Roads and Traffic Authority 16 September

Bringelly Road Upgrade Review of Environmental Factors

Traffic and Transport Modelling Assessment

AECOM Bringelly Road Upgrade Review of Environmental Factors - Traffic and Transport Modelling Assessment

Bringelly Road Upgrade Review of Environmental Factors Traffic and Transport Modelling Assessment

Prepared for Roads and Traffic Authority

Prepared by

AECOM Australia Pty Ltd Level 21, 420 George Street, Sydney, NSW 2000 Q410, QVB Post Office, Sydney, NSW, 1230 T +61 2 8934 0000 F +61 2 8934 0001 ABN 20 093 846 925

16 September


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16 September AECOM Bringelly Road Upgrade Review of Environmental Factors - Traffic and Transport Modelling Assessment

Quality Information

Document Bringelly Road Upgrade Review of Environmental Factors

Ref 60191486

Date 16 September

Prepared by Anukorn Chounlamountry / Erika Garbayo

Reviewed by Andy Yung

Revision History

Authorised Revision Revision Date Details Name/Position Signature

A 18-Apr-2011 Draft Report Dan Bright Original Signed Associate Director - Strategic Planning & Advisory B 13-May-2011 Draft Final Report Dan Bright Original Signed Associate Director - Strategic Planning & Advisory 0 02-Jun-2011 Final Report Dan Bright Original Signed Associate Director - Strategic Planning & Advisory 1 16-Sep-2011 Updated Final Report Steven Kemp Technical Director - Strategic Planning & Advisory

16 September AECOM Bringelly Road Upgrade Review of Environmental Factors - Traffic and Transport Modelling Assessment

Table of Contents Executive Summary i Mid block capacity and staging requirements i Intersection performance and staging requirements ii Other operational impacts iv Preliminary construction traffic impacts iv 1.0 Introduction 1 1.1 Project background 1 1.2 Study objectives 2 1.3 Report structure 2 2.0 Existing traffic and transport conditions 3 2.1 Route environment 3 2.2 Speed environment 3 2.3 B-Double routes 4 2.4 Major intersections along Bringelly Road 4 2.5 Water crossings along Bringelly Road 5 2.6 Surrounding land uses 5 2.7 Modes of travel 6 2.8 Traffic volumes 9 2.9 Operational assessment 14 2.10 Crash analysis 18 3.0 Traffic modelling 20 3.1 CUBE model 20 3.2 Base year model development 23 3.3 Future year model development 26 4.0 The proposal 40 4.1 Design Criteria 40 5.0 Traffic assessment 43 5.1 Consequence of no action 43 5.2 Operational impacts 43 5.3 Preliminary construction traffic impacts 52 6.0 Summary and recommendations 54 6.1 Mid block capacity and staging requirements 54 6.2 Intersection performance and staging requirements 54 Appendix A A Base Year Intersection Traffic A Appendix B B Crash History Summary B Appendix C C Base Year Calibration Results C Appendix D D Forecast Model Trip Ends D Appendix E E Future Year Traffic Forecasts E Appendix F F Future Year Turning Movements and Intersection Performance F Appendix G G Intersection Analysis Sensitivity Test (2-lane Analysis) G

16 September AECOM Bringelly Road Upgrade Review of Environmental Factors - Traffic and Transport i Modelling Assessment

Executive Summary The Roads and Traffic Authority of New South Wales (RTA) is proposing to upgrade Bringelly Road between The Northern Road and Camden Valley Way. Bringelly Road is a 10 km corridor running east-west between The Northern Road to the west and Camden Valley way to the east, providing a vital connection linking major urban and rural areas and is an integral component of the transport network in the south-west region of Sydney. Pressure will continue to build on Bringelly Road as the major east-west connection in the SWGC between Camden Valley Way / M7 and The Northern Road to cater initially for traffic growth generated by Oran Park and Turner Road Precincts to the south of the SWGC and then progressively from the development of precincts located immediately north and south of Bringelly Road as well as Leppington Town Centre. The rate of release of these developments will have a significant impact on the timing of Bringelly Road upgrade. Extra road network capacity and new public transport services will be needed to move people within and out of the subregion efficiently. This traffic assessment forms part of the Review of Environmental Factors (REF). The purpose of this traffic assessment is to assess the following elements: - Mid block capacity and staging requirements of the proposed Bringelly Road upgrade. - Operational performance of the key intersections to determine: x The ultimate intersection footprint required to cater for the expected traffic growth as a result of full development of SWGC. x The intersection staging requirements and timing to cater for all interim traffic growth scenarios in the south west region. - Operational impacts to property access, freight transport, public transport, pedestrians and cyclists. - Preliminary construction traffic assessment.

Mid block capacity and staging requirements The ultimate required capacity for Bringelly Road at full development of the SWGC will be a four lane divided carriageway from The Northern Road to King Street and a six lane divided carriageway from King Street to Camden Valley Way. The road needs to be widened to six lanes through Leppington Town Centre due to the intersection requirements, as it would be impractical to taper the intersection upgrade back to four lanes between intersections. Prior to the ultimate widening, Bringelly Road, east of King Street will require initially to be upgraded to a four lane divided carriageway to cater for the additional traffic demand generated by the initial phases of Austral and Leppington North Precincts and Leppington Town Centre as well as the opening of Leppington Station as part of the (SWRL). The rest of the corridor will also be upgraded to four lanes as development proceeds towards the west. The sections of Bringelly Road, east of King Street will require to be upgraded to six lanes in the long-term to cater for the traffic growth surrounding Leppington Town Centre.

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Intersection performance and staging requirements With substantial growth and changes being planned to adjacent land uses along Bringelly Road, traffic from the surrounding developments will only be able to access Bringelly Road at designated locations. The concept design proposes 11 new signalised intersections along the 10km upgrade between Camden Valley Way and The Northern Road. The majority of these signalised intersections will have four approaches functioning, requiring some consolidation of both existing and new access points to Bringelly Road during precinct planning. New signalised intersections are planned to be provided at the following locations: - Kelvin Park Drive (T-intersection) - Jersey Road / Bringelly Link Road (4-way intersection with interim U-turn facilities at future Bringelly Link Road) - Masterfield Street (4-way intersection) - North Avenue (4-way intersection with interim U-turn facilities at future North Avenue extension to the south of Bringelly Road ) - King Street (4-way intersection) - Eastwood Road (4-way intersection with interim U-turn facilities at future Eastwood Road extension to the north of Bringelly Road) - Fourth Avenue / Dickson Road (4-way intersection) - Edmondson Avenue / Rickard Road (4-way intersection) - Browns Road / Byron Road (T- intersection1) - Cowpasture Road (T-intersection) - Access to Western Sydney Parklands (T-intersection).

The intersections at The Northern Road will remain signalised, but will be upgraded with additional through and turning lanes to cater for further traffic growth in the future. Using the existing intersection layouts as a starting point, each intersection along Bringelly Road was assessed under forecast traffic flows and upgraded based on known staging of Bringelly Road widening. Should the intersection have insufficient capacity to cater for forecast traffic volumes, intersection upgrades are proposed with consideration of: - Surrounding intersection and mid-block capacity requirements. - Footprint of ultimate intersection layout. - An acceptable level of performance for 10 years after opening. - Measures to allow bus priority. - Intersection performance of LOS D or better at opening. - 95th percentile queue lengths not to extend into upstream intersections.

Table 1 provides a summary of the staging requirements for intersection upgrades within the study area.

1 Initially RTA will construct a T-intersection at Browns Road which will accommodate a future four way intersection to be constructed by others.

16 September AECOM Bringelly Road Upgrade Review of Environmental Factors - Traffic and Transport Modelling Assessment iii

Table 1: Intersection upgrade staging

Intersection 2011 2016 2021 2026 2031 2036 Upgrade intersection - two lanes The Northern Road Existing layout Extend turning bay lengths - - Ultimate layout on Bringelly Road approaches Upgrade intersection - Kelvin Park Drive Existing layout - signalisation and two lanes on - - Ultimate layout Bringelly Road approaches Upgrade intersection * - Jersey Road Existing layout - signalisation and two lanes on - - Ultimate layout Bringelly Road approaches Upgrade intersection - two lanes Upgrade intersection - Masterfield Street Existing layout - on Bringelly Road approaches - signalisation and two lanes Ultimate layout (priority intersection) on Bringelly Road approaches Upgrade intersection *- North Avenue Existing layout - signalisation and two lanes on - - Ultimate layout Bringelly Road approaches Upgrade intersection - King Street Existing layout - signalisation and two lanes on - - Ultimate layout Bringelly Road approaches Upgrade intersection *- Eastwood Road Existing layout - signalisation and three lanes on - - Ultimate layout Bringelly Road approaches Upgrade intersection - Fourth Avenue Existing layout - signalisation and three lanes on - - Ultimate layout Bringelly Road approaches Upgrade intersection - Ban northbound and Ban eastbound right turn Edmondson Avenue Existing layout signalisation and three lanes on - southbound right turn Ultimate layout movement Bringelly Road approaches movements Upgrade to T intersection - Browns Road Existing layout - signalisation and three lanes on - - Ultimate layout Bringelly Road approaches Upgrade intersection - Upgrade intersection - three Cowpasture Road Existing layout signalisation and two lanes on - - lanes on Bringelly Road Ultimate layout Bringelly Road approaches approaches Source: AECOM, 2011

*- including an interim U-turn facilities to assist with local access with the upgrade of Bringelly Road to a divided carriageway

16 September AECOM Bringelly Road Upgrade Review of Environmental Factors - Traffic and Transport iv Modelling Assessment

Other operational impacts With the upgrade of Bringelly Road, - The number of head-on crashes and likelihood of intersection crashes would be reduced with the provision of divided carriageway and signalised intersections along Bringelly Road. - Safety and efficiency for B-double and freight access along Bringelly Road will be improved. - There will be no operational impacts to existing bus routes (Routes 855 and 856). There may be relocation of existing bus stops as opportunities for bus stops will be provided on the departure side of each signalised intersection. This is an improvement in safety to the existing situation, which does not sufficiently allow for buses to stop adjacent to the traffic lanes. - Risk of congestion and over saturation on the road network will be minimised. The efficiency of public transport operations and travel time reliability along Bringelly Road will be improved. Appropriate bus priority measures will also reduce bus delays at intersections. - Access to the station and its interchange via all modes of transport will be maximised. - Safety for pedestrians and cyclists travelling along the corridor will be improved with the provision of an off- road shared path. - Opportunities for on-road cycling will be provided to allow for cyclists to travel adjacent to the traffic lanes. - Left in and left out access would generally be provided at existing properties where there are no other alternatives. Three temporary U-turn facilities have been incorporated into the design, to allow for traffic movements to and from properties with only left in and left out access.

Preliminary construction traffic impacts A detailed construction traffic impact assessment has not been undertaken because details related to construction activities and sequence of work are not known at this stage. It is recommended that the RTA undertake a detailed construction traffic impact assessment when further construction details are known following detailed design. Impacts on traffic during construction of the Bringelly Road would be temporary in nature. Traffic impacts would occur as a result of the movement of construction and service vehicles along Bringelly Road, service and access roads, due to the haulage of construction materials. Use of Bringelly Road and access to existing properties along the road would be maintained throughout the construction phase. Truck movements during the construction phase are expected to increase by 30 to 40 truck movements per day. Truck movements may increase to 60 to 100 truck movements per day at certain stages of construction. Truck movement numbers will be confirmed at a later stage when construction staging arrangements are more clearly defined. The additional truck movements should not have significant impacts along Bringelly Road, but may have locally concentrated impacts at construction access points. Potential impacts caused by construction vehicle traffic would include: - Increased travel times due to reduced speed limit around construction sites. - Increased travel times due to increased truck and construction machinery movements. - Temporary partial or complete closure of roads and altered property accesses during construction.

Access to individual properties may be temporarily affected by construction activities, either through the loss or alteration of existing access arrangements. However, property access would be maintained, and any impacts would be short-term. The proposal would involve changing the access and egress functions at junctions with adjoining roads. As such, some bus routes may be modified both during and after construction. Construction would have other impacts on bus services including reduced speeds and temporary relocation of bus stops. However, buses would continue to be able to use Bringelly Road.

16 September AECOM Bringelly Road Upgrade Review of Environmental Factors - Traffic and Transport v Modelling Assessment

Construction of the South West Rail Link (SWRL) will commence in 2011 and is due for completion in 2016. The planning of the upgrade of Bringelly Road will need to consider and ensure that accessibility to the station and its interchange via all modes of transport is maintained. A detailed traffic management plan (TMP) would be prepared as part of the construction environmental management plan (CEMP). The TMP would include the guidelines, general requirements and procedures to be used when activities or areas of work have a potential impact on existing traffic arrangements.

16 September AECOM Bringelly Road Upgrade Review of Environmental Factors - Traffic and Transport 1 Modelling Assessment

1.0 Introduction

1.1 Project background The Roads and Traffic Authority of New South Wales (RTA) is proposing to upgrade Bringelly Road between The Northern Road and Camden Valley Way - the Bringelly Road upgrade (‘the proposal’). The proposal is part of the RTA’s program to improve road safety, traffic efficiency and future road network performance in the South West Growth Centre (SWGC) in Sydney’s south west. Bringelly Road is a 10 km corridor running east-west between The Northern Road to the west and Camden Valley Way to the east. The road functions as an arterial road linking major urban and rural areas and is an integral component of the transport network in the south-west region of Sydney. The corridor is the main road through the suburbs of Bringelly, Rossmore, Austral and Leppington. The regional context of Bringelly Road is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 Bringelly Road upgrade – regional context

Source: RTA, 2011 The corridor currently consists of a two-lane road from The Northern Road to Camden Valley Way. It is a sealed road with a gravel verge / shoulder and no kerb or gutter. The corridor currently has limited overtaking opportunities, several junctions with local rural roads and many uncontrolled private accesses.

16 September AECOM Bringelly Road Upgrade Review of Environmental Factors - Traffic and Transport 2 Modelling Assessment

The concept design for the proposal would include the following key features: - An initial upgrade from a two lane to a four lane divided road with a central median. - The wide central median will allow for future widening to six lanes, if required in the future. - An intended posted vehicle speed limit of 80km/h. - A three metre wide off-road shared pedestrian/cyclist path. - Two metre shoulders. - Adjustments to public utilities such as gas, electricity and telephone services along the route. - Bicycle and pedestrian crossing provisions at traffic lights. - Bus priority capability at traffic lights and indented bus bays on both sides of Bringelly Road. - Designated turning lanes at traffic lights. - Existing properties on Bringelly Road would continue to have direct left in/left out access until precinct development takes place, and alternative access becomes available.

1.2 Study objectives This traffic assessment forms part of the Review of Environmental Factors (REF). The purpose of this traffic assessment is to assess the following elements: - Mid block capacity and staging requirements of the proposed Bringelly Road upgrade. - Operational performance of the key intersections to determine: x The ultimate intersection footprint required to cater for the expected traffic growth as a result of full development of SWGC. x The intersection staging requirements and timing to cater for all interim traffic growth scenarios in the south west region. - Operational impacts to property access, freight transport, public transport, pedestrians and cyclists. - Preliminary construction traffic assessment.

1.3 Report structure This report has been structured into the following sections: - Section 2 of this report provides an overview of existing traffic and transport conditions, including existing operational performance of Bringelly Road. - Section 3 documents the traffic modelling methodology which has been adopted to predict future traffic volumes for the Bringelly Road upgrade. - Section 4 outlines the concept design for the proposal. - Section 5 provides details of the traffic impact assessment that was undertaken for different stages and scenarios including the consequence of no action, construction and operational impacts of the proposal and the management measures that have been developed to mitigate the impact of the traffic and transport issues. - Section 6 summarises the key outcomes of the traffic and transport modelling assessment.

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2.0 Existing traffic and transport conditions

2.1 Route environment Bringelly Road is a 10 km route linking Edmondson Park and Bringelly in the centre of the SWGC. The road acts as a strategic road link connecting major urban and rural areas. Bringelly Road is one of the main east-west corridors in the SWGC bisecting Camden and Liverpool local government areas (LGAs), and is connected to The Northern Road to the west and Camden Valley Way to the east as shown in Figure 2. Bringelly Road is at present a two-lane, two-way sealed road, with a gravel verge / shoulder and no kerb. There is minimal provision of pedestrian and cycling facilities along the corridor.

Figure 2 Bringelly Road upgrade project area

Source: AECOM, 2011

2.2 Speed environment Figure 3 shows the posted speed limit along different sections of Bringelly Road. The road has a posted speed limit of 70 km/h east of Cowpasture Road. The posted speed limit of Bringelly Road to the west of Cowpasture Road is generally 80 km/h except the sections near Rossmore shops and Bringelly shops where the posted speed limit is 60 km/h. Two school zones are located adjacent to Bringelly and Rossmore public schools, where a 40 km/h speed restriction is in place during school start and finish times.

Figure 3 Speed zones on Bringelly Road

Source: AECOM, 2011

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2.3 B-Double routes Figure 4 shows designated B-Double truck routes. Bringelly Road is designated a B-Double route for trucks up to 26m in length with connections to other B-Double routes including The Northern Road, Camden Valley Way, Cowpasture Road, Devonshire Road and King Street.

Figure 4 Heavy vehicle travel restrictions

Source: RTA, 2011

2.4 Major intersections along Bringelly Road The existing intersections along the Bringelly Road corridor include: - The Northern Road - Kelvin Park Drive - Jersey Road - Masterfield Street - Church Street - Allenby Road - North Avenue - Glen Allan Road - King Street - Kelly Street - Eastwood Road - Fourth Avenue / Dickson Road - Edmondson Avenue / Rickard Road - Browns Road - Cowpasture Road - Camden Valley Way / Cowpasture Road.

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The intersection of Camden Valley Way with Bringelly Road is not considered to be part of the scope of Bringelly Road Upgrade Project. The location of these intersections along Bringelly Road is shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5 Existing intersection locations in the project area

Source: AECOM, 2011 All of these intersections are priority give-way intersections, except for traffic signals at Camden Valley Way and The Northern Road.

2.5 Water crossings along Bringelly Road Bringelly Road also crosses a number of creeks or water channels including: - Sydney Catchment Authority Upper Canal - Bonds Creek - Scalabrini Creek - Kemps Creek - South Creek.

2.6 Surrounding land uses 2.6.1 Land uses Bringelly Road currently provides direct access to suburbs including Austral, Leppington, Rossmore and Bringelly. Existing features along the Bringelly Road corridor include rural residential housing, a flower nursery, public schools, and a petrol station near the Rossmore shops. A church and cemetery are also situated off Bringelly Road on Church Street. There is an approved Development Application for a service station, car wash and fast food outlet at 68 Kelly St Austral, on the NE corner of Bringelly Road. 2.6.2 Population and employment The anticipated growth in population and employment in the SWGC will drive the need for the upgrade of Bringelly Road. Population and employment growth from 2006 to 2036 (forecast) are shown in Table 2 and Table 3.

16 September AECOM Bringelly Road Upgrade Review of Environmental Factors - Traffic and Transport 6 Modelling Assessment

Table 2 Population growth forecast 2006–2036

LGAs 2006 2016 2026 2036

Camden 50,940 96,320 172,310 249,770

Campbelltown 147,440 167,480 201,570 233,760

Liverpool 170,920 201,990 259,340 324,440

Wollondilly 41,220 48,270 57,460 66,890

Source: 2009 BTS Population Forecasts

Table 3 Employment growth forecast 2006–2036

LGAs 2006 2016 2026 2036

Camden 17,320 24,250 34,850 44,980

Campbelltown 45,930 54,340 64,960 75,080

Liverpool 59,160 72,500 89,130 103,520

Wollondilly 10,920 11,970 13,480 14,880

Source: 2009 BTS Employment Forecasts Significant growth over the next thirty years is expected in the Camden, Campbelltown, Liverpool and Wollondilly LGAs. Development of the SWGC new release areas will significantly increase the demand for travel on sections of Bringelly Road.

2.7 Modes of travel 2.7.1 Private transport Private vehicles are the predominant mode of transport utilised in the project area. This is attributed to public transport services being limited along the Bringelly Road corridor. The 2006 Journey to Work data provides details of the mode share of average weekday travel demand made from each LGA in NSW. The mode share for the four LGAs in the SWGC in comparison to Sydney City and Parramatta LGAs is shown in Table 4.

Table 4 Average weekday mode share (2006)

Vehicle Vehicle Public Other LGAs Walk only Total driver passenger transport modes

Camden 83% 8% 2% 3% 4% 100%

Campbelltown 80% 9% 6% 3% 2% 100%

Liverpool 78% 8% 6% 4% 4% 100%

Wollondilly 81% 6% 1% 6% 6% 100%

Parramatta 69% 6% 18% 4% 3% 100%

Sydney City 27% 4% 59% 7% 3% 100%

Source: 2006 BTS Journey to Work Dataset Findings from the mode distribution travel survey shows that over 85 per cent of total trips on a typical weekday made in Camden, Campbelltown, Liverpool and Wollondilly are car-based compared to an average of 75 per cent in Parramatta and 30 per cent in Sydney City. A more detailed analysis of existing road network performance is provided in Section 2.8.

16 September AECOM Bringelly Road Upgrade Review of Environmental Factors - Traffic and Transport 7 Modelling Assessment

2.7.2 Public transport As shown in Table 4, public transport accounts for less than ten per cent of the mode share in each of the four LGAs within the SWGC. Currently there is limited public transport provision in the vicinity of Bringelly Road corridor. There is no rail link to the suburbs immediately north or south of Bringelly Road. The nearest major train stations are at Glenfield or Liverpool, which are serviced by the South Line, Airport and East Hills Line and the . There are two bus routes, operated by Interline Bus Services, currently operate along certain sections of Bringelly Road. The two bus services on Bringelly Road are shown in Figure 6. Route 856 operates from Liverpool to Bringelly, via Bringelly Road, Ingleburn Road and Camden Valley Way. The service operates hourly during peak periods and infrequently during non-peak times. This bus service is timed to arrive at Liverpool Station to connect with onward rail services to the City. Route 855 operates from Austral to Liverpool, via Fifteenth Avenue, Cowpasture Road and the Hume Highway. Weekday services operate hourly between 06:00–10:00, however, only three services are provided in the afternoon. 2.7.3 Walking and cycling There are limited dedicated walking and cycling facilities along Bringelly Road. Shoulders and verges provide a means for pedestrians to travel along Bringelly Road, however, the speed of traffic on the road combined with the rural nature of the area result in very little pedestrian activity. A pedestrian refuge is provided outside the Rossmore Public School to ensure safe crossing opportunities for pedestrians. Pedestrian crossings are also provided on the northern and western approaches of the signalised intersection at Bringelly Road / The Northern Road. Dedicated cycle lanes are provided at all approaches of the signalised intersection at Bringelly Road / Camden Valley Way / Cowpasture Road.

16 September AECOM Bringelly Road Upgrade Review of Environmental Factors - Traffic and Transport Modelling Assessment 8

Figure 6 Interline Bus Services network map (2010)

Source: Interline bus services May2010 network map

16 September AECOM Bringelly Road Upgrade Review of Environmental Factors - Traffic and Transport 9 Modelling Assessment

2.8 Traffic volumes 2.8.1 RTA historical traffic data The most recent annual average daily traffic (AADT) data for Bringelly Road was collected in 2005. The data was obtained from three non-permanent mid-block counting stations located along Bringelly Road and provide AADT data in both directions. The counting stations are located at the following locations and shown in Figure 7: - Bringelly Road, Bringelly - east of MR154, The Northern Road (85.099) - Bringelly Road, Austral - east of Browns Road (85.092) - Bringelly Road, Austral - at the Sydney Water Supply Line (64.097).

Although a fourth counting station (64.099) is illustrated in Figure 7, it was been omitted from the analysis due to the lack of data retrieved from the station.

Figure 7 Bringelly Road traffic counting stations

Source: RTA, 2010 As shown in Table 5, count station 64.097 experienced a marked drop in volume from 1999 to 2002 following the realignment of Cowpasture Road to a 4-way intersection at Camden Valley Way in 2000. As indicated by traffic counts collected at station 85.092 and 85.099, traffic volume has increased at an annual rate of 1.8 per cent and 1.0 per cent respectively, from 1999 to 2005.

Table 5 Bringelly Road AADT traffic counts (1996–2005)

Station Location Year Annual growth rate from 1999 to 2005 1996 1999 2002 2005

85.099 Bringelly Road, Bringelly–east of 4,920 5,840 6,020 6,210 1.0% MR154, The Northern Road

85.092 Bringelly Road, Austral–east of n/a 8,480 8,830 9,450 1.8% Browns Road

64.097 Bringelly Road, Austral–at the 14,550 15,400 9,360 8,870 n/a Sydney Water Supply Line

Source: RTA, 2010

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2.8.2 Mid-block traffic counts (2010) In addition to the three non-permanent mid-block counting stations along Bringelly Road, the RTA commissioned traffic surveys in December 2010 to measure current traffic volumes at other key locations along Bringelly Road. The automatic traffic count (ATC) tubes were located on Bringelly Road at the following locations: - Immediately east of The Northern Road - Immediately east of King Street - Immediately west of Camden Valley Way.

Table 6 2010 Traffic volume summary

Location on Two-way traffic volumes Bringelly Road AM peak hour traffic PM peak hour traffic Average Weekday Average Daily Traffic (veh/hr) (hour (veh/hr) (hour Traffic (veh/day) (veh/day) beginning) beginning)

Immediately east of 6,030 5,690 440 (07:00) 540 (17:00) The Northern Road

Immediately east of 9,130 8,540 620 (08:00) 810 (16:00) King Street

Immediately west of 9,520 9,090 700 (08:00) 800 (15:00) Camden Valley Way

Source: AECOM, based on traffic data collected by RTA between 10/12/10 to 16/12/10 Table 6 indicates that the highest daily volume of traffic occurs on Bringelly Road, west of Camden Valley Way, with 9,520 vehicles during an average weekday. The average weekday traffic flow on Bringelly Road, east of The Northern Road is 6,030 vehicles. There is a difference of approximately 3,000 veh/day (300 veh/hour) recorded on the eastern and western ends of Bringelly Road, with higher traffic flows on the eastern end near Camden Valley Way. The peak hour for traffic volumes recorded on Bringelly Road occurs between 7 and 9am in the morning and between 3 and 6pm in the afternoon. 2.8.3 Traffic distribution The daily trip distribution pattern for Bringelly Road is summarised in Table 7. All surveyed sites have a 50 / 50 eastbound / westbound split of the average daily traffic distribution.

Table 7 Peak hour traffic distribution on Bringelly Road

ADT traffic distribution Location on Bringelly Road ADT EB WB EB % WB %

Immediately east of The Northern Road 5,690 2,830 2,860 50% 50%

Immediately east of King Street 8,540 4,310 4,230 50% 50%

Immediately west of Camden Valley Way 9,090 4,620 4,470 51% 49%

Source: AECOM, based on traffic data collected between 10/12/10 to 16/12/10

16 September AECOM Bringelly Road Upgrade Review of Environmental Factors - Traffic and Transport 11 Modelling Assessment

2.8.4 Weekly traffic profile The average weekly two-way traffic profiles for all three surveyed sites are shown in Figure 8, Figure 9 and Figure 10. The profile shows clearly defined morning and afternoon peak periods on all weekdays, with a higher PM peak than the AM peak. Traffic volumes are lower on weekends with no distinct peak periods.

Figure 8 Average weekly two-way traffic volume at Bringelly Road, east of The Northern Road Weekly Vehicle Volume Graph Bringelly Road just east of The Northern Road 1000





` 500

400 VehiclesHour per 300



0 0:00 6:00 0:00 6:00 0:00 6:00 0:00 6:00 0:00 6:00 0:00 6:00 0:00 6:00 12:00 18:00 12:00 18:00 12:00 18:00 12:00 18:00 12:00 18:00 12:00 18:00 12:00 18:00 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Time

Source: AECOM, based on traffic data collected by RTA between 10/12/10 to 16/12/10

Figure 9 Average weekly two-way traffic volume at Bringelly Road, east of King Street Weekly Vehicle Volume Graph Bringelly Road just east of King Street 1000





` 500

400 VehiclesHour per 300



0 0:00 6:00 0:00 6:00 0:00 6:00 0:00 6:00 0:00 6:00 0:00 6:00 0:00 6:00 12:00 18:00 12:00 18:00 12:00 18:00 12:00 18:00 12:00 18:00 12:00 18:00 12:00 18:00 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Time

Source: AECOM, based on traffic data collected by RTA between 10/12/10 to 16/12/10

16 September AECOM Bringelly Road Upgrade Review of Environmental Factors - Traffic and Transport 12 Modelling Assessment

Figure 10 Average weekly two-way traffic volume at Bringelly Road, west of Camden Valley Way Weekly Vehicle Volume Graph Bringelly Road just west of Camden Valley Way 1000





` 500

400 Vehicles per Hour per Vehicles 300



0 0:00 6:00 0:00 6:00 0:00 6:00 0:00 6:00 0:00 6:00 0:00 6:00 0:00 6:00 12:00 18:00 12:00 18:00 12:00 18:00 12:00 18:00 12:00 18:00 12:00 18:00 12:00 18:00 Monday Tuesday Wednesda Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Time

Source: AECOM, based on traffic data collected by RTA between 10/12/10 to 16/12/10

2.8.5 Daily traffic profile Daily traffic volume profiles for all three surveyed sites are shown in Figure 11, Figure 12 and Figure 13. The profiles for all sites along Bringelly Road distinctly show two peak periods in the morning and the afternoon. For all sites, morning peak traffic volumes tend to peak from 6am in the morning with commuter traffic, before subsiding in the inter-peak period and increasing again to a peak in the afternoon. The afternoon peak is also higher than the morning peak at all three surveyed stations along Bringelly Road.

