
Can and Greece go Toward a Conflict for the Fulfillment of their Interests? (Liberalism vs. Realism)

Ph.D Candidate Daniel Borakaj

Lecturer, “Aleksander Moisiu” University, Durres, Albania e-mail: [email protected]

MA. Lorena Gjergji

Specialist at the “Albanian Savings & Credit Union”, , Albania e-mail: [email protected]

Abstract: Liberalism can describe the Albanian – Greek relations, more than realism does. This paper is a confrontation of the game theory with sum zero and the game theory win – win. The assessment is that Liberalism gives a clear and fair view of the Albanian – Greek relations adding other elements left aside by Realism. 1) Liberalism studies plurality of actors that have influenced the Albanian – Greek relations. 2) This relation is characterized not only by individual interests of states, but also by some mutual interests. 3) Force is substituted by interaction and cooperation. Based on this logic, a projected conflict in the future of the Albanian – Greek relation can not be perceptible and it is unlikely to happen. The conclusion of this paper may be used to foresee other relations of Albania with neighbor countries.

Key words: Realism; Liberalism; plurality of actors; mutual interests; cooperation.

1. Introduction

Realism is one of the earliest theories of international relations. It explains and foresees the states’ actions within international relations. The most important elements in explaining reality are: state, power, national security and international system. The state is the principal actor in international relations; they do not deny the existence of other actors, but still they are not as important to study as state. Realism considers state as the sole important actor that can act in the international arena, and it must be studied to better understand the whole international system. State as the main actor takes care for the fulfillment of economic and political interests of the country. Realism as a theory is related to the power politics. It is much spread in the international relations theory. There is no actor except state that can interact or arrive to certain relations with other states. States are keen to fulfill their own interests, without paying to much attention to cooperation. (Donelly at el 2010) Power, which is seen related to the economic capabilities, is one of the basics of national security. State nature is related to human nature. If humans are conflictual and egocentric, keen to be rigid in relations with others and escalate relations to conflicts, state is the sole actor that can interact on behalf of its citizens, with the main goal, preservation of power and national security. Considering that all states are keen to follow their own national interest, trust in other states may never be complete.(Jackson & Sorensen 2005 p. 69) Liberalism is another theory of international relations, which on the contrary of realism, has a positive vision of the human nature. Based on that, liberalism has the conviction that international relations may be cooperative and not conflictual, as realism proclaims. Liberalism considers relations between actors, not only states, but other actors like: international organizations, societies, people, individuals, etc. We can notice that liberalism emphasizes actors that realism has left on the shadow. International relations are characterized from high levels of transnational connections, which are the premises of a security community. A world with a large number of transnational nets, individuals’ nets, groups’ nets, societies’ nets, states’ nets, etc. offers more possibilities for peace, cooperation and security. (Jackson & Sorensen 2005 pp. 113-116) According to liberalism we may notice that international relations are not characterized only by the interactions of states, but other actors may be much more decisive in the fulfillment of interests. This fulfillment may be the primary goal of the state, but other individuals, outside the state channel can contribute and decide on their own interests. Their interest is decisive in policies.

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Realism and Liberalism differentiate from one another from the classification of actors they do. One sole actor versus the plurality of actors: who can play within the international arena? Realism gives a more pessimistic panorama of all against all, and more precisely, a continuous battle between states aiming security and fulfillment of their interests. Meanwhile liberalism gives an optimistic panorama; people tend to achieve a mutual advantageous cooperation. The international relations projected by realism can be summarized in a game theory characterized by the sum zero. What is the gain and profit of one state is the lost of the other. According to Liberalism, states can accomplish their needs and interests by identifying their joint points of interest. Liberals think that they tend to create the appropriate conditions for the accomplishment of special interests, together with the mutual interests. Good faith is one of the conditions that affect the creation of a situation where states are predisposed to accomplish their interests and needs with pacific means. This kind of policy is explained by another game theory: win – win theory, which is a theory also used in the economic sciences. (Hal R. 2000) What is the gain of one state is not the lost of the other. States and actors interact and evaluate the best solutions for their common policies. Interdependence characterizes international relations and states are interdependent to each – other. Liberalism presents this element that takes states and citizens toward the economic interdependence and also political and social interdependence, culminated by peace. Interdependence is another element that affects the Albanian – Greek relations, especially in the ’90. A much known period that was characterized by the demonstration of power from Greece, is the 1939 – 1940. (Meta 2002). For almost 50 years, before the ‘90s, the interdependence relation was almost inexistent. This because of the absence of contacts both states had with each other. Nowadays the Albanian – Greek relation is characterized by many mutual points of interest and policies. Interdependence of states means a world of international relations characterized by cooperation, peace and lack of fear. In the international arena security is substituted from welfare, which is the major goal of states. The following arguments will give some detailed elements in explaining why Liberalism is the theory that can describe, explain and foresee better the Albanian – Greek relations, using the political element, the economic element and the social element. All the elements have indicators which present a better panorama of this relation, based on liberalism.

