Tungurahua: An alternative means of economic development Final report* Marcela Alvarado, Gloria Camacho, Diego Carrión, Manuel Chiriboga, Patric Hollenstein, Carlos Larrea, Ana Isabel Larrea, Silvia Matuk, Ana Lucía Torres and Pablo Ospina Peralta (coordinator) 1 Discussion Paper Series Number Forty Four June 2010 IPPG Discussion Papers available at www.ippg.org.uk IPPG Programme Office, IDPM, School of Environment & Development University of Manchester, Arthur Lewis Building, 2.023, Oxford Road Manchester M13 9PL; Telephone 0161 306 6438;
[email protected] www.ippg.org.uk 1 * Paper prepared for the DFID-funded research programme, Institutions and Pro-Poor Growth (IPPG). The authors are grateful to DFID for the funding that made this research possible. The views expressed in this paper are entirely those of the author and in no way represent either the official policy of DFID or the policy of any other part of the UK government. This paper was carried out with the support of the Dynamic Rural Territories Programme, coordinated by the Rimisp Latin American Centre for Rural Development and sponsored by the International Centre for Development Studies, Canada. The first drafts of this report were discussed in various working sessions. We would like to give our special thanks for the support of Liisa North, who even took part in a long workshop held by the research team. Her comments were always helpful and profound. ¹ The authors are: Marcela Alvarado, Gloria Camacho, Diego Carrión, Manuel Chiriboga, Patric Hollenstein, Carlos Larrea, Ana Isabel Larrea, Silvia Matuk, Ana Lucía Torres, Pablo Ospina Peralta (coordinator), University Andina Simón Bolívar, Ecuador head office.