Smith ScholarWorks Geosciences: Faculty Publications Geosciences 1998 Bahamian Coral Reefs Yield Evidence of a Brief Sea-Level Lowstand During the Last Interglacial Brian White Smith College H. Allen Curran Smith College,
[email protected] Mark A. Wilson The College of Wooster Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Geology Commons Recommended Citation White, Brian; Curran, H. Allen; and Wilson, Mark A., "Bahamian Coral Reefs Yield Evidence of a Brief Sea- Level Lowstand During the Last Interglacial" (1998). Geosciences: Faculty Publications, Smith College, Northampton, MA. This Article has been accepted for inclusion in Geosciences: Faculty Publications by an authorized administrator of Smith ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact
[email protected] BAHAMIAN CORAL REEFS YIELD EVIDENCE OF A BRIEF SEA-LEVEL LOWSTAND DURING THE LAST INTERGLACIAL 'Brian White, IH. Allen Curran, and 2Mark A. Wilson 'Department ofGeology, Smith College. Northampton. MA 01063 2Department of Geology, The College of Wooster. Wooster. OH44691 ABSTRACT: The growth of large, bank-barriercoral reefs on the Bahamian islands of Great Inagua and San Salvador during the last interglacialwas interruptedby at leastonemajor cycleof sea regressionandtransgression. Thefall of sea levelresulted in the development of a wave-cutplatformthat abradedearlySangamoncoralsin parts of the Devil's Pointreef on GreatInagua, andproducederosionalbreaks in thereefalsequenceselsewherein the Devil's Pointreef andin theCockburnTownreef on SanSalvador. Minorred calicheandplant trace fossils formed on earlier interglacialreefal rocks during the low stand. The erosional surfacessubsequently were bored by sponges and bivalves,encrustedby serpulids, and recolonizedby corals of youngerinterglacial age duringthe ensuingsea-levelrise. Theselater reefal depositsformthebase of a shallowing-upward sequencethat developedduringtherapidfallofsealevelthat marked theonsetofWisconsinan glacialconditions.