Other officers include Brent Weidemann Reviews called “... a of Anacortes, Wash., who serves as vice- of the picture of the Eidsvoll delegates, or president of the Washington-Oregon area. perhaps you know which one is your ances- terrific debut novel by a Looking back six generations, Weidemann tor? Wouldn’t it be fun to gather together (Norwegian-American) finds Lauritz (also called Lars) Weidemann, with such a group for a grand celebration in writer to watch.” who was born Nov. 27, 1775, in Sukkestad, Eidsvoll in 2014? Toten (now Østre Toten), was a judge for 35 For information, contact Brent Weide- ISBN 978-1-4507-0624-7 years. His father, in turn, was a private law- mann at [email protected] or (360) $16.95 yer – bailiff Lars Weidemann. 708-5822 andr Mike Bovre at eidsvoll@tds. Weidemann’s grandfather, Alf Reidar net or (608) 827-6011. Learn more at www. Weidemann, emigrated to America through eidsvollsmencouncilofna.org. Purchase your copy today! Available on-line at Amazon.com or BN.com, or visit your favorite Let us help with your next fundraiser! bookstore (they can special order if necessary). Also as an eBook! See page 3 for details. www.rwangard.com 14 • august 26, 2011 Online: blog.norway.com/category/norwegian-americans norwegian american weekly Norwegian heritage Corner Building the bridge The boys from Vangen: Hans and Svein Einar Sandom come home to Norway to build a new bridge Written by Leif Halse Vangsgutane, a classic series in Norway from 1941 to present, was used as curriculum material in Norwegian schools, as the series had easy-to-read text with pictures. Deb Nelson Gourley of Astri My Astri Publishing brings the copyrighted bilingual English/Norwegian serialization of “The Boys From Vangen: Vangsgutane” to the readers of the Norwegian American Weekly to practice their Norwegian reading skills, as well as enjoy a Norwegian classic!

HAR KÅRE SJANSER? DOES KÅRE HAVE A CHANCE? The second round gets under way, and Andre omgangen tar til, og spennin- the tension is high. There comes Larris, gen er stor. Der kommer Larris susende whistling down toward the jump. He has a Photos: Turid Oddløkken nedover mot hoppet. Han har stor fart, og lot of speed and readies himself for a pow- From left: Hilde Odden, Einar Sandom, Hans Sandom and their sister Eli Odden. lager seg til med en kraftig «Grini-sats». erful “Grini-style takeoff.” But on the jump, Men på sjølve hoppet skjærer den ene skia one of his skis cuts to the side. He goes so Tu r i d Odd l ø k k e n ut. Han kommer så skeivt i lufta at han ta- Arbeidets Rett crookedly through the air that he loses his per styringa og detter ned i bakken som en bearings and falls down like a sack. sekk. Brothers Hans and Svein Einar Sandom with wood due to requirements to make the Many think Steinar Vangen should Steinar Vangen skulle nå ha godt håp left Norway to emigrate to the U.S. in 1967. replacement bridge like the original. To test now have a good chance to win the compe- om å vinne hopprennet, mener mange. This summer, they returned home to Nor- the strength of the new bridge, the Sandoms’ tition. Soon the announcer calls his name. Snart roper starteren navnet hans. Steinar way for over two months and spent the time nephew Bergsvein Odden, who runs the fam- Steinar glides well on his skis. He is also har god gli på skiene. Han er også heldig building a new bridge over the river Atna, ily farm today, drove a heavy tractor over it. lucky with his takeoff, sailing through the med satsen, og seiler flott gjennom lufta i near their childhood home. “But you are taking pictures on the air with style. Just as he is about to land, a god stil. I det samme han skal ta