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NI Fl Cc 1 Cl ‘0c - C\J )f ‘CC N— C\J ‘j- CC CD ci C Ci Ci C\) • -H C C!) >- C) • -I ‘i -P —‘ 0 0 C) C) 47 ç) CD ‘ri -P (7 C) i , CC (1) C) - 0 r-1 rH > 0 -P Ci C) r4 N rH ‘H r—I +- ‘H • C) • • C) • N T; —: • • fl4 N- • • • • e N . CD C, ‘r-l (7) • • • o ------ C) N-- CD ‘-0 CI) r-) rH —- C!) o 0 Cl) 7) •H -P C) H 1)2 (a 1,1 ci -1 Ci Ci) If) Cr) ‘H ‘H • C) • Cl) • lD •‘1 (1 -P -P ri • • ) •• • Ci i -l Ci Ci 0 -PC) ‘H Ci C) •• 0 C) C) Cl C) (D1 C) ,C) C) LO Q- 0 EC S -P • ci • • C) C) o Cl • C)) • • (r)Ci )iQ • N -P -P 0 r-H r-H ,:) CD C) C) -H ‘H ci 0 -ri U) ‘H • -P Cr” ‘H r—lCD )!tO NI Fl CS • r—irH • • C-I Ci) • • cC • 0 C) 54 C) C3 o o t C) C 3 CC -P C) r-4 -r) -j S— (I) 3r’ 1) C-I )-l )C) CC) •. Cl) D C) -P 1 -C Cl ) C) -P -P •—i C) C) 0 H 0 rH C) C) -I ‘-C) Cl) -H )1P4 ‘H Ci Ti -PuS TIC) )i CC Ci -PU) -P Ci ) )-i rr’C-j CD C) i ci CC 0 C) 0 N ‘H C) - rH ‘ C) C) 5 (C C) CD Cl) C) C) C) -P’H .- q ci 9) CC) C) S-i C) ‘rr’ (1) -P (3 N C C) N CC —H Cl) 0 Ii 0 Cl iCC) CC) i —i 1-10 -Cl —l 01-i C) C) r’iC E-l Ci E- :) 1,0 rql—1 C—I -‘Ci 0 • • r-) C’) (‘C -r’ [Or CCC N- (7) C)C) 0 H — _-_ __C__ — C _‘I’ r__ ________ 2 C FSSICL OCIur — SJiEi—.JE 3d 2eaartment of the eetirk;o are held at 5.15 p.m. in “kornlea” (.hucticn iiotel) - University), New srt1z Road, xeter. (Opoasite the I:meriel Cd hOd. 10th (See belc.v). Proamme for Michaelaas Term l95 vith the Friday, October 13th Joint ::eetinO Ro:an Society. Professor Sir FOGEk LYSORS, D.Litt., F.E.., on ilSLJS c’ni (Geoc_I’!) of Professor dynors is Corpus Christi Professor of Latin in the University has edited Oxford, and v;as Presinent of the Classical desociation in l96. he Latini. the Oxford texts of Ctullus, Pliny’s letters, and, the Parejjrici ::ebezs nh finn it detsful to brin; texts of Veril. ‘aith the Friday, October 27th. Joint mecti Bellenic Society. i±. n. :. RUSSFZL. on PLdTkC}i’ S hr. Russell is a fellon of St. John’s College, Oxford, and baiter of the and Classical ijearterly. be iezs published an Oxford text, with introduction comnentary, of ‘Ln5’inus’ and has “:ritten articles on vriouS subjects incluiin5 Plutarch. friday, hoveaber 10th. Classical soc1ation. ihis xeetin is held at 8 p.m. in LOPES JiLL, St. Carson’s Rd., (off Pcnnsylaz nia Rd.) hr. 1. D. :: i’:soo, , TEKINC LIbERTIES WITh HORdCE hr. Matheusoa. is Senior Lecturer in Clasaics in the Snivorsity of nater, and. the author of vrious articles on Classical subjects. i.:embers sill find it helpful to brinG texts