
Date / Time Direction Party Description Extraction Phone Type 6/1/14 2:46 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy are you okay Michelle SMS Messages 6/1/14 3:36 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Not really why Michelle SMS Messages 6/1/14 3:47 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Because tell me Michelle SMS Messages I'm just having a hard time with food again and losing 6/1/14 3:48 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages weight and it makes me really upset I wish you had my problem and I had yours, because we 6/1/14 3:49 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages both wouldn't have a problem I kinda figured out the main reason of my depression and 6/1/14 3:49 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages anxiety in past 6/1/14 3:50 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What do u mean? Michelle SMS Messages And we would both still have a problem haha it would just 6/1/14 3:50 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages get switched no because you would be able to take care of it and I would 6/1/14 3:51 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages too 6/1/14 3:51 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy How? Michelle SMS Messages 6/1/14 3:52 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I have social anxiety Michelle SMS Messages I know you do and I wish you didn't. There's no need to. 6/1/14 3:53 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages What exactly are you afraid of? 6/1/14 3:56 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I try so hard for ppl to like me and ppl don't Michelle SMS Messages 6/1/14 3:57 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Well I like you Michelle SMS Messages 6/1/14 3:58 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I know Michelle SMS Messages 6/1/14 3:58 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I've learned a lot about myself over the last few days Michelle SMS Messages And maybe you shouldn't try so hard. Just let it come naturally. Not everyone is gonna like you, you have to realize that. You can't please everyone. Just live your life 6/1/14 4:00 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages not worrying about what people think of you and keep the people who do like/love you and care about you close, because they are the only ones who matter 6/1/14 4:00 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy And really like what? Michelle SMS Messages Yeah I've heard it many times, I don't know how to believe 6/1/14 4:04 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy it though, I want to be like normal but what I learned is that Michelle SMS Messages I have to accept who I am. so I 6/1/14 4:04 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy don't get depressed about who I'm not Michelle SMS Messages I know what you mean like I try to make everyone like me too. To be honest I don't even have like a friend group or anything that I hang out with, I'm just like friendly to everyone and I don't really hang out with people alot outside of school. But I know who my friends are and I know they love me as much as I love them. I know u have certain friends that love you too and support you, and if u 6/1/14 4:10 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy don't then you will find them. But I'm so happy that you Michelle SMS Messages realized that Conrad that's great and so important. Like you're absolutely right. If u don't love yourself and accept yourself for who u are, then no one will. This is the first step in getting people to like you. If your confident with yourself and can accept who you are, then all the people who don't accept you can go suck a fat one because u don't need them in your life You are normal, you just have a harder time talking to people. Its not a bad thing and you'll fix it in time. But being 6/1/14 4:12 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages different isn't a bad thing. I'm different haha and I have issues but I can aaccept that because it's who I am you don't like compare yourself to others ? because I do 6/1/14 4:15 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages but I can't help it 6/1/14 4:16 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy No I do all the time Michelle SMS Messages 6/1/14 4:17 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy like what do you think about it Michelle SMS Messages Well I compare myself in a different way than you probably. But I like compare my body to theirs and stuff because I'm obsessed with like body image. Like I get really jealous of skinny and fit girls. But I also compare myself I guess to like my friends and people I know yeah. I think "why can't I 6/1/14 4:21 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages be as pretty and funny and smart and stuff as them" and "why don't people wanna hang out with me" because like people tell me they love me and they'd wanna hangout but they never make an effort to. So I always think like "why am I not good enough" exactly, like people are my "friends" but never ask me to 6/1/14 4:39 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy hang out. and if I ask the people to hang out I feel it would Michelle SMS Messages be awkward and I just don't try t o hang out with people, the only person i really chilled with 6/1/14 4:39 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy is tom, so it's like there was never a friend group for me Michelle SMS Messages and it still gives me a hard tim ve really high standards for myself and when they don't 6/1/14 4:39 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages work out I get sad e that's why I had to leave Fitchburg today, I wasn't 6/1/14 4:39 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy comfortable and I'm feeling depressed again, and feels Michelle SMS Messages like everythings switched around. like i ha Yeah I know exactly what u mean haha we are very similar this is like the story of my life. Like yeah I have "friends" but they never really ask to hangout. Like some do occasionally but the majority of the time they don't. And yeah I feel like if they wanted to hang they would ask. I say that all the time but sometimes u just gotta face your fears and ask. I've asked lately and it surprised me like people do wanna hangout. Sometimes they feel the same way about asking you. So you should try! The worst they will 6/1/14 4:51 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages say is no. But I understand completely why it's hard and upsetting. You feel alone and like no one likes you I get it. I feel that way a lot, like no one cares. But people do care about you Conrad. You know that. So try asking someone to hang out, go to a Sox game or something fun. I'd go to a game with you if you want. Like I'd honestly hang out with you whenever, all you got as do is ask. And you left Fitchburg? You were so excited to go? Why was it uncomfortable? yeahhh because I like was with toms friends and I was 6/1/14 5:01 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy quiet and didn't know what to say, like they were nice I was Michelle SMS Messages just uncomfortable. just like in the p 6/1/14 5:01 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy ast I get jealous. Michelle SMS Messages 6/1/14 5:02 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeah I know what u mean. So did u go home? Michelle SMS Messages 6/1/14 5:02 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy yeah Michelle SMS Messages 6/1/14 5:02 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy So you're not gonna go back ? Michelle SMS Messages 6/1/14 5:03 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy No probably not I'm starting my medication again Michelle SMS Messages Okay well I'm happy you're starting you're medication. Is it 6/1/14 5:04 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages for depression? I've lost so many opportunities because I'm really shy and it 6/1/14 5:06 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy gets me upset just thinkin about it. like I know I need to Michelle SMS Messages face my fears but I don't want t o get all depressed about not being able to talk to 6/1/14 5:06 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages strangers and communicate Are you scared that people will judge you? And 6/1/14 5:07 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages automatically not like you? I just feel like they didn't like me but didn't wanna be mean 6/1/14 5:09 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages about it cause I'm toms friend idk 6/1/14 5:10 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Wby did u think they didn't like you? Michelle SMS Messages 6/1/14 5:12 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy idk I was quiet and seemed different Michelle SMS Messages You only feel that way and do that to yourself because you don't put yourself out there. Accept who u are and let it shine. Show them who you are, they'd like you. By being 6/1/14 5:14 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages shy and quiet , they obviously think you're not confident and boring. You gotta speak up and have fun, be yourself. They'd like you 6/1/14 5:15 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I kinda could tell tho Michelle SMS Messages See that's what you don't get about social anxiety, it's 6/1/14 5:20 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy extremely hard to open up because you draw a blank and Michelle SMS Messages think of so many things at once and it's 6/1/14 5:20 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy just uncomfortable Michelle SMS Messages 6/1/14 5:21 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm sorry I'm trying hard to understand I really am Michelle SMS Messages 6/1/14 5:21 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm trying to help you Michelle SMS Messages 6/1/14 5:22 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy No i really appreciate your help I'm just saying idk Michelle SMS Messages Read this article--- 6/1/14 5:23 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy http://m.helpguide.org/articles/anxiety/social-anxiety-social- Michelle SMS Messages phobia 6/1/14 5:25 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy omg where did you find Thai Michelle SMS Messages 6/1/14 5:25 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy this Michelle SMS Messages 6/1/14 5:25 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I researched it for you Michelle SMS Messages well I have been looking and haven't seen that one thanks 6/1/14 5:26 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages I'm gonna read it 6/1/14 5:28 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay good tell me what you think of it after Michelle SMS Messages well is says to face your fear of social situations, but I didn't 6/1/14 5:36 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages I left.... So next time when you're in a social situation that you're 6/1/14 5:38 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages uncomfortable in, breathe and stay there 6/1/14 5:38 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Face your fear. You can do it Michelle SMS Messages and I felt like I needed to get away so I don't get really 6/1/14 5:39 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages depressed again the thing Is I was living with them. so I would have to stay 6/1/14 5:39 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy in the social situation with limited break. and even the first Michelle SMS Messages night there I couldn't sleep Have you thought about getting professional help? Like I think I'm gonna go away to a place for my eating disorder to help me overcome it and stuff. The place also deals with 6/1/14 5:42 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages phsyciatric problems and disorders too so they can help you over some this. I think it will really help you. And we can go together so we will be there for each other 6/1/14 5:45 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy where are you going ? Michelle SMS Messages Its called McLean hospital in Belmont Mass. I honestly think it would be so good for you and we would get thru our issues together. Think about it. You aren't gonna get better 6/1/14 5:48 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages on your own, you know it no matter how many times you tell yourself you are. You need professional help like me, people who know how to treat it and fix it 6/1/14 5:51 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy when u goin Michelle SMS Messages I have to talk to my parents about it tomorrow after school. Idk what to tell them yet. So if I tell them tomorrow they will 6/1/14 5:52 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages probably bring me sometime this week like Thursday or Friday probably? Idk I'll let you know. So soon, you in?

6/1/14 5:53 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Let's get better and fight this together, let's do this together Michelle SMS Messages 6/1/14 5:54 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy How do you know they are gonna let u Michelle SMS Messages They will. My mom knows I've been having a hard time with 6/1/14 5:55 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy food and stuff and she said that if I just say I need help she Michelle SMS Messages will get it for me. And I know this place will help 6/1/14 5:56 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy how many days you plan on stayin Michelle SMS Messages I'm planning on 2 to 3 weeks. I wanna be back before July. 6/1/14 6:06 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy But for you it depends how long it takes you to get better. Michelle SMS Messages Probably the same amount of time I'm guessing 6/1/14 6:23 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Conrad? Michelle SMS Messages 6/1/14 6:34 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy yeah I'm on a run Michelle SMS Messages 6/1/14 6:42 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Oh well what do u think Michelle SMS Messages I probably won't, I'll just try to learn how to start 6/1/14 7:03 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages conversations and keep them No you won't. You say you'll do it on your own and u say 6/1/14 7:04 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages you'll get better but you won't and you know it 6/1/14 7:12 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Please come Michelle SMS Messages 6/1/14 7:28 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I don't need anyone else tellin me what to do Michelle SMS Messages I'm sorry I just really think it will help you Conrad. I don't 6/1/14 7:30 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages want you feeling this way anymore. I want you to be happy 6/1/14 7:38 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I know you don't the medication will fix it Michelle SMS Messages 6/1/14 7:38 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I've been off it that's why Michelle SMS Messages 6/1/14 7:38 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Idk I'm just scared Michelle SMS Messages 6/1/14 7:58 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Why are you scared Michelle SMS Messages For you. I'm scared for you that you aren't gonna get better 6/1/14 7:59 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages and you'll become suicidal again and stuff :/ please don't mention it, I've thought about that once in 4 6/1/14 8:00 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages days and I know it's not an option 6/1/14 8:00 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay good I'm sorry. Promise me right now that you wont Michelle SMS Messages 6/1/14 8:01 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy No there's no way. Michelle SMS Messages 6/1/14 8:01 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Thank you Michelle SMS Messages 6/1/14 8:06 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy it just upsets me sometimes Michelle SMS Messages 6/1/14 8:07 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'll be here to help you get thru this Michelle SMS Messages 6/1/14 9:21 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You Okay? Michelle SMS Messages 6/2/14 12:38 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy yay Michelle SMS Messages 6/2/14 8:40 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Heyy Michelle SMS Messages 6/3/14 5:33 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What's wrong Michelle SMS Messages 6/3/14 6:20 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy nothin Michelle SMS Messages 6/3/14 6:21 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Your tweet says otherwise Michelle SMS Messages 6/3/14 6:21 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy lol Michelle SMS Messages 6/3/14 6:21 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What Michelle SMS Messages 6/3/14 11:25 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy a what Michelle SMS Messages 6/4/14 8:36 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm going on monday Michelle SMS Messages 6/7/14 9:40 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy your going Monday ? Michelle SMS Messages 6/7/14 9:42 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yup Michelle SMS Messages 6/7/14 9:43 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy congrats Michelle SMS Messages 6/7/14 9:43 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm nervous Michelle SMS Messages 6/7/14 9:43 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy But thank you Michelle SMS Messages 6/7/14 9:43 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy you'll be fine Michelle SMS Messages 6/7/14 9:46 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I hope so. I'll talk to you for support when I need it Michelle SMS Messages 6/7/14 9:48 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy how many days Michelle SMS Messages 6/7/14 9:50 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I don't know yet but I'm thinking like 3 weeks Michelle SMS Messages 6/7/14 9:51 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Damn Michelle SMS Messages 6/7/14 9:52 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I know Michelle SMS Messages 6/7/14 9:53 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy u can have ur phone ? Michelle SMS Messages Without a camera but mine has a camera. So I don't know 6/7/14 9:53 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages what to do 6/7/14 9:54 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy hide it in Michelle SMS Messages Haha I wanna like put tape on it or something. I literally 6/7/14 9:55 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages can't go without it 6/7/14 9:56 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy tape will not disguise the phone Michelle SMS Messages 6/7/14 9:57 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy It will disguise the camera Michelle SMS Messages 6/7/14 9:57 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy whatever you say Michelle SMS Messages 6/7/14 9:59 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Or nail polish Michelle SMS Messages 6/7/14 9:59 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy keep dreaming Michelle SMS Messages 6/7/14 10:00 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I do Michelle SMS Messages 6/7/14 10:02 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy do you remember Michelle SMS Messages 6/7/14 10:02 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Rmemebr what Michelle SMS Messages 6/7/14 10:04 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy dreams Michelle SMS Messages 6/7/14 10:04 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I don't have dreams Michelle SMS Messages 6/7/14 10:07 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy BS Michelle SMS Messages 6/7/14 10:08 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy It wasn't bs at one point Michelle SMS Messages 6/7/14 10:12 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy when Michelle SMS Messages 6/7/14 10:12 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You know what I'm talking about Michelle SMS Messages 6/7/14 10:13 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy :) Michelle SMS Messages 6/7/14 10:22 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Haha it's not happy Michelle SMS Messages 6/7/14 10:37 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What's up Michelle SMS Messages 6/7/14 10:37 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy bored Michelle SMS Messages 6/7/14 10:38 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Same Michelle SMS Messages 6/7/14 11:54 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Why didn't you tell me that you graduated? Michelle SMS Messages 6/10/14 9:29 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy hey how's it goin Michelle SMS Messages 6/11/14 6:06 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle Michelle SMS Messages 6/18/14 9:30 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I got my phone so text me on this today Michelle SMS Messages 6/18/14 11:19 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy where are you Michelle SMS Messages 6/18/14 11:21 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Still there but my mom dropped my phone off Michelle SMS Messages 6/18/14 11:24 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy can I visit you ? Michelle SMS Messages I would love for you to but it's really far away and I may be 6/18/14 11:27 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages coming home Friday! 6/18/14 11:33 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeah haha but we should hangout soon when I get back Michelle SMS Messages 6/18/14 11:37 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy if I don't end up in the hospital haha Michelle SMS Messages Are you gonna go!? Im so happy you said that like I want 6/18/14 11:39 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy you to go I think it will help you so much. And I'm gonna Michelle SMS Messages visit you as much as I can :) 6/18/14 11:48 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy If that's okay? Michelle SMS Messages 6/18/14 12:07 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeah haha Michelle SMS Messages Okay good. Are you actually going to get help? Go to 6/18/14 12:08 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy where I went its the best hospital in Massachusetts for any Michelle SMS Messages kind of physicatric problem 6/18/14 12:15 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy what's it called Michelle SMS Messages McLean. Its in Belmont Mass. Its honestly such a great 6/18/14 12:16 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy place and I'm so confident that it will really help you. I'll visit Michelle SMS Messages you a lot too 6/18/14 12:31 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Ohhh maybe Michelle SMS Messages 6/18/14 12:31 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Maybe what Michelle SMS Messages 6/18/14 1:43 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle Michelle SMS Messages 6/18/14 1:59 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Sorry I had a therepy group and lunch Michelle SMS Messages 6/18/14 2:06 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy But I really think you should babe Michelle SMS Messages I don't even feel like it. it's probably gonna make me worse offI don't even feel like it. it's probably gonna make me worse offI don't even feel like it. it's probably gonna make me worse offI don't even feel like it. it's probably gonna make me worse offI don't even feel like it. it's probably gonna make me worse offI don't even feel like it. it's probably gonna make me worse offI don't even feel like it. it's probably gonna make me worse offI don't even feel like it. it's probably gonna make me worse offI don't even feel like it. 6/18/14 2:23 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages it's probably gonna make me worse offI don't even feel like it. it's probably gonna make me worse offI don't even feel like it. it's probably gonna make me worse offI don't even feel like it. it's probably gonna make me worse offI don't even feel like it. it's probably gonna make me worse offI don't even feel like it. it's probably gonna make me worse offI don't even feel like it. it's probably gonna make me worse offI don't even feel like it. it's probably gonna make me worse offI don't even feel like it 6/18/14 2:23 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy How would it make you worse? Michelle SMS Messages 6/18/14 2:24 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Conrad do you really think you can get better on your own? Michelle SMS Messages 6/18/14 2:25 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I need a therapist, that's it and the medication will help Michelle SMS Messages 6/18/14 2:27 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I feel like you need more than that Michelle SMS Messages Like a therepist will help yes but I think McLean will really 6/18/14 2:27 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages really help 6/18/14 4:07 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You don't agree? Michelle SMS Messages 6/18/14 4:40 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I don't know what's good for me at the moment Michelle SMS Messages 6/18/14 4:40 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'll give you time to figure it out Michelle SMS Messages 6/18/14 4:57 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy can we talk on the phone Michelle SMS Messages 6/18/14 4:58 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy About what? Michelle SMS Messages 6/18/14 4:58 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I just want to talk Michelle SMS Messages 6/18/14 4:58 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay when haha Michelle SMS Messages 6/18/14 5:00 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy asap Michelle SMS Messages 6/18/14 5:01 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay Michelle SMS Messages 6/18/14 5:03 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy let me know Michelle SMS Messages 6/18/14 5:04 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You can call Michelle SMS Messages 6/18/14 5:04 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy At like 7:30 Michelle SMS Messages 6/18/14 5:04 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy now? Michelle SMS Messages 6/18/14 5:19 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy At 7:30 Michelle SMS Messages 6/18/14 7:04 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy ok Michelle SMS Messages 6/18/14 8:54 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Way to call me Michelle SMS Messages 6/18/14 10:07 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Conrad Michelle SMS Messages 6/19/14 8:25 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy yes Michelle SMS Messages 6/19/14 9:41 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Why didn't you call Michelle SMS Messages 6/19/14 10:12 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I just didn't feel like it Michelle SMS Messages 6/19/14 10:13 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay, are you okay? Michelle SMS Messages 6/19/14 10:14 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy no. not at all Michelle SMS Messages 6/19/14 10:19 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay talk to me what's wrong Michelle SMS Messages 6/19/14 10:37 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Conrad Michelle SMS Messages 6/19/14 11:05 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy what Michelle SMS Messages 6/19/14 11:09 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What's wrong Michelle SMS Messages 6/19/14 11:14 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy can you talk on phone ? Michelle SMS Messages 6/19/14 11:14 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy like seriously Michelle SMS Messages Ummmmmm idk I'm not supposed to have m.y phone right 6/19/14 11:15 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages now but I'll try in a little while 6/19/14 11:15 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I really need to talk. it's urgent Michelle SMS Messages 6/19/14 11:17 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy 1 is the the earliest I can talk babe I'm so sorry Michelle SMS Messages 6/19/14 11:21 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Hang in there Michelle SMS Messages 6/19/14 12:47 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy okay Michelle SMS Messages 6/19/14 12:47 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'll be waiting Michelle SMS Messages 6/19/14 12:49 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy 1:30 actually sorry Michelle SMS Messages 6/19/14 12:50 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy ughhh Michelle SMS Messages 6/19/14 12:50 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Sorry I'm in group Michelle SMS Messages 6/19/14 12:53 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy okay Michelle SMS Messages Conrad I don't think I can like I have to go to a group and 6/19/14 1:34 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy then I have snacks at 2:45. But I have free time at 3:30 so I Michelle SMS Messages can call u then is that okay? 6/19/14 4:10 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I tried callin Michelle SMS Messages 6/19/14 4:44 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I can still text Michelle SMS Messages 6/19/14 4:49 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I need to tell u something Michelle SMS Messages 6/19/14 4:50 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy what Michelle SMS Messages 6/19/14 4:54 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy ??? Michelle SMS Messages I didn't know you liked me that much before and I'm so sorry that I ditched you a lot. I should of realized what I had when I had it. The reason why I ditched you so much was because I honestly thought you were too good for me. I didn't think I was pretty enough or smart enough or anything that you wanted in a girlfriend. I just didn't think I was enough for you, I thought you deserved better. So ditching you was my way of trying to make u move on because I didn't want to hurt you, and I wanted you to find someone better. But I realized how fucking stupid that was 6/19/14 5:00 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy and it made me realize how much I messed up. You made Michelle SMS Messages me so happy Conrad for like the first time in my life. Being your girlfriend was everything I've wanted and more, I just took it for granted and I'm sorry. You were the first boy who made me feel loved, and important, and visible. And I want more than anything, for you to be in my life forever. You're one of the best things that has ever happened to me. You still make me so happy and so proud and I want you to know that I'll never give up on you, even when u give up on yourself, I'll still be fighting for you. Always. I know you don't wanna date again, but I'll always love you I'll always love you too, and I'm sorry I always tried to act 6/19/14 5:06 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy confident and stuff but deep down I'm really not so that's Michelle SMS Messages why you might have thought that Don't ever be sorry about that. I love you for you, I want 6/19/14 5:10 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy you to always be yourself around me. Even if you don't like Michelle SMS Messages yourself, I still do no matter what 6/19/14 5:10 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm sorry for being an asshole to you all those times Michelle SMS Messages 6/19/14 5:10 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Its okay I forgive you Michelle SMS Messages I'm still here aren't I? Even after all the times you treated me like shit haha, I never left you. And especially thru all the hard times, I've always stood by you and supported 6/19/14 5:13 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages you. I tried to never let you go thru this alone because I know how hard it is. If I gave up on you when you needed me the most, I would never forgive myself And that's the person who I truly look for as a good person. 6/19/14 5:20 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy your always gonna be there for me when I need it and you Michelle SMS Messages never gave up. I forgive you for di tching me. like i understand I still really like you and that 6/19/14 5:20 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages will never change Its so good to hear you say that like I'm so happy that we are finally having this conversation, I'm so happy you are finally opening up to me about this because I've been waiting to hear this from you for so long haha. Thank you 6/19/14 5:24 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages for forgiving me it means more to me than you'll ever know. And my feelings for you will never change either. Like even when your not my boyfriend, I still know how this is gonna end 6/19/14 5:30 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy how is it gonna end ? Michelle SMS Messages 6/19/14 5:34 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy However we want it to Michelle SMS Messages 6/19/14 5:34 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy what do you mean Michelle SMS Messages The future is what we make it. I believe we are endgame. I know we will always be in each others lives, you'll always have a special place in my heart. I know you'll meet a new 6/19/14 5:41 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages girl and get married and start a family with her, I know you won't marry me haha, but you're always gonna be a special person in my life, you're always gonna be mine in a way 6/19/14 5:50 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Awww that's sweet. and who knows Michelle SMS Messages 6/19/14 5:51 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Well you already made it clear you don't wanna date again Michelle SMS Messages 6/19/14 6:00 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy when did I say that Michelle SMS Messages 6/19/14 6:01 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I've asked you and every time you say no, that it won't work Michelle SMS Messages 6/19/14 6:17 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Conrad? Michelle SMS Messages 6/19/14 6:34 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy idk Michelle SMS Messages 6/19/14 6:34 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I don't remember saying that Michelle SMS Messages 6/19/14 6:34 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy So you'd wanna? Michelle SMS Messages 6/19/14 6:36 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy idk. maybe Michelle SMS Messages 6/19/14 6:36 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay Michelle SMS Messages 6/19/14 6:37 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy well what's up Michelle SMS Messages Nothing just hanging out. Visiting hours are at 7 so it's free 6/19/14 6:37 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages time 6/19/14 6:42 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What about you? Michelle SMS Messages 6/19/14 7:20 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy We need to go on fun little dates Michelle SMS Messages 6/19/14 7:37 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy you should have told me! Michelle SMS Messages 6/19/14 7:37 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy and yeah Michelle SMS Messages 6/19/14 7:37 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I should have told you what? And really?! Michelle SMS Messages 6/19/14 8:09 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I would have visited lol Michelle SMS Messages 6/19/14 8:09 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I didn't think you would of wanted to Michelle SMS Messages 6/19/14 8:22 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy But yeah we gotta go on dates :) Michelle SMS Messages 6/19/14 8:26 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy If I make it that far Michelle SMS Messages 6/19/14 8:28 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What do you mean Michelle SMS Messages 6/19/14 8:38 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Conrad Michelle SMS Messages 6/19/14 8:58 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Answerrrr meee Michelle SMS Messages 6/19/14 9:23 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy 😩 Michelle SMS Messages 6/19/14 9:23 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Roy Conrad ���� Michelle SMS Messages 6/19/14 9:23 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Roy Conrad Michelle SMS Messages 6/19/14 9:24 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy If I don't go insane and go off deep end Michelle SMS Messages 6/19/14 9:24 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy 😆 Michelle SMS Messages 6/19/14 9:24 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Roy Conrad ���� Michelle SMS Messages

6/19/14 9:24 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Roy Conrad Michelle SMS Messages

