What is Open Source How can I use ? Open Source? COMPUTER Open Source software is While many people only available free to anyone around associate “Open Source” SOFTWARE! the world. It is software with the operating developed by a wide variety of system, that's only the tip people for an even wider variety of the iceberg! of uses. Listed here are completely Unlike “shareware” and “free- free titles available for ware”, Open Source software is Windows, Mac and Linux! more than just free of charge. The “source code” – the human- If you want to surf more readable recipe used to create safely, you can switch from the software – is available, as Internet Explorer and well. Outlook to the Mozilla Firefox web browser and e- In the scientific realm, today's mail. discoveries are built on those of Open Source the past. Similarly, Open Source software naturally software: evolves and extends from earlier works. Developed by Who Uses Open Source? volunteers, Movie makers such as Dream Works use it to create non-profits and your favorite movies, like companies Shrek, Star Wars, Lord of the www.mozilla.org Rings. around the OpenOffice.org has a word Internet companies from your processor, spreadsheet, world local dial-up Internet service presentation and graphics provider (ISP) to Google and in an integrated suite. It Yahoo! search engines. can read and write Microsoft Office files, and Businesses you buy from, like export PDF and Flash Published by the Amazon.com and Ford Motor formats when publishing to Linux Users' Group of Davis, Company. the web. a 501(c)7 non-profit. http://www.lugod.org/ Government organizations such as NASA, the National Weather Service, the US Postal Service, and the Dept. of Defense.

Major computer companies like Apple, IBM, Oracle and Hewlett-Packard; and elementary schools to major www.openoffice.org universities. Kids and adults alike can Audacity lets you edit and You're already benefiting from learn about our solar system manipulate sound effects in Open Source today, in ways you might not realize! Have you and visit the planets using the various file formats. ever searched the web using Celestia space simulator. Google, watched TV on a TiVo, or used an Apple iBook?

• Google.com uses a 'cluster' of over 1500 Linux-based computers to provide their search service.

• The TiVo digital TV recorder runs Linux!

• Apple's Mac OS X operating www.shatters.net/celestia audacity.sourceforge.net system and Safari web browser are based on Open Source software.

With The Gimp, If you need a break from • Open Source software is photographers and artists can productivity, Frozen Bubble being used more and more to create stunning imagery. provides a fun, fast-paced create the 3D graphics and puzzle with great music. special effects we see in movies and on TV.

• Over 2/3rd of websites on the Internet are powered by the Open Source Apache web server. (Many also use Open Source databases and programming languages like MySQL, and PHP.)

• This pamphlet was made with OpenOffice.org's Writer www.gimp.org www.frozen-bubble.org word processor on a computer running Linux!

Kids aren't left out either, Play capture-the-flag against To Learn More thanks to Paint. friends in the 3D on line game Visit the Open Source Initiative: “BZFlag.” www.opensource.org and the Free Software Foundation: www.fsf.org

www.tuxpaint.org www.bzflag.org