European Documentation
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1 european documentation a survey EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT Directorate General for Pari iamentary Documentation and Information t' In addition to the official acts published in het Official Gazette of the European Communities, the activities of the European Communities are reported on in publications appearing at regular intervals. Thus, the Commission of the European Communities puhli· shes a Monthly Bulletin on the activities of the Communi ties while the European Parliament issues a periodical Information Bulletin on its own activities. The Council of Ministers issues a press release after all its sessions. Its activities are also reported on in a spe cial section of the Bulletin of the European Communities. The Economic and Social Committee issues press releases at the close of its plenary sessions,' and its overall activ ities are reported on in a. Quarterly lnfonnation Bulletin. The Survey ofEuropeanDocumentation is intended to serve as a supplement to the above publications. It deals with salient features of the process of European integration taking place outside Community bodies. CONTENTS Part I DEVELOPMENT OF EUROPEAN INTEGRATION REACTIONS FOLLOWING THE CONFERENCE OF HEADS OF STATE OR GOVERNMENT AT THE HAGUE............................... 3 1. The European Branch of the International Confederation of Labour (ICL) (3-4 December) . • . 3 2. Statement by the European Movement (3 December)............. 4 3. Debate in the German Bundestag (3 December) . • . 6 4. Statement by the President of the Luxembourg Government, Mr. Pierre Werner, to the Chamber of Deputies (4 December) . 8 5. United Kingdom: debate in the House of Commons (December)... 10 6. Statement by the Irish Government (5 December) . • . • . 11 7. Statement by the US State Department (6 December) . • . 14 8. Monnet Committee meets in Bonn (15-16 December)............ 14 9. Belgium: oral question to the Chamber of Representatives (18 December) . • • • • . • . • • . • • . 16 10. Netherlands: debate in the Second Chamber of the States-General (23 December} . • • . • . 17 11. Questions in the Belgian Senate (14 January)................... 24 12, The Federal Council of the European Movement passes a resolu- tion (1 March) ........•.....•.........•......••....•.•. :.... 28 - 1/A- I. GOVERNMENTS AND PARLIAMENTS . • • • • • • • • • . • • . 33 Austria...................................................... 33 Problems of negotiations between Austria and the EEC (17 -25 February)....................................... 33 Belgium..................................................... 35 1. Agreements on regional and cultural co-operation with France (15 January) ....•.........••..••••.............. 35 2. Chamber of Representatives a) Examination of the Foreign Affairs budget - the prob lem of the younger generation - the election of Belgian members of the European Parliament - the EEC- Greece Agreement (11, 12, 17 and 18 February) . 36 b) The common agricultural policy (18, 19,24 March) . • . 40 3. Senate: revision of the Constitution and granting of powers to institutions established under public international law (24 March) •........••..••.•.•.....•............•••..•••... 43 Denmark . • . • • . • . • . • . • • • . • • . • • . 47 1. The accession of Denmark to the Common Market (25 Janu- ary) ...•..••..•••••.........••.....•..•••...•....•.... 47 2. Visit by Federal Chancellor Brandt to Denmark (13-14 February) ....••...••...••......•.••.•........•..••••.. 48 France . • • . • . • • • • . • • • . • • . • . • • . • • • • . • . • . • . 50 1. President Pompidou's radio and TV speech (15 December) .. 50 2. Mr. Pleven, Minister of Justice, and the powers of the European Parliament (29 January) ...........•....•..••.. 50 - 2/A- 3. Visit by Chancellor Willy Brandt to Paris (30-31 January) ..• 51 4. Comments by Mr. Jean de Broglie, President of the For eign Affairs Commission of the National Assembly, speak ing in Strasbourg, on European questions and in particular on the budgetary rights of the European Parliament (3 February) .•..••••..•....•.....•.•..••......•.••.•.•••.• 56 5. Foreign Affairs Commission of the National Assembly dis cusses negotiations with the United Kingdom (19 February) .. 57 6. Statement by Mr. Duhamel, Minister of Agriculture, on European unification (February) ••.....•.•.••........••... 58 Germany . • • • • • . • . • . • • . • • . • . • . • • • . • • . • . • • . • . 59 1. The Federal German Government advocates a common trading policy (17 January) ........•..............•.••... 59 2. German plan for phased implementation of the EEC econo mic and monetary union (23 February) ....•.•..•.....••... 60 3. Chancellor Brandt on the enlargement of the European Communities (27 February) ..•.•...••••.••.........•••••. 