Court Proposes New Session to Handle Reapportioning
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I^N ESD A Y, OCTTOT^ 18, 186^ iKitnrlrpBt^r lEttrabig ll^raUt ATtnc* Dally Not Press Rm Weather Fsr the Weak l!a«ed Faraoaat of V. S. WMither 24, U M ' fla g Karinaa from tosvn are About Town taking part in Operation Steal Oloadjr and oairier tenlgkt, law Pika In Spaht. Tliey are: Pfc. f r o m b ib s t o c r ib s h e e t s 14,065 4e-46; fair aad eaelar to m u m m , Douglas P. Johnson, aon of aC tka Audit Mgk ee-86. W m KuBitoi Pwiy, dwigh- Douglas A. Jcdinaon, 144 Birch tar oC Mr. «w l M n. JamM Pn^ St.; Lance Cpl. Robert M. a( Maneh0tter— A City of ViUagm Chorm ly, m HoOMar 8t^ !■ a mem- Smith, eon of Mr, and Mrs. celebrating bar o t the program commlttaa RuUedga J. Smith, 411 Bum- for an Open Houaa at Meriden ham St.; Cpl. John B. Fales, VOL. LXXXIV, NO. 25 tTWBNTY-BIGHT PA6BSF-TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTE^^ CONN., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1964 (Ctoarifisd Advartiatag aU Faga 24) PRICE SEVEN CE^TS Haqdtal Sdiool of Ntiraing. son of Mr. and Mrs. Bbnmons . n ie event, acheduled for R. Falea, 1S8 N. Elm St.; Wednaaday, Nov. 4, front 12:46 Lance Cpl. James J. Antonio, B A B Y W EEK to S p.m., la open to high school son of Mr. and Mrs.i^James R. atpdents, their parcAta and Antonio, 147 Oloott St., and Events counsektra. Mlsa Perry la a atu- Lance Cpl. Rene R. Lessard, MIT Provost, Two Russians dent in the School ot Nursing son of Mr. and Mrs. William Court Proposes New Session at rite hoapit&l. Lessard, 36 Am ott Rd. \ ^ In State/ Mra. Orace P. Harrison, 27 Omar Shrine Club directors Meadow Lane, will be among will meet at 8 tonight at the members of the aacecutlve coun home of William Forbes, 231 Share Nobel Physics Prize cil of the Conneoticut Home McKee St. Economies Assotdation, w h o Bus Drivers To Handle Reapportioning "has been so excited with this will attend the fan meeting of Pfc. David R. Sapiensa. son STOCKHOLM, Sweden field since he made the first CHEA Friday at Hotel Ameri of Mr. and Mrs. Rosano S. Sa- (AP) — Dr. Charles' H. maser work in 1966.” ca, Hartford. N. WUUam Knight plensa, 63 Cobpm Rd., recently Mrs. Townes said the Russian Delay Strike NEW HAVEN (AP) __ '^fords opportunity to the legis-^happened at the special session4>mltt«d to a vote of the people Townes of the Massachu ^ . m ■ A. ____I A .J J . J c« — —.a 1inm 11966,A4IK 4the^ court said. of 65 White St., vice president g;raduated from recruit training physicists have been their house The three - juoge federal lature to perform what is prl' that adjourned in September of the Connecticut Bank and at the Marine Corps Recruit setts Institute of Tech guests in Cambridge and "both marlly the duty of the legisla withoot producing any plan. If the job of temporary re- Trust Co., will lead one of the Depot, Parris Island, S. C. He nology and two Soviet sci are charming men." HARTFORD (AP) — panel handling the Con ture — to reapportion itself,’’ Regardless of whether reap apportionment Is placed In tha discussion groupB at the event. will now report to Camp La - entists who have been his Dr. Townes, 49, is a native of The 125,000 people who necticut reapportionment the judges said. portionment is accomplished by hands of a special master, ha His topic is: “What the Home Jeune, N. C., for further com house guests were jointly Greenville, 8.C. He conceived ride Connecticut (jo. buses case ruled today that a spe “ Our action today, however, the legislature or by the court will be authorized to use a com Economist Needs to Know bat Infantry training. the idea for the beam in 1961. every day got a reprieve cial master will take over provides for reapportionment itself, the ruling calls for a puter in drawing up the pro awarded the 1964 Nobel posed legislative districts. About Insurance.” He and his students also coined today from a strike that the job of reapportioning by the court if Ie{^slative ac constitutional convention to be Mrs. Robert Post, Mrs. Mi Prize for physics today for the word "m aser," which tion falls.” held in 1966 to make a perma ITie special master’s plan chael Muschko . and Mrs. Nel had been scheduled to be the Connecticut General Advertisement for their contributions to stands for Microwave Amplifi The court gave the legisla nent reapportionment. would be based on 36 senatorial son Qulmby, members of the cation by SUmulated Emission gin this morning. After a Assembly if the Legisla The court called on the legis districts and 200 house distrlcta Manchester