nedslaget, Hans and Svein Einar Sandom grew wrong day! In the majority of pictures I've dog jumps onto the slope and barks madly. hopper en hund fram i bakken og gjør ilskt. up in Vetl-Lykkja in Atndalen (in Hedmark taken this summer, everyone has rain gear This unnerves Steinar, causing him to lose Dette uroer Steinar, så han kommer ut av county), along with their sister Eli, who mar- on,” laughs Hilde, who is married to Odden. his balance and fall on landing. balansen og faller i nedslaget. ried and now lives in Folldal. When they were But the tanned skin of the siblings is an indi- Who will now be the winner of the sil- Hvem skal nå bli vinner av sølvsk- 23 and 26 years old, they traveled across the cation that there must have been a few sunny ver shield? Up by the jump, Kåre waxes his joldet? Oppe ved hoppet står Kåre og Atlantic. Since then, they have only been days this summer. skis meticulously. He mumbles to himself: smører skiene sine, og det gjør han grundig home for vacations. In the U.S., the brothers It was a long road to complete the “Not all the Vangen Vikings are dead,” But og vel. Han mumler med seg sjøl: «Ennå er worked as mechanics, and both had children bridge, and both Hans and Svein Einar are can Kåre handle the competition with the ikke alle Vangsvikinger døde –» men kan and grandchildren. Today they are retired: happy that they do not have to travel so far big boys? There aren’t many who believe Kåre greie seg i tevling med de store gut- Hans lives in Minneapolis, Minn., and Svein every day. On June 26, the demolition of in him. His first jump was only 16 meters. tene? Det er det vel ikke mange som trur Einar lives in Wisconsin. They had time to the old bridge began, and today the brothers på. Første hoppet hans var bare 16 meter. spend a summer working in Norway at their travel back to America safe in the knowledge Translated into English by Alexander Knud Huntrods – Illustrated by Jens R. Nilssen childhood farm, which usually serves as a that the bridge at their childhood home is Vangsgutane bilingual book available for $19.95 with FREE shipping in the U.S.A. vacation spot for them. new, sturdy and safe. Their nephew Bergs- www.astrimyastri.com The previous bridge was set up during vein Odden and his wife Hilde have driven the winter of 1949 – 50 by several local resi- many a heavy load over the old bridge, in the The Boys from Vangen: dents, explains Svein Einar, but it became course of their work on the farm. Hilde says rotted and had to be replaced. The three sib- that they now rejoice over the new bridge, lings emphasize that there are several family and demonstrates the truth of the statement WrITTen By LeIf haLse members and others who helped to raise the by driving a large car with a trailer over it. new bridge, and they have had a fun time do- It seems that the new bridge will hold for as Vangsgutane has been a classic series in Norway since 1941. Right after World War II, Vangsgutane was used as ing it. many decades as the previous one. curriculum material in Norwegian schools, as the series The 75-foot-long bridge was built high- had easy-to-read text with pictures. Heritage, culture, and er and much stronger than the previous one, This article was translated from the language practice for all ages on both sides of the Atlantic! fortified with steel beams hidden underneath Norwegian and reprinted with permission it for support. The bridge was constructed from Arbeidets Rett. • Bilingual english & norwegian in the same book • Translated into english by alexander Knud huntrods • Illustrated by Jens r. nilssen • hardcover, 176 pages in full color, 6x9inches • $19.95 with free shipping in U.s.a.

