BC Hunting and Trapping Regulations Synopsis
.*1l' 'rtl !rt::,:::1 li 'a ', t , , .&ge.r ,;.1 '.3f'":i' #7/ , 4? f,l :':,1;] ':"'ffi :,ftj'.i,@*- 1 \ ' HCTF SURCHARGES SUPPORT A WIDE VARIETY OF CONSERVATION PROJECTS foir..,.,*..;@ I ,9#* :.. '.,&'*j""l t:::*...:.... '...-4..:.ra!#: ?' f'F:.' t www.env. g ov.bc. ca lw Id .'iffi$i* ffi fitt+*i* Land and Air Protection (MWLAP) Web Ministry of Water, lage . CORE examiners lisl) (containi access to BC Hunting andTrapping Regulaiions Synopsis and BCWildlife Federation wwwelp. gov. bc.ca/wldl il Enquiry BC Branch HQ For more information on the hunting and trapping regulations, call a MWLAP Regional Offce,Wildlife Victoria,orthe Conservation Officer"Service'usin!the numbers listed in the regional portions of the synopsis' Simply call Enquiry BC and Enquiry BC can provide toll free access to provinlial government telephone numbers' request a transfer to the number you wish to call: fromVancouver ... .660-2421 fr.omVictoria .3S7-6 t 21 il . r -800-663-7867 in BC . elsewhere (WILD) Observe, R.ecord, RePort r-800-663-9453 to report fish, wildhfe and environmental offences otherthan those involving salmon . Ea,UENEL HUNNNG INFORMATION il Afticles SectiON B Park .'. A Message from the Director ofWildlife " " " " '2 National & Provincial Restrictions,,. "'71 21 Bull MooleAntler Regulations ... '. ' "25 Municipal Bylaws. '.. 21 lmportant Notice to all Mountain Goat Hunters . " "26 AccessReslrictionstoWildlife '...... - .""" 27 Saiety Guidelines for Hunters in Bear Country' .' . "''40 HighwayNoShootingAreas . HabitatConservationTrust Fund '. ' ' ' "41 PoisessionandTransportation. "'. "'27 ThreatenedCaribouListing . .'.''''''63 Exportfromthe Province ' ' ' ' ' '73 il ..... 24 ChronicWasting Disease . ' " " '77 c.i.rr.s. Muskwa-Kechika Management Area ' . "85 TaxidermyTanningand Meatcutting '. ',24 DesignatedWildlife ', 24 Section A - nuunue REcuurlous ATootf,forTruth .,'"25 MajorRegulationChanges2001-2002 .' ""'2 Don't Support lllegal Hunting .
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