Let the Contest Begin CSUN Computer Labs Makes

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Let the Contest Begin CSUN Computer Labs Makes DAILY California State October 21.1988 University, Northridge Volume 33. Number 29 CSSA-malces campus life easier for students ByWILLEMKNIBBE CSSA chair AUtaon Weber said, reeigned aa chair, dting "per- staff had vs. the powers the board StaffWriter "We work on two fronte: ta ttie had,"heexidained. ChanceUor's office to keep on top Tbe CSSA's IxMurd d directors Much d the staff haa changed, CSUN studenta ooce agata have d aiiat is going on with studente te compoeed d tbe A.S. presidoit leading to CSUN's retavolvement an active vdce ta the Califomta snd the boud of trustees. or sn appdnted representative with the organization, he said. State Studenta Assoctattoo. the "(We abo) tabby, sponsor and from each d ttie 19 CSU cam- A.S. Preddent Lynn Westtund CSU system-wide lobbying support or oppose various bUto" puaea, Carbaugh said. said. "We first began to par­ organisstton, according to CSSA before the Califomta Legistature. Tbere ta atao a fiveiierson tidpate because I wanted to see Legislative Director Terri Glen Hamilton. CSSA pnifessiaoal staff tocarry out tbe whst ttie CSSA ta aU about." Carbau^. representative from Dominguez board d director's lobbying She said she attended a CSSA Tbe Assoctated Studente voted lOUs. ssid ttie CSSA alao serves agenda, she said. transitional meeting ta June and en Oct. 11 to begta paying duee to aa "a forum for student A.S. Vice President Mark tataed witti CSSA staff and has tbe organisation, maUng CSUN a repreaentatives" to discuss Miner said CSUN stopped par­ since attended aU d the monthly voting monber on the CSSA qiedfic campus problems and tidpating because "we had some meetingB. board of directors, Carbaugh possildesotations. problems with the CSSA ta the "We (ttie A.S. Senate) voted to ssM. CSUN left ttie CSSA tast year past. pay half the dues because I fdt The CSSA "represente the ... when Laine HedwaU, then A.S. "We had a real problem with ttiat ttie CSSA te a worthwhile studente ta the CSU system," she preddent and chair of ttie CSSA, the way the mganization was dkta't pay CSSA dues and bdng run with the powers the Ptease see CSSA. page 3 ^YNN WESTLUND J'. -' 1988 Homecoming Court picked; Let the contest begin By SHELLY QRIPHN programs? What role does for them. kinesiology snd physical Theta Chi and Kurt VaUtancourt, StaffWriter alumni |day. and what should it 'To be willing to put yourself education from Club a Junior majoring ta qieecb be? tato that podtion, you have to Med / Physical Education communication from the The 1968 Homecoming Ckxirt Other criteria for Judging in­ have put a tot d ttiought tato it," Majors dub; JuUe Marie Rems, Residoit Student Assoctation. has bera selected, and it u now duded community tavdvement, hesaid. a Junior majoring ta Uberal CSUN studente wUl choose ttie up to the atudant body to dedde personaUty, schod spirit and The selection committee studies from the Deaf CSUNtans winners on the Associated who wUl be CSUN's 30tti An- academic achievement. stresses individusUty. and RockeU "Rocky" Stilea, a Studnnte election baUot, Nov. 1 dveraary Homecimiing King and "It te reaUy an honor to go "We want Uiem to be Uie best sedor majoring ta busineas and 2, by voting for tbeir favorite Queen. throui^ the whote proceas and be ttut ttieir individual skUta and , admintetration from S.O.B.E.C. candidatea. Tb become a member d the choaen as king or queen" by the tatereste aUow tbem to be," Candidatea for king inchide Tbe winners wiU be announced taxnecoming court, each d 30 studente, Jemison said. Jemiaon stressed. Michad Anderson, a Jtnior during half-time at the apidicante waa tatorviewed by Jemison said that by ninning Tbe members d thte year's majoring ta Uberal studiea from Homecoming footbaU game. The ttie Homecoming Court Selection for Homecoming King and Homecoming Court include the Deaf (SSUNtans; Robert game, which matcbea CSUN (XMnmittee, and the taterviewing <)ueen, the contenders will get a queen candidatea Nancy Dunbar, Hartung, a senior nuijoring ta against Cal State Sacramento, proceas was nd an easy one, said chance to eStabUsh a strong sense a Junior majoring ta psychdogy speech commudcations fnxn wUl begta at 7 p.m., Nov. 5 at Uie Activities Coordinator Anthony d self identity. from Alpha Omicron Pi; Hdly Lambda Cbi Alpha; Fred Kreger, North Campus Stadium. Jemiaon. "We aU have an idea d our­ Hddridge, a Junior majoring ta a senior majoring ta business Homecoming festivities begta (luestions asked during the sdves," he said "but running for EngUsh Uterature frmn Alpha admintetratioo ttom Zeta Beta Oct. 31 wiUi Uie Battte d Uie selection procees induded: What Homecoming givea the studente a Ctd Omega; Lori Pedersoo, a Tau; WaUd Sabeagh. a senior Bands ta ttie Udverdty Student are your vteions d CSUN ta ttie chance to prove to themadvea senior majoring ta paychdqgy majoring ta marketing/finance Udon Northridge Center, from next few years? Whst are some d what ttiey are really capabte d. from ttie CSUN Women's Student from S.O.B.E.C; J. Todd 8:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. and end wita the strengths and weatmeases d Tbey also gd the support and Lesdership Network; Valerie Stanford, a sedor majoring ta an awards presmtation foUowing our academic and athtetic approval d the atudente who vote Reed, a senior majoring ta environmental studies from the game on the footbaU fidd. CSUN computer labs makes studying easier ByNANCYHEWUT studente use^ the s|H«ad sheet StaffWriter program," said Chrtetopher Salea, inatructional computer Writing term papers snd