Figure 11 Daily traffic profile at Bringelly Road, east of The Northern Road

1000 900 800 700 600 500

Vehicles 400 300 200 100 0 0:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 5:00 6:00 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Hour Starting

Ave W'day 7 Day Ave

Source: AECOM, based on traffic data collected between 10/12/10 to 16/12/10

16 September AECOM Bringelly Road Upgrade Review of Environmental Factors - Traffic and Transport 13 Modelling Assessment

Figure 12 Daily traffic profile at Bringelly Road, east of King Street

1000 900 800 700 600 500

Vehicles 400 300 200 100 0 0:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 5:00 6:00 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Hour Starting

Ave W'day 7 Day Ave

Source: AECOM, based on traffic data collected between 10/12/10 to 16/12/10

Figure 13 Daily traffic profile at Bringelly Road, west of Camden Valley Way

1000 900 800 700 600 500

Vehicles 400 300 200 100 0 0:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 5:00 6:00 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Hour Starting

Ave W'day 7 Day Ave

Source: AECOM, based on traffic data collected between 10/12/10 to 16/12/10

16 September AECOM Bringelly Road Upgrade Review of Environmental Factors - Traffic and Transport 14 Modelling Assessment

2.8.6 Freight transport Bringelly Road is classified as a B-double route between Leppington and Bringelly. Classified mid-block automatic traffic count (ATC) surveys were undertaken in December 2010 to determine heavy vehicle proportions on Bringelly Road. Table 8 shows the proportion of heavy vehicles during typical weekday and weekend periods, illustrating the importance of Bringelly Road as a road freight route. Heavy vehicle volumes and proportions are higher on weekdays than the weekend. In addition, heavy vehicle volumes are greater at the eastern end of the project area on Bringelly Road compared to the western end, although the proportion of heavy vehicles at the western end is larger, due to a lower amount of total traffic surveyed.

Table 8 2010 freight traffic volume summary

Average weekday traffic (AWT) Average daily traffic (ADT)

Location on Bringelly Road Heavy % heavy Heavy % heavy All vehicles All vehicles vehicles vehicles vehicles vehicles

Bringelly Road, east of The 6,030 760 12.6% 5,690 620 10.9% Northern Road

Bringelly Road, east of King 9,130 1,000 10.9% 8,540 830 9.7% Street

Bringelly Road, west of Camden 9,520 1,010 10.6% 9,090 840 9.2% Valley Way

Source: AECOM, based on traffic data collected by the RTA between 10/12/10 to 16/12/10

2.9 Operational assessment 2.9.1 Mid-block capacity The peak hour directional traffic flow at each of the three surveyed location are summarised in Table 9. Volume capacity ratios (V/C) for the peak direction traffic volumes have also been calculated assuming a capacity of 1,200 vehicles per lane per hour.

Table 9 2010 mid-block peak hour traffic flows and capacity

AM peak hour (veh/hr) PM peak hour (veh/hr)

Location of Bringelly Road Peak direction flow Volume capacity Peak direction flow Volume capacity (Eastbound) ratio (Westbound) ratio

Immediately east of The Northern 270 0.23 320 0.27 Road

Immediately east of King Street 410 0.34 500 0.42

Immediately west of Camden 430 0.36 490 0.41 Valley Way

Source: AECOM, based on traffic data collected by RTA between 10/12/10 to 16/12/10 The results of the analysis suggest that current traffic flows on Bringelly Road are relatively low and there is reserve capacity on the corridor. However, the actual capacity of the road is reduced due to lack of overtaking opportunities.

16 September AECOM Bringelly Road Upgrade Review of Environmental Factors - Traffic and Transport 15 Modelling Assessment

2.9.2 Intersection performance AECOM has undertaken intersection modelling using SIDRA Intersection 5.0 (SIDRA) with details of the geometry of the key intersections and the average peak hour traffic data collected in 2010. All 16 intersections as shown in Figure 5 have been assessed in SIDRA. SIDRA output data used in this study includes: - Degree of Saturation (DoS) – a measure of the ratio between traffic volumes and capacity of the intersection. - Level of Service (LoS) – a measure of the overall performance of the intersection. - Average Delay – the average time in seconds that vehicles wait at the intersection.

The Level of Service is a six-point scale (A to F) measuring the extent of delay, as shown in Table 10.

Table 10 Level of Service Indication Table

Average delay per vehicle Level of Service Description (seconds/veh)

A < 14 Good operation

B 15 – 28 Good with acceptable delay

C 29 – 42 Satisfactory

D 43 – 56 Operating near capacity

E 57 – 70 At capacity; at signals, incidents will cause excessive delays

F > 70 Extra capacity required

Source: RTA Traffic Generating Development Guide, 2002

Table 11 and Table 12 summarise the performance of all intersections along Bringelly Road. The analysis was undertaken based on the average peak hour flows during a typical weekday. The average peak hour intersection traffic volumes for all the intersections along Bringelly Road are presented in Appendix A. For the purposes of this study, the SIDRA analysis has assumed no overtaking opportunities exist along Bringelly Road, as it currently is a two-lane, two-way road. It is assumed vehicles will not drive onto the road shoulder to overtake any turning vehicles on Bringelly Road. All the intersections within the study area currently operate at a satisfactory level of service (LoS C or better) during the peak hours. All the priority intersections are currently operating at LoS A, minimal intersection delays and queueing on all approaches during peak hours. The intersection of Bringelly Road / The Northern Road are currently used by much more traffic than other intersections along Bringelly Road. This intersection still operates at satisfactory level of service with acceptable intersection delays. However, queue lengths extend over 100m at some approaches to this intersection during the peak hours.

16 September AECOM Bringelly Road Upgrade Review of Environmental Factors - Traffic and Transport 16 Modelling Assessment

Table 11 Intersection performance along Bringelly Road (AM peak hour)

95% Back of Queue Intersection Intersection Degree of Average Intersections (with Queue traffic volumes Level of saturation intersection Worst queueing Bringelly Road) lengths (veh/hr) Service (LoS) (DoS) delays (sec) approach (m)

The Northern Road The Northern Road 1,377 B 0.83 24.8 135 (traffic signals) (South)

Kelvin Park Drive 487 A 0.12 2.4 5 Bringelly Road (East) (priority)

Jersey Road 603 A 0.17 3.6 8 Bringelly Road (West) (priority)

Masterfield Street 612 A 0.21 2.5 12 Bringelly Road (West) (priority)

Church Street 637 A 0.22 1.8 8 Bringelly Road (East) (priority)

Allenby Road 724 A 0.23 3.9 14 Bringelly Road (West) (priority)

North Avenue 632 A 0.21 2.5 5 Bringelly Road (East) (priority)

Glen Allan Road 531 A 0.19 1.4 5 Bringelly Road (East) (priority)

King Street (priority) 647 A 0.19 3.0 7 Bringelly Road (East)

Kelly Street (priority) 650 A 0.21 1.7 8 Bringelly Road (East)

Eastwood Road 728 A 0.22 3.9 13 Bringelly Road (West) (priority)

Fourth Avenue 816 A 0.22 4.9 13 Bringelly Road (West) (priority)

Edmondson Avenue 813 A 0.22 4.3 14 Bringelly Road (East) (priority)

Browns Road 707 A 0.22 1.4 9 Bringelly Road (East) (priority)

Cowpasture Road 705 A 0.22 1.8 14 Bringelly Road (West) (priority)

Source: AECOM, 2011

16 September AECOM Bringelly Road Upgrade Review of Environmental Factors - Traffic and Transport 17 Modelling Assessment

Table 12 Intersection performance along Bringelly Road (PM peak hour)

95% Back of Queue Intersection Intersection Degree of Average Intersections (with Queue traffic volumes Level of saturation intersection Worst queueing Bringelly Road) lengths (veh/hr) Service (LoS) (DoS) delays (sec) approach (m)

The Northern Road The Northern Road 1,745 B 0.87 27 174 (traffic signals) (North)

Kelvin Park Drive 679 A 0.20 2.5 12 Bringelly Road (East) (priority)

Jersey Road 844 A 0.28 3.7 10 Bringelly Road (West) (priority)

Masterfield Street 841 A 0.28 1.1 11 Bringelly Road (West) (priority)

Church Street 881 A 0.29 2.3 22 Bringelly Road (East) (priority)

Allenby Road 1016 A 0.31 5.1 16 Bringelly Road (West) (priority)

North Avenue 909 A 0.27 3.6 17 Bringelly Road (East) (priority)

Glen Allan Road 745 A 0.26 2.6 16 Bringelly Road (East) (priority)

King Street (priority) 899 A 0.29 3.2 18 Bringelly Road (East)

Kelly Street (priority) 873 A 0.28 2.1 21 Bringelly Road (East)

Eastwood Road 991 A 0.29 4.4 13 Bringelly Road (West) (priority)

Fourth Avenue 1,012 A 0.28 4.9 19 Bringelly Road (East) (priority)

Edmondson Avenue 1,052 A 0.29 5.4 19 Bringelly Road (East) (priority)

Browns Road 887 A 0.28 1.8 20 Bringelly Road (East) (priority)

Cowpasture Road 878 A 0.26 2.1 12 Bringelly Road (West) (priority)

Source: AECOM, 2011

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2.9.3 Travel speed analysis The posted speed limits for Bringelly Road vary between 60 and 80 km/h along the entire length of the corridor, except at school zones. Vehicle travel speeds along Bringelly Road have been estimated using the RTA traffic surveys commissioned in December 2010.The results of the travel speed analysis are presented in Table 13, which show average weekday vehicle travel speeds for eastbound and westbound movements respectively.

Table 13 2010 average weekday travel speeds

Posted Average speed (km/h) 85th percentile speed (km/h) Location on Bringelly Road speed limit Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound (km/h)

Immediately east of The 60 65.9 67 72 75 Northern Road

Immediately east of King 80 74.4 74.2 82 81 Street

Immediately west of Camden 70 74.2 69.1 82 77 Valley Way

Source: AECOM, based on traffic data collected by RTA between 10/12/10 to 16/12/10 The average speeds for both eastbound and westbound directions immediately east of The Northern Road are below 70 km/h. The marked decrease in speeds can be attributed to the posted 60 km/h speed limit for that area. The average speed at Bringelly Road near King Street is below the 80 km/h posted speed limit. However, the average speed at the eastern end of Bringelly Road is above the 70 km/h speed limit, lowered due to the topography and geometry of the road network. The 85th percentile speeds collected at all sites are higher than the posted speed limits at the relevant locations at Bringelly Road.

2.10 Crash analysis 2.10.1 Historical crash data A historical crash analysis has been undertaken using historical crash data provided by the RTA for a five year period from 2004–2008. Between 2004 and 2008, a total of 130 crashes have been recorded, including three crashes involving fatalities and 66 injury-related crashes. Table 14 shows the crash statistics for this period along Bringelly Road. Table 15 summarises annual crash incidents by casualty from 2004 to 2008.

Table 14 Crash statistics for Bringelly Road project upgrade area, 2004–2008

Section Section length Injury Non-casualty Section to Total crashes Fatal crashes from (km) crashes crashes

The Northern Camden Valley 10 km 130 3 66 61 Road Way

Source: AECOM, based on RTA Crash Report 2004-2008

Table 15 Historical timeline of crashes by casualty 2004–2008

2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Crashes 37 24 18 23 28

Casualties (including fatalities) 30 26 15 17 22

Source: AECOM, based on RTA Crash Report 2004-2008 The number of crashes that occurred along Bringelly Road between The Northern Road and Camden Valley Way has dropped by 50 per cent from 2004 to 2006, but has increased gradually since 2006 to 2008. The same trend is observed for the number of causalities involved in all the accidents. Of the 130 recorded crashes, there were 110 casualties including seven fatalities and 103 injuries.

16 September AECOM Bringelly Road Upgrade Review of Environmental Factors - Traffic and Transport 19 Modelling Assessment

2.10.2 Crash severity index Crash severity indices provide an assessment of road safety based on the type and number of crashes occurring on a route. Fatal, injury and tow-away crashes carry different weightings, with traffic volumes excluded from the calculation. The following formula was used to calculate the index: Severity Index = [(Number of fatal crashes * 3.0) + (Number of injury crashes * 1.5) + (Number of non-injury crashes)] / Total number of crashes The average crash severity index along the length of the proposal area is 1.50. By comparison the severity index across NSW from 2001–2005 was 1.23, indicating Bringelly Road currently has a higher than average proportion of fatal and injury crashes than the rest of NSW. 2.10.3 Crash rates Crash rates per 100 million vehicle kilometres (100MVKM) are shown in Table 16. These crash rates are calculated in relation to the volume of traffic and distance travelled along a route, therefore offering a measure of risk per kilometre travelled. The formula used to calculate a crash rate per 100 million vehicles is shown below: Crash rate per 100 MVKM = Number of crashes * 100,000,000 / (Number of years * 365 * length (km) * AADT) For the purposes of this assessment, ADT flows have supplemented AADT flows with the latest traffic data. Based on the latest data, the Bringelly Road average crash rate is 78.4 per 100 million vehicle kilometres (MVKM) travelled in the proposal project area. The latest available RTA data2 shows an average crash rate of 110 per 100MVKM for urban undivided road (less than 4 lanes) and 35 per 100MVKM for rural undivided road.

Table 16 Crash rates per 100 MVKM for Bringelly Road in proposal area (2010)

Section from Section to Section 2010 ADT Crash rate per 100MVKM length (km) (vehicle) Tow- All Fatal Injury way

The Northern Road Camden Valley Way 10 km 9,090 78.4 1.8 39.8 36.8

Source: AECOM, based on RTA Crash Report 2004-2008 The crash analysis also noted that: - Approximately 60 per cent of crashes occurred within 10m of an intersection. - Over 93 per cent of crashes (121 crashes) were car crashes, four per cent were motorcycle crashes (five crashes), and 12 per cent of crashes were heavy vehicle crashes (15 crashes). - The two main manoeuvre types of crashes were rear-end and intersection / adjacent approaches with approximately 24.6 per cent and 23.8 per cent respectively. - Approximately 77 per cent of crashes involved more than one vehicle. - Approximately 75 per cent of crashes occurred on a weekday. - Over 70 per cent of crashes occurred in fine and dry weather conditions. - Of the 26 crashes where the contributing factor was known, 18 crashes were attributed to speeding. - Approximately 62 per cent of crashes occurred in daylight and 31 per cent occurred in darkness. - The evening time periods which experienced the highest number of crashes were 16:00–16:59 and 17:00– 17:59 with 10 and 11 recorded crashes respectively. The night time periods which experienced the highest number of crashes were 20:00-21:59 and 22:00–24:00 with 11 and 12 recorded crashes respectively.

A crash summary report is included in Appendix B showing detailed breakdown of crashes by types, timing and other contributing factors.

2 NSW speed zoning guidelines, 2009

16 September AECOM Bringelly Road Upgrade Review of Environmental Factors - Traffic and Transport 20 Modelling Assessment

3.0 Traffic modelling Traffic models are an important step in the transportation planning process because decisions and investments are often influenced by predicted travel demand. Models are used to estimate the number of trips that would be made on a transportation system at a future date as a result of change in supply (for example, the introduction of a new or upgraded highway scheme) or a change in travel demand (for instance, the impact of a local development). However, traffic models will only provide forecasts for those factors that are explicitly accounted for in the modelling approach. For instance, traffic models generally exclude pedestrian and bicycle trips, expressing demand only as vehicular traffic, and cannot therefore be used to assess a bicycle improvement scheme. It is critical that model assumptions, simplifications and limitations are understood before a modelling exercise is entered into. It is important to recognise that models are underpinned by a series of assumptions and are limited by data availability.

3.1 CUBE model AECOM maintains and develops a Sydney Strategic Model (the model) which has been used to provide traffic forecasts on key roads on the network. The model uses the software package CUBE (version 5.1.2), which covers all facets of transportation modelling. The model can provide traffic volumes on all major links in the Sydney Metropolitan Area road network. The traffic model developed for the project is a strategic, link-based model reflecting all-vehicle demand for an average peak hour. Figure 14 outlines the coverage of the model, as well as the screenlines to which the model is calibrated against. These screenline definitions broadly align with published RTA screenlines across the Sydney road network. Screenline counts are sourced from RTA permanent and sample sites for 2008, with supplementary counts sourced or estimated by AECOM to complete screenlines. AECOM has used this model to provide traffic forecasts in both South West and North West Growth Centres, including Oran Park and Turner Road, and Austral and Leppington North. As such, considerable past effort has been invested in the model, ensuring the veracity of network coding, and land use assumptions in the vicinity of the Bringelly Road corridor. 3.1.1 Road network The highway network in the model represents the Sydney road network in 2008 (with more updated refinements in the local study area). The model network is defined based on the road hierarchy classification described below: - Zone centroid connector - a special link which does not physically exist but is used in modelling as zone loading points for the travel demand - Residential street - eg Parklands Ave, Lane Cove - Collector road - eg Herring St, Macquarie Park - Secondary arterial - eg Deepfields Road, Catherine Fields - Primary arterial - eg Bringelly Road - Freeway - eg F5 Freeway - Toll road and motorways - eg the Westlink M7 Motorway

Link characteristics (capacity, free flow speed) for each link in the network are coded based on the position of the link in the road hierarchy.

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Figure 14 AECOM Sydney Strategic Model Coverage and Location of Screenlines

Source: AECOM, 2010

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3.1.2 Travel demand and zoning system Trip matrices describe the number of trips travelling between pairs of zones, where the zones represent reasonably homogenous areas generally delineated by physical features such as roads, railways and rivers. The model zoning system is based on the standard Bureau of Transport Statistics (BTS) TZ06 zone system with demand associated with areas beyond the geographic extent of the model represented by external zones. The matrix for the AM average peak includes: - The peak period journey to work travel demands. - Travel demands in the peak period for other purposes. - Commercial vehicle travel demands.

These demands have been aggregated into an all vehicle demand and are represented in the model as PCU demand (passenger car unit equivalent) to account for the fact that larger vehicles, such as trucks and buses, take up more road space and are slower to accelerate and reduce road capacity. 3.1.3 Model Assignment Procedure Assignment is the process whereby the trip matrices are loaded onto the network (via centroid connectors) and are distributed across the network to provide model flows on all links. The assignment process forms two basic functions: - Building paths (or routes) between all pairs of origin and destination zones. - Assigning (or loading) trips from the matrix onto the network, using the previously calculated paths.

An iterative all-or-nothing path building process determines routing through the network. At the start of an iteration, minimum cost of travel between each origin and destination are calculated. Capacity restraint is adopted using the volume averaging loading process to create multiple paths and a balanced (converged) model in terms of assigned flows and travel costs between successive iterations of the assignment process. In the path building process, cost of travel is determined as a combination of time, distance and toll costs. The AECOM Toll Model is used with regards to toll cost to better reflect individual driver behaviour and willingness to pay. The AECOM Toll Model has been developed over numerous toll road projects in Sydney, as well as other cities within Australia and overseas. Travel time in the network is defined using link based, speed-flow curves which represent composite link and junction capacity and delay. Speed-flow curves describe the performance of the road link in terms of link traffic speed and time, reflecting the fact that speed reduces as a result of increased traffic and increased congestion on a link. Model calibration ensures that the appropriate speed-flow curves are applied to different road links. A generic automated approach has also been adopted that considers hierarchy of junction/link type, number of arms, conflicting movements and the geometry of the junction to generate an assumed turn capacity. This combined with assigned turning volumes at each iteration is used to estimate individual turn delays as part of the general assignment process. 3.1.4 Model Summary The key aspects of the CUBE model are listed below: - The model covers the whole of the Sydney Metropolitan region. - The model defines all the main road links in the Sydney road system in terms of length, capacity and a speed/flow relationship. - The travel demand on the network is represented as an all-vehicle PCU matrix. - The model uses a distributed value of time to convert all tolls into generalised cost. - Model assignment and redistribution of traffic results from changes in utility (generalised cost) as a consequence of new road schemes. This utility takes into account changes in time, distance, speed/flow relationships and toll cost.

16 September AECOM Bringelly Road Upgrade Review of Environmental Factors - Traffic and Transport 23 Modelling Assessment

3.2 Base year model development 3.2.1 Derivation of base year traffic patterns As part of the Bringelly Road study, the first stage in the modelling process was to collect up-to-date weekly traffic count data for the following three key locations along the Bringelly Road corridor: - Immediately east of The Northern Road - Immediately east of King Street - Immediately west of Camden Valley Way.

Average peak hour intersection counts were also collected at 16 intersections along Bringelly Road between The Northern Road and Camden Valley Way. Section 2.7.2 provides details of the traffic data collected at each location along Bringelly Road. These data were used to further refine the traffic volumes and patterns along Bringelly Road in the base year model. 3.2.2 Base year model calibration To build confidence in the model and ensure robust and reliable future year traffic forecasts are produced, the base year model was calibrated to the AM peak hour traffic volumes at key screenline locations in Sydney-wide network as well as the project specified screenlines. Model calibration is an essential stage in the modelling process to demonstrate that the modelled network reasonably reflects existing traffic conditions across the corresponding road network, particularly on Bringelly Road and other competing traffic corridors such as Fifteenth Avenue and Elizabeth Drive as well as other road network with the same hierarchy (Principal Arterials) such as Camden Valley Way and The Northern Road. These screenline definitions broadly align with published RTA screenlines across the Sydney road network and are shown in Figure 14. Additional project specific screenlines within the study area have also been assessed; these are shown in Figure 15.

Figure 15 Location of project specific screenlines

Source: AECOM, 2010

16 September AECOM Bringelly Road Upgrade Review of Environmental Factors - Traffic and Transport 24 Modelling Assessment

For each screenline location, the model calibration process included a comparison of observed against modelled traffic flows and calculating the GEH value, which is a commonly used performance measure based on a chi- squared statistic as shown below.

2( ) = ଶ ܯ െ ܥ ܩܧܪ ඨ where M is the modelled flow and C is the observed flow. ܯ൅ܥ An acceptable level of calibration is that all (or nearly all) screenline totals are within five per cent of observed flows and have a GEH < 5. Table 17 provides details of the base year model calibration results for grouped screenlines by direction of travel. The table shows that the base year model is calibrated as nearly all of the screenline totals are within five per cent of observed flows and have a GEH < 5, with only Screenline 12 falling just short of the desired range for the two calibration measures. Screenline 12 crosses both the M4 and M7 Motorways where no observed count data is available. To create complete screenlines, estimates have been used for these locations, but consequently, the confidence in the screenline overall is reduced. As such, the inability of Screenline 12 to match the two calibration measures does not impede in concluding that the model overall has reached an acceptable level of calibration. Of the three project specific screenlines, they match well with all screenlines having a GEH < 5. The calibration results for each individual screenline by direction of travel is summarised in Appendix C. The CUBE model is developed not only to provide traffic forecasts for Bringelly Road, but also to provide turning movements at all major intersections along Bringelly Road to guide the design of intersection layout at these locations. Therefore, it is critical that the base model would accurately reflect the existing turning movements along Bringelly Road. In order to ensure that the base model turning movements are calibrated, turning flows were extracted from the model that was calibrated at the screenline level and compared to 2010 surveyed turning movements. Select link analysis was undertaken for a small number of modelled turning movements which were identified to be significant different from the surveyed data. These traffic demands were then factored up / down to match with the surveyed turning flows. The calibration summary of all the turning movements at Bringelly Road is provided in Appendix C. In general, the peak hour modelled turning volumes closely matched with the observed turning flows, except the model estimated higher traffic volumes on the eastern section of Bringelly Road in the peak traffic direction when compared to the observed traffic flows. This is attributed to lower surveyed traffic volumes in December (when private schools and universities are on holidays).

16 September AECOM Bringelly Road Upgrade Review of Environmental Factors - Traffic and Transport 25 Modelling Assessment

Table 17 Screenline calibration summary

Observed Modelled % Screenline Direction Difference GEH (veh/hr) (veh/hr) Difference

Inbound 41,289 41,198 -91 0.4 -0.2% 1. Berowra to Sutherland Outbound 29,537 29,778 241 1.4 0.8%

Inbound 48,716 48,441 -275 1.2 -0.6% 2. Sydney Harbour to Penrith Outbound 40,707 40,397 -311 1.5 -0.8%

Inbound 20,357 20,269 -89 0.6 -0.4% 4. Taren Point to Bringelly Outbound 10,888 10,526 -363 3.5 -3.3%

Inbound 50,541 50,628 87 0.4 -0.2% 5. Kogarah to Wallacia Outbound 30,471 29,861 -610 3.5 -2.0%

Inbound 9,538 9,600 62 0.6 0.6% 8. Pittwater to Manly Outbound 5,865 5,876 11 0.1 0.2%

Inbound 29,407 29,414 8 0.0 0.0% 9. Castlereagh to St Ives Outbound 17,930 17,849 -81 0.6 -0.5%

Inbound 20,087 19,354 -733 5.2 -3.6% 12. Campbelltown to Windsor Outbound 15,051 14,146 -905 7.5 -6.0%

Inbound 18,332 17,813 -520 3.9 -2.8% 15. Lane Cove to North Shore Outbound 12,216 11,895 -321 2.9 -2.6%

Inbound 19,497 19,828 330 2.4 1.7% 16. West and South of the CBD Outbound 14,163 13,824 -340 2.9 -2.4%

Inbound 3,080 2,885 -195 3.6 -6.3% AECOM Screenline 1 Outbound 1,417 1,267 -150 4.1 -10.6%

Inbound 2,125 2,025 -100 2.2 -4.7% AECOM Screenline 2 Outbound 1,129 1,040 -89 2.7 -7.8%

Inbound 1,495 1,668 173 4.4 11.6% AECOM Screenline 3 Outbound 728 811 83 3.0 11.4%

Source: AECOM, 2010

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3.3 Future year model development The land use in the SWGC and Western Sydney is expected to change dramatically in the next 30 years, which will have a subsequent impact on the future demand for travel. This section summarises the expected growth in the SWGC and the subregion, the potential increase in traffic and public transport demand as well as the planned provision of transport services and infrastructure upgrades to cater for these future developments. These changes in land use and infrastructure upgrades will be accounted for in the future year traffic models. 3.3.1 Future year land use assumptions The Metropolitan Plan for Sydney 2036 (NSW Government, 2010) identified a need to plan for 770,000 new homes in Sydney between 2006 and 2036, with up to 170,000 of these in new release areas, including approximately 83,000 dwellings in the SWGC. The Sydney metropolitan region is divided into 10 Subregions for strategic planning purposes. The South West Subregion covers Liverpool, Campbelltown, Camden and Wollondilly local government areas (LGAs) and includes the SWGC. The relationship between the South West Subregion and the SWGC are shown in Figure 16. The SWGC comprises 18 precincts, which include approximately 17,000 hectares of land and a planned capacity of 110,000 new dwellings or approximately 300,000 people. The location of latest released precincts in the context of the SWGC is shown in Figure 17. Over 50% of the future residential dwelling supply estimated in the South West Subregion will be provided in the SWGC. Other growth areas are scattered throughout Camden, Campbelltown, Liverpool and Wollondilly LGAs. Five precincts in the SWGC have been released for development. The remaining 13 precincts will be progressively released for precinct planning. The Department of Planning and Infrastructure has supplied to AECOM forecast dwelling numbers for every five years between 2011 and 2036 for each of the precincts inside the SWGC as shown in Table 18.

Table 18 Cumulative Dwelling Occupation by Precinct in the Growth Centres to 2036

Precincts 2011 2016 2021 2026 2031 2036 South West Rezoned Precincts Edmondson Park 415 2,615 6,315 7,600 7,600 7,600 Oran Park 565 3,115 6,015 8,515 8,786 8,786 Turner Road 500 2,250 4,150 4,991 4,991 4,991 South West Released Precincts Austral - 900 2,800 4,800 6,500 6,751 Leppington North - 1,050 4,050 6,550 7,314 7,314 South West Future Release Precincts The Northern Road Corridor - 750 4,400 10,100 14,473 14,663 Camden Valley Way Corridor - - 2,550 11,750 21,468 27,519 Bringelly Road / Elizabeth Drive Corridor - - - 100 3,800 15,917

Source: Department of Planning and Infrastructure, August 2010

16 September AECOM Bringelly Road Upgrade Review of Environmental Factors - Traffic and Transport Modelling Assessment 27

Figure 16 Context of south west subregion and SWGC

Source: Department of Planning and Infrastructure, South West Subregional Strategy, 2007

16 September AECOM Bringelly Road Upgrade Review of Environmental Factors - Traffic and Transport Modelling Assessment 28

Figure 17 South West Growth Centre - released precincts

Source: Department of Planning and Infrastrcture, July 2010

16 September AECOM Bringelly Road Upgrade Review of Environmental Factors - Traffic and Transport 29 Modelling Assessment

The intention for the South West Subregion is to at least maintain, or, increase, the level of self containment to reduce the number of additional trips outside the subregion. Therefore, the delivery of proposed employment targets in major centres near the SWGC and within the subregion will assist in achieving this policy objective. The major employment centres and additional jobs forecast in the South West Subregion and the SWGC are described in Table 19. Through both new development and the intensification of existing activities a rapidly growing population will be serviced, and a range of regionally important activities accommodated such as manufacturing, logistics, warehousing, high-technology industry and business park uses.

Table 19 Major centres and forecast employment in the south west subregion

2036 Long Term 2006-2036 Centre Centre Type Employment Capacity Employment Growth Target Liverpool Regional City 31,000 +15,000 Campbelltown-Macarthur Major Centre 25,000 +11,000 Leppington Planned Major Centre 13,000 +13,000 Total 69,000 +39,000

Source: Metropolitan Plan for Sydney 2036, December 2010 The Department of Planning and Infrastructure is currently preparing a master plan for the Leppington Town Centre and the town centre is expected to deliver a wide range of land uses to meet its long-term employment target of 13,000. The indicative scale and proposed land use of the proposed Leppington Town Centre is shown in Figure 18. Bringelly Road will provide one of the main arterial road accesses to the proposed Leppington Town Centre over a distance of approximately 4km between Byron Road and Eastwood Road. The Town Centre is also anticipated to extend to Fifth Avenue to the north and Ingleburn Road to the south. Signalisation of intersections at regular intervals along Bringelly Road in the vicinity of Town Centre will be required to ensure good vehicular accessibility to the Town Centre as well as safe pedestrian movements across Bringelly Road. The proposed residential and employment growth in the South West Subregion and the SWGC will put pressure on the existing road and transport infrastructure / network that are fast approaching capacity, especially during the peak hours. Extra road network capacity and new public transport services will be needed to move people within and out of the subregion efficiently. Pressure will continue to build on Bringelly Road as the major east-west connection in the SWGC between Camden Valley Way / M7 and the Northern Road to cater initially for traffic growth generated by Oran Park and Turner Road Precinct to the south of the SWGC and then progressively from the development of precincts located immediately north and south of Bringelly Road as well as Leppington Town Centre. The rate of release of these developments will have a significant impact on the timing of road improvements. Travel demand scenarios for Bringelly Road traffic modelling purposes are based on the development profile for the SWGC that is shown in Table 18. .

