TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1961 NUMBER 19 ASC Students Fraternities Continue Rush Named To Head Activities; Hold Many Parties State Newmanites Four rush parties were held last week by D elta Chi, Tau Kappa Epsilon. Delta Sigma Phi, a nd Sigma P1. ~h.e formal rus~ees were Three ASC Newmanites were requi1·cd to attend all of the partJes to be eltgtble for pledgmg. named to state offices at the Ari­ The Blue Fla me Room was the setting for the Delta Chi Ru h zona Pro·vince Newman Conven­ tion held on the ASC campus Fri­ Party which was held last Mon- nity. Paul Hodges who is also day-Sunday, Feb. 24-26. Steve day at 7:00 · George ~ates, pres- president of I.F.C., conducted a Otto was named chairman of the ident of the fratermty opened question and answer period pro\'inee, Alice O'Neill, recording festiviti~s with a sho.rt speech after the talks. Refreshments secretary, and Joanne Babbitt, concermng _the frat~rmty were served afterwards. ment and Its functions. A fllm . . . Icor responding secretary. depicting fraternity life was On Wednesday mght, S1gma Pi Father William Allison, chap­ shown. Parker Sutton gave a cri- held , their rush party at Dean lain of the ASC Ne,vrnan Club, tique of the film and then asked Rolle s ~om e. Don Wolslagle, was named chaplain for the Ari- for questions from any who were v~ce president, open~d the eve­ zona Province at the convention. in doubt. The rest of the party mng's party. The beliefs. and Db­ The theme of the convention consisted of informal conversa- jectives of the fraterruty were was "The Campus Apostolate lions between the active mem- given. Jim Schmidt, social man­ in Newman" and a main high­ hers and the rushees. ager, then gave a rundown ot light was the second annual Delta Sigma Phi held its the functions which have been Mardi Gras held Saturday eve· rush party the following eve- hel~ and_ the plans for activities ning from 8:30 to 12:00 in the ning in which various facets of whtc~ Will be h_eld. ~en Al!ord Women's Gym. fraternity life were explained explamed the fmanctal obhga. to the rushees. Uoyd Campbell tions of becoming a member. Reigning as king and queen of wa.s the master of ceremonies. Dean Rolle gave a talk on what the ball were Karl Klee and Kar­ He turned segments of the par· was expected of fraternity men en Evans. Other members of the ty over to a number of the ac· ?n campus. At 7_:00, the form~­ MARDI GRAS ROYALTY - Karl Klee and Karen Evans were court were Ken Dilley, Charlotte tive members who gave short rty of the meetmg ended With named king and queen of the annual Newman Club Mardi Gras Salinas, John Hirsch, Norma talks concerning the advan. punch ~nd c~ke being served. festivities last Saturday night. in the women's gym. The Mardi Chiriaco, Bob Canez, Margaret De tages of belonging to a frater. Small d1scusston groups assem- Gras was one of the highlights of the Arizona Province of New­ Hererra, Bill Meier, Sheri Ins­ bled at which time the rushee's man Clubs convention held on the ASC campus during the keep, Jim Inhelder, Pat McKee, asked questions concerning fra· weekend. Ste•·e Otto, and Alice O'Neill. ternity life. The t heme of the Mardi Gras Tri Delt" sInitiate · was "Winter Wonderland." Wal· Tau Kappa Epsilon held the ter Barr and his band provided final rush party in the Social Playmakers To Pick Production Crew the music for the dance. Center Friday evening. Short Six New Members talks were given by Dan Harri· The following schools crt. son, president, Ken Lincoln, Jer· tended the convention: Arizona Delta Delta Delta, national so- ry McCamley, and George Taw- For Shakespeare's 'Richard Ill' State University; University of cia] sorority, initiated six new ser. When the talks had been Arizona; Eastern Arizona Jun. members in formal ceremonies completed, the rushees were ask­ Committees for the production '·Richard nr· will be cho>en ior College: and Phoenix Col. Saturday, Feb. 25. ed if they had any questions con- tonight at a meeting of the Playmaker<; at 7:30 in the auditorium. lege. They are Kathy Brown, Jo Da- cerning the functions of fraterni- Amone interested in seJTing on committees for the play should . . . miani, Pat Mason, Georgia Mild· ties. Refreshments were served. attend the meeting or see Mr. Holly, the director. Dt_gmtanes who attended the felt, Marilyn Paulson, and Penny IThe remainder of the party con­ Parts have been assigned tor------­ comentJOn were the Most Rever · Stapleton. sisted in informal conversations the male actors in the group. Bob E 1 i z a b e t h, King Edward's ends, . Francis Green, bishop of I Named as the outstanding between the members and the Riner will portray Richard; Steve queen: Linda Lambert as Mar· the DJOcese of T_ucson; and B~r- member of the pledge class was rushees. The rushees were given Sacco will be