6/19/14 9:24 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy That's not even funny Michelle SMS Messages Are you 100% positive you're never gonna commit suicide? 6/19/14 9:28 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages Be honest with me. Do you think about doing it? 6/19/14 9:52 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy ...... Michelle SMS Messages 6/19/14 10:10 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy No I'm not Michelle SMS Messages 6/19/14 10:10 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Promsie me Michelle SMS Messages 6/19/14 10:17 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I want to but nothing is that bad Michelle SMS Messages 6/19/14 10:30 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What's the limit for bad? Michelle SMS Messages 6/19/14 10:33 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy what Michelle SMS Messages You said nothing is that bad. Well what's the thing that will 6/19/14 10:34 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages make it bad? I said I won't I've thought about it but I know seek down I 6/19/14 10:36 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages will not 6/19/14 10:37 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay good Michelle SMS Messages 6/19/14 10:49 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy yeah I just feel so alone Michelle SMS Messages I'm here babe. If we lived closer you know I would be with 6/19/14 10:49 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages you as much as I could. I never want you to feel alone 6/19/14 10:53 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy We need to go on a date Michelle SMS Messages 6/19/14 10:58 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Or just hanging out can be our date lol Michelle SMS Messages 6/19/14 11:14 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I meant like I've never found myself out yet and it's scary Michelle SMS Messages 6/19/14 11:14 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy most people do by now Michelle SMS Messages 6/19/14 11:15 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I havent really found myself out either don't worry Michelle SMS Messages 6/19/14 11:16 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy We will someday. We have time Michelle SMS Messages 6/19/14 11:17 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeah but it feels like it's too late for me Michelle SMS Messages 6/19/14 11:17 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Its not too late I promise Michelle SMS Messages 6/19/14 11:20 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm gonna help you find yourself Michelle SMS Messages 6/19/14 11:54 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I feel brain dead :/ Michelle SMS Messages 6/20/14 9:52 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy How Michelle SMS Messages 6/20/14 9:52 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Because you forget things? Michelle SMS Messages 6/20/14 9:54 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy constable negative thoughts Michelle SMS Messages 6/20/14 10:00 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy That doesn't mean your brain dead Michelle SMS Messages 6/20/14 10:43 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy that's how I feel idkk Michelle SMS Messages 6/20/14 10:50 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy http://www.calmclinic.com/anxiety/symptoms/bad-thoughts Michelle SMS Messages http://m.helpguide.org/articles/anxiety/social-anxiety-social- 6/20/14 10:51 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages phobia http://www.calmclinic.com/anxiety/symptoms/memory- 6/20/14 11:10 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages problems 6/20/14 11:37 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy thanks Michelle SMS Messages 6/20/14 11:44 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Did that help Michelle SMS Messages 6/20/14 12:27 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I've already been researching Michelle SMS Messages 6/20/14 12:28 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Oh Michelle SMS Messages 6/20/14 12:28 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I well I tried Michelle SMS Messages 6/20/14 12:37 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy thanks for trying tho Michelle SMS Messages 6/20/14 12:37 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Always Michelle SMS Messages 6/20/14 12:51 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I love you Michelle SMS Messages 6/20/14 12:56 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I love you to Michelle SMS Messages You deserve to hear that more. You need to know that you 6/20/14 1:01 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy are loved and wanted every second of every day not just by Michelle SMS Messages me, but by so many people I know I'm wanted and loved, but I don't think I'm good 6/20/14 1:33 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy enough for myself. I hate myself and wish I was better but I Michelle SMS Messages don't know how to be. I'm lost in th hat I'm dumb, I hate that I'm always worrying and regretting 6/20/14 1:33 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy the past and pessimistic about the future, I really wish I Michelle SMS Messages could just see myself as the pers on I wanna be and not this person who's always gonna be 6/20/14 1:34 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy miserable and I have a lot of pressure on me because my Michelle SMS Messages dad is like very very smart and my grandf 6/20/14 1:34 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy through my head on a regular basis, there's way more Michelle SMS Messages is world, I feel like I've never settled in and never was at a 6/20/14 1:34 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy point in my life where I actually really loved life. like idk I Michelle SMS Messages hate tht I'm shy, I hate t us of other peoples happiness way to much, like if I were in 6/20/14 1:34 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy another persons shoes I would rather be in that position, Michelle SMS Messages but people tell me I'm in a good p ing today, like I learn stuff I read and then a week later I 6/20/14 1:34 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy forget it, and stuff that happened in the past is all just a Michelle SMS Messages blur, and what else I get jealo athers company is really good, I know I have that to look 6/20/14 1:34 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy forward to like I'll always have a job if I need it, but I don't Michelle SMS Messages feel confident to do a good jo osition, I just feel like I'm never gonna be happy with myself 6/20/14 1:34 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy because I feel like I'm a failure. and that's just about a Michelle SMS Messages minutes worth of ideas that pop b and be like them, I feel trapped in my own skin and 6/20/14 1:34 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy nothing will work for me, I set my expectations way to high Michelle SMS Messages when I was younger and now I'm realizin g that i don't believe that I can accomplish all my goals I set 6/20/14 1:34 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy for myself, like if you only knew what I go through you Michelle SMS Messages would be amazed how I'm still liv 6/20/14 1:40 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Do you trust me? Michelle SMS Messages As bad as it sounds like it kills me to say this but I kinda 6/20/14 2:00 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy wish I didn't exist, I feel like I can't get out of it because its Michelle SMS Messages too Late and I don't have the patience and i just don't like talking to people, I feel like 6/20/14 2:00 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I have nothing important to say and I'll always feel down. Michelle SMS Messages like idk it's really hard t o explain but I really want to change myself but my 6/20/14 2:00 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy depression is restricting it and I just hate the person I Michelle SMS Messages become like really, things would have been a lot better if I wasn't so shy; id feel more comfortable 6/20/14 2:00 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy talking to people and sharing my own ideas, because I feel Michelle SMS Messages like I don't have an opinion on thin nd just better ppl, I view myself as a waste of space and 6/20/14 2:00 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy waste of a good opportunity, it all leads to my shyness, I Michelle SMS Messages want to be able to have friends and more depressed and mope around because I feel like 6/20/14 2:00 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy nothing will help, I have no confidence and low self esteem, Michelle SMS Messages and always feel like others are smarter a gs, maybe I'm taking all this out of proportion I don't know, 6/20/14 2:01 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy when i get depressed I let myself get to the point where I Michelle SMS Messages don't wanna do anything but get with everything I just assume I forgot it, and some things I 6/20/14 2:01 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy remember but not as clearly as other people, I don't know Michelle SMS Messages what to do with myself like I'm s o miserable I don't even wanna hang out with my friends, I 6/20/14 2:01 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy just hang out with my dad because we play poker online I Michelle SMS Messages like it because it's fun, but I want have a good time, but I can't because I feel dumb 6/20/14 2:01 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy compared to them and idk what to do to get smarter Michelle SMS Messages because I have no confidence to remember stuff, like just have fun your whole life, I don't know I am yet and it 6/20/14 2:01 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy scares me because I've tried to be cool and have out with Michelle SMS Messages the cool kids but I don't feel lik of my thinking, the list goes on and on and on and on, and 6/20/14 2:01 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy when I give up I'm able to sleep at night, but when I'm Michelle SMS Messages always worrying about shit I can neve much as I don't wanna exist because im always gonna be 6/20/14 2:01 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy like this I guess maybe I have to accept that I'm not gonna Michelle SMS Messages be great someday. ya know, it's eithe r be able to sleep and I go through a cycle where I can't 6/20/14 2:01 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy sleep at night and I let the devil get to me he wants to me Michelle SMS Messages kill myself, but I don't want to as wanna be a freak. I want to have a direction, like my father 6/20/14 2:01 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy knew when he was in high school he had goals, and never Michelle SMS Messages gave up with anything he did, he wre n theirselves and I feel like a failure to them. like I never 6/20/14 2:01 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy knew what it's like to work really hard for something, I've Michelle SMS Messages just coasted through my years o to be able to leave my parents someday but not if I'm 6/20/14 2:01 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy feeling like this, and I'm always home so it's harder to leave Michelle SMS Messages then most ppl, that's another minute e i can't take it anymore Michelle, you have no idea to be in 6/20/14 2:01 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy such a deep depression as me it's so scary how it seems Michelle SMS Messages my life has flipped upside down aga r you're smart and have a path carved out for you and a 6/20/14 2:01 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy bright future, or you don't give a shit about anything but Michelle SMS Messages your still happy because you party and 6/20/14 2:01 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy g happy and I'm not Michelle SMS Messages e I fit in, I tried hanging out with like smart people but I feel 6/20/14 2:01 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy stupid, I just don't know who I am and I wish I could go to Michelle SMS Messages college and get my degree b sponsibility like watching me and my sisters taking us to 6/20/14 2:01 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy wherever we needed to go while graduating with honors Michelle SMS Messages from nursing school, they both believed i ut I'm too scared, I know theere ppl at college that just 6/20/14 2:01 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy doesn't talk to people and are anti social, but people view Michelle SMS Messages those people as freaks and I don't stled in high school and was number 3 in New England is 6/20/14 2:01 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy senior year and he never gave up, my mom went though Michelle SMS Messages nursing school like 5 years with so much re f high school, and everything's coming back to me, like it 6/20/14 2:01 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy didn't bother me until now like EVERY fuckin thing bothers Michelle SMS Messages me that I just wanna fucking explod in in a matter of a few weeks. I've never taken control of my 6/20/14 2:01 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy life I've had everything handed to me and feel like I'm Michelle SMS Messages responsible like I should be feelin 6/20/14 2:04 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy yes of course I trust u Michelle SMS Messages Thank you for telling me all this like I really like when you 6/20/14 2:15 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy tell me this so I know exactly what your feeling. I need to Michelle SMS Messages process everything so hold on 6/20/14 2:31 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I don't have time to respond right now I will later Michelle SMS Messages 6/20/14 3:37 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay Michelle SMS Messages 6/20/14 7:17 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Hi Michelle SMS Messages 6/20/14 9:08 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy what's up Michelle SMS Messages 6/20/14 9:26 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I've been thinking a lot about what you told me Michelle SMS Messages 6/20/14 9:43 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy and ?? Michelle SMS Messages I feel like if I send you a long message in response to all that saying how great you are and how you shouldn't feel 6/20/14 10:19 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy that way and stuff that it won't do anything. Nothing I say Michelle SMS Messages won't change the fact that you still think those things. You know how much I believe in you and how much I love you Im so happy you told me everything tho. I feel important and special. I want you to tell me things like that I like when 6/20/14 10:21 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages you tell me what goes thru your mind so I can try to understand better 6/20/14 10:21 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Sometimes it helps just to vent and let it all out Michelle SMS Messages I always wanna be the one you come to and tell things to. 6/20/14 10:24 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages You're that person for me 6/20/14 10:44 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy yeah I'm sorry I'm so stubborn it's just way I feel Michelle SMS Messages No stop you're not at all. I know it's how you feel and its 6/20/14 10:46 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages okay to tell me. I like when you tell me I wanna hangout with you to show you how amazing you 6/20/14 10:49 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages really are i just don't know anymore, my head is constantly filled with 6/21/14 10:30 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy negative thoughts and idk memories that's driving my Michelle SMS Messages insane 6/21/14 10:31 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Trust me remember? Hanging out might help Michelle SMS Messages 6/21/14 10:31 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Just try Michelle SMS Messages it's controlling me like mr mind just wants me to give up but 6/21/14 10:36 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages I know I can't What's the reason your holding on? Like what's the thing 6/21/14 10:37 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages that's preventing you from giving up 6/21/14 10:37 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy my family Michelle SMS Messages 6/21/14 10:38 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy you and people that care about me Michelle SMS Messages Its time to start living your life for you, not just for them. 6/21/14 10:40 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Right now your just existing, you aren't living. I wanna help Michelle SMS Messages you live again that's some wise words but Michelle, but as much as you 6/21/14 11:48 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy wanna try I don't think I'm good enough for you, me or Michelle SMS Messages anybody. I'm comparing myself to everybody , jealous of everything, I can't listen to music, watch tv, play 6/21/14 11:48 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy a game, talk to my family without getting depressed and Michelle SMS Messages sad because I'm severely depress high expectations as a kid and when I'm depressed it gets 6/21/14 11:48 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy the best of me, but when I'm not I still have high standards Michelle SMS Messages and expectations with everything t ed like id do anything to be happy again like really happy 6/21/14 11:48 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy and proud of myself but I feel like whatever I do I won't be Michelle SMS Messages proud of myself, I've had really use I want to be perfect and I don't realize it till I'm 6/21/14 11:48 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy depressed and every time I get depressed my mind takes Michelle SMS Messages over and I eventually want to kill myself hat it doesn't bother me as much, like I'm never statisfied 6/21/14 11:48 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy with what I have, I always always always want more and I Michelle SMS Messages can never settle with something beca , but I never do because I don't have the strength to. and I 6/21/14 11:48 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy know if I do I'll immediately regret it because I'll go the Michelle SMS Messages afterlife and my life right now could be worse because I'd spend an eternity and hell and 6/21/14 11:48 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy wish I never were to do it, maybe the third time is the Michelle SMS Messages charm that's what I've been saying to m yself, maybe this time I'll start to realize who I am, but right 6/21/14 11:48 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy now I'm just wasting away at my life while everyone is Michelle SMS Messages moving forward every day I contin ue to get worse and worse, and I can't take my years and 6/21/14 11:48 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy days back, I don't know where to start with things like when Michelle SMS Messages I'm depressed I have these high goa ls for myself, and if I don't meet those goals I feel 6/21/14 11:48 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy depressed. because I know I can't, I wanna be perfect but Michelle SMS Messages Noones perfect I feel like I have too man le I try to learn from them and be like other people that it's 6/21/14 11:48 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy distracted me from being myself, I don't know I am and I Michelle SMS Messages don't think I ever will like it's y flaws, I'm hurting everyone right now being like this my 6/21/14 11:48 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy dad my mom my sisters, tom and you because I'm out of it Michelle SMS Messages in a different world, all my thoughts are jumbled and when I talk I don't make sense at all, I 6/21/14 11:48 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy don't know what to say to people, I don't know if it's right or Michelle SMS Messages wrong, when I'm with other peop lk and learn from people, but growing up I was afraid to talk 6/21/14 11:48 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy in a group, I didn't wanna make other people feel bad that I Michelle SMS Messages was smarter than them if that hard for me Michelle I'm very sensitive and very shy that I 6/21/14 11:48 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy know my life could have been 1000 times better if I wasn't Michelle SMS Messages shy because I would be able to ta makes sense, I kinda acted like I was dumb to make other 6/21/14 11:48 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy people feel smarter, I know that doesn't make sense but Michelle SMS Messages when I was a kid id always put other peo inbows I was goofy, it's ironic how i became this way 6/21/14 11:48 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy because I've never had to deal with stress or worries in my Michelle SMS Messages life and it didn't bother me that I was ter off than other ppl because of that reason. but I became 6/21/14 11:48 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy to realize that grades In school doesn't mean your smart it Michelle SMS Messages just means your obedient, you cou ples happiness way before mine because I was the 6/21/14 11:48 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy happiest kid on the planet earth. I loved everything and Michelle SMS Messages everyone and everything was all sunshine and ra ld be so intelligent but get poor grades in school because 6/21/14 11:48 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy you didn't try, I never really was able to really express Michelle SMS Messages myself and all these little minor de shy and didn't talk to ppl because idk deep down I kinda 6/21/14 11:48 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy knew I was better than other people because I had good Michelle SMS Messages grades and I always felt smarter and bet tails of my life bother me, sometimes I try really hard to not 6/21/14 11:48 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy let it get to me but it does, I know I'm not smart or funny. I Michelle SMS Messages wish I was, I was I could m ake ppl laugh, or share ideas to people and they would be 6/21/14 11:48 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy like wow this kid is really smart, I don't view it like that. I Michelle SMS Messages never have. I've been so shy an d socially awkward that I never got a chance to shine on 6/21/14 11:48 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy the spotlight, all day these are things I think about on a Michelle SMS Messages regular basis every fucking day and m aybe you'd see why I wish I never existed idk. I know god 6/21/14 11:48 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy has a purpose for me but I don't what it is, I'm too scared to Michelle SMS Messages live in the real world, I wish I was 5 again, no worries just being myself and proud of me 6/21/14 11:48 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy and not having to worry about being inferior to everyone Michelle SMS Messages and everything, everywhere I go I jud ge myself to others, and I'm encapsulated in my own 6/21/14 11:48 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy thoughts like I feel like the only option is death but i know I Michelle SMS Messages can't, just like I can't channell neg feel like it's too late, high school is over and kik never be 6/21/14 11:48 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy able to fit in at any college or university because everyone Michelle SMS Messages fits in somewhere in school, a ative thoughts out of my head, I don't think I'm good at 6/21/14 11:48 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy anything, and It's like I don't wanna try anymore because Michelle SMS Messages whatever I'll do won't work for me. I nd idk I feel like I didn't wanna be with the nerds or weirdos 6/21/14 11:48 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy because I'm not like them. I've never been to a school Michelle SMS Messages dance ever. I've never been a club friend. because I don't like who I am an become, in so 6/21/14 11:48 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy entrenched by the past, I can't complete thoughts, Michelle SMS Messages everything is in disarray, I can't remember tv r found myself, I have a picture in my room of my dad 6/21/14 11:48 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy holding me when I was a kid and his smile and he cried to Michelle SMS Messages me that the best thing that ever happened shows. I don't remember what people said to me. I don't 6/21/14 11:48 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy remember how I felt in certain situations, I don't know I am I Michelle SMS Messages really don't, I'm so lost, I neve to him was me being born. this is making me cry right now 6/21/14 11:48 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy , if I kill myself he said he would to. and my mom, and then Michelle SMS Messages my sisters would have no parents, and all the blame would be put on me. everything would 6/21/14 11:48 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy be my fault. even parts of the boat I forget and I'm Michelle SMS Messages supposed to be this legendary kid because my father is so good at what he does but I was stubborn as a 6/21/14 11:48 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy kid, I wouldn't wanna go to work with him ever I wasn't Michelle SMS Messages interested in it I hated it. I would a lways wanna be with my mom because she made 6/21/14 11:48 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy everything easier for me. she did everything for me literally. Michelle SMS Messages she was an amazing mom to me but I don't feel like she knew how to raise me because my dad was always 6/21/14 11:48 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy away working his ass off for this family on the boat taking Michelle SMS Messages long trips, sacrificing his life to m ake money for us. and my mom raised me and was 6/21/14 11:48 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy depndednt on her and I was never really independent and I Michelle SMS Messages feel like I'm not because she let me get away wi th everything, I hate to make excuses and I don't want my 6/21/14 11:48 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy mom or dad to feel bad about what they didn't do. it's not Michelle SMS Messages an excuse but idk i was their first child and they were really really young. I spent most of my 6/21/14 11:48 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy days by myself playing by myself I liked it a lot. talking to Michelle SMS Messages myself with my toys. Nobody wou ld come over my house because my house was way to 6/21/14 11:48 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy small. it was like a garage. at my grandparents house. so Michelle SMS Messages as a kid I didn't play with others and I'm to or anything outside of school, I don't remember shit about 6/21/14 11:48 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy school, I wasn't close to anyone in my high school, I don't Michelle SMS Messages even know why tom decided to be my learned and I have no confidence to remember anything 6/21/14 11:48 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy because the first thing that comes to my mind is oh I Michelle SMS Messages probably forget it, whatever it was. so that' year old cousin is smarter than me:/ it sounds dumb but I 6/21/14 11:48 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy feel that way, idk I haven't slept good for 3 weeks now, and Michelle SMS Messages I don't know what to do with myse o scared to hang out with a group now I'm always afraid of 6/21/14 11:48 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy being judged and how I'll never be smart because I feel like Michelle SMS Messages i won't remember anything that I s why I wanna live alone, I don't like people anymore they 6/21/14 11:48 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy stress me out. even my family to be honest because I Michelle SMS Messages compare myself to them. I even think my 5 lf anymore, I want to keep myself busy by doing stuff but 6/21/14 11:48 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy these thoughts protrude in my head in my head. how I'm Michelle SMS Messages not popular or cool, funny smart, I'll n emories. I'm always gonna have the lowest self esteem. 6/21/14 11:49 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy even when I'm happy again. idk what's gonna happen, if I Michelle SMS Messages realize in like this or become psuedo con ever be to the level I wanna be. like who the fuck doesn't 6/21/14 11:49 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy wanna go to college because they are scared of ppl and Michelle SMS Messages feel dumb around ppl, well that's me, m y life is being ruined because of my thoughts. all my 6/21/14 11:49 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy dreams seems like it's down the toilet. I'm so far behind in Michelle SMS Messages every single category of my life. my m fident, I really don't know. I become instantly jealous of 6/21/14 11:49 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy everyone, and I make myself sick idk why I do it, but it just Michelle SMS Messages happens. I'm having this problem rable and regretful becauee those thoughts keep coming to 6/21/14 11:49 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy my head, wondering if I'll ever have a conversation with Michelle SMS Messages anyone and seem intelligent. how can I seem intelligent, if I'm not how would I be happy with 6/21/14 11:49 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy myself. how would I change the world and make it a better Michelle SMS Messages place when I'm just miserable all the t which is so out of proportionate it's fuckin summer and ur 6/21/14 11:49 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy right I'm not living I'm existing when will I ever live again. I Michelle SMS Messages picture myself as being mise y for myself because I feel dumb already when I'm with ppl 6/21/14 11:49 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I feel so fuckin stupid and I wanna be with ppl but i get to Michelle SMS Messages nervous and wish I was creative a nd could find myself and be happy with who I am, but I'm 6/21/14 11:49 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy not. Michelle, I wouldn't want anyone to think what I'm Michelle SMS Messages thinking and shit, I want people to me p ime and feel like a waste of a life, I could be doing a million 6/21/14 11:49 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy things right now with my thoughts in line but no I'm at my Michelle SMS Messages house laying down feeling sorr spital I had a plan to take those pills when I got out. 6/21/14 11:49 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy because I couldn't take it anymore, I can't face the music or Michelle SMS Messages roll with the punches. no matter ho roud of me but I'm letting everyone down. my problem 6/21/14 11:49 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy doesn't seem as bad as everyone in mental hospitals Michelle SMS Messages because I'm different than everyone else, their er, that's gonna get me more depressed. I don't wanna live 6/21/14 11:49 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy in a world of misery. I have some problems that don't seem Michelle SMS Messages fixable. you know I don't wanna hav lives suck, mine doesn't I'm just depressed and want to not 6/21/14 11:49 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy exist for different reasons. but they are more confident then Michelle SMS Messages me, that's why In the mental ho aid they feel like they failed me but that gets me upset to. 6/21/14 11:49 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm sorry with all this negativity. Michelle I love you. really. I Michelle SMS Messages can't take this any longe r. It takes me months to recover and i never do anything 6/21/14 11:49 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy about my situation until it gets too late when I become Michelle SMS Messages depressed again, seems like a yearly thi w hard I try at something I have negativity circling my head, 6/21/14 11:49 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy idk where to go in life. I don't wanna be the loser who sticks Michelle SMS Messages in their parents house forev e a kid who's gonna be depressed like me. I don't wanna 6/21/14 11:49 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy them to suffer, that's gonna make me feel like a failure and Michelle SMS Messages that's what my parents feel , they s pted who i was but I didn't wanna accept it. I keep going 6/21/14 11:49 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy back to those distant memories of being suicidal at the Michelle SMS Messages mental hospital and I know I have my wh ve up with myself I had low self esteem as it was. anyone 6/21/14 11:49 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy who's shy and doesn't like it does. but I gave up learning Michelle SMS Messages for a whole year. made a lot of mone ng for me. I wish when I first got depressed i realized who I 6/21/14 11:49 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy was and stuck with it I would have sucked but you need to Michelle SMS Messages face your fears head on, and acce i started having problems, I think I met you after idk. but I 6/21/14 11:49 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy wasted that year. I never asked questions about learning Michelle SMS Messages anything my whole life. I wasn't i ole life to live but these burdens are dragging me down so 6/21/14 11:49 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy down down, I took a year off of high school because I didn't Michelle SMS Messages wanna deal with shit anymore I ga y throughout the whole year when i was 16 working for my 6/21/14 11:49 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy grandpas business. and blew most of the money gambling, Michelle SMS Messages I forget when I met you before or after the past it's wrong and bad. and don't dwell on it but I'm 6/21/14 11:49 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy weak everyone tells me I'm strong and shit but I just let Michelle SMS Messages everything get handed to me and let d like I knew it, like idk is my life like a test from god? I'm 6/21/14 11:49 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy sorry I'm writing this long story but idk I just keep writing. i Michelle SMS Messages know I shouldn't look in nteresting in learning seemed like, and I didn't wanna ask 6/21/14 11:49 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy questions because I didn't want ppl tho think I was dumb, Michelle SMS Messages so I kept my mouth shut and pretende everyone give me stuff without truly earning it. and it's all 6/21/14 11:49 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy coming to get me it's all coming to fuck me in the ass, it's Michelle SMS Messages all my fault I made myself wh e I failed and will never get better. not confident in getting 6/21/14 11:49 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages better. idk o I am but I didn't realize it and I'm so stuck I don't know 6/21/14 11:49 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy how to and why or when to fix I'm so lost in myself, that Michelle SMS Messages yeah I gave up, I'm letting my neg ative thoughts get to me and it's killing me. my parents love 6/21/14 11:50 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy me to death and I'm very lucky to have them in my life and Michelle SMS Messages very fortunate but idk. feel lik 6/21/14 12:05 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Hold on let me read everything Michelle SMS Messages I wanna write you a letter, that would be easier to write all 6/21/14 12:12 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages my thoughts down 6/21/14 12:14 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I love you so much Conrad Michelle SMS Messages 6/21/14 12:16 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I kinda did lol Michelle SMS Messages 6/21/14 12:17 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Kinda did what? Michelle SMS Messages 6/21/14 12:17 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy did you read it Michelle SMS Messages 6/21/14 12:18 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy my text Michelle SMS Messages I'm still reading it, it came in like parts and its all out of 6/21/14 12:19 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages order so I'm trying to piece it all together 6/21/14 12:19 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy So tell me what you kinda did Michelle SMS Messages 6/21/14 12:21 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy wrote a letter Michelle SMS Messages 6/21/14 12:21 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy To me? Michelle SMS Messages 6/21/14 12:28 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Because I'm gonna write you a letter Michelle SMS Messages 6/21/14 1:11 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Ohhh like legit ? Michelle SMS Messages 6/21/14 1:14 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeah haha What did you think? Michelle SMS Messages 6/21/14 1:14 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy wen will I read it Michelle SMS Messages I'll mail it to you or I'll give you it when we hang out...we 6/21/14 1:15 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages should write back and forth 6/21/14 1:31 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy can you take a picture and send it to me Michelle SMS Messages 6/21/14 1:31 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Why? Michelle SMS Messages 6/21/14 1:32 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy idk why not Michelle SMS Messages 6/21/14 1:32 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Because I want to mail it to you Michelle SMS Messages 6/21/14 1:32 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy oh okay Michelle SMS Messages 6/21/14 1:32 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm gonna start writing it right now Michelle SMS Messages It just easier than texting it all you know? Beecause it's 6/21/14 1:33 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages gonna be longish 6/21/14 1:33 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I texted it to you so you can to if you want Michelle SMS Messages I know haha but it's easier if I write it out and it will be more 6/21/14 1:34 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages personal so you can keep it 6/21/14 1:40 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy up to you I guess Michelle SMS Messages 6/21/14 1:43 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'll write it and take a pic Michelle SMS Messages 6/21/14 2:02 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay Michelle SMS Messages 6/21/14 2:02 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy :) Michelle SMS Messages 6/21/14 2:03 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I love you :) Michelle SMS Messages Listen to you're mine by Lea Michele (my idol and favorite 6/21/14 2:12 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages person ever) haha 6/21/14 2:19 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy That's our song :) Michelle SMS Messages 6/21/14 2:34 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy okay lol Michelle SMS Messages 6/21/14 2:35 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy later Michelle SMS Messages 6/21/14 2:36 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Later what? Michelle SMS Messages 6/21/14 2:43 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'll listen to it later Michelle SMS Messages 6/21/14 2:43 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay let me know if u like it Michelle SMS Messages 6/21/14 3:08 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy okay lol Michelle SMS Messages 6/21/14 3:47 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy LISTEN TO OUR SONG Michelle SMS Messages 6/21/14 3:50 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy okay lol Michelle SMS Messages 6/21/14 3:52 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Now please :) Michelle SMS Messages 6/21/14 3:54 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm with tom Michelle SMS Messages 6/21/14 3:54 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy :) Michelle SMS Messages 6/21/14 3:55 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Really?! Michelle SMS Messages 6/21/14 3:55 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Thats awesome! Michelle SMS Messages 6/21/14 3:58 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy yeah I'm feel little better Michelle SMS Messages 6/21/14 4:05 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Aww Yay is Tom helping? Michelle SMS Messages 6/21/14 4:06 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yup Michelle SMS Messages See sometimes spending time with the people you love 6/21/14 4:06 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages really helps 6/21/14 4:07 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy That's why I wanna hang out with you Michelle SMS Messages 6/21/14 4:07 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeahhh Michelle SMS Messages 6/21/14 4:07 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeahh Michelle SMS Messages 6/21/14 4:08 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy aren't you coming back today Michelle SMS Messages 6/21/14 4:08 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeah I got home at 3! Michelle SMS Messages 6/21/14 4:11 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy wanna chill tomorrow Michelle SMS Messages I'm hanging out with Jenn and she has a game so I'm 6/21/14 4:45 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages gonna go to that too if u wanna join? 6/21/14 5:01 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Jenn is my friend haha Michelle SMS Messages 6/21/14 5:07 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy what about after Michelle SMS Messages The games at 3 And she has another at 5 :( we will figure it 6/21/14 5:15 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages out but it will definitely be this week sometime I promise 6/21/14 5:20 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy wtf what's more important Michelle SMS Messages You but I already had these plans like I just got home so 6/21/14 5:21 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages everyone wants to see me haha 6/21/14 5:22 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy /: Michelle SMS Messages 6/21/14 5:23 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You're the most important person in my life Michelle SMS Messages 6/21/14 5:26 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Of course I'm gonna make time for you always Michelle SMS Messages 6/21/14 5:29 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy you always say that Michelle SMS Messages Well it's different this time. I wanna hang out I just can't 6/21/14 5:30 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy tomorrow because I already had these plans made. Michelle SMS Messages Tuesday?? 6/21/14 6:01 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy OUR SONG NOW Michelle SMS Messages 6/21/14 7:15 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy :( Michelle SMS Messages 6/21/14 7:17 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy busy lol Michelle SMS Messages 6/21/14 7:18 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy So now your busy? Haha Michelle SMS Messages 6/21/14 7:21 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy lmao yeah Michelle SMS Messages I'm scared that when you finally get better, that you're 6/21/14 8:33 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages gonna forget about me 6/21/14 9:05 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy ohh ? Michelle SMS Messages 6/21/14 9:06 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You won't will you? Michelle SMS Messages Because you did that in the past. I was there for you and 6/21/14 9:08 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy helped you and all that and then you just like forgot about Michelle SMS Messages me 6/21/14 9:15 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy no I won't Michelle SMS Messages 6/21/14 9:16 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay good. Did you listen to it? Michelle SMS Messages 6/21/14 9:17 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy no lol Michelle SMS Messages 6/21/14 9:17 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy :( Michelle SMS Messages 6/21/14 9:20 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy It literally takes 4 mins Michelle SMS Messages 6/21/14 10:08 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm nt home tho Michelle SMS Messages 6/21/14 10:08 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy When will u be home Michelle SMS Messages 6/21/14 10:09 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Tomorrow Michelle SMS Messages 6/21/14 10:10 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Where are you? Michelle SMS Messages Listen to it on your phone pleaseeeee I really want you to 6/21/14 10:10 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages hear it! 6/21/14 10:12 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I will another time . Michelle SMS Messages 6/21/14 10:12 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Fineeee Michelle SMS Messages 6/21/14 10:14 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy don't worry lol Michelle SMS Messages I won't if you promise you're gonna listen to it, say you 6/21/14 10:15 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages promise! 6/21/14 11:22 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Are you still awake? Michelle SMS Messages 6/22/14 7:37 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I passed out Michelle SMS Messages 6/22/14 9:10 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy It's okay Michelle SMS Messages 6/22/14 9:47 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I hate my body Michelle SMS Messages 6/22/14 9:54 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy don't Michelle SMS Messages I do I hate it like I can't get myself to eat normally I eat too 6/22/14 9:55 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy much and like all at once so my metabolism is slow as fuck Michelle SMS Messages and I'm getting fat but I wanna lose weight I just give up