Public Health As the maser light beam. tors until Jan. 30 to “ enact con- It costs only pennies. Connect ’The 1964 prize for chemistry of Radiation. mediation session that be ture itself fails to do so in fititutioiial temporary legisla lature, at the proposed special "as compact as possible In con icut Bank and Trust Company sociation, recently attended a Basov, 42, and Prochorov, 48, session, to set up the machinery sistence with equal population preview showing of “Tomor was awarded Dorothy Crowfoot- gan at 2 p.m. yesterday and one last special session. tion for election of the next offers you a safe haven for im will share the other* half of the for a constitutional convention. considerations.” row’s Child” at Newington Hodgkin, 54, a biochemist of lasted for nearly 12 hours. The court proposed that a General Assembly, at a special portant papers and documents, Oxford University, England, for prize. They are members of the or regular election to be held The constitutional convention These guidelines were set up also jewelry .A SAFE DEPOSIT Home for Crippled Children. State Labor Commissioner special session convene by Nov. her "determination by X-ray Lebedev iMUtute for Physics of 16. It c.annot order such a ses in 1965.” would draw up amendments to by the late U.S. District Judge BOX costs only pennies a day at techniques of the structures of the Soviet Academy of Science. Renato Ricciuti announced Charles C. Clark, one of ma 8P3 Main. Tour stocks and The Republican Women’s sion; this is the prerogative of The special master will step: the state constitution to make Club will sponsor a nunmage Important biochemical com The Nobel Committee of the that the strike had been the governor In if the legislature cannot the reapportionment perma- bonds, your will and your in pounds.” Royal Swedish Academy of (See Page Twelve) surance policies deserve the sale tomorrow from 10 a.m. to There for Those Who Need It postponed. , “Our action today still af- reach agreement on a plan—a s ' nent. These would then be sub- noon at Republican Headquar The prizes, each totaling $68,- Science, which chooses the phy The new strike date, Ric protection of a SAFE DEPOSIT Mrs. Edward Cavin and other case workers of the Children’s Services o f Connecticut pro 128, wind up this year’s presen sics wiimer, cited the Soviet B C « at C.B. A T. ten, 773 Main S t vide family counseling, assistance with parent-child relationships and counseling for individ ciuti said, is Nov. 9—at 3:30 tations from the foundation American trio for basic re a.m. uals. ’The agency idso oversees the placement of children in foster homes. About a third of the established by Alfred Nobel, the search 'Within quantum electron work of the Manchester office of Children’s Services is done for town residents. Such assist t The 1,000 Connecticut Co. bus Inventor, of dynamite. ics which has led to production drivers and mechanics who ance requires financial support: your gift to the 1964-65 United Fund is a gift to Children’s ILOVED BY MORE MOTHERS t The maser beam, which of oscillators and amplifiers Political Services of Connecticut (Herald photo by Ofiara.) work in Hartford, New HaVen t greatly amplifies radio signals, according to the maser-laser and Stamford had been set to (3 other styles has become commonly known principle. Coupe, Mrs. Edith ’Thoren, Mrs. .. .WORN BY MORE BABIES f walk out over what the Amal also sell dressed dolls, and there available) as both a possible "death ray” DR. OHARIAIS H. TOWNES Shortly before the Nobel phy gamated Transit Union called Scene St. Mary’s Guild will be a Grab Bag for children. Emma Brown and Mrs. Frank t and as a potential means of A. Medium weight, Jif- B. Print Gown, Neva C. Print Saque set, sics award was announced, a the company’s refusal to talk Mrs. Elisabeth Kennedy, Mrs. H. Sheldon, tea table. t aiding man in medicine. It has nlgroglycerin plant belong;ing to Ruth Young and Mrs. Herman The Sponsors Club will sell; fon neck, Nevabind bind sleeves. Handy smocked yoke, feather Pasadena, (3allf., where he Is about contract violations. Sets Fair Date t led to a revolution in radio and a company founded by the late The negotiators for the un Lodge-Dodd Schendel, white elephant table; pecans, the Girl Scouts will sell | seamless underarms. cuffs and tied heip. stitch trim, with physics. Maser concentrates attending a meeting of a Nation matching plasticllned Alfred Nobel exploded at Gyt- ion and the company now have WETHERSFIELD (AP) — Miss Isabelle Dunn and Mrs. wrapped cup cakes and calen Dlspenda diaper tapes.