of the Odes, friday, Novtser 24th. Joint 1teetin vith the University Classical Society. hr. B. B. SUnFTOE, M.d. on FSPECT OF GREEb SRT (probably with slides) hr. Shefton is Senior Lecturer in Creek drcLoeoloj and ncicnt History in the University of heucastle upon I’ync, and for:zcrl3- Lecturer in Classics in the Gui— vevsitr of Exeter. his piii3licatiods inclue tso:s and. orticles on various asp sets of Greek ,art. P.t.o. a Progra efor Lent Term 19613 Friday, February 9h Joint meeting ;ith the Uaiversity Classical Society. Mr. A. D. FITTON BRUVN, M.A. , on nico lENT WINE her. Fitton 3rovm. is a Fellc- of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, ann autnor of many articles mainly on Greek literary subjects. Friday, February 23rd Classical Association Profeoor D. J. O’CONNOR, ii.A., Ph.D., on dUOTLE aI) FTiLiSU Professor O’Connor is Professor of Philosophy in the University of Exeter. He is author of several books and articles on philosophic subjects, and has contributed several chapters, including one on Aristotle, in A Critical History of estorn Philosoohy of which ha ias editor. Friday, Harch 13th. Information will be sent later announcing’ the time and place of ha annual “JACICSON ENIGHT MOflIAL LECTURES” to be inaugurated. lay Oir BASIL BLACK’JELL, Hon. Ll.D. This is a rublic lecture to vihich members of the Classical Association and others are invited.. Friday, March 22nd. Joint Meeting with the Univursiy Classical Society Mr. J. A. NORTH, B. A., on PRIESTS AND POLITICIANS IN T LATE REPUELIC Mr. North is Lecturer in Ancient History in University Collage, London, and is engaged. on research in the history of Roman Religion. Further Details. All meetings are oien to everyone interested in Classical Subjects. are welcome, whether accoeganied cy a member of staff or not. The Hon. Sec. Raymona i. Clerk 12, Knowle Drive, Exwick, Devon. 4 AGI (? ::. ViL. iAflTIitLIS) :rnp ppiu.: euaics su1orare cupit inca Phyllis mictu, Inue dies brevior it breviorqu chiton. J Se via nunc ella ent liii te:nDtnia plecendi. Cur, uaeris? Zinimo nil minus esne potest. CORiIGLii)Ul Ovin to tyiing error, line 32 on page 48 of R. J. Clarks article The phorae end Tblets of the Jorthern ntrance Passage at Knossos which appearee in ‘Pas” (Ei67) 43ff., should read ‘tOne line of inventiEetion is nor (not not) called for.” 1-) -P Ci Or-cl C’) ci HI CI) Cc) rrici C) -H 0 C) ci) I U) 12) P- I C) I 0-H -H 5> 02,0-H ,C) (12 .120 Ci)rl 0 _r1 ., .1-i -- ES H (2) rI I C) Ci) -P .15 0 (2) C—c -P U) c--I 