6/22/14 9:56 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Idk how to change it like I can't even get myself to work out Michelle SMS Messages 6/22/14 12:05 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Give up, it's okay.. Michelle SMS Messages I didn't mean give up like completely I didn't mean that. I 6/22/14 12:06 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages meant like I give up whenever I try 6/22/14 12:06 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy But I'm not giving up Michelle SMS Messages good you got the eye of the tiger, I feel like I'm giving up on 6/22/14 12:10 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages myself I just need your support thru this and I'll be okay. ANd I 6/22/14 12:13 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages thought you were doing better? 6/22/14 12:43 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm never gonna be better I have to accept that Michelle SMS Messages 6/22/14 12:45 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I don't believe that Michelle SMS Messages 6/22/14 12:52 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I fucked up my life Michelle SMS Messages 6/22/14 12:52 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy but I did I feel like Michelle SMS Messages Stop it no you didn't. You're just so tied up in your thoughts that you believe you did. You're in a dark tunnel but it's not gonna last forever. You'll find the light someday and I'm 6/22/14 12:56 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy gonna be here to help you find it. You didn't fuck up your Michelle SMS Messages life and you aren't a fuck up. You're just lost. But you're gonna be found again I'll never stop looking. You're gonna get thru this okay? I believe in you so much, I love you 6/22/14 12:57 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I don't believe in myself that's the problem Michelle SMS Messages 6/22/14 12:58 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy It takes time but you will Michelle SMS Messages yeah I just have to take my time. like I keep regretting the 6/22/14 12:59 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages past it's getting me upset 6/22/14 1:01 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Take your life? Michelle SMS Messages 6/22/14 1:02 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy you think. I should Michelle SMS Messages You're not gonna kill yourself. You say all the time you 6/22/14 1:03 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy want to but look, you're still here. Alll the times you wanted Michelle SMS Messages to you didnt 6/22/14 1:03 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You don't wanna die, you just want the pain to stop Michelle SMS Messages 6/22/14 1:05 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy that's true Michelle SMS Messages 6/22/14 1:06 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I just don't know what to do with myself Michelle SMS Messages 6/22/14 1:06 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I know you, and I know you aren't gonna do it Michelle SMS Messages 6/22/14 1:06 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy We should do something fun on Tuesday Michelle SMS Messages 6/22/14 1:34 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm prob working Michelle SMS Messages 6/22/14 1:52 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I thought we were gonna hangout Michelle SMS Messages 6/22/14 1:58 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Jenns Michelle SMS Messages 6/22/14 1:58 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy SORRY WRONG PERSON Michelle SMS Messages 6/22/14 1:59 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy it's ok Michelle SMS Messages 6/22/14 1:59 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy But yeah I thought we were hanging out? Michelle SMS Messages 6/22/14 2:07 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy idk yet Michelle SMS Messages 6/22/14 4:14 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay well we have to sooooooon Michelle SMS Messages 6/22/14 4:15 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy tomorrow Michelle SMS Messages I can't tomorrow that's why I said Tuesday :( but if u can't 6/22/14 4:16 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages then Wednesday? 6/22/14 4:17 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I have a busy schedule usually, so idk Michelle SMS Messages 6/22/14 4:17 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What's your schedule Michelle SMS Messages 6/22/14 4:18 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I have Monday off Michelle SMS Messages 6/22/14 4:18 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy but then work rest of wrrk Michelle SMS Messages 6/22/14 4:18 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What hours? Michelle SMS Messages 6/22/14 4:19 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy 8-4 Michelle SMS Messages 6/22/14 4:21 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay well I'll see if I can cancel my plans Michelle SMS Messages 6/22/14 4:21 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What do u wanna do Michelle SMS Messages 6/22/14 4:24 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy idk let's watch a movie at night and chill during day Michelle SMS Messages 6/22/14 4:25 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Who's house haha Michelle SMS Messages 6/22/14 4:35 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy doesn't matter lol Michelle SMS Messages 6/22/14 4:43 PM Outgoing To: (774) 678-8888 Conrad Roy Is anyone gonna be home at your house? Michelle SMS Messages 6/22/14 5:22 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy nope not during the day Michelle SMS Messages 6/22/14 5:24 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What time do they get home Michelle SMS Messages 6/22/14 5:26 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy idk 4-5 Michelle SMS Messages 6/22/14 5:27 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Gotcha ;) Michelle SMS Messages 6/22/14 5:27 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Why? Michelle SMS Messages 6/22/14 5:28 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Haha idk I was jw Michelle SMS Messages 6/22/14 5:29 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy are you allowed to hang out with nobody home Michelle SMS Messages 6/22/14 5:30 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm gonna ask but I think I can Michelle SMS Messages 6/22/14 5:31 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy alright haha Michelle SMS Messages 6/22/14 5:33 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Are u planning on doing anything haha Michelle SMS Messages 6/22/14 5:34 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy noo I just have an appt at 10:15 Michelle SMS Messages 6/22/14 5:35 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy For what? Michelle SMS Messages 6/22/14 5:35 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy physch Michelle SMS Messages 6/22/14 5:36 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You got a therapist? Michelle SMS Messages 6/22/14 5:37 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy no they are going to refer me to one Michelle SMS Messages 6/22/14 5:37 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Oh okay good! Can I come? Michelle SMS Messages 6/22/14 5:38 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I mean it's in fall river Michelle SMS Messages But I'll go with you like I'll go to your house and we can 6/22/14 5:38 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages drive there 6/22/14 5:38 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Is your mom or dad going? Michelle SMS Messages 6/22/14 5:39 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy no just me Michelle SMS Messages 6/22/14 5:39 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay so yeah I wanna go with you Michelle SMS Messages 6/22/14 5:40 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You can get a ride here ? Michelle SMS Messages 6/22/14 5:41 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Probably yeah Michelle SMS Messages 6/22/14 5:44 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy alright lemme kno Michelle SMS Messages 6/22/14 5:50 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay. Listen to our song Michelle SMS Messages 6/22/14 5:54 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy okay Michelle SMS Messages 6/22/14 5:55 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Now por favor Michelle SMS Messages 6/22/14 6:00 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What's it called Michelle SMS Messages 6/22/14 6:00 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You're mine by lea michele Michelle SMS Messages 6/22/14 6:42 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy ok Michelle SMS Messages 6/22/14 6:42 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Did you listen to it Michelle SMS Messages 6/22/14 6:43 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy ya Michelle SMS Messages 6/22/14 6:43 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy And? Michelle SMS Messages 6/22/14 6:44 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Idk Michelle SMS Messages 6/22/14 6:44 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Why Michelle SMS Messages 6/22/14 7:12 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You don't like it? Michelle SMS Messages 6/22/14 7:29 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy it's alright Michelle SMS Messages 6/22/14 7:31 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy The meaning is nice tho right? Michelle SMS Messages 6/22/14 7:39 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy yes Michelle SMS Messages 6/22/14 7:40 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Good :) Michelle SMS Messages 6/22/14 7:58 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Did you really listen to it Michelle SMS Messages 6/22/14 9:01 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy ..... Michelle SMS Messages 6/22/14 10:05 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Guess I'm not coming over then Michelle SMS Messages 6/22/14 10:56 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy HELLLOOO? Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 7:58 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy just woke up Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 8:37 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy sorry Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 9:15 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy It's okay Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 9:32 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy so what's up Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 9:33 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Watching glee haha you? Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 9:33 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy my appointment is now Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 9:34 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy we still hanging or no Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 9:34 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm sorry Michelle SMS Messages Well I would of went but you didn't text me back so I didn't 6/23/14 9:34 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages know if I still was :( And I can't, can you come over after work on Wednesday 6/23/14 9:36 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages or something? If not we will have to just wait for saturday 6/23/14 9:37 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy maybe Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 9:37 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay well let me know Michelle SMS Messages Distance is not fucking us over again that's for sure! We 6/23/14 9:40 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages will make time :) 6/23/14 9:46 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Alright lmao. sounds good Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 9:47 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm serious haha. We are gonna have an awesome summer Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 9:52 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I wish I could Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 9:57 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You will Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 10:00 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Guess what Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 10:08 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy what Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 10:10 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy We should play a prank on Alice with my track phone haha Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 10:13 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy go ahead lmao Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 10:14 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What should I do Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 10:14 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy idk Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 10:16 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeah this is stupid haha Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 10:17 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy probably Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 10:17 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Ughhhhh I'm at the psychiatrist appt Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 10:18 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Tell me how it goes babe Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 10:18 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy alright :( Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 10:18 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I wanna see you today so bad Michelle SMS Messages Don't be scared or sad. This is gonna help you! And I 6/23/14 10:21 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages wanna see you so bad too :( I'm sorry today didn't work 6/23/14 10:22 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You never answered back last night! Haha Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 10:22 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy you don't get it Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 10:22 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy myself just wants to die Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 10:22 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy but I can't Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 10:22 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I do get it Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 10:23 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Tell this to your therapist when u get one Michelle SMS Messages Maybe they can help you more than I can because they're 6/23/14 10:26 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages professional and know what to do I know you, and I know you don't think your strong enough 6/23/14 10:54 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages to do this, but you are 6/23/14 11:25 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Thanks Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 11:26 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy How'd it go Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 11:26 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Ehhh alright. I just couldn't express myself Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 11:27 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What did he ask you Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 11:57 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy just everything goin on Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 11:58 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What did u say Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 11:59 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I said it Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 12:00 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy That you wanna die? Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 12:01 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy well some Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 12:01 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Well I'm really proud of you Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 12:02 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy you shouldn't be Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 12:02 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Why? This was a really big step for you Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 12:05 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy no it's not Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 12:08 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Im confused Michelle SMS Messages No one is going to give my confidence, no one will give me 6/23/14 12:13 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy strength, no one will give me preservance, no one can Michelle SMS Messages make me feel smart, funny or cool . No o ne fah help me but me but I don't believe In myself so I'm 6/23/14 12:13 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages stuck You only believe no one will give you all that because you 6/23/14 12:14 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy don't let yourself open up to the help people are trying to Michelle SMS Messages give you You just automatically think no one can help you and 6/23/14 12:15 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy nothing will work. You never really give yourself a chance Michelle SMS Messages to heal and get better you don't know how it is though. like my mind races so 6/23/14 12:43 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy much I can't tell then how I feel, it's scary you've never Michelle SMS Messages been so depressed that you can't even talk I've been so depressed too the point where whenever I 6/23/14 12:47 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy talked I cried and didn't wanna do anything all day except Michelle SMS Messages cut myself in my room and sleep 6/23/14 12:50 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy But do you have a good memory Michelle SMS Messages I've been so depressed too the point where whenever I 6/23/14 12:52 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy talked I cried and didn't wanna do anything all day except Michelle SMS Messages cut myself in my room and sleep 6/23/14 12:52 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I have a normal memory Michelle SMS Messages mine is so bad. like any fact or anything feels like it's gone. 6/23/14 12:57 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages everything like I can't relearn stuff 6/23/14 12:58 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm thinking about harming myself to be completely honest Michelle SMS Messages Have you ever done it before? Don't because once u start 6/23/14 12:59 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages its like impossibile to stop and u get scars. I have scars 6/23/14 1:10 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy no. something else Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 1:11 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What? Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 1:12 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Idk Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 1:13 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy No tell me Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 1:36 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Conrad tell me Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 1:43 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy tell you what Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 1:43 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy How do u want to harm yourself Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 1:44 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy something idkk yet Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 1:44 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Please donnt Michelle SMS Messages I hate myself I'll always hate myself, I'm never gonna view 6/23/14 1:45 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages myself as good. I'm so far behind What is harming yourself gonna do!? Nothing! It will just 6/23/14 1:47 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages make it worse! 6/23/14 1:48 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy make the pain go away like you said Michelle SMS Messages It will make the pain go away temporarily, but when you're 6/23/14 1:50 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages done, you'll just regret it and feel even worse! 6/23/14 1:54 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Oh lmfao Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 1:54 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Why is that funny Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 1:55 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy just is lol Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 1:56 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy So u aren't gonna right? Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 2:57 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy ? Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 3:26 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy prob Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 3:50 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy No you arent Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 5:45 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I love you Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 6:01 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy love u 2 Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 8:36 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Hey Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 9:00 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm sorry I'm not as pretty as other girls Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 9:19 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy why you sorry Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 9:19 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Because maybe you'd like me more If I was pretty Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 9:22 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Oh? Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 9:22 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Is that true? Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 9:24 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy \_< Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 9:25 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy ?? Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 9:26 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy No Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 9:26 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Do you think I'm pretty? Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 9:29 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yes Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 9:30 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay well thank you. Youre pretty too Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 9:31 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Ehhhh Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 9:31 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You're beautiful Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 9:38 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy no Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 9:38 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yes you are! To me you are Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 10:26 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Ohhh Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 10:26 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What's wrong I can tell Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 10:27 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I don't like myself Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 10:27 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I wish I was someone else Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 10:27 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I don't like my body Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 10:30 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy physical problems is easier than mental Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 10:30 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Mines mental too. I have an eating disorder Michelle SMS Messages But I wish you could see yourself as I see you, then you'd 6/23/14 10:31 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages love yourself. It frustrates me 6/23/14 10:34 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy well I don't , you don't know me well enough Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 10:34 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy How can you honestly say that right now Michelle SMS Messages I know you don't see yourself like that, I said I wish you 6/23/14 10:35 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages could 6/23/14 10:36 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy because we have only hung out like 3 times Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 10:36 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Well that's changing because that's sad Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 10:38 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy ya Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 10:38 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeah Michelle SMS Messages 6/23/14 10:55 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Cheer up babe Michelle SMS Messages 6/24/14 10:55 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy yea Michelle SMS Messages 6/24/14 12:14 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Hi Michelle SMS Messages 6/24/14 12:16 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy hi Michelle SMS Messages 6/24/14 12:16 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What's up Michelle SMS Messages 6/24/14 12:16 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy work hbu Michelle SMS Messages 6/24/14 12:16 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy With my friend Sam Michelle SMS Messages 6/24/14 12:21 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy funnn Michelle SMS Messages 6/24/14 12:22 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy She's a girl dont worrry Michelle SMS Messages 6/24/14 2:15 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Lmao okayyy Michelle SMS Messages 6/24/14 10:58 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You doing okay? Michelle SMS Messages 6/24/14 11:08 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Love youu Michelle SMS Messages 6/25/14 8:25 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy hey Michelle SMS Messages 6/25/14 8:53 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Heyy Michelle SMS Messages 6/25/14 8:55 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy what's up ?? Michelle SMS Messages 6/25/14 8:56 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I need to tell you something Michelle SMS Messages 6/25/14 9:02 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy okayyy Michelle SMS Messages 6/25/14 9:13 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy ? Michelle SMS Messages 6/25/14 9:17 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Sorry I was driving Michelle SMS Messages 6/25/14 10:42 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What do you need to tell me Michelle SMS Messages 6/25/14 11:16 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Nevermind haha I forget Michelle SMS Messages 6/25/14 11:28 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy -_- Michelle SMS Messages 6/25/14 12:08 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy :) Michelle SMS Messages 6/25/14 12:08 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy When are we hanging out Michelle SMS Messages 6/25/14 12:08 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Idk yet Michelle SMS Messages 6/25/14 12:08 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Soon tho right? Michelle SMS Messages 6/25/14 12:11 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeah If nothing bad happens to me Michelle SMS Messages 6/25/14 12:11 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What do you mean? Michelle SMS Messages the past 3 days that's all I can think about and it's In my 6/25/14 12:11 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages head now 6/25/14 12:12 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Thinking about what? Michelle SMS Messages 6/25/14 12:15 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Killing yourself? Michelle SMS Messages 6/25/14 12:21 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yes Michelle SMS Messages 6/25/14 12:22 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy but if I do something I'll let you know lol Michelle SMS Messages 6/25/14 12:23 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You aren't gonna do anything Michelle SMS Messages 6/25/14 12:23 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You always say this Michelle SMS Messages 6/25/14 12:23 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy you don't know that Michelle SMS Messages it comes to a point where I can't help my feelings and I 6/25/14 12:23 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages know I'm gonna feel like this forever Out of all the time you really wanted to, you never did. And 6/25/14 12:24 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages you told me you never would 6/25/14 12:24 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Can I ask you something Michelle SMS Messages like you don't even know how crazy I get when I'm like this, 6/25/14 12:24 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages you've never been with me when I'm depressed 6/25/14 12:24 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy what Michelle SMS Messages 6/25/14 12:24 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy you don't gotta ask Michelle SMS Messages If you don't have any hope of getting better, then why are you holding on for so long? I think deep down you have a 6/25/14 12:26 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages bit of hope that you'll recover from this and you aren't killing yourself because a part of you knows you'll get better Because if you didn't have any hope, you would of already 6/25/14 12:27 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages did it if I didn't have family that loves me I would have already, I 6/25/14 12:29 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages feel like I have nothin to live for besides that. 6/25/14 12:30 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What about me? Michelle SMS Messages like my mind is all fucked up and it will be, once I think this 6/25/14 12:30 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages way it will keep occurring You can't just live your life for other people tho. Like you'll never truly be happy that way, it just makes you more 6/25/14 12:32 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy miserable because you have the feeling you have to do Michelle SMS Messages good and make them proud. That just adds more pressure to you and you can't handle that it's hard to give up on yourself so long ago and regain that 6/25/14 12:32 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy same mentality before everything that started going wrong Michelle SMS Messages with me. 6/25/14 12:34 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeah it's hard but it's not impossible Michelle SMS Messages But I have no confidence I'll ever be truly happy with 6/25/14 12:34 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy myself, ever. I don't want a kid who's gonna be as fucked Michelle SMS Messages up as me. I don't wanna have a wife beca use idk if I can handle it. like I haven't slept in a good few 6/25/14 12:34 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages days You're problem is you worry way to much about the future. Like you don't need to think about a wife and kid right now! 6/25/14 12:36 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages You're 18! You need to focus on the present and how you are right now and how you are gonna get better And if you find the right girl, she will love you for you and help you if you're still having issues. You wouldn't have to 6/25/14 12:38 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy worry if she's too much to handle, shell help you handle Michelle SMS Messages yourself. And your kid won't be fucked up. He's gonna be beautiful and smart and caring just like his father just thinking and thinking about the past and what I could 6/25/14 12:39 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy have done to get myself In a better position. like all along I Michelle SMS Messages thought I was doing alright. bu ember it because all my negative thoughts in my head. I'm 6/25/14 12:39 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy completely miserable. I'm at work people talk to me and I Michelle SMS Messages have no idea what the fuck they said, and I have to ask them again and I don't understand 6/25/14 12:39 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy everything. like not to sound like an asshole but no one Michelle SMS Messages truly knows what's going on with me, no one 6/25/14 12:39 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy rininging everyone else down. Michelle SMS Messages t my whole world flipped and started to realize I'm not as 6/25/14 12:39 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy great as I thought. I don't think I'll ever be smart because I Michelle SMS Messages don't think I'll be able to rem will ever know what I'm thinking and how I'm no good for 6/25/14 12:39 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy anybody, I'll never be satisfied with anything. I'm just a Michelle SMS Messages negative piece of shit that's just b And he's gonna get an education and have many friends 6/25/14 12:39 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy and be surrounded by a family that loves him. The kid will Michelle SMS Messages be amazing I know it Cornad I'm trying to understand! I think about you all the time. You're my first thought in the morning and the last thought before I fall asleep. I'm scared that when I talk to 6/25/14 12:41 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages you it will be the last time and I'll never get to say goodbye. I'm trying so hard to understand and to help you please know that I'm giving all my effort and strength to help you Because I don't want that time to come when I have to say 6/25/14 12:42 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages goodbye to you I do understand what you feel and what you're going thru, 6/25/14 12:44 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy its just hard sometimes to express it because I've Michelle SMS Messages personally never been thru it feels like every fact I've ever known. every ounce of detail 6/25/14 1:04 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages in my life is wiped 6/25/14 1:05 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Then start over Michelle SMS Messages 6/25/14 1:06 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I don't know how to Michelle SMS Messages One day at a time, do something that makes you happy. Look at an old photograph and try to remember that moment. Listen to music that shows you're not alone, that 6/25/14 1:09 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy people have been thru hard times too. Look at yourself in Michelle SMS Messages the mirror everyday and tell yourself you're worth it, that you will get better and overcome this. Just one day at a time, do something right for yourself 6/25/14 1:35 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Will you try that ? Michelle SMS Messages 6/25/14 2:16 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yes I'll try it. Michelle SMS Messages Promise? Promise? Promise? Promise? Promise? Promise? Promise? Promise? Promise? Promise? Promise? Promise? Promise? Promise? Promise? 6/25/14 2:16 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages Promise? Promise? Promise? Promise? Promise? Promise? Promise? Promise? Promise? Promise? Promise? Promise? Promise? Promise? Promise? Promise? 6/25/14 2:17 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy yeah Michelle SMS Messages 6/25/14 2:18 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Thank you Michelle SMS Messages 6/25/14 2:27 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy not Michelle SMS Messages 6/25/14 2:27 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What? Michelle SMS Messages 6/25/14 2:38 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Haha nothin. im in Martha's Vineyard Michelle SMS Messages 6/25/14 2:39 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Why Michelle SMS Messages 6/25/14 2:42 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy moving barges outside menemsha Michelle SMS Messages 6/25/14 2:42 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Ohhhh Michelle SMS Messages 6/25/14 3:28 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy yeah for work. leavin soon tho Michelle SMS Messages 6/25/14 3:35 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay :) Michelle SMS Messages 6/25/14 3:45 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy why Michelle SMS Messages 6/25/14 3:45 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Idk hahaha Michelle SMS Messages 6/25/14 3:47 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy lkkkk Michelle SMS Messages 6/25/14 3:47 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy ok. we chill tomorrow? Michelle SMS Messages I have a nutritionist appointment at 11:30 And a therapist 6/25/14 3:48 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages appointment at 4 6/25/14 4:14 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Friday? Michelle SMS Messages 6/25/14 4:21 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I have tomorrow off Michelle SMS Messages 6/25/14 4:21 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy sorry I just found out a minute ago Michelle SMS Messages Idk if I'll have time with those appointments. Are you 6/25/14 4:22 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages working Friday? Maybe we can hangout Friday night 6/25/14 4:23 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy possibly.. lmao Michelle SMS Messages 6/25/14 4:23 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Let me know haha Michelle SMS Messages 6/25/14 4:24 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Youll be alive right? Michelle SMS Messages 6/25/14 4:25 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy :O Michelle SMS Messages 6/25/14 4:25 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm serious Michelle SMS Messages 6/25/14 4:27 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You always say that Michelle SMS Messages 6/25/14 4:28 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I always say what Michelle SMS Messages 6/25/14 4:29 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy That you'll hangout if you don't do anything bad by then Michelle SMS Messages 6/25/14 4:49 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Helloooo Michelle SMS Messages 6/25/14 6:30 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy hi Michelle SMS Messages 6/25/14 6:42 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Hi Michelle SMS Messages 6/25/14 7:56 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I got you something :) Michelle SMS Messages 6/25/14 8:15 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy oh really Michelle SMS Messages 6/25/14 8:16 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yup Michelle SMS Messages 6/25/14 8:41 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy what Michelle SMS Messages 6/25/14 8:41 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Did you get me a brain? :) Michelle SMS Messages 6/25/14 8:42 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Hahah you have a brain, but no it's a surprise Michelle SMS Messages 6/25/14 8:43 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Aww Michelle SMS Messages 6/25/14 8:43 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Its worth the wait Michelle SMS Messages 6/25/14 8:45 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy well I appreciate it (: Michelle SMS Messages Of course babe :) and its something different...something 6/25/14 8:46 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages you'd never ever expect 6/25/14 8:50 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Ohh shit, now you've got me nervous Michelle SMS Messages 6/25/14 8:50 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Haha no it's all good don't worry Michelle SMS Messages 6/25/14 9:00 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy idk I'm scared Michelle SMS Messages 6/25/14 9:35 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm so excited to give you it. Maybe it will even help Michelle SMS Messages 6/25/14 11:15 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Wake up Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 8:41 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm awake Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 9:04 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Morningg Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 10:06 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy morning Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 10:07 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy How are you Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 10:12 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy alright hbu Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 10:19 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm okayyy Michelle SMS Messages Idk if you're gonna think you're surprise is stupid haha but 6/26/14 10:28 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages you better not 6/26/14 10:33 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Lol Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 10:33 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy gimme a hint Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 10:35 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Nope ;) Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 10:40 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy But I know youd never expect it Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 11:54 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy awww Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 11:54 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy well I'm curious lol Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 12:16 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Its something bright. Thats all I'm saying Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 12:26 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Oh :p Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 12:34 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy :) Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 2:18 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy hey Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 2:27 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Hi haha Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 2:29 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy how's you Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 2:31 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Good I'm eating a sub haha you? Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 2:37 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy watching a movie with my sisters Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 2:38 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What movie? Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 2:39 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Halloween Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 2:40 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Mike Myers ? Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 2:43 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy yes Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 2:46 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Haha do u like it? Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 2:46 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Brb tho Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 2:48 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy okay haha Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 3:12 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Backkkkk Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 3:15 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What's good .? Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 3:15 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm tired af Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 3:20 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Question Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 3:27 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy what Michelle SMS Messages Is it weird if I go visit my friend at work during her lunch 6/26/14 3:28 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy break and like bring us sandwiches or something so we Michelle SMS Messages can eat together? 6/26/14 3:28 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy yeah lol Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 3:29 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Why is that weird tho Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 3:29 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy why can't you eat your sandwhich without ur friends Michelle SMS Messages HAHAHA no I mean like I wanna surprise her at work 6/26/14 3:30 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages during her lunch break. Just to like have a nice surprise 6/26/14 3:31 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy maybe another friend is bringing her food Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 3:32 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy idk if anyone's weird as u tho Michelle SMS Messages Haha yeah no one would do this...or probably think of this 6/26/14 3:32 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages lol. I mean she works at a restaurant anyways I just thought it would be nice to like have something 6/26/14 3:33 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages different from her usual lunch 6/26/14 3:48 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Haha whatever you think tho Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 3:51 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Welll is it weird??!! Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 3:51 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Brb therapist appointment fuck my life Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 3:52 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy my life is an abortion Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 4:54 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy hey come back Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 4:54 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Hi just got out good timing. Why is your life an abortion.... Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 5:04 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Idk I just feel like my life's a joke Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 5:04 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy How is that an abortion ? Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 5:05 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy it's fucked up Michelle SMS Messages Hahaha sorry I know I shouldn't laugh but that was kinda 6/26/14 5:10 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages funny 6/26/14 5:11 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Its not tucked up tho Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 5:11 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Lmao I try Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 5:12 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You don't know what I'm thinking Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 5:12 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yes I do you've told me Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 5:13 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Not everythingggg Michelle SMS Messages ugh you don't understand, I just had a conversation with my 6/26/14 5:19 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy aunt and I sounded so stupid I can't even make sentences. Michelle SMS Messages i sound legit retarded when I talk... What do you mean not everything? And no you don't you 6/26/14 5:25 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy probably just think you do because you lodged that concept Michelle SMS Messages in your head that you sound stupid 6/26/14 5:26 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You sounded fine talking to me Michelle SMS Messages I can't hide it anymore, I can't pretend like everything's ok. 6/26/14 5:27 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy everything is bad. and things have gotten worse since I Michelle SMS Messages talked to you 6/26/14 5:27 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm making things worse for you? Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 5:29 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Noooooo like with me Michelle SMS Messages Oh you scared me I thought you meant I was making it 6/26/14 5:34 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages worse but yeah.... like idkk if anyone is worse off mentally than 6/26/14 5:50 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages me... 6/26/14 5:53 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy There is Michelle SMS Messages My best part of the day is when I get sleep and I dream. 6/26/14 5:54 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages and then when I wake up I'm in a nightmare again 6/26/14 5:54 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm sorry Michelle I'm really sorry Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 5:59 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Don't be sorry babe why are you sorry? Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 5:59 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I give up. Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 6:00 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What do you mean.... Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 6:03 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I give up on myself Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 6:04 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy No I know but like you aren't gonna do anything right? Michelle SMS Messages my negative thoughts have controlled me. to the point 6/26/14 6:04 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages where I'm legit going insane 6/26/14 6:05 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Conrad you're not gonna do anything right? Michelle SMS Messages I don't want to talk to you because I feel like I'm getting you 6/26/14 6:05 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy upset and bringing you down, I don't deserve you. don't Michelle SMS Messages deserve anything 6/26/14 6:06 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy No you aren't! Not at all don't even think that! Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 6:06 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I need you to talk to me Michelle SMS Messages You do deserve me and you deserve the very best of 6/26/14 6:08 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy everything. Dont think that you don't deserve me please Michelle SMS Messages don't think that But right now I need to know that you're okay and aren't 6/26/14 6:10 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages gonna do anything so please tell me that 6/26/14 6:18 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy No I'm not. I want to, but I know I'm not Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 6:18 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Then stop saying you're gonna do it if you aren't gonna Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 6:22 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I didn't say it I Just said I give up Michelle SMS Messages Yeah but that's kinda what it means, and you tell me you 6/26/14 6:24 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy will all the time. I don't want you to say it if you don't mean Michelle SMS Messages it because then I worry 6/26/14 6:27 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay I'm sorry I'll stop Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 6:28 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy how was your therapist appt Michelle SMS Messages You don't have to be sorry. I just don't like when you say 6/26/14 6:28 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy that because I worry even tho I know you'll be okay. And it Michelle SMS Messages was okay. Talked about Alice the whole time haha 6/26/14 6:30 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Fuck her lmao Michelle SMS Messages I know haha. I have such a problem with her, like she 6/26/14 6:31 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages ruined my life and she doesn't even care 6/26/14 6:32 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy forget about her... Michelle SMS Messages I can't I don't know how honestly I try so hard but I like 6/26/14 6:32 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages literally can't Its so much of a problem that I had to talk about it in 6/26/14 6:33 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages therapy today Well I'm glad you talked about it. it was probably hard, but 6/26/14 6:44 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy the people who stop caring about you don't matter in your Michelle SMS Messages life. 6/26/14 6:48 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Thank you and yeah you're right Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 6:49 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy no problem. Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 6:50 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I need to tell you something Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 6:51 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I hate when you say that Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 6:51 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Haha why Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 6:52 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What is it. Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 6:52 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I liked her Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 6:53 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy as in ? Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 6:54 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy As in I had feelings for her and I think she felt the same Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 6:55 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy are you being serious ? Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 6:55 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeah.... Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 6:57 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy well you didn't tell me you are bi Michelle SMS Messages Only for her tho I've never liked another girl. Is this a 6/26/14 6:58 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages problem for you? 6/26/14 6:59 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy No, I just didn't know it's alright though Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 7:02 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I thought it was a phase but idk Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 7:02 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy it's alright Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 7:03 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Do you still love me? Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 7:05 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy yes Michelle SMS Messages Okay good I love you too. I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I was 6/26/14 7:05 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages afraid what you were gonna say 6/26/14 7:06 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Do you still love Alice? Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 7:08 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Idk Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 7:10 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Well don't anymore, Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 7:10 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy She's gone and you can't have her back Michelle SMS Messages I know and its not like we would have been together forever 6/26/14 7:12 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages or anything because I have you 6/26/14 7:13 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yes I guess Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 7:14 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Guess? Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 7:14 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy if I can somehow get out of this mess Michelle SMS Messages You'll get thru it, one day at a time. Do u think we have a 6/26/14 7:15 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages future? 6/26/14 7:15 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy a future ?? Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 7:16 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I don't think I have a future at this rate Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 7:16 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Idk nvm haha Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 7:16 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy But stop see that's what I mean! Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 7:17 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What? Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 7:17 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Don't say you aren't gonna have a future because you are Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 7:18 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeah but I'm afraid Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 7:19 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You can't live your life in fear Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 7:19 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy too late Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 7:20 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Every day is a new day to start again Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 7:25 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy :) Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 7:30 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy yeaaaa Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 7:30 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm trying Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 7:36 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I know you are Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 7:37 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy And I'm never gonna stop I promise Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 7:37 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy we should be like Romeo and Juliet at the end Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 7:38 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Haha I'd love to be your Juliet :) Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 7:38 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy but do you know what happens at the end Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 7:39 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy OH YEAH FUCK NO! WE ARE NOT DYING Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 7:39 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy lol Michelle SMS Messages Haha that's not funny I thought you were just trying to be 6/26/14 7:40 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages romantic 6/26/14 7:42 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I know I tricked ya Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 7:43 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Haha asshole Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 7:53 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy you asshole Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 7:54 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Haha remember when we used to be mean like that? Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 8:00 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy yah Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 8:02 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Haha and those random weird pics you would send? Michelle SMS Messages I always try to be strong around you and don't wanna tell 6/26/14 8:13 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy you my problems because I know you have enough to deal Michelle SMS Messages with but I'm really not doing good right now 6/26/14 8:18 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I know that you aren't trust me Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 8:18 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You know? Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 8:25 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy yeah I can tell kinda Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 8:26 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy How? Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 8:29 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy idk talk to me Michelle SMS Messages Body image and my eating disorder are just consuming my life. And I can't handle anything on my own so I rely on 6/26/14 8:31 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages friends but it gets took much to handle for them sometimes and I push people away I know this is cliche, but it's not what's important on the 6/26/14 8:42 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy outside it's what's important on the inside. there are a lot of Michelle SMS Messages people that have weight probl 6/26/14 8:42 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy ems. but just don't let it get to you as much. Michelle SMS Messages i feel like I shouldn't give advice tho I don't listen to other 6/26/14 8:45 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages ppl so why should ppl listen to me You give good advice don't worry. But yeah thanks it's just 6/26/14 8:47 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages with eating disorders it doesn't really work that way 6/26/14 8:50 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Oh really Michelle SMS Messages Yeah like body image is just something you can't really 6/26/14 8:55 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages change I just hate how I look and how I can't control myself around 6/26/14 8:59 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages food 6/26/14 8:59 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy And have no motivation to workout ever Michelle SMS Messages Don't workout then. it's all good. do whatever makes u 6/26/14 9:11 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages happy 6/26/14 9:12 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I took my sleepy pills I might be out soon idk Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 9:12 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I want to workout tho....like I wanna lose weight Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 9:12 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy just warning you Michelle SMS Messages 6/26/14 9:13 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Thanks haha Michelle SMS Messages i pray every night that this is all a bad dream: and I'll wake 6/26/14 9:14 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages up f eeling happy and proud of myself and a good kid again and 6/26/14 9:14 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages I'll have inted I wish things were back to normal and I could be 6/26/14 9:14 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages happy again. and not worry about other people and just love me, that's 6/26/14 9:14 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages all I wa 6/26/14 9:14 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy nt is to be able to love me again. I hate what I see Michelle SMS Messages my memory back like everyone else😞 but every morning 6/26/14 9:14 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages I'll disappo my memory back like everyone else���� but every 6/26/14 9:14 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Roy Conrad Michelle SMS Messages morning I'll disappo my memory back like everyone else but every morning I'll 6/26/14 9:14 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Roy Conrad Michelle SMS Messages disappo I could rant and rant to you like forever about different shit 6/26/14 9:14 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages but I'm sure you're sic and tired of hearing all my bullshit 6/26/14 9:15 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm never sick and tired of it Michelle SMS Messages alright well Ima try and sleep:) hopefully I can sleep tonight 6/26/14 9:19 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages if I can't I'll text u 6/26/14 9:20 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay babe sweet dreams :) and yes I'll be here Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 1:30 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy hey Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 1:44 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Heyy Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 1:44 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy what's up Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 1:45 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Laying in the sun you? Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 1:47 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Just got out of work Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 1:47 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy How was it Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 1:50 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy it was alright. haha Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 1:51 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm almost 18 omg Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 1:55 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeah lol Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 1:55 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy That's scary Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 1:56 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy almost legally an adult lol Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 1:56 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeah holy damn Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 1:58 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy when we chillin Michelle SMS Messages Well I wanna like have the day not just a few hours. So the 6/27/14 1:59 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy next time I can really do anything is Monday. I'm not doing Michelle SMS Messages anything Monday. Okay my appointment is Monday. .Okay my appointment is Monday. .Okay my appointment is Monday. .Okay my appointment is Monday. .Okay my appointment is Monday. .Okay my appointment is Monday. .Okay my appointment is Monday. .Okay my appointment is Monday. .Okay my appointment is Monday. .Okay my appointment is Monday. .Okay my appointment is Monday. .Okay my appointment is Monday. .Okay my appointment is Monday. .Okay my appointment is Monday. .Okay my appointment is Monday. .Okay my appointment is Monday. 6/27/14 2:08 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages .Okay my appointment is Monday. .Okay my appointment is Monday. .Okay my appointment is Monday. .Okay my appointment is Monday. .Okay my appointment is Monday. .Okay my appointment is Monday. .Okay my appointment is Monday. .Okay my appointment is Monday. .Okay my appointment is Monday. .Okay my appointment is Monday. .Okay my appointment is Monday. .Okay my appointment is Monday. .Okay my appointment is Monday. .Okay my appointment is Monday. .Okay my appointment is Monday. Okay my appointment is Monday 6/27/14 2:08 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Well I'm coming Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 2:11 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy u always say that Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 2:13 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy like by this rate we probably won't chill this summer haha Michelle SMS Messages No like I really wanna go and stop I'm coming I promise. 6/27/14 2:13 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages Like I really want to 6/27/14 2:25 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Alright Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 2:33 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 2:33 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy :) Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 2:34 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy :) Michelle SMS Messages Can I text Alice and pretend that it's you that you got a new 6/27/14 2:36 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages number hahahha 6/27/14 2:36 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Jk that's stupid nvm Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 2:36 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy If you really want to prank her. do it Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 2:37 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Do you care?? Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 2:37 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy there's prob better ways to idk Michelle SMS Messages Well Idk who else to be haha so I just wanna pretend I'm 6/27/14 2:37 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages you 6/27/14 2:50 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 2:54 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm gonna pretend I'm you. Don't tell her Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 2:54 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy not goin to Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 2:55 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You don't talk to her anymore do you? Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 2:56 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy No lmfao Michelle SMS Messages Good haha so if she texts you asking if this is you don't 6/27/14 3:04 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy respond because I just sent her a text saying that it's you Michelle SMS Messages and you got a new number Haha Haha please don't respond if she texts you. I wanna prank 6/27/14 3:04 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages her 6/27/14 3:05 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay okay Michelle SMS Messages Good. So Monday...come over my house I'll think of 6/27/14 3:07 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages something fun we can do 6/27/14 3:24 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy alight Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 4:26 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy :) Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 4:34 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I made a new friend today Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 4:34 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Really?! Who Michelle SMS Messages his name is Disparu he's from England. I met him online 6/27/14 4:35 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy from a website it's galled experience project. it's like a blog Michelle SMS Messages website 6/27/14 4:36 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What do you do on it? I didn't know you had one Michelle SMS Messages I just made it today. you talk about different subjects you 6/27/14 4:37 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy can ask questions, get people's opinions on things. it's Michelle SMS Messages kinda cool Yeah that does sound cool. Haha did you make a profile 6/27/14 4:37 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages and stuff? 6/27/14 4:39 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy yeah it's like a new social media Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 4:40 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeah I just looked it up haha. I know why you joined Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 4:49 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy why Michelle SMS Messages The first thing It says when you wanna sign up is titled 6/27/14 4:50 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy "people who get you" haha. You wanna see if people Michelle SMS Messages understand what you're going thru and try to relate to others 6/27/14 4:59 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yep haha Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 4:59 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Knew it Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 5:05 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy this kid really helps he's my age Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 5:10 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Is he going thru similar things? I'm so happy for you Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 5:27 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy yeah well he had in the past he's still recovering Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 5:28 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Gotcha Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 5:30 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy but it's good talking to him, he knows a lot Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 5:31 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Haha that's good. Is he better at giving advice then me? Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 5:31 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy It's not about that. Michelle SMS Messages he knows more about what I'm going through because he 6/27/14 5:31 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages has same problems that you don't have 6/27/14 5:32 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Oh okay Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 5:32 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy lmao just saying Michelle SMS Messages No it's fine haha I'm glad someone can relate to you and 6/27/14 5:33 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages understand 6/27/14 5:34 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy you should go on it and ask for help for your problem Michelle SMS Messages Idk I mean I already went for help to a place that all the 6/27/14 5:35 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages girls there could relate. It doesn't help 6/27/14 5:40 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I see Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 5:45 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I know it didn't help for me either being in the hospital Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 5:45 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeah ha it didn't do that much Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 5:51 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Oh well Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 5:54 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I mean I tried haha Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 5:54 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I did learn some good things tho Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 5:54 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Good :) Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 5:56 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy :) do you have any ideas for Monday? Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 5:56 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy not sure Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 5:59 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I wanna do something fun Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 6:42 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy same Michelle SMS Messages just scrolling through twitter, she wants to too you should 6/27/14 6:46 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages talk to her about it HAHAHHAHAH well I am pretending to be you. Maybe I 6/27/14 6:48 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages should lol 6/27/14 6:48 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy really lemme see Michelle SMS Messages Okay haha. I said you're dating me and she's mad haha 6/27/14 6:49 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages she was like "you can do better than that shit"....awesome. 6/27/14 6:51 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy don't listen I guess Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 6:52 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Do you think I'm shit? Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 6:54 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy no ? Michelle SMS Messages Good. I'll show you what else she says when she answers 6/27/14 6:54 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages and stuff 6/27/14 6:54 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Thank you Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 6:58 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I love u Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 6:59 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I love you more Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 6:59 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy no Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 7:00 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yes :) Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 7:06 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'll talk to you tomorrow ok Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 7:29 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Why?? Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 7:29 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I wanna talk now? Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 7:34 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy my heads spinning a mile a minute Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 7:34 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Will talking help? Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 7:36 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy No Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 7:37 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay well if you change your mind you know I'm here Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 7:37 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy thank you Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 7:38 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Always 💕 Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 7:38 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Roy Conrad Always ���� Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 7:38 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Roy Conrad Always Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 7:38 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy ~_~ Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 7:38 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy ? Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 7:39 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy srry Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 7:39 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Why Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 7:42 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm the worst I've ever been...... Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 7:46 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What's going on? Did something happen? Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 7:54 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy idkk Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 7:55 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Tell me Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 8:04 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy nothifn happened really. I'm just tellin you Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 8:05 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I thought that kid was helping? Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 8:52 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I officially lost my mind Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 8:52 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Why do you say that What's happening Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 10:24 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Do you wanna come over tomorrow? Michelle SMS Messages 6/27/14 10:24 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Please Michelle SMS Messages I really wanna see you and hangout and we can go get like 6/27/14 10:26 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy an ice cream and I'm still trying to think of stuff but I really Michelle SMS Messages want you to come over toomorrow 6/27/14 10:27 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I love you Michelle SMS Messages I HAVE THE BEST IDEA OMG YOU NEED TO COME 6/27/14 10:35 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages OVER PLEASE 6/27/14 11:57 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy :) Michelle SMS Messages 6/28/14 9:35 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Conrad Michelle SMS Messages 6/28/14 9:44 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yes Michelle SMS Messages 6/28/14 9:44 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Can you Michelle SMS Messages 6/28/14 10:19 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy .... Michelle SMS Messages 6/28/14 11:12 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy No I'm busy Michelle SMS Messages 6/28/14 11:14 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Doing what Michelle SMS Messages 6/28/14 11:16 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy working Michelle SMS Messages 6/28/14 11:22 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Lie Michelle SMS Messages 6/28/14 11:26 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Come over at like 3 Michelle SMS Messages 6/28/14 11:33 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy lol Michelle SMS Messages 6/28/14 11:34 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Please Michelle SMS Messages 6/28/14 12:24 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy idk Michelle SMS Messages 6/28/14 12:26 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Why!? Michelle SMS Messages 6/28/14 12:28 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm not feelin like being with ppl Michelle SMS Messages No you need to come over. I just wanna like hangout by the 6/28/14 12:30 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy pool and go on a little walk and go out for ice cream haha. Michelle SMS Messages Please? And then on Monday I have an awesome idea When you don't want to be with people is the best and 6/28/14 12:32 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages most important time to be with them 6/28/14 12:32 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy maybe we will see Michelle SMS Messages 6/28/14 12:36 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Well I kinda need to know...like come over at 4 Michelle SMS Messages 6/28/14 12:38 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy well no then Michelle SMS Messages 6/28/14 12:41 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Conrad why. Please Michelle SMS Messages You say you want to hangout but then when the time 6/28/14 12:42 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages comes you don't want to. Would you rather sit at home and think negatively and feel 6/28/14 12:43 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages awful? 6/28/14 12:44 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeah kinda lol Michelle SMS Messages 6/28/14 12:45 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Why that makes no sense Michelle SMS Messages 6/28/14 12:45 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I thought you wanted to see me Michelle SMS Messages 6/28/14 12:46 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I do Michelle SMS Messages Well tonight is a perfect time babe. And I wanna give you 6/28/14 12:46 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages your present! 6/28/14 12:47 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I thought u were busy? Michelle SMS Messages 6/28/14 12:48 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy No not anymore. I have nothing to do tonight Michelle SMS Messages 6/28/14 12:48 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy And I wanna spend that time with you Michelle SMS Messages 6/28/14 12:50 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy can I let you know in 10 min Michelle SMS Messages 6/28/14 12:51 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeah that's fine, please think about it Michelle SMS Messages 6/28/14 12:52 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy could you come here ? Michelle SMS Messages 6/28/14 12:52 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy or no Michelle SMS Messages 6/28/14 12:54 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy My mom wants you to come here Michelle SMS Messages 6/28/14 12:54 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'll go over your house the next time Michelle SMS Messages 6/28/14 1:02 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I just don't wanna drive lol Michelle SMS Messages 6/28/14 1:02 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Omg... Michelle SMS Messages Seriously that's stupid haha. Can you come over at 6? My mom wants to be home when you come and she won't be 6/28/14 1:03 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages home til then. I wanna get an ice cream! And then we can hang Monday too 6/28/14 1:04 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Like 5 actually Michelle SMS Messages 6/28/14 1:05 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy you keep changing the times... Michelle SMS Messages I know sorry haha. I didn't know my sister had a game at 3 6/28/14 1:05 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages so much parents won't be home til 5 I know sorry haha. I didn't know my sister had a game at 3 6/28/14 1:05 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages so much pare_�__/__!______=____ I'll hang out Monday !I'll hang out Monday !I'll hang out Monday !I'll hang out Monday !I'll hang out Monday !I'll hang out Monday !I'll hang out Monday !I'll hang out Monday !I'll hang out Monday !I'll hang out Monday !I'll hang out Monday !I'll hang out Monday !I'll hang out Monday !I'll hang out Monday !I'll hang out Monday !I'll 6/28/14 1:10 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages hang out Monday !I'll hang out Monday !I'll hang out Monday !I'll hang out Monday !I'll hang out Monday !I'll hang out Monday !I'll hang out Monday !I'll hang out Monday !I'll hang out Monday !I'll hang out Monday !I'll hang out Monday !I'll hang out Monday !I'll hang out Monday !I'll hang out Monday !I'll hang out Monday !I'll hang out Monday !I'll 6/28/14 1:10 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Not tonight? Michelle SMS Messages 6/28/14 2:53 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy no Michelle SMS Messages 6/28/14 2:53 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy sorry Michelle SMS Messages 6/28/14 3:21 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I literally just called in Michelle SMS Messages 6/28/14 3:21 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy For what? Michelle SMS Messages 6/28/14 3:21 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy got called in for work Michelle SMS Messages 6/28/14 3:24 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Really? Michelle SMS Messages 6/28/14 6:58 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Thank you Michelle SMS Messages 6/28/14 6:59 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy for what Michelle SMS Messages 6/28/14 7:00 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Still accepting me Michelle SMS Messages 6/28/14 7:00 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy ? Michelle SMS Messages 6/28/14 7:01 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy When I told you I liked Alice haha Michelle SMS Messages 6/28/14 7:01 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Ohhh lmao how did that convo go Michelle SMS Messages 6/28/14 7:02 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Haha it's unfinished Michelle SMS Messages 6/28/14 7:03 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy she stopped? Michelle SMS Messages 6/28/14 7:05 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeah she hasn't responded back Michelle SMS Messages 6/28/14 7:07 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy which means she won't Michelle SMS Messages 6/28/14 7:07 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Or she's just busy Michelle SMS Messages 6/28/14 7:08 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy idk Michelle SMS Messages 6/28/14 7:08 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeah she probably just won't answer haha Michelle SMS Messages 6/28/14 7:09 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy depends what you said Michelle SMS Messages 6/28/14 7:09 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Haha yup that's true Michelle SMS Messages 6/28/14 7:12 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy :3 Michelle SMS Messages 6/28/14 7:13 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Wtf is that Michelle SMS Messages 6/28/14 7:30 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy a fuckin face Michelle SMS Messages 6/28/14 7:31 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Hahahhahhahaahahahhh no shit but what kind of face Michelle SMS Messages 6/28/14 7:42 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy mustache Michelle SMS Messages 6/28/14 7:45 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Oh I can see it Michelle SMS Messages 6/28/14 7:51 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy can you ? Michelle SMS Messages 6/28/14 7:52 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yes dipshit Michelle SMS Messages 6/28/14 7:52 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy fuck you Michelle SMS Messages 6/28/14 7:52 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Haha love you Michelle SMS Messages 6/28/14 7:53 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I know Michelle SMS Messages 6/28/14 7:53 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy ..... Michelle SMS Messages 6/28/14 7:54 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy ?????? Michelle SMS Messages 6/28/14 7:54 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Say you love me Michelle SMS Messages 6/28/14 7:55 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy you love me Michelle SMS Messages 6/28/14 7:55 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy 😑 Michelle SMS Messages 6/28/14 7:55 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Roy Conrad ���� Michelle SMS Messages