C'ast as the Duke of garet widow of Henry VI: Ruth nard Espelag€', btshop of the DIO· Pat Mason who was presented an opportunity to inquire about Buckingham; Gary Redman plays Avots as the Duchess of York Pcesel oGf Galllups; PandhRelve_rends with the t;aditional Delta Delta any facet of the fraternity they King Edward IV. who is murder· and Lejean Keenan as Lody au .opau . . ., c ap am at I D lt 1 d b Th so desired ed by Richard. William Morrow the University of New Mexico· e a P e ge racelet. e brace. , · Anne. Frederick Curry, chaplain at the let b~ars the names of the out. All rushees who went to the portrays Edward, P r i n c e of of A; Frederick McAnich, chap- pledges of past years four rush parties are qualified Wales; Paul Polasky is Richard, Bob Jones has been appointed u stan~mg IS Stage ~ranager and Gary Red­ lain at Phoenix College; and Wil- and handed down from han. to state their preference to the Duke of York; Tom Myers is Jiam Lynch, chaplain at ASU. oree to honoree each year. of their choice. In- George, Duke of Clarence. man will sen·e as Technical Di· f~~ernity The Honorable Robert Proch- Als~ honored for outstanding diVJdual partieso will be held Also Ron Terrill i.s Henry rector now, state senator from Coconino work. m. the pledge class was Jo this week by the various fra· (later King Henry VII). Earl County, addressed the rJewman- Damlam. , . . . ternities to familiarize the Misak Will play John Howard, ites at a banquet Saturday eve- Saturdays Imitation climaxed rushees even further. Duke of Corfolk; William Mor· ASC To Host High ning. the sorority's "Delta Week" dur- Any person desiring to learn row Will double as Earl of Sur· ing which pledges completed more about the fraternities on rey; Larry Lybarge as Earl Biv· 1School Music Festivar their requirements before be- this campus is invited to come to ers, brother to Elizabeth; coming active members. Also the I.F.C. office which is located Bill Walls as Marquis of Dor· ASC will play host to over 400 ASC Dellaters Place during the week, active members in the College Union Building. set. son of Elizabeth; Paul Po· outstanding high school music acted the part ot "blg sisters" lasky doubles as Earl of Ox· students ~larch 10, 11. In Tucson Contest and "secret sisters," each be­ SENIOR ANNOUNCEMENTS ford: Robert Powers plays Lord Leading choir and Band stu- stowing favors on the pledges or Seniors are reminded that Rastings; Bon Gon.shak por· dents will attend the convention I The ASC Debate Team took "little sisters." ' the graduation announcements lrcrys Lord Stanley; Stephen to rehearse with noted band, or- fourteenth place in competition Identity ot the "secret sisters" should be ordered at the Book· B11rrf.s Is cast as Lord LoveL chestra and choir directors. with 25 other schools in the Des- was revealed during a breakfast store from February 8 to Feb· Ir.~l udPd in the cast are Bill Pat Curry. ASC music insruc- ert Invitational Speech Tourna­ at the Hotel Monte Vista preced­ ruary 28. Payment for the an­ Wan, who doubles as Sir' Thorn· tor is in charge of thcalifornia. This was th~ third The mockmg d1splay at the basketball game proved that :: · ::PUs. nar and all other bl teA!IIfed time ASC has entered the tourna­ ..,_tifr them crt the Book· ment. group of students, we cannot even be consideTed in th ' h' ~ 1rlndow. people. AclmiuiOD Is free. school age group. e •g Tuesday, Feb. 28, , Page 2 LUMBERJACK 1 01 Or. Butchart Attends I ASC Featured In Music Magazine; CAMPUS FORUM Science Meeting Dr. J. Harvey Butchart, aca­ Also In Educational Travel Booklet demic chairman and professor of A Sounding Board for mathematics attended a special Mu ic imtruction at ASC was feature?, i~ the bac~ cover a~. meeting called by the National ti emt>nt of the February-Ma~ch Jssue of F1eld and Fa,ctory," ojfl­ Science Foundation Institute in cial publication of The 1\:urhtzer Co:npany, DeKalb. ld. Student and Faculty Opinion Washington, D.C., recently. The same informat1on concernm~ the ASC rmmc Jnstructioa Nearly 70 per s o n s from · the January-Feb- also appears m . .. the brochure gives thls 8 throughout the at­ ruary "Piano Gmld Notes. ment: "Forty-one days land tate- Poem of Challenge tended the meeting to screen Poem of Thanks The advertlseme~t represef!ts gram visiting England H In poetry form, but not blank some 300 proposals concerning lro. Listen my young ones and you verse, the National Science Founda· ASC music education case h.~s- Belgium Germany S..,;i tz~rland, tory from the files of the Wurht- Italy, France. shall know, A message I must convey tion's In-Service Institute for the a~d ·Features~ Of the battle between two To You Dean Rolle, A word of 1961-62 acade.