Bahama Islands
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I E I I I I I r l ii tj a T REPOR T ON I THE CENSUS h U OF TIIE F BAHAMA ISLANDS la TAKEN ON lHE 25th APRIL, 1943. ( i o t tl ] NASSAU, NEW PR,OYIDENCE {D t PEINTBD AT TIIIi OTTTCE otr' I'IIE NAASAI] GUANDIAN' T]'I'D. I 1943. t I I * I - - I REPOR T ON THE CENSUS t OF THE BAHAMA ISLANDS TAKEN ON THE 25th APRIL, 1943. I o aI { NASSAU, NEW PR,OVTDENCE: rirtYIDD ar fEE orrrco oF .'TEE NABsao GrraaDraN''. 1943. - 2 6. The percentage of each sex in relation to the total population in quinquenniai groups is shown below: Males, Females. Total. Males. Females. Total- Under 1year...... 965 947 1912 1 40 1 38 2.18 From 1-5...... 3979 3912 7S91 5 5 11 .,16 5 10-.. 4377 4359 8736 6 36 6 12.69 10 15. 3761 3782 7543 5 46 5 49 10.95 15-20... 3014 3617 6631 4 38 5 963 J 20 25... 2909 3695 6604 4 22 5 959 25-30. 2850 6042 4 14 4 64 8.73 30-35. 2202 2585 4787 3 20 3 75 6.95 35 -40... 1718 2198 3916 50 3 19 5.69 40-45 . 1291 1758 3049 1 88 4.44 45,50. 1020 1518 2538 1 48 2 2t 3.69 50 55. .. 958 1343 2301 1 39 1 95 3.34 55-60... 922 1068 1990 1 34 1 55 2.89 60-65... 880 1603 1 05 1 65 ?0... 1190 0 81 0 Over 70... 1111 1854 1 08 1 61 269 Not stated 122 259 0 20 0 18 0.38 32124 36722 68846 46.67 53.33 100.00 T.rnr,n II. 7. A quinquennial statement o{ ages of persons li\-ing in each of the districts of the Colony will be found in Table II. This table shows a preponderance of females in nearly every group. Attention may be directed to the following results of an examination of certain figures in this Table and the correspond- ing Tables t'or 1931 and I 921 . 1. In 1921, 16.3 per eent of a1l ehildren in the Colony under 5 years of age were resident in New Providence;in 1931, 27 .4 per cent; in 1943, 37.5 per cent. 2. The percentage of the children of school age, i.e., from 5 to 15 years, in New Providence has risen from 19.0 in 1921, 25"7 in 1931 to 35.0 in 1943. 3. Of persons betweon the ages of 15 and 25, it:, 1921 29.2 per ceut were found in Nev- Pror.idence; in 1931. 39.4 per cent; in 1943, 48.4 per cent. 4. In 1921, Nerv Providence contained 24.4 per eent of the population oI the Colony; in 1931, 33.0 per cent; in 1943, 42,7 por cent. 5, The population of the Colony, not including the tempor- ary absentees, has increased by 44.7 per cent in 52 years. The population o{ New Pror.idence has increa.sed by 126.5 per cent in 22 years. Lon g erity . (a) The smaller islands eontain the highest proportion of clderiy persons, amounting to 10 per cent for males and 13 per eent for females over the ag'o of 65 years. In New Providence only 2.5 per cent of the males and 3.6 of the fema,les eome within this age g?oup. (b) Fivo contenarians,2 widowers and 3 widows, were recorded in the Census. One is resident in Now Providence, two reside in Eleuthera, and the tv-o oldest, a widow of 109. and a widower of 110, at Cat Island. I Norr.-\\'hen the number of temporary absentees referred to at the end of paragraph 3 above is added to the totals for New Providence in Table II the figures beeome 14,714 males and lii;45.0.f emaies, a total of 31,164. I a I a REPORT ON THE CENSUS OF TIIE BAIIAMA ISLANDS. 1. T.he twelfth Census of the Bahama Islands was taken on the night of the 25th April, 1943, in accordanee ri.ith The I Census Act (Chapter 82). 2. The Tables prepared are as follows: 1. The population of districts and chie{ towns, occupations, birth-places, education, houses. 2. Ages of the population of oach island in cluinquonnial groups showing tho sexes. 3. Population of various districts ilr 1931 and'1943 with in- crease and decrease. 4. The condition of the population as to marriage in quin- quonnial gToups. 5. Areas, families and population of each distriot with pro- portion of inhabitants to square mile and avorago number of persons in each house. 6. The affiieted and diseased. 7. Races. 8. Religions. I . 