6/28/14 7:55 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Roy Conrad Michelle SMS Messages

6/28/14 7:55 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy what Michelle SMS Messages 6/28/14 7:56 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You know what I meant Michelle SMS Messages 6/28/14 7:56 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy o Michelle SMS Messages 6/28/14 7:56 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Bye Michelle SMS Messages 6/28/14 8:03 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm just kidding dont go Michelle SMS Messages 6/28/14 10:45 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Helllo Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 11:46 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I might go back Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 12:23 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm having a really hard time Conrad Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 12:26 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy if you think it's best then go back Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 12:26 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Idk Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 12:29 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy ? Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 12:30 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy well I'm not sure Michelle SMS Messages Like Idk what I want to do. I feel like I can get better on my 6/29/14 12:30 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages own, but then I realize I don't know if I can 6/29/14 12:30 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I want to be the best me that I can for you Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 1:12 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Don't worry about that. I'm sure you don't have to worry Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 1:16 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Worry about what? Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 1:18 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What I think Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 1:18 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Well I do Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 1:20 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Don't Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 1:22 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm so stupid Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 1:23 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Why? Michelle SMS Messages I'm just watching all of my friends make plans for their 6/29/14 1:26 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy futures and I'm realizing that I have none at all, no plans, Michelle SMS Messages no college. I just have no idea what I'm doing I still don't have any clue. lmao I might not even go to 6/29/14 1:27 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages college 6/29/14 1:27 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You don't know if you're gonna go? Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 1:31 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeah idk Michelle SMS Messages I just wish I knew what I was meant to do in life you know? I wish there was something I was so good at and so 6/29/14 1:32 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages passionate about that made me happy. But I don't know what that is 6/29/14 1:36 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I felt that way too Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 1:37 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeah haha, see...we are more alike than you think Michelle SMS Messages well I don't feel good about anything. and nothing makes 6/29/14 1:38 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages me happy anymore 6/29/14 1:38 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy so I'm stuck in this deep hole. il Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 1:47 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm trying my best to dig you out Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 1:48 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I don't wanna be dug out Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 1:58 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Stop it Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 2:00 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I don't think I can be Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 2:01 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Haha I'm serious Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 2:02 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I don't know what you want me to do anymore Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 2:12 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Nothing you've done plenty Michelle SMS Messages Im not giving up on you, it's just every time I try to help you 6/29/14 2:13 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages you don't listen 6/29/14 2:15 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I know Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 2:17 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What do you want me to do? Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 2:21 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy nothing Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 2:22 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Well I'm not just gonna leave you Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 2:25 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You need me Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 4:36 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm sorry I didn't mean that Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 4:44 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Conrad Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 5:59 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy yeah sorry Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 6:01 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy For what? Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 6:39 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I understand how miserable you are babe Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 6:41 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy you don't even know Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 6:41 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeah I know more than you think I do Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 6:49 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy How are you doing Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 6:50 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm ok hby Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 6:55 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy That's good and I'm awful I'm not gonna lie Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 6:57 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm sorry :/ I am too Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 6:58 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy you're not suicidal tho are you Michelle SMS Messages No I'm not. I kinda used to be but I'm not anymore don't 6/29/14 6:59 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages worry 6/29/14 7:01 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I am Michelle SMS Messages and it's not because of you or anything don't feel bad I just 6/29/14 7:02 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages really don't feel like living, I have nothing to live for. I know you say you're suicidal and say you don't feel like 6/29/14 7:04 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages living and stuff but you're never actually gonna do it I've tried recently. but if I'm gonna do it it's gotta be done 6/29/14 7:05 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages successfully And I'm still trying to figure out what I have to do to be 6/29/14 7:06 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages successful What do you mean you've tried? How have you tried? And 6/29/14 7:07 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy you're not successful because you know you don't really Michelle SMS Messages wanna die I tried to water intoxication. but you don't know how serious 6/29/14 7:10 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I am, I want to really bad. the past week I've been Michelle SMS Messages researching. and if I'm gonna do it it 6/29/14 7:10 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy has to be done Michelle SMS Messages it's nothing you did, like you tried to help. but you don't get 6/29/14 7:11 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy where I'm coming from. I've been in mental hospitals and Michelle SMS Messages they fuckin suck. there's someth ing wrong with my head seriously. and it just needs to ending wrong with my head seriously. and it just needs to ending wrong with my head seriously. and it just needs to ending wrong with my head seriously. and it just needs to ending wrong with my head seriously. and it just needs to ending wrong with my head seriously. and it just needs to ending wrong with my head seriously. and it just needs to ending wrong with my head seriously. and it just needs to ending wrong with my head seriously. and it just needs to ending wrong with my head seriously. and it just needs to ending wrong with my head seriously. and it just needs to ending wrong with my head seriously. and it just needs to ending wrong with my head seriously. and it just needs to ending wrong with my head seriously. and it just needs to ending wrong with my head seriously. and it just needs to ending wrong with my head seriously. and it just needs to 6/29/14 7:11 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages ending wrong with my head seriously. and it just needs to ending wrong with my head seriously. and it just needs to ending wrong with my head seriously. and it just needs to ending wrong with my head seriously. and it just needs to ending wrong with my head seriously. and it just needs to ending wrong with my head seriously. and it just needs to ending wrong with my head seriously. and it just needs to ending wrong with my head seriously. and it just needs to ending wrong with my head seriously. and it just needs to ending wrong with my head seriously. and it just needs to ending wrong with my head seriously. and it just needs to ending wrong with my head seriously. and it just needs to ending wrong with my head seriously. and it just needs to ending wrong with my head seriously. and it just needs to ending wrong with my head seriously. and it just needs to ending wrong with my head seriously and it just needs to Wtf is that? And why didn't you tell me you tried!? You told 6/29/14 7:12 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy me you weren't gonna do it and now all of a sudden you're Michelle SMS Messages trying and are serious about it? 6/29/14 7:15 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I didn't wanna scare uou I'm sorry Michelle SMS Messages Don't be sorry and thank you but you should have told me! 6/29/14 7:17 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I don't care if it scares me. I just don't understand how you Michelle SMS Messages fail the attempt. I really don't think you want to do this 6/29/14 7:19 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What do you mean fail the attempt Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 7:19 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy How did you fail the water thing Michelle SMS Messages I read a thing where if you drink enough water it could be 6/29/14 7:21 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy fatal because it lowers your sodium levels. I tried drinking Michelle SMS Messages all the water I could and nothing 6/29/14 7:21 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy happens Michelle SMS Messages That's a stupid way to try it because youre senses aren't 6/29/14 7:23 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages gonna let you drown yourself 6/29/14 7:24 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You're body and mind won't let you Michelle SMS Messages it's not drown yourself it's getting all nutrients out of your 6/29/14 7:24 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages body. 6/29/14 7:25 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Its kinda like drowning yourself Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 7:25 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Like drowning your insides full of water Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 7:26 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeah Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 7:26 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy but I'm really sorry I want to tell you the truth Michelle SMS Messages Then tell me the truth. I want you to always tell me the truth 6/29/14 7:27 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages AND NEVER BE SORRY ABOUT IT 6/29/14 7:28 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Well I want out. bad I have for a long time Michelle SMS Messages Then why haven't you done it already? I know you don't 6/29/14 7:28 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages really want to die 6/29/14 7:30 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy It's not that Michelle Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 7:30 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What is it Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 7:30 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Your family? Michelle SMS Messages I've been trying to find out how to fake my suicide as an 6/29/14 7:32 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy accident, that seems merely impossible and I'm not smart Michelle SMS Messages enough for that to be successful. and I've been looking online, and there's no 100% definite way 6/29/14 7:32 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy of killing yourself, and I don't want to go through Michelle SMS Messages hospitalizations again 6/29/14 7:32 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy By failing Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 7:34 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Why do you want it to be an accident? Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 7:35 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Well id like people to think that. and not feel guilty Michelle SMS Messages So if you didn't care what others thought then you would 6/29/14 7:36 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages have killed yourself the easy way? 6/29/14 7:37 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy what's the easy way Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 7:38 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Idk hanging yourself or over dosing idk Michelle SMS Messages and the only way id hate you is if you told people about 6/29/14 7:38 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages this. u hear me? 6/29/14 7:39 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm not gonna tell anyone Michelle SMS Messages Because if I did then you'd have to go to a hospital and I 6/29/14 7:39 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages know that's not what you want 6/29/14 7:40 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy alright, and i tried overdosing you know that Michelle SMS Messages Yeah but you didn't overdose enough because there's a 6/29/14 7:42 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy part of you that really didnt want to die. A part of you still Michelle SMS Messages had hope 6/29/14 7:42 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy no Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 7:43 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Then why didn't it work? Michelle SMS Messages I took enough to kill me but they got me to the hospital in 6/29/14 7:44 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages enough time to treat me, I was 2 hours away from dying 6/29/14 7:44 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy So you did it with people home? Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 7:45 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy My mom came home. I didn't know. she would. Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 7:45 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy After you took those pills, how did you feel? Proud or regret Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 7:45 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I didn't really think it through Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 7:46 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy but when I did it I knew I was going to for awhile Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 7:46 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Going to what? Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 7:46 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy overdose Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 7:47 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm confused what you just said Michelle SMS Messages tbh I don't even sleep at night I just think. and don't wanna 6/29/14 7:47 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages talk to anyone 6/29/14 7:48 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy at night I don't sleep I say I do but i don't Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 7:49 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Did you feel proud or regretful after you overdosed? Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 7:49 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy And what do you think about Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 7:50 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I didn't feel anything Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 7:51 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy can I tell you something Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 7:52 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yes of course you don't need to ask Michelle SMS Messages there's nothing anyone can do for me that's gonna make 6/29/14 7:54 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy me wanna live. it's very bad to hear, but I want to let you Michelle SMS Messages know that. truthfully. I haven't been happy with myself ever. I have split personalities and I 6/29/14 7:54 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy don't know who I am, I try to copy everyone else and I'm Michelle SMS Messages just never gonna be me. because I don' 6/29/14 7:54 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy t like me. I wanna be something different but I can't Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 7:57 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Why can't you? Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 7:57 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I don't know how Michelle SMS Messages Thank you for letting me know that. And I'm sorry what I've 6/29/14 7:58 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy been doing isn't enough, you know I'm trying my absolute Michelle SMS Messages hardest. 6/29/14 7:58 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What do you want to be? Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 7:59 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy No. you don't understand Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 7:59 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What don't I understand ? Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 8:00 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I WANT TO DIE Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 8:00 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy if I have to be obvious Michelle SMS Messages I know you want to! But I just don't get why you're still 6/29/14 8:00 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages holding on if you want to so badly. I know you want to and you research it and everything but 6/29/14 8:05 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages are you actually really gonna do it? 6/29/14 8:07 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yah. if I can find a way to 100% work Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 8:08 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy There is though, you're just afraid of doing it Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 8:09 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy no there's not lol Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 8:09 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy 96% of attempts result in failure Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 8:10 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy How badly do you want to be in that 4% Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 8:10 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy .... Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 8:12 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeah that was a stupid question Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 8:12 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy it's not really about how bad you want it Michelle SMS Messages I don't get why you don't just overdose again but go 6/29/14 8:12 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages somewhere in private 6/29/14 8:15 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You already know it works Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 8:19 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy the statistics show only .2% fatal on OD Michelle SMS Messages I'm proving a point that there are ways to do it but something in you, I don't care how many times you 6/29/14 8:21 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy disagree, something in you doesn't want to do this. And Michelle SMS Messages we'll you said you were 2 hours away from dying so you did do it right 6/29/14 8:23 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy it's probably the mostly painful way to die. Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 8:23 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy other than burning to death Michelle SMS Messages and it lasted like 10 hours. It felt like foreverand it lasted like 10 hours. It felt like foreverand it lasted like 10 hours. It felt like foreverand it lasted like 10 hours. It felt like foreverand it lasted like 10 hours. It felt like foreverand it lasted like 10 hours. It felt like foreverand it lasted like 10 hours. It felt like foreverand it lasted like 10 hours. It felt like foreverand it lasted like 10 hours. It felt like foreverand it lasted like 10 hours. It felt like foreverand it lasted like 10 hours. It felt like foreverand it lasted like 10 hours. It felt like foreverand it lasted like 10 hours. It felt like foreverand it lasted like 10 hours. It felt like foreverand it lasted like 10 hours. It felt like foreverand it lasted like 10 6/29/14 8:25 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages hours. It felt like foreverand it lasted like 10 hours. It felt like foreverand it lasted like 10 hours. It felt like foreverand it lasted like 10 hours. It felt like foreverand it lasted like 10 hours. It felt like foreverand it lasted like 10 hours. It felt like foreverand it lasted like 10 hours. It felt like foreverand it lasted like 10 hours. It felt like foreverand it lasted like 10 hours. It felt like foreverand it lasted like 10 hours. It felt like foreverand it lasted like 10 hours. It felt like foreverand it lasted like 10 hours. It felt like foreverand it lasted like 10 hours. It felt like foreverand it lasted like 10 hours. It felt like foreverand it lasted like 10 hours. It felt like foreverand it lasted like 10 hours It felt like foreverand it lasted like 10 6/29/14 8:31 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What about hanging yourself or stabbing yourself Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 8:32 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I have nowhere to do that Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 8:32 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeah you do Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 8:34 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy well the kid I'm talking to tried it and to didn't work for him Michelle SMS Messages Well if you wanted it bad enough then you'd at least try it 6/29/14 8:35 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages right? What about over dosing on sleeping pills? Or suffocating 6/29/14 8:35 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages with a plastic bag? see I've thought about all those things but it's not positive it 6/29/14 8:38 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages will work Well you said yourself that there isn't anything that's 100% 6/29/14 8:39 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages positive 6/29/14 8:41 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Sleeping pills would work Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 8:43 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy really ? Michelle SMS Messages Yup. If you take a really huge amount of them, you'll fall 6/29/14 8:45 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages asleep and never wake up 6/29/14 8:47 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy but what if I do /: Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 8:48 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What if you do what? Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 8:48 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Wake up Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 8:48 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Then you fail idk Michelle SMS Messages But if you really wanna die then I don't get why you 6/29/14 8:49 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages wouldn't try it 6/29/14 8:49 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy exactly Michelle SMS Messages You say you wanna die so bad Conrad, but you aren't willing to try any ways to die. You said nothing is 100%, so 6/29/14 8:50 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages all the kids in the world who have committed suicide knew that too, But they tried and were successful I know. I just don't wanna fail again. that's what I'm scared 6/29/14 8:51 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages of 6/29/14 8:51 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You can't live your life in fear Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 8:52 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy But there's been far more unsuccessful attempts Michelle SMS Messages And obviously you don't wanna die then because you 6/29/14 8:52 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy wouldn't be scared to try. You'd wanna try anything as Michelle SMS Messages much as you could I guess you're partially right. I'm just still researching and 6/29/14 9:00 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy hopefully find a better way. I really do tho. I don't wanna be Michelle SMS Messages in the mental hospital agai 6/29/14 9:00 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy n. that's why Michelle SMS Messages I'm so right. And well if that's why you're scared to do this 6/29/14 9:01 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy then that's stupid, You can try things when your home Michelle SMS Messages alone or go somewhere and do it But the mental hospital would help you. I know you don't 6/29/14 9:02 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy think it would but I'm telling you, if you give them a chance, Michelle SMS Messages they can save your life Part of me wants you to try something and fail just so you 6/29/14 9:02 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages can go get help 6/29/14 9:05 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy It doesn't help. trust me Michelle SMS Messages So what are you gonna do then? Keep being all talk and no 6/29/14 9:07 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy action and everyday go thru saing how badly you wanna Michelle SMS Messages kill yourself? Or are you gonna try to get better? 6/29/14 9:10 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I can't get better I already made my decision. Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 9:10 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What's your decision? Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 9:15 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I love you Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 9:15 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy nothing Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 9:15 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Nothing? What do you mean nothing? Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 9:17 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Tell me Conrad Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 9:18 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy idk I give up. I'm just gonna takin Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 9:18 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy think and text you in the morning Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 9:19 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Are you gonna be okay tonight? Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 9:19 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yes I won't do anything Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 9:20 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay good. I love you so much Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 9:20 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Please say you love me back Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 9:21 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy love you to Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 9:22 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Thank you, you mean it right? Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 9:23 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yes I mean it Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 9:23 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 9:23 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Text me when you wake up Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 9:24 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm not sleeping It's just think time Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 9:24 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy That's what I meant Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 9:24 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Text me when you're done thinking haha Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 9:25 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy okie I might forget tho Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 9:26 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy DONT FORGET Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 9:27 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy am I really selfish Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 9:27 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy No why? Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 9:28 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy for wanting to kill myself so bad Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 9:28 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy and dragging you along with this Michelle SMS Messages No you're not selfish don't ever think that. People can say all they want that suicide is selfish, but that's because they don't understand the pain you're going thru. And no don't 6/29/14 9:30 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages worry about me! I'm here for you forever to help you thru this as best I can and support you. You aren't dragging me along. I chose to say. 6/29/14 9:34 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay well I'm gonna go for a bit Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 9:35 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 11:08 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Hey how's thinking Michelle SMS Messages 6/29/14 11:46 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Are we still on for Tuesday?? Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 8:16 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy hello Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 8:47 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Hey Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 8:49 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy whets ip Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 8:49 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Just woke up you? Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 8:53 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Are you any better? Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 9:27 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You don't wanna hang out today ? Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 9:30 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy what method should I try tho Michelle SMS Messages I can't today I have appointments I forgot I had them today. 6/30/14 9:36 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy But tomorrow we can, I'm not doing anything. And there's Michelle SMS Messages no point in telling you because you aren't gonna do it. damn. well my dad's already mad at me for taking today off 6/30/14 9:38 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages cause I thought we were today I told him 6/30/14 9:44 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Well call in! I'm sorry Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 9:45 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Are you gonna try anything? Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 9:50 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy yeah Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 9:50 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy but I have my therapist appt Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 9:50 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You're gonna try something today????! Michelle SMS Messages yeah the kid I'm talking to from Britan is helping me figure 6/30/14 9:51 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages out a way 6/30/14 9:52 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Shut up you're lying. Is this kid serious? Michelle SMS Messages yeah one of his friends did something and it worked so her 6/30/14 9:53 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages gonna try it too 6/30/14 9:54 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What did they do? Michelle SMS Messages If his friend committed suicide, why is he telling you how to 6/30/14 9:54 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages do it shouldn't he be talking you out of it? 6/30/14 9:55 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy went online and got some poisonous seeds and are then Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 9:55 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Where do you get poisonous seeds? Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 9:58 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Drink bleach Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 10:06 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy there's an online website Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 10:07 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Are you seriously gonna try that? Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 10:10 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Why don't you just drink bleach Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 10:11 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Ahah idk why don't you Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 10:11 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Because I don't want to... why is this funny? Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 10:13 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You're not gonna attempt anything today are you? Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 10:28 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Conrad Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 11:03 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I talked to therapist Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 11:06 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy About? Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 11:11 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy life Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 11:12 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy And... Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 11:16 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy stuff how are you doin Michelle SMS Messages No stop did he change your mind? Did you tell him you're 6/30/14 11:18 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages ginna kill yourself? 6/30/14 11:19 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy no lmao why eitkr i Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 11:19 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy would * Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 11:19 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy So you still are? Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 11:21 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy probably not you're right I'm All talj Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 11:21 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy talk Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 11:32 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Told you Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 11:33 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Haha I know Michelle SMS Messages I thought you said you were really going to? Because 6/30/14 11:34 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages you've been researching ways 6/30/14 11:35 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I've been but should I ? or nah Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 11:36 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You're so confusing I don't understand Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 11:37 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm a mess, lmao Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 11:38 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeah but it's not funny... Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 11:38 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Like are you seriously considering it or not? Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 11:41 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm sorry Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 11:41 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy For what? Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 11:42 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy everything I'm just so sorry Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 11:42 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Its okay you don't have anything to be sorry for Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 11:45 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy whenever I feel hopeful for future I get a negative thought Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 11:46 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What thought? Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 11:46 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy And so you do have hope, I told you Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 11:53 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I don't want you to live like this everyday tho Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 12:05 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I know I don't either Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 12:06 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy like I now know I'm gonna struggle with this my whole life Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 12:06 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy How can you be sure tho? Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 12:06 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy The therapist told me so. Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 12:06 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I told her my thoughts Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 12:07 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy And she told you that you won't get better? Michelle SMS Messages she said it'll take years and years of medication and 6/30/14 12:08 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages therapy to get better 6/30/14 12:09 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeah well that's true Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 12:10 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You'd probably have to go to therepy your whole life Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 12:11 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy it still won't being Back my memmory. it's lost Michelle SMS Messages You don't know that for sure tho. That's what the years of 6/30/14 12:11 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages therepy will help you with 6/30/14 12:11 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy But you didn't tell her you were suicidal?, Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 12:12 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I said I thought about it but I'm not Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 12:14 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy But you are... Michelle SMS Messages I don't wanna spend my summer in a mental hospital I try 6/30/14 12:16 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages to avoid it Well it's either you go to a mental hospital to have a 6/30/14 12:19 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy chance at getting better, or you spend your summer having Michelle SMS Messages negative thoughts all the time and possibly killing yourself 6/30/14 12:24 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What's your choice? Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 1:13 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Conrad? Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 2:17 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Please answer me Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 2:38 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yo Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 2:38 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Hi, so what's your choice Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 2:42 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm not goin Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 2:42 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 2:43 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy my medication should be working in next week Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 2:43 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 2:44 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I like how you said next week :) Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 2:57 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy im trying :( Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 2:58 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I know you are, I'm so proud of you Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 3:02 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You meant trying to get better right? Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 3:02 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy so so Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 3:02 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What? Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 3:15 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy yeah I guess but idkk Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 3:22 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You want to Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 3:46 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy possibly Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 5:03 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy and I can't hang out tomorrow Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 5:33 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What? Why? Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 6:13 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Why can't you Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 8:23 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm working Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 8:34 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy After work? Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 8:35 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy like I'm leavin at 5 to go on a trip Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 8:35 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Where? Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 8:36 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy to boston Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 8:37 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy With who and how long? Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 9:21 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy With who and how long? Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 9:25 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I want to watch the fireworks with you on Friday Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 10:13 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Are you doing better? Michelle SMS Messages 6/30/14 11:38 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I don't appreciate you not answering Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 8:32 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy sorrry Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 9:31 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Its fine Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 9:42 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Do you want to? Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 10:08 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy what's up Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 10:09 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Do you want to???? Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 10:18 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy want to what Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 11:55 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy See fireworks on friday Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 12:41 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm gonna be in Falmouth Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 12:41 PM Outgoing From: +17746788888 Conrad Roy Should have asked them to burn you up lmao Conrad SMS Messages 7/1/14 12:41 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy With who? Michelle SMS Messages

