Eleven Perish in Boating Tragedy

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Eleven Perish in Boating Tragedy June 15, 2012 The Abaconian Section A Page 1 VOLUME 20 NUMBER 12 JUNE 15th, 2012 Eleven perish in boating tragedy By Timothy Roberts Eleven people, including two chil- dren, perished when a boat heading to Florida developed engine trouble and sank in the area of Hawksbill Cays (just north of Fox Town) sometime close to 9pm on Sunday, June 10. Local police and rescue agencies were not alerted about the sinking until late in the afternoon on Monday as no one had reported it until a young man (a survivor that swam to shore) walked into the police station in Marsh Harbour around 3pm that day. It was reported by the survivor – a nineteen year-old male – that possibly as many as six other people swam to shore but they quickly disappeared into the night. According to Noel Curry, Abaco’s Officer in Charge, the young man attempt- ed to help a young lady swim to shore but she was swept away by a wave. He then fo- cused on getting himself to safety. He told police he swam from 9 pm Sunday evening until 3 am Monday morning. Mr. Curry said the police have since detained eight persons (including the survi- vor) who are assisting with the investiga- Please see Tragedy Page 2 Above: The Royal Bahamas Defence Force boat docking at the port during the evening of June 11. The vessel was carrying 11 bodies. All other missing, 12 in total, have been presumed dead. Lighthouse receives new Green Turtle Club hosts glass panels in lantern room sport fishing icon Thanks to the efforts of Abaco’s Port Department, the Bahamas Lighthouse Preservation Above: George Poveromo holds a dolphin caught just north of Green Turtle Cay during Society and other community members, the Elbow Reef Lighthouse has received new glass filming for his Salt Water Fishing Show which will air on NBC Sports in early 2013. Also in its lantern room. The new panes replace glass that was damaged by last year’s Hurri- cane Irene. Each custom made glass panel is crafted in South Carolina and costs as much pictured is Carl Grassi. Photo by Kevin Tierney of KTI Video Inc. as $1,000. The expense to replace every glass panel in the lantern room would be about $100,000. For more see page 14. By Timothy Roberts marine fishing, considers the Bahamian Bringing the spotlight to Abaco, and fishing grounds his favorite. more particularly, Green Turtle Cay, re- “I love The Bahamas; the variety of nowned angling authority George Povero- fishing is incredible here,” he said. “You Requested mo spent the first week of June fishing and have everything from bone fishing to reef Service Service filming for his show, George Poveromo’s fishing to offshore fishing. I’m a small Change Change Permit NO 4595 NO Permit World of Saltwater Fishing, which airs on boater and I love running my boat over WEST PALM BCH FL BCH PALM WEST Stuart, FL 34997 FL Stuart, NBC Sports on Saturday mornings. and to me there’s no better fishing waters.” PAID 5675 SE Grouper Ave Grouper SE 5675 US POSTAGE US Stuart Web Inc. Web Stuart The avid angler who also serves as Since coming to The Bahamas in PRSRT STD PRSRT The Abaconian The “Editor-At-Large” for Salt Water Sports- 1979 with his father he has fallen in love man Magazine, one of America’s oldest Renew your subscription before the expiration date shown in the label below. label the in shown date expiration the before subscription your Renew and largest publications on the sport of Please see Fishing Page 14 Page 2 Section A The Abaconian June 15, 2012 Central Abaco engaged in any kind of activity that is dan- Tragedy From Page 1 gerous like this. It is a terrible tragedy,” Island Waves organizes tion. They are currently searching for the he said. captain of the 25-foot vessel called “Cosy Mr. Curry urged people who are Time” (previously incorrectly reported as planning such trips to realize that lives cleanup campaign Glory Time) who will face charges relating have been lost and “we don’t want any to the deaths of the passengers. more lives to be lost due to them taking It is believed that the captain was unnecessary risks with theirs and others smuggling about 28 Haitian migrants, in- lives.” He advised anyone who knows of cluding nine children, five women and such a trip being planned to inform the po- fourteen men, into the United States. The lice so that they can prevent any further boat left the area of Farm Hill near Trea- loss and grief happening. sure Cay around 5pm on June 10. Search and rescue efforts were sus- 3rd annual Central pended on June 12 with the remaining 12 Abaco Lionfish Derby passengers presumed dead. According to Bahamas Police Assis- to be held tant Superintendent Loretta Mackey, the