1p P-c (0 C) is c-,i ) Ic) (0 :- c) (0 12-1 ((2 (0 Ci) C) i-i 5)5 H(00C)C) HO C-- HI 0 ccl — F—I .c-—C C) O i) 4-’ rI-iC) C)cC) • -P 0 Cl) C) C) -H ‘ci c’S -r1 -Li C) ‘(0 c C) .11 ‘12 12-i-- 121-P Cl) c-i U) C) ci -i-- c-i ci i-P C) CD 0 (0 ci “-c; (i c-—) Cil •r—I -3 C) r .H 12 1-0 0 0 c((cj -Ho ----I 0 ci COP C) ‘-:1 C) C) ciH C> . -H c-5 (0(0 (0 C) (0 C) (1) (1] C) —S 0’ (1) r—l 0 C’) CC) 0 HI 0 12-i 5- (-H -P ci 0 HI (1 ((Cr1 Dcci C)) H (12 (05 C) c? c-I 5--I CHC)) U) Cl) (0 -P-C) ‘—1 C) (1) ci 0-i+ (12 (0 Cc) ci o 0 ci •H -H C) ccl ri 0 12-) Ci) C) -ii 1) ‘ci -p •)r-) ci is .ci Cl) CD .(0 -1 .11 0 (0 C) 5)5 ‘-- C) ri C) (0 Ci (12 C) Ci -4-’ u cc C) E -P C’) (((2 ‘(0 0 C) -(0 — = C) C) 0 U) HI ci Ci) d HI HI (12 H C) HI -+‘r+’ c5 oc (0 C) )— Cci 0 i-I ci) C) C) C) (3 ‘12 C) 0 ci C) Ci (12 Ci -P P C) ,_0 0 c-1 H (0 ‘C) C) C) c-i (0 rl (5 (5 C) 0 (0 c-Jr ci C) -Ci-HisOCcici HI r—) C) 4 :12) 4cc 0 (-1 -H 25) 0 rj is 0 ci -‘r-l12) iC))) Cl) ,Q ‘C,’ C) 12-1 -4-’ 5), -4--’ C) (0 is aD_ CC C) Ci() () C) i ccl Cl) _) C) -4 H ci ci-, P Ci ci is -P -1 - -(0 CO rH 0) HI rH •r-1 0 -- ‘C) 5’ 1-i P rjci C) Ic-DO •H ci U) -I-, C-c) o C) 0 .10 0 c-i 0 C) Cl) HI c-i O L$5-1 ci Ci) 1S) ci 0 CC —5>1 r-l (1) On U) ‘-C-: 1-12 CL 0)rH 121 H-P C) r(0 c-i -P = -H 5)) C:) 12 Cl) C—i -4 r1 U) C) cC, C,) ci (i’d r—l (0 C) Cli 5,5) -H C) 0= Ci) C-) c—I -P 0 cci C)) -(0 3 5) 5)1 0 5C) ---I C) c’S Li C) C) CC) I 12) C)) C) U--c CC) ‘P) is o ci • 0 120 10 0 0 C)Qj r Ci 2-’--’ -5 12r5 I— 12—I -s I C1’d (0-H (0c--c C) 12 Cc) 4) -cr—s-H ‘12 iS -P (2-> cc 0)0 — •-45-Iui) ‘12 HI .1 C’cxi ci C)-’ ci-, C) c-i 5- C)-P 1) 12) 0) C [) ci C--I c-DO-,-) -1-, C-i ri C) 5)5 -P C) (0 .r-1 ‘H -ii ‘i’d -c-i HO C) (12 ‘3 ii ri 4-’ C) c) • is UcC (5) ccl) C) -P ci -P c-I ci) I) -I--c c :5 ‘-2 4’ is is 12 -rC 5-5 c_i $5 ) C) •-) C) -H 4-’ C) CCC Ci Ccl •r—1 ci cii 12) (0 -1- Cic -P 0 .r-4 12) -cS ‘CO C) 0 ‘c) c-H -P (120 12) 0 —2-’ (1-) ci C) -P 1212 C) 12) -P 3 ‘5) CS C-— C) ,—I C) U) .-Qclhi ‘-4 (2-’ ‘(0:0 ciHIO C-Cl 0rI .1) (12 --C C) ci (0 CCC) ci Ci) -c--I -P HI 1 Ci) (011) C12(0 cci H-Pr1 .-(_) ci c-i —-iw 121(0 ‘(0 Ci-_,) C)-) cci 12-) (1) (1) C) Ci Cc-- -0.0)co 0 •r-lC-)ci,r-1 (5-Pa -P (2 (2) C) ‘—.: .‘ ,i C’) ci) CD £2 ow -i ci Pc-S c-i-i-’ C-C Cc ‘ci 12’ -,-‘ rH (1) Cl) C) ci ‘I) C) iC) 4) .15 C) .ci 0 ci .H (I) I--’ ci •H .r’j ii) C) Ci ‘ci CS -<: 5) C) 12) Cl) U) 4 C) is rI ‘jCr- .rH Cl) “0 -P -P i cd-i-’ - ‘12 ‘(C) -1) (0 12-4 0 ci’d -(0 -P .1_i (0 -H Ci.
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