H-PCAACA Call for Papers on Subcultures for PopCAANZ (Popular Culture Association of Australia and New Zealand), July 3 - 5, 2019, Melbourne, Australia Discussion published by Kathryn A. Hardy Bernal on Tuesday, September 25, 2018 Call for papers for presentation on subcultures at the 10th Anniversary of the Annual International PopCAANZ Conference to be held at RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia, July 3 - 5, 2019. Submission deadline for abstract proposal submissions: March 31, 2019. The Popular Culture Association of Australia and New Zealand (PopCAANZ) is devoted to the scholarly understanding of everyday cultures. It is concerned with the study of the social practices and the cultural meanings that are produced and are circulated through the processes and practices of everyday life, as a product of consumption, an intellectual object of inquiry, and as an integral component of the dynamic forces that shape societies. Academics, professionals, cultural practitioners and those with a scholarly interest in subcultures are invited to send a 150 word abstract and 100 word bio to the area chair, Kathryn A. Hardy Bernal, at
[email protected] by March 31, 2019. Examples of Fields of Interest: Subcultural Theory, Post-subcultural Theory, Subcultures and Gender Studies, Subcultures and Girls’ Studies, Subcultures and Queer Studies, Subcultures and Cultural Studies, Subcultures and Asian Studies, Fashion Subcultures, Music Subcultures, Street Fashions and Subcultures, Alternative Cultures, Youth Cultures, Counter Cultures (and more), including literature, film, and television, etc., which analyse subcultural studies. Examples of Subcultural Genres: Anarcho-Punk, Beatniks, Bikers, Black Metal, Bohemians, Bōsōzōku, Cosplay, Crusty Punk, Cybergoth, Cyberpunk, Emo, Ganguro, Glam, Goth, Gothic Lolita, Grunge, Hardcore Punk, Hip Hop, Hippies, Hipsters, Lolita, Metal, Mods, Mori Girls, New Romanticism, Pin-up, Psychobilly, Punk, Riot Grrrls, Rockabilly, Rockers, Rude Boys, Shironuri, Skaters, Skinheads, Steampunk, Straight Edge, Surfers, Teddies (and more).