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Figure 18 Proposed land uses of Leppington Town Centre (Draft)

Source: Department of Planning and Infrastrcture, December 2010

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3.3.2 Public transport assumptions In addition to employment self-containment, maximising public transport use (and walking and cycling) for commuting and other trips in the SWGC is a central objective of both land use and transport planning activities in order to achieve sustainable growth of the area. Precinct planning for release areas along Bringelly Road will ensure the provision of appropriate direct links for buses, pedestrians and cyclists onto the Principal Arterial, enabling non-car trips both directly to adjacent suburbs and to connect with regional public transport services. Concept planning and design for Bringelly Road itself will address the need for supporting infrastructure such as a parallel cycleway, and bus priority measures that enable the establishment of good bus service connections to employment and/or rail interchange nodes including Leppington, Liverpool, Campbelltown and Camden and connection to the open space network. The following sections highlight the key public transport infrastructure and services proposed in the SWGC including the South West Rail Link and the South West Sector Bus Servicing Plan. South West Rail Link In 2009, the NSW Government announced the construction of a new 11 kilometre rail line – South West Rail Link (SWRL) from Glenfield to Leppington in South West Sydney. The project includes two new stations at Edmondson Park and Leppington. The delivery of the two new stations includes bus interchanges, pedestrian and cyclist facilities as well as kiss and ride zones and commuter car parking. Construction of the SWRL will commence in 2011 and be due for completion in 2016. A map of the SWRL project is shown in Figure 19. The SWRL will offer a heavy rail transport option for the future residents of SWGC by providing frequent train services to Glenfield and the rest of the CityRail network. The SWRL will provide two new stations at Leppington and Edmondson Park, which provide a major opportunity for transit-oriented and sustainable development servicing the new communities and the broader SWGC. RailCorp proposes an initial four services per hour throughout the day with up to 12 trains per hour in peak periods (subject to change as a result of detailed design and/or the ability to meet future standards). Furthermore, the frequency of service is likely to be increased over time as demand increases and service provision is influenced by patronage demand as well operating requirements of the network. Options for a potential future extension of the project beyond Rossmore have been investigated by the NSW Government. It is expected that Bringelly Road will be the main access arterial road to the station due to the proximity of Leppington Station and its interchange. This will require the signalisation of intersections in the vicinity of the station to provide safe access for commuters. As part of the construction of SWRL and Leppington Station, a total of 800 commuter car parking spaces and bus stops will be provided on both sides of the station on day of opening of services. The main vehicular access to the station interchange will be provided via Rickard Road initially and additional access to the interchange will be provided via Dickson Road as the Town Centre develops. The planning of Bringelly Road upgrade will need to consider and ensure that accessibility to the station and its interchange via all modes of transport is maximised.

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Figure 19 Proposed South West Rail Link

Source: Transport Construction Authority, July 2010

16 September AECOM Bringelly Road Upgrade Review of Environmental Factors - Traffic and Transport 33 Modelling Assessment South west sector bus servicing plan The Ministry of Transport (now Department of Transport) has prepared the South West Sector Bus Servicing Plan (AECOM, 2009) that provides a long-term bus servicing strategy to cater for the future urban growth in the SWGC. This strategy is developed for three phases: - Design of a long-term (2030+) integrated bus network (for implementation upon full development of the SWGC). - Design of a short-term (< 5 years) bus network. - Prioritisation of intermediate bus networks together with an appropriate land release strategy to achieve easy implementation of the long-term bus network.

The aim of the strategy is to ensure that new residents moving into the area have a travel choice that includes public transport and that the orderly staging of precinct releases is consistent from a public transport efficiency perspective. The study focuses on the SWGC but also gives consideration to suburbs and centres which are located adjacent and beyond in order to ensure integration of the bus networks within the wider South Western Sydney area. The ‘long-term’ bus network proposal consists of seven regional, six district and three peak hour only bus routes to provide a network that links the proposed major centres (Liverpool, Campbelltown, Parramatta, Oran Park and Leppington) and supports accessibility to each of the SWGC precincts. The ‘long-term’ bus network plan is shown in Figure 20. The South West Sector Bus Servicing Plan provides a guide to the potential bus networks that would be operating along Bringelly Road. As the bus network rolls out over the next 30 years, Bringelly Road will be envisaged as the most significant east-west bus corridor as the majority of proposed bus routes will be travelling on sections of Bringelly Road connecting Campbelltown, Oran Park, Leppington and Liverpool. Given its significance as a bus corridor, some form of bus priority measures along its entire length should be planned for during the development of the corridor to cater for the increasing number of buses and shorter travel times for buses, with a particular focus into Leppington Town Centre and Station. The likely peak hour headway will be 30 minutes for District Bus Routes and 15 minutes for Regional and Peak Bus Routes. There will be 26 planned bus routes serving Leppington Station in the long-term, with a peak hour bus flow of approximately 80 to 90 buses to Leppington Station via Bringelly Road.

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Figure 20 Long-term’ South west sector bus servicing plan

Source: AECOM, 2009

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3.3.3 Future Road Network Upgrades The RTA has prepared a draft Road Network Strategy for the SWGC in order to enable greater certainty in planning, design and construction of the future regional road network in the SWGC and to cater for the future expected increase in population and employment growth in the region. The draft Road Network Strategy is shown in Figure 21. The objective of the strategy is to establish a strategic level of integrated land use and road planning for the area. The focus is to ensure that the wider (proposed) SWGC road network coordinates with the existing State Road Network (in particular Camden Valley Way, Bringelly Road and The Northern Road) in a way that maintains the efficient performance of the arterial roads whilst promoting the development of communities with a legible, high quality, built environment and public domain. This will facilitate and enhance the growth of active, vibrant and safe centres which are convenient to access across multiple transport modes. According to the draft Road Network Strategy, Bringelly Road is classified as a Principal Arterial connecting to other major arterial roads including The Northern Road, Camden Valley Way and Cowpasture Road. The potential road upgrades in the SWGC and other major potential road upgrades in Sydney will be reflected in the strategic model based on information published by the RTA and other motoring bodies. The strategic model has been altered at each of the modelling years to accommodate assumed network upgrades and changes agreed with RTA planning. To cater for changing land uses, the road network will also need to be augmented. In the AECOM model, future year network schemes are coded based on assumptions regarding: - Upgrade timing - Connectivity and alignment - Speed/flow relationships - Toll cost.

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Figure 21 Draft SWGC road network strategy

Source: Spackman Mossop Michaels, 2011

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3.3.4 Traffic forecasting methodology AECOM have taken the calibrated base year demand tables for the AM average peak hour and rebalanced them to future year trip ends. Future year trip ends haven been calculated using the AECOM Trip End Modification Model (TEMM). The TEMM has been developed by AECOM to generate different future year trip ends based on: - Average trip rates by SLA for developed and residential areas. - Population and employment projections produced by BTS (released Oct 2009). - The latest information regarding dwelling and employment numbers proposed within the Growth Centres (Aug 2010).

The model has accounted for major road improvements, such as the upgrade of Camden Valley Way, at a strategic level. In order to provide the necessary detail for the study such as more accurate turning movements at all intersections along Bringelly Road, a cordon was created around the SWGC, and a local area model has been extracted. The coverage of the local area model is shown in Figure 22. Figure 23 shows the location of zone boundaries and centroid connectors in relation to the road network, as well as more clearly identifying the current intersection locations coded in the local area model. The model covers the wider SWGC, as well as the Leppington Town Centre and the Leppington Station as part of the South West Rail Link. AECOM has examined the trip generation rates and distribution effects of both the completion of the South West Rail Link and Leppington Station, as well as the proposed Leppington Town Centre. The local area model has been refined to better reflect changes on a smaller, more local level. These changes include: - Coding of lower order local roads and adjustment to centroid connector loading points to better distribute traffic from zones onto the network. - Coding of intersection delay algorithms to better represent delay on individual turning movements. - Adjustment of future year trip ends to incorporate the new Leppington train station which will have significant park and ride facilities. By 2036, it is estimated that 4,190 people will use the new Leppington Train station as part of their commute, half of which will use Park and Ride or Kiss and Ride facilities. - Adjustment of the trip distribution to reflect the creation of a new town centre at Leppington. Allowance of a retail peak during the PM peak hour assignment based on the current understanding of retail mix in the Leppington Town Centre. The PM trip table is derived by transposing the AM trip table and rebalancing to achieve a better origin/destination mix to the town centre. Overall this results in an increase of 4% in traffic flows, most of which is assigned to and from the town centre.

Traffic generation details by zone for each of the forecast years (2011, 2016, 2021, 2026, 2031 and 2036) are provided in Appendix D.

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Figure 22 Coverage of the Local Area Model

Elizabeth Drive

The Northern Road Austral Precinct

Leppington North Precinct

Bringelly Road

Leppington Town Centre

Camden Valley Way

Source: AECOM, 2010

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Figure 23 Zone boundaries and connectors in the vicinity of Bringelly Road

Source: AECOM, 2010

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4.0 The proposal The draft SWGC Road Network Strategy identifies Bringelly Road as an east-west Principal Arterial through the heart of the SWGC having a similar strategic road hierarchy / function to The Northern Road, Camden Valley Way and Elizabeth Drive in the long-term future. Given the hierarchy and function of Bringelly Road within the SWGC and its proximity to the proposed Leppington Town Centre, the road will be expected to carry increasing volumes of traffic as the SWGC and Leppington Town Centre develop over the next 30 years. In order to cater for the increasing traffic flows and to improve safety of the corridor, the proposal involves upgrading the approximately 10km section of Bringelly Road between The Northern Road, Bringelly and Camden Valley Way, Leppington from a two-lane to four-lane divided road. The concept design for the proposal would include the following key features: - An initial upgrade from a two lane to a four lane divided road with a central median. - The wide central median will allow for future widening to six lanes, if required in the future. - An intended posted vehicle speed limit of 80km/h. - A three metre wide off-road shared pedestrian/cyclist path. - Two metre shoulders. - Adjustments to public utilities such as gas, electricity and telephone services along the route. - Bicycle and pedestrian crossing provisions at traffic lights. - Bus priority capability at traffic lights and indented bus bays on both sides of Bringelly Road. - Designated turning lanes at traffic lights. - Existing properties on Bringelly Road would continue to have direct left in/left out access until precinct development takes place, and alternative access becomes available.

4.1 Design Criteria 4.1.1 Design Speed As a Principal Arterial, Bringelly Road will have an anticipated design speed of 90km/h. The proposal would result in a signposted speed limit of 80 km/h along the majority of its length except for the section between North Avenue to Allenby Road where a 60km/h speed limit will be implemented to adapt to urban environment of the proposed Rossmore Town Centre. 4.1.2 Cross-section A typical cross-section of Bringelly Road would consist of four 3.5 metre wide lanes (two lanes in each direction), with a wide central median to allow widening to six lanes (two additional 3.5m lanes) in the future. Provision would be made for landscaping in the median where feasible and practical. The median at major intersections would be wide enough to accommodate dual right turn bays. No parking will be permitted on Bringelly Road with the future upgrade. A typical cross-section for Bringelly Road is shown in Figure 24.

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Figure 24 Typical cross-section of Bringelly Road

Source: RTA, 2011 Two metre wide shoulders along both carriageways in each direction would be provided to allow for breakdown vehicles and on-road cyclists. A three metre wide off-road shared pedestrian/cycle path would also be provided on the northern side of the upgraded road between Camden Valley Way and Eastwood Road. A shared path will be provided on the southern side of the upgraded road between The Northern Road and Cowpasture Road. Provision would be made for a possible future shared path on the northern side of Bringelly Road between The Northern Road and Cowpasture Road, which would be landscaped in the interim. Bus facilities would be included through provision of short ‘bus only’ lanes at the approaches to signalised intersections along with bus bays on the departure side. A typical lane configuration at the approach to an intersection is shown in Figure 25.

Figure 25 Typical layout at an intersection approach on Bringelly Road

Source: RTA, 2011

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4.1.3 Access strategy With substantial growth and changes being planned to adjacent land uses along Bringelly Road, traffic from surrounding developments will only be able to access Bringelly Road at designated locations. All these intersection will be controlled by traffic signals to ensure safe turning movements into and out of adjacent precincts. The proposed intersections have been located to firstly ensure access to future precinct developments and secondly, maintain the flow of traffic on Bringelly Road. The intersections are generally consistent with the SWGC Structure Plan and they utilise existing roads where possible. The concept design proposes 11 new signalised intersections along the 10km upgrade between Camden Valley Way and The Northern Road. The majority of these signalised intersections will have four approaches functioning, requiring some consolidation of both existing and new access points to Bringelly Road during precinct planning. New signalised intersections are planned to be provided at the following locations: - Kelvin Park Drive (T-intersection) - Jersey Road / Bringelly Link Road (4-way intersection with interim U-turn facilities at future Bringelly Link Road) - Masterfield Street (4-way intersection) - North Avenue (4-way intersection with interim U-turn facilities at future North Avenue extension to the south of Bringelly Road ) - King Street (4-way intersection) - Eastwood Road (4-way intersection with interim U-turn facilities at future Eastwood Road extension to the north of Bringelly Road) - Fourth Avenue / Dickson Road (4-way intersection) - Edmondson Avenue / Rickard Road (4-way intersection) - Browns Road / Byron Road (T- intersection3) - Cowpasture Road (T-intersection) - Access to Western Sydney Parklands (T-intersection).

The intersections at The Northern Road will remain signalised, but will be upgraded with additional through and turning lanes to cater for further traffic growth in the future. A number of existing streets will be retained as left in/left out intersections with Bringelly Road: - Church Street - Allenby Road - Glen Allan Road - Kelly Street.

A limited number of additional left in/left out intersections located between the signalised intersections may be considered as part of the precinct planning process.

3 Initially RTA will construct a T-intersection at Browns Road which will accommodate a future four way intersection to be constructed by others.

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5.0 Traffic assessment This chapter provides details of the traffic impact assessment that was undertaken at different stages and scenarios, including the consequence of no action, construction and operational impacts of the proposal.

5.1 Consequence of no action The development of the SWGC over the next several decades will see Bringelly Road transformed from a rural road to a heavily trafficked urban corridor, estimated to be able to accommodate between 24,000 and 55,000 vehicles per day. The current road corridor (two lane undivided road) with priority controlled intersections will not be able to cater for the significant amount of additional traffic. Delays would be caused by local traffic conflicting with major through traffic movements along Bringelly Road. Travel times on Bringelly Road would increase as the level of congestion increases. Long delays would result in social impacts as future residents spend more time travelling by car and impose limitations to future growth in the SWGC due to its restricted accessibility via a constrained road network. Increased in travel times on Bringelly Road could also reduce the attractiveness of the proposed Leppington Town Centre to commercial business and the region may suffer economically. Congestion on Bringelly Road would also limit the accessibility to the proposed Leppington Station, reducing the attractiveness of public transport for future residents. The potential for crashes is likely to increase with additional traffic, especially at major intersections along the route. More rear-end crashes would also be likely to occur as delays on Bringelly Road continue to increase. Access to and from local and private roads are expected to be more difficult with increased volumes of traffic on Bringelly Road. Motorists may take greater risks to turn onto Bringelly Road as gaps in the flow of traffic would be less frequent. Therefore, it is critical to consider the upgrade of Bringelly Road to initially four lanes and ultimately six lanes with the closure of direct private property accesses and minor side street intersections, and the redirection of side street access (and hence entry to properties) to suitable existing and new classified roads at proposed signalised intersections.

5.2 Operational impacts 5.2.1 Forecast traffic volumes The CUBE model was used to forecast traffic volumes along Bringelly Road based on the proposed land use changes in the SWGC as discussed in Section 4.3.1 and proposed road network changes (Section 4.3.3). Public transport use for commuting has also been accounted for by discounting the trip rates to reflect the reduction in general vehicle use on Bringelly Road. Peak hour traffic forecasts for each mid-block sections between major intersections along Bringelly Road for 2011 to 2036 at five-year intervals are provided in Table 20. It should be noted that the 2036 traffic forecasts represent an ultimate SWGC development scenario and this scenario may not occur by 2036. Full network modelling plots are provided in Appendix E.

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Table 20 Forecast peak hour mid-block traffic flows

2011 2016 2021 2026 2031 2036 Road sections Dir AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM

Section 1 - The Northern Road EB 433 194 769 316 1,041 683 1,359 1,138 1,204 842 1,223 1,353 to Kelvin Park Drive WB 189 457 306 779 640 1,100 1,063 1,339 706 1,326 1,150 1,370

Section 2 - Kelvin Park Drive EB 455 192 788 316 1,071 689 1,383 1,138 1,226 857 1,346 1,388 to Jersey Road WB 184 483 301 802 644 1,131 1,060 1,364 720 1,342 1,182 1,475

Section 3 - Jersey Road to EB 491 201 848 333 1,222 698 1,526 1,165 1,611 804 1,820 1,297 Barry Avenue WB 193 523 318 876 654 1,280 1,087 1,602 744 1,730 1,053 1,965

Section 4 - Barry Avenue to EB 491 201 848 333 1,222 698 1,526 1,165 1,673 721 2,068 1,018 Church Street WB 193 523 318 876 654 1,280 1,087 1,602 601 1,783 897 2,194

Section 5 - Church Street to EB 503 222 861 359 1,231 729 1,542 1,182 1,673 721 2,069 1,018 Allenby Road WB 217 536 346 888 685 1,291 1,121 1,619 601 1,783 897 2,194

Section 6 - Allenby Road to EB 536 161 957 188 1,269 727 1,626 981 1,673 721 2,069 1,018 North Avenue WB 155 570 175 990 685 1,330 1,092 1,705 601 1,783 897 2,194

Section 7 - North Avenue to EB 529 159 950 187 1,290 353 1,441 559 1,730 549 2,320 856 Glen Allan Road WB 153 563 174 982 276 1,264 439 1,314 501 1,815 792 2,319

Section 8 - Glen Allan Road to EB 529 159 950 187 1,290 353 1,441 559 1,730 549 2,320 856 King Street WB 153 563 174 982 276 1,264 439 1,314 501 1,815 792 2,319

Section 9 - King Street to Kelly EB 593 206 991 276 1,428 508 1,687 744 2,019 742 2,783 1,046 Street WB 201 639 228 1,041 392 1,412 605 1,562 687 2,107 806 2,969

Section 10 - Kelly Street to EB 561 201 926 259 1,429 508 1,692 743 2,132 663 2,930 926 Eastwood Road WB 195 607 211 968 373 1,412 530 1,499 578 1,982 684 2,828

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2011 2016 2021 2026 2031 2036 Road sections Dir AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM

Section 11 - Eastwood Road EB 576 290 1,008 286 1,736 576 1,833 804 2,412 903 3,333 1,194 to Fourth Avenue WB 215 622 236 1,031 450 1,854 610 1,824 719 2,694 885 3,292

Section 12 - Fourth Avenue to EB 532 332 946 283 1,589 459 1,859 655 2,224 639 3,112 767 Edmondson Avenue WB 276 600 250 925 374 1,611 434 1,508 510 2,416 588 3,136

Section 13 - Edmondson EB 534 480 831 468 1,533 618 1,706 720 2,376 740 3,245 926 Avenue to Browns Road WB 610 664 522 954 453 1,562 698 1,993 648 2,613 787 3,342

Section 14 - Browns Road to EB 534 480 831 468 1,579 776 1,742 834 2,402 886 3,266 1,023 Old Cowpasture Road WB 610 664 522 954 992 1,864 1,231 2,400 1,253 3,139 1,228 3,709

Section 15 - Old Cowpasture EB 555 437 1,075 765 1,752 1,039 2,154 1,258 2,855 1,296 3,719 1,408 Road to Cowpasture Road WB 577 727 685 1,136 945 1,728 1,213 2,321 1,323 2,958 1,274 3,889 Source: AECOM, 2011

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5.2.2 Mid-block capacity and staging Mid-block capacity requirements for Bringelly Road have been ascertained based on Austroads Guide to Traffic Management Part 3: Traffic Studies and Analysis, Section 5.2.1, Table 5.1 and explanatory notes. The typical mid-block capacities for various types of urban roads with interrupted flow, with unflared major intersections and with interruptions from cross and turning traffic at minor intersections are shown in Table 21.

Table 21 Typical mid-block capacities for urban roads with interrupted flow

Type of lane One-way mid-block capacity (veh/h) Median or inner lane Divided road 1,000 Undivided road 900 Median lane (of a 3 lane carriageway) Divided road 900 Undivided road 1,000 Kerb lane Adjacent to parking lane 900 Occasional parked vehicles 600 Clearway conditions 900

Source: Austroads Guide to Traffic Management Part 3: Traffic Studies and Analysis, Section 5.2.1, Table 5.1

Explanatory Notes: Peak period mid-block traffic volumes may increase to 1,200 to 1,400 vehicles per lane per hour on any approach road when the following conditions exist or can be implemented:

- Adequate flaring at major upstream intersections.

- Uninterrupted flow from a wider carriageway upstream of an intersection approach and flowing at capacity.

- Control or absence of crossing or entering traffic at minor intersections by major road priority controls.

- Control or absence of parking.

- Control or absence of right turns by banning turning at difficult intersections.

- High volume flows of traffic from upstream intersections during more than one phase of a signal cycle.

- Good co-ordination of traffic signals along the route.

In general, the upgrade of Bringelly Road will provide sufficient capacity at the intersections with adequate flaring and parking will not be permitted with the future upgrade. Therefore, a peak hour mid-block capacity of 1,200 vehicles per lane per hour has been adopted for the capacity assessment. Using the adopted peak hour mid-block capacity, the ultimate required capacity for Bringelly Road at full development of the SWGC, will be a four-lane divided carriageway from The Northern Road to King Street and a six-lane divided carriageway from King Street to Camden Valley Way. Based on the traffic forecasts shown in Table 20, the progressive upgrading and widening requirements for each section of Bringelly Road are represented in Table 22. Prior to the ultimate widening, Bringelly Road, east of King Street will require initially to be upgraded to a four lane divided carriageway by 2021. The rest of the corridor will also require upgrading to four lanes in 2026. The sections of Bringelly Road east of Eastwood Road will be required to be upgraded to six lanes by 2031 and the section between King Street and Eastwood Road finally upgraded to six lanes to cater for the traffic growth. It should be noted that the mid-block analysis does not account for intersection capacity constraints and localised widening on some of the approaches to intersections may be required prior to full widening of the mid-block sections. This will be further discussed in Section 6.2.3.

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Table 22 Bringelly Road staged mid-block upgrade requirements

Road sections 2011 2016 2021 2026 2031 2036

Section 1 - The Northern Road to Kelvin Park Drive

Section 2 - Kelvin Park Drive to Jersey Road

Section 3 - Jersey Road to Barry Avenue

Section 4 - Barry Avenue to Church Street

Section 5 - Church Street to Allenby Road

Section 6 - Allenby Road to North Avenue

Section 7 - North Avenue to Glen Allan Road four lane divided carriageway two lane undividedcarriageway Section 8 - Glen Allan Road to King Street four lane divided carriageway

Section 9 - King Street to Kelly Street

Section 10 - Kelly Street to Eastwood Road four lane divided carriageway

Section 11 - Eastwood Road to Fourth Avenue two lane undividedcarriageway two lane undividedcarriageway

Section 12 - Fourth Avenue to Edmondson Avenue

Section 13 - Edmondson Avenue to Browns Road

Section 14 - Browns Road to Old Cowpasture Road carriageway six lane divided six lane divided carriageway Section 15 - Old Cowpasture Road to Cowpasture Road four lane divided carriageway

Source: AECOM, 2011

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5.2.3 Intersection performance With substantial growth and changes being planned to adjacent land uses along Bringelly Road, traffic from the surrounding developments will only be allowed to access Bringelly Road at designated intersections. The number of intersections and their locations as proposed in the access strategy will provide an optimal access arrangement along Bringelly Road. Turning movements of all intersections along Bringelly Road between The Northern Road and Camden Valley Way have been extracted from the CUBE model for each of the forecast future year Intersection. As the base year modelled turn movements matched quite closely to the observed traffic data, no post-modelling adjustments have been made to the forecast turning flows before intersection modelling is undertaken. A summary for all forecast turning movements is provided in Appendix F. SIDRA modelling has been undertaken using all future year forecast turning movements to determine the optimum intersection layout for each design year. Options assessed considered the impacts of banning turning movements and provision of signalised pedestrian crossings to intersection and network performance, in order to provide the optimal network performance for all road users. Using the existing intersection layouts as a starting point, each intersection along Bringelly Road was assessed under forecast traffic flows and upgraded based on known staging of Bringelly Road widening. Should the intersection have insufficient capacity to cater for forecast traffic volumes, intersection upgrades are proposed with consideration of: - Surrounding intersection and mid-block capacity requirements. - Footprint of ultimate intersection layout. - An acceptable level of performance for 10 years after opening. - Measures to allow bus priority. - Intersection performance of LOS D or better at opening. - 95th percentile queue lengths not to extend into upstream intersections. -

Table 23 provides a summary of the staging requirements for intersection upgrades within the study area.

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Table 23 Intersection upgrade staging

Intersection 2011 2016 2021 2026 2031 2036 Upgrade intersection - two lanes The Northern Road Existing layout Extend turning bay lengths - - Ultimate layout on Bringelly Road approaches Upgrade intersection - Kelvin Park Drive Existing layout - signalisation and two lanes on - - Ultimate layout Bringelly Road approaches Upgrade intersection * - Jersey Road Existing layout - signalisation and two lanes on - - Ultimate layout Bringelly Road approaches Upgrade intersection - two lanes Upgrade intersection - Masterfield Street Existing layout - on Bringelly Road approaches - signalisation and two lanes Ultimate layout (priority intersection) on Bringelly Road approaches Upgrade intersection * - North Avenue Existing layout - signalisation and two lanes on - - Ultimate layout Bringelly Road approaches Upgrade intersection - King Street Existing layout - signalisation and two lanes on - - Ultimate layout Bringelly Road approaches Upgrade intersection *- Eastwood Road Existing layout - signalisation and three lanes on - - Ultimate layout Bringelly Road approaches Upgrade intersection - Fourth Avenue Existing layout - signalisation and three lanes on - - Ultimate layout Bringelly Road approaches Upgrade intersection - Ban northbound and Ban eastbound right turn Edmondson Avenue Existing layout signalisation and three lanes on - southbound right turn Ultimate layout movement Bringelly Road approaches movements Upgrade to T intersection - Browns Road Existing layout - signalisation and three lanes on - - Ultimate layout Bringelly Road approaches Upgrade intersection - Upgrade intersection - three Cowpasture Road Existing layout signalisation and two lanes on - - lanes on Bringelly Road Ultimate layout Bringelly Road approaches approaches Source: AECOM, 2011

*- including an interim U-turn facilities to assist with local access with teh upgrade of Bringelly Road to a divided carriageway

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In order to meet forecast peak hour demands, the intersections of Bringelly Road with The Northern Road, Edmondson Avenue and Cowpasture Road require upgrading by 2016. The intersection analysis confirms that the intersection at The Northern Road will need local upgrades (extending turning bays) by 2016 and two lanes are required on the Bringelly Road approach in 2021. For intersections between Kelvin Park Drive and King Street, intersection upgrades are required in 2021 with signalisation of intersection and local widening of Bringelly Road to two lanes each direction to cater for forecast traffic growth. Signalisation of Masterfield Street is not required until 2031. For intersections surrounding the Leppington Town Centre along Bringelly Road between Eastwood Road and Browns Road, while the intersection of Bringelly Road / Edmondson Road requires upgrading by 2016, the remaining intersections require upgrading by 2021. Adopting the ten year design life approach, 2031 forecast traffic flows were used as a basis for determining intersection upgrade requirements at these locations. In order to allow continuity and minimise weaving between adjacent intersections, whilst 2021 mid-block flows warrant only two lanes in each direction, upgrade to three lanes in each direction is recommended between Eastwood Road and Browns Road. Left turn slip lanes and / or extending turning bay lengths are required for the majority of intersections along Bringelly Road to cater for the increased traffic volumes under the ultimate development scenario. All proposed slip lanes will be signalised in order to facilitate safe and efficient pedestrian and cyclist movements, where applicable. In regard to permitted turning movements, a number of options were considered as part of the development of the preferred network scenario. The preferred ultimate network scenario permits all movements at all signalised intersections, except at the intersection of Bringelly Road / Edmondson Road. The ultimate intersection layout for this intersection permits right turning movements from Bringelly Road westbound into Edmondson Avenue and for buses only from Rickard Road into Bringelly Road. Within interim years, banned movements are instated in a staged manner with the right turning movements from Rickard Road and Edmondson Road banned in 2026, and then the right turn movement from Bringelly Road eastbound banned in 2031. All proposed intersection layouts provide signalised pedestrian crossing across all arms, with the exception of the intersection of Bringelly Road / Cowpasture Road. At this intersection, only one signalised crossing is provided across Bringelly Road on the western leg, which is located towards the town centre and likely to follow preferred pedestrian desire lines. Table 24 provides a summary of the expected level of service for all proposed intersections. Intersection layout and performance summaries for 2011, 2016, 2021, 2026, 2031 and 2036 are provided in Appendix F.