7/1/14 12:43 PM Incoming To: +17746788888 Conrad Roy Lol ya but it was like p town i didn't wanna get herpes ahah Conrad SMS Messages

7/1/14 12:47 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I work every 4th of July brininging firework barge there Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 12:47 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Oh Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 12:51 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I take it your doing better? Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 12:51 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy yeah really better Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 12:54 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Really? Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 12:55 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeah I'm all back to normal :) Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 12:56 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Are you being serious? You can just change overnight Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 1:07 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Can't* Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 1:14 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I know I can Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 1:15 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm so confused Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 1:17 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy me too Michelle SMS Messages Like 2 days ago you wanted to die, and now you're all 7/1/14 1:20 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages better? 7/1/14 1:20 PM Incoming To: +17746788888 Conrad Roy TD garden Conrad SMS Messages 7/1/14 1:21 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Kinda Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 1:25 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Well how did you get better? Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 3:03 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Idk I'm trying hard tho Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 3:08 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I know Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 3:16 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I thought you said you didn't have hope? Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 3:38 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy i have it for 5 seconds then it goes away Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 3:39 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Well maybe everyday you can have it for 5 seconds more Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 3:55 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yes. Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 4:00 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy how are you doin? are you going back to the hospital? Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 4:31 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm okay, and no I don't think so Michelle SMS Messages Okay good. and there's not gonna be any fireworks Friday 7/1/14 4:51 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages we are getting a hurricane :) there's fireworks I'm going to on Thursday...do you 7/1/14 4:51 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages wanna come to those ones with me? 7/1/14 4:52 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy And oh I'm sorry :/ I didn't know we were getting one Michelle SMS Messages yeah i didn't know until today. and they might be cancelled 7/1/14 4:53 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages we will see 7/1/14 4:54 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy The Thursday ones might? Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 4:58 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy if it's really windy Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 4:58 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Well if it's not...you're coming with me to see them Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 4:58 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy No if ands or buts about it Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 7:34 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 7:35 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay!? Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 7:35 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy ya Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 7:36 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yay! :) Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 8:21 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy How are you doing Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 8:28 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy alright hby? Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 8:28 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm alright too Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 8:40 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I lied :( Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 8:40 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy About what? Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 8:46 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Idk I wanna talk Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 8:47 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay talk to me then Michelle SMS Messages well I smoked last night, and i was feeling ALOT better. and 7/1/14 8:51 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages some things popped into my head 7/1/14 8:51 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy .....Okay like what Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 8:51 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Tell me Michelle SMS Messages It's probably bad that I did smoke, but I felt a lot better 7/1/14 8:53 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy about myself being high. and I know it's not the best for Michelle SMS Messages you. but it really helped me get th 7/1/14 8:53 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy rough 4 hours without even thinking about killing myself. Michelle SMS Messages and then I went to bed. and reality hit me when i woke up. 7/1/14 8:55 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy and I know I'm not where I wanna be at, but last night felt Michelle SMS Messages really great. I guess when I smoke things change with me, it happened last winter my mom 7/1/14 8:55 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy told me that I was like a different person. idk if I should Michelle SMS Messages continue to smoke or not. but I need s omething to get me away from negative thoughts and that's 7/1/14 8:55 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages the only way that actually worked Okay but babe you can't smoke all the time and only love yourself when you're high. Its not realistic and its not gonna get you any better. You're only happy because you're not yourself for like how many hours because you're high and have no idea what's going on. You block out your problems 7/1/14 8:57 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages and worries for a short time, but when you wake up, reality sets in again. Smoking isn't gonna be the thing that saves you and gets you better. Yeah it may help you feel better, but it's not a solution to your issues. Its a temporary fix, not a lifetime cure And its so bad for you like in the long run, its just gonna 7/1/14 9:01 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages make everything worse It made me feel on top of the world. it's weird, but I know I 7/1/14 9:02 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy just feel it would help me focus and concentrate, because it Michelle SMS Messages does. it really helps. and you think about things you wouldn't normally think about every 7/1/14 9:02 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy day. it brings things from the past back into your memory. Michelle SMS Messages idk i just felt really good by smo optimistic about the future, and happy who I was. and trust 7/1/14 9:02 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages me I haven't felt that good in awhile. king and during that time I played 4 hours of video games 7/1/14 9:02 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy and I actually enjoyed it, like I haven't actually enjoyed Michelle SMS Messages something in awhile. idk just I felt Who are you when you smoke? What do you see yourself 7/1/14 9:03 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages as? 7/1/14 9:08 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy tom cruise Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 9:09 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm being serious Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 9:09 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm being serious too. Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 9:11 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy 6 minutes Michelle SMS Messages like when I smoke I picture myself as tom cruise literly 7/1/14 9:16 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages cause I like him a lot Smoking takes 6 minutes away from your life, so every time you smoke, that's 6 minutes less that you get to be alive, 6 minutes less that you have a chance at getting better, 6 minutes less that I get to spend with you. Smoking messes 7/1/14 9:17 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages up your brain, your heart, and your lungs. I know you feel great and happy when you smoke, but it's actually doing you more damage. You just need to find something healthy that makes you feel just as good 7/1/14 9:18 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy smoking weed? or ciggaretts Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 9:19 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Both Michelle SMS Messages Would you rather spend your life smoking blunts and being high all the time so you don't have to face your problems like a man? Because that's basically what you're doing. Or 7/1/14 9:21 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages do you wanna actually take your problems and look them straight in the eye, tell them its your life and you're the boss, and actually do something about getting better? 7/1/14 9:28 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy ything could be gone Michelle SMS Messages You're right I don't wanna have to face my problems 7/1/14 9:28 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy because I'm on the verge of doing something permanent to Michelle SMS Messages my life and if something doesn't change ever 7/1/14 9:30 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy it's not the answer but it could lead me in the right direction Michelle SMS Messages Well that change can't be smoking. I mean sure, go out and smoke and get high sometimes, but it can't become a 7/1/14 9:31 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy lifetime habit or addiction just so you don't have to face Michelle SMS Messages your problems. And whats the right direction that smoking can possible lead you in? 7/1/14 9:34 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy being happy. that's all I wavt Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 9:34 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy want Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 9:34 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Do you not see how messed up this is? Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 9:35 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy No Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 9:37 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I think it's a good idea Michelle SMS Messages When you're high all the time, you aren't you! I can't have a conversation with you because you'll have no idea what's 7/1/14 9:39 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy going on and you say random stupid stuff. I don't want you Michelle SMS Messages to become that person, I don't want you to become someone you think you want to be it's the opposite tho, I like who I am when I'm high.. it helps 7/1/14 9:42 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy me be me the real me and get me focused and not think Michelle SMS Messages about other things. 7/1/14 9:42 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You're gonna end up getting addicted to it tho Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 9:44 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy The real you is someone who's high all the time? Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 9:45 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You're so much more than this Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 9:46 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy well I can't see It Michelle SMS Messages I rly don't know do you remember like stuff I told you the 7/1/14 9:47 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages long paragraphs 7/1/14 9:47 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeah why? Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 9:48 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy well how long ago was that Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 9:48 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Like last week why? Michelle SMS Messages well see I wouldn't be able to tell you those things now idk 7/1/14 9:51 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages what I said They are your thoughts that you get everyday tho, so you 7/1/14 9:51 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages should know what you think everyday 7/1/14 9:55 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy not anymore Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 9:56 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Do you still have bad thoughts everyday? Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 9:58 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy what do you mean by bad Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 9:59 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Negative, suicidal Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 9:59 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeah rly bad Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 10:00 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy About killing yourself? Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 10:01 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I think about it all day. it kinda feels like the only option Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 10:02 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy And you think smoking is gonna change that? Michelle SMS Messages but like 2 months ago I was fine and felt fine about the 7/1/14 10:03 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy future. I just can't get out of my head. which if I could it Michelle SMS Messages would be a lifesaver but nothing I 7/1/14 10:03 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy do gets me out of my head unless I sleep Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 10:04 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Well what's differet from now and 2 months ago? Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 10:04 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy nothing, my thoughts overpower me so much Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 10:06 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Do you still research ways? Michelle SMS Messages nothing has drastically changed in my life other than the 7/1/14 10:06 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy fact that I have to face the real world now, and get out of Michelle SMS Messages my bubble that I've been in for lik 7/1/14 10:06 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy e all my life Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 10:08 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy ways? Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 10:08 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You said you research ways to kill yourself Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 10:09 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy not recently it gets me upset Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 10:09 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 10:15 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy That's good right? Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 10:21 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I've done enough research and it's got me nowhere Michelle SMS Messages I mean you don't need to do research...you kinda already 7/1/14 10:22 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages know everything 7/1/14 10:23 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy true in a way I just wanted to find some other way Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 10:24 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You know ever way basically Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 10:28 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy there's still more ways Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 10:28 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Do you think you're actually gonna do this soon? Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 10:31 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeah prob Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 10:35 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I might too Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 10:38 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy you said you weren't feelin that way Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 10:39 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I don't even know how I feel anymore to be honest Michelle SMS Messages well I'm prob getting you depressed so I can stop talkin to 7/1/14 10:39 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages you if u want No stop! I love you. It's not anything to do with you. Its just 7/1/14 10:40 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy me, I don't think I'm gonna kill myself but I'm definitely Michelle SMS Messages depressed 7/1/14 10:43 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Its not because of you tho at all. Its just my eating disorder Michelle SMS Messages I just want to make sure you're actually gonna do this, or if 7/1/14 10:47 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy you're all talk. Because I need to get myself prepared. I Michelle SMS Messages tried the best I could and I can never talk you out of it Okay. well I'm here. I may be getting worse and worse 7/1/14 10:48 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy every day but I'm still alive. what you need to do is get out Michelle SMS Messages of it, idk I kinda let myself thinkin about killing myself which is bad, but I kinda accepted the 7/1/14 10:48 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy idea of it which I wish I never have because once you have Michelle SMS Messages that idea it's hard as fuck to ge t out of your head. but you have adressed the problem 7/1/14 10:49 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy which is good. although it may not seem it but youre fine Michelle SMS Messages the way you are. there's a lot of people out there that don't have the perfect body, but they are 7/1/14 10:49 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy okay with it. I guess if it gets you depressed it's not worth it Michelle SMS Messages just work on u Thank you that was very sweet :) and I know you're there, I just don't wanna complain to you because I know you have so much to deal with already. I don't wanna push my problems on you as well, you can't handle that right now. I've had an eating disorder for 4 years. Its hard it's a 7/1/14 10:56 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages struggle everyday, some days are great and some not so great, but I'm doing the best that I can. Thank you for saying that tho, I've always been so insecure with how I look so for you to say that it really means a lot to me thank you babe 7/1/14 11:05 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Is my time with you limited? Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 11:06 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm steering the boat right now lol Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 11:06 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Oh. Text me after Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 11:07 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Don't crash it on purpose Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 11:07 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I've been steering the whole time for about 2 hours Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 11:08 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Oh nvm then haha. So answer my question Michelle SMS Messages yeah there's no wheel it's like a joystick to go left/right... but 7/1/14 11:10 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages what do you mean Oh that's easy haha. And like is my time with you limited. 7/1/14 11:12 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages Like are you gonna do this soon? 7/1/14 11:13 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I don't know what to do yet Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 11:17 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy This is why you confuse me! Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 11:18 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What method to do Michelle SMS Messages Oh...I thought you meant you don't know if you wanna do it 7/1/14 11:19 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages or not 7/1/14 11:21 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I kinda have to try something at this point Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 11:22 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy When? Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 11:23 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy When I get back home Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 11:24 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I thought about something today but Idk if it would work idk Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 11:24 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Which is when? And what is it? Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 11:24 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I get back tomorrow night Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 11:26 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What are you gonna try? Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 11:27 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Idk yet . but I thought about jumping off the boat Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 11:27 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy That wouldn't do anything.. Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 11:28 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I know I'm stupid Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 11:37 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You're not stupid Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 11:37 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You're lonely, but you're not alone Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 11:38 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I kno I'm not alone Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 11:39 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Is tomorrow it? That's just it Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 11:42 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Huh? Michelle SMS Messages You said you're gonna try something when you get back. 7/1/14 11:42 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages That would be tomorrow 7/1/14 11:44 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeah I'm mentally drained Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 11:44 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I don't think you're actually gonna Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 11:47 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy well think what you want Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 11:48 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You know I'm right Michelle SMS Messages Well if tomorrow is gonna be your last day alive, then I 7/1/14 11:50 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages wanna talk to you all day Well if tomorrow is gonna be 7/1/14 11:52 PM Incoming To: +17746788888 Conrad Roy your�_��](_U?_____�|___)U______Conrad SMS Messages ______4ACA 7/1/14 11:52 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy alright I'll talk to you Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 11:57 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Wait hold on are you serious about this? Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 11:59 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I've been serious for awhile. Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 11:59 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I just haven't tried Michelle SMS Messages 7/1/14 11:59 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeah but tomorrows the day? Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 12:02 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Either that or Friday Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 12:03 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Well today now....it's 12:03 Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 12:04 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy yeah u know Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 12:04 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I love you so much Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 12:05 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I love you to Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 12:05 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I can't believe this is really happening Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 12:05 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy wha Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 12:06 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You're actually gonna do this Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 12:11 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy do it with me? lmao jk Michelle SMS Messages I would, but I wanna live my life for you. Everything I do its 7/2/14 12:13 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy gonna be for you. You're the love of my life, I always knew Michelle SMS Messages we were special. You're mine forever But My logic is I'm going to fail at it and do more damage to 7/2/14 12:13 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy myself than what's already been done and end up going to Michelle SMS Messages hospital for awhile and doing ever 7/2/14 12:13 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy ything over again Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 12:14 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Well then don't fail, do what your most confident doing Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 12:14 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy But if I'm not Alive, how is it gonna be for me Michelle SMS Messages Because I know you'd want me to do good and live a happy life, and get over my eating disorder. And when I 7/2/14 12:16 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages accomplish things, I'm always gonna look up to the sky and know you're smiling down on me. Its gonna be for you I just know Jesus is going to be with me no matter what I 7/2/14 12:19 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy do. I haven't done anything really wrong my whole life I just Michelle SMS Messages want him to take me with him and 7/2/14 12:19 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy be an angel Michelle SMS Messages like if I do end up dying. I know I won't go to hell. I don't 7/2/14 12:21 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages belong there Jesus will take care of you babe, you'll be happy and protected in heaven. I just want you to finally be happy, so so happy. And if this is the only way you think you're gonna 7/2/14 12:22 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages be happy, heaven will welcome you with open arms. You're gonna be the most beautiful angel there ever was, you're gonna be my angel 7/2/14 12:22 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You won't go to hell I promise you that Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 12:23 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Heaven needs a hero Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 12:35 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Idk If it's bad or good that you understand me this way Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 12:35 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What do you mean Michelle SMS Messages I think it's good though. like everyone wants me to live and 7/2/14 12:39 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy it's putting so much pressure on me to stay alive. it's like Michelle SMS Messages I'm only staying alive for them 7/2/14 12:39 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What do you mean Michelle SMS Messages Like I'm able to tell you what I'm gonna do, and you support 7/2/14 12:40 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy me on it. like I don't want anyone to feel guilty about it, it's Michelle SMS Messages nothin they can do I know that's what I told you, you can't just live you're life for other people if you're just gonna be miserable your whole life, You have to live for yourself and be happy. And you 7/2/14 12:42 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy can't do that. Its not that I want you to die, of course I don't. Michelle SMS Messages I pictured you being in my life forever, maybe even get married idk. Even when we aren't dating, I know you're my boyfriend Like you arent living, you're just surviving. And I hate seeing you this way. I don't want you to live this way. No 7/2/14 12:44 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages one's gonna be guilty about it, we all did the best we could, well I know I did You were my first love, and I wanted more than anything for you to be my last. You were the only guy to make me 7/2/14 12:47 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy feel special, and important, and visible. And loved. You'll Michelle SMS Messages always be in my heart, always and forever. You're mine (like our song) well after I turned 16 it felt like my whole life was over after 7/2/14 12:47 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy then and I couldn't be happy. I just have a big family who Michelle SMS Messages loves me, and I feel is going ing seems to me sweeping away from my feet I have a bad 7/2/14 12:47 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages memory and bad attitude. it's not gonna change. anymore to grieve me, I worry about what's gonna happen to my 7/2/14 12:47 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy mom the most. all she wants is for me to be happy. but I Michelle SMS Messages can't seem to find happiness when everyth You know I kinda don't want my parents to feel like failures. 7/2/14 12:49 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages idk maybe they did some things they shouldn't have but idk Can I talk to you in the morning? I'm sorry I need to get up 7/2/14 12:49 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages early 7/2/14 12:49 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy But I'll text you as soon as I wake up Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 12:50 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Alrighttty Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 12:50 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Sweet dreams Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 12:50 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy you're gonna be okay Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 12:51 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Thank you, I love you Conrad, more than you'll ever know Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 12:51 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You're gonna be okay too Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 12:53 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy love you to Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 8:13 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy good morning (: Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 8:52 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Good morning :) Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 8:55 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy How are you Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 9:01 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Ehhh hbu? Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 9:02 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy what if it doesn't work Michelle SMS Messages I'm fine for now, but are you really gonna try hard to do 7/2/14 9:03 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy this? Or are you just telling me you're gonna and pretend Michelle SMS Messages that you just failed ? 7/2/14 9:04 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeah I have no option anymore. Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 9:04 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I have to. Michelle SMS Messages I can't constantly throughout the day think about what's 7/2/14 9:05 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages gonna happen. I've been doin that for about 2 weeks Okay well of course your family is gonna grieve you. I mean whenever people lose someone they love, they grive them and are hysterically sad for a good month. But then it gets better, and they won't be as sad. They will always remember you and good times and memories. Your mom will definitely be sad and lost for a few weeks, but she will get better and she has support from family and friends. She 7/2/14 9:11 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy will know that you just wanted to be happy, and instead of Michelle SMS Messages crying for you, she will smile, knowing that you're in a better place. Your parents are not failures and they will not think they are. They tried everything they could, but your issues won. Yeah they'll probably blame themselves for a while, but they will get over it and learn to accept it. They will live for you, just like I will. They will be okay I promise. I'll even call your mom every now and then to check in When my Grammie died, my grandfather felt like he got hit by a truck. He was so sad for a while, but now he's better. He's happy and moving on, keeping her in his memory forever. That's what your parents will do. They love you, 7/2/14 9:15 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages and that love will never die. "Love is how you stay alive even after you are gone". You're spirit and memory will never die, you might be gone, but we will always remember you 7/2/14 10:30 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Conrad? Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 10:33 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yes I just broke down I'm better though Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 10:33 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Better as in what? Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 10:33 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Did I make you cry??! Michelle SMS Messages Yeah I was for like an hour. this happened to me once 7/2/14 10:35 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy before in the hospital. I just wouldn't stop for awhile. but I'm Michelle SMS Messages with my dad and he talked to me fo 7/2/14 10:35 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy r awhile Michelle SMS Messages I haven't cried In a good week. so it kinda felt good to 7/2/14 10:37 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages release it I'm happy you let it out. Its so important that you don't keep 7/2/14 10:49 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy everything inside, I'm here for you. Your dad doesn't know Michelle SMS Messages does he? 7/2/14 11:30 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Are you still doing it? Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 12:25 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Babe? Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 12:47 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy yeah Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 12:47 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You are? Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 12:55 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeah is that bad ? Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 12:57 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Well I mean I can't stop you Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 12:59 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I can't even think anymore like it's over Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 12:59 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What are you gonna do? Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 1:01 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy idkk it's not gonna be today though. tomorrow Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 1:02 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Why tomorrow? Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 1:03 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Idk there's so much more to think about Michelle SMS Messages but I'll take those kind words you said last night and will 7/2/14 1:08 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages keep reading it 7/2/14 1:16 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Aww what words? Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 1:36 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Are you like planning it out? Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 1:56 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy yeah Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 2:04 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What method? Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 2:19 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy not sure Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 2:25 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy When tomorrow? Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 3:19 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy idk yet Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 3:46 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I love you Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 3:48 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I love you too, so so much. Are you okay? Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 3:51 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy if you only knew :( Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 3:51 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy But Whats up Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 3:52 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm helping my friend clean her room. What about you? Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 3:53 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy just took a shower, got home from work Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 3:56 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy How was work? Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 3:57 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy it wasn't too bad. I mean at least I was with my dad Michelle SMS Messages Yeah that's good. Did you and your dad talk about a lot of 7/2/14 3:59 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages things? my problem is I can't talk. like it's hard for me to put out 7/2/14 4:00 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages words. so I only say a few. I can't get everything out 7/2/14 4:00 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy too much negativity thoughts clogging my brain Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 4:02 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy it would be a lot easier if it was winter time Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 4:03 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Why would it be easier in the winter? Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 4:05 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy hypothermia Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 4:06 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Well it's the beginning of summer so that's not for a while Michelle SMS Messages http://henryhackit.blogspot.com/2012/11/the-best-way-to- 7/2/14 4:09 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages kill-yourself.html?m=1 http://henryhackit.blogspot.com/2012/11/the‐best‐way‐ 7/2/14 4:09 PM Outgoing From: +17746788888 Conrad Roy Conrad SMS Messages to‐kill‐yourself.html?m=1 7/2/14 4:09 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I found a new website today Michelle SMS Messages I just looked at it, that guy knows what he's talking 7/2/14 4:20 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy about...are you gonna try one of those ways? Are you Michelle SMS Messages gonna leave a note? Yeah I'm not gonna take any pills, and I don't wanna leave 7/2/14 4:23 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages a mess, so it leaves me with still a few options 7/2/14 4:24 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You don't wanna try the sleep pills? And what options? Michelle SMS Messages No. he said you'd need to save up to 3 months for it to put 7/2/14 4:25 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages you to sleep and never wake up 7/2/14 4:25 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Not if you take a lot and alcohol Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 4:26 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Who said : Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 4:26 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy In the article that's what it said Michelle SMS Messages If you take a lot mixed with alcohol, it will relax you enough 7/2/14 4:28 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages that you'll fall asleep and not wake up 7/2/14 4:36 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I don't have enough and There's no refills Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 4:36 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy True Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 4:37 PM Incoming To: +17746788888 Conrad Roy True Conrad SMS Messages I've already undergone one of the most painful ways and 7/2/14 4:38 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages survived so I'm ready for pain 7/2/14 4:38 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Well what do you have in mind... Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 4:40 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy well 3 things. Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 4:43 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay explain Michelle SMS Messages I feel a lot better with more options. like I did hours and 7/2/14 4:43 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy hours of research and the website is the clear cut website Michelle SMS Messages of what I'm lookin for 7/2/14 4:44 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Which is what Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 4:44 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'll tell you once I'm in the process Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 4:46 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What do you mean the process? Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 4:47 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy don't worry about it I'll let you know before Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 4:47 PM Outgoing From: +17746788888 Conrad Roy don't worry about it I'll let you know before Conrad SMS Messages 7/2/14 4:48 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Before you do it? Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 4:49 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy yeah Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 4:49 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy if you want we can hang out tomorrow Michelle SMS Messages So you're completely serious about this like you're 7/2/14 4:49 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages definitely doing it? 7/2/14 4:50 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yes. Michelle SMS Messages Well how would we hangout? I thought you're doing it 7/2/14 4:52 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages tomorrow ? 7/2/14 4:52 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm prob gonna do it like really late at night Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 4:53 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Why late at night? Michelle SMS Messages I feel that's the best time idk. and I wanna see you again. 7/2/14 4:54 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages even though Im like this I still will 7/2/14 5:05 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Will seeing me change your mind? Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 5:07 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy idk I'd rather spend the day with you than alone Michelle SMS Messages Aww yes I'd love to see you. Well Im volunteering at a 7/2/14 5:08 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy camp until 3:30...that's the bad part. But you can come Michelle SMS Messages over after! 7/2/14 5:10 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy well that should be fun. and Yeah I'll do that Michelle SMS Messages Haha no I'm passed I have to spend the day with little kids 7/2/14 5:10 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages and I don't even get paid 7/2/14 5:10 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy And okay good :) Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 5:12 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Pissed * Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 5:13 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I want to make your last day alive special Michelle SMS Messages well that's what volunteer work is for. to feel good about 7/2/14 5:17 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy giving to the community I wish I did volunteer hours or Michelle SMS Messages community service 7/2/14 5:19 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeah that's true, and it looks good on a resumé Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 5:19 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy And I went to the same camp when I was younger Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 5:22 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy oh lake crystal? Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 5:22 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy *crystal lake ? Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 5:22 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy No haha it's called everyday pe Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 5:23 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Pe? Michelle SMS Messages Yeah like physical education. It promotes being active 7/2/14 5:23 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages everyday 7/2/14 5:24 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy like play 60? Michelle SMS Messages Yeah kinda haha similar thing. But there's all kinds of fun 7/2/14 5:25 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages games and activities 7/2/14 5:27 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm not gonna tell tom is that bad Michelle SMS Messages Well if you tell him, he will tell your parents or call the 7/2/14 5:28 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages police, and I know you don't want that 7/2/14 5:29 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Leave a note for him so he knows it wasn't his fault Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 5:29 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy true. drink a beer Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 5:29 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Are you gonna leave a note for me? Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 5:30 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy your gonna help me tomorrow with this Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 5:30 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy With what? Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 5:34 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Idk lmao Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 5:35 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Can I ask you something Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 5:36 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Of course Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 5:36 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Are we basically dating? Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 5:37 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy how does that make sense Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 5:37 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Well even when you're not my boyfriend, I still know you are Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 5:39 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy you expect me to fail right? Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 5:40 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeah kinda why? I just don't think you're gonna really try Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 5:42 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy well I'm more confident In doin it now Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 5:43 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy And I'm starting to believe you, that's the sad part Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 5:45 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy But you didn't answer my question Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 5:45 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy well I'll be with you up there someday Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 5:45 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy As soon as I die, you're gonna be the first person ill look for Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 5:46 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What's that Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 5:46 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'll. be up there Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 5:46 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You're basically my boyfriend Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 5:47 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy that is gonna pass away first Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 5:47 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What? Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 5:49 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 5:49 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I know Michelle SMS Messages and when snuck my phone in the hospital I remember your 7/2/14 5:51 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages the only one who I wanted to tosh to 7/2/14 5:51 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy talk* and you helped me try to get out and be happy Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 5:52 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Because I loved you. I've always loved you Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 5:52 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy And I always wanted you to be happy Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 5:53 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy And really? Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 5:53 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy yeah I can't remember much Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 5:54 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I want to be able to say I was your girlfriend Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 5:56 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yes you are Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 5:56 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I am? :) Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 5:57 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy lol Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 5:57 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What? Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 5:58 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I guess Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 5:59 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy lol Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 5:59 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy idkk Michelle SMS Messages Well you're mine and I'm yours haha. When you die, a part 7/2/14 6:00 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages of me is gonna die too 7/2/14 6:01 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy :) Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 6:01 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy <:3 Michelle SMS Messages I always thought you were gonna be in my life forever. I thought we were gonna grow old together. I never 7/2/14 6:03 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy imagined it was gonna end this way, but youll be in my Michelle SMS Messages heart forever, and I'll always look up at the sky and smile at you 7/2/14 6:04 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy <33 Michelle SMS Messages And I'll be looking down at you smiling you 7/2/14 6:06 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy accomplish all your goals and you fight your eating disorder Michelle SMS Messages and will be able to love your body and 7/2/14 6:06 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy epically yourself Michelle SMS Messages I'm like crying right now that meant so much to me Conrad you have no idea. I'm never gonna give up and I'm gonna fight hard everyday to beat it for you. I wanna make you proud and look up and smile at you, knowing you're smiling 7/2/14 6:08 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages back. You won't have any more pain in heaven. No negative thoughts, nothing. You'll be happy and at peace. You'll look down on everyone you loved and guide us with your wings. You'll be our Angel forever babe I'm never gonna fully love myself with you gone tho. You brought out the best parts of me. But I promise I'll never 7/2/14 6:10 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages stop trying, because I know that's what you would want me to do I just want you to know that I dot think I'm weak, I just have 7/2/14 6:14 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy so many negative thoughts that I can't take it anymore. it's Michelle SMS Messages gotten to a point where it's 7/2/14 6:14 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy like my only choice. Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 6:14 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I know I'm never gonna love myself either. Michelle SMS Messages I know and I don't think you're weak at all. This doesn't 7/2/14 6:15 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy make you selfish or a coward or weak or anything. I think Michelle SMS Messages you're so strong I don't want you to be this way anymore, and I know that 7/2/14 6:16 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages you can't get better I've prayed so many nights that you wouldn't feel this way 7/2/14 6:17 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages anymore 7/2/14 6:35 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy There's no way I can change you're mind about this? Michelle SMS Messages I've prayed and prayed too, but when push comes to shove 7/2/14 6:37 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I guess I gotta do what I have to do, I see the world has a Michelle SMS Messages horrible place with a bunch of horri ble people. there's a shortage of good genuine people like 7/2/14 6:37 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy you and me who care about other people and not all about Michelle SMS Messages themselves. I fear this world so much I think it's getting really out of hand, especially with all 7/2/14 6:37 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy these shows and the media is ruining what culture is Michelle SMS Messages supposed to be like. I was born in the wrong generation. I wish I was born in the 1800's 7/2/14 6:37 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy everything was easy, you worked hard and there wasn't Michelle SMS Messages much distractions in the world, you knew a handf ul of people that mean the most to you and there was no 7/2/14 6:37 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy social media where it may lead you to the wrong direction. Michelle SMS Messages like everything wrong with this world. everything's corrupt. the government is complete bullshit, 7/2/14 6:37 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy low class people are gettin away with everything. while Michelle SMS Messages middle class people struggle the most , I wish it was that easy back in the day. where you went 7/2/14 6:37 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy out with people and did stuff and you became self reliant at Michelle SMS Messages a young age. most people now are j ust partying and not giving a fuck about anything because 7/2/14 6:37 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy of what the media has done, life it's a party, it's not about Michelle SMS Messages Yolo, acting stupid to get attent ion. that's what's pissing me off. also my rant on social 7/2/14 6:37 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy media. like people find comfort for posting shit online and Michelle SMS Messages getting attention that way, when pe ople are there In the real world that care so much about 7/2/14 6:37 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy you but you're too ignorant to understand that because I Michelle SMS Messages was never satisfied with anything, I wa s wanted somethin more something more. and this kinda 7/2/14 6:37 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy .destroyed me. it didn't get me out of my comfort zone and Michelle SMS Messages talk to people in the real world. I was stuck in my own little reality and I feel still sucked in it that 7/2/14 6:37 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy at this point. it's too hard. I never thought about killing Michelle SMS Messages myself at age 14-15... I t hought everything was good but it's not. I have an extreme 7/2/14 6:37 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy desire to die. because of fucking faggots that hated me for Michelle SMS Messages no reason, because I'm a fuck up. because I'm shy. bunch of reasons I could go on for hours 7/2/14 6:37 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages on how I hate this world. And you say you aren't smart? That was geinous. You're 7/2/14 6:40 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy one of the only few people who actually understands this Michelle SMS Messages world and how wrong and corrupt it is. 7/2/14 6:41 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy And everything you said is 100% true Michelle SMS Messages And its sad that the world is like this, and I'm sorry that it destroyed you and you lost sight of who you are. But you 7/2/14 6:42 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages are not a fuck up. And I don't want you to die tomorrow thinking that 7/2/14 6:53 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Can you promise me something? Michelle SMS Messages I know. well other people are assholes, I hate most people. 7/2/14 6:55 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy they love where everything's going, and I hate it. I can't Michelle SMS Messages stand teen mom or any reality tv s how, it's just giving people the wrong idea, like what 7/2/14 6:55 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy happened to chivalry, knight and shining armor Prince Michelle SMS Messages Charming going to save the princess, well no I know. well other people are assholes, I hate most people. they love where everything's going, and I hate it. I can't stand teen mom or any reality tv show, it's just giving people the wrong idea, like what happened to chivalry, knight and shining armor Prince Charming going to save the princess, well not to that extent, but you see where I'm getting at abstinence used to be the thing. and what turned the tables for me a few weeks ago my moms parents where talking and my grandmother said she didn't have sex with my grandpa till 2 years after they were married. I know that's not the same for every grandparents stories . and I overheard this convo. lmao. 7/2/14 6:55 PM Outgoing From: +17746788888 Conrad Roy Conrad SMS Messages but you get the idea. now everything's all see what you can say/do to attract the other sex. and that's all people focus on. like we live in a world where social status comes before anything. if you feel lonely and don't talk to people. you will become depressed it's just that simple. If you can't make friends or feels nobody likes you. it doesn't matter what you look like, how much money you have, how you're future is looking. if you can't indulge socially at a young age, you're screwed. that's how I feel at least. the nice people in life are usually the most insecure. it's very hard to find a really confident and really nice person that is shy re talking and my grandmother said she didn't have sex 7/2/14 6:55 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy with my grandpa till 2 years after they were married. I know Michelle SMS Messages that's not the same for every grandpa rents stories . and I overheard this convo. lmao. but you get 7/2/14 6:55 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy the idea. now everything's all see what you can say/do to Michelle SMS Messages attract the other sex. and that's 're future is looking. if you can't indulge socially at a young 7/2/14 6:55 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy age, you're screwed. that's how I feel at least. the nice Michelle SMS Messages people in life are usually the most insecure. it's very hard to find a really confident and 7/2/14 6:55 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages really nice person that is shy t to that extent, but you see where I'm getting at abstinence 7/2/14 6:55 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy used to be the thing. and what turned the tables for me a Michelle SMS Messages few weeks ago my moms parents whe all people focus on. like we live in a world where social 7/2/14 6:55 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy status comes before anything. if you feel lonely and don't Michelle SMS Messages talk to people. you will become dep ressed it's just that simple. If you can't make friends or 7/2/14 6:55 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy feels nobody likes you. it doesn't matter what you look like, Michelle SMS Messages how much money you have, how you You're absolutely completely right that's exactly how 7/2/14 6:58 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages society is. I hate it too I really do I'm really happy that you got to understand that, most 7/2/14 7:01 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy people live their whole lives not ever stopping to realize Michelle SMS Messages that and not giving a damn about anything 7/2/14 7:40 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Sorry I just had dinner Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 7:44 PM Outgoing From: +17746788888 Conrad Roy hey Conrad SMS Messages 7/2/14 7:54 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Ahaha that's cool Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 8:18 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Haha they're pin wheels! Aren't they pretty? Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 8:27 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yesss Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 8:34 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy holy shit lol Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 8:36 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Haha you can have one if you'd like Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 8:59 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy okay Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 8:59 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm in tears rn Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 8:59 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Why what's wrong! Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 9:01 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Nevermind lol Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 9:01 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy No stop talk to me Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 9:03 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy How would you feel if your sister killed herself Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 9:06 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy ow they love me. so do my parents Michelle SMS Messages Idk I'm just having really bad thoughts about it now. I wasn't 7/2/14 9:06 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy in an hour ago. but I can just picture my sisters crying and Michelle SMS Messages crying about me. Because I kn Well. I would be devastated, shocked, and extrmemly upset for a week or 2. But as I said, I would have to find ways to cope. I would think about all the happy moments and and the good times. I would remember all the beautiful 7/2/14 9:09 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages ways that she lived, not stay stuck and focused on how she died. It would be so hard at first, but with support from her friends and mine, and family, I would move on and get thru it, keeping her memory alive. They will cry for a while, but they know you just wanted to be happy and get rid of all the pain. They will cry about the good times and the bad that they shared with you. But it 7/2/14 9:11 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages won't hold them back. They will continue living their lives and maybe even live harder and stronger for you, because they know that's what you would have wanted Yes, I just said a prayer to my sister Morgan. that she 7/2/14 9:16 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy never goes through depression and she becomes Michelle SMS Messages successful at what she does, she has a ear infectio n right now so she's sleeping and I gave her a kiss on the 7/2/14 9:16 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy forehead and then I told her I loved her and i think she was Michelle SMS Messages up because she moved around after 7/2/14 9:16 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy that Michelle SMS Messages You were the best big brother babe. You loved her so much and she loved you. You'll be her guardian angel. She 7/2/14 9:24 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages will become so successful, and I won't let her fall into depression 7/2/14 9:46 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Conrad? Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 10:00 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Please answer me Michelle SMS Messages 7/2/14 10:34 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Conrad please answer me I love you Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 6:23 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I fell asleep Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 7:06 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Its okay Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 7:10 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy How are you Michelle SMS Messages The camp starts at 8:30 And goes to 3:30, so I'm how 7/3/14 7:54 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages much I'll be able to text you :( 7/3/14 7:54 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm not sure how much * Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 9:08 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay lol Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 9:24 AM Outgoing From: +17746788888 Conrad Roy i don't know how to get it out Conrad SMS Messages 7/3/14 9:27 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy How are you Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 9:28 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy same lol Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 9:45 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Is today the day? Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 9:46 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy yeah Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 9:47 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Do you know what I'm talking about? Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 9:49 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy We hang out? Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 9:49 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Haha no I meant the other thing Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 9:51 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeah Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 9:51 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Brb kickball Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 9:52 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy kk Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 10:45 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Hey Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 10:47 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy All the fireworks got cancelled for tonight :( Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 10:49 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy yeag figured Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 10:50 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I really wanted to go Haha I'm mad Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 11:00 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I've seen enough fireworks i don't really care for them Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 11:36 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeah I guess Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 11:37 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Are you gonna do it tonight? Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 12:45 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm gonna try Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 12:47 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy How hard are you gonna try? Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 12:50 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy hard Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 1:26 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What way? Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 1:37 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy idk lol Michelle SMS Messages I don't think you're really serious about this like I know you 7/3/14 2:30 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages say you're gonna but are you seriously gonna try? 7/3/14 2:42 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Because I don't wanna seem like a fool Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 2:59 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy yeah Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 3:04 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy we still hanging out? Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 3:35 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Because I don't wanna seem like a fool Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 3:35 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy And I have to ask Michelle SMS Messages Its already 4 tho like Idk how long we'd get to hangout, idk 7/3/14 3:38 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages if you still want to haha 7/3/14 3:40 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy whY Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 3:41 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Why what? Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 3:41 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy seen like a fool Michelle SMS Messages Idk because I'm saying all this stuff and everything and you 7/3/14 3:43 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages may not even do it idk 7/3/14 3:45 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy saying all what stuff Michelle SMS Messages Just like what we've been talking about, like smiling at you in heaven and everything and just talking to you like you 7/3/14 3:50 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy won't be here tomorrow. I mean every single word I said to Michelle SMS Messages you, but if you're not serious about doing it tonight then idk if I should say it all right now 7/3/14 4:02 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm serious. not guaranteed to work but I'm gonna least try Michelle SMS Messages And if it doesn't work, you may have to go to a hospital. But 7/3/14 4:03 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages if you really wanna do this, you'll find a way not to fail 7/3/14 4:04 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Well yeah it's gonna be a struggle but we will see Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 4:04 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy When are you doing it Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 4:05 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy When everyone's asleep Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 4:05 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I love you btw Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 4:06 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm staying up all night with you until you do it. I love you too Michelle SMS Messages Thank you for telling me that, it's really comforting when 7/3/14 4:06 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages you say that 7/3/14 4:08 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy forever and ever Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 4:09 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Forever and ever babe<3 Michelle SMS Messages Just remember me every time you look up in the sky and 7/3/14 4:10 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages see a star I will, because that was my present to give to you. Remeber how I said I had a present for you? That was it. I bought you a star. Like I have a certificate and everything, I named the star Conrad Henri Roy III. Its your own star 7/3/14 4:15 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy because you shine so bright. Youre the light that gives me Michelle SMS Messages strength, you're this great beacon of light that guides me thru the darkness. Whenever I'm lost and alone, I'll always look up at you in the sky and see you in your star, and you'll help guide me home. 7/3/14 4:17 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I love you Michelle Michelle SMS Messages I love you so much. You're the love of my life, you're mine forever and ever babe. You were so special to me and I'm 7/3/14 4:19 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy so thankful and happy I got to be your girlfriend and have Michelle SMS Messages the kind of relationship we have. You were my first love, and you will forever be in my heart 7/3/14 4:21 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy are you home rn? Michelle SMS Messages No running an errand with my friend Sam. We ha've to go 7/3/14 4:22 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages pick up taxes for her dad's work in Quincy 7/3/14 4:23 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy That's where I was yesterday. Quincy harbor Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 4:24 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Do you go there for work? Michelle SMS Messages No not neccesarily. we had to drop off a barge for a 7/3/14 4:25 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages company 7/3/14 4:25 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Oh gotcha haha Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 4:26 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy that company hired us to do the job Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 4:28 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy That's good for the business right!? Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 4:28 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yes Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 4:29 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Well that's awesome Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 4:29 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy :) Michelle SMS Messages So I mean you'll leave knowing the business will be 7/3/14 4:29 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages successful yeah if you have a son. I want you to name him Conrad 7/3/14 4:30 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages and you can tell him all about me I was already planning on that :) I mean I was kinda hoping you'd be his daddy but I'm gonna name him Conrad after 7/3/14 4:31 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages you and I will tell him all about you and what we had and how much I loved you 7/3/14 4:33 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy good I'm glad Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 4:34 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I promise you Michelle SMS Messages have him read a lot about tugboats and introduce him to 7/3/14 4:37 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages baseball He's gonna be the star baseball star on his team :) and yes I'm gonna buy him toy boats to use in the tub and I'm 7/3/14 4:39 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages gonna read him books about little tugboats. Hes gonna remind me of you so much 7/3/14 4:50 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy That makes me proud :) Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 4:51 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Conrad I love you so much Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 4:51 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy love you to Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 4:52 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm sorry I couldn't save you Michelle SMS Messages don't be sorry. you did more than enough. more than 7/3/14 4:53 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages anyone 7/3/14 4:54 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Really? Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 4:55 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy yes Michelle SMS Messages That means so much to me because I've honestly never 7/3/14 4:57 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages fought so hard for something in my life 7/3/14 5:02 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy awwww :) Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 5:03 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm serious :) can I get a tattoo of your name? Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 5:04 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I can't tell you no, you can if you want Michelle SMS Messages I was kinda planning on it. I've been thinking of what to get because I want one for my birthday, and I can't think of 7/3/14 5:06 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages anything else that I'd want on my body forever, except something that reminds me of you 7/3/14 5:12 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy awww what's really sweet Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 5:20 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Well it's true :) Michelle SMS Messages Thank you for loving me more than anyone else ever has, 7/3/14 5:29 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy and for making me feel special and important and pretty for Michelle SMS Messages the first time in my life 7/3/14 5:30 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy you'll find someone like me Michelle SMS Messages No I won't. And I don't want to. There's no one like you. 7/3/14 5:31 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeah sure I'll meet another guy and fall in love. But no one Michelle SMS Messages will compare to the you, and the way that I loved you 7/3/14 5:37 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Trust me you will. Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 5:38 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy No I won't stop it Michelle SMS Messages Yes I will move on and find someone new because I know 7/3/14 5:38 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy that's what you want, you don't want me to be alone for the Michelle SMS Messages rest of my life, but I'll always think of you and love you 7/3/14 5:39 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy aww thank you :) I just want everyone to be happy Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 5:40 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Can I have your mom's number so I can talk to her? Michelle SMS Messages We will be happy in time. with you gone, it will be hard at 7/3/14 5:41 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy first. But eventually we will forgive and move on and live Michelle SMS Messages fearlessly and happy for you http://www.compassionatefriends.org/Brochures/surviving_y 7/3/14 5:45 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages our_childs_suicide.aspx I kinda wanted to read this .I kinda wanted to read this .I kinda wanted to read this .I kinda wanted to read this .I kinda wanted to read this .I kinda wanted to read this .I kinda wanted to read this .I kinda wanted to read this .I kinda wanted to read this .I kinda wanted to read this .I kinda wanted to read this .I kinda wanted to read this .I kinda wanted to read this .I kinda wanted to read this .I kinda wanted to read this .I kinda wanted to read this 7/3/14 5:45 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages .I kinda wanted to read this .I kinda wanted to read this .I kinda wanted to read this .I kinda wanted to read this .I kinda wanted to read this .I kinda wanted to read this .I kinda wanted to read this .I kinda wanted to read this .I kinda wanted to read this .I kinda wanted to read this .I kinda wanted to read this .I kinda wanted to read this .I kinda wanted to read this .I kinda wanted to read this .I kinda wanted to read this I kinda wanted to read this You're so cute haha I'm happy you sent that to me :) did 7/3/14 5:53 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy you get mine last night??! And I just read what you sent Michelle SMS Messages me..what do you think about it? 7/3/14 5:54 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Sexy af Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 5:54 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You are Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 6:00 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy thanks. I just looked at your picture... thanks Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 6:00 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Did you like it? And what did you think about the article? Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 6:11 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Idk I just can't picture actually completing the task Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 6:12 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I told you Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 6:13 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy we will see tho. Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 6:13 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Are you gonna try hard? Michelle SMS Messages And that article must have provided you with some comfort 7/3/14 6:13 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages tho 7/3/14 6:14 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy the most I've ever tried at something Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 6:14 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Can you please tell me how you're going to do this Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 6:14 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy do you think they would lie about my death to other people Michelle SMS Messages I don't think so. I mean idk what they would say. They'd 7/3/14 6:15 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy probably tell the truth, that way it would be easier to grieve Michelle SMS Messages and cope and get the right kind of support duct tape a plastic bag to my head, I'll end up running out 7/3/14 6:17 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages of oxygen 7/3/14 6:18 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You're just gonna end up ripping it off Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 6:19 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Do you think? Michelle SMS Messages Yeah I mean you can try, but you're brain won't let you do it I don't think. You're body senses it's dying and knows you 7/3/14 6:20 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages can stop it, so your brain will make you take it off. That's just my guess 7/3/14 6:20 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeah. I just don't know what other way Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 6:21 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You looked up the whole list Michelle SMS Messages But if you really want to do this, then maybe the bag will 7/3/14 6:21 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages work It depends how bad you want it, that's what it comes down 7/3/14 6:21 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages to 7/3/14 6:22 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy just gotta take my arms behind my back Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 6:23 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy How bad do you want this? Michelle SMS Messages I wish I didn't have to do all this. buts it's gotten to a point. 7/3/14 6:25 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy where I can't live like this and it's not gonna get better. I Michelle SMS Messages guarantee my mind and bra 7/3/14 6:25 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy in won't let me Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 6:26 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Won't let you what? Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 6:27 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy move on Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 6:27 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I actually hate who I become. I wish I was different Michelle SMS Messages Well you know I don't agree with that and you know I think you're amazing and can do it. But I know there's no 7/3/14 6:28 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages changing your mind and I know how bad you want to die and how committed you are to do this tonight 7/3/14 6:31 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy committed I am Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 6:31 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeah Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 6:34 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy so what's u Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 6:34 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy up Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 6:35 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Watching glee, preparing myself for tonight. You? Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 6:37 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy playing madden. I've been doin that a lot Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 6:45 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy That's fun, I used to play that with my friend hahha Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 6:46 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy really? it helps me focus I'm good at it Michelle SMS Messages Yeah haha my dad bought it for the xbox so we'd decided 7/3/14 6:47 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy to play it and we loved it haha. And that's good! Yeah it Michelle SMS Messages needs all your focus 7/3/14 6:52 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy haha what Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 6:52 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Madden needs all your focus in order to do good haha Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 6:55 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy yup lol Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 6:56 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Can I text you in a little while? Sorry Im driving Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 6:57 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeah lol Michelle SMS Messages I love you so much. Those were so sweet, so cute and 7/3/14 7:31 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages meaningful thank you. I have some of my own hold on :) 7/3/14 7:35 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy :) Michelle SMS Messages God understand the undeniable pain that I'm going 7/3/14 7:44 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages through, he's gonna get me there to heaven Yes he will babe. He will carry you there himself, and 7/3/14 7:51 PM Outgoing To: (774) 678-8888 Conrad Roy welcome him in with open arms and give you your wings. Michelle SMS Messages And you'll fly and be happy forever 7/3/14 7:51 PM Outgoing To: (774) 678-8888 Conrad Roy And that was beautiful what you sent me Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 8:03 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I wanna go back home Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 8:13 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy that's so cute Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 8:21 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy do you know what's weird? Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 8:23 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What's weird? Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 8:24 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy even in my dreams. I'm depressed. Michelle SMS Messages Really? And all those pictures you sent me about how you love me, those were beautiful and so sweet and I feel the 7/3/14 8:25 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages same way. I love you so much. And all those pics you sent about suicide and depression, I understand you And the one about how you still think I'm beautiful even 7/3/14 8:28 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy with my eating disorder, that one made me cry Because I Michelle SMS Messages didn't know you felt that way about me 7/3/14 8:39 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy How much more time do we have? Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 8:45 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy few hours Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 8:45 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay can you promise me something ? Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 8:47 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy sure Michelle SMS Messages Say goodbye to me before you do it. Don't just do it without 7/3/14 8:48 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages telling me when 7/3/14 8:49 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Of course Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 8:49 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Thank you Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 8:51 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I think you should have a back up if the bag doesn't work Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 8:52 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeah Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 8:52 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeah what Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 8:52 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I will Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 8:53 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Have a back up? Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 8:53 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Where do I to Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 8:53 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Go Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 8:53 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What do you mean? Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 8:54 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy When I do this . like where do I go.? Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 8:55 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Ohhhhhhh well somewhere where no one will hear you Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 8:55 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Basement? Room? Outside? Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 8:56 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy gotta go where they can't find me Michelle SMS Messages Well they're gonna find you sometime, I mean Do you 7/3/14 8:57 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages wanna like run away? 7/3/14 8:58 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy yeah Michelle SMS Messages You're gonna sneak out and run away and do this? Run 7/3/14 8:59 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages away where?? I didn't know this part! 7/3/14 9:01 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Well I don't want my mom to be the one to find me Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 9:01 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy That's understandable Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 9:02 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy someone else will and call cops Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 9:02 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Welll where were you thinking of going Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 9:03 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Idk the woods Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 9:04 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You're really gonna do this ? Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 9:05 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeah Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 9:05 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay, there's no turning back now Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 9:05 PM Incoming To: +17746788888 Conrad Roy I love you, and I'm here with you until you do it Conrad SMS Messages 7/3/14 9:05 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy what Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 9:06 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Love you too Michelle SMS Messages Like there's no turning back, no changing your mind 7/3/14 9:06 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages because you'll just regret not doing it, and you'll get worse 7/3/14 9:07 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I've been set on doing this for 2 weeks Michelle SMS Messages Okay well I'm gonna do my best to comfort you with this. 7/3/14 9:08 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages When does everyone go to bed? 7/3/14 9:09 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy If you're gonna do a last tweet, can it be about me? Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 9:16 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy lmao sure brb madden Michelle SMS Messages And tag me :) haha thanks. And okay. 2 quotes for 7/3/14 9:17 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy you..."Only the good die young", "love is how you stay Michelle SMS Messages alive even after you are gone" 7/3/14 9:19 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Wjh Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 9:20 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Huh Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 9:47 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Hows madden Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 9:50 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy winning 48-15 Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 9:52 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Good Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 9:53 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy 😖 Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 9:53 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Roy Conrad ���� Michelle SMS Messages

7/3/14 9:53 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Roy Conrad Michelle SMS Messages

7/3/14 9:53 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy 😩 Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 9:53 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Roy Conrad ���� Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 9:53 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Roy Conrad Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 9:54 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Its getting late Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 9:55 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy yeah they not even homr yet Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 9:55 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Where are they Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 9:57 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy they went to a friends house Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 9:57 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Oh well when will they be home Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 10:00 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy should be home soon Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 10:00 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 10:00 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yea Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 10:01 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy 😀🔫 Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 10:01 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Roy Conrad �������� Michelle SMS Messages

7/3/14 10:01 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Roy Conrad Michelle SMS Messages

7/3/14 10:02 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy 😇 Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 10:02 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Roy Conrad ���� Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 10:02 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Roy Conrad Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 10:02 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy 👺🔥💀 Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 10:02 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Roy Conrad ������������ Michelle SMS Messages

7/3/14 10:02 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Roy Conrad Michelle SMS Messages