64 4. Official visit by the Swedish Prime Minister, Mr. Palme, to the Federal Republic of Germany (12-14 March) ....•.... 66 Italy.......................................................... 69 1. Italian foreign policy debated in the Senate (17 December) ... 69 2. The Senate debates Italy's policy on the Common Market (15-22 January) ........•......•............•.........•.. 72 Luxembourg . • . • • . • . • . 77 The plan for a monetary union presented by Mr. Werner, President of the Luxembourg Government (23 February) . 77 - 3/A- Netherlands o o o o o o o o o o o o •••••••••• o o o ••• o • •• o.... • • • • • • • • • • • • • 82 1. The Second Chamber of the States-General debates the EEC- Greece Association Agreement (12 February). 0 •••••••• 0 •• 0 82 2. Parliamentary questions - Uniform jurisdiction on customs matters within the Com- munity (2 February) 0 • 0 0 0 0 o o • o • o • o o •••• o ••••• o o o o • o o o • o 83 - EEC food aid programme (5 February) • 0 ••••• 0. o ••••• 0 0. 84 -Application of the principle of majority decisions in the Council of Ministers (19 February) 0 ••• 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0 0 0. 85 Portugal ••••• o o o o 0 o • 0 ••••••••••••••••• 0 •••••••••••••••••• o • • 8 7 Portugal proposes an 'Iberian EEC' (25 February). 0 0 0...... 87 88 The rapprochement between Spain and the Common Market (17 March) ••• o o •• o o o o. o o. o. o o ••••••• o o o o •••••••••••• 0 0. 88 United Kingdom . 0 0. 0 •••••••••••• 0. 0 ••• 0 •••••••••• 0 •• 0 0 0 •• 0... 89 1. Three statements by Mr. George Thomson on the United Kingdom and the Common Market (21 and 27 January and 17 February) o ••• o •••• 0 •• 0 0 o ••••••••••••••• o • o o ••••••••• 89 2. The Government's White Paper: Britain and the European Communities -An economic assessment (10 February) ••••• 93 3. House of Commons debate on the Government's White Paper on Britain and the European Communities (24 February) .••• 96 United States •• o •••••••••• 0 •••••••••••••••• 0. 0. 0 0............. 101 10 Ambassador Schaetzel: US-EEC relations (12 February and 23 March) .• 0. 0 0 0 0 •• •••••• 0 •••••• 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 101 - 4/A- 2. EEC in President Nixon's foreign policy report to Congress (18 February) ........................................ 103 3. President Pompidou answers questions on Europe during his visit to the United States (26 February - 13 March) .... 104 4. The dispute between the United States and the European Economic Community (March) .......•....••....• , ...••.. 105 II. PARTIES AND PR0l\1INENT POLITICIANS ..•.• , , . 109 1. The 3rd National Convention of the Democratic Centre and European policy (24-25 January) ...•..........•••........ 109 2, Mr. Malagodi, Secretary of the Italian Liberal Party, on the problems of European unification (27 January) .•••..... 111 3. Mr. V. Larock: political Europe or expansion of the Com- munity (10 February) .........•..•..........••.......... 112 4. The manifesto of the Radical Party (14-15 February) ..•... 113 5, Mr. Lecanuet comments on relations between Europe and the USA (24 February) ..........................•...... 115 6. The Italian Socialist Party and the common agricultural policy (18 March) ............•.............••.......... 117 7. Views of the Catholic People's Party (KVP) on European policy (March) .........................•............ , .. 119 III. ORGANIZATIONS AND GROUPINGS ........ , . • . 121 1. The Chairman of the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce calls for the introduction of politics within the Community and a law on stability for the EEC (31 December) .....••........ 121 2. Belgian workers favour a common policy for social pro- gress (January) ...............•...............•.•..... 122 - 5/A- 3. Joint statement by Italian trade unions on agricultural policy (20 January). 125 4. Poland would like to see a development of industrial co- operation with the EEC (29 January - 8 March) . 126 5. The agricultural policy programme of the Confagricoltura (General Confederation of Italian Agriculture) (30 January).. 127 6. General Confederation of Italian Industry on monetary prob- lems in the EEC (4 February) . • . • . 130 7. The Chairman of the Federal Association of German Banks advocates a Central Bank for the EEC (4 February)......... 131 8. Confederation of British Industry issues a further statement on entry into the European Communities (9 February). 132 9. Mr. Bonomi, President of the Farmers' Confederation, on the common agricultural policy (14 February).............. 133 10. The British Trade Unions express reservations about British entry into the EEC (23 February) . 135 11. The German Conference of Industry and Commerce (DIHT) warns against rigid planning of the EEC policy on energy supplies (4 March)...................................... 136 12. Proposal by the German Trades Union Congress