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Table 24 Intersection level of service summary

Intersections with 2011 2016 2021 2026 2031 2036 Bringelly Road AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM

The Northern Road B B C C C D C D C C D D

Kelvin Park Drive A A A A B C A A A A B B

Jersey Road A A A A B C B B D C D C

Masterfield Street A A A A A A A A B B B C

North Avenue A A A A C C C D C C D D

King Street A A A A C B D C C C D C

Eastwood Road A A A A C C C C D D C B

Fourth Avenue A A A A C B C C C D D C

Edmondson Avenue A A C C C C D C C C D C

Browns Road A A A A C C C D D D D D

Cowpasture Road A A B B B B B B B C C C

Source: AECOM, 2011 The above analysis confirmed that three approach lanes are required at intersections between Eastwood Road and Browns Road inclusive along Bringelly Road (post-2016) in order to maintain acceptable level of service during the peak hours. A sensitivity analysis has been undertaken to test the implications on the performance of these intersections in the vicinity of the Leppington Town Centre, if only two lanes are provided on the Bringelly Road approaches. The analysis showed that the level of service for these intersections will deteriorate gradually from 2021 to unacceptable level of service and all these intersections would be performing unsatisfactorily (with level of service worse than D and / or degree of saturation exceeding 0.9) during the peak hours. The results of the sensitivity analysis for intersections between Eastwood Road and Browns Road inclusive along Bringelly Road are provided in Appendix G. 5.2.4 Crashes and safety With the construction of two divided carriageways, the proposal is likely to reduce the number of head-on crashes, which accounted for 3.8 per cent of the crashes recorded in the five-year period. The likelihood of intersection crashes, which accounted for 61.5 per cent of all recorded crashes, would also be reduced with the provision of deceleration/slip lanes along Bringelly Road and signalised intersections being introduced. The proposal would be designed to the RTA’s design guide and would be reviewed by the RTA’s road safety section. 5.2.5 B-double and freight transport The upgrade of Bringelly Road will provide improved safety and efficiency for B-double and freight access along Bringelly Road. The proposed traffic signals along Bringelly Road will provide safe and efficient access to approved B-double routes at The Northern Road, King Street / Devonshire Road, Fourth Avenue, Camden Valley Way and Cowpasture Road. 5.2.6 Public transport There will be no impacts to existing bus routes (Routes 855 and 856) with the upgrade of Bringelly Road. There may be relocation of existing bus stops as opportunities for bus stops will be provided on the departure side of each signalised intersection. This is an improvement in safety when compared to the existing situation, which does not sufficiently allow for buses to stop adjacent to through traffic lanes.

16 September AECOM Bringelly Road Upgrade Review of Environmental Factors - Traffic and Transport 52 Modelling Assessment

It is expected that additional bus routes would be implemented to service the development of precincts adjacent to Bringelly Road. Increasing the capacity of Bringelly Road will minimise risk of congestion and over saturation on the road network. This will improve the efficiency of public transport operations and travel time reliability along Bringelly Road. Intersections are also designed with appropriate bus priority measures to further reduce bus delays at intersections. Bringelly Road will be the main access arterial road to Leppington Station and its interchange. The upgrade of Bringelly Road and its intersections with bus priority measure and improved pedestrian / cyclist access will provide good and efficient access to the station and its interchange via all modes of transport. 5.2.7 Pedestrian and cyclists A three metre wide off-road shared pedestrian and cycle path will form part of the upgrade. This arrangement would formalise pedestrian and cyclist movements along the Bringelly Road corridor, which currently does not have sufficient facilities for cyclists and pedestrians. This new path would result in an increase in safety for pedestrians and cyclists travelling along the corridor. The proposal would also see the construction of wide shoulders along both carriageways, which would provide cyclists with an alternate path to travel along the road corridor. This is an improvement in safety to the existing situation, which does not sufficiently allow for cyclists to travel adjacent to through traffic lanes. 5.2.8 Private property access The road widening would affect access during and after construction. Left in and left out access would generally be provided at existing properties where there are no other alternatives, until land redevelopment occurs. Three temporary U-turn facilities have been incorporated into the design, to allow for traffic movements to and from properties with only left in and left out access.

5.3 Preliminary construction traffic impacts A detailed construction traffic impact assessment has not been undertaken because details related to construction activities and sequence of work are insufficiently known at this stage. It is recommended that the RTA undertake a detailed construction traffic impact assessment when further construction details are known. Impacts on traffic during construction of the Bringelly Road would be temporary in nature. Traffic impacts would occur as a result of the movement of construction and service vehicles along Bringelly Road and access roads, for the haulage of construction materials. General use of Bringelly Road and access to existing properties along the road would be maintained throughout the construction phase. Truck movements during the construction phase are expected to increase by approximately 30 to 40 truck movements per day. Truck movements may increase to 60 to 100 truck movements per day at certain stages of construction. Truck movement numbers will be confirmed at a later stage when construction staging arrangements are more clearly defined. Bringelly Road currently experiences varied heavy vehicle movements along its corridor. Based on traffic data collected from 10 December 2010 to 16 December 2010, there are on average between 600 and 1,000 heavy vehicle movements per day on different sections of Bringelly Road. The additional truck movements are unlikely to have a significant effct along Bringelly Road, but may have locally concentrated impacts at construction accesses. Potential impacts caused by construction vehicle traffic would include: - Increased travel times due to reduced speed limit around construction sites. - Increased travel times due to increased truck and construction machinery movements. - Temporary partial or complete closure of roads and altered property accesses during construction.

The concept design should seek to minimise the restriction to traffic flow by constructing the carriageway outside of the footprint of the existing road prior to undertaking works on the existing roadway. The concept design should also consider minimising the number of traffic switches from one carriageway of Bringelly Road to the other during construction to help minimise traffic disruption. However, traffic switching during the construction phase would likely be required in areas involving alignment with the footprint of the existing road surface.

16 September AECOM Bringelly Road Upgrade Review of Environmental Factors - Traffic and Transport 53 Modelling Assessment

5.3.1 Property and local access Access to individual properties would be temporarily affected by construction activities, either through the loss of existing access arrangements, or the alteration of access arrangements. However, property access would be maintained at all times, and any impacts would be short-term. Access to existing public schools, flower nursery and petrol station located along Bringelly Road will be maintained during construction. Traffic and access requirements to all existing properties along Bringelly Road will be included as part of the detailed traffic management plan. Construction at intersections of Bringelly Road and adjoining roads may result in temporary impacts upon access. Traffic management plans would be developed during the detailed design phase to minimise traffic disruption. 5.3.2 Bus services The proposal would involve changing the access and egress functions at junctions with adjoining roads. As such, some bus routes would need to be modified both during and after construction. Construction would have other impacts on bus services including reduced speeds and temporary relocation of bus stops. However, buses would continue to be able to use Bringelly Road. 5.3.3 SWRL Construction of the South West Rail Link (SWRL) will commence in late 2011 and is due for completion in 2016. The project includes two new stations at Edmondson Park and Leppington. It is expected that Bringelly Road will be the main access arterial road to Leppington Station due to the proximity of the station and its interchange. The planning of the upgrade of Bringelly Road will need to consider and ensure that accessibility to the station and its interchange via all modes of transport is maintained. 5.3.4 Management of construction traffic impacts A detailed traffic management plan (TMP) would be prepared as part of the construction environmental management plan (CEMP) during the detailed design phase. The TMP would include the guidelines, general requirements and procedures to be used when activities or areas of work have a potential impact on existing traffic arrangements. The TMP would be submitted in stages to reflect the progress of work and would: - Identify the traffic management requirements during construction. - Describe the general approach and procedures to be adopted when producing specific traffic control plans. - Ensure the continuous, safe and efficient movement of traffic for both the public and construction workers. - Maintain the capacity of local roads. - Determine temporary speed restrictions to ensure safe driving environment around work zones. - Minimise impacts on existing Bringelly Road and local traffic. - Provide access to local roads and properties, including the use of temporary turn-around bays. - Provide temporary works and traffic signals. - Determine the number and width of traffic lanes in operation. - Identify traffic barrier requirements and placement. - Include methods for implementing the traffic management plan. - Include methods for minimising road user delays. - Provide appropriate warning and advisory signposting. - Consider other developments such as the South West Rail Link and South West Growth Centre precincts that may also be under construction, to minimise traffic conflict and congestion that may occur due to the cumulative increase in construction vehicle traffic.

16 September AECOM Bringelly Road Upgrade Review of Environmental Factors - Traffic and Transport 54 Modelling Assessment

6.0 Summary and recommendations The RTA has engaged AECOM to prepare a traffic and transport modelling assessment to forecast future year traffic volumes on Bringelly Road based on the best available land use development information to determine the interim and ultimate requirements for mid-block section and intersection upgrades along Bringelly Road. This traffic and transport study forms part of the Review of Environmental Factors (REF).

6.1 Mid block capacity and staging requirements The ultimate required capacity for Bringelly Road at full development of the SWGC will be a four lane divided carriageway from The Northern Road to King Street and a six lane divided carriageway from King Street to Camden Valley Way. The road needs to be widened to six lanes through Leppington Town Centre due to the intersection requirements as specified in Table 23, as it would be impractical to taper the intersection upgrade back to four lanes between intersections. Prior to the ultimate widening, Bringelly Road, east of King Street will require initially to be upgraded to four lanes divided carriageway to cater for the additional traffic demand generated by the initial phases of Austral and Leppington North Precincts and Leppington Town Centre as well as the opening of Leppington Station as part of the South West Rail Link (SWRL). The rest of the corridor will be upgraded to four lanes as development proceeds towards the west. The sections of Bringelly Road, east of King Street will require to be upgraded to six lanes in the long-term to cater for the traffic growth surrounding Leppington Town Centre.

6.2 Intersection performance and staging requirements With substantial growth and changes being planned to adjacent land uses along Bringelly Road, traffic from the surrounding developments will only be able to access Bringelly Road at designated locations. The concept design proposes 11 new signalised intersections along the 10km upgrade between Camden Valley Way and The Northern Road. The majority of these signalised intersections will have four approaches functioning, requiring some consolidation of both existing and new access points to Bringelly Road during precinct planning. New signalised intersections are planned to be provided at the following locations: - Kelvin Park Drive (T-intersection) - Jersey Road / Bringelly Link Road (4-way intersection with interim U-turn facilities at future Bringelly Link Road) - Masterfield Street (4-way intersection) - North Avenue (4-way intersection with interim U-turn facilities at future North Avenue extension to the south of Bringelly Road ) - King Street (4-way intersection) - Eastwood Road (4-way intersection with interim U-turn facilities at future Eastwood Road extension to the north of Bringelly Road) - Fourth Avenue / Dickson Road (4-way intersection) - Edmondson Avenue / Rickard Road (4-way intersection) - Browns Road / Byron Road (T- intersection4) - Cowpasture Road (T-intersection) - Access to Western Sydney Parklands (T-intersection).

The intersections at The Northern Road will remain signalised, but will be upgraded with additional through and turning lanes to cater for further traffic growth in the future.

4 Initially RTA will construct a T-intersection at Browns Road which will accommodate a future four way intersection to be constructed by others.

16 September AECOM Bringelly Road Upgrade Review of Environmental Factors - Traffic and Transport 55 Modelling Assessment

In order to meet forecast peak hour demands, the intersections of Bringelly Road with The Northern Road, Edmondson Avenue, Cowpasture Road and Camden Valley Way require upgrading by 2016. For intersections between Kelvin Park Drive and King Street, intersection upgrades are required in 2021 with signalisation of intersections and local widening of Bringelly Road to two lanes each direction to cater for forecast traffic growth. Signalisation of Masterfield Street is not required until 2031. For intersections surrounding the Leppington Town Centre along Bringelly Road between Eastwood Road and Browns Road, while the intersection of Bringelly Road / Edmondson Road requires to be upgraded by 2016, the remaining intersections require upgrading by 2021. In order to allow continuity and minimise weaving between adjacent intersections, whilst 2021 mid-block flows warrant only two lanes in each direction, upgrade to three lanes in each direction is recommended between Eastwood Road and Browns Road. Left turn slip lanes and / or extending turning bay lengths are required for the majority of intersections along Bringelly Road to cater for the increased traffic volumes under the ultimate development scenario. All proposed slip lanes will be signalised in order to facilitate safe and efficient pedestrian and cyclist movements, where applicable.

16 September AECOM Bringelly Road Upgrade Review of Environmental Factors - Traffic and Transport Modelling Assessment

Appendix A

Base Year Intersection Traffic

16 September Roads and Traffic Authority Bringelly Road Traffic Assessment 2008 AM Average Peak one hour Surveyed Intersection Flow

(1) The Northern Road (2) Kelvin Park Drive (3) Jersey Road (4) Masterfield Street

Observed Total 1,374 497 Observed Total 486 501 Observed Total 602 Observed Total 610 Model Total 1,428 Model Total 490 Model Total 555 Model Total 518 682 619 23 73 644 539 23 84

6 451 162 34 40 21 370 148 28 56 43 100 8 17 121 161 235 234 234 238 10 10 13 13 283 263 263 289 406 336 336 408 418 336 458 27 53 350 27 10 223 228 451 152 170 248 287 452 157 162 336 408 511 190 182 20 66 8 31 29 33 177 204 204 180 165 183 183 160 15 2 34 20 191 182 182 192 0 0 1 0 190 182 19 506 35 4 119 2 10 4 512 45 21 89 0 0

559 430 KEY KEY 123 36 KEY 12 1 KEY 562 492 458 Node number 458 Node number 110 36 458 Node number 0 0 458 Node number 506 Observed turn 506 Observed turn 506 Observed turn 506 Observed turn 459 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled tun 487 522 Modelled tun 522 Modelled tun 430 Observed App/Dep 430 Observed App/Dep 430 Observed App/Dep 430 Observed App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep

(5) Church Street (6) Allenby Road (7) North Avenue (8) Glen Allan Road

Observed Total 637 437 Observed Total 723 Observed Total 631 431 Observed Total 529 446 Model Total 571 Model Total 657 Model Total 648 Model Total 616 29 44 48 56 0 0 40 25 83 58 5 5

9 35 9 47 0 0 7 18 33 25 1 4 336 418 11 27 13 18 409 360 360 413 430 426 426 410 23 68 15 25 367 449 449 362 0 3 3 0 364 449 325 391 443 181 173 344 351 429 138 126 403 342 444 149 142 449 360 445 160 167 182 188 194 191 191 193 16 62 39 25 177 151 151 182 164 167 167 161 162 167 55 79 65 82

KEY 134 101 KEY KEY KEY 458 Node number 147 41 458 Node number 458 Node number 458 Node number 506 Observed turn 506 Observed turn 506 Observed turn 506 Observed turn 522 Modelled tun 348 522 Modelled tun 522 Modelled tun 522 Modelled tun 430 Observed App/Dep 430 Observed App/Dep 430 Observed App/Dep 430 Observed App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep

(9) King Street (10) Kelly Street (11) Eastwood Road (12) Fourth Avenue | Dickson Road

Observed Total 646 499 Observed Total 648 500 Observed Total 727 Observed Total 813 379 Model Total 705 Model Total 658 Model Total 766 Model Total 917 91 50 31 11 107 103 79 75 26 28 155 112

12 39 10 1 12 3 87 14 61 12 17 21 34 58 449 365 40 22 57 51 404 448 448 410 28 17 10 3 410 422 422 409 427 497 497 425 21 52 68 83 430 574 409 343 430 150 155 421 393 334 201 196 385 347 311 156 158 457 361 312 152 168 167 164 206 206 206 213 211 199 199 214 37 62 25 33 181 192 192 179 19 12 4 22 223 273 58 80 7 36 11 41 112 12 3 30

KEY KEY 138 87 KEY 53 50 KEY 458 Node number 458 Node number 153 70 458 Node number 44 45 458 Node number 506 Observed turn 506 Observed turn 506 Observed turn 506 Observed turn 522 Modelled tun 522 Modelled tun 327 522 Modelled tun 471 522 Modelled tun 430 Observed App/Dep 430 Observed App/Dep 430 Observed App/Dep 430 Observed App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep

(13) Edmondson Avenue | Rickard Road (14) Browns Road (15) Old Cowpasture Road (16) Cowpasture Road | Camden Valley Way

Observed Total 810 380 Observed Total 706 381 Observed Total 704 Observed Total 2,834 228 Model Total 1,035 Model Total 927 Model Total 932 Model Total 2,969 73 87 0 0 1,098 685 120 81 26 19 959 684

8 18 60 0 0 94 319 272 18 27 36 6 13 59 364 261 574 430 15 50 35 37 421 632 632 425 0 13 13 0 425 632 632 423 410 593 593 399 162 104 226 252 1,043 1,166 542 372 313 198 235 314 314 632 413 315 249 294 588 395 316 234 271 261 261 429 289 222 177 178 227 273 223 17 8 13 22 245 294 294 255 262 294 294 262 44 29 4 0 238 271 271 239 2 7 224 112 626 541 7 36 13 28 15 4 629 494 30 21 29 23 6 0 684 465

55 48 KEY KEY 43 33 KEY 1,126 594 KEY 80 57 458 Node number 458 Node number 28 44 458 Node number 1,149 433 458 Node number 506 Observed turn 506 Observed turn 506 Observed turn 506 Observed turn 323 522 Modelled tun 522 Modelled tun 262 522 Modelled tun 513 522 Modelled tun 430 Observed App/Dep 430 Observed App/Dep 430 Observed App/Dep 430 Observed App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep Roads and Traffic Authority Bringelly Road Traffic Assessment 2008 PM Average Peak one hour Surveyed Intersection Flow

(1) The Northern Road (2) Kelvin Park Drive (3) Jersey Road (4) Masterfield Street

Observed Total 1,742 497 Observed Total 678 501 Observed Total 843 Observed Total 840 Model Total 1,431 Model Total 497 Model Total 564 Model Total 527 619 683 73 24 654 795 87 54

7 512 163 10 13 18 615 162 26 28 20 80 6 15 198 162 249 206 206 249 31 32 55 42 245 188 188 249 288 187 187 289 288 187 458 10 39 350 61 28 175 217 451 321 225 166 246 452 373 252 187 286 511 541 340 43 111 4 27 88 45 346 235 235 347 376 267 267 380 21 3 173 89 546 340 340 543 0 4 6 0 547 340 32 442 48 7 42 2 2 8 451 33 15 21 0 0

522 729 KEY KEY 49 175 KEY 4 10 KEY 492 562 458 Node number 458 Node number 36 110 458 Node number 0 0 458 Node number 506 Observed turn 506 Observed turn 506 Observed turn 506 Observed turn 459 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 487 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 430 Observed App/Dep 430 Observed App/Dep 430 Observed App/Dep 430 Observed App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep

(5) Church Street (6) Allenby Road (7) North Avenue (8) Glen Allan Road

Observed Total 879 437 Observed Total 1,015 Observed Total 907 431 Observed Total 743 446 Model Total 581 Model Total 668 Model Total 661 Model Total 629 44 30 56 50 0 0 39 46 73 141 4 7

11 18 23 27 0 0 26 20 120 21 2 5 187 289 9 18 22 35 292 196 196 292 261 158 158 266 9 44 30 47 244 177 177 240 0 1 3 0 245 177 178 272 443 523 329 131 208 429 469 348 149 223 444 471 406 177 240 445 494 453 340 548 544 364 364 543 65 84 128 81 596 429 429 591 501 453 453 495 497 453 74 53 16 27

KEY 127 211 KEY KEY KEY 458 Node number 43 146 458 Node number 458 Node number 458 Node number 506 Observed turn 506 Observed turn 506 Observed turn 506 Observed turn 522 Modelled turn 348 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 430 Observed App/Dep 430 Observed App/Dep 430 Observed App/Dep 430 Observed App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep

(9) King Street (10) Kelly Street (11) Eastwood Road (12) Fourth Avenue | Dickson Road

Observed Total 898 499 Observed Total 872 500 Observed Total 990 Observed Total 1,011 379 Model Total 718 Model Total 671 Model Total 784 Model Total 948 53 85 11 29 104 115 86 119 28 36 99 145

37 48 28 1 23 2 90 35 84 23 13 63 38 44 177 247 13 20 67 40 312 212 212 312 10 13 15 1 312 204 204 312 284 202 202 289 12 35 36 89 291 290 164 228 430 465 416 203 299 334 510 429 168 238 311 457 393 178 242 312 484 467 453 500 532 456 456 533 525 430 430 530 36 74 103 116 560 509 509 562 11 12 10 31 529 587 73 46 15 28 5 37 34 19 3 23

KEY KEY 119 177 KEY 48 60 KEY 458 Node number 458 Node number 71 152 458 Node number 45 45 458 Node number 506 Observed turn 506 Observed turn 506 Observed turn 506 Observed turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 327 522 Modelled turn 471 522 Modelled turn 430 Observed App/Dep 430 Observed App/Dep 430 Observed App/Dep 430 Observed App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep

(13) Edmondson Avenue | Rickard Road (14) Browns Road (15) Old Cowpasture Road (16) Cowpasture Road | Camden Valley Way

Observed Total 1,050 380 Observed Total 886 381 Observed Total 877 Observed Total 3,255 228 Model Total 1,143 Model Total 993 Model Total 1,040 Model Total 3,028 78 86 0 0 623 1,174 137 151 30 40 755 1,072

15 24 48 0 0 238 623 313 44 55 52 20 20 125 665 283 290 291 8 36 55 43 302 313 313 303 0 11 19 0 312 314 314 309 298 286 286 286 110 75 285 196 772 597 241 241 313 473 537 314 314 313 292 315 525 679 284 283 316 502 658 261 261 173 204 222 383 464 227 587 526 42 15 16 100 544 679 679 544 544 680 680 545 30 26 9 44 510 702 702 514 3 7 543 479 1,211 1,139 9 47 9 43 15 7 395 286 35 26 25 22 2 0 317 111

65 86 KEY KEY 58 34 KEY 687 1,215 KEY 86 165 458 Node number 458 Node number 24 74 458 Node number 429 1,105 458 Node number 506 Observed turn 506 Observed turn 506 Observed turn 506 Observed turn 323 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 262 522 Modelled turn 513 522 Modelled turn 430 Observed App/Dep 430 Observed App/Dep 430 Observed App/Dep 430 Observed App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep AECOM Bringelly Road Upgrade Review of Environmental Factors - Traffic and Transport Modelling Assessment

Appendix B

Crash History Summary

16 September Summary Crash Report

# Crash Type Contributing Factors Crash Movement CRASHES 130 CASUALTIES 110 Car Crash 121 93.1% Speeding 18 13.8% Intersection, adjacent approaches 31 23.8% Fatal crash 3 2.3% Killed 7 6.4% Light Truck Crash 19 14.6% Fatigue 6 4.6% Head-on (not overtaking) 5 3.8% Injury crash 66 50.8% Injured 103 93.6% Rigid Truck Crash 9 6.9% Alcohol 2 1.5% Opposing vehicles; turning 16 12.3% Non-casualty crash 61 46.9% ^ Unrestrained 6 5.5% Articulated Truck Crash 6 4.6% U-turn 1 0.8% ^ Belt fitted but not worn, No restraint fitted to position OR No helmet worn 'Heavy Truck Crash (15) (11.5%) Weather Rear-end 32 24.6% Time Group % of Day Crashes Casualties Bus Crash 1 0.8% Fine 95 73.1% Lane change 3 2.3% 00:01 - 02:59 1 0.8% 12.5% 28 2008 22 "Heavy Vehicle Crash (15) (11.5%) Rain 19 14.6% Parallel lanes; turning 1 0.8% 03:00 - 04:59 4 3.1% 8.3% 23 2007 17 Emergency Vehicle Crash 2 1.5% Overcast 11 8.5% Vehicle leaving driveway 1 0.8% 05:00 - 05:59 3 2.3% 4.2% 18 2006 15 Motorcycle Crash 5 3.8% Fog or mist 3 2.3% Overtaking; same direction 5 3.8% 06:00 - 06:59 7 5.4% 4.2% 24 2005 26 Pedal Cycle Crash 0 0.0% Other 0 0.0% Hit parked vehicle 0 0.0% 07:00 - 07:59 8 6.2% 4.2% 37 2004 30 Pedestrian Crash 0 0.0% Hit railway train 0 0.0% 08:00 - 08:59 5 3.8% 4.2% Road Surface Condition ' Rigid or Artic. Truck " Heavy Truck or Heavy Bus Hit pedestrian 0 0.0% 09:00 - 09:59 5 3.8% 4.2% Wet 29 22.3% # These categories are NOT mutually exclusive Permanent obstruction on road 0 0.0% 10:00 - 10:59 10 7.7% 4.2% Dry 101 77.7% Location Type Hit animal 2 1.5% 11:00 - 11:59 3 2.3% 4.2% ~ School Travel Time Snow or ice 0 0.0% *Intersection 80 61.5% Off road, on straight 2 1.5% 12:00 - 12:59 5 3.8% 4.2% Involvement 27 20.8% Non intersection 50 38.5% Natural Lighting Off road on straight, hit object 10 7.7% 13:00 - 13:59 5 3.8% 4.2% * Up to 10 metres from an intersection Out of control on straight 0 0.0% 14:00 - 14:59 8 6.2% 4.2% McLean Periods % Week Dawn 5 3.8% ~ 07:30-09:30 or 14:30-17:00 on school days Off road, on curve 1 0.8% 15:00 - 15:59 9 6.9% 4.2% A 20 15.4% 17.9% Daylight 81 62.3% Collision Type Off road on curve, hit object 11 8.5% 16:00 - 16:59 10 7.7% 4.2% B 7 5.4% 7.1% Single Vehicle 29 22.3% Dusk 4 3.1% Out of control on curve 0 0.0% 17:00 - 17:59 11 8.5% 4.2% C 24 18.5% 17.9% Multi Vehicle 101 77.7% Darkness 40 30.8% Other crash type 9 6.9% 18:00 - 18:59 8 6.2% 4.2% D 6 4.6% 3.5% 19:00 - 19:59 5 3.8% 4.2% E 6 4.6% 3.6% Road Classification Speed Limit ~ 40km/h or less 0 0.0% 20:00 - 21:59 11 8.5% 8.3% F 27 20.8% 10.7% Freeway/Motorway 0 0.0% 40 km/h or less 0 0.0% 80 km/h zone 70 53.8% 22:00 - 24:00 12 9.2% 8.3% G 15 11.5% 7.1% State Highway 0 0.0% 50 km/h zone 3 2.3% 90 km/h zone 0 0.0% H 7 5.4% 7.1% Other Classified Road 14 10.8% 60 km/h zone 29 22.3% 100 km/h zone 0 0.0% Street Lighting Off/Nil % of Dark I 5 3.8% 12.5% Unclassified Road 116 89.2% 70 km/h zone 28 21.5% 110 km/h zone 0 0.0% 15 of 40 in Dark 37.5% J 13 10.0% 10.7%

Day of the Week # Holiday Periods New Year 0 0.0% Queen's BD 2 1.5% Easter SH 6 4.6% Monday 24 18.5% Thursday 17 13.1% Sunday 12 9.2% Aust. Day 0 0.0% Labour Day 1 0.8% June/July SH 6 4.6% Tuesday 20 15.4% Friday 23 17.7% WEEKDAY 98 75.4% Easter 2 1.5% Christmas 1 0.8% Sept./Oct. SH 1 0.8% Wednesday 14 10.8% Saturday 20 15.4% WEEKEND 32 24.6% Anzac Day 3 2.3% January SH 7 5.4% December SH 2 1.5%

Crashid dataset 3609 - All crashes selected for the entire length of Bringelly Rd from 10m east of The Northern Rd to Camden Valley Way. 2004 to 2008 data selected only.

Percentages are percentages of all crashes. Unknown values for each category are not shown on this report.

