A Heuristic Algorithm for Kriegspiel
Master Thesis Czech Technical University in Prague Faculty of Electrical Engineering F3 Department of Computer Science A Heuristic Algorithm for Kriegspiel Bc. Vojtěch Foret Supervisor: Ing. Michal Šustr May 2021 ctuthesis t1606152353 ii MASTER‘S THESIS ASSIGNMENT I. Personal and study details Student's name: Foret Vojtěch Personal ID number: 456991 Faculty / Institute: Faculty of Electrical Engineering Department / Institute: Department of Computer Science Study program: Open Informatics Specialisation: Artificial Intelligence II. Master’s thesis details Master’s thesis title in English: A heuristic algorithm for Kriegspiel Master’s thesis title in Czech: Heuristický algoritmus pro Kriegspiel Guidelines: 1. Make a literature overview of algorithms for solving large games of imperfect information, with the emphasis on Kriegspiel [1]. 2. Implement the game and reimplement a state-of-the art algorithm [2] as a baseline in OpenSpiel [3]. 3. Implement a new algorithm, based on sampling compatible boards [4] and evaluating them with a traditional chess engine [5] as a heuristic for the value function. 4. Evaluate the algorithms in pair-wise matches to compute a statistically significant result. Bibliography / sources: [1] Li, David Hsiang-fu. Kriegspiel: Chess Under Uncertainty. Premier Publishing Company, 1994. [2] Paolo Ciancarini, Gian Piero Favini, Monte Carlo tree search in Kriegspiel, Artificial Intelligence, Volume 174, Issue 11, Pages 670-684, 2010. [3] Lanctot M, Lockhart E, Lespiau JB, Zambaldi V, Upadhyay S, Pérolat J, Srinivasan S, Timbers F, Tuyls K, Omidshafiei S, Hennes D. OpenSpiel: A framework for reinforcement learning in games. arXiv preprint arXiv:1908.09453. 2019 Aug 26. [4] Ciancarini P, Favini GP. Representing Kriegspiel States with Metapositions.
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