7/3/14 10:03 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Really 😑 Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 10:03 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Roy Conrad Really ���� Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 10:03 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Roy Conrad Really Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 10:04 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy lol do yo get it Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 10:04 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeah YOURE NOT GOING TO HELL STOP Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 10:05 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I hope not Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 10:05 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You're not don't even think about that Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 10:06 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy okay good Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 10:06 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy what if the suffocation doesn't work Michelle SMS Messages Well how bad do you want it? Because if you want it bad, 7/3/14 10:07 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages you should succeed. 7/3/14 10:08 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I want it Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 10:09 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I wish you could be with me holding my hand through it Michelle SMS Messages Well then it should work. If it doesn't then have a back up 7/3/14 10:10 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages plan. When you try its all or nothing basically And I wish I was holding your hand too, I'd do anything to 7/3/14 10:10 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages kiss you one last time I'd hold your hand and cry with you and tell you how much I 7/3/14 10:11 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages love you 7/3/14 10:22 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy awwww Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 10:23 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Are they home yet Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 10:23 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy no Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 10:23 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 10:25 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Tweet? I wanna be your last one Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 10:25 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I don't wanna tweet Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 10:26 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Fine Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 10:27 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Why tho Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 10:29 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy what's it gonna do Michelle SMS Messages I just thought it would be nice, it would make make happy. 7/3/14 10:32 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages I've always wanted a nice shout out from you 7/3/14 10:42 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You don't have to tho if you don't want its okay Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 10:52 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy okay Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 10:52 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeah sorry Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 10:53 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy It's alright. they aren't home yet Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 10:53 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Its almost 11 Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 10:54 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You said they were coming home soon Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 11:02 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy id assume so but they aren't Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 11:02 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Did you call and ask? Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 11:03 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy No. but it's okay Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 11:03 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 11:16 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy goodnight :) Michelle SMS Messages 7/3/14 11:19 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy see you in the next life Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 12:13 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Corad? Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 12:13 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Conrad answer me please I fell asleep I'm so sorry Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 12:14 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy That is not how you say goodbye to me Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 12:15 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy This isn't funny answer me right now Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 12:16 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Conrad I love you so much Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 12:19 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Please say a you love me back Michelle SMS Messages This isn't real right you're not actually doing this right now 7/4/14 12:23 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages are you? I'm so sorry I couldn't save you please come back. This is 7/4/14 12:25 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy not happening you're my best friend you're my boyfriend I Michelle SMS Messages love you so much please don't leave me 7/4/14 9:36 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy hey sorry I just took sleeping pills and fell asleep Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 9:38 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy So it didn't work Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 9:38 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy That's such a lie Michelle SMS Messages You said you wanted this bad. I knew you weren't gonna try 7/4/14 9:39 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages hard 7/4/14 9:45 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy xthbd Styx hiug Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 9:45 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What? Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 9:45 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I feel like such an idiot Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 9:46 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Why Michelle SMS Messages Beacuase you didn't even do anything! You lied about this whole thing! You said you were gonna go to the woods and do it and you said things that made me feel like maybe you were actually serious, and I poured my heart out to you thinking this was gonna be the last time I talked to you. And 7/4/14 9:50 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages then you tell me you took sleeping pills? Whixh first of all I know that's a lie because you already said you wouldn't get enough and idk how you would of got them. I'm just so confused. I thought you really wanted to die but apparently you don't, I feel played and just stupid 7/4/14 9:58 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Don't I found out a new plan. and I'm gonna fo it tonight Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 9:59 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I don't believe you Michelle SMS Messages You're gonna have to prove me wrong because I just don't 7/4/14 10:00 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy think you really want this. You just keeps pushing it off to Michelle SMS Messages another night and say you'll do it but you never do 7/4/14 10:01 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy okay Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 10:02 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay what? Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 10:02 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'll prove you wrong Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 10:02 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What are you planning on doing? Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 10:03 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Poision would work Michelle SMS Messages Carbon monoxide or helium gas. I want to deprive myself 7/4/14 10:04 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages of oxygen 7/4/14 10:05 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy How aware you gonna get those things? Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 10:06 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy what Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 10:06 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy How are* Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 10:12 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I wish I had a gun Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 10:15 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Would you use it? Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 10:15 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yes Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 10:16 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Do you know anyone that has one? Michelle SMS Messages I'm sorry I didn't do it last night. I just took a handful of pills 7/4/14 10:17 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy and went to sleep. idk I wanted to have one last good night Michelle SMS Messages sleep and I did Don't be sorry I understand that. I'm happy you got that good night of sleep. Im just still kinda in shock that you're 7/4/14 10:20 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages still here because I honestly thought you did it last night when you didn't answer back 7/4/14 10:22 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy don't feel like an idiot it's gonna happen Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 10:26 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Tonight? Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 10:26 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy eventually Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 10:26 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Cute :) haha I love you Michelle SMS Messages SEE THATS WHAT I MEAN. YOU KEEP PUSHING IT 7/4/14 10:27 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy OFF! You just said you were gonna do it tonight and now Michelle SMS Messages you're saying eventually.... 7/4/14 10:28 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy by Monday Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 10:28 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Is that the deadline? Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 10:30 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy yeah I promise Michelle SMS Messages Well I have a feeling you're just gonna wait til Sunday night 7/4/14 10:30 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages then Where did you get that pic? Wait are you gonna hang 7/4/14 10:33 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages yourself? 7/4/14 10:36 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy sharks eat more people than potatoes do Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 10:36 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy a bald man has no hair Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 10:38 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy sex is the number 1 cause of births Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 10:38 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy fish are very good swimmers Michelle SMS Messages McDonald's does actually serve breakfast after 10:30 if u 7/4/14 10:38 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages bring a gun 7/4/14 10:38 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You can blindfold an Asian person with dental floss. Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 10:39 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy HAAHAHHAHAHHA wtf? These are great Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 10:40 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Deaf people think we are yelling whenever we yawn. Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 10:41 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy people are born naked Michelle SMS Messages Birthdays are good for your health. Studies have shown 7/4/14 10:41 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages that people who have more birthdays live the longest. If you're on a sea food diet, doesn't mean you just see-food 7/4/14 10:42 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages and eat it 7/4/14 10:43 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy right ? I'm a genius 😭 Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 10:43 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Roy Conrad right ? I'm a genius ���� Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 10:43 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Roy Conrad right ? I'm a genius Michelle SMS Messages Haha these are very clever, yes see! I told you you were 7/4/14 10:43 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages smart 7/4/14 10:45 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I got it from a website Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 10:45 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy lol Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 10:45 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I figured lol Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 10:52 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy oh thanks lol Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 11:01 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Hahah sowwy Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 11:02 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy lol Michelle SMS Messages I like your double chin hahah. I'd send pic back but I'm in 7/4/14 11:04 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages the dark 7/4/14 11:05 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy why? Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 11:06 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Haha it's cloudy out Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 11:08 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy it's still light Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 11:13 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy holly says hi Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 11:14 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy SHE IS SO FUCKING CUTE Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 11:18 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy haha Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 11:18 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Isn't he sexy? Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 11:22 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy lmao Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 11:23 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy :) Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 11:24 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy 😆 Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 11:24 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Roy Conrad ���� Michelle SMS Messages

7/4/14 11:24 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Roy Conrad Michelle SMS Messages

7/4/14 11:25 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 11:47 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy 😍 Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 11:47 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Roy Conrad ���� Michelle SMS Messages

7/4/14 11:47 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Roy Conrad Michelle SMS Messages

7/4/14 11:53 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Do you think tonight you're gonna try something ? Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 11:55 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy yeah Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 11:59 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What are you gonna try Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 12:32 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy what poison? Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 12:33 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Wait brb sorry Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 12:34 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy wanna help me ? Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 12:34 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy or nah Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 12:35 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What do you mean by help you?, Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 12:36 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy find a clear cut way Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 12:37 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay, are you gonna look too? Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 12:37 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I've been looking. literly my brain is mush Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 12:38 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 12:38 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I forget everything I read Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 12:41 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy It's just idk how to do it without having to go to hospital after Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 12:42 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I love you Michelle Michelle SMS Messages The only way to do that, is if you do it successfully and not fail. Or if you do it somewhere no one sees and fail. But honestly, if you don't wanna go to the hospital, you need to do it successfully. But you have to know that the hospital 7/4/14 12:46 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages isn't the end of the world. Maybe you just went to the wrong one. If you fail and end up needing to go to one, go where I went, McLean hospital. But you should try as hard as you can not to fail at all and just do it if you want it so bad 7/4/14 12:46 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I love you Conrad Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 12:50 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy trust me Michelle it won't help Michelle SMS Messages I'm a lost cause. I can't remember anything and I'm gonna 7/4/14 12:50 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages be miserable for the rest of my life. I guarantee you Then you can't fail and you just have to do it. You can't push it off and be afraid anymore. You know onice you do it 7/4/14 12:52 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages you'll be happy and free in a better place, flying high in heaven 7/4/14 12:52 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy but what way will 100% work Michelle SMS Messages sorry I'm stubborn and believe I'm the stupidest person on 7/4/14 12:53 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages this earth. so Idk anything anymore Don't be sorry, you aren't stubborn or stupid, and definitely 7/4/14 12:54 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy not the stupidest person on earth. But something will only Michelle SMS Messages 100% work if you really want it bad enough All the kids who have committed suicide, they all did it 7/4/14 12:55 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy because they really wanted it. Theyy never questioned if Michelle SMS Messages they'd fail, they knew there was nothing stopping them 7/4/14 12:58 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy That's true. I just wanna find the best way to Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 12:59 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I know, but do you want it as bad as they did? Michelle SMS Messages I guess I'm just waiting till I want it that bad. because it's 7/4/14 1:09 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy only been a month since I had suicidal thoughts. I guess Michelle SMS Messages I'm hhy waiting to I get to the point 7/4/14 1:13 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I hope I get struck by lightning :) Michelle SMS Messages or no what's better going 100 in this weather and going into 7/4/14 1:13 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages a brick wall 7/4/14 1:14 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy but I have a truck and it wouldn't work. Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 1:14 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy gotta think fast Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 1:17 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy and Monday I get more sleeping pills. I have 4 now Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 4:03 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Hey Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 4:43 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy 4 pills won't do anything.... Michelle SMS Messages Plastic bag over your head is only a 23% chance of dying. And the overdose on pills and drugs can take up to 2 hours so idk if that's worth it. You want something quick. 7/4/14 5:54 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages Gunshots to the head is a 99% chance of working, hanging is an 89% chance of working, carbon monoxide is a 80% chance of working 7/4/14 5:55 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy And pills hardly ever work Michelle SMS Messages Carbon monoxide poisoning is the best option...if you fall 7/4/14 6:02 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy asleep in your car while it's running in a garage, it will kill Michelle SMS Messages you 7/4/14 6:02 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Takes up to 15 mins Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 6:02 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy And there's no pain Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 6:17 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy hey sorry Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 6:17 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Hi Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 6:20 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy We don't have a garage tho Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 6:21 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Well then how were you gonna do it when you told me? Michelle SMS Messages The plastic bag over head. but Idk im gonna struggle and 7/4/14 6:22 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages panic 7/4/14 6:22 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeah and its only a 23% chance of working Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 6:23 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Where can u get carbon monoxide? Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 6:24 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy it's the discharge from a engine Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 6:26 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Can you do that anywhere? Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 6:27 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy a car can't fit in my house Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 6:31 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Obviously Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 6:37 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Well I'm stuck idk Michelle SMS Messages Idk either I mean you can try the bag but I have a feeling 7/4/14 6:38 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages you'll just rip it off 7/4/14 6:40 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy That's not yours tho! Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 6:40 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy 53% of suicides end with using this Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 6:41 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Where would you get that? Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 6:41 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Ik Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 6:42 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You need a liscense I think idk Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 6:42 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Oh well you don't have one Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 6:43 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy right. I'm really researching tonight Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 6:44 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy So when are you gonna do it? Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 6:44 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy idk what to do Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 6:46 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy But what's up ? Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 7:01 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Nothing much you? Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 7:02 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy researching Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 7:08 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Tell me when you find something Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 7:11 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy K Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 7:12 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You're not doing anything tonight are you? Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 7:19 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy if I did id tell Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 7:19 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 7:38 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I love you Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 7:43 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I love you so much Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 7:49 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Far away nickelback Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 7:53 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy watch the music video Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 7:53 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay hold on Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 7:54 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy reminds me of us Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 7:57 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy The lyrics? Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 7:59 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Both Michelle SMS Messages Trying to make me cry? Haha I love you soo much Conrad, 7/4/14 8:01 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy the lyrics are perfect. How does the music video relate tho? Michelle SMS Messages The guy comes back in the end 7/4/14 8:01 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy are you mad at me? Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 8:01 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I feel like I'm hated by everyone Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 8:01 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy No why would you think that? Michelle SMS Messages I think I'm invincible, that this is only gonna make me 7/4/14 8:03 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages stronger after I try 7/4/14 8:03 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy After you try, or succeed? Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 8:03 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Lsiten to "forever" by rascal flatts Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 8:03 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I've questioned every move I ever have made. but why.? Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 8:04 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Please listen to it right now Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 8:05 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy okay Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 8:06 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy And idk why babe, I wish I had the answer Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 8:06 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy i am Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 8:07 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy awww this song 😓 Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 8:07 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Roy Conrad awww this song ���� Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 8:07 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Roy Conrad awww this song Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 8:07 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Perfect right? Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 8:07 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeah lol Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 8:15 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I have more haha Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 8:16 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy what Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 8:16 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Like more songs that remind me of us and stuff Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 8:19 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy drink a beer luke Bryan Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 8:24 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy That's a good one Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 8:25 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I wish we had more memories, more moments together Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 8:28 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Gone too soon by Chris Daughtry Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 8:33 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Haha any more? Michelle SMS Messages Hotel ceiling by rixton, how to save a life by the fray, I love you by avril lavigne, and if you say so by lea Michele. That 7/4/14 8:42 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy one is about her real life boyfriend cory who died from an Michelle SMS Messages overdose...the song is about his last words to her (if you say so). 7/4/14 8:43 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I play that one and think of you all the time Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 8:45 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy See Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 8:45 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Awww Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 8:46 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Listen to that one Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 8:46 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Listen to all of them but especially that one Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 9:06 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy that's so sweet Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 9:07 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy It reminds me of you Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 9:13 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy :( Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 9:13 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I love you Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 9:13 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Did you listen to the other songs too? Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 9:14 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy yeah low you too Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 9:14 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Good, so what's up Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 9:15 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy playing poker hbu ? Michelle SMS Messages That's fun. I used to play that in my chemistry class haha. I 7/4/14 9:15 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages lost like $20 I sucked. And nothinggg 7/4/14 9:16 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy you bet money? Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 9:16 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeah hahahhaha Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 9:18 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy damn lol Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 9:18 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yup never doing that again Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 9:19 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy you gotta know how to play Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 9:20 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeah I had no idea how to play Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 9:23 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You're beautiful oh so beautiful Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 9:31 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy My mom just saw my laptop 😖😖😖😖😖 Michelle SMS Messages My mom just saw my laptop 7/4/14 9:31 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Roy Conrad Michelle SMS Messages �������������������� 7/4/14 9:31 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Roy Conrad My mom just saw my laptop Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 9:32 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Whats on your laptop? Did your mom see??? Michelle SMS Messages Haha I think you're the most handsome, cutest and perfect 7/4/14 9:34 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy guy in the world and I'm so sad you don't see that. You're Michelle SMS Messages the most beautiful guy I've ever met the page said suicide methods on the front and she looked 7/4/14 9:35 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages right at it 7/4/14 9:35 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy And what did she say... Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 9:37 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy she definitely saw it and read it and she just ignored it Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 9:37 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy So are you still gonna do it? Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 9:38 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeah. I have to at this point Michelle SMS Messages I wanna be with Jesus. and I'm completely losing my mind. 7/4/14 9:38 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages I forgot everything 7/4/14 9:39 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Do you think she cares? Like why didn't she say anything? Michelle SMS Messages but she definetly read it. she knows what I'm going through 7/4/14 9:40 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages and maybe she will understand 7/4/14 9:40 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeah maybe she is accepting it. That's really good right? Michelle SMS Messages Yeah. I was so shocked that she didn't ask me about it 7/4/14 9:42 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy because it was clear that she saw it. I just walked over Michelle SMS Messages where she was to see if I could read it a 7/4/14 9:42 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy nd it was in large lettering Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 9:42 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy So she just walked out and didn't say anything to you? Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 9:44 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy No Michelle SMS Messages I think she's realizing that she can't do anything to stop you 7/4/14 9:45 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy and how miserable you are, and maybe she's accepting Michelle SMS Messages that you will be happy in heaven and she's okay with it 7/4/14 9:51 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I hope so. I really hope I can do this Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 9:51 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy this was the screen it was on Michelle SMS Messages Yeah she obviously saw that. And I know you can do it if 7/4/14 9:55 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages you really want it 7/4/14 10:06 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Does she know that we are together? Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 10:09 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy what? Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 10:10 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Does your mom know about us? Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 10:22 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Conradddd Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 10:28 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy No? Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 10:29 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Oh why Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 10:39 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Are you doing anything tonight? Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 10:51 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy ? Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 10:59 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Nah Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 11:01 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy actually I might Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 11:01 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You might? Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 11:05 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Its late Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 11:07 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy so Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 11:08 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy So you'd have to do it soon Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 11:10 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy few hours away Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 11:11 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy From what? Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 11:12 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Plastic bag. Michelle SMS Messages The only way that will work is if you duct tape it to you and 7/4/14 11:14 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy tie your hands up or something. And if you really want it, Michelle SMS Messages like bad enough to fight your struggle. Otherwise you'll fail. 7/4/14 11:20 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy So are you ready? Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 11:24 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm more than ready Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 11:24 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy So tonight's the night you think? Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 11:25 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'll try Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 11:26 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy And what if you fail? Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 11:27 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy then I'm a failure? Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 11:27 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy No I mean like if you fail are you gonna try again? Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 11:28 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Where are you gonna do it? Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 11:29 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy yes Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 11:33 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Are you doing it soon? Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 11:38 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You have to tell me when Michelle SMS Messages 7/4/14 11:44 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I love you Michelle SMS Messages still up ?still up ?still up ?still up ?still up ?still up ?still up ?still up ?still up ?still up ?still up ?still up ?still up ?still up ?still up ?still 7/5/14 12:26 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages up ?still up ?still up ?still up ?still up ?still up ?still up ?still up ?still up ?still up ?still up ?still up ?still up ?still up ?still up ?still up ?still 7/5/14 12:30 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle? Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 1:50 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Hi I'm here Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 1:51 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Are you okay? Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 8:36 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy hi Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 9:10 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Hi Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 9:21 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy what's up :) Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 9:22 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Just woke up you? Why do you seem happy haha Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 9:25 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Because tonight's the night. Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 9:26 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You said that last night and the night before Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 9:28 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Haha I know but it has to be tonight. I'll be all alone Michelle SMS Messages mom and Brian are sleeping over friends house in Rhode 7/5/14 9:30 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages Island 7/5/14 9:32 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy So yeah tonight seems like the perfect night Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 9:37 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Like you have all night to try different things Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 9:56 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy yes lol Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 9:58 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Do you think tonight really is the night you're gonna do it? Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 10:20 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I think Michelle SMS Messages Theres a difference between saying "I'm gonna try to 7/5/14 10:23 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages commit suicide" and "I am going to commit suicide". 7/5/14 10:54 AM Unknown 7746788888 Conrad Roy __!______K______Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 11:08 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy well I'm gonna try Michelle SMS Messages So you don't want it bad enough. You already know you're 7/5/14 11:11 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages gonna fail because a part of you wants to fail 7/5/14 11:38 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Just saying Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 12:12 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy ya Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 1:37 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Ya what? Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 2:15 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy it's just hard Michelle Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 2:16 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I know it is Michelle SMS Messages just to keep thinking about inflicting pain Upon yourself 7/5/14 2:18 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy when I overdosed I didn't even research it. I didnf like I was Michelle SMS Messages gonna be in that much pain and i 7/5/14 2:18 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy t's scary Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 2:19 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy t's scary Michelle SMS Messages Well that's why you have to do something quick that will 7/5/14 2:20 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages end it without having to worry about the pain 7/5/14 2:20 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What did you use to overdose? Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 2:27 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy 2 full bottles of Tylenol extra strength. and a bottle of NyQuil Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 2:28 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy And it hurt? How long did it take? Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 2:28 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy it was estimated about 75,000 mgs Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 2:28 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Liike how did it hurt did it burn ? Michelle SMS Messages I was in serious pain for like a day and my stomach hurt 7/5/14 2:29 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages bad for about a week 7/5/14 2:30 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I felt like paralyzed Michelle SMS Messages Well maybe overdosing won't work then. But I heard 7/5/14 2:30 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy sleeping pills cause no pain because you just fall asleep Michelle SMS Messages and don't wake up. That mixed with alcohol I literly couldn't talk, couldn't move by body like everything 7/5/14 2:31 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages was in shut down mode 7/5/14 2:31 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy So you almost died Michelle SMS Messages yeah but there's no way I can go through that and someone 7/5/14 2:32 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages not finding me 7/5/14 2:32 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You said youd be home alone tonight? Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 2:32 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy And you can always sneak into the woods like you said Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 2:33 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy the process takes awhile Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 2:33 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Up to 2 hours that's not that bad Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 2:34 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy It depends how many pills and alcohol you take too Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 2:35 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy if I could get ahold of 3 bottles of sleeping pills I would Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 2:36 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Can you somehow? Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 2:36 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy it would take a couple of months of careful planning Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 2:37 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Oh okay Michelle SMS Messages well I could keep getting my sleeping pills and not take 7/5/14 2:37 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages them. but than I'd be up all night for a fe months sorry I had to go into work for a few hours that's why I didn't 7/5/14 2:38 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages respond fast before Its okay I was kayaking so sorry too. But I mean you can just overdose on different stuff again like you did last time, 7/5/14 2:39 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages you know it almost worked. If your mom didn't find you you would have died The question is, would you rather be in pain your whole life, 7/5/14 2:39 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages or just a few hours? And tonight would be the best time to do it since no one will 7/5/14 2:42 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages be home 7/5/14 2:50 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yah ur right it's do or die Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 2:51 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy So what are you gonna do? Michelle SMS Messages I'm gonna play madden for about an hour and than I'll 7/5/14 2:55 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages decide 7/5/14 2:55 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay text me when you're done Michelle SMS Messages I can still text I kisy don't wanna talk about my. method right 7/5/14 2:56 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages now lol 7/5/14 2:57 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Oh okay haha. Do you play as the pats? Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 2:57 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I play a lot of teams. but the team I'm most good at is colts Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 2:58 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Why's that lol Michelle SMS Messages I just like the players on the team, it works well with my 7/5/14 3:01 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages style of play 7/5/14 3:05 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Gotcha haha Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 3:07 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I scored 97 last night lol Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 3:08 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy That's realistic Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 3:09 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy yeah. 5 minute quarters. Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 3:10 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy he sucked he kept on giving me the bacon Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 3:10 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy ball. Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 3:12 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Haha what team did you play? Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 3:12 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I was colts he was bucs Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 3:15 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Xbox live? Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 3:16 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy PS3 Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 3:16 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Ohhh Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 3:21 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeah I've won 2 already Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 3:21 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I best them so bad they quit Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 3:23 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Hahaha well good serves them right Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 3:26 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm already 2-0 today. 3rd game now Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 3:27 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Well good luck haha Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 3:29 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy thanks lol Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 3:41 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I loveeeeee youuuu Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 3:43 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I love you too :) Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 3:44 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Awww :) Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 3:45 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy ahaha Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 3:46 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I don't know what I'm gonna do without you Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 3:49 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy :/ Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 3:49 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'll be okay Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 3:51 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy okay good Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 3:56 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I might try to find a poison Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 3:56 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Because I know you'll always be with me Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 3:56 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy And okay how Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 4:00 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy idk how Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 4:02 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Oh Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 4:03 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Well a position would work Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 4:07 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy it could be fatal Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 4:08 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Usually poisions are yeah Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 4:09 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy what is poison Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 4:09 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What do u mean Michelle SMS Messages I feel like I'm gonna be pissed if I injest something that doesn't kill me I feel like I'm gonna be pissed if I injest something that doesn't kill me I feel like I'm gonna be pissed if I injest something that doesn't kill me I feel like I'm gonna be pissed if I injest something that doesn't kill me I feel like I'm gonna be pissed if I injest something that doesn't kill me I feel like I'm gonna be pissed if I injest something that doesn't kill me I feel like I'm gonna be pissed if I injest something that doesn't kill me I feel like I'm gonna be pissed if I injest something that doesn't kill me I 7/5/14 4:10 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages feel like I'm gonna be pissed if I injest something that doesn't kill me I feel like I'm gonna be pissed if I injest something that doesn't kill me I feel like I'm gonna be pissed if I injest something that doesn't kill me I feel like I'm gonna be pissed if I injest something that doesn't kill me I feel like I'm gonna be pissed if I injest something that doesn't kill me I feel like I'm gonna be pissed if I injest something that doesn't kill me I feel like I'm gonna be pissed if I injest something that doesn't kill me I feel like I'm gonna be pissed if I injest something that doesn't kill me I 7/5/14 4:12 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Well research something that will 100% kill yoou Michelle SMS Messages Do you have heroin? You can overdose on that and drink a 7/5/14 4:13 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages lot of alcohol 7/5/14 4:13 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy That's how Cory monteith died Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 4:13 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy no lol Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 4:15 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Cyanide? Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 4:15 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I've looked that up to. Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 4:16 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy That would work Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 4:17 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy it's hard to get Michelle SMS Messages Well maybe you should just od on Tylenol and Nyquil again 7/5/14 4:19 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages because that is proven to work 7/5/14 4:20 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Never again lol Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 4:20 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Why Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 4:21 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy It's probably not gonna work Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 4:25 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy idk i don't wanna do that. Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 4:25 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy but I just won again :) Michelle SMS Messages Well if you took a lot of Tylenol and the Nyquil and alcohol, 7/5/14 4:26 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages I feel like it would work but idk If I'm gonna overdose on pills it's gonna be sleeping pills... 7/5/14 4:27 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages it's like a .2% fatal rate for Tylenol 7/5/14 4:27 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay Michelle SMS Messages But that's not true because if you take like 50 pills then it 7/5/14 4:29 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages would damage your liver and you'd die 7/5/14 4:30 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy but people survive Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 4:30 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Because they get help in time... Michelle SMS Messages And since you already did it before, your liver and kidneys 7/5/14 4:31 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages are probably still damaged, which means it would work 7/5/14 4:32 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I think my liver is fine now Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 4:33 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I just don't think wanna die Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 4:33 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You wanna * Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 4:34 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I wanna Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 4:35 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Do you want to tonight? Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 4:36 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy yes Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 4:37 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Then you will do anything you can to make that happen Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 4:39 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy do you think id go In a coma? Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 4:40 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy If you do what? Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 4:44 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy liver failure could result in one Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 4:45 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Well maybe but you'll just end up dying anyways Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 4:45 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy How much Tylenol do you have Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 4:48 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm not doing Tylenol Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 4:52 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Oh Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 4:56 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy . Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 4:56 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What are you gonna do Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 4:57 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy hold on Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 4:57 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 5:24 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm researching about my liver Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 5:29 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy yeah it's like regenerated it takes about 3 months to Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 5:41 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy arsenic Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 5:42 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 5:54 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Sorry all these poisons are like impossible to get Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 5:57 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I think the Tylenol is my only option Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 6:47 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy 😇 Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 6:47 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Roy Conrad ���� Michelle SMS Messages

7/5/14 6:47 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Roy Conrad Michelle SMS Messages

