1 Appendix 3. Photographs Taken in the Bahamas During the First USDA

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1 Appendix 3. Photographs Taken in the Bahamas During the First USDA 1 Appendix 3. Photographs taken in the Bahamas during the first USDA expedition to the Caribbean Islands on board Utowana. Photographs are arranged by island. Photo Description Islands1 Date Fairchild Fairchild Dorsett Trop. Bot. Trop. Bot. (1936)4 Gard.-photo Gard. scrap or negative2 book3 Men from Cat Island in small boat. Boat of natives of Cat Island that CI 4-Jan-32 7901 14 (19D); 20 came to rescue us thinking we were in distress. They asked us to tow (40 middle them back with our launch right) Landscape, View in Arthur Town CI 4-Jan-32 57656 (92) Artocarpus incisus. Seedless bread fruit tree. Dr. David Fairchild CI 4-Jan-32 57657 (95) examining the tree and Mr. Toy collecting fruits on the ground Croton eluteria. Cascarilla. Mr. Brown, agricultural instructor CI 4-Jan-32 57658 (95) Phaseolus sp. white bear [bean] CI 4-Jan-32 57660 (97) Musa sp. A banana plant growing in a pot-hole CI 4-Jan-32 57661 (97) Achras sapota. “Lady Finger” sapodilla CI 4-Jan-32 57663 (98) Achras sapota. So called “Lady Finger” sapodilla fruit CI 4-Jan-32 57664 (99) Mr. Brown holding sweet cassava on Cat Island. It is startling how CI 4-Jan-32 7845 14 (3B) 57659 (96) much food the big starchy roots of a single cassava plant will produce in a small " pot hole" on the rocky soil of Cat Island in the Bahamas. With cassava and pigeon peas, nobody could starve. Termite nest on Cat Island (for Dr. Snyder Nat. Museum) CI 4-Jan-32 7847 14 (3D); 20 57662 (98) (40 bottom right) Pseudophoenix sargentii. “Hog-palm” CI 4-Jan-32 7856 14 (7C) 57665 (99) Citrus sp. E 10-Jan-32 57705 (139) Achras sapota E 11-Jan-32 57723 (150) David Fairchild and termite nest at Gun Point. Termite nest for Dr. E 11-Jan-32 2862 14 (17D); 20 57724 (150) Snyder (41 top left) 2 People greeting the arrival of The Shamrock at Eleuthera. Guests at E 10-Jan-32 7878 14 (13A) 57703 (138) the landing when we called at Eleuthera Bluff aboard the "Shamrock" David Fairchild inspecting the last surviving orange tree on E 10-Jan-32 7879 14 (13B) 57704 (138) Eleuthera. Last surviving orange tree left from the attack of the Blue Grey Fly (Black Fly) which fifteen years ago killed practically all the oranges in this settlement. View of elevated portion of house on Spanish Wells. Post apparently E 10-Jan-32 7880 14 (13C) 57706 (139) made of 60 years old mahogany View of main street on Spanish Wells E 10-Jan-32 7881 14 (13D) 57707 (140) View of homes along main street of Spanish Wells E 11-Jan-32 7882 14 (14A) 57708 (142) Typical house on Spanish Wells. Apparently the carpenter's trade E 11-Jan-32 7883 14 (14B) 57709 (143) here has been handed from father to son for some 200 years or more Houses on main street of Spanish Wells E 11-Jan-32 7884 14 (14C) 57710 (143) Typical house with fence on Spanish Wells E 11-Jan-32 7885 14 (14D) 57711 (144) Close view of an attractive house on Spanish Wells E 11-Jan-32 7886 14 (15A) 57712 (144) House on Spanish Wells E 11-Jan-32 7887 14 (15B) 57713 (145) Family next to fenced house on Spanish Wells E 11-Jan-32 7888 14 (15C) 57714 (145) Young onion plants growing on Eleuthera Island after land has been E 11-Jan-32 7889 14 (15D) 57715 (146) cleared Rocky cleared land at Gun Point. Note the rocks and how the land is E 11-Jan-32 7890 14 (16A) 57716 (146) cleared. This is crown land and no rent is paid for it. David Fairchild inspecting cleared land, Crown Land, at Gun Point. E 11-Jan-32 7891 14 (16B) 57717 (147) This shows a typical Spanish Wells farm or trucking area Clearing Crown Land at Gun Point. Clearing land for trucking across E 11-Jan-32 7892 14 (16C) 57718 (147) from Spanish Wells Mr. Newbold holding cassava at Gun Point. Mr. Newbold holding a E 11-Jan-32 7893 14 (16D) 57719 (148) recently pulled up plant of Abraham cassava Mr. Newbold posing with Annona squamosa, sugar apple tree at Gun E 11-Jan-32 7894 14 (17A) 57720 (148) Point 3 Mr. Newbold posing with fruiting banana plant at Gun Point. Plant E 11-Jan-32 7895 14 (17B) 57721 (148) growing in a pot hole Mr. Abraham standing by an old sapodilla tree on crown land. This E 11-Jan-32 7896 14 (17C) 57722 (149) land is cultivated by Captain Robert Pinder, skipper of small launch