ADDITIONAL ENGLISH INFORMATION OF EXCELLENT SUPERVISING ORGANIZATION (As of 11th.May.2020) *Items listed may be modified along with the circumstances of supervising organizations. In that case, we will modify the list shortly. Job Categories (Eligible when Interns shifts to No. of Person in charge Name of Organization Date of Approval Date of Expiry Accepting Country No. Name of Organization Address in English TEL HP Technical Intern Training (ii)) *Refer to Implementing TEL (in English) (Y/M/D) (Y/M/D) *Refer to Country Code Name Email Category Code Organizations* FAX ISS HOKKAIDO business 〒067-0056, 2F No.225 Mihara, Ebetsu-shi, TEL: 011-807-0491 1 ISS北海道事業協同組合 0118070491 N/A 2018/10/31 2023/10/30 CHN, VNM 1-1, 1-2, 3-21, 4-2, 4-9, 4-10, 7-6 70 佐藤(Sato)
[email protected] cooperative association Hokkaido FAX: 011-807-0492 2 網走国際交流協同組合 0152462447 2018/12/10 2023/12/9 CHN 1-2, 4-2, 4-4, 4-6 7 アパレルファッション研究協同組合 3 0139551525 2018/1/22 2023/1/21 KHM 5-6 4 (事業休止中) 〒058-0204, 182-2 Erimocho Honchou, TEL: 01466-2-2211 4 えりも漁業協同組合 Erimo Fishery Cooperative 0146622211 2018/9/28 2023/9/27 IDN, VNM 2-1 5 岡道(Okamichi)(日本国内)
[email protected] Horoizumi-gun, Hokkaido FAX: 01466-2-4090 〒049-2222, 2-188-1 Sawara, Mori-machi,
[email protected] TEL: 01374-8-5111 5 渡島国際交流事業協同組合 N/A 0137485111 N/A 2017/11/1 2022/10/31 CHN, VNM 4-3, 4-4 18 谷垣 (TANIGAKI) Kayabe-gun, Hokkaido .jp FAX: 01374-8-5112 Okhotsk International Business 〒094-0002, 1-2-42 Masago-cho, Monbetsu-shi, 6 オホーツク国際事業協同組合 0158236686 N/A 2018/6/29 2023/6/28 CHN, THA 4-3, 4-4, 4-5 18 Association Hokkaido OKHOTSK INTERNATIONAL 〒098-1702, 91-5 Oumu, Oumu-cho, Monbetsu-
[email protected].