Accepted Manuscript (AM) of King, R. and Vullnetari, J. (2012) A population on the move: Migration and gender relations in Albania. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society 5(2): 207–220 [DOI:10.1.1009933/c/jcrjerse/sr/srss0s0404] [accepted 05 March 2012; published April 2012]. A population suddenly on the move: migration and changing gender relations in Albania Russell King and Julie Vullnetari ABSTRACT. Under the harshest communist regime in Europe, emigration from Albania was impossible, and internal migration was tightly controlled. After 1990, everything changed. Twenty years later 1.4 million Albanians, equivalent to half of Albania’s resident population, live abroad; internal migration has also taken place on a massive scale. This paper describes these large-scale migrations within the broader setting of ‘post-Wall’ European mobility, and relates them to the changing context of gender relations in Albania. Keywords: Albania, migration, gender, remittances, development, population change JEL Classification: J1, J11, J15, J16 [The Version of Record of this manuscript has been published and is available in Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society; April 2012; DOI: doi:10.1.1009933/c/jcrjerse/sr/srss0s0404]. Russell King and Julie Vullnetari, Sussex Centre for Migration Research, School of Global Studies, University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton BN1 9SJ, UK. Emails:
[email protected];
[email protected]. 1 Accepted Manuscript (AM) of King, R. and Vullnetari, J. (2012) A population on the move: Migration and gender relations in Albania. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society 5(2): 207–220 [DOI:10.1.1009933/c/jcrjerse/sr/srss0s0404] [accepted 05 March 2012; published April 2012].