Astri My Astri Publishing Deb nelson gourley www.astrimyastri.com 602 3rd ave sW email: [email protected] Waukon, Ia 52172 Phone: (563) 568-6229

Norway.com Royal Norwegian Consulates Organization of the Week in North America Illinois The new bridge’s strength was shown by driving a large car towing a trailer. Eidsvollsmen Council Honorary Consul General of North America utøya... facilities at the camp. Paul Stewart Anderson (…continued from page 3) A 501(c)(3) non-profit organization Former AUF leader Martin Henriksen Royal Norwegian Consulate General dedicated to preserving the lineage told newspaper Aftenposten said AUF ap- 125 S. Wacker Drive, Suite 1825 Stordalen and Christian Ringnes have con- and spirit of Norway’s founding fathers preciates all the support and hopes it will Chicago, IL 60606 tributed NOK 5 million and 2.5 million re- extend to other worthy causes as well. “We For more information, Tel: (312) 377 5050 spectively. Sparebank 1 Group has also do- hope the heartfelt support that Norwegians call (608) 827-6011 or visit Fax: (312) 264 0344 nated NOK 1 million. are now showing will continue, to the benefit eidsvollsmencouncilofna.org E-mail: [email protected] The Norwegian Federation of Trade of other goals as well, like easing the famine Unions (LO) is also ready to contribute NOK For the full list of organizations, For a listing of all consulates, on Africa’s Horn,” he said. visit noram.norway.com/organizations visit noram.norway.com/organizations 10 million towards the cost of renovating the norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/sports August 26, 2011 • 15 sports Time to shake things up Tippeligaen: Norway’s Premier League results Standings Report from the Tippe 8/12 Odd 1 – 1 Vålerenga Tippeligaen PLD PTS 1. FK 20 41 League round 19/20 8/13 Stabæk 2 – 0 Strømsgodset 2. Tromsø IL 19 35 8/19 Odd 4 – 2 Viking 3. SK Brann 20 34 Kj e l l Ol a v St r ø m s l i Trondheim, Norway 8/20 Sarpsborg 0 – 2 Vålerenga 4. Stabæk Fotball 19 33 5. Lillestrøm SK 20 31 8/21 Strømsgodset 2 – 2 Ålesund 6. Strømsgodset TF 19 31 Start gave their head coach Knut Tørum the boot and replaced him with the former 8/21 Haugesund 2 – 2 Rosenborg 7. FK Haugesund 20 30 Brann coach . Mjelde has 8/21 Sogndal 2 – 0 Start 8. Rosenborg BK 18 27 led the team in five league matches, and all 9. Vålerenga Fotball 19 26 five have ended in losses. Start has not won 8/21 Tromsø 3 – 1 10. Ålesunds FK 18 24 in their last nine games. It was perhaps not 8/21 Stabæk 1 – 1 Brann 11. Odd Grenland 19 23 the coach that was the problem? On Aug. 21, 12. Fredrikstad FK 19 23 Start was defeated by Songdal’s 19-year-old 8/22 Molde 1 – 0 Lillestrøm striker Ørjan Hopen, who put the first goal 13. Viking FK 20 23 in at the half hour, with a stunning free kick To read more about football in Norway, 14. Sogndal IL 19 20 from 18 meters. The 2 – 0 goal came on a di- visit www.uefa.com 15. Sarpsborg FK 19 16 rect shot from 25 meters, which Hopen fired Photo: Jarle Vines/Wikimedia Commons Mons Ivar Mjelde (pictured here in 2009) is the 16. IK Start 20 14 off two minutes into the stoppage time in the new head coach at IK Start, and he is still looking second half. for his first victory. Tutta… “We must try to improve ourselves with (…continued from page 1) This was Pettersen's eighth LPGA win every game that passes. There are many utes later Bamberg himself put the equalizer of her career. games left and we can still stay in the Tippe into 2 – 2 with a stunning free kick. ing nine strokes back,” Pettersen said to Pettersen will now move to number two League, but it is clear it could look better. We The hosts were the leading team in Eurosport. “I guess when you’re on a roll, in the world after a par on the first play-off see that something is missing, so we have to pretty much the whole match and created you’re on a roll.” hole at Pumpkin Ridge Golf Club. use the time well,” Mons Ivar Mjelde said. several chances especially in the first half in Rosenborg was wasting a 2 – 0 lead and the encounter between Stabæk and Brann. Sons of Norway Building, B-20 had to settle for just one point in the away However, it was a good performance by Ojo Norway Art 1455 W. Lake Street game against Haugesund. scored that gave the club the lead after half (612) 339-7829 Minneapolis, MN 55408 the first goal for Rosenborg before he had played match. In the second period Stabæk www.norwayartonline.com • email: [email protected] to be replaced due to injury. Morten Mold- could enjoy more possession and got the By appointment please skred scored the second, before he also had game in equal terms when Johan Andersson to go due to injury. About the same time that from the spot knocked the ball