Contexts, Bi-Heyting Algebras and a New Logic for Quantum Systems Oberseminar Theoretische Informatik FAU Erlangen 4. November 2014 Andreas D¨oring Theoretische Physik I, FAU Erlangen
[email protected] Andreas D¨oring (Erlangen) Bi-Heyting algebras and quantum systems 1 / 49 \Never express yourself more clearly than you are able to think." Niels Bohr Andreas D¨oring (Erlangen) Bi-Heyting algebras and quantum systems 2 / 49 References This talk is based on AD,\Topos-based Logic for Quantum Systems and Bi-Heyting Algebras", to appear in Logic & Algebra in Quantum Computing, Lecture Notes in Logic, Association for Symbolic Logic in conjunction with Cambridge University Press (2012); [arXiv:1202.2750] Some good references on standard quantum logic are: G. Birkhoff, J. von Neumann, \The Logic of Quantum Mechanics", Annals of Mathematics 37, No. 4, 823{843 (1936). Varadarajan, Geometry of Quantum Theory, second ed., Springer (1985). M. Dalla Chiara, R. Giuntini, \Quantum Logics", in Handbook of Philosophical Logic, Kluwer (2002); [arXiv:quant-ph/0101028v2] Andreas D¨oring (Erlangen) Bi-Heyting algebras and quantum systems 3 / 49 Standard quantum logic Standard quantum logic Andreas D¨oring (Erlangen) Bi-Heyting algebras and quantum systems 4 / 49 Standard quantum logic Standard quantum logic Some basics of standard quantum logic: Birkhoff and von Neumann suggested to use the complete orthomodular lattice P(H) of projections on a separable, complex Hilbert space H as representatives of propositions. (Fine point: modular vs. orthomodular lattices.) The link between (pre-mathematical) propositions \A " ∆” and projections is provided by the spectral theorem. Pure quantum states j i (roughly) are models of this propositional logic, but only specific projections are assigned true or false: if P^ j i = j i, then the proposition represented by P^ is true in the state j i; if P^ j i = 0, then the proposition is false in the state j i.