Rep ID: REG01 Office: Sydney User ID: kellycj Page 1 of 1 Generated: 09/07/2010 10:30 AECOM Bringelly Road Upgrade Review of Environmental Factors - Traffic and Transport Modelling Assessment

Appendix C

Base Year Calibration Results

16 September AECOM Sydney Strategic Model Model Calibration Strategic Summary

Base Year: 2008 AM Peak Peak Period: Average 1 Hour (07:00 - 09:00) Veh Type: All Vehicles Filename: MdlCal_toOct2007_Sc0926.xlsm Scenario: 0926 Date: Wednesday, February 2, 2011

INBOUND OUTBOUND Screenline 08 Obs Dir 1 06 Mdl Dir 1 Difference % Diff GEH 08 Obs Dir 2 08 Mdl Dir 2 Difference % Diff GEH

1. Berowra to Sutherland 41,289 41,198 -91 -0.2% 0.4 29,537 29,778 241 0.8% 1.4 Sub Screenline 1a 4,095 4,302 207 5.1% 3.2 4,049 3,752 -297 -7.3% 4.8 Sub Screenline 1b 12,023 12,122 99 0.8% 0.9 6,516 6,589 74 1.1% 0.9 Sub Screenline 1c 8,997 8,770 -228 -2.5% 2.4 8,216 8,282 67 0.8% 0.7 Sub Screenline 1d 13,461 13,337 -124 -0.9% 1.1 8,679 8,947 268 3.1% 2.9 Sub Screenline 1e 2,713 2,667 -46 -1.7% 0.9 2,078 2,208 130 6.2% 2.8 2. Sydney Harbour to Penrith 48,716 48,441 -275 -0.6% 1.2 40,707 40,397 -311 -0.8% 1.5 Sub Screenline 2a 14,303 14,417 114 0.8% 1.0 12,946 12,916 -30 -0.2% 0.3 Sub Screenline 2b 26,936 26,661 -275 -1.0% 1.7 21,444 21,037 -407 -1.9% 2.8 Sub Screenline 2c 7,477 7,363 -115 -1.5% 1.3 6,317 6,443 126 2.0% 1.6 4. Taren Point to Bringelly 20,357 20,269 -89 -0.4% 0.6 10,888 10,526 -363 -3.3% 3.5 Sub Screenline 4a 7,909 7,814 -95 -1.2% 1.1 3,501 3,460 -41 -1.2% 0.7 Sub Screenline 4b 10,624 10,655 31 0.3% 0.3 6,140 6,074 -66 -1.1% 0.9 Sub Screenline 4c 1,825 1,800 -25 -1.4% 0.6 1,248 992 -255 -20.5% 7.6 5. Kogarah to Wallacia 50,541 50,628 87 0.2% 0.4 30,471 29,861 -610 -2.0% 3.5 Sub Screenline 5a 29,563 30,288 725 2.5% 4.2 15,031 15,016 -15 -0.1% 0.1 Sub Screenline 5b 15,423 15,168 -255 -1.7% 2.1 9,919 9,917 -2 0.0% 0.0 Sub Screenline 5c 5,555 5,172 -383 -6.9% 5.2 5,520 4,927 -593 -10.7% 8.2 6. Rushcutters Bay to Botany 18,679 18,632 -47 -0.3% 0.3 15,482 15,589 107 0.7% 0.9 Sub Screenline 6a 7,401 7,565 164 2.2% 1.9 4,081 4,222 141 3.4% 2.2 Sub Screenline 6b 11,279 11,067 -211 -1.9% 2.0 11,401 11,368 -34 -0.3% 0.3 7. Drummoyne to Marrickville Total 14,136 14,342 206 1.5% 1.7 8,238 8,225 -13 -0.2% 0.1 8. Pittwater to Manly 9,538 9,600 62 0.6% 0.6 5,865 5,876 11 0.2% 0.1 9. Castlereagh to St Ives 29,407 29,414 8 0.0% 0.0 17,930 17,849 -81 -0.5% 0.6 Sub Screenline 9a 2,532 2,492 -40 -1.6% 0.8 2,213 2,065 -148 -6.7% 3.2 Sub Screenline 9b 6,732 7,466 734 10.9% 8.7 5,147 5,082 -65 -1.3% 0.9 Sub Screenline 9c 12,063 11,688 -375 -3.1% 3.4 5,954 6,019 65 1.1% 0.8 Sub Screenline 9d 8,079 7,768 -312 -3.9% 3.5 4,616 4,682 66 1.4% 1.0 12. Campbelltown to Windsor 20,087 19,354 -733 -3.6% 5.2 15,051 14,146 -905 -6.0% 7.5 Sub Screenline 12a 1,653 1,567 -86 -5.2% 2.1 2,094 1,879 -214 -10.2% 4.8 Sub Screenline 12b 12,821 12,575 -246 -1.9% 2.2 8,693 8,366 -327 -3.8% 3.5 Sub Screenline 12c 5,613 5,212 -401 -7.2% 5.5 4,265 3,901 -364 -8.5% 5.7 15. Lane Cove to North Shore 18,332 17,813 -520 -2.8% 3.9 12,216 11,895 -321 -2.6% 2.9 Sub Screenline 15a 13,651 13,207 -444 -3.3% 3.8 9,222 8,905 -317 -3.4% 3.3 Sub Screenline 15b 4,681 4,605 -75 -1.6% 1.1 2,994 2,990 -4 -0.1% 0.1 16. West and South of the CBD 19,497 19,828 330 1.7% 2.4 14,163 13,824 -340 -2.4% 2.9 Sub Screenline 16a 9,882 9,996 114 1.2% 1.1 5,840 5,971 131 2.2% 1.7 Sub Screenline 16b 9,616 9,832 216 2.2% 2.2 8,323 7,853 -470 -5.7% 5.2 AECOM Screenline 1 3,080 2,885 -195 -6.3% 3.6 1,417 1,267 -150 -10.6% 4.1 AECOM Screenline 2 2,125 2,025 -100 -4.7% 2.2 1,129 1,040 -89 -7.8% 2.7 AECOM Screenline 3 1,495 1,668 173 11.6% 4.4 728 811 83 11.4% 3.0 Roads and Traffic Authority Bringelly Road Traffic Assessment AM Average Peak one hour Intersection Flow Comparison

(1) The Northern Road (2) Kelvin Park Drive (3) Jersey Road (4) Masterfield Street

Observed Total 1,374 497 Observed Total 486 501 Observed Total 602 Observed Total 610 Model Total 1,428 Model Total 490 Model Total 555 Model Total 518 682 619 23 73 644 539 23 84

6 451 162 34 40 21 370 148 28 56 43 100 8 17 121 161 235 234 234 238 10 10 13 13 283 263 263 289 406 336 336 408 418 336 458 27 53 350 27 10 223 228 451 152 170 248 287 452 157 162 336 408 511 190 182 20 66 8 31 29 33 177 204 204 180 165 183 183 160 15 2 34 20 191 182 182 192 0 0 1 0 190 182 19 506 35 4 119 2 10 4 512 45 21 89 0 0

559 430 KEY KEY 123 36 KEY 12 1 KEY 562 492 458 Node number 458 Node number 110 36 458 Node number 0 0 458 Node number 506 Observed turn 506 Observed turn 506 Observed turn 506 Observed turn 459 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled tun 487 522 Modelled tun 522 Modelled tun 430 Observed App/Dep 430 Observed App/Dep 430 Observed App/Dep 430 Observed App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep

(5) Church Street (6) Allenby Road (7) North Avenue (8) Glen Allan Road

Observed Total 637 437 Observed Total 723 Observed Total 631 431 Observed Total 529 446 Model Total 571 Model Total 657 Model Total 648 Model Total 616 29 44 48 56 0 0 40 25 83 58 5 5

9 35 9 47 0 0 7 18 33 25 1 4 336 418 11 27 13 18 409 360 360 413 430 426 426 410 23 68 15 25 367 449 449 362 0 3 3 0 364 449 325 391 443 181 173 344 351 429 138 126 403 342 444 149 142 449 360 445 160 167 182 188 194 191 191 193 16 62 39 25 177 151 151 182 164 167 167 161 162 167 55 79 65 82

KEY 134 101 KEY KEY KEY 458 Node number 147 41 458 Node number 458 Node number 458 Node number 506 Observed turn 506 Observed turn 506 Observed turn 506 Observed turn 522 Modelled tun 348 522 Modelled tun 522 Modelled tun 522 Modelled tun 430 Observed App/Dep 430 Observed App/Dep 430 Observed App/Dep 430 Observed App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep

(9) King Street (10) Kelly Street (11) Eastwood Road (12) Fourth Avenue | Dickson Road

Observed Total 646 499 Observed Total 648 500 Observed Total 727 Observed Total 813 379 Model Total 705 Model Total 658 Model Total 766 Model Total 917 91 50 31 11 107 103 79 75 26 28 155 112

12 39 10 1 12 3 87 14 61 12 17 21 34 58 449 365 40 22 57 51 404 448 448 410 28 17 10 3 410 422 422 409 427 497 497 425 21 52 68 83 430 574 409 343 430 150 155 421 393 334 201 196 385 347 311 156 158 457 361 312 152 168 167 164 206 206 206 213 211 199 199 214 37 62 25 33 181 192 192 179 19 12 4 22 223 273 58 80 7 36 11 41 112 12 3 30

KEY KEY 138 87 KEY 53 50 KEY 458 Node number 458 Node number 153 70 458 Node number 44 45 458 Node number 506 Observed turn 506 Observed turn 506 Observed turn 506 Observed turn 522 Modelled tun 522 Modelled tun 327 522 Modelled tun 471 522 Modelled tun 430 Observed App/Dep 430 Observed App/Dep 430 Observed App/Dep 430 Observed App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep

(13) Edmondson Avenue | Rickard Road (14) Browns Road (15) Old Cowpasture Road (16) Cowpasture Road | Camden Valley Way

Observed Total 810 380 Observed Total 706 381 Observed Total 704 Observed Total 2,834 228 Model Total 1,035 Model Total 927 Model Total 932 Model Total 2,969 73 87 0 0 1,098 685 120 81 26 19 959 684

8 18 60 0 0 94 319 272 18 27 36 6 13 59 364 261 574 430 15 50 35 37 421 632 632 425 0 13 13 0 425 632 632 423 410 593 593 399 162 104 226 252 1,043 1,166 542 372 313 198 235 314 314 632 413 315 249 294 588 395 316 234 271 261 261 429 289 222 177 178 227 273 223 17 8 13 22 245 294 294 255 262 294 294 262 44 29 4 0 238 271 271 239 2 7 224 112 626 541 7 36 13 28 15 4 629 494 30 21 29 23 6 0 684 465

55 48 KEY KEY 43 33 KEY 1,126 594 KEY 80 57 458 Node number 458 Node number 28 44 458 Node number 1,149 433 458 Node number 506 Observed turn 506 Observed turn 506 Observed turn 506 Observed turn 323 522 Modelled tun 522 Modelled tun 262 522 Modelled tun 513 522 Modelled tun 430 Observed App/Dep 430 Observed App/Dep 430 Observed App/Dep 430 Observed App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep Roads and Traffic Authority Bringelly Road Traffic Assessment PM Average Peak one hour Intersection Flow Comparison

(1) The Northern Road (2) Kelvin Park Drive (3) Jersey Road (4) Masterfield Street

Observed Total 1,742 497 Observed Total 678 501 Observed Total 843 Observed Total 840 Model Total 1,431 Model Total 497 Model Total 564 Model Total 527 619 683 73 24 654 795 87 54

7 512 163 10 13 18 615 162 26 28 20 80 6 15 198 162 249 206 206 249 31 32 55 42 245 188 188 249 288 187 187 289 288 187 458 10 39 350 61 28 175 217 451 321 225 166 246 452 373 252 187 286 511 541 340 43 111 4 27 88 45 346 235 235 347 376 267 267 380 21 3 173 89 546 340 340 543 0 4 6 0 547 340 32 442 48 7 42 2 2 8 451 33 15 21 0 0

522 729 KEY KEY 49 175 KEY 4 10 KEY 492 562 458 Node number 458 Node number 36 110 458 Node number 0 0 458 Node number 506 Observed turn 506 Observed turn 506 Observed turn 506 Observed turn 459 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 487 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 430 Observed App/Dep 430 Observed App/Dep 430 Observed App/Dep 430 Observed App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep

(5) Church Street (6) Allenby Road (7) North Avenue (8) Glen Allan Road

Observed Total 879 437 Observed Total 1,015 Observed Total 907 431 Observed Total 743 446 Model Total 581 Model Total 668 Model Total 661 Model Total 629 44 30 56 50 0 0 39 46 73 141 4 7

11 18 23 27 0 0 26 20 120 21 2 5 187 289 9 18 22 35 292 196 196 292 261 158 158 266 9 44 30 47 244 177 177 240 0 1 3 0 245 177 178 272 443 523 329 131 208 429 469 348 149 223 444 471 406 177 240 445 494 453 340 548 544 364 364 543 65 84 128 81 596 429 429 591 501 453 453 495 497 453 74 53 16 27

KEY 127 211 KEY KEY KEY 458 Node number 43 146 458 Node number 458 Node number 458 Node number 506 Observed turn 506 Observed turn 506 Observed turn 506 Observed turn 522 Modelled turn 348 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 430 Observed App/Dep 430 Observed App/Dep 430 Observed App/Dep 430 Observed App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep

(9) King Street (10) Kelly Street (11) Eastwood Road (12) Fourth Avenue | Dickson Road

Observed Total 898 499 Observed Total 872 500 Observed Total 990 Observed Total 1,011 379 Model Total 718 Model Total 671 Model Total 784 Model Total 948 53 85 11 29 104 115 86 119 28 36 99 145

37 48 28 1 23 2 90 35 84 23 13 63 38 44 177 247 13 20 67 40 312 212 212 312 10 13 15 1 312 204 204 312 284 202 202 289 12 35 36 89 291 290 164 228 430 465 416 203 299 334 510 429 168 238 311 457 393 178 242 312 484 467 453 500 532 456 456 533 525 430 430 530 36 74 103 116 560 509 509 562 11 12 10 31 529 587 73 46 15 28 5 37 34 19 3 23

KEY KEY 119 177 KEY 48 60 KEY 458 Node number 458 Node number 71 152 458 Node number 45 45 458 Node number 506 Observed turn 506 Observed turn 506 Observed turn 506 Observed turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 327 522 Modelled turn 471 522 Modelled turn 430 Observed App/Dep 430 Observed App/Dep 430 Observed App/Dep 430 Observed App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep

(13) Edmondson Avenue | Rickard Road (14) Browns Road (15) Old Cowpasture Road (16) Cowpasture Road | Camden Valley Way

Observed Total 1,050 380 Observed Total 886 381 Observed Total 877 Observed Total 3,255 228 Model Total 1,143 Model Total 993 Model Total 1,040 Model Total 3,028 78 86 0 0 623 1,174 137 151 30 40 755 1,072

15 24 48 0 0 238 623 313 44 55 52 20 20 125 665 283 290 291 8 36 55 43 302 313 313 303 0 11 19 0 312 314 314 309 298 286 286 286 110 75 285 196 772 597 241 241 313 473 537 314 314 313 292 315 525 679 284 283 316 502 658 261 261 173 204 222 383 464 227 587 526 42 15 16 100 544 679 679 544 544 680 680 545 30 26 9 44 510 702 702 514 3 7 543 479 1,211 1,139 9 47 9 43 15 7 395 286 35 26 25 22 2 0 317 111

65 86 KEY KEY 58 34 KEY 687 1,215 KEY 86 165 458 Node number 458 Node number 24 74 458 Node number 429 1,105 458 Node number 506 Observed turn 506 Observed turn 506 Observed turn 506 Observed turn 323 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 262 522 Modelled turn 513 522 Modelled turn 430 Observed App/Dep 430 Observed App/Dep 430 Observed App/Dep 430 Observed App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep AECOM Bringelly Road Upgrade Review of Environmental Factors - Traffic and Transport Modelling Assessment

Appendix D

Forecast Model Trip Ends

16 September AECOM Sydney Strategic Model Model Trip Ends (PCUs) by year 2008 2011 2016 2021 2026 2031 2036 SLA Name Orig Dest Orig Dest Orig Dest Orig Dest Orig Dest Orig Dest Orig Dest Liverpool - West 8,261 5,550 9,102 6,158 12,546 7,765 15,839 9,786 18,832 11,526 21,817 13,055 28,331 15,722 Campbelltown - North 7,318 7,420 7,530 7,767 7,974 8,357 8,669 9,083 9,282 9,839 9,970 10,587 10,695 11,424 Camden 6,911 5,835 9,005 7,442 13,267 10,086 17,058 12,425 22,627 16,137 27,588 19,794 31,142 22,140

Zone 2008 2011 2016 2021 2026 2031 2036 SLA Name (TZ06) Orig Dest Orig Dest Orig Dest Orig Dest Orig Dest Orig Dest Orig Dest 1140 Liverpool - West 381 177 390 186 404 197 409 204 410 212 410 220 411 230 1142 Liverpool - West 399 197 412 206 431 219 456 233 481 250 503 268 552 295 1143 Liverpool - West 69 72 72 77 81 83 87 90 96 97 103 104 117 114 1144 Liverpool - West 280 110 293 117 306 123 326 131 344 140 362 149 399 164 1146 Liverpool - West 376 136 390 143 406 150 431 159 453 169 474 180 519 198 1148 Liverpool - West 1 28 7 136 201 242 208 290 213 319 219 374 223 377 1149 Liverpool - West 390 143 405 150 421 158 447 167 470 178 492 188 540 207 1150 Liverpool - West 331 274 346 290 361 316 385 343 406 369 427 398 469 437 1151 Liverpool - West 4 3 39 18 183 85 190 87 196 91 202 95 206 97 1152 Liverpool - West 254 123 266 130 277 138 295 147 311 158 326 168 358 185 1154 Liverpool - West 308 134 321 141 334 148 355 158 374 168 392 179 430 196 1156 Liverpool - West 42 100 139 127 535 272 557 280 574 293 591 305 603 318 1157 Liverpool - West 178 91 193 98 224 111 250 123 282 137 309 151 357 171 1158 Liverpool - West 333 118 357 127 373 134 404 144 427 154 454 166 502 184 1159 Liverpool - West 432 189 480 207 568 237 591 247 615 261 634 274 647 288 1160 Liverpool - West 376 243 414 260 449 281 499 307 543 333 589 361 666 401 1161 Liverpool - West 26 20 27 22 32 24 35 26 39 28 43 30 49 33 1164 Liverpool - West 181 88 207 98 239 111 274 124 310 138 344 153 399 175 1165 Liverpool - West 23 411 24 431 25 450 26 475 27 496 28 518 29 547 1167 Liverpool - West 21 266 22 282 23 290 24 303 25 313 25 324 26 341 1169 Liverpool - West 484 239 532 260 616 292 635 305 651 322 668 338 682 357 1170 Liverpool - West 139 230 235 263 444 337 633 401 844 471 882 506 933 548 1171 Liverpool - West 352 144 386 157 446 178 501 196 565 219 621 241 717 275 1172 Liverpool - West 289 122 317 135 336 145 371 158 398 170 429 184 481 204 1173 Liverpool - West 265 103 293 113 315 122 350 133 380 145 412 158 464 177 1174 Liverpool - West 537 271 590 295 629 318 697 349 752 380 813 414 914 464 1175 Liverpool - West 336 167 398 189 446 209 505 231 554 254 612 279 653 302 1176 Liverpool - West 2 50 2 53 3 63 3 70 3 77 4 84 4 93 1179 Liverpool - West 57 38 58 40 61 43 65 46 68 49 71 52 78 56 1180 Liverpool - West 41 40 43 42 45 45 48 48 50 51 53 55 58 59 1181 Liverpool - West 65 63 67 66 71 70 75 74 79 78 82 82 90 88 1182 Liverpool - West 37 111 37 119 39 123 55 345 67 392 279 478 1,091 697 1183 Liverpool - West 16 31 16 33 16 34 23 159 27 184 57 215 212 282 1184 Liverpool - West 33 15 33 15 55 22 130 164 292 232 416 288 422 313 1185 Liverpool - West 27 21 27 22 45 28 99 43 226 79 323 107 328 110 1186 Liverpool - West 149 157 149 164 153 174 161 186 169 197 252 225 1,024 421 1187 Liverpool - West 60 52 60 54 62 57 65 61 67 64 59 65 240 138 1188 Liverpool - West 12 56 12 59 13 64 15 69 16 74 17 80 19 86 1189 Liverpool - West 22 20 22 21 23 22 26 24 28 25 56 45 234 136 1190 Liverpool - West 44 37 44 39 45 41 48 44 50 47 62 54 258 154 1191 Liverpool - West 43 37 43 38 44 41 48 44 51 47 62 52 255 150 1192 Liverpool - West 44 39 44 41 45 44 48 47 50 50 63 56 261 155 1193 Liverpool - West 9 9 9 9 10 9 11 10 13 11 70 27 294 157 1194 Liverpool - West 8 8 8 8 9 9 10 9 12 10 56 23 238 133 1195 Liverpool - West 13 6 13 6 14 6 15 7 16 7 25 10 105 56 1196 Liverpool - West 79 50 79 53 81 55 85 59 88 62 91 66 379 189 1197 Liverpool - West 56 43 56 45 57 47 60 50 63 54 74 59 307 139 1198 Liverpool - West 40 29 40 31 41 33 44 35 46 37 53 41 218 98 1199 Liverpool - West 19 13 19 13 159 52 299 107 439 172 579 236 719 284 1200 Liverpool - West 49 34 50 35 244 91 439 156 634 243 829 329 1,023 396 1201 Liverpool - West 66 28 66 31 214 71 361 133 509 200 657 267 804 318 1202 Liverpool - West 52 53 52 56 192 98 330 138 468 182 607 245 746 293 1203 Liverpool - West 95 101 95 107 377 174 657 248 941 404 1,223 516 1,502 583 1204 Liverpool - West 61 47 62 75 165 121 266 190 368 282 469 354 569 404 1205 Liverpool - West 42 53 43 81 135 124 225 178 317 269 408 339 498 384 1206 Liverpool - West 124 61 124 63 292 112 519 182 907 327 1,417 500 1,957 662 1207 Liverpool - West 29 19 36 21 52 27 125 53 150 68 150 69 150 71 1208 Liverpool - West 26 14 59 24 234 83 566 231 682 302 682 306 682 308 AECOM Sydney Strategic Model Model Trip Ends (PCUs) by year 2008 2011 2016 2021 2026 2031 2036 SLA Name Orig Dest Orig Dest Orig Dest Orig Dest Orig Dest Orig Dest Orig Dest Liverpool - West 8,261 5,550 9,102 6,158 12,546 7,765 15,839 9,786 18,832 11,526 21,817 13,055 28,331 15,722 Campbelltown - North 7,318 7,420 7,530 7,767 7,974 8,357 8,669 9,083 9,282 9,839 9,970 10,587 10,695 11,424 Camden 6,911 5,835 9,005 7,442 13,267 10,086 17,058 12,425 22,627 16,137 27,588 19,794 31,142 22,140

Zone 2008 2011 2016 2021 2026 2031 2036 SLA Name (TZ06) Orig Dest Orig Dest Orig Dest Orig Dest Orig Dest Orig Dest Orig Dest 1209 Liverpool - West 27 13 47 19 145 56 350 147 422 190 422 192 422 194 1210 Liverpool - West 3 7 15 10 233 334 459 552 572 697 583 723 596 736 1211 Liverpool - West 4 1 13 4 69 25 167 70 201 91 201 92 201 93 1229 Campbelltown - North 54 81 100 92 249 121 268 133 288 146 310 160 319 175 1230 Campbelltown - North 138 68 139 70 141 72 148 75 153 79 160 84 165 89 1232 Campbelltown - North 82 17 99 19 118 22 142 25 164 29 190 32 214 36 1233 Campbelltown - North 283 149 288 157 292 165 308 176 319 187 337 201 349 215 1234 Campbelltown - North 151 130 156 139 160 151 172 166 184 181 200 198 214 218 1236 Campbelltown - North 270 252 274 263 277 279 292 300 300 321 315 345 324 372 1237 Campbelltown - North 362 157 368 163 375 172 396 183 409 194 431 208 445 222 1238 Campbelltown - North 29 14 29 14 29 14 31 15 32 16 33 17 34 18 1239 Campbelltown - North 8 451 8 464 9 497 10 539 10 574 11 608 11 651 1240 Campbelltown - North 52 1,016 53 1,041 56 1,125 61 1,215 64 1,292 67 1,369 70 1,464 1241 Campbelltown - North 162 278 166 299 171 326 182 354 189 381 200 410 208 444 1242 Campbelltown - North 307 196 310 206 315 217 319 229 324 243 328 257 366 285 1243 Campbelltown - North 14 30 15 32 15 34 16 38 17 42 18 46 19 51 1244 Campbelltown - North 368 198 376 207 384 219 406 232 421 246 444 263 460 280 1245 Campbelltown - North 235 105 238 109 242 113 246 116 250 120 254 124 327 149 1246 Campbelltown - North 7 641 7 670 8 717 8 770 9 814 9 858 10 915 1247 Campbelltown - North 262 117 267 122 272 127 287 134 296 141 312 150 323 159 1248 Campbelltown - North 201 100 205 105 209 110 220 116 228 123 240 132 249 141 1249 Campbelltown - North 233 144 236 150 240 158 253 169 261 181 274 194 283 209 1250 Campbelltown - North 286 120 291 125 297 130 303 134 309 141 314 147 383 173 1251 Campbelltown - North 252 110 256 114 260 119 264 122 269 127 273 132 333 155 1252 Campbelltown - North 272 115 276 119 282 123 297 130 307 137 323 146 334 154 1253 Campbelltown - North 214 112 217 118 222 124 235 133 243 141 256 151 266 160 1254 Campbelltown - North 301 133 306 138 312 144 330 152 341 161 359 171 371 181 1255 Campbelltown - North 278 333 291 353 306 374 331 398 343 418 358 439 377 467 1256 Campbelltown - North 157 125 159 135 161 145 169 156 174 167 183 180 189 193 1257 Campbelltown - North 376 198 382 207 390 217 412 230 426 244 449 261 464 277 1258 Campbelltown - North 207 250 210 270 215 293 227 318 235 342 247 368 256 399 1259 Campbelltown - North 210 98 214 102 218 106 230 112 238 119 251 128 260 136 1260 Campbelltown - North 206 161 210 170 215 185 227 201 236 215 249 232 259 250 1261 Campbelltown - North 277 665 287 697 301 734 323 778 333 812 345 848 361 895 1262 Campbelltown - North 35 24 36 25 36 26 36 27 37 28 37 29 56 37 1263 Campbelltown - North 333 164 339 170 346 178 366 190 379 202 400 217 414 232 1264 Campbelltown - North 11 356 11 366 12 403 14 445 15 483 16 523 17 570 1265 Campbelltown - North 340 164 345 173 351 179 369 189 380 199 399 212 412 225 1266 Campbelltown - North 34 25 35 27 36 29 38 32 41 34 44 38 48 42 1267 Campbelltown - North 289 118 293 123 298 128 315 136 325 144 342 154 354 164 1268 Campbelltown - North 14 4 15 5 15 5 17 5 18 5 19 6 21 6 1269 Campbelltown - North 0 0 0 0 0 0 68 44 312 197 569 332 727 392 1270 Campbelltown - North 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1271 Campbelltown - North 4 1 20 7 113 61 272 139 327 177 328 183 328 187 1272 Campbelltown - North 1 0 4 1 26 14 62 28 75 34 75 35 75 36 1345 Camden 18 9 20 10 21 10 22 11 22 11 22 12 22 13 1347 Camden 17 18 23 21 26 22 26 24 27 25 28 26 28 27 1354 Camden 8 15 8 16 145 55 150 56 154 59 159 61 164 64 1355 Camden 80 69 84 73 87 78 89 84 91 91 94 97 96 106 1356 Camden 8 5 76 29 269 103 281 106 292 112 305 117 317 123 1357 Camden 261 94 310 107 334 116 345 120 354 125 358 130 359 134 1358 Camden 281 108 530 202 928 356 934 354 939 361 941 366 943 371 1360 Camden 51 22 51 23 51 23 52 24 52 25 53 26 54 28 1361 Camden 40 53 43 57 120 77 124 82 127 88 131 94 135 101 1362 Camden 297 144 406 174 462 196 473 205 483 217 494 229 506 243 1363 Camden 114 376 120 395 172 427 176 451 179 472 182 493 186 521 1364 Camden 16 453 16 475 17 505 19 537 19 564 20 593 21 631 1365 Camden 268 73 400 105 470 122 482 124 495 129 508 134 521 139 AECOM Sydney Strategic Model Model Trip Ends (PCUs) by year 2008 2011 2016 2021 2026 2031 2036 SLA Name Orig Dest Orig Dest Orig Dest Orig Dest Orig Dest Orig Dest Orig Dest Liverpool - West 8,261 5,550 9,102 6,158 12,546 7,765 15,839 9,786 18,832 11,526 21,817 13,055 28,331 15,722 Campbelltown - North 7,318 7,420 7,530 7,767 7,974 8,357 8,669 9,083 9,282 9,839 9,970 10,587 10,695 11,424 Camden 6,911 5,835 9,005 7,442 13,267 10,086 17,058 12,425 22,627 16,137 27,588 19,794 31,142 22,140

Zone 2008 2011 2016 2021 2026 2031 2036 SLA Name (TZ06) Orig Dest Orig Dest Orig Dest Orig Dest Orig Dest Orig Dest Orig Dest 1366 Camden 216 163 224 174 236 188 250 204 275 222 304 242 329 265 1367 Camden 209 481 216 513 370 599 378 650 386 698 395 748 404 809 1368 Camden 215 82 275 98 310 109 315 113 321 118 328 124 334 130 1369 Camden 560 270 561 282 562 298 563 312 564 329 566 346 568 367 1370 Camden 386 150 387 156 387 161 388 168 388 176 390 185 391 196 1371 Camden 80 954 85 1,008 92 1,107 96 1,204 100 1,294 103 1,388 108 1,505 1372 Camden 397 268 398 282 401 305 402 326 403 348 405 371 407 398 1373 Camden 59 42 490 187 742 284 786 297 830 317 888 343 976 381 1374 Camden 479 210 480 217 480 225 481 235 482 247 483 259 485 275 1375 Camden 345 171 396 189 426 204 431 214 437 226 443 238 449 254 1376 Camden 366 251 378 268 393 289 409 310 437 335 469 361 497 393 1377 Camden 22 10 72 27 224 86 233 88 242 92 251 97 260 101 1378 Camden 391 170 392 176 393 184 393 191 394 199 395 208 397 219 1379 Camden 10 13 93 36 343 132 359 136 375 144 397 154 433 170 1380 Camden 285 101 575 220 726 279 756 286 785 301 828 320 899 351 1381 Camden 98 47 104 50 168 67 175 71 186 76 198 82 209 89 1382 Camden 21 10 95 36 316 121 331 125 345 132 365 141 397 155 1383 Camden 574 269 582 282 588 295 589 306 591 321 594 336 597 354 1384 Camden 1 6 4 7 42 16 224 64 515 153 739 250 749 258 1385 Camden 0 1 2 2 36 10 205 65 470 162 676 279 685 284 1386 Camden 58 35 59 37 59 39 59 41 62 43 83 50 342 147 1387 Camden 21 12 21 13 31 16 54 29 124 65 179 115 181 117 1388 Camden 1 5 2 6 40 15 222 81 511 206 732 301 742 306 1389 Camden 0 0 1 0 24 6 133 57 307 148 440 217 445 221 1390 Camden 1 7 3 8 41 17 226 85 519 215 744 315 754 325 1391 Camden 0 0 2 1 28 7 157 68 362 176 519 258 526 262 1392 Camden 1 18 4 20 7 22 7 24 7 27 8 30 8 33 1393 Camden 6 12 51 22 280 132 539 234 763 327 787 343 787 347 1394 Camden 13 18 47 26 206 63 398 134 564 203 583 216 583 219 1395 Camden 5 3 53 18 296 127 572 236 810 336 836 353 836 356 1396 Camden 5 2 48 11 265 65 515 162 729 250 753 266 753 269 1397 Camden 39 27 39 28 40 29 40 30 42 32 59 37 244 96 1398 Camden 41 32 41 34 42 35 42 37 44 39 62 45 255 103 1399 Camden 25 13 25 13 25 14 26 15 107 41 234 90 408 159 1400 Camden 58 23 58 24 58 25 127 41 318 100 581 190 746 271 1401 Camden 44 32 44 34 45 36 117 54 332 105 607 196 779 281 1402 Camden 48 36 48 38 49 41 138 63 410 126 750 242 963 347 1403 Camden 26 31 27 33 29 35 114 57 394 122 721 227 926 326 1404 Camden 11 25 99 105 434 243 799 426 971 705 978 826 977 829 1405 Camden 20 25 88 100 332 205 613 383 747 652 753 768 753 766 1406 Camden 35 24 35 26 36 27 109 45 337 136 617 259 790 323 1407 Camden 28 21 29 22 29 24 88 38 268 109 491 208 628 261 1408 Camden 22 9 22 9 22 9 61 19 181 73 331 137 424 173 1409 Camden 34 23 34 24 34 25 97 40 287 118 524 223 671 279 1410 Camden 20 51 28 180 129 294 229 377 329 473 431 594 535 765 1411 Camden 21 68 33 263 89 402 145 541 202 722 259 894 313 1,015 1412 Camden 16 11 16 12 40 18 76 26 163 50 386 125 712 219 1413 Camden 52 96 68 366 131 991 189 1,429 329 2,131 442 2,917 612 3,198 1414 Camden 14 5 14 5 14 5 36 11 102 34 186 74 239 102 1415 Camden 15 9 15 9 15 10 47 17 148 51 271 110 348 151 1416 Camden 26 18 26 18 26 19 62 28 163 56 299 121 384 167 1417 Camden 13 15 13 16 13 17 49 26 165 56 303 125 389 174 1418 Camden 21 21 21 22 21 23 36 28 69 42 126 69 161 78 AECOM Bringelly Road Upgrade Review of Environmental Factors - Traffic and Transport Modelling Assessment