to the left of Moldskred left the pitch, Haugesund’s coach Brann keeper Leciejewski. The Swedish Meatballs Grindhaug made several changes that would Tromsø won comfortably 3 – 1 at home Ellen Lindstrom 917-968-2926 soon prove wise. He sent in Thomas Sørum against Fredrikstad, while Strømsgodset let and in the 64th minute, a cross from José two valuable points slip when Demar Phil- Daniel Bamberg from the right edge found lips on overtime equalized 2 – 2 for Ålesund Sørum, who sent it into the net. A few min- in . Sports News & Notes Brand new ski jump full of mistakes (Views and News from Norway) Oslo’s new Holmenkollen Ski Jump opened just in time for last winter’s Nordic Skiing Underwater Rugby: Double Gold World Championships, after enormous bud- Norway’s men and women both won gold in get overruns and political controversy. Now the Underwater Rugby World Championships ...a delicious musical experience! it seems it’s full of construction mistakes finals in on Aug. 20. This was the Nor- Full Service Agencywww.theswedishmeatballs.com With Experienced and deficiencies, and the price tag may rise wegian men’s first World Championship win, Norwegian Speaking Consultants! further. “I’m certain the final, total price of while the women also won gold in 1995. The Full Service Agency WithOur Experienced daily specials Norwegian and regularly Speaking updated Consultants! men defeated 1 – 0, while the women information will help you make wise travel the project will surpass NOK 2 billion,” said Our daily specials and regularly updated informationdecisions will inhelp ayou make constantly wise travel changing decisions in world! a constantly changing world! won 1 - 0 against Sweden. The women won all Rune Gerhardsen, a member of the Oslo City Sp e c i a l s t o Sc a n d i n a v i a , their matches of the tournament. VERRAZANOSpecials to Scandinavia TRAVEL & LEISURE Council told Aften. Eu r o p e & t h e Ca r i b b e a n (Norway Post) Europe & the1 Caribbean (718) 979-6641 Call us for details! [email protected] us for details! • [email protected] geography Verrazano TraVel & leisure … of votes in the mountain regions and Trøn- (…continued from page 3) LEWIS O. TITLAND Quality1 (718) Accounting 979-6641 & Tax Services for: delag (the middle part). This means that the Certified Public Accountant [email protected] businesses Center party nowadays is most popular in pe- The support for the Conservative party (206)789-5433 [email protected] is strongest in the capital and its surrounding ripheral municipalities. Earlier, the party had Individuals 3824 18th Ave Specialized Assistance municipalities. The party also has stronger a much stronger position in central regions. Seattle, WA 98119 support in bigger cities around the country, This means that the party has lost voters in but also to a certain degree in coastal areas. these areas since the 1970s. The party mobi- The geographical profile is quite the opposite lized many voters during the E.U. debate, but of the . these voters were not for keeps. LUNDE MARINE ELECTRONICS, INC. The geographical profile for the Progress No geographical differences were iden- party is quite similar to the Conservatives. tified for Social Left and Liberals. The for- Sales and Service The Progress party has a more even disper- mer has never appealed to certain regions of sion of the votes – its support is not restricted the country, while the latter used to have a to cities. Except for the eastern and southern strong position in the western part. However, parts, the support for the party declines as we its position in the area has disintegrated since move away from the coastal line. the party split in 1973. The Christian Democrats party has its In conclusion, the conflict between Seattle,WA Tacoma,WA Dutch Harbor, AK strongest geographical base in the south- center and periphery still shines through in phone (206) 789-3011 phone (253) 627-6968 phone (907) 581-1498 western part of Norway. Traditionally, the Norwegian voting behaviour. In the poles fax (206)782-3188 fax (253)383-4965 fax (907) 581-1402 party had strongest support on the “dark of the dimension, we find the Conservative coast line” in the western part, but the party party and the Centre party. The former has its has declined in this area during the last two strongest position in the central parts of the decades. In interior parts, the party has only country, while the latter has its strongest po- [email protected] limited support. sition in the peripheral parts of the country. 5415 24th Ave NW, Seattle 98107 The Center party gets its highest share TRAVEL IN STYLE YOUR STYLE BUSINESS, ECONOMY EXTRA OR ECONOMY

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