2. Political element

After many years of isolation, Albania re-entered the international arena with another status. It began to have contacts with other actors of international relations. Greece as one of the neighbor countries was ready to interact with it. Based on realism, both countries would not have an interaction, but only some rigid relations or conflictual one, because each state would consider the fulfillment of its interests, without considering the other. Cooperation would be unthinkable under the influence of realism. A projected conflict would be always possible in this relation. States would hold the positions of protection or attack. Equilibrium would be hard to achieve based on the premises of realism. Emphasizing that, we believe that liberalism would be the best international relations theory explaining the Albanian – Greek relation. It studies the plurality of actors that affects this relation, adding elements not mentioned by realism. It is based on optimistic premises and that can be felt in the ongoing of Albanian – Greek relations. In may help in much sure projections for the future of this relation. One of the most important issues for liberalism is the happiness of individuals.

2.1 The Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation, Good Neighborliness and Security between Albania and Greece

In March 21, 1996, Albania and Greece signed the Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation, Good Neighborliness and Security1. Considering the period when it was signed and the necessity of developing the economic, social and political relations in a positive way between the two states, within the Balkans, with the intention to preserve stability and peace in the region, both states, Albania and Greece, expressed their will in cooperation for a more pacific future. This Treaty is a tool used by both actors in achieving their individual and mutual interests. It is not a demonstration of force in achieving certain goals. It is a cooperation agreement that liberalism foresees in the interaction of actors in the international arena. This treaty has given strength to both states and serves as the base for the solution of possible conflicts. Specific issues that have affected the relation between these to states may be addressed according to this treaty, and will find a pacific solution.

1 The Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation, Good Neighborliness and Security, Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Albania archive.

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2.2 The Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA)

The is one of the most powerful actors in international relations. The SAA came into force on April 1, 2009, after the ratification of 25 EU member states and by the Albanian Parliament. The ratification process was completed with the ratification by the Greek parliament, in January 2009. The signing and ratification of this agreement opened the green light to Albania for the submission of the application for candidate country in the EU2. The ratification of this agreement testifies that force is not an element that defines the Albanian – Greek relation. Greece signed and ratified the agreement considering Albania as a partner country in the international arena. Greece will work on setting a specific date for the integration of the Western Balkans countries; have said the foreign of Greece during a seminar. Candidates will be assisted in fulfilling the criteria of accession3. This process would cause more intense relations between states and ministries of line. The policy of Greece toward Albania is to support it in the integration process in the EU membership as a political and economic partner.

2.3. Membership in organizations

Membership of Albania and Greece in inter-state structures makes them predisposed and obligated to solve the conflicts by understanding and in peace. Both countries are members of the UN and as so, they have mutual interests in the international arena. International organizations like NATO offer many possibilities to its members, but at the same time it puts some limits. The membership of Greece and Albania within the NATO shows both countries as allies and more specifically, as military allies. The reciprocity principle that drives NATO means that in a potential conflict, Albania and Greece will have the same side. Even if hypothetically, this conflict would arise with a partner outside the organization that one of the states has. A strategic ally would be much stronger in this case, against a principle ally. Participation in NATO is a way of preserving stability and meeting mutual interests. Realism has a strong debate regarding the enlargement of NATO. One of the wings considers that the enlargement of NATO comes as an answer to the fundamental values of realism: security and stability (Jackson & Sorensen 2005 p. 97). Parties representing their states in the EU are not considered and valuated according to the state they belong to, but those are valuated based on the ideology they represent. There could not be noticed the Greek parties or the Albanian parties. Within the EU, there are the left wing parties and the right wing parties.