>mic year. Dr. But­ zer Com:pany. It tells of the ~: its to 'some out-of-way' pla~ mighty foes. thanks chart was the only person from the musJc faculty, headed by th~ Arrangements by American-In. Arizona to attend the three-day Eldon A: Ar~rey, has mahde of ltl- ternational Travel Service, 'l'ut. A tug of war between two rivals For punch and cookies that electromc p1ano and t e mu son, Arlz. Price: $1295 was held in afternoon nigh, day. meeting. piano monitor system. On one side all fraternities The help you gave IFC, the Other advertisements will ap- strong, on the other Delta Chi. lending pear in the "Music Educators The start of the contest, the jerks, Ol your fair house, J urn a 1 , " "Music Jou;nal," then smoothing force, The cooking superb, the punch NEW FURNITURE 0 Make Back then forward, hands slip- terrif Our "Arnerlcan Music Teache.>r' and ping, oh rope so very coarse. Thanks to Dean Rolle's Spouse. 15 N. 'Beaver "1\~usart." Leatherc oft Strong Delta Chi unites its The helping hand you gave to ASC is also featured in an at­ Your strength and progresses strong. the Greeks, USED FURNITURE tractive brochure concerning Ed­ Hobby ucational Travel in 1961, pub­ Pulling with strength unused to Was appreciated by one and all 418 E. Sa71ta Fe For All Supplies them, with rhythm of a song. With men like you to help our lished by the Western States Strength at each end is the same, great cause Everything for a Home Council on Educational Travel. numbers quite alike, How could we ever fll.ll? In the section devoted to travel "DOC" WILliAMS Combined in forces so very A letter of thanks written this in Europe, the travel seminar di­ strong, they begin to test out way HARPER rected by Dr. Lawrence A?ler of SADDLERY mite. Is quite a tasky chore, the ASC English faculty IS fea- I Clb E. Santa Fe PR 4-2JOI An inch is lost, then a foot-hold So, if you will pardon my poor FURNITURE CO. tured. fast our strength let's fuse, excuse, Concerning Dr. Abler's seminar The little anchor man is fearful ; rn not write much more. we are beginning to lose. In conclusion Dean Rolle, our Another foot, another yard; then gratitude we give, on up the scale, For your help the past few Delta Chi, how so respected, will weeks. this day fail. Now I'll stop, I'm getting carried Our first man is pulled across, away, So- the second follows soon, Thanks from all the Greeks. The land we once held is becom- The poor poet of Delta Chl ing an empty empty room. So ends the story of the war that Movie Schedute faetfu1 winter day, But Delta Chi will have its re- The movie schedule for the venge--others will surely pay. second semester, college year We challenge you Greeks to ev- 1960-61. began with "Johnny erything-the word is drive, Guitar," shown -o_n Fe.>bruazy 5, drive drive.> Iwhich was the k1ck off for the We all must' pledge more, do annual ASC Snow Carnival. Oth­ more show more--for these we ers to be featured are: all ~ust strive. Les Girls, March 5. This little poem is written In You For Me, March 19. haste and obviously poorly The Opposite Sex, farch. 26. done Fort Dobbs, April 9. But if the Greeks catch the mean- ~ My Man Godfrey, April 23. ing the battle is already half From Here To Etemlty, May 7. I wo~. "The Eddy Duchin Story" on The Poor Poet of Delta Chi May 14, will climax the movie schedule for the year. MAN OF THE MONTH Although problems such as , sound defects, film breakage, All men students are re­ and changing of film reels have minded that under the Associ­ temporarily arisen at \•arlous ated Men Students By-Laws of times, the movies. on the whole, 1960, nominations for "Man of have been successful. Th e.>y have the Month" can be made ''bT been widely attended and enjoy- I letters from the members of ed by the students at ASC. 1 the Associated Men Students The farther smoke travels every month" (Section A., Ar· Ucle I). Air-Softened, the milder, the cooler, Men of the month are chosen ORDER the H tastes for their outstanding contribu­ smoother tion to the campus during each TROPHIES AND AWARDS month of the school year. Dur· ing the last two weeks of the BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE . Spring term, an election is held to decide the "Man of the SEE Year." AU nominations should be stated In a letter with the JAY ARMER event or contribution of the nominee. Address all letters to Rm. 219 C.U. Associated Men Students CU' Box 366, ASC. T IS ONE!S The college's own THE TIMBER INN - offers tantalizing SATISFIE fountain treats: Give yourself all the breaks. Try Chesterfield K ing choco4ate sundaes your next coffee break. Every satisfying puff shakes and matts is Air-Softened to enrich the flav or and make it mild. also Special porous paper lets you draw fresh air into de-licious hamburCJers the full king length of straight Grade-A, 1op-tobacco. Join the swing to We also serve good inexpensive breakfasts for the late risers

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