Royal Bahamas Defense Force along with Friends of the Environment is once assistance from the US Coast Guard who again holding their annual derby to catch dispatched helicopters from bases in An- the venomous lionfish that have been pop- ulating the Bahamian waters. Last year On June 9, two teams organized by the Island Waves Community Centre conducted a dros and Miami were involved in the ef- highway cleanup along S.C. Bootle Highway. Thirty six bags of trash were collected. forts. it was recorded that 2,957 lionfish were caught in the all-day event, and they are Mr. Curry said eleven bodies were By Canishka Alexander campaign originated with the New Vision, recovered including five children between hoping to have yet another successful year. The Captain’s Meeting and Late Reg- Through a partnership with Terry and that Island Waves wanted to network the ages of 8-10 years-old and six young and Derrick Benjamin of New Vision Min- and partner with organizations that are women between the ages of 18-24 years- istration will be held on June 22 from 5-7 p.m., and on June 23 from sunrise to 4:00 istries, Garnell Stuart-Limperes, founder already doing positive things in the com- old. Authorities are still working to iden- of Island Waves: Patti Limperes Creative munity. She said that they had a small, in- tify the bodies and to determine their le- p.m. the derby will be held. Once the derby has been completed Community Cultural Centre and C4 Stu- timate group out for the cleanup campaign, gal status. The bodies were brought in to dio, organized a cleanup campaign on a an awards ceremony and lionfish tasting Please see Page 5 Marsh Harbour just after 9 pm and were two-mile stretch of the S.C. Bootle High- Trash sent to Nassau just after 12am on June 12 will be held at 6:30 pm. First place winner will receive $1,500, second place $1,000, way on June 9. About 11 people assisted, for identification and processing. so they were split into three teams to cover The Abaconian’s The Minister of Foreign Affairs and and third place $500. Additional prizes will be distributed for largest and smallest the route. commitment still stands Immigration Fred Mitchell called the in- After three hours of picking up an cident a terrible tragedy, adding that the lionfish, plus $1 per lionfish up to 100 fish for any business or orga- for 4th place and below. assortment of litter between Bustick Bight government continues to warn individuals and an area known as Stink Pond, 36 gar- nization. If you organize about taking such dangerous risks. For registration forms please contact 367-2721 or info@friendsoftheenviron- bage bags were collected. a cleanup you will receive “Loss of life is always tragic. We Stuart-Limperes said that the cleanup keep saying to people that you shouldn’t be ment.com free ads. unitedabacoshippingco@coralwave.com June 15, 2012 The Abaconian Section A Page 3 Page 4 Section A The Abaconian June 15, 2012 June 15, 2012 The Abaconian Section A Page 5 Central Abaco Pilot Club hosts held over the weekend of May 19 and 20. marine biology field to become more in- Trash From Page 5 Those delegates were Paul Pinder – Presi- formed of their surroundings. They have fundraiser to attend dent, Augustine Williams, Luzena Dumer- about 8 students who attend, and they are and the exercise allowed them to get to international convention cy, Barbara Williams, Claudia Pinder and organized into different groups to match know each other better. Christina Lightbourne. At this convention their potential studies. Most importantly, volunteers were By Samantha Evans they discussed district business, elected given the opportunity to see firsthand the The Pilot Club of Abaco has been new board members and installed a new amount of trash that had accumulated on referred to as community-minded and, ac- governor. the verges that border the highway. cording to President Elect Augustine Wil- Pilot Club holds “We really need to have more of an liams, they are more focused that ever on installation and awareness of what’s going on in the com- making a lasting impact on the communi- FRIENDS launches munity. If everyone got involved and did ties on Abaco. initiation ceremony one cleanup project a year, I think that Twice monthly they host a yard sale Highway Litter would make a big difference,” said Stuart- in the area of the Mudd and Peas in front Awareness Campaign By Samantha Evans Limperes. of the old Ministry of Education Building. Six new members joined the Rain- Stuart-Limperes said that the goal They held a “souse-out” on May 26 at the By Erin Patterson bow Pilot Club of Abaco and four new is to have more organizations and groups residence of the president elect.
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