2.4. Political parties in Albania and Greece

Political relations of Albania and Greece support each other especially during electoral campaign and elections. We can notice the relation of Nea Demokratia in Greece and the Democratic party in Albania. The Prime Minister Berisha has saluted the election of Karamanlis. Same relation characterizes the Socialist party of Albania and PASOK in Greece. Political parties have gone beyond borders united by the ideology. Another important element that characterizes the political arena in Albania is the existence of parties representing the minorities. The party that represents the Greek minority in Albania has been part of governing coalitions for years and has served in strategic positions in the central and local government.

3. Economic element

A key element that can be used under the liberalism theory is the interdependence Albania and Greece have. Interdependence can be found in the economic area as much as it may be found in the politic area. Several statistics and connections between groups can be used in the presentation of this panorama. Actors that play crucial role in the economies of both countries are: State, organizations, commercial societies, companies, and individuals. One of the policies the state has approved in the economic sector is “Albania one euro” which is meant to make Albania an attractive country for the foreign investments. Several companies with Greek capital have invested in Albania after the ’90. The banking sector has a major influence from the Greek banks, such as: Tirana Bank (part of Piraeus 

2 Stabilization and Association Agreement, 3

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Group), Emporiki Bank, National Bank of Greece, Alpha Bank. The policies of these banks, under the have a strong influence in the financial and economic sector. Other private profiting subjects and companies operating in Albania with a Greek capital cover the telecommunication sector. The first two mobile communication companies were those with Greek capital: AMC and Panafone Vodafone. The policies these companies have approved have affected the economy and lives of Albanian citizens. Only after many years of ruling the mobile communication sector alone, other companies with Albanian or foreign capital have entered the market. The sector of alimentary products has a large influence from Greek companies. The market has many products which have Greece as their origin state. In the NRC are registered several companies that have foreign capital, especially Greek capital. Greek companies have played a crucial role even in the constructions sector. One of the largest tenders in Albania was given to a Greek company. Another important element is trade. Import and export volumes toward Greece and the percentage they have in the total of Albanian import – export will show the close relation of these two countries and the importance they play in the economies of one another. In the export structure by main trade partners, Greece is listed second, after Italy. In 2010, same as the previous years, the main partners of Albania are Italy and Greece. Export of goods to Greece increased 15.2 % and import of goods decreased by 10.3 percent in 2010, compared to 20094. Remittances play an important role in the . There is a large number of living abroad that still has connections and relatives in Albania. Remittances have an impact in the poverty alleviation. Destination countries can enjoy significant economic gains from migration5. The Albanian migrant stocks in 2010 in Greece are at high levels, 8 times higher than the Greek migrant stocks in Albania for the same period6. The bilateral remittance estimates for 2010 with receiving country Albania, arriving from Greece achieve the amount of 599 mln USD, compared to 489 mln USD arriving from Italy. Meanwhile, the amount of remittances sent from Albania to Greece, is around 136 mln USD7. The Commercial Chamber of Greece in Albania intensifies the mutual projects and potential investments of Greek businesses in Albania. Albania also is a country that offers employment possibilities and business possibilities in the cities of Korça and Saranda8. Greek citizens have found a way of investment with profits in the Albanian territory. All the above mentioned indicators affect the preservation of good relations between states.