Appendix E

Future Year Traffic Forecasts

16 September Bringelly Road Upgrade TA 2011 AM Average Peak Hour Flows (PCUs) 0 N 20 0 1347 0 19 0 38 0 0 2310 9 0 10 25 2 0 0 0 231 1 11 11 226 0 1

2 25 0 0 1 28

18 13 0 19 0 146 14 165 39 20 11 33 28 49



0 0 0

2 184 0 1 0 16 174 0 162 0 66 194 33 0 107 162 49 17 106 215 0 0

0 20 1 163 238 0 0 80 0 17 15 73 01736 71 200 229 994 76 18 60 247 66 0 10 20 0 206 162 0 0 17 0 262 10 0 576 90 0 0 242 49 96 55 0 1736 11 61 9 0 994 46 0 48 1 0 0 0 172 304 0 0 862 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 58 686 69 0 0 50 1668

57 0 1 1022 149 18 0 172 213 69 0 0 213 58 69 1685 56 136 1026 664 50 1 57 136


31 0 711 10 1 1531


106 4 949 0 46 58 3 0 11 13 0 30 8 0 46 0 8 5 5 32 0 1531 666 19 16 54 65 949 845 2 19 0 51 0 188 13 16 0 77 8

2 150 13 0 233 54


0 159 51 0 1 77 666 112

90 845

52 6 353 1301 79 39 42 729 30 26 154 57

73 39 433 17 4 455 29 30 0 7 30 2 189 491 15 184 0 478 42 992 42 1208 78 0 97 9 0 890 81 193 0 491 25 4


62 42 70 30 56 76 0 235 503 22 68 7 0 536 2 0

193 0 529 0 7 0 0 0 217 529 10 25 992 0 0 1208 0 155 0 0 32 0 593 5 153 3 0 0 0 133 38 153 561 43 150 59 75 0 576 0 478 201 1161 113 79 14 532 101 195 0 1300 890 534 0 555 79 215 534 23 28 133 534 555 749 133 5 276 84 71 610 577 818 30 192 610

0 361 610 0 577 30 82 40 1184

0 16 0 36 35 0 10 533 18 92 20 71 0 0 6 182 201 0 41 0 17 109 15 0 0 0 23 0 83 11 29 35 46 29 44 0 96 62 0 35 16 10 0 1103 0 0 5 33 2 491 0 14 63 45 17 0 26 20 146 10 906 497 17 2 5 092 7 62 17 0 0 83 9 2 10 3 3 27 0 26 176 3 13 3 0 2 0 6 1183 5 517 26 5 99 5 0 0 24 101 2 13 25 26 238 7 14 2 1 225 2 0 0 26 0 82 59 2 14 8 0 0 0 0 5 6 0 14 0 1509 561 Centroid Connector 0 12 225 906 28 497 5 26 Local Road 2 31 3 82 19 2 Collector Road 0 41 2 6 3 5 59 0 Secondary Arterial 1 2 0 Primary Arterial 0 0.5 1 1.5 3 1 Motorway, other


36 km 1506 Bus Only Lane 544 Licensed to AECOM Australia Bringelly Road Upgrade TA 2011 PM Average Peak Hour Flows (PCUs) 0 N 31 0 2330 0 8 0 18 0 1 1356 11 0 21 28 1 0 0 0 215 0 20 279 0 9 0

1 28 0 0 2 25

15 39 20 0 10 0 211 18 13 125 19 50 25 33



0 0 0

1 230 0 2 0 17 152 0 202 0 89 171 50 0 114 129 33 16 122 239 0 0 8 0 1 150 245 0 0 88 0 11 18 986 71 0 72 205 238

60 1925 19 78 216 89 0 16 19 0 227 129 0 0 11 0 291 16 0 0 0 280 386 986 103 11 61 0 23 12 107 54 0 1925 49 0 47 47 0 0 0 499 0 0 135 690 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 70 889 58 0 0 949 58

51 18 0 47 1974 129 0 135 94 57 0 0 94 70 954 58 50 268 1973 717 58 4 51 268


18 0

12 671 8 914

113 118 1

59 1758 0 10 47 0

1 0 43 3 33 0 31 0 2 23 9 23 914 0 6 830 10 67 55 1758 674 8 6 0 79 0 124 36 10 0 53 2

8 320 36 0 134 67


0 357 79 0 6 53 830 124


674 730 80 1 180 53 29 31 39 1406 42 232 77 4 28 194 60 192 17 39 39 0 2 457 201 39 7 483 9 0 891 31 1428 166 31 893 482 0 109 80 15 0 523 201 4 0

63 17 32 31 81 39 71 73 0 222 10 59 76 2 0 161 7 0

523 0 159 0 4 0 0 0 1428 536 159 30 43 0 0 0 5 893 570 0 0 0 563 206 32 8 0 39 0 26 82 0 134 563 201 79 63 0 290 0 891 639 906 107 220 5 332 116 607 0 975 480 0 437 482 622 480 28 30 20 156 14 600 480 437 1113 30 81 1320 192 664 727 135 113 664

0 125 664 0 727 135 34 200 691

0 18 0 0 21 84 8 1142 19 42 38 11 182 0 0 114 60 0 95 0 110 14 18 0 0 0 182 31 0 16 35 136 16 20 27

93 0 17 28 0 47 0 121 647 0 0 4 35 5 1061 0 20 184

1 0 12 3 14 112 498 124 908 93

17 27 4 17 28 1 0 6 282 17 13 5 5 121 5 3 8 0 127 5 6 33 676 9 0 27 0 3 1195 3 3 0 6 379 102 0 8 24 27 17 4 159 37 2 26 32 87 18 1 3 0 5 0 239 27 0 0 7 0 0 14 31 61 0 0 0 611

1502 Centroid Connector 5 49 498 32 87 908 2 11 Local Road 7 28 2 239 41 5 Collector Road 1 19 3 0 2 61 Secondary Arterial 5 1 0 3 8 Primary Arterial 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 Motorway, other


30 km 594 Bus Only Lane 1522 Licensed to AECOM Australia Bringelly Road Upgrade TA 2016 AM Average Peak Hour Flows (PCUs) 48 N 18 0 1624 0 23 0 43 0 2 3337 9 0 72 23 20 0 3 0 494 8 10 12 266 0 8

23 3 5 29 12 62

84 49 0 20 2 222 14 9 200 73 175 109

29 176



0 148

59 215 0 5 0 14 392 12 243 0 0 204 413 73 0 150 313 106 483 17 176 59 0 24 1 525 0 3 18 291 0 148

148 234 2278 203 375 113 738 1192 15 302 717 0 21 0 146 9 314 205 311 0 0 18 9 0 0 382 0 0 355 1165 29 131 98 1 2127 21 11 147 92 0 0 1193 225 5 0 139 165 0 0 536 1404 0 0 14 0 0 0 1 0 0 707 159 0 100

1 2124 222 5 0 175 1121 225 18 0 165 280 141 0 1 280

159 2214 100 53 134 1122 720 0 222 134 175 1

38 0 1081 10 3 2012

145 108 0 0 1067 114 77 6 1 35 30 0 17 154

0 198 0 9 12 12 42 0 7 2012 709 13 133 1276 2 87 7 1067 0

0 191 213 16 13 0 244 9

2 164 16 0 252

133 87

0 193 0 91 191 244 117 709 144 1276 14 56 442 1718 80 76 46 928 30 54 183

106 39 194 769 190 788 18 54 30 0 7 30 2 306 848 17 301 0 526 46 1269 46 1587 83 1533 0 113 99 31 0 318 0 848 50

38 18 81 46 30 98 861 32 128 0 296 296 177 7 0 957 2 0

318 0 950 0 53 0 0 0 1269 346 950 31 36 0 0 1587 0 175 0 0 65 0 991 18 174 5 0 0 0 291 24 174 926 61 147 103 0 1008 230 0 526 228 2011 189 95 17 946 332 1533 211 0 2139 831 0 1075 98 236 831 24 50 296 831 1075 896 296 6 250 41 40 522 685 972 17 242 522

0 659 522 0 685 17 98 129 1753

0 33 0 0 33 41 12 40 710 253

21 242 172 18 110 0 0 0 5 164 0 46 132 0 20 41 289 23 0 0 0 0 243 15 0 10 206 30 49 4

121 0 503 0 11 125 17 35 0 1594 0 15 183 0 11 28 1 647 0 15 10 17 0 189 41 8 80 148 1573 580 19 271 3 1 17 15 17 267 1 0 150 8 1 42 4 4 53 0 41 235 13 4 0 3 0 5 26 1763 3 2 661 41 3 201 3 0 0 26 284 3 0 4 41 15 500 5 1 2 24

1 0 8 321 41 2 242 3 14 0 0 12 150 24 8 8 4 16 14 0 2273 701 Centroid Connector 0 11 12 321 1573 580 9 29 Local Road 40 31 0 150 18 2 Collector Road 3 42 0 0 0 15 242 8 0 0 Secondary Arterial 44 0 0 Primary Arterial 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 1 2289 Motorway, other

14 km 39 699 Bus Only Lane Licensed to AECOM Australia Bringelly Road Upgrade TA 2016 PM Average Peak Hour Flows (PCUs) 0 N 55 0 3382 2 7 0 0 16 19 6 1644 12 2 6 30 77 22 1 1 250 3 43 566 1 3 9 30 1 1

74 22 12

9 14 1 0 453 177 84 20 157 51 218 73 22 168



0 0 0 473 0 0 74 18 189 12 317 165 206 0 0 348 109 225 168 73 13 170 406 0

7 0 0 165 23 0 10 225 344 0

256 130 01215 115 494 183 391 2368 20 151 362 64 17 0 332 17 527 284 225 0 10 0 700 17 0 610 99 0 0 679 21 94 0 1215 153 29 15 131 0 0 2139 126 49 0 0 240 0 1115 0 0 179 713 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 1430 102 0 141

0 1079 183 18 49 0 251 2215 222 0 179 88 53 0 0 88

102 1081 133 141 1090 293 2297 0 183 293 251 0

18 0 730 38 5 1097

111 168 0 2108 0 79 99 9 0 19 16 0 43 159

0 194 0 2 33 33 19 1282 0 0 1097

14 88 2108 720 9 120 0 0

0 257 134 17 14 0 220 2

9 335 17 0 135 88


0 375 1282 0 14 257 220 166


720 92 990 81 218 57 55 30 44 298 1696 199 213 62 17 316 102 316 44 77 44 0 2 44 7 779 333 29 1533 802 0 30 1682 1217 30 137 246 530 0 106 19 0 876 0 333 22

92 44 36 30 44 296 0 359 24 200 98 85 141 2 0 188 7 0

876 0 187 0 32 0 0 0 1682 888 187 47 34 0 0 1217 0 990 1 0 17 0 982 276 73 3 0 25 0 98 94 0 296 982 259 202 0 286 129 1533 1041 0 919 393 199 5 283 175 968 0 995 530 468 0 765 60 1031 468 61 17 22 18 925 468 765 2046 17 97 2227 254 954 1136 301 78 954

0 234 954 0 1136 301 60 609 693

0 21 0 0 20 97 8 254 342 1914 78 45 228 35 50 0 0 0 42 40 0 120 434 293 0

10 241 20 0 24 89 0 0 178 0 52 236 37 19 52

464 0 204 196 0 58 8 0 90 629 0 53 3 39 0 136 7 1754 0 17 115

1 0 162 4 15 10 582 275 182

1582 3 1819 41 10 1 0 202 165 18 7 13 192 3 4 10 30 0 158 3 4 673 8 0 41 0 112 19 0 1882 19 4 0 5 358 303 0 5 7 26 41 3 28 334 54 1 5 100 72 1 4 0 161 9 0 8 7 41 0 5 358 19 72 264 51 25 8 0 801

2232 Centroid Connector 0 112 582 15 161

1582 2 15 Local Road 16 14 0 358 40 12 Collector Road 18 17 0 0 40 264 0 Secondary Arterial 9 17 1 3 0 0 Primary Arterial 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0 800 Motorway, other

28 km 15 2327 Bus Only Lane Licensed to AECOM Australia Bringelly Road Upgrade TA 2021 AM Average Peak Hour Flows (PCUs) 100

33 N 555 0 1810 3 0 0 0 0 5 3690 0 3 5 32 34 0 6 2 774 0 249 2 13 13 0 32 6

21 28 111 97

0 83 99 4 0 635 20 0 185 177 192 127 28 228

568 43

0 225 198 0 0 107 21 46 472 97 342 0 492 0 1 207 339 127 107 354 104 806 40 228 0 0 0 778 0 105 22 377 0 225

150 221 2423 292 467 126 983 1302 14 535 961 0 21 0 161 7 338 211 254 0 2 22 7 1 0 365 0 0 334 1381 31 317 97 3 2098 550 30 21 12 0 193 93 0 0 1307 458 5 0 146 203 0 1 512 2034 1 0 18 109 0 0 0 2 335 0 0 0 741 224 0 150

2 2455 425 5 0 183 1240 637 23 0 203 283 149 30 0 2 283

550 224 2574 150 31 126 1241 828 0 425 126 183 4 2

2 0 335 1460 109 4 2369 12 0 4 1192 141 0 118 8 2 134 0 41 32 0 28 348 27 0 0 192 4 20 19 523 19 19 52 0 2369 791 11 36 76 1192 2035 2 175 11 362 0

120 0 351 197 118 20 2 239 8 1 4

2 158 0 7 241 78

76 181 157

349 486 11 73 232 134 791 361 2035 5

57 5 451 2039 84 250 46 25 211 1131 78 190 23 233 191 1041 184 292 1071 177 108 25 0 640 1222 25 497 13 40 644 0 0 717 46 1454 59 1901 46 206 165 78 2220 0 155 94 0 654 1222 0 23 187 46 0 46 177 25 178 299 17 301 192 0 306 1269 0 59 497 13 1 654 0 100 165 1290 0 0 0 1454 685 1290 48 35 0 0 1901 0 685 0 50 0 101 90 276 1428 20 2 0 43 0 4 301 200 0 276 1429 305 68 61 65 953 1736 265 40 0 717 392 2198 1589 296 118 0 292 2220 373 1752 2312 1533 101 91 145 450 22 43 112 309 0 29 374 1579 1752 1150 43 83 1182 4 143 453 945 418 453 215 992 945 965 42 4 309 85 1621

0 113 0 83 0 0 106 0 177 660 933 143 362

13 86 418 142 0 0 395 1 0 16 0 95 3 0 13 63 21 154 6 144 24 0 1 420 965 42 2 15 2380 916 3 86 1 0 398 386 28

179 0 216 0 16 22 194 13 0 49 0 368 1383 0 258 346 0 0 9 132 847 28 0 3 21 11 0 193 381 5 3

978 141 45 6 013 46 261 86 0 419 11 177 0 16 14 34 95 0 0 203 10 381 37 10 0 2 1699 14 5 46 0 29 6 47 949 2380 916 286 6 20 381 0 261 1

10 21 21 46 32 1 0 176 111 368 44 8

960 46 0 0 28

0 31 10 768 413 0 30 212 54 6 90 184 14 171 10 0 11 19 6 0 2265 848 Centroid Connector 0 26 768

2380 916 46 0 127 960 78 Local Road 221 387 329 184 10 0 4 125 65 25 Collector Road 34 21 3 0 81 2 0 0 Secondary Arterial 0 44 106 2 1 67 Primary Arterial 0 0.5 1 1.5 1 2304 Motorway, other 744 95 11 297 38 858 km 16 603 Bus Only Lane 20 Licensed to AECOM Australia Bringelly Road Upgrade TA 2021 PM Average Peak Hour Flows (PCUs) 0

35 N 533 0 3761 2 0 0 0 0 46 9 1819 0 2 9 0 29 2 249 47 5 0 851 0 5 0 29 2 2

37 31 149

0 20 2 0 0 518 182 84 229 645 106 238 31 112 45

546 0 0 537 0 47 0

37 41 170 148 405 191 185 0 0 390 119 238 227 370 504 47 112 0

0 47 0 0 0 191 9 397 348 2

277 150 01333 106 846 328 371 2562 19 159 195 340 15 0 544 20 817 239 233

9 0 0 1017 20 0 0 0 996 540 33 109 21 72 3 1338 349 32 529 20 0 232 0 0 2217 160 59 0 0 412 0 1383 0 0 242 748 13 369 0 0 0 3 122 0 0 0 96 0 2072 267

3 1189 261 23 59 0 438 2549 648 0 242 125 31 529 0 3 125 96 1190 153 33 267 1473 298 2672 4 261 298 438 2 3

4 0 122 840 369 9 1192 10 0 0 79 2501 16 0 3 19 188 0 31 23 0 51 232 13 0 0 334 2 97 20 34 34 33 518 2058 10 0 2 1192 104 2501 803 4 148 135 2 0 19 379 0 343 138 97 36 1 0 364 2

4 315 1 2 136

104 5 150 361 11 2058 12 343 361 393

468 149

803 67 67 85 236 1153 59 110 26 46 337 2057 295 110 337 187 683 150 150 689 23 205 250 46 0 46 14 1099 698 478 197 2272 1131 0 0 26 2054 91 1471 196 310 26 104 740 0 108 41 0 1280 0 187 698 150 23 0 47 26 46 295 728 47 349 90 187 0 273 0 91 727 14 0 1280 104 478 0 353 0 45 0 0 2054 353 18 32 0 0 1471 0 0 1330 69 86 0 1 508 45 0 102 5 1264 0 349 46 109 0 1264 508 273 74 43 136 55 576 149 2272 1412 0 816 1125 438 190 1 1412 459 274 1208 740 618 86 1039

144 1854 618 102 5 31 22 136 776 2276 0 112 1039 5 1611 2441 433 309 1728 45 196 1562 1864 45 95 1728 467 904 45 830 136

0 13 0 0 0 433

0 382 542 0 309 441 1948 41 111 16 64 196 0 4 85 1 193 13 0 0 6 347 3 555 25 0 1 312 10 6 45 206 114 830 939 13 197 4 2430 16 65 0 50 305

441 0 170 0 85 415 3 0 6 0 501 367 816 0 42 191 148 0 0 91 1711 273 0 5 73 0 0 114 47 3 41 48 272 14 11 843 496 47 0 6 16 0 318 85 88 11 14 271 306 0 37 6 47 0 197 6 0 15 20 0 1 931 496 335 939 11 1 46 312 1770 2430 11 41 47 0 1

22 9 10 10 53 496 271 0 34 504 24 81

826 46 0 0 309

0 37 56 196 61 0 74 23 10 564 15 828 211 24 56 0 60 254 10 0 969

2246 Centroid Connector 0 98

939 196 826 0 2430 6 Local Road 46 66 30 27 88 206 3 828 22 0 534 376 Collector Road 185 10 0 221 2043 0 0 Secondary Arterial 0 67 34 3 2 44 Primary Arterial 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 979 Motorway, other 455 15 44 km 17 16 2304 Bus Only Lane 905 97 334 Licensed to AECOM Australia Bringelly Road Upgrade TA 2026 AM Average Peak Hour Flows (PCUs) 149

27 N 766 0 1833 82 0 0 0 0 6 3853 0 82 6 129 68 0 12 3 0 1072 337 3 19 19 0 129 12 20249 104 141

0 6 1 85 915 21 0 263 159 176 208 181 104 367

809 45

0 226 273 0 0 195 561 49 49 140 399 1 582 0 2 215 526 181 195 353 115 1480 45 367 1 0 0 1512 0 102 19 485 0 226

173 271 2949 375 601 201 1837 1424 17 1817 0 27 0 1221 256 0 446 221 259 1 3 19 0 1 0 478 0 0 445 2272 507 3 34 2623 797 36 21 115 246 14 0 157 0 0 1426 4 0 1142 244 234 0 2 632 3089 2 0 24 129 0 0 0 3 531 0 0 0 663 288 0 264

3 3440

4 0 1093 288 1456 919 25 0 234 255 200 36 0 3 255

797 288 3587 264 61 123 1465 1128 123 56 1093 288 2 3

2 0 531 1523 129 11 3416 23 0 11 1426 16 250 0 189 3 250 0 51 40 0 59 964 15 0 0 301 2 61 42 794 25 42 72 1044 0 3416 37 22 113 1426 2329 2 303 22 534 0

140 0 960 205 189 61 39 9 1 362 2

2 159 0 6 236

152 140 309 156

921 1044 760 18 97 356 151

526 2329 0 10 63 464 2985 89 510 48 29 217 1413 3 738 190 358 301 1355 400 351 1379 280 212 29 0 1062 1521 29 773 22 24 1024 1060 0 0 48 1777 134 2824 48 127 262 372 84 2304 0 263 0 1087 1521 4 0 190 73 0 48 280 29 701 362 21 478 312 1621 0 0 385 134 773 22 1 1087 372 0 111 1435 0 0 7 1777 1435 64 60 0 0 2824 1 1092 0 115 0 101 81 1679 114 439 8 26 1 5 479 118 118 203 0 439 1685 385 148 98 1823 508 1024 1385 0 167 605 3384 1839 884 137 0 419 2304 530 2148 3500 101 1757 115 148 610 50 118 260 455 0 45 434 1789 2148 1429 118 303 1481 5 362 699 1211 530 699 369 1231 1211 488 5 1406 170 485 3243

0 71 0 0 4 131196 0 246 761 289 643 1179

32 501 264 230 543 27 0 0 0 35 6 309 3 0 14 130 493

100 165 8 0 315 4 505 1406 170 19 27 2489 3 1474 19 230 0 448 426 68

761 0 310 0 35 17 623 14 0 0 107 443 2700 0 316 10 172 0 0 259 74 1063 0 9 20 58 0 1156 393 34 337 168

6 1420 174 142 98 1 274 58 724 230 492 1 35 49 89 184 0 0 32 393 1822 81 32 0 9 2804 40 22 98 0 106 16 147 2489 401 1254 1474 16 53 393 0 268 5

24 61

66 80 5 98 2 192 374 1809 37 1375 106

184 0 1 116

0 47 22 812 422 0 91 98 118 3 177 27 23 120 0 1812 50 100 3 1 3335

1177 Centroid Connector 0 77 991 2489 184 0 1474 60 1375 15 Local Road 322 133 508 0 37 202 24 1693 145 19 179 Collector Road 92 66 2 85 25 206 16 0 0 172 Secondary Arterial 0 16 207 13 131 Primary Arterial 0 0.5 1 1.5 13 3436 Motorway, other 299 548 19 58 75 1692 1299 km 30 1148 Bus Only Lane 0 104 Licensed to AECOM Australia Bringelly Road Upgrade TA 2026 PM Average Peak Hour Flows (PCUs) 0

27 N 861 0 3891 11 0 0 0 0 88 20 1842 0 20 104 11 0 8 0 339 7 93 6 6 1085 0 104 8 7


252 235

0 22 7 0 0 735 177 88 268 909 166 314 252 164


1 0 1033 754 0 87 0

68 47 434 234 566 191 453 0 0 380 152 314 229 449 654 50 164 1

0 87 0 0 0 191 8 719 455 88

287 182 01455 155 1736 507 492 3082 19 250 244 456 19 0 1687 224

18 1174 236

8 0 0 1920 18 0 0 1 1901 698 44 144 4 21 1456 37 432 111

380 1023 26 0 0 0 2642 191 47 0 0 0 2303 1000 0 0 220 670 15 457 0 1 2 5 159 0 0 0 3172 166 1 438

5 1479 331 27 0 47 3562 913 1037 0 220 82 62 1023 0 5 82

166 1487 209 44 438 1543 270 3717 11 331 270

2 1037 5 2 0 159 1144 457 17 1488 19 0 32 3530 25 151 0 5 35 360 0 46 35 0 70 297 16 0 0 862 2 264 28 45 45 66

2343 1004 0 1488 28 20 195 3530 1061 2 185 20 175 0 35 476 0 452 141

0 915 38 1 264 2

2 329 2 89 138

195 0 274 362 20 2343 10 452 826 475

972 189 1061 63 127 89 242 1486 64 216 29 30 345 2973 393 206 540 553 1138 340 1138 118 93 301 511 30 0 30 23 1339 1165 996 177 2264 1364 0 0 29 2924 179 1791 298 332 29 287 1076 0 136 52 0 1602 0 285 1165

118 93 3 74 29 30 411 60 570 82 553 0 0 421 982 23 0 182 1602 287 996 0 559 0 77 1 0 2924 559 23 33 0 0 1791 0 1705 1 109 0 108 63 744 70 0 158 4 1311 29 570 144 142 421 0 291 1311 743 251 86 170 803 393 2264 1559 1 1436 1171 607 235 0 645 617 1076 1495 722 1257 1522 109 243 1819 722 159 4 41 50 357 833 3498 0 265 1257 4 1507 3677 472 500 2320 291 487 1996 974 2402 2320 551 291 173 245 1234

0 32 0 1188 0 14 553 0 57 427 770 385 604 3366 98 165 28 487 151 10 0 5 221 14 0 0 227 60 623 482 272 3 0 36 394 67 7 173 553 139 1188 162 1526 14 233 2543 28 0 104 128 526

611 0 0 101 888 524 3 226 0 0 576 768 1145 0 82 150 245 0 0 59 2853 0 105 354 291

0 0 325 119 9 23 213 176 1253

59 1202 471 91 0 6 28 3 82 358 59 226 41 334 686 0 3 181 18 119 418 18 0 55 51 68 0 1283 34 4 471 1714 1526 88 339 2806 2543 34 99 119 0 4 236 24 24 279 29 152 471 1 195 710

1150 49 393

185 0 3 1713 0 91 4 184 136 0 42 18 79 489 42 904 170 183 3 0 321 1775 82 0 1360

3232 Centroid Connector 3 100 1150 209 1526 0 2543 67 185 9 Local Road 141 42 1084 228 236 0 54 153 25 384 169 Collector Road 251 24 0 508 170713 181 0 131 Secondary Arterial 0 13 33 90 18 172 Primary Arterial 0 0.5 1 1.5 18 1461 Motorway, other 990 30 0 74 km 9 169 3431 Bus Only Lane 545 295 95 1740 Licensed to AECOM Australia Bringelly Road Upgrade TA

45 2031 AM Average Peak Hour Flows (PCUs) 24 177

37 N 742 0 1768 23 47 158 0 47 0 7 3572 47 56 7 439 15 23 3 22 1104 315 3 25 25 22 439 166

19479 129 183

0 8 1 86 169 30 0 622 210 178 207 191 129 278

49 38 1039 0 255 637 292 0 0 185 651 79 47 181 845 0 672 0 7 220 587 647 191 185 372 137 1461 45 278 30 0 0 0 1461 0 226 18 623 0 255

199 272 3101 471 578 211 1898 1560 20 772 2018 0 26 0 363 0 491 228 160 0

18 0 33 45 551 115 0 0 521 2352 569 2624 47 42 169 19 137 324 1035 20 0 170 138 1564 177 53 0 699 6 0 0 323 223 706 12 12 3307 253 26 157 0 0 0 41 596 0 0 712 386 0 173 237 41 3573 744 6 0 359 223 1562 253 216 85 0 4 267 4 267 47 0 41 1035 386 3733 237 66 1231 0 125 1572 0 744 125 5 253 41 359

240 28

596 1552 157 20 3524 0 27 0 1 269 1505 55 41 311 3 0 226 206 4 0 7 54 328 585 669 6 0 0 347 0 101 0 35 156 1043 232 1140 0 3524 30 274 157 1505 1671 0 281 588 0 0

169 0 587 202 226 0 388 11 0 101 0

0 10 9 159 5 0 1 240 157 177 282 149

8 587 1136 0 25 97 387 1000 186 3 594 0 3 1669 11 232 11 274 52 465 3048 60 580 55 638 42 33 224 1456 5 432 163 472 342 1204 368 440 1226 429 303 33 60

0 28 706 1611 1017 28 1163 720 0 113 42 1734 45 120 3005 157 150 284 347 1858 0 309 36 0 744 5 1673 172 0 951 64 0 162 0 429 529 229 23 622 502 1673 0 0 473 120 28 0 601 1017 0 164 347 1730 0 0 30 1734 601 1730 77 102 0 0 3005 1 601 0 136 0 203 2019 275 221 10 27 0 501 47 0 622 163 392 2132 473 0 3 501 215 108 159 2412 558 1163 1262 1 116 687 3677 2224 712 89 0 596 1858 578 2855 3991 204 2376 302 954 719 90 0 289 609 0 33 510 2402 2855 1640 320 1652 0 389 648 1323 768 648 410 1253 1323 540 1279 122 609 3226

0 0 0 0 1 267320 0 290 967 389 871 1450

14 768 488 253 675 34 0 1 0 25 98 266 0 0 434 0 217

15 201 391 0 424 9 777 1279 122 28 163 2046 0 1761 27 252 0 641 944 600 198 767 0 424 0 25 233 714 107 0 1 0 168 591 2450 0 334 57 521 0 0 409 395 79 1334 0 16 71 1 0 1202 193 110 124 492 636 168 15 200 1279 0 122 152 337 1 3 955 252 381 83 0257 25 125 205 0 28 257 492 2069 101 257 0 14 73 145 0 191 2863 53 271 152 2175 50 384 1634 1688 53 164 492 0 312

