Map Depicting 2020 Hurricane Shelters North Abaco, The

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Map Depicting 2020 Hurricane Shelters North Abaco, The 77°48'20"W 77°36'40"W 77°25'0"W 77°13'20"W 77°1'40"W NORTH ABACO North Abaco Cays MAP DEPICTING N N " " 0 0 2 Walker's Cay 2 2020 HURRICANE SHELTERS ' Paw Paw Cays ' 3 Fish Cays 3 ° e ° 7 Marine Cay 7 NORTH ABACO, 2 2 THE BAHAMAS Pensecola Cay HC-AB-001 Grand Cay Big Hog Cay ¹º d[ Crown C! Mount LITTLE Haven T he Ba ha m a s ABACO d[ Hope Wood Cedar ¹º C! CAYS d[! ! ! Cay Harbour ! d[ COOPER'S ! TOWN d[ N N " Fox ! " 0 C! 0 4 ¹º 4 ' Town ¹º 1 ' 1 1 5 !C 5 ° S ° 6 .C 6 2 . B 2 O Nun Jack Cay O T LE H W Y ! Green Turtle Cay Legend Blackwood d[ !C C! 2020 Hurricane Shelters ! e d[ Settlements C! Whale Cay Public Clinics GRAND BHAMA ¹º Treasure ¹º Schools Cay N N d[ " ! Great Guana Cay " Docks 0 0 ' ' 0 ¹º 0 4 4 ° d[d[ ° e Airports 6 Scotland Cay 6 2 2 Roads Dundas S o urc es: M in. o f S o c ia l S ervic es, La nd s a nd S urveys Town Murphy d[ Man of War Cay Town ¹º M in. o f Wo rks, M in. o f Ed uc a tio n NEM A a nd BNGIS Centre C! Da tum : WGS 1984 d[ MARSH Plo t Da te: July 2nd 2020 Prepa red Fo r: Na tio na l Em ergeny M a na gem ent Agenc y HARBOUR (NEM A) Prepa red By: BNGIS Centre ! d[ d[ ¹º ! d[ d[ d[ Hope Town Chec ked By: Direc to r, BNGIS Centre ¹º !C C! ! C ¹º 0 1.5 3 6 9 12 e M iles µ K ilo m eters ! Spring 0 3 6 12 18 N N " " 0 Shelter No. Shelter Name Settlement City 0 S c a le: 1:382,000 2 2 ' ' 8 Fa ith Wa lk Churc h o f Go d , Co m m unity Tilloo Cay 8 2 2 ° 1 Co o per's T o wn Snake ° 6 Centre 6 2 d[ Cay 2 S helter Listing m a y b e sub jec t to c ha nge. The Marls Y W H O C A B A Little Harbour T A T he Ba ha m a s Na tio na l Geo gra phic Info rm a tio n S ystem s (BNGIS ) Centre E R 2nd Flo o r T he Pro fessio na l Centre, Ea st Ba y S treet G ! • P.O. Bo x S S – 5194 • NAS S AU , BAHAM AS T elepho ne: (242) 604-2026 Em a il: b ngisc @b a ha m a s.go v.b s 77°48'20"W 77°36'40"W 77°25'0"W 77°13'20"W 77°1'40"W M issio n S ta tem ent: T o Pro m o te, Ed uc a te, Co o rd ina te a nd Ad va nc e the Pra c tic a l a nd Effic ient use o f Geo spa tia l T ec hno lo gies in T he Ba ha m a s T he Ba ha m a s Na tio na l Geo gra phic Info rm a tio n S ystem (BNGIS ) Centre will no t b ea r the respo nsib ility fo r a ny ina c c ura te d a ta pro vid ed to it fro m a genc ies a nd /o r the pub lic /priva te sec to rs. M o tto : Geo spa tia l T ec hno lo gies a wind o w to o ur future c o nnec ting U sers/ rec ipients o f geo -spa tia l info rm a tio n fro m the BNGIS Centre will rec eive d a ta "a s is". T he Go vernm ent o f T he Co m m o nwea lth o f T he Ba ha m a s, its o ffic ia ls, em plo yees, a gents, tem po ra ry peo ple in a nd a ro und T he Ba ha m a s wo rkers a nd c o ntra c to rs m a ke no wa rra nties o f a ny kind inc lud ing, b ut no t lim ited to , wa rra nties o f a c c ura c y, fitness fo r a pa rtic ula r purpo se a nd the rec ipient/ users right to use. © GOVERNM ENT OF T HE COM M ONWEALT H OF T HE BAHAM AS.
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