4. Social element

The interaction between citizens of both states can be noticed in many indicators. Various actors have played a crucial role in the creation of interdependence between Greece and Albania. Albanian state have allowed and licensed several Greek schools inside the Albanian territory. Policies of education have made possible for minorities and inhabitants of Albania to take their education in the Greek language. The licensing of Greek schools has opened a green light to the Greek investments in Albania. In some public schools in areas where Greek minorities live, lessons are given in Albanian and in Greek language. The same policy has been followed by the state of Greece. In public schools, Albanian people can take lessons in their native language. The Association of Albanian Educators9 has worked for the Albanian natives to preserve their cultural identity and language. These are steps forward in the preservation of friendly relations between both states. The Greek minority in Albania holds the right of vote and the right to be elected. They do have their own party which has played an important role in the politics of Albania. The existence of Omonia, a political and cultural Association, shows the close relation between Albania and Greece, which has became stronger compared to the beginning of the ’90. The Greek state has chosen to be represented by Albanians in many Olympiads. People of Albanian origins have represented Greece in sport events of cultural events. 

4 INSTAT, Foreign Trade 2006 – 2010, available at 5 World Bank, Global Economic Prospects, 2006, available at: 6 7 1110315015165/T4.Remittance_Estimates_using_Migrant_Stocks_Host_Country_Incomes_and_Sending_Country_Incomes_2010.xls 8 Top-Channel news, dt. 02.01.2012 9 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Albania, reports from the archive

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Associations operating in culture and art have cooperated for mutual programs. Some of them have produced movies10. The exchange of culture and ideas has made the net of relations between Albania and Greece denser. Cooperation between states has been graved these last years. Employment opportunities are given to Albanians in Greece and to Greek in Albania. Albanian and Greek have united into marriage and have created their own families. Mixed families are strong connections that make the Albanian Greek relations continuously pacific and possible to be explained by Liberalism. Along with the creation of mixed families, there are many baptisms of Albanian children in Greece from Greek citizens. According to Realism, families and individuals would have not been taken into consideration as actors of the international relations. Meanwhile we claim that all the above mentioned social indicators play their role in the Albanian – Greek relation.

5. Conclusion and Recommendations

The Albanian – Greek relations may have been oriented toward realism, but now they are and will be oriented toward liberalism. Modernization, human rights, independence of people, can be better described and granted under the Liberalism philosophy. Tensions between countries are matters of many subjects: states, organizations, international organizations, societies, people, and individuals. The many the actors that operate in this relation, the higher will be the level of cooperation between states. Interests of both states will not serve as a tool for division but they will serve as a tool for uniting all the interests for the best solutions. Trust in one another and the mutual progress characterizes the relations between states. The Treaty, the membership in several organizations, the interaction between citizens, has arrived to the core of this relationship, by making it softer, comprehensive and peaceful. What was history have stayed in the past. Albania and Greece are making efforts to not allow perceptions and “mega ideas” affect their relation. We believe that both countries have mutated their interests in a way the accomplishment can be more easy and peaceful. Both countries have chosen the path of win – win game, where trust and common goals make the foundations of a good friendship. Interaction and cooperation are the words that better describe the Albanian – Greek relation. Force would be considered irrational in this relation. Comparing the pessimistic view of realism and the optimistic view of liberalism, the view hold by liberalism we consider is a pillar for the Albanian – Greek relation. In the international arena where all actors have the possibility to interact with each – other, and they do so, Liberalism is the theory that better describes, explains and foresees the relations of Albania and Greece, and not only. Based on the indicators we have analyzed in this paper, we can foresee that the relations between Albania and its neighbors are keened toward cooperation because of their mutual interests.


Donelly J. (and others) Theory of International Relations, AIIS, 2010 Hal R. Varian, Micro-economy, Onufri, 2000, Jackson R., Sorensen G., Relazioni Internazionali, Egea, 2005, Meta, B. Greek – Albanian tension 1939 – 1949, GEER, 2002 Ministry of Foreign Affairs Archive, The Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation, Good Neighborliness and Security Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Albania, reports from the archive, Diaspora National Institute INSTAT, Foreign Trade 2006 – 2010, available at Stabilization and Association Agreement, available at: World Bank, Global Economic Prospects, 2006, available at:

10 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Albania, reports from the archive, Diaspora National Institute.

 261 ISSN2039Ͳ2117MediterraneanJournalofSocialSciencesVol.3(6)March2012 1110315015165/T4.Remittance_Estimates_using_Migrant_Stocks_Host_Country_Incomes_and_Sending_Country_Incomes_2010.xls