Khrushchev's Ouster on the Chinese Test, President Johnson Coupled This Rejection W Ith Marvel Scholl on Oct
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IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIHillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIinillllllllllllllllllllllllllllHlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIrt THE MILITANT Khrushchev’s Ouster Published in the Interests of the Working People — See page 3 — Vol. 28 - No. 38 Monday, October 26, 1964 P ric e 10c As the Nov. 3 election draws rights workers in the South flared a vote to end the cold war. It is VOTE SOCIALIST!near it is clearer than ever that to new heights and when the so a vote for an end to the arms race. those concerned with social pro cial dynamite in the black ghettos It is a vote for full equality. It is gress in this country should vote of the North exploded — Johnson a vote against the witch hunt and for the Socialist Workers Party and Goldwater display their basic for civil liberties. It is a vote for ticket of Clifton DeBerry for similarity. Both agree the prob U.S. friendship with the Soviet President and Edward Shaw for lem of the Northern ghettos should Union, China, Cuba. It is a vote Vice President. be met by repression. And both of support to the colonial revolu On every key issue in this cam pledge full support to “local po tion. It is a vote for social pro paign the Republican Goldwater lice officials” in the South. gress. In addition, it is a vote for and the Democrat Johnson have Goldwater opposes Medicare the great liberating ideal of so proven, despite their verbal ex and says he is for a raise in So cialism, for an end to the exploita changes, to have a bi-partisan ap cial Security payments, Johnson tion of man by man. If you believe proach. Johnson out-Gold wa says he is for Medicare. But in these things, or even in only tered Goldwater on the Vietnam neither Medicare nor the raise in some of them, don’t waste your war when he ordered the bomb payments got through Congress. vote on the Democrats & Repub ing of North Vietnam following The cynical manner in which John licans. Make your vote count. the Gulf of Tonkin “incidents.” son allowed the heavily Democ Vote DeBerry-Shaw. Goldwater supported, and egged ratic Congress to adjourn without Johnson on, in this dangerous ad passing Medicare is further proof venture. that his principal interest in it is Goldwater accuses the adminis stre tch in g it o u t as a cam paign tration of responsibility for U.S. issue as long as he can. The same involvement in Vietnam, but both is true of the popgun “war on Johnson and Goldwater have re poverty,” which has been over fused to entertain the only pos whelmingly a war of words. sible peaceful and honorable solu Anti-Communism tion to the Vietnam crisis — with Both Johnson and Goldwater drawal of U.S. troops from the South Vietnam civil war. are dedicated to the anti-commu Johnson accuses Goldwater of nist crusade which causes the par anoiac hysteria on which the ultra being more reckless than the Dem ocrats on the question of nuclear- right grows. Both candidates are dedicated to the cold war. John weapons control, but neither big- business candidate w ill even con son has ordered, and Goldwater has supported, the U.S. interven sider the idea of scrapping the program of producing more and tion in the Congo — white mer more nuclear overkill. cenaries and all. When it comes down to cases on You can’t register opposition to civil rights — as it did during these things by voting for John Clifton DeBerry this campaign when white-su- son or Goldwater. Edward Shaw F o r President premacist violence against civil- A vote for DeBerry and Shaw is F o r Vice President >''iiiiiiiiiiiiiuiti WIND-UPTv Vff1l/Bvr SOCIALISTw W ln b l^ l RALLYi\M bbl SLATEDWbn V L1/ IfvIN NEW!1L VV YORKI \ J m \ m \ iiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiimmiiiiiimmiimimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiimiimnmiiiiiiiiiiimiiiimmiiiiimiiimiiiiimmiç SWP Candidates 5 5 On Radio and TV The Socialist Workers nom Rights Fighters to Speak for DeBerry | inees presently have sched uled the following programs: NEW YORK — Some noted, of Malcolm X, and a representa Leadership (GOAL) in Michigan, What It Is and How to Fight It,” m ilitant Negro leaders from both tive of the Muslim Mosque, Inc., and is a Congressional candidate and James Shabazz w ill talk on On Sunday, Oct. 25, Clif North and South w ill be heard at of Harlem. Milton Henry is chair of the Freedom Now Party in that “Twentieth Century Slaves.” ton DeBerry, Socialist Work an election rally here for Clifton man of the Group On Advanced state. For more information on the ers Party candidate for Pres DeBerry