Initial Survey of the Wave Distribution Functions for Plasmaspheric Hiss
JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 96, NO. All, PAGES 19,469-19,489, NOVEMBER 1, 1991 InitialSurvey of the Wave Distribution Functions for PlasmasphericHiss Observedby ISEE I L. R. O. S•o•s¾, • F . Lsrsvvgs, 2 M . PARROT,2 L . CAm6, • AND R. R. ANDERSON4 MulticomponentELF/VLF wavedata from the ISEE 1 satellitehave been analyzed with the aim of identifying the generationmechanism of plasmaspherichiss, and especiallyof determining whether it involveswave propagationon cyclictrajectories. The data were taken from four passes of the satellite, of which two were close to the geomagneticequatorial plane and two were farther from it; all four occurred during magnetically quiet periods. The principal method of analysis was calculation of the wave distribution functions. The waves appear to have been generated over a wide range of altitudes within the plasmasphere,and most, though not all, of them were propagating obliquely with respect to the Earth's magnetic field. On one of the passes near the equator, some wave energy was observed at small wave normal angles, and these waves may have been propagating on cyclic trajectories. Even here, however, obliquely propagating waves werepredominant, a finding that is difficultto reconcilewith the classicalquasi-linear generation mech•sm or its variants. The conclusion is that another mechanism, probably nonlinear, must have been generating most of the hiss observedon these four passes. 1. INTRODUCTION mals parallelto the field on the average[Smith et al., 1960; Plasmaspheric hiss is a broad-band and
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