881 205 208 214 8 46 152 112 6 497 409 2071 53 1026 166

136 0 5 215 253 0 13 912 591 0 0 176 10 0 172 104 229 47 13 394 2066 0 0 76 0 208 10 0 3464

1526 Centroid Connector 0 122 1135 2175 136 0 313 1688 881 1026 205 Local Road 370 37 621 0 138 113 244 3 1891 8 222 Collector Road 41 214 201 209 16 263 17223 0 0 Secondary Arterial 0 21 16 385 11 Primary Arterial 0 0.5 1 1.5 163 364 39 3388 Motorway, other 371 844 154 0 59 79 359 1934 1553 km 56 641 Bus Only Lane 3 193 Licensed to AECOM Australia Bringelly Road Upgrade TA 2031 PM Average Peak Hour Flows (PCUs) 22 7

42 50 N 553 0 3724 49 35 41 0 35 0 25 1768 35 104 25 109 48 85 48 319 8 50 7 7 48 109 1237 4 75

313 528 115

0 29 4 0 0 777 177 89 257 309 186 339 528 126


990 26 170 0 42 796 0 71 7

684 306 47 115 653 273 703 0 0 373 17 147 339 234 552 678 47 126 71 557 0 42 0 0 0 273 6 1113 393 207

180 227 01567 164 1801 646 551 3453 20 485 373 519 20 0 893 1729 17 170 309

6 0 2152 17 0 0 37 2133 757 78 141 19 1567 32 535 122 184 988 194 0 512 0 52 28 4 2697 318 317 46 0 0 684 0 2406 221 710 0 36 20 563 0 0 180 160 0 194 0 36 3316 181 180 113 591 1515 435 46 0 893 3601 36 221 154 0 4 80 66 4 988 0 80 194 181 1522 319 78 591 1570 1 241 3861 435 0 0 194 241 27 893 36

333 160 1226 563 7 1464 0 21 0 3 542 3641 60 149 4 0 113 32 512 36 3 0 14 150 391 43 40 0 0 663 0 312 53 0 267 982 212 1767 0 1464 7 276 259 3641 1119 0 317 185 0 0 32 569 0 492 140

0 697 33 0 312 0

0 8 1 333 0 2 4 137 259 11 321 363 46 4 492 1759 9 30 694 563 3 951 203 0 3 1115 61 212 29 276 60 254 1437 59 42

30 308 533 52 354 3047 421 281 591 542 842 235 292 343 857 160 636 52 39 0 50 1326 804 968 220 1342 0 74 2013 30 3114 33 256 1774 343 324 248 1213 0 0 144 59 1730 54 996 721 173 0 235 7 202 0 65 160 487 154 721 67 613 651 0 0 494 721 50 0 262 1783 248 968 0 549 0 96 3 0 3114 549 26 42 0 1783 0 111 1774 0 82 8 295 108 313 742 127 0 0 1815 72 0 4 605 222 0 1815 663 494 115 90 370 162 115 903 415 2013 2107 18 1538 1237 715 298 0 639 704 1213 1982 740 1296 1625 313 999 2694 740 313 0 32 91 301 886 3788 0 330 2416 1296 662 4084 0 556 2958 587 2613 761 3139 2958 676 121 301 1421

0 8 0 1255 0 28 177662 0 540 919 556 924 3350

17 22 587 333 239 20 0 0 0 269 64 0 0 267 693 569 148 0

70 574 15 0 56 121 642 178 1255 184 1797 0 285 2209 22 2 208 122 190 592 674 0 0 128 836 601 982 0 265 0 0 613 852 1342 0 139 199 523 0 0 317 222 2624 0 130 379 317

0 0 339 219 59 174 16 28 148 121 1282 015 1255 486 0 181 22 2 372 0 72 113 65 265 367 1020 0 4 278 41 174 341 41 0 93 260 218 0 1690 260 45 486 1780 1766 12 357 2766 2175 260 176 174 0 169 166 164 134 1082 273 75 8 265 486 5 320 581 152 679 968 136 0 6 1819 198 0 10 226 210 0 0 0 203 56 17 551 96 987 66 10 0 312 1 0 549 1818 17 0 1706

3320 Centroid Connector 0 70 241 1766 968 0 139 2176 164 136 Local Road 1080 28 61 191 222 1212 297 166 0 252 61 16 Collector Road 20 338 1 8 621 170227 225 0 Secondary Arterial 0 38 31 102 288 20 Primary Arterial 0 0.5 1 1.5 419 76 30 1735 Motorway, other 679 82 43 400

0 28 km 191 345 3349 Bus Only Lane 722 340 18 1875 Licensed to AECOM Australia Bringelly Road Upgrade TA

189 2036 AM Average Peak Hour Flows (PCUs) 73 162

213 N 1021 0 1709 65 250 253 0 325 0 325 203 3845 144 203 809 17 62 50 1006 16 59 443 27 27 59 809 133 12

100 214 507

249 52 80 8 315 2 1172 231 106 338 239 214 214 246

61 1345 207 603 4

33 1262 287 0 0

678 105 116 262 1443 437 18 730 0 188 609 938 214 455 147 2058 124 246 4 106 1 33 18 0 2078 717 672 0 603 63 92 400 4387 487 638 256 2386 1661 95 850 2535 0 57 0 426 10 626 356 343 18

63 666 10 59 458 202 0 0 631 2826 545 8 3070 55 192 138 385 1368 222 74 0 191 174 1645 363 0 187 780 0 390 238 0 82 779 3622 400 400 360 75 212 0 0 0 38 621 0 0 809 468 0 231 264 38 3798

0 1218 427 238 82 1607 153 2 360 321 635 12 14 222 321 0 38 1368 468 4331 264 73 1 144 1577 1161 0 144 35 1218 360 38 427


107 621 1595 212 28 4101 0 107 0 0 186 397 1524 38 400 0 245 218 10 0 55 13 7 449 943 43 0 0 1117 414 0 113 0 147 1369 160 252 1127 0 4101 148 293 243 1524 1795 0 305 620 0 0

274 0 997 340 245 33 457 20 8 113 0

0 28 42 159 13 1 0 372 276 261 305 186

36 964 1115 2 169 457 1190 353 139 608 3 10 1775 13 11 252 293 11 3401 148 373

240 910 97 676 183 237 1395 109 736 225 34 509 400 1223 347 496 1346 485 619 109 45 1 1150 1820 1226 154 82 1182 0 106 1293 97 1677 179 3460 278 177 107 296 324 1968 1053 0 0 319 1439 122 111 2068 206 34 0 0 187 1 485 838 265 49 675 543 2069 0 0 546 1 179 897 1226 154 0 167 324 2320 0 0 94 1677 897 2320 83 185 0 0 3460 2 897 2 143 0 210 2783 342 271 13 28 0 792 63 0 676 157 448 2930 546 0 9 792 399 107 285 3333 553 1293 1681 1 255 806 4269 3112 943 95 0 639 1968 684 3719 4624 211

1357 181 0 885 3245 370 540 733 0 50 588 3266 3719 1513 400 1515 0 645 787 1274 837 787 458 1228 1274 695 1709 281 733 3630

0 0 0 3 27 295400 0 334 912 645 1536 1009 20 837 602 341 748 37 0 84 168 0 42 254 0 0 534 0 288

62 314 451 0 682 9 846 1706 281 30 149 2130 0 1875 37 290 1 850 646 200

908 1349 0 474 0 41 255 820 194 0 50 0 201 528 2759 0 412 175 584 0 0 562 381 97 1534 0 20 83 30 0 1292 220 177 196 519 551 236 62 284 1706 0 281 182 53 367 30 290 484 160 0414 41 1004 182 280 0 45 431 519 2134 141 431 0 27 167 220 0 269 3081 88 364 182 2216 23 534 1835 1801 88 250 519 0 338

274 238 25 1304 344 39 182 156 23 565 417 2164 66 1397 175

332 0 10 290 362 0 26 992 641 0 0 198 15 0 215 123 345 82 26 425 2152 0 0 96 0 281 15 0 3559

1783 Centroid Connector 0 132 1235 2216 332 1 423 1801 1397 1304 274 Local Road 375 40 632 0 143 174 359 25 8 1917 245 Collector Road 56 344 280 223 16 266 23839 0 8 Secondary Arterial 0 25 22 433 39 Primary Arterial 0 0.5 1 1.5 217 395 104 3431 Motorway, other 579 911 180 1 74 67 384 1905 1826 km 79 906 Bus Only Lane 8 259 Licensed to AECOM Australia Bringelly Road Upgrade TA

61 2036 PM Average Peak Hour Flows (PCUs) 245 34

216 N 886 0 3861 143 128 58 0 125 0 27 1742 125 27 283 19 139 214 150 563 8 10 221 150 283 1146 203 221 268

618 852 135 2 155 0 103 873 353 52 259 419 15 192 322 852 129

243 54

1 83 2 1458 908 377 1238 0 113 247 130 142 676 774 1326 0 0 427 51 210 322 113 207 588 808 186 129 934 0 2 1 1 1591 549 464 0 774 17 94 483 21717 229 2200 659 701 4623 50 773 449 665 0 955 2134 354 57 103 444 0 17 2483 57 0 75

0 2 2695 877 193 1719 263 532 162 515 257 250 500 1421 83 0 0 185 172 3081 470 390 0 0 0 131 2920 1061 233 836 0 41 78 614 0 238 343 271 55 462 0 41 3692 230 343 140 662 1608 0 530 131 3783 1336 41 233 214 1 102 55 14 1421 13 0 102 462 263 230 1560 722 662 1625 2 370 4402 530 0 0 462 370 41 105 1336

463 271 1178 614 7 1579 0 52 0 17 942 4153 58 181 0 296 49 554 41 13 0 21 11 127 132 177 0 0 484 1070 0 388 0 158 556 208 1920 1441 2 1579 14 400 260 4153 1136 0 309 376 0 0 49 594 0 0 647 141 388 149 0 1103 0

0 36 3 366 3 8 62 145 260 11 370 386

12 647 1884 48 142 31 587

463 14 1042 7 1255 1124 10 181 208 400 173 1478 238 265

167 129 634 897 113 343 3445 115 562 321 643 756 1353 403 298 398 1388 205 676 115 40 1370 1297 0 157 252 1475 1295 0 128 2056 113 3518 294 1711 335 363 127 108 326 1322 0 0 355 1468 1965 124 1018 182 0 120 298 63 285 0 205 638 281 78 628 938 1018 0 0 571 357 157 0 2194 326 0 1295 856 0 99 4 0 3518 856 47 42 0 2194 0 171 113 1711 99 322 124 1046 279 347 144 2 0 2319 99 0 458 266 0 12 2319 926 573 155 98 634 519 253 1194 522 2056 2969 59 1470 1677 813 454 0 767 930 1322 2828 926 1408 1563

1404 382 926 349 210 3292 0 68 407 1023 4400 0 507 3136 1408 717 4849 0 796 3889 956 3342 1011 3709 3889 846 280 407 1519

0 8 0 1705 0 79 225717 0 655 892 796 973 3776

15 49 956 767 376 25 0 0 2 271 79 0 0 279 732 557 423 0

97 820 61 0 69

280 1025 239 1705 448 1893 0 438 2234 49 1 249 232 290 861 0 0 852 178 1132 686 0 278 1377 0 0 651 1540 0 1027 157 241 533 0 0 436 262 2935 0 162 490 600

0 0 500 242 98 270 19 188 423 280 1288 061 1705 490 0 44 246 49 470 0 91 196 89 278 445 1027 0 46 414 60 270 544 60 0 109 436 387 0 1782 454 119 490 2067 1885 25 396 3081 2206 454 241 270 0 222 432 229 218

1492 22 336 10 365 490 463 145 923

1199 258 777 338 14 0 2100 248 0 18 349 307 0 0 336 85 47 0 598 1090 95 18 163 0 438 0 0 633 2100 48 0 1942

3454 Centroid Connector 1 75 1199 362 1885 4 188 2206 229 338 Local Road 1492 35 68 330 345 1345 309 432 0 358 16 383 96 Collector Road 14 22 66 632 191643 257 0 127 Secondary Arterial 31 0 163 315 43 Primary Arterial 0 0.5 1 1.5 498 122 29 2005 Motorway, other 719 119 84 457 0 35 km 290 391 3427 Bus Only Lane 892 577 16 2026 Licensed to AECOM Australia AECOM Bringelly Road Upgrade Review of Environmental Factors - Traffic and Transport Modelling Assessment

Appendix F

Future Year Turning Movements and Intersection Performance

16 September Roads and Traffic Authority Bringelly Road Traffic Assessment 2011 AM Average Peak one hour Intersection Flow

(1) The Northern Road (2) Kelvin Park Drive (3) Jersey Road (4) Masterfield Street

Int Total 1,784 543 Int Total 696 547 Int Total 710 Int Total 684

845 666 52 79

8 447 212 32 48

39 8 153 433 433 25 27 455 455 491 491 491 504 24 396 13 407 497 157 441 498 172 491 557 193 29 7 23 189 189 184 184 14 21 193 193 0 0 193

8 684 197 12 50 0 0

890 478 62 35 0 0 KEY KEY KEY KEY 505 458 Node number 458 Node number 533 458 Node number 458 Node number 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep

(5) Church Street (6) Allenby Road (7) North Avenue (8) Glen Allan Road

Int Total 738 483 Int Total 791 Int Total 692 477 Int Total 682 492

42 30 7 2 0 0

6 25 2 0 0 0

491 12 30 503 503 536 536 7 0 529 529 0 0 529 479 489 187 481 475 140 529 490 153 529 491 153 193 217 217 23 15 155 155 153 153 153

77 56

133 38 KEY KEY KEY KEY 458 Node number 394 458 Node number 458 Node number 458 Node number 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep

(9) King Street (10) Kelly Street (11) Eastwood Road (12) Fourth Avenue | Dickson Road

Int Total 827 545 Int Total 794 546 Int Total 855 Int Total 998 425

81 97 32 5 59 75

8 90 5 0 7 38 29

529 26 56 593 593 32 0 561 561 576 576 14 32 532 504 476 145 561 380 195 507 344 185 471 345 182 153 201 201 195 195 54 30 215 215 91 62 276

11 69 26 13 32

79 84 71 192 KEY KEY KEY KEY 458 Node number 458 Node number 367 458 Node number 517 458 Node number 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep

(13) Edmondson Avenue | Rickard Road (14) Browns Road (15) Old Cowpasture Road (16) Cowpasture Road | Camden Valley Way

Int Total 1,283 426 Int Total 1,144 427 Int Total 1,194 Int Total 3,480 228

113 101 0 0 1,208 992

7 38 56 0 0 244 399 349

532 15 93 534 534 0 0 534 534 555 555 206 282 1,161 447 346 264 347 347 534 348 610 505 349 577 261 261 347 222 333 227 276 70 253 610 610 610 610 29 0 577 577 2 133 749

5 4 30 33 50 0 720 464

40 361 83 29 1,184 533 KEY KEY KEY KEY 356 458 Node number 458 Node number 262 458 Node number 559 458 Node number 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep Roads and Traffic Authority Bringelly Road Traffic Assessment 2011 PM Average Peak one hour Intersection Flow

(1) The Northern Road (2) Kelvin Park Drive (3) Jersey Road (4) Masterfield Street

Int Total 1,798 543 Int Total 729 547 Int Total 747 Int Total 724

674 830 80 53

7 667 156 25 27

29 8 216 194 194 29 51 192 192 201 201 201 504 13 396 25 165 497 432 180 498 472 201 557 523 39 8 216 457 457 483 483 12 51 523 523 0 0 523

7 450 24 11 21 0 0

482 891 32 63 0 0 KEY KEY KEY KEY 505 458 Node number 458 Node number 533 458 Node number 458 Node number 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep

(5) Church Street (6) Allenby Road (7) North Avenue (8) Glen Allan Road

Int Total 776 483 Int Total 831 Int Total 731 477 Int Total 722 492

31 39 2 7 0 0

12 26 7 0 0 0

201 6 25 222 222 161 161 2 0 159 159 0 0 159 196 489 510 145 475 513 159 490 563 159 491 563 523 536 536 77 57 570 570 563 563 563

23 16

39 134 KEY KEY KEY KEY 458 Node number 394 458 Node number 458 Node number 458 Node number 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep

(9) King Street (10) Kelly Street (11) Eastwood Road (12) Fourth Avenue | Dickson Road

Int Total 879 545 Int Total 845 546 Int Total 979 Int Total 1,146 425

109 80 5 32 79 63

24 56 32 0 14 11 39

159 9 100 206 206 5 0 201 201 290 290 6 30 332 150 476 539 201 380 607 191 344 551 248 345 504 563 639 639 607 607 10 71 622 622 36 67 600

57 99 104 43 44

156 81 192 113 KEY KEY KEY KEY 458 Node number 458 Node number 367 458 Node number 517 458 Node number 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep

(13) Edmondson Avenue | Rickard Road (14) Browns Road (15) Old Cowpasture Road (16) Cowpasture Road | Camden Valley Way

Int Total 1,312 426 Int Total 1,144 427 Int Total 1,238 Int Total 3,669 228

107 116 0 0 893 1,428

15 9 92 0 0 325 671 432

332 7 57 480 480 0 0 480 480 437 437 181 242 906 312 346 505 347 347 480 348 664 437 349 633 261 261 254 222 403 227 600 14 103 664 664 664 664 42 94 727 727 3 468 1,113

81 43 76 31 0 0 470 221

200 125 31 136 691 1,142 KEY KEY KEY KEY 356 458 Node number 458 Node number 262 458 Node number 559 458 Node number 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep Roads and Traffic Authority Bringelly Road Traffic Assessment 2016 AM Average Peak one hour Intersection Flow

(1) The Northern Road (2) Kelvin Park Drive (3) Jersey Road (4) Masterfield Street

Int Total 2,625 543 Int Total 1,150 547 Int Total 1,187 Int Total 1,166

1,276 709 56 80

7 459 243 33 47

76 16 237 769 769 27 29 788 788 848 848 848 504 35 396 28 741 497 273 779 498 290 848 557 318 54 26 41 306 306 301 301 9 29 318 318 0 0 318

19 1,023 491 12 69 0 0

1,533 526 81 38 0 0 KEY KEY KEY KEY 505 458 Node number 458 Node number 533 458 Node number 458 Node number 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep

(5) Church Street (6) Allenby Road (7) North Avenue (8) Glen Allan Road

Int Total 1,225 483 Int Total 1,327 Int Total 1,133 477 Int Total 1,124 492

46 30 7 2 0 0

5 25 2 0 0 0

848 13 34 861 861 957 957 7 0 950 950 0 0 950 836 489 313 842 475 170 950 490 174 950 491 174 318 346 346 19 5 175 175 174 174 174

176 115

291 24 KEY KEY KEY KEY 458 Node number 394 458 Node number 458 Node number 458 Node number 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep

(9) King Street (10) Kelly Street (11) Eastwood Road (12) Fourth Avenue | Dickson Road

Int Total 1,278 545 Int Total 1,220 546 Int Total 1,260 Int Total 1,528 425

113 99 65 18 103 230

7 92 17 0 23 73 134

950 51 62 991 991 65 0 926 926 1,008 1,008 34 58 946 899 476 167 926 380 211 921 344 200 804 345 192 174 228 228 211 211 6 36 236 236 170 0 250

11 87 21 11 9

98 41 40 242 KEY KEY KEY KEY 458 Node number 458 Node number 367 458 Node number 517 458 Node number 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep

(13) Edmondson Avenue | Rickard Road (14) Browns Road (15) Old Cowpasture Road (16) Cowpasture Road | Camden Valley Way

Int Total 1,929 426 Int Total 1,353 427 Int Total 1,769 Int Total 4,992 228

189 332 0 0 1,587 1,269

14 246 72 0 0 309 530 430

946 36 102 831 831 0 0 831 831 1,075 1,075 392 346 2,011 741 346 176 347 347 831 348 522 831 349 513 261 261 677 222 376 227 250 169 244 522 522 522 522 0 172 685 685 6 174 896

60 50 18 9 244 0 849 904

129 659 253 172 1,753 710 KEY KEY KEY KEY 356 458 Node number 458 Node number 342 458 Node number 559 458 Node number 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep Roads and Traffic Authority Bringelly Road Traffic Assessment 2016 PM Average Peak one hour Intersection Flow

(1) The Northern Road (2) Kelvin Park Drive (3) Jersey Road (4) Masterfield Street

Int Total 2,646 543 Int Total 1,176 547 Int Total 1,228 Int Total 1,209

720 1,282 81 57

14 1,023 245 28 30

55 7 252 316 316 30 51 316 316 333 333 333 504 29 396 36 286 497 751 304 498 795 333 557 876 77 19 491 779 779 802 802 12 80 876 876 0 0 876

26 461 42 7 29 0 0

530 1,533 36 92 0 0 KEY KEY KEY KEY 505 458 Node number 458 Node number 533 458 Node number 458 Node number 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep

(5) Church Street (6) Allenby Road (7) North Avenue (8) Glen Allan Road

Int Total 1,265 483 Int Total 1,373 Int Total 1,178 477 Int Total 1,169 492

30 44 2 7 0 0

13 31 7 0 0 0

333 5 25 359 359 188 188 2 0 187 187 0 0 187 328 489 863 182 475 869 187 490 982 187 491 982 876 888 888 176 120 990 990 982 982 982

19 6

25 296 KEY KEY KEY KEY 458 Node number 394 458 Node number 458 Node number 458 Node number 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep

(9) King Street (10) Kelly Street (11) Eastwood Road (12) Fourth Avenue | Dickson Road

Int Total 1,364 545 Int Total 1,316 546 Int Total 1,350 Int Total 1,594 425

106 137 17 73 202 129

42 96 73 0 31 19 80

187 6 100 276 276 17 0 259 259 286 286 25 112 283 180 476 940 259 380 968 249 344 944 202 345 813 982 1,041 1,041 968 968 9 87 1,031 1,031 59 0 925

24 36 188 65 1

60 97 254 78 KEY KEY KEY KEY 458 Node number 458 Node number 367 458 Node number 517 458 Node number 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep

(13) Edmondson Avenue | Rickard Road (14) Browns Road (15) Old Cowpasture Road (16) Cowpasture Road | Camden Valley Way

Int Total 2,020 426 Int Total 1,423 427 Int Total 1,947 Int Total 5,186 228

393 175 0 0 1,217 1,682

36 34 104 0 0 354 994 334

283 15 103 468 468 0 0 468 468 765 765 343 350 919 204 346 715 347 347 468 348 954 431 349 946 261 261 415 222 782 227 925 64 136 954 954 954 954 37 191 1,136 1,136 7 913 2,046

173 275 160 8 334 0 524 169

609 234 342 228 693 1,914 KEY KEY KEY KEY 356 458 Node number 458 Node number 342 458 Node number 559 458 Node number 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep Roads and Traffic Authority Bringelly Road Traffic Assessment 2021 AM Average Peak one hour Intersection Flow

(1) The Northern Road (2) Kelvin Park Drive (3) Jersey Road (4) Masterfield Street

Int Total 3,901 543 Int Total 1,768 547 Int Total 1,911 Int Total 1,875

2,035 791 57 84

9 504 277 27 57

250 87 452 1,041 1,041 27 30 1,071 1,071 1,222 1,222 1,222 504 73 396 66 1,014 497 613 1,063 498 615 1,222 557 654 108 90 123 640 640 644 644 8 38 654 654 0 0 654

33 1,496 691 28 158 0 0

2,220 717 187 46 0 0 KEY KEY KEY KEY 505 458 Node number 458 Node number 533 458 Node number 458 Node number 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep

(5) Church Street (6) Allenby Road (7) North Avenue (8) Glen Allan Road

Int Total 1,931 483 Int Total 1,959 Int Total 2,512 477 Int Total 1,567 492

46 25 497 13 0 0

5 20 3 10 0 0 0

1,222 10 36 1,231 1,231 1,269 1,269 44 0 1,290 1,290 0 0 1,290 1,212 489 649 1,230 475 682 1,196 490 276 1,290 491 276 654 685 685 1 3 685 685 29 1 276 276 276

3 39 406 453 94

43 4 953 40 KEY KEY KEY KEY 458 Node number 394 458 Node number 393 458 Node number 458 Node number 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep

(9) King Street (10) Kelly Street (11) Eastwood Road (12) Fourth Avenue | Dickson Road

Int Total 1,889 545 Int Total 1,820 546 Int Total 2,492 338 Int Total 2,519 425

155 94 0 20 301 305 61 265

3 13 78 19 1 29 55 222 46 131 88

1,290 6 110 1,428 1,428 0 0 1,429 1,429 89 91 1,736 1,736 48 0 1,589 1,281 476 269 1,428 380 373 1,337 344 334 1,414 345 361 276 3 12 392 392 373 373 2 26 450 450 274 13 374

4 39 69 11 120 178 44 13 87

112 29 309 83 143 418 KEY KEY KEY KEY 377 458 Node number 458 Node number 367 458 Node number 517 458 Node number 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep

(13) Edmondson Avenue | Rickard Road (14) Browns Road (15) Old Cowpasture Road (16) Cowpasture Road | Camden Valley Way

Int Total 2,418 426 Int Total 2,793 427 Int Total 2,886 Int Total 5,977 228

296 292 101 91 1,901 1,454

31 105 156 0 17 74 433 620 402

1,589 143 124 1,533 1,533 0 99 1,579 1,579 1,752 1,752 741 346 2,198 1,343 346 321 347 347 1,365 348 417 1,451 349 931 261 261 990 222 513 227 374 102 8 453 453 167 476 992 992 128 14 945 945 21 292 1,150

22 29 34 36 2 140 61 301 0 815 806

85 215 177 660 362 142 1,621 933 KEY KEY KEY KEY 356 458 Node number 357 458 Node number 342 458 Node number 559 458 Node number 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep Roads and Traffic Authority Bringelly Road Traffic Assessment 2021 PM Average Peak one hour Intersection Flow

(1) The Northern Road (2) Kelvin Park Drive (3) Jersey Road (4) Masterfield Street

Int Total 4,008 543 Int Total 1,873 547 Int Total 2,015 Int Total 1,978

803 2,058 85 59

87 1,501 470 27 32

110 9 289 683 683 27 58 689 689 698 698 698 504 68 396 73 656 497 1,073 659 498 1,123 698 557 1,280 250 33 738 1,100 1,100 1,131 1,131 29 157 1,280 1,280 0 0 1,280

90 505 145 8 39 0 0

741 2,272 47 187 0 0 KEY KEY KEY KEY 505 458 Node number 458 Node number 533 458 Node number 458 Node number 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep

(5) Church Street (6) Allenby Road (7) North Avenue (8) Glen Allan Road

Int Total 2,035 483 Int Total 2,063 Int Total 2,512 477 Int Total 1,617 492

26 46 14 478 0 0

10 36 39 409 29 0 0

698 5 21 729 729 727 727 3 0 353 353 0 0 353 693 489 1,270 723 475 1,290 0 323 490 1,258 353 491 1,264 1,280 1,291 1,291 5 40 1,330 1,330 401 6 1,264 1,264 1,264

1 4 32 10 0

5 46 43 816 KEY KEY KEY KEY 458 Node number 394 458 Node number 393 458 Node number 458 Node number 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep

(9) King Street (10) Kelly Street (11) Eastwood Road (12) Fourth Avenue | Dickson Road

Int Total 1,992 545 Int Total 1,920 546 Int Total 2,770 338 Int Total 2,644 425

108 196 0 0 349 273 136 149

12 30 153 0 0 91 83 99 87 24 39

353 4 88 508 508 0 0 508 508 47 204 576 576 45 0 459 339 476 1,252 0 508 380 1,412 0 451 344 1,310 405 345 1,564 1,264 9 72 1,412 1,412 1,412 1,412 10 341 1,854 1,854 126 46 1,611

0 16 15 11 99 26 203 90 16

31 112 136 433 309 196 KEY KEY KEY KEY 377 458 Node number 458 Node number 367 458 Node number 517 458 Node number 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep

(13) Edmondson Avenue | Rickard Road (14) Browns Road (15) Old Cowpasture Road (16) Cowpasture Road | Camden Valley Way

Int Total 2,762 426 Int Total 2,967 427 Int Total 2,944 Int Total 6,272 228

438 274 86 102 1,471 2,054

142 40 92 0 4 97 606 1,118 331

459 31 209 618 618 0 43 776 776 1,039 1,039 460 342 1,125 407 346 1,320 347 347 522 348 1,379 742 349 1,720 261 261 560 222 1,122 227 1,611 21 33 1,562 1,562 96 442 1,864 1,864 34 7 1,728 1,728 18 813 2,276

149 199 120 183 43 156 144 297 0 669 234

467 95 382 542 441 41 904 1,948 KEY KEY KEY KEY 356 458 Node number 357 458 Node number 342 458 Node number 559 458 Node number 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep Roads and Traffic Authority Bringelly Road Traffic Assessment 2026 AM Average Peak one hour Intersection Flow

(1) The Northern Road (2) Kelvin Park Drive (3) Jersey Road (4) Masterfield Street

Int Total 4,922 543 Int Total 2,508 547 Int Total 2,659 Int Total 2,612

2,326 1,044 63 89

13 611 420 34 55

510 171 694 1,359 1,359 31 32 1,383 1,383 1,526 1,526 1,526 504 153 396 141 1,328 497 1,029 1,373 498 1,023 1,526 557 1,087 212 186 227 1,063 1,063 1,060 1,060 10 63 1,087 1,087 0 0 1,087

58 1,461 786 37 153 0 0

2,305 1,024 190 73 0 0 KEY KEY KEY KEY 505 458 Node number 458 Node number 533 458 Node number 458 Node number 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep

