Mobile Phone Based Remote Monitoring System
Mobile Phone based Remote Monitoring System by Danyi Liu A Thesis Submitted in Fulfilment of the Degree of Master of Engineering Auckland University of Technology Auckland June 2008 Acknowledgements I wish to express my gratitude to my supervisor, Professor Adnan Al-Anbuky, for his ongoing guidance, his patience, his excellent advice, and most of all his kind understanding. His high expectations of me encouraged me to perform the best that I could and I respect him for that. I would also like to express my gratitude to Dr. Lin Chen, who had been my co- supervisor for one semester, for his patience and his good advice. I would also like to thank Murray McGovern at Mobile Control Solutions Ltd for his technical and project support. His help has been very valuable. Thanks also to Mr. Hong Zhang at MCS and to Sean Tindle, both of whom tolerated me and aided me in my quest so supportively. Thanks to David Parker for his proof reading of my work and his advice. I appreciate also, so much, my family’s interest and encouragement, without which I would not have had this opportunity. i Abstract This thesis investigates embedded databases and graphical interfaces for the MicroBaseJ project. The project aim is the development of an integrated database and GUI user interface for a typical 3G, or 2.5G, mobile phone with Java MIDP2 capability. This includes methods for data acquisition, mobile data and information communication, data management, and remote user interface. Support of phone delivered informatics will require integrated server and networking infrastructure research and development to support effective and timely delivery of data for incorporation in mobile device-based informatics applications.
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