consultant at the (}<Mnputer programming six«ad sheete haa Center. Theae taba are located ta never been eader, now that Sierra SouUi 302 and ttie ttiird various personal computer and floor d the South Library. Both mainframe ctxnputer terminate taba contata IBM clones, which and printers are avaUable are inexpensive IBM compat Ibte throughout campus. computers made ta Korea or According to Christopher Taiwan. Salea, instructional computer About three weeks ago, eight coQBultant at the campus Mactatoah Plus personal cem- C^Mnputer Onter, computer user puters With one disk drive eich worlcrooms are open for student were ad|ded to the computers use ta tbe South Library, third avaUabte on the fourth floor d floor; Ovtatt Ubraty, ttiird and Ovtatt Ulvary, Sales said. Ac­ fourth floora; Sierra .South, cording to JournaUam semor Rob rooma 302 and 355; Engineering Johnson, the terminate are used BuUding, rooma 126 and 127. heavify, eapedaUy during rush Computer workrooms for hour which starte about ll a.m. faculty indude: Engineering He uses the Mactatoah peraaaal 1Z7A, Sierra Soutti 300 and computer for preparli^'^mm\ Monterey HaU 301. papers and said ttie Mactatoahea STEFANIE SCARBOROUGHAteHy Sundial "The (Computer Center haa two aeon to gd slightly higher usage. "micr»taba" which are used "As you can see," he said predominately for word Tom Nguyen tal<es advantage of the Oviatt Library's computer lab to work on an English processing, although some Ptease see LABS, page 4 assignment. Next to him, Rashmi Choksey uses the computer for pre-law review. BBgOff CattliigttCloM Motorcycle cops should leave CSUN alone CSUN stays in playoff picture with win over and go back to the streets. Chapman, 2-1. I aee Opialea, MB* 8 Pieaae aee Sperta, page 8 2NEWS/Friday. October 21.1988 Daily SundMl CAMPUS CALENDAR Upcoming CSUN SaMng Ck* — We win be having a camp out at Mc ....«„ «,r-™-w - "The Barber of Sevlle," the Rossini State Park. The cost is $4 per peraon, per night plus an wj. Today comedic opera based on the Beaumarchals play, opens Oct. ^ i $3 per vehicle. Bring your own gear. We will meet at 530 p ml at 8 p.m. In the Uttle Theatre of the Speech-Draa Building. onOct. 22 in Oxnard in parking tot C-15. ' • Tickets can be purchased through the A.S. box office at the ' — IEEE (alactrteal and electrontos engineers) Is tiaving Its south end of the Speech-Drama Building from 9:30 a.m. 3 Studant Spaadi CoMimanlcattona Aaaaetotion — "Picnic \ general twdy maating at noon, Oct. 21 In ENG 139. The guest p.m. on weekdays or order by phone with your credit cards by your Prof." at noon, Oct. 22 at Northridge Park, Bring ] speaker will ba Jotm Arany. calling 885-3093. Ticket prices are $9 general admission, main meal-salads and t>art>eque condiment will be provit $6.50 for faculty and staff and seniors on Tuesday and Free for paid SSCA members, $3, for all other guests. Call 3 , — A mandatory meeting, ttie most Wednesday and $4.50 for students. 1285 or 999-2748 for more Informatibn. important of ttw semaster will tw tiakl at 1 p.m. Oct. 21 In SS241. For more Information, call Oat>bie Atwell at (805) 253- Student Asaootattoa of Btack Cewamailcatois — We 2377. ! CathoNc Newman Cantar — A Discussion of a Gosoel passage having a meeting on Oct. 22 at 1 p.m. in the USU Sti 9nd its modern day meaning will be held at 7 p.m. Oct. 21 at the Lounge to formally meet officers an* members, organii — We are presenting Graduate Sctiool Newman Center followed by a potiuck dinner a slideshow of last committees, collect dues and set times for workshops such i Information Day from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Oct. 21 in Founders weekend's retreat at 7:30 p.m. For more information, call resumes, etc. Square. Representatives from 30 sctiools will tie participating. David at 886-1044 weekdays from 10-2 p.m.
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    University of Wollongong Thesis Collections University of Wollongong Thesis Collection University of Wollongong Year The linguistic function of Cantonese discourse particles in the English medium online chat of Cantonese speakers Yin-Ting (Stephanie) Wong University of Wollongong Wong, Yin-Ting (Stephanie), The linguistic function of Cantonese discourse parti- cles in the English medium online chat of Cantonese speakers, MA-Res thesis, School of English Literatures, Philosophy and Languages, University of Wollongong, 2009. http://ro.uow.edu.au/theses/812 This paper is posted at Research Online. http://ro.uow.edu.au/theses/812 The linguistic function of Cantonese discourse particles in the English medium online chat of Cantonese speakers A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree Masters of Arts - Research From University of Wollongong by Yin-Ting (Stephanie), Wong Faculty of Arts, school of School of English Literatures, Philosophy and Languages 2009 CERTIFICATION I, Yin-Ting (Stephanie), Wong declare that this thesis, submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of Master of Arts (by research), in the school of English Literatures, Philosophy and Languages of the Faculty of Arts, University of Wollongong, is my own work unless otherwise referenced or acknowledged. The document has not been submitted for qualification at any other academic institution. Yin-Ting (Stephanie), Wong 24 April 2009 i ABSTRACT Recent technological developments have given rise to a form of communication via the Internet known as online chat. This medium of communication has resulted in a language revolution, at least in Hong Kong where people communicating via the internet have adopted a new variety of language.
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