we came on to Spanish Wells a day or two ago. Gun Point Distant view of Gun Point E 11-Jan-32 7897 14 (18A) 57725 (151) The harbor at Spanish Wells. A charming little harbor behind the E 11-Jan-32 7898 14 (18B) 57726 (151) mangroves at Spanish Wells View of Spanish Wells from the water E 11-Jan-32 7899 14 (18C) 57727 (152) Outdoor baking oven at Spanish Wells E Unreported5 7928 Coccothrinax sp. [C. inaguensis] GI 15-Jan-32 57735 (164) Coccothrinax sp. [C. inaguensis] GI 15-Jan-32 57736 (165) Coccothrinax sp. [C. inaguensis] GI 15-Jan-32 57737 (165) Coryapantha nivosa growing on practically solid coral lime stone GI 15-Jan-32 57738 (166) rock Coryapantha nivosa GI 15-Jan-32 57739 (166) Capparis cynophallophora GI 15-Jan-32 57740 (167) Mr. L. R. Toy collecting seeds of Stylosanthes hamata GI 15-Jan-32 57741 (167) Mr. L. R. Toy collecting seeds of Capparis cynophallophora GI 15-Jan-32 57742 (168) Opuntia nashii GI 15-Jan-32 57743 (168) Land and Water-scape. This is said to be the camping grounds of GI 15-Jan-32 57745 (169) “Fillimingos” Coccothrinax sp. [C. inaguensis] GI 15-Jan-32 57746 (170) House in Mathew Town GI 15-Jan-32 57747 (170) Red lichen bands on tree trunks GI 15-Jan-32 7314 14 (20A); 20 (40 bottom left) Savannah scrub in dry season. In summer 18 inches of water cover GI 15-Jan-32 7315 14 (20C) this savannah Red lichen on Mimusops tree. The lichen forms broad bands on light GI 15-Jan-32 7316 14 (20B); 20 bark. May cause citrus disease. Salt Pond Hill (43 top right) 4 The Great Lake on Great Inagua where the flamingos are GI 15-Jan-32 7317 14 (20D); 20 accustomed to feed. Not a "Fillimingo" in sight (43 middle left) Joewood tree Jacquinia keyensis on old geologic sand dunes. Mr. GI 15-Jan-32 7318 20 (43 Wm. Darville, the guide, posing. He kills fish with the pounded leaves bottom of this tree. He takes a bushel of twigs & crushes them in a mortar & right); 14 puts these in a sack & puts the sack in water. The fish are killed as (21A) soon as they touch the green water he says Prosopis juliflora shading a street in Matthewstown GI 15-Jan-32 7319 14 (21B) Hulling sorghum on Great Inagua. The conditions of life in Great GI 15-Jan-32 7320 14 (21D) Inagua are about as they are on the Gold Coast. There are buckets and boxes and tin cans, but the blacks still grind their grain, sorghum, in a handmade wooden mortar with a handmade wooden pestle, and make brush fences as their ancestors did generations ago The so-called street of Mathewtown GI 15-Jan-32 7321 14 (19B); 20 (40 top left) Trailing vine like Guilandina but said by Wm. Darville to bear scarlet GI 15-Jan-32 7322 20 (40 top beans. See bot. specimen. A hold back bean said to bear scarlet right); 14 seeds (21C) Road to NE of Mathew Town on Great Inagua GI 16-Jan-32 7919 14 (22A) 57728 (161) Ford car stopped on the road to the lower savannah, while Loomis GI 16-Jan-32 7920 14 (22B) 57729 (161) attempts to find a fix for the engine Exogonium flowers and tuber on Great Inagua. En route to lower GI 15-Jan-32 7921 14 (22C) 57730 (162) savannah View of fresh water lake on Great Inagua, portion of the Savannah to GI 15-Jan-32 7922 14 (22D) 57731 (162) the northward from Mathew Town which flamingoes are said frequent. It is known as the Avanales near Mathews Town View of a portion of the Savannah on Great Inagua, where are said, GI 15-Jan-32 7923 14 (23A) 57732 (163) flamingoes to come to feed. Savanna’s Salt Pond Hill in the background The Savannah on Great Inagua, or large fresh water lake where are GI 15-Jan-32 7924 14 (23B) 57733 (163) said, flamingoes come in large numbers. Salt Pond Hill in the background 5 View along main street of Mathew Town GI 15-Jan-32 7925 14 (23C) 57734 (164) View of typical house in Mathew Town. Looking out at sea. It is a GI 15-Jan-32 7926 14 (23D) 57748 (171) rather typical view in the village Fresh water lake home of flamingos. NE of Salt Pond GI 15-Jan-32 7927 14 (23E) 57744 (169) Coccothrinax sp. [C. inaguensis] M 29-Mar-32 58309 (671) Coral lime-stock rock M 29-Mar-32 58310 (672) David Fairchild examining a palm that was killed by fire M 29-Mar-32 16 (80D)6 58311 (672) Landscape. Also coral limestone M 29-Mar-32 58312 (673) David Fairchild holding on edge of the many small thin limestone M 29-Mar-32 16 (80A) 58313 (673) rocks Swietenia sp.
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