3. The estimated population of the Colony, up to the 25th April, 1943, based on a, calculation of the excess of births over deaths and of immigration emigration amounted to 71,850, or 12,022 moro than was ascertained at the Census of 1931. The present Census shol.s an actual increase of 9018, leaving 3004 persons to be accounted for. Shortly be{ore the taking of the Census, 1,226 males and 547 females leIt New Pro.r.idence to undertake agTicultural work in the United States of America. When thesJare taken into account tho estimated population is 1,231 greater tlian tho populat ion shown Lry the Census. ,1. The actual population as finally determined am.ounted to 68,846, being made up of 32,124 males and 36,722 fem.ales. l-his gives 100 males to 114 females, that is, g7 males to 100 females, or a total excess of 4.5g8 females. The proportion of ma,los to the total population is 46.66 per centum and that of the fema,les is 53.34. 'Iho preceding census gave males 46.55, females 53-45 per centum. It may bo remarked that in the districts of Bimini and Inagua {emaies are in a minority. Under 10 years of age, females aa:e in a minority of 103. 5. The follorving table giv'es the Census returns from 1g3g ,) to 1943. Increase or Decrease Inerease or Dectease Year, Population. per decade: per centuml lnctease. Decrease. Incr€ase. Deoerse- 1838 21194 1845 26491 4697 1851 27 5L9 1028 3.88 1861 3548? 7968 28.95 I 1871 39162 3675 10.35 1881 4352t 4359 11 .11 1891 47 565 1044 I .29 1901 53?35 6fi0 12.9'.1 1911 55944 2209 4 .11 192t 53031 5 ,49 1931 59828 6797 12.81 1943 68846 9018 (12 yeaB) 16.07 I I EI I - L. t REPORT ON THE CENSUS OF'T}IE I BAHAMA ISLANDS. 1. The twelfth Census of the Bahama Islands was taken on the night of the 25th April, 1943, in accordance with The :.. Census Act (Chapter 82). 2. The Tables propared are as follows: 1. Tho population of districts and chiof towns, occupations, birth-places, education, houses. 2. Ages of the popu-iation of each isla.nd in quinquennial groups showinE the sexes. 3. Population of various districts in 1931 and 1943 with in- crease and dec,rease. 4. The condition of the population as to marr.iage in quin- quennial groups. 5. Areas, families and population of each district with pro- portion of inhabitants to square mile and avorage number of persons in each house. 6. The affiictcd and diseased. /. (aces. 8. Religions. 3. The estimated population of the Colony, up to the 25th April, 1943, based on a calculation of the exeess of birth* ,r-". deaths and of immipJration over emigration amounted to 71,850, or 12,022 more than was ascertained at the Census of 1931. The present Census shows an actual increase of g01g, leaving 3004 persons to be accounted for. Shortly belore tho taking o{ the Census, 1,226 males and 5rtr7 females le{t New Pro r,idence to undertake agricultural work in the United States of America. lVhen these are taken into account the estirnated population is 1,281 greater than the population shown by the Census. 4. The actual population as finally determined am.ounted to 68,846, being made up of 32,124 males and 36,722 fema,les. This 100 males to 114 females, that is, 87 males to 100 females, or a total excess of 4.5g8 fema,les. Tho proportion of malos to the total population is 46.66 per centum and that of the fomales is 53.34. The preceding census gave males 46.55, femaios 53.45 per centum. It may be remarked that in the districts o{ Bimini and Inagta females ar.e in a minority. llnder 10 years of age, females are in a minority of 103. 5. The following table the Census returns from 1&3g to 1943. ,i Increase or Decrease Increase or Decrease Year. Population per decade: per centumi Increase. Decrease, Increase. Decrcase. 1838 21794 1845 2U9t 4697 2t .22 1851 27519 1028 3.88 1861 35487 7968 28 .95 I 18?1 39162 3675 10.36 1881 4A52r 4359 11.11 1891 47565 4044 9 29 1901 53735 6170 72 97 I 1911 55944 2209 4 11 192L 53031 2913 5.49 1931 59828 6797 12.81 I 1943 68846 9018 (12 years) I 15.07 I T i 2 - 6. The percentage of each sex in relation to the total population in quinquennial groups is shown belorv: Males.