and Edward Shaw, So Candidates DeBerry and Shaw, conference call YU 9-7570 in New ident, will appear on the TV cialist Workers Party candidates winding up their national cam Y o rk C ity. program, “Issues and An for President and Vice President. paign tours, w ill address the rally, swers,” over the ABC nation Slater King, leader of the freedom which w ill be chaired by Richard al television network. Check movement in Albany, Ga., will Garza, SWP candidate for U.S. your local station listing for share the rally platform with M il Senator from New York. Other ton Henry and James Shabazz. speakers are Dr. Otto Nathan, the tim e. The rally w ill be held Sat., Oct. economist and executor of Albert On Thursday, Oct. 29, 31, 8:30 p.m. in the G rand B a ll Einstein’s estate; Sharon Krebs, from 7 to 9 a.m., DeBerry room of the Woodstock Hotel, 127 one of the young people who went will appear on NBC’s “To W. 43rd St. (between Sixth and to Cuba this summer in defiance day” show. Seventh Aves. — off Times of the travel ban; and Peter Ca- S quare). mejo, national secretary of the Also on Thursday, Oct. 29, Slater King is acting president Young Socialist Alliance. at 10 p.m., D eB erry appears of the Albany Movement, which The rally is part of a week-end on WNDT-TV, New York, became world famous in 1962 for conference on independent polit Channel 13, show, “The its struggle to win equal rights for ical action organized by Youth for World at 10.” DeBerry and Shaw. The confer Negroes in that Georgia city On Sunday, Nov. 1, at 12 through non-violent direct action. ence begins at 8:30 p.m. Friday. noon, Richard Garza, SWP King is also one of nine defendants Oct. 30, at the Woodstock Hotel, in the notorious Albany case, in with a panel on “The Negro Ghet nominee for U.S. Senator which the federal government to and Political Action.” During from New York, will appear aided local racists by framing-up the day on Saturday, Youth for on W NBC-TV’s program “Di the leaders of the Albany Move Johnson, Youth for Goldwater, rect Line,” along with Robert ment. King was sentenced to a and Youth for DeBerry and Shaw Kennedy, Kenneth Keating year and a day. His case is being w ill debate the issue of U.S. inter and the other Senatorial can appealed. vention in Vietnam'. Farrell Dobbs didates. James Shabazz is a national aide Slater King w ill speak on “Goldwaterism — James Shabazz Page Tw o THE MILITANT M onday, October 26, 1964 200 Hear DeBerry Speak Jack Barnes, Seattle Socialist Candidate At West Coast Youth Parley YSA Leader, Challenges “ Loyalty” Oath BERKELEY — About 200 peo B y R. K irk of allegiance to the State of Mis ple attended the West Coast Stu Boost for DeBerry SEATTLE — Jack Wright, Free sissippi, which although it is an dent Conference on Independent Begins Tour dom Socialist Party candidate for illegal and non-republican govern Political Action held here Oct. 17. In Algerian Paper state representative, whose filing Some came fro m as fa r as Los ment is nevertheless a political In its Oct. 17 issue, Révo for a place on the ballot was re Angeles and Seattle to attend the subdivision of the U.S. govern lution Africaine, published in jected by the Washington Secre lectures and intensive discussions Algeria, discussed the U.S. tary of State because of his refusal m ent. which began at 10:30 in the morn to sign a candidate’s loyalty oath, “If I did take such an oath of ing and ended 12 hours later. Re presidential elections and will go to the federal district office, I would be subject to in creation followed. criticized both Goldwater and court in an attempt to get the oath dictment for perjury. No one can The highlight of the conference Johnson. It described Clifton declared unconstituional. be loyal to the U.S. Constitution was the evening symposium on DeBerry as the first black Attorney Landon Estep, recent and to the State of Mississippi at the political roads open to the Ne candidate for President and ly associated with the American the same time.” gro struggle at which Clifton De cited his position that “John Civil Liberties Union’s successful Berry, SWP presidential nominee, Waymon Ware, FSP candidate son is no answer to G old challenge of the State Employee’s spoke. DeBerry was on the West for Congress in the Seventh Dis water.” It also described Oath, has been retained to initiate Coast leg of his national cam trict, signed the oath with the the legal action. The ACLU case, paign tour. Other participants in Malcolm X ’s position on the following protest: arising from the refusal of 60 Uni the symposium were W illie Brown, two capitalist candidates’ at “I sign only with the under versity of Washington professors Democratic Party candidate in titudes toward the Negroes: standing that nothing .