(5) Church Street (6) Allenby Road (7) North Avenue (8) Glen Allan Road

Int Total 2,676 483 Int Total 2,752 Int Total 3,477 477 Int Total 1,880 492

48 29 778 21 0 0

7 22 2 15 4 0 0

1,526 6 41 1,542 1,542 1,626 1,626 46 26 1,441 1,441 0 0 1,441 1,519 489 1,080 1,541 475 1,087 1,433 490 409 1,441 491 439 1,087 1,121 1,121 0 4 1,092 1,092 147 4 439 439 439

34 85 680 705 5

119 5 1,390 167 KEY KEY KEY KEY 458 Node number 394 458 Node number 393 458 Node number 458 Node number 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep

(9) King Street (10) Kelly Street (11) Eastwood Road (12) Fourth Avenue | Dickson Road

Int Total 2,433 545 Int Total 2,297 546 Int Total 3,144 338 Int Total 3,144 425

263 127 0 81 480 385 148 513

8 22 97 75 5 16 175 195 115 317 81

1,441 1 176 1,687 1,687 0 0 1,692 1,692 159 127 1,833 1,833 50 0 1,859 1,436 476 411 1,686 380 530 1,462 344 428 1,599 345 409 439 5 18 605 605 530 530 71 56 610 610 183 25 434

20 87 154 87 194 175 87 98 179

260 45 457 301 363 526 KEY KEY KEY KEY 377 458 Node number 458 Node number 367 458 Node number 517 458 Node number 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep

(13) Edmondson Avenue | Rickard Road (14) Browns Road (15) Old Cowpasture Road (16) Cowpasture Road | Camden Valley Way

Int Total 3,459 426 Int Total 3,300 427 Int Total 3,597 Int Total 8,599 228

880 413 101 117 2,826 1,776

0 206 207 9 24 83 560 744 473

1,859 276 151 1,706 1,706 0 85 1,742 1,742 2,154 2,154 743 371 3,383 1,499 346 399 347 347 1,482 348 637 1,552 349 1,191 261 261 1,384 222 653 227 434 84 149 698 698 224 510 1,231 1,231 191 22 1,213 1,213 27 406 1,430

35 453 0 52 16 178 40 602 0 1,712 1,527

488 438 246 758 642 213 3,239 1,177 KEY KEY KEY KEY 356 458 Node number 357 458 Node number 342 458 Node number 559 458 Node number 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep Roads and Traffic Authority Bringelly Road Traffic Assessment 2026 PM Average Peak one hour Intersection Flow

(1) The Northern Road (2) Kelvin Park Drive (3) Jersey Road (4) Masterfield Street

Int Total 4,975 543 Int Total 2,566 547 Int Total 2,814 Int Total 2,767

1,061 2,343 89 64

169 1,458 717 31 33

216 13 435 1,138 1,138 34 55 1,138 1,138 1,165 1,165 1,165 504 145 396 156 1,104 497 1,309 1,100 498 1,354 1,165 557 1,602 511 58 748 1,339 1,339 1,364 1,364 37 248 1,602 1,602 0 0 1,602

186 612 277 10 64 0 0

1,076 2,265 74 285 0 0 KEY KEY KEY KEY 505 458 Node number 458 Node number 533 458 Node number 458 Node number 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep

(5) Church Street (6) Allenby Road (7) North Avenue (8) Glen Allan Road

Int Total 2,814 483 Int Total 2,892 Int Total 3,460 477 Int Total 1,874 492

29 30 23 995 0 0

6 24 261 671 63 0 0

1,165 7 23 1,182 1,182 981 981 3 0 559 559 0 0 559 1,158 489 1,596 978 475 1,618 0 495 490 1,297 559 491 1,314 1,602 1,619 1,619 205 87 1,705 1,705 484 17 1,314 1,314 1,314

1 4 147 21 1

4 291 170 1,172 KEY KEY KEY KEY 458 Node number 394 458 Node number 393 458 Node number 458 Node number 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep

(9) King Street (10) Kelly Street (11) Eastwood Road (12) Fourth Avenue | Dickson Road

Int Total 2,460 545 Int Total 2,306 546 Int Total 3,344 338 Int Total 3,206 425

136 298 1 64 570 420 251 394

11 79 208 64 0 99 181 140 150 187 56

559 4 110 744 744 1 0 743 743 72 280 804 804 80 1 655 522 476 1,298 0 743 380 1,498 0 602 344 1,323 476 345 1,466 1,314 33 154 1,562 1,562 1,498 1,498 69 221 1,824 1,824 248 41 1,508

5 22 13 77 218 62 208 170 123

41 265 357 471 501 477 KEY KEY KEY KEY 377 458 Node number 458 Node number 367 458 Node number 517 458 Node number 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep

(13) Edmondson Avenue | Rickard Road (14) Browns Road (15) Old Cowpasture Road (16) Cowpasture Road | Camden Valley Way

Int Total 3,815 426 Int Total 3,708 427 Int Total 3,758 Int Total 8,914 228

608 617 109 160 1,792 2,925

0 488 129 43 33 85 645 1,918 362

655 51 204 720 720 0 53 834 834 1,258 1,258 556 375 1,436 591 346 1,312 347 347 570 348 1,759 795 349 2,260 261 261 701 222 1,676 227 1,508 13 478 1,993 1,993 150 589 2,400 2,400 39 61 2,321 2,321 1 1,446 3,498

196 354 0 192 56 179 140 463 0 860 373

550 979 427 772 603 100 1,234 3,365 KEY KEY KEY KEY 356 458 Node number 357 458 Node number 342 458 Node number 559 458 Node number 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep Roads and Traffic Authority Bringelly Road Traffic Assessment 2031 AM Average Peak one hour Intersection Flow

(1) The Northern Road (2) Kelvin Park Drive (3) Jersey Road (4) Masterfield Street

Int Total 4,338 543 Int Total 1,984 547 Int Total 2,975 544 Int Total 2,464 558

1,669 1,136 52 60 580 55 45 36

17 697 422 16 44 10 3 42 8 0 28

638 173 298 1,204 1,204 22 31 1,226 1,226 54 80 1,611 1,611 5 31 1,673 504 206 396 202 1,182 497 690 1,152 498 623 1,606 557 567 303 259 206 706 706 720 720 20 41 744 744 0 3 601

84 1,198 577 88 447 417 168 8 39

1,858 1,163 951 64 215 3 KEY KEY KEY KEY 505 458 Node number 458 Node number 533 458 Node number 376 458 Node number 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep

(5) Church Street (6) Allenby Road (7) North Avenue (8) Glen Allan Road

Int Total 2,274 483 Int Total 2,274 Int Total 3,464 477 Int Total 2,231 492

0 0 1,017 28 0 0

0 0 4 18 6 0 0

1,673 0 0 1,673 1,673 1,673 1,673 208 50 1,730 1,730 0 0 1,730 1,673 489 601 1,673 475 601 1,389 490 428 1,730 491 501 601 601 601 0 0 601 601 76 22 501 501 501

0 0 170 758 335

0 0 1,262 116 KEY KEY KEY KEY 458 Node number 394 458 Node number 393 458 Node number 458 Node number 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep

(9) King Street (10) Kelly Street (11) Eastwood Road (12) Fourth Avenue | Dickson Road

Int Total 2,862 545 Int Total 2,819 546 Int Total 3,933 338 Int Total 3,870 425

309 157 0 221 622 473 159 558

25 19 113 108 113 51 215 207 108 346 104

1,730 1 200 2,019 2,019 0 0 2,132 2,132 171 143 2,412 2,412 81 0 2,224 1,729 476 473 2,019 380 578 1,952 344 479 1,934 345 486 501 0 14 687 687 578 578 9 97 719 719 397 25 510

2 109 177 48 308 253 125 79 186

289 33 609 320 389 768 KEY KEY KEY KEY 377 458 Node number 458 Node number 367 458 Node number 517 458 Node number 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep

(13) Edmondson Avenue | Rickard Road (14) Browns Road (15) Old Cowpasture Road (16) Cowpasture Road | Camden Valley Way

Int Total 4,007 426 Int Total 4,221 427 Int Total 4,596 Int Total 9,454 228

712 596 204 302 3,005 1,734

0 350 246 11 168 123 615 823 297

2,224 94 144 2,376 2,376 0 152 2,402 2,402 2,855 2,855 1,094 353 3,677 2,129 346 444 347 347 2,115 348 563 2,097 349 1,140 261 261 1,713 222 708 227 510 0 60 648 648 261 538 1,253 1,253 305 183 1,323 1,323 48 580 1,640

66 474 0 73 52 164 113 758 1 1,558 1,667

540 410 290 967 871 488 3,226 1,450 KEY KEY KEY KEY 356 458 Node number 357 458 Node number 342 458 Node number 559 458 Node number 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep Roads and Traffic Authority Bringelly Road Traffic Assessment 2031 PM Average Peak one hour Intersection Flow

(1) The Northern Road (2) Kelvin Park Drive (3) Jersey Road (4) Masterfield Street

Int Total 4,607 543 Int Total 2,243 547 Int Total 3,185 544 Int Total 2,646 558

1,115 1,759 60 59 42 533 33 54

173 1,166 420 28 31 92 351 90 9 12 33

308 17 401 842 842 16 43 857 857 11 26 804 804 8 25 721 504 166 396 204 825 497 1,299 0 674 498 1,230 684 557 1,721 636 126 722 1,326 1,326 1,342 1,342 172 474 1,730 1,730 112 37 1,783

259 697 256 20 4 41 0 0 4

1,213 2,013 65 996 4 162 KEY KEY KEY KEY 505 458 Node number 458 Node number 533 458 Node number 376 458 Node number 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep

(5) Church Street (6) Allenby Road (7) North Avenue (8) Glen Allan Road

Int Total 2,504 483 Int Total 2,504 Int Total 3,619 477 Int Total 2,364 492

0 0 50 968 0 0

0 0 272 663 33 0 0

721 0 0 721 721 721 721 6 0 549 549 0 0 549 721 489 1,783 721 475 1,783 0 512 490 1,444 549 491 1,815 1,783 1,783 1,783 0 0 1,783 1,783 203 371 1,815 1,815 1,815

0 0 67 44 4

0 0 115 1,237 KEY KEY KEY KEY 458 Node number 394 458 Node number 393 458 Node number 458 Node number 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep

(9) King Street (10) Kelly Street (11) Eastwood Road (12) Fourth Avenue | Dickson Road

Int Total 3,032 545 Int Total 2,852 546 Int Total 4,153 338 Int Total 4,291 425

144 343 82 127 605 494 370 415

0 157 186 127 1 119 216 160 146 199 70

549 6 120 742 742 80 2 663 663 18 417 903 903 104 0 639 544 476 1,815 0 663 380 1,980 0 633 344 1,843 506 345 2,322 1,815 0 173 2,107 2,107 1,982 1,982 13 434 2,694 2,694 293 95 2,416

0 19 13 20 170 111 226 266 63

32 330 301 662 556 587 KEY KEY KEY KEY 377 458 Node number 458 Node number 367 458 Node number 517 458 Node number 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep

(13) Edmondson Avenue | Rickard Road (14) Browns Road (15) Old Cowpasture Road (16) Cowpasture Road | Camden Valley Way

Int Total 4,632 426 Int Total 4,731 427 Int Total 4,768 Int Total 9,620 228

715 704 313 313 1,774 3,114

0 542 162 56 137 120 916 1,862 336

639 61 292 740 740 0 178 886 886 1,296 1,296 597 260 1,538 578 346 2,103 347 347 581 348 2,338 773 349 2,738 261 261 698 222 2,042 227 2,416 0 219 2,613 2,613 159 623 3,139 3,139 113 220 2,958 2,958 1 1,487 3,788

314 362 0 220 136 184 401 523 1 917 504

676 761 540 919 924 333 1,421 3,350 KEY KEY KEY KEY 356 458 Node number 357 458 Node number 342 458 Node number 559 458 Node number 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep Roads and Traffic Authority Bringelly Road Traffic Assessment 2036 AM Average Peak one hour Intersection Flow

(1) The Northern Road (2) Kelvin Park Drive (3) Jersey Road (4) Masterfield Street

Int Total 4,909 543 Int Total 2,645 547 Int Total 4,022 544 Int Total 3,237 558

1,775 1,115 148 240 910 183 107 122

18 723 374 61 179 26 10 147 32 0 89

676 147 436 1,223 1,223 55 92 1,346 1,346 71 109 1,820 1,820 12 71 2,068 504 268 396 405 1,167 497 1,089 1,233 498 887 1,806 557 818 619 261 310 1,150 1,150 1,182 1,182 43 58 1,053 1,053 1 8 897

196 1,192 581 268 731 440 204 23 172

1,968 1,293 1,439 111 399 9 KEY KEY KEY KEY 505 458 Node number 458 Node number 533 458 Node number 376 458 Node number 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep

(5) Church Street (6) Allenby Road (7) North Avenue (8) Glen Allan Road

Int Total 2,965 483 Int Total 2,965 Int Total 4,697 477 Int Total 3,113 492

0 1 1,226 154 0 0

0 1 14 83 57 0 0

2,068 0 0 2,069 2,069 2,069 2,069 96 115 2,320 2,320 0 0 2,320 2,068 489 897 2,069 475 897 1,837 490 641 2,320 491 792 897 897 897 0 0 897 897 135 37 792 792 792

0 0 241 1,015 426

0 0 1,682 255 KEY KEY KEY KEY 458 Node number 394 458 Node number 393 458 Node number 458 Node number 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep

(9) King Street (10) Kelly Street (11) Eastwood Road (12) Fourth Avenue | Dickson Road

Int Total 3,945 545 Int Total 3,738 546 Int Total 5,094 338 Int Total 5,119 425

319 278 2 271 676 546 285 553

48 27 203 122 149 70 258 218 129 279 145

2,320 1 118 2,783 2,783 2 0 2,930 2,930 224 148 3,333 3,333 94 0 3,112 2,319 476 664 2,781 380 684 2,690 344 611 2,703 345 565 792 0 23 806 806 684 684 17 125 885 885 536 23 588

80 199 261 4 304 425 191 191 263

540 50 733 400 645 837 KEY KEY KEY KEY 377 458 Node number 458 Node number 367 458 Node number 517 458 Node number 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep

(13) Edmondson Avenue | Rickard Road (14) Browns Road (15) Old Cowpasture Road (16) Cowpasture Road | Camden Valley Way

Int Total 5,233 426 Int Total 5,176 427 Int Total 5,548 Int Total 10,539 228

943 639 211 370 3,460 1,677

0 394 245 25 223 122 612 869 196

3,112 112 166 3,245 3,245 0 143 3,266 3,266 3,719 3,719 1,325 190 4,269 2,999 346 558 347 347 2,950 348 691 2,833 349 1,104 261 261 2,390 222 660 227 588 0 64 787 787 295 394 1,228 1,228 432 169 1,274 1,274 4 663 1,513

30 665 0 71 68 194 124 885 3 1,945 1,683

695 458 334 912 1,009 602 3,630 1,536 KEY KEY KEY KEY 356 458 Node number 357 458 Node number 342 458 Node number 559 458 Node number 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep Roads and Traffic Authority Bringelly Road Traffic Assessment 2036 PM Average Peak one hour Intersection Flow

(1) The Northern Road (2) Kelvin Park Drive (3) Jersey Road (4) Masterfield Street

Int Total 5,209 543 Int Total 2,995 547 Int Total 4,369 544 Int Total 3,628 558

1,124 1,884 238 167 129 897 127 124

147 1,130 607 71 96 143 629 126 18 40 67

634 18 386 1,353 1,353 61 176 1,388 1,388 28 89 1,297 1,297 32 95 1,018 504 405 396 268 1,291 497 1,299 0 1,107 498 1,289 940 557 1,945 676 210 716 1,370 1,370 1,475 1,475 253 587 1,965 1,965 325 154 2,194

261 721 340 43 12 64 1 0 11

1,322 2,056 120 1,468 12 519 KEY KEY KEY KEY 505 458 Node number 458 Node number 533 458 Node number 376 458 Node number 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep

(5) Church Street (6) Allenby Road (7) North Avenue (8) Glen Allan Road

Int Total 3,212 483 Int Total 3,212 Int Total 4,885 477 Int Total 3,175 492

0 0 157 1,295 0 0

0 0 275 922 98 0 0

1,018 0 0 1,018 1,018 1,018 1,018 20 1 856 856 0 0 856 1,018 489 2,194 1,018 475 2,194 0 746 490 1,814 856 491 2,319 2,194 2,194 2,194 0 0 2,194 2,194 251 504 2,319 2,319 2,319

0 0 105 136 12

0 0 253 1,677 KEY KEY KEY KEY 458 Node number 394 458 Node number 393 458 Node number 458 Node number 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep

(9) King Street (10) Kelly Street (11) Eastwood Road (12) Fourth Avenue | Dickson Road

Int Total 4,228 545 Int Total 4,019 546 Int Total 5,197 338 Int Total 5,648 425

355 335 124 144 458 573 634 522

11 127 196 143 0 146 268 158 159 299 64

856 20 303 1,046 1,046 121 3 926 926 28 273 1,194 1,194 125 1 767 814 476 2,308 0 925 380 2,825 0 895 344 2,573 645 345 2,902 2,319 22 358 2,969 2,969 2,828 2,828 3 446 3,292 3,292 424 233 3,136

0 32 36 109 157 141 231 508 58

68 507 407 717 796 956 KEY KEY KEY KEY 377 458 Node number 458 Node number 367 458 Node number 517 458 Node number 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep

(13) Edmondson Avenue | Rickard Road (14) Browns Road (15) Old Cowpasture Road (16) Cowpasture Road | Camden Valley Way

Int Total 5,885 426 Int Total 5,638 427 Int Total 5,885 Int Total 10,845 228

813 930 382 349 1,711 3,518

0 693 237 64 163 122 1,292 2,038 188

767 78 261 926 926 0 168 1,023 1,023 1,408 1,408 709 70 1,470 688 346 2,763 347 347 722 348 3,016 841 349 3,303 261 261 697 222 2,594 227 3,136 0 318 3,342 3,342 204 525 3,709 3,709 181 586 3,889 3,889 2 1,736 4,400

373 473 0 263 214 179 406 567 3 932 585

846 1,011 655 892 973 767 1,519 3,776 KEY KEY KEY KEY 356 458 Node number 357 458 Node number 342 458 Node number 559 458 Node number 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 522 Modelled turn 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 790 Modelled App/Dep 2011: Bringelly Road – The Northern Road to King Street

Int. LoS DoS Worst Q App Int. LoS DoS Worst Q App Int. LoS DoS Worst Q App AM B 0.792 180.5 NB TL AM A 0.222 6.2 WB AM A 0.252 15.5 EB PM B 0.684 136.9 SB T PM A 0.255 15.3 WB PM A 0.269 7.4 EB

Int. LoS DoS Worst Q App Int. LoS DoS Worst Q App Int. LoS DoS Worst Q App AM A 0.235 14.1 EB AM A 0.275 5.6 WB AM A 0.272 7.6 WB PM A 0.270 7.0 EB PM A 0.289 18.0 WB PM A 0.340 21.7 WB 2011: Bringelly Road – Eastwood Road to Camden Valley Way

Int. LoS DoS Worst Q App Int. LoS DoS Worst Q App Int. LoS DoS Worst Q App AM A 0.296 18.8 EB AM A 0.354 27.0 WB AM A 0.296 26.3 EB TR PM A 0.321 11.5 NB PM A 0.486 26.0 WB PM A 0.325 24.6 EB TR

Int. LoS DoS Worst Q App Int. LoS DoS Worst Q App Int. LoS DoS Worst Q App AM A 0.312 20.2 EB AM A 0.314 29.9 WB AM C 0.845 145.2 NB T PM A 0.377 21.2 WB PM A 0.341 32.6 WB PM C 0.71 102.8 SB R 2016: Bringelly Road – The Northern Road to King Street

Int. LoS DoS Worst Q App Int. LoS DoS Worst Q App Int. LoS DoS Worst Q App AM C 0.901 244.0 NB TL AM A 0.395 15.8 WB AM A 0.436 42.5 EB PM C 0.918 327.5 SB T PM A 0.432 38.9 WB PM A 0.450 20.1 EB

Int. LoS DoS Worst Q App Int. LoS DoS Worst Q App Int. LoS DoS Worst Q App AM A 0.406 35.8 EB AM A 0.491 11.2 WB AM A 0.488 16.6 WB PM A 0.451 19.1 EB PM A 0.504 42.2 WB PM A 0.548 55.4 WB 2016: Bringelly Road – Eastwood Road to Camden Valley Way

Int. LoS DoS Worst Q App Int. LoS DoS Worst Q App Int. LoS DoS Worst Q App AM A 0.476 43.6 EB AM C 0.867 269.1 EB T AM B 0.554 74.0 EBT PM A 0.531 19.7 EB PM C 0.769 110.5 W B T PM B 0.707 111.2 WBT

Int. LoS DoS Worst Q App Int. LoS DoS Worst Q App Int. LoS DoS Worst Q App AM A 0.808 54.3 EB AM A 0.427 35.2 WB AM C 0.885 165.3 NB R PM A 0.806 46.8 NB PM A 0.490 67.1 WB PM C 0.765 149.5 SB T 2021: Bringelly Road – The Northern Road to King Street

Int. LoS DoS Worst Q App Int. LoS DoS Worst Q App Int. LoS DoS Worst Q App AM C 0.813 192.0 NB T AM B 0.462 107.3 EB T AM A 0.314 33.7 EB TR PM D 0.998 519.2 SB T PM B 0.405 121.8 EB T PM A 0.328 30.4 EB TR

Int. LoS DoS Worst Q App Int. LoS DoS Worst Q App Int. LoS DoS Worst Q App AM B 0.458 90.6 WBT AM C 0.846 193.4 EB T AM C 0.635 181.3 EB T PM B 0.494 115.5 WBT PM C 0.834 227.5 W B T PM B 0.607 159.3 WB T 2021: Bringelly Road – Eastwood Road to Camden Valley Way

Int. LoS DoS Worst Q App Int. LoS DoS Worst Q App Int. LoS DoS Worst Q App AM C 0.879 165.9 EB T AM C 0.870 257.0 EB T AM B 0.859 171.9 EBT PM C 0.675 138.4 W B T PM C 0.835 235.1 W B T PM B 0.866 262.6 WBT

Int. LoS DoS Worst Q App Int. LoS DoS Worst Q App Int. LoS DoS Worst Q App AM C 0.740 135.3 EB T AM C 0.736 157.9 WBL AM D 0.932 237.4 EB T PM B 0.726 148.4 W B T PM C 0.780 159.5 W B T PM D 0.913 247.6 W B T 2026: Bringelly Road – The Northern Road to King Street

Int. LoS DoS Worst Q App Int. LoS DoS Worst Q App Int. LoS DoS Worst Q App AM C 1.000 217.5 NBT AM A 0.509 104.9 WB T AM A 1.000 71.3 EB TR PM D 1.000 473.0 SB T PM A 0.502 172.1 EB T PM A 1.000 84.0 EB TR

Int. LoS DoS Worst Q App Int. LoS DoS Worst Q App Int. LoS DoS Worst Q App AM B 0.562 152.2 WBT AM C 0.875 251.0 EBT AM C 0.828 289.9 EB T PM B 0.582 142.3 WBT PM D 0.893 285.4 W B T PM C 0.666 179.5 WBT 2026: Bringelly Road – Eastwood Road to Camden Valley Way

Int. LoS DoS Worst Q App Int. LoS DoS Worst Q App Int. LoS DoS Worst Q App AM C 0.827 177.9 EB T AM D 0.893 320.9 EB T AM B 0.811 163.4 EBT PM C 0.770 161.3 W B T PM C 0.905 225.2 EB T PM B 0.886 429.7 WBT

Int. LoS DoS Worst Q App Int. LoS DoS Worst Q App Int. LoS DoS Worst Q App AM C 0.801 183.0 EB T AM C 0.809 195.9 EBT AM C 0.887 307.5 NBR PM C 0.856 172.3 W B T PM D 0.870 261.7 W B T PM B 0.879 171.0 SB T 2031: Bringelly Road – The Northern Road to King Street

Int. LoS DoS Worst Q App Int. LoS DoS Worst Q App Int. LoS DoS Worst Q App AM C 0.842 110.8 NB R AM A 0.444 68.1 EB T AM B 0.662 169.6 EB T PM C 0.879 256.0 WBL PM A 0.450 125.5 EB T PM B 0.717 203.9 W B T

Int. LoS DoS Worst Q App Int. LoS DoS Worst Q App Int. LoS DoS Worst Q App AM D 0.866 249.5 EBT AM C 0.902 254.1 EBT AM C 0.788 249.6 EB T PM C 0.800 194.4 WBT PM C 0.880 278.6 W B T PM C 0.743 176.7 WBT 2031: Bringelly Road – Eastwood Road to Camden Valley Way

Int. LoS DoS Worst Q App Int. LoS DoS Worst Q App Int. LoS DoS Worst Q App AM D 0.859 294.5 EB T AM C 0.727 229.3 EB T AM B 0.773 124.0 EBT PM D 0.977 210.6 W B T PM C 0.635 173.8 W B T PM C 0.903 329.8 WBT

Int. LoS DoS Worst Q App Int. LoS DoS Worst Q App Int. LoS DoS Worst Q App AM C 0.849 249.8 EB T AM D 0.881 330.7 EBT AM C 0.949 310.7 NBR PM D 0.900 361.4 W B T PM D 0.936 418.3 W B T PM B 0.868 143.7 SB T 2036: Bringelly Road – The Northern Road to King Street

Int. LoS DoS Worst Q App Int. LoS DoS Worst Q App Int. LoS DoS Worst Q App AM D 0.670 167.6 NB T AM B 0.532 133.4 EB T AM B 0.789 266.1 EB T PM D 0.923 326.8 WBL PM B 0.601 218.6 EB T PM C 0.892 394.8 W B T

Int. LoS DoS Worst Q App Int. LoS DoS Worst Q App Int. LoS DoS Worst Q App AM D 0.880 228.2 EBT AM D 0.929 438.7 EB T AM D 0.913 391.0 EB T PM C 0.840 212.4 WBT PM D 0.860 329.1 W B T PM C 0.890 315.5 WBT 2036: Bringelly Road – Eastwood Road to Camden Valley Way

Int. LoS DoS Worst Q App Int. LoS DoS Worst Q App Int. LoS DoS Worst Q App AM C 0.908 337.2 EB T AM C 0.928 479.0 EB T AM C 0.790 245.1 EBT PM B 0.756 126.2 EB T PM C 0.762 225.4 W B T PM C 0.916 420.3 WBT

Int. LoS DoS Worst Q App Int. LoS DoS Worst Q App Int. LoS DoS Worst Q App AM B 0.844 199.0 EB T AM D 0.936 497.8 EBT AM C 0.970 380.5 NBT PM C 0.821 230.6 W B T PM D 0.933 494.5 W B T PM B 0.935 154.7 SB T AECOM Bringelly Road Upgrade Review of Environmental Factors - Traffic and Transport Modelling Assessment

Appendix G

Intersection Analysis Sensitivity Test (2-lane Analysis)

16 September 2016: Bringelly Road – Eastwood Road to Browns Road

Int. LoS DoS WorstQ App Int. LoS DoS WorstQ App Int. LoS DoS WorstQ App AM A 0.476 43.6 EB AM C 0.842 269.1 EB T AM B 0.464 68.0 EBT PM A 0.531 19.7 EB PM C 0.724 113.2 W B T PM B 0.710 99.4 WBT

Int. LoS DoS WorstQ App Int. LoS DoS WorstQ App

AM A 0.808 54.3 EB AM A 0.427 35.2 WB PM A 0.806 46.8 NB PM A 0.490 67.1 WB 2021: Bringelly Road – Eastwood Road to Browns Road

Int. LoS DoS WorstQ App Int. LoS DoS WorstQ App Int. LoS DoS WorstQ App AM C 0.869 247.0 EB T AM E 1.000 335.6 EB T AM B 0.843 140.0 EBT PM C 0.851 233.0 W B T PM E 1.000 361.9 W B T PM B 0.845 252.3 WBT

Int. LoS DoS WorstQ App Int. LoS DoS WorstQ App

AM C 0.876 263.5 EB T AM B 0.659 240.7 EB T PM C 0.833 271.6 W B T PM B 0.713 229.0 W B T 2026: Bringelly Road – Eastwood Road to Browns Road

Int. LoS DoS Av Worst Worst Worst Int. LoS DoS Av Worst Worst App Int. LoS DoS Av Worst Worst App delay delay Q Q App delay delay Q delay delay Q

AM C 0.909 42.2 NB RT 306.2 EB T AM D 1.000 53.7 WB RT 415.6 EB T AM B 0.891 25.7 EB RT 177.8 EBT PM C 0.880 41.0 EB RT 252.0 W B T PM F 1.068 141.7 NB LT 911.3 W B T PM B 0.866 24.3 EB RT 388.4 WBT

Int. LoS DoS Av Worst Worst App Int. LoS DoS Av Worst Worst App delay delay Q delay delay Q

AM D 0.879 45.5 NB RT 342.9 EB T AM B 0.699 17.6 W B R 273.5 EBT PM D 0.868 42.6 EB RT 305.9 W B T PM B 0.858 17.9 W B R 398.1 W B T 2031: Bringelly Road – Eastwood Road to Browns Road

Int. LoS DoS Av Worst Worst App Int. LoS DoS Av Worst Worst App Int. LoS DoS Av Worst Worst App delay delay Q delay delay Q delay delay Q AM F 0.987 74.4 NB RT 738.5 EB T AM C 1.000 35.7 WB RT 433.3 EB T AM B 0.878 27.8 EB RT 227.7 EBT

PM D 0.959 48.0 SB RT 368.3 W B T PM C 0.920 38.4 SB LT 294.7 W B T PM F 1.188 81.3 EB RT 761.1 WBT

Int. LoS DoS Av Worst Worst App Int. LoS DoS Av Worst Worst App delay delay Q delay delay Q AM F 1.030 102.9 EB T 900.6 EB T AM D 0.978 52.7 WB RT 799.4 EBT

PM F 1.145 215.4 W B T 1650.1 W B T PM F 1.042 110.0 W B T 1433.7 W B T