7/5/14 6:47 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy How much Tylenol do you have Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 6:48 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Sorry I fell asleep Michelle SMS Messages it's not about how much I have it's about how much I can 7/5/14 6:58 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages get 7/5/14 6:59 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Well how much can you get Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 6:59 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy As much as I want lmao wall mart is open Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 7:00 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy do you want me to write you a letter ? Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 7:00 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Haha well how much are you gonna get at Wal-Mart? Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 7:01 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Not sure. I did that last time Michelle SMS Messages Yes 💕 please write me one! I'll go too your house and do 7/5/14 7:02 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy the best I can to comfort your family and I'll read it and Michelle SMS Messages keep it forever Yes ���� please write me one! I'll go too your house 7/5/14 7:02 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Roy Conrad and do the best I can to comfort your family and I'll read it Michelle SMS Messages and keep it forever Yes please write me one! I'll go too your house and do 7/5/14 7:02 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Roy Conrad the best I can to comfort your family and I'll read it and Michelle SMS Messages keep it forever Okay well I'm gonna keep it in the blue notebook in my 7/5/14 7:04 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages moms house 7/5/14 7:04 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy and thank you. Michelle SMS Messages Okay, where are you gonna put it? thank you so much. And 7/5/14 7:05 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages of course babe 7/5/14 7:08 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy It's on my Bearue Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 7:09 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I don't know what else to say but it's short, Michelle SMS Messages Its okay it doesn't matter how long it is, just that you wrote 7/5/14 7:09 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages me something is all I need 7/5/14 7:10 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Am I allowed to tell your mom I'm your girlfriend? Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 7:11 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy yeah Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 7:12 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy She doesn't know already does she? Michelle SMS Messages Like I wanna be a big help to your family when you're gone. I wanna help make the process easier and be as 7/5/14 7:14 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages comforting and supportive as I can. How am I gonna know if you did it tho? 7/5/14 7:15 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy you want camdyns phone number ? Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 7:15 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeah Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 7:16 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Can I have your mom's too? Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 7:20 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy just don't say anything yet ok ? Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 7:20 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy mom 7746789965 Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 7:20 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What do you mean don't say anything yet? Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 7:21 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I didn't get what you just sent it came as blank Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 7:23 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Camdyn +1 (774) 400-7243 Michelle SMS Messages Okay awesome thank you. Should you leave a note to tell 7/5/14 7:24 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy one of them to text/call me or should I contact one of them Michelle SMS Messages when you don't answer me tomorrow and I think you did it? 7/5/14 7:27 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy you'll know if i don't text back Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 7:27 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 7:27 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Are you going to Wal-Mart? Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 7:29 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy not yet Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 7:29 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Wait how much do you plan on taking? Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 7:33 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I don't even know if it's gonna work Michelle SMS Messages I feel like they are gonna find me tomorrow and bring me to 7/5/14 7:33 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages the hospital Well it won't if you have that attitude. But I think it will honestly. It would have before if your mom didn't find you. You just need to take a little more than last time so it has 7/5/14 7:36 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages more of a fatal effect. You gotta go all out babe. Take as much as you can, it's now or never. And you need to do it early like 9. 7/5/14 7:36 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Tylenol and Nyquil Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 7:37 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Maybe some alcohol idk Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 7:37 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What time are they coming home tomorrow? Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 7:37 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy like in the morning Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 7:38 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy So if you do this at like 9 then it should work Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 7:38 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I feel like if you don't do this tonight, then you never will Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 7:39 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I know Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 7:39 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Do you want this bad, yes or no? Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 7:39 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yes I just don't want the pain Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 7:40 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy it's a long painful death Michelle SMS Messages I know and I'm sorry but it will work. The sooner you do it the sooner you'll be happy in heaven. You gotta be strong and tough it out and remind yourself that the pain is 7/5/14 7:41 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy temporary and it will subside. Its just a few hours and then Michelle SMS Messages you'll be pain free forever. Llike I said, its either you deal with the pain for a few hours, or you deal with it your whole life It's not gonna be for a few hours tho. I had pain for a few 7/5/14 7:43 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages days 7/5/14 7:43 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy and by that time I'll be found Michelle SMS Messages If you take a lot, like more than last time, you'll die. It won't 7/5/14 7:44 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages be a few days it will be a few hours 7/5/14 7:44 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy how cam I believe you Michelle SMS Messages You said you were 2 hours away from dying last time. How 7/5/14 7:44 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages long did you do it before you were found? I did it and about an hour later I was found. an like 3 hours 7/5/14 7:46 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy to get to boston children's hospital because I went to Michelle SMS Messages another hospital first It's not gonna work Michelle the statistics show you won't 7/5/14 7:49 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages die from it you'll just get really sick See so it only takes like 4 hours to die. you were in pain for a few days because they like saved you from dying. If no 7/5/14 7:49 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy one found you, you would have died the same day, 4 hours Michelle SMS Messages tops. And if u take more than you did last time, it could take sooner The things I read say you can die. And you did it before so 7/5/14 7:50 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages you know it works 7/5/14 7:51 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy the things I read is it will rarely work Michelle SMS Messages can you do some more research with me, like my brain is 7/5/14 7:51 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages fried Those statists say it may not work because those people 7/5/14 7:51 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy either got sick or they were found. You won't be found, and Michelle SMS Messages you won't get sick 7/5/14 7:51 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy And sure Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 7:51 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I have constant racing thoughts I can't even think Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 7:52 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy thanks Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 7:52 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy well if worst comes to worst I'll have to trust you Michelle SMS Messages Well I don't want you to hate me if it doesn't work, but I 7/5/14 7:53 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages think it's a very good possibility to be honest 7/5/14 7:53 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm putting all my trust in you. I don't trust myself Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 7:53 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy but I'll trust you'll find another way out Michelle SMS Messages But it's happening tonight because I know you won't do it at 7/5/14 7:54 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy all if you don't now. You have to want it bad, and I know Michelle SMS Messages you do 7/5/14 7:54 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What do u mean I'll find another way out? Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 7:54 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy yes tonight's the night but please try :) Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 7:54 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy for me Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 7:54 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I will babe I'm looking now Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 7:54 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy :) Michelle SMS Messages I have melatonin why not try to take something to make me 7/5/14 7:56 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages sleep and then tape the plastic bag to my head 7/5/14 7:57 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy How would you tape the bag to your head if your sleeping? Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 7:58 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy try to sleep with it on Michelle SMS Messages I don't think you'll fall asleep because you'll be too busy 7/5/14 7:59 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy concentrating on suffocating...unless you take a lot of that Michelle SMS Messages sleep stuff and it knocks you out fast 7/5/14 8:00 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm not sure that will work tho Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 8:00 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm looking up melatonin now Michelle SMS Messages thanks I'm on the lostallhope sitethanks I'm on the lostallhope sitethanks I'm on the lostallhope sitethanks I'm on the lostallhope sitethanks I'm on the lostallhope sitethanks I'm on the lostallhope sitethanks I'm on the lostallhope sitethanks I'm on the lostallhope sitethanks I'm on the lostallhope sitethanks I'm on the lostallhope sitethanks I'm on the lostallhope sitethanks I'm on the lostallhope sitethanks I'm on the lostallhope sitethanks I'm on the lostallhope sitethanks I'm on the lostallhope sitethanks I'm 7/5/14 8:01 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages on the lostallhope sitethanks I'm on the lostallhope sitethanks I'm on the lostallhope sitethanks I'm on the lostallhope sitethanks I'm on the lostallhope sitethanks I'm on the lostallhope sitethanks I'm on the lostallhope sitethanks I'm on the lostallhope sitethanks I'm on the lostallhope sitethanks I'm on the lostallhope sitethanks I'm on the lostallhope sitethanks I'm on the lostallhope sitethanks I'm on the lostallhope sitethanks I'm on the lostallhope sitethanks I'm on the lostallhope sitethanks I'm on the lostallhope sitethanks I'm I don't think that sleeping pill will work because it's a "safe" 7/5/14 8:03 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy pill, meaning it's a natural hormone that the body produces. Michelle SMS Messages There isn't really harm in overdosing on it 7/5/14 8:04 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Can you get any other sleep pills at Wal-Mart? Michelle SMS Messages I don't mean overdosing on it, I meant making myself 7/5/14 8:04 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages relaxed enough that I fall asleep and then suffocate 7/5/14 8:06 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Oh true, hold on Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 8:07 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy okay Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 8:09 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy It takes like 30 mins to kick in Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 8:09 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy should I try that tho Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 8:10 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I think you should do that and Tylenol just incase Michelle SMS Messages like taking a whole bottle of it. wait 30 minutes and then try 7/5/14 8:10 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages to sleep by wrapping the plastic bag over my head 7/5/14 8:11 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy what else Michelle SMS Messages Can you buy ambien at Wal-Mart instead? That sleeping 7/5/14 8:11 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages pill has a better effect and I think you can fall asleep faster Idk if that's over the counter or prescribed tho. But you 7/5/14 8:14 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy should check. That drug works fast and it can be fatal if you Michelle SMS Messages take about 2000mg of it 7/5/14 8:15 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy It's perscribed haha Michelle SMS Messages Shit then do the melatonin and wait like 30 mins then od on 7/5/14 8:16 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages Tylenol and Nyquil and then tape the bag to your head 7/5/14 8:17 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy alright 10 more minutes of searching for another way? Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 8:18 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay Michelle SMS Messages I'm gonna go to walgreens to see if there's anymore 7/5/14 8:18 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages medication 7/5/14 8:18 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay. BUY TYLENOL Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 8:18 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy A lot of it Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 8:20 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Tylenol or Advil ? Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 8:21 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy keep reaching lol on way Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 8:21 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Tylenol Michelle SMS Messages I'm gonna but it at 3 different stores so they don't think it's 7/5/14 8:23 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages fishy 7/5/14 8:23 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Hahahha good idea Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 8:26 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy what about heartburn medicine Michelle SMS Messages GET BENADRYL! THAT MAKES YOU FALL ASLEEP 7/5/14 8:27 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages FAST Just 2 pills and you'll fall asleep in 30 mins or less. If you 7/5/14 8:30 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages take 4 you'll be out in 15 7/5/14 8:32 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Get BENADRYL and TYLENOL Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 8:37 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy you sure about benadryl? Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 8:37 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Positive Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 8:37 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy okay Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 8:38 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Let me know when you get home and how much you got Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 8:38 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy My dad just called and I'm supposed to work tomorrow Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 8:38 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Well you won't be.... Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 8:39 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy then he's gonna find me and go to my moms Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 8:40 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeah he'll find you tomorrow not tonight Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 8:45 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy but I might not be dead Michelle SMS Messages You probably will be if you take enough stuff and do the 7/5/14 8:46 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages bag thing 7/5/14 8:49 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy okay Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 8:49 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy How badly do you want to do this? Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 8:50 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy bad but I'm just really scared ya know Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 8:51 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What are you scared of babe Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 8:55 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy 187,500 mg of Tylenol Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 8:55 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy That's how much you're gonna take? Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 8:56 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Take a pic of how much you got I wanna see Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 8:56 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy that's how much I bought Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 8:56 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy okay I'm getting a steak right now I'm not homf Michelle SMS Messages Haha last meal huh? But you gotta hurry up and do this 7/5/14 8:57 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages babe 7/5/14 8:57 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Give me an hour lol Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 8:57 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Of course Michelle SMS Messages Are you gonna take all that Tylenol? Because if you take all 7/5/14 8:59 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy that without getting sick plus the bendryl and the bag, you'll Michelle SMS Messages definitely die... like quick 7/5/14 9:00 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy listen to haileys song Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 9:01 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy by eminen Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 9:01 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay I will right now Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 9:04 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy makes me wish I had a baby to live for Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 9:08 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I love you Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 9:15 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I love you too Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 9:16 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Listen to our song before you do it Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 9:19 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy what's it again? Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 9:19 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You're mine by lea michele Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 9:22 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Hahaha Hollys gonna miss you Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 9:22 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Those are cute pics lol Michelle SMS Messages Haha those were from when we got her. listen to when I'm 7/5/14 9:23 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages gone eminen She's adorable, and I've heard that song before. I'll take 7/5/14 9:25 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages that song to heart, I'll always smile back :) 7/5/14 9:26 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Are you gonna take all those pills? Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 9:26 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay :) and yeah like at 10-10:30 Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 9:27 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You're taking all those Tylenol pills? Michelle SMS Messages If you take all the pills in all those boxes, and fall asleep 7/5/14 9:29 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy with a bag taped TIGHTLY to your head so no air can get Michelle SMS Messages in, you'll definitely die babe 7/5/14 9:30 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Idk it's 187,500 mg last time i took 75,000 Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 9:32 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I think I'm gonna vomit most of it up Michelle SMS Messages So you'll definitely die if you take that much, just take more 7/5/14 9:33 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy than 75,000 And you'll be good. And you have to try your Michelle SMS Messages hardest not to vomit Conrad 7/5/14 9:35 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I can't try not to. it's gonna make me vomit all over the place Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 9:35 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy that's what I did last time Michelle SMS Messages Well just try, If it still almost worked last time then it will 7/5/14 9:36 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy work this time, especially because you'll be asleep so you Michelle SMS Messages won't be awake to vomit 7/5/14 9:39 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy hold on Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 9:41 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 9:59 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Babe? Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 10:00 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy i don't knew Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 10:00 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy know Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 10:00 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What do you mean Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 10:10 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Conrad Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 10:18 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Idk Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 10:18 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What don't you know Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 10:19 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy if it's gonna work Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 10:19 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy It will Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 10:20 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy how can you be so site Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 10:20 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy sure tho Michelle SMS Messages If you take all those pills and do the bag thing and fall asleep, it will. The pills alone will work. And because you 7/5/14 10:21 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy said you did it before and it would of worked If no one Michelle SMS Messages found you. And if you fall asleep with the bag so no air will get in, I don't see how it wouldn't work 7/5/14 10:22 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy how long do you think it'll take Michelle SMS Messages Well it will take like 15 mins to fall asleep if you take like 4 benedryls. And if you take more than 75000 mg of tylenol it will take like 2 hours probably Idk. But you'll be sleeping, 7/5/14 10:24 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy and with the bag you'll suffocate which will take like 5 mins. Michelle SMS Messages If you really want this Conrad, you'll try hard and just do it. But you have to fight to keep the bag on and try your best not to vomit. Its all up to you 7/5/14 10:32 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Are you doing it now? Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 10:32 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy No Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 10:33 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy When Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 10:33 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You said 10-1030 Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 10:35 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You're not even gonna do it are you? Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 10:35 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm playing madden lol Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 10:36 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy really close game Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 10:36 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Well are you gonna do it tonight or not? Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 10:36 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy yeah Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 10:37 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Well it's getting late Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 10:41 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Let me know when...I don't wanna fall asleep Michelle SMS Messages You have to do it soon tho if you don't want anyone to find 7/5/14 10:45 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages you in the morning 7/5/14 10:46 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy okay I gotta look myself in the mirror and just do it Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 10:47 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy If you want it you'll do whatever it takes Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 10:50 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Are you ready? Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 10:55 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Conrad Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 10:56 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy you can just go to sleep Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 10:56 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Why? Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 10:57 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I don't think I have it in me Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 10:57 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I knew it Michelle SMS Messages Ill stop talking to you now. I'm sorry Michelle bye, you're 7/5/14 10:57 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages right 7/5/14 10:58 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What? No stop what are you talking about? Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 10:59 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Conrad stop please talk to me Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 10:59 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm so confused Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 11:01 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm too scared Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 11:01 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy you're right I don't have it in me Michelle SMS Messages Okay then don't do it! I thought you wanted to do it I mean you bought all the stuff, you research it and think about it 7/5/14 11:02 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy all the time. You say you want it bad. But if you don't Michelle SMS Messages wanna do it then don't, I knew all along you weren't gonna do it 7/5/14 11:12 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy just swallowed all of them Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 11:12 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Prove it Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 11:13 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Like the whole bottle??? Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 11:16 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Are you being serious? Conrad are you doing this!? Michelle SMS Messages A picture doesn't prove anything...did you seriously just 7/5/14 11:18 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages swallow all those pills? 7/5/14 11:21 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Its not funny if you're lying Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 11:21 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I did Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 11:22 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy How much Tylenol did you have? Did you take benedryl ? Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 11:23 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Damn lol Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 11:25 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Wtf is that? Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 11:26 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Is that even Tylenol? Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 11:26 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy yes it's the main ingredient Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 11:26 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy 4000 mg isn't enough Michelle SMS Messages You purposely took a low dosage be cause you don't 7/5/14 11:26 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages wanna die. I didn't take any, but I know if I take that whole bottle I'm 7/5/14 11:27 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages dead 7/5/14 11:27 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy And fast, I have plenty time Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 11:28 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy my liver will fail in a matter of 2 hours Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 11:29 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeah that's all true. Are you gonna do it or not? Michelle SMS Messages Yeah. can you stop rushing me please. like I'm just 7/5/14 11:30 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages thinking. my life is gonna end I'm not rushing you, I'm just asking you because I wanna 7/5/14 11:31 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy try to change your mind before it's too late. I just wanna Michelle SMS Messages make sure you're 100% sure you wanna do this 7/5/14 11:32 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy yes I am. I'm just thinking Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 11:32 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You can tell me what you're thinking if you want Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 11:38 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Can you please say goodbye to me before you do it? Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 11:40 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I love you forever Michelle SMS Messages yeah. I have plenty of time tho. so I'm not in a rush. but if 7/5/14 11:41 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages your in a rush to sleep. then do it Well you have to do it before like 2 because your mom will 7/5/14 11:42 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy be home in the morning and if you don't wanna be found Michelle SMS Messages then you have to do it early enough 7/5/14 11:42 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy she will be home she said around 10-11 in the morning Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 11:43 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Well your dad will get you for work Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 11:43 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy and I'll lock the door so he won't Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 11:44 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy He may call police Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 11:44 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy if I don't go to work? Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 11:44 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy If you don't answer when he gets you Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 11:45 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy he won't get me. Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 11:45 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Oh okay Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 11:45 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy he told me to go to work at 7:30 Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 11:45 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay so yeah you still have some time Michelle SMS Messages I'm falling asleep tho, so text me when you're about to do it 7/5/14 11:47 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy and I'll try to wake up and answer. But if I don't, please dont Michelle SMS Messages leave me without saying goodbye okay? 7/5/14 11:48 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy okay goodnight :) I'll say good bye Michelle SMS Messages I love you so much, be my Angel and look for me when I 7/5/14 11:50 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy smile up at you :) fly high and be free and happy forever. Michelle SMS Messages Wait for me at heavens gates And don't just say goodbye. Say something so I'll always 7/5/14 11:54 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages remember 7/5/14 11:55 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy don't sleep. it's a Saturday night ! Michelle SMS Messages 7/5/14 11:56 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm trying not to! Michelle SMS Messages Wait so last time I'm gonna ask. Are you really gonna do 7/5/14 11:57 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages this? yeah but I think my liver isn't 100% it's recovered. but most 7/5/14 11:58 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages times when I drink alcohol I throw up. You can't throw up you have to try your best not to. And if you do, you have to make sure you take enough so you still 7/5/14 11:59 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages have some in you...if you take all the Tylenol and then benedryl you'll fall asleep so you won't throw up But you better not be lying to me and saying you're gonna 7/6/14 12:00 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy take all of them and say in the morning that it didn't work Michelle SMS Messages because you threw them up 7/6/14 12:01 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I won't Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 12:01 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay Michelle SMS Messages I know if you don't do this now, you're just gonna keep spending everyday in negative thoughts researching ways 7/6/14 12:03 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages to kill yourself and thinking about it. So it's now or never, or you get help. It's your choice so talk me through the whole process again. we can play 7/6/14 12:04 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages simon says. and I'll do it 7/6/14 12:05 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Haha what do you mean the whole process? Michelle SMS Messages like I take the sleeping pills first wait awhile then the 7/6/14 12:06 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages Tylenol ? I'm not telling you to do anything. Its up to you to tell yourself to do it. But yeah, if you take like 4 benedryls, you'll fall asleep in like 15- 20 mins. So I'd take those, wait 7/6/14 12:08 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy like 10 mins, then take all the Tylenol, more than last time if Michelle SMS Messages you want this to work. Then idk if you wanna do the bag or not but then I'd tape the bag and then you should fall asleep not long after There's never a right time to do something. The time you 7/6/14 12:12 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages have now will be the best right time you'll ever have 7/6/14 12:12 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeah the bag isn't even necessary at this lint it's over kill Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 12:12 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeah don't do it Michelle SMS Messages first I'm gonna load up on all the sleeping pills I have, wait 7/6/14 12:13 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy 30 minutes and then take all the Tylenol and hopefully Michelle SMS Messages pass out and die in my sleep No don't wait 30 mins! You'll fall asleep before you even take the Tylenol. And don't take all the sleeping pills 7/6/14 12:15 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy because that doesn't even work. Benedryl is the best one Michelle SMS Messages you can take, and take like 7 or 8 of them, then wait 10 mins and take the Tylenol Don't load up on the sleeping pills because then you won't 7/6/14 12:17 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages have room for the tylenol 7/6/14 12:17 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Oh I have plenty of room Michelle SMS Messages Okay well I'm telling you what will work. If you take too 7/6/14 12:18 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy many sleeping pills you're just gonna fall asleep before you Michelle SMS Messages take the Tylenol and it won't work well if I fall asleep it's not the end of the world, it means that 7/6/14 12:21 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages I can take less and fall asleep and still take the Tylenol 7/6/14 12:21 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy but once I take the Tylenol I'm fucked Michelle SMS Messages and I won't fall asleep just like that... I'll be really sleepy but 7/6/14 12:24 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages I wouldn't just pass out 7/6/14 12:24 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy it would be good feeling that way Michelle SMS Messages If you wanna do this, 10 benedryls and then wait 10 mins 7/6/14 12:26 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages then take all the Tylenol 7/6/14 12:26 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy okay that seems like a plan Michelle SMS Messages I still don't think you're really gonna do this, so you're 7/6/14 12:27 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages gonna have to prove me wrong 7/6/14 12:30 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy idk why I bought all that other shit than Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 12:30 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Haha I don't either Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 12:34 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I love you Conrad Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 12:34 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Love you too Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 12:34 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Say goodbye before you do it Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 12:37 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'll keep texting you untill I pass out haha Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 12:37 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Pass out from the pills? Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 12:39 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy yeah I'll let you know i Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 12:39 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 12:44 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 12:45 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What does that prayer mean ? Michelle SMS Messages You'll be the most beautiful Angel in heaven btw. You're 7/6/14 12:46 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages being called back home babe it's in the name of the father, the son and the Holy Spirit in 7/6/14 12:46 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages Latin 7/6/14 12:46 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Oh that's nice Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 12:48 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I want take to take all the medication the time I was born Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 12:48 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Which is when ? Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 12:49 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy 1:06 Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 12:49 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy AM Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 12:49 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy alcohol too? or nah Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 12:50 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay, and well idk if that will just make you vomit Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 12:50 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I took 10 Benadryl Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 12:50 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy How do you feel? Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 12:51 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy So are you taking all the Tylenol at 1:06? Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 12:51 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy nothing yet Michelle SMS Messages I'm gonna vomit no matter what I already have a trash bag 7/6/14 12:52 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages out Well you have to try not to...I mean you should fall asleep 7/6/14 12:52 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages before you can 7/6/14 12:53 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy true Michelle SMS Messages By saying you're just gonna vomit tho, I can tell you don't 7/6/14 12:54 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy want this bad. Saying you'll vomit is kinda like a safe way Michelle SMS Messages out 7/6/14 12:57 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy i did last time. I didn't try to. I just did Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 12:57 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy But you still almost died so it shouldn't be a problem Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 12:57 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm taking way more than the lethal dose Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 12:58 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I love you Michelle SMS Messages I love you. forever you'll be in my heart and soul. let your 7/6/14 12:59 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy neighbors protect you. heaven accept you and trouble Michelle SMS Messages neglect you 7/6/14 1:01 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages That was perfect. You are my forever, my home,my hero. Always watch over me and smile down at me. Ill always 7/6/14 1:02 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages look up and find you and smile back You'll forever be in my heart, you're mine and I'm yours, always 7/6/14 1:03 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy 3 min 😁 Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 1:03 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Roy Conrad 3 min ���� Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 1:03 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Roy Conrad 3 min Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 1:03 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You're strong Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 1:07 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm not feelin sleepy yet with the Benadryl Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 1:08 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Then take some more Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 1:09 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy one last thing Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 1:09 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yes? Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 1:10 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy this scares me Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 1:10 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What does Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 1:11 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy read the text in the pic Michelle SMS Messages That's if you're at a hospital getting treated with medicine 7/6/14 1:12 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy and stuff. Your liver will shut down and won't be getting Michelle SMS Messages fixed so you'll die instantly 7/6/14 1:12 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy but how long. Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 1:13 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy 2-4 hours I'd say Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 1:13 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You won't know until you try Michelle SMS Messages I just don't wanna be found. and If I do chicken out tonight. 7/6/14 1:15 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages I have tomorrow night to do it too 7/6/14 1:16 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I haven't yet. because I keep reading things like this Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 1:17 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I keep thinking this is a very bad idea Michelle SMS Messages Stop reading that stuff, you're taking over the lethal limit anyways so you'll die quickly. And that's Yahoo so a lot of people don't know what they're talking about, they aren't 7/6/14 1:18 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages experts. If you do it now you won't be found because that's like 7 hours til work. And yeah you have tomorrow but it's just gonna be the same thing over again If you don't wanna do this, don't do it! I just know you'll always be thinking about it and you're just gonna get worse if you don't get help. But reading shit like that isn't helping 7/6/14 1:21 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages and most of it isn't reliable. Everyone's bodies react differently. You did this before and almost died if you didn't get found, so it's proven to work. 7/6/14 1:23 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I want to do this. but I don't wanna live after I do it! Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 1:23 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You won't know until you try Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 1:24 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Right. maybe I should try the plastic bag tonight Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 1:25 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Idk babe whatever you think will work Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 1:27 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You can't keep living in fear Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 1:27 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I do live in fear Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 1:28 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I know, and its not gonna get you anywhere Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 1:28 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You can't be afraid of something that will make you happy Michelle SMS Messages I took a lot more Benedryl I have duct tape and a plastic 7/6/14 1:28 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages bag 7/6/14 1:29 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Are you gonna try it? Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 1:30 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm trying to get nice and sleepy. Michelle SMS Messages Okay well the bag has to be tight or it won't work. Like no 7/6/14 1:30 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages air can get in 7/6/14 1:31 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy if I fall asleep with it on my head there's a good chance Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 1:31 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I know there is Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 1:31 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy If not. then there's always time for everything Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 1:31 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy It's never too late. you know Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 1:32 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You said tomorrow is the last day Michelle SMS Messages So if this doesn't work you have tomorrow, but if you really 7/6/14 1:32 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages wanna die, you'll make this work tonight 7/6/14 1:33 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I love you Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 1:33 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yes it's gonna work Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 1:33 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I love you so much Michelle Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 1:33 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I love you forever Conrad Michelle SMS Messages thanks for keeping with me. as stubborn and as much of an 7/6/14 1:34 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy asshole I am. thanks for roughing it out and being with me Michelle SMS Messages when the rough times go. I wish I co 7/6/14 1:34 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy uld have been with you for my good times Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 1:34 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy but that's how much of an ignorant ass I am Michelle SMS Messages Don't be sorry, if I gave up on you when you needed me the most in your darkest times, I would never forgive 7/6/14 1:36 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages myself. I stayed with you and helped you and supported you because that's how much I love you. 7/6/14 1:39 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I love you :) Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 1:40 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I love you more :) Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 1:41 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm trying it now Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 1:41 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy it's gonna get so hot Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 1:41 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Just fall asleep, God will carry you away Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 7:31 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy the bag ripped:/ Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 7:44 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy hence why I'm still here Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 7:46 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm sorry Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 7:51 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy don't be lmao I just had a really bad feeling about it Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 7:51 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Like I am sorry. you shouldn't be Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 7:52 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Are y doing anything tohight Michelle SMS Messages i just got into work and I won't be home till tomorrow 7/6/14 7:54 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages morninrn 7/6/14 7:58 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy what I do know is the Benedryl works Michelle SMS Messages Told you, and why won't you be home til tomorrow 7/6/14 8:30 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages morning? But I'm tired of you not taking this seriously, like if you 7/6/14 8:34 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages aren't really gonna do it then stop pretending that you are 7/6/14 9:29 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Conrad Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 9:44 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You said Monday was gonna be the last day Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 11:03 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I kno I know Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 11:07 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy So what's it gonna be Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 11:10 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I have to do it. I like have to Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 11:12 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I guess I just wish there was another way. Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 11:12 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Well you keep saying that but you never do anything! Michelle SMS Messages Hang yourself, jump off a building, stab yourself idk there's 7/6/14 11:13 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages a lot of ways 7/6/14 11:16 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I don't think you really want it Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 11:34 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I just don't want the pain Michelle SMS Messages Hanging yourself if you do it right, you die instantly 7/6/14 11:37 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages because your neck snaps 7/6/14 11:43 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I love you Michelle Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 11:43 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I love you so much Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 11:53 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I wanna try to get ahold of carbon monoxide Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 11:53 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy How? Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 11:54 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Idk. u give up on the Tylenol Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 11:54 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy *I Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 11:54 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 12:20 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What are you gonna do Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 1:44 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy idkk Michelle anymore I just don't know Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 1:44 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 2:01 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeah I couldn't hear anything you were saying haha Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 2:01 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I have to talk to you about something Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 2:06 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy what Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 2:07 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You're gonna think it's really stupid and pathetic but it's true Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 2:10 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy okst Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 2:10 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy okay Michelle SMS Messages One reason why sometimes I can't hang out is because I'm very insecure and body conscious, meaning like I'm uncomfortable with my body. Like I binge a lot and after a 7/6/14 2:13 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages binge, it takes 2 days to be myself and feel good again. And when we hangout I wanna feel my best so I can enjoy my time with you 7/6/14 2:20 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy well that's why I don't want to because I'm not myself Michelle SMS Messages Yeah, I'm just trying my best to stop binging so I can be my 7/6/14 2:22 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy best for you because I want to hangout with you so bad, I Michelle SMS Messages just sometimes feel uncomfortable with how I look 7/6/14 2:32 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy don't feel that way at all Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 2:35 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I can't help it Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 2:52 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy It's alright Michelle Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 2:52 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I love you Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 3:39 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I love you too Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 3:54 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy :) Are you gonna do that carbon monoxide thing? Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 4:06 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy i want to, I feel like it's the best way but idk like how Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 4:13 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Well you don't have a garage Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 4:24 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy All you gotta do is breathe that in and you die peacefully Michelle SMS Messages All you really need is an enclosed space, I could get a tube 7/6/14 4:25 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages to go to a tent from the exhaust in my truck 7/6/14 4:26 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy That website I found said that could work Michelle SMS Messages That would work...that would probably be the best way. 7/6/14 4:26 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages Why didn't you do that last night? 7/6/14 4:27 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I just thought about it now Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 4:31 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Oh Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 4:31 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I just don't know where I'd go. Michelle SMS Messages You said you'd hook it up to your truck...go in the woods or 7/6/14 4:31 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages something and set up a tent 7/6/14 4:35 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy or have it hooked up to inside my truck. Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 4:36 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy yeah I think I'm gonna try that. Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 4:37 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy How would you hook it up to your truck ? Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 4:38 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Like how would you get it inside? Michelle SMS Messages Through a tube, like duct tape it to exhaust pipes and have 7/6/14 4:46 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy it travel to the back window where I can seal up the rest of Michelle SMS Messages the window with something and ju 7/6/14 4:46 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy st sit there Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 4:46 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Would you do that? Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 4:57 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeah definetly Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 4:58 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I can get a hose/tube from work Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 4:58 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Oh true Michelle SMS Messages it has to be big enough and maybe I can connect 2 7/6/14 4:59 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages because I have 2 tailpipes But I bet you're gonna be like "oh it didn't work because I 7/6/14 4:59 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy didn't tape the tube right or something like that"...I bet your Michelle SMS Messages gonna say an excuse like that 7/6/14 5:03 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy why? it's not gonna be painful at all Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 5:04 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Idk because you seem to always have an excuse Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 5:06 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Not anymore Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 5:07 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay well when is this happening, because it will work Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 5:08 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Monday night Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 5:08 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy so tomorrow night Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 5:08 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Why will no one will be home or something ? Michelle SMS Messages I'm really pushing this one hard Michelle. like I'm actually 7/6/14 5:08 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages happy with the thought it could work 7/6/14 5:09 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I have to do it at night Michelle SMS Messages Yeah it will work, if you emit 3200ppm of it for 5 to 10 mins, 7/6/14 5:11 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages you'll die within a half hour You lose consciousness with no pain, you just fall asleep 7/6/14 5:12 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages and die You can also just take a hose and run that from the exhaust pipe to the window in your car and seal it with duct 7/6/14 5:16 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages tape and shirts so it can't escape...you'll die within like 20 or 30 mins, all pain free 7/6/14 5:26 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yes that's what I was thinking Michelle SMS Messages like I couldn't stand the 4 hour excruciating pain of the 7/6/14 5:26 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages Tylenol. that shit fucks u up Yeah haha and you want something quick and pain 7/6/14 5:27 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages free...this is it. Do you have that much in your truck? 7/6/14 5:55 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Conrad? Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 6:28 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy yes Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 6:29 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy And I'm sure what ppm Is Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 6:33 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What? Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 7:24 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy not sure* Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 7:41 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Come over. I want to see fireworks with you Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 7:52 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Can you come? Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 7:54 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy when ? Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 7:54 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Tonight to see fireworks! Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 7:55 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I can't leave. I'm at work Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 8:00 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Lie you aren't at work haha Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 8:04 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Ugh fuck you Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 8:07 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Ya Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 8:09 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Fuck Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 8:09 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy fuck fuck fuck Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 8:22 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 8:23 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeah? Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 8:27 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy 2 things Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 8:28 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 9:02 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy my truck is diesel. it's loud. and it might not emit CO Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 9:09 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy god bless Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 9:15 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Well that sucks Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 9:16 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Ehh fuck It Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 9:17 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Well if it doesn't emit CO then it won't work... Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 9:20 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy fuck it Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 9:21 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What do you mean? Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 9:29 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Are you not gonna do it? Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 9:29 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Are you watching fireworks ? Michelle SMS Messages No I was gonna go meet people but I git home from 7/6/14 9:30 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages kayaking too late 7/6/14 9:33 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Ohhh I see Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 9:33 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy So answer the question Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 9:41 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy ?? Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 9:49 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Good night Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 9:57 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy goodnight Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 9:57 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy No stop I'm not tired Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 10:00 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I was kidding! Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 10:02 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I figured you were tired since I wasted your night last night Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 10:02 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You didn't waste my night. I wanted to talk to you Michelle SMS Messages Well I'm just saying if you went through the pain I went 7/6/14 10:04 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages through with that Tylenol you wouldn't do it again 7/6/14 10:04 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I believe you Michelle SMS Messages I was scared I was gonna be in so much pain for so long 7/6/14 10:05 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages and a chance that I was found 7/6/14 10:05 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I know I understand Michelle SMS Messages And I forgot to lock the door in the morning so my dad 7/6/14 10:05 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages came in and woke me up from my sleep 7/6/14 10:06 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy So are you gonna do the CO Michelle SMS Messages There is another way, I can purchase a co tank and a 7/6/14 10:08 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy regulator and a feeding tube to directly go in my lungs. I'd Michelle SMS Messages be unconscious in 5-15 seconds 7/6/14 10:08 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy like id breathe 97% CO Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 10:08 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Well how long would it take to get all that and where? Michelle SMS Messages See that's the problem. but I definitely want to do this. it's 7/6/14 10:10 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy the best way. but I'm gonna do everything in my power to Michelle SMS Messages make this work. tomorrow I have t 7/6/14 10:10 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy he day off. and I'm gonna go ham on this Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 10:10 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy like I'm all in with this Michelle SMS Messages Okay yeah I mean I think it's the best way, it will work and 7/6/14 10:11 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages its painless and fast 7/6/14 10:11 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Hey Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 10:11 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy http://www.jerryhunt.org/kill.htm Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 10:11 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter http://www.jerryhunt.org/kill.htm Conrad SMS Messages 7/6/14 10:11 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy read this. Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 10:15 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy If I try this method and it doesn't work. I'm literary ducked Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 10:15 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy fucked Michelle SMS Messages If you do it right, and listen to what that guy said in that 7/6/14 10:16 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages article, it will 100% work 7/6/14 10:16 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Its not that hard to mess up Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 10:29 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Are you gonna try to get all the stuff tomorrow? Michelle SMS Messages well I'm at work I can't really read all of it. I read parts of it . 7/6/14 10:32 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages so once I'm not busy I'll figure it out 7/6/14 10:33 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 10:33 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Do you wanna come over tomorrow at like 430? Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 10:34 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I have the camp from 830 to 330 Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 10:34 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy AM? Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 10:34 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Fuck the camp Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 10:34 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Haha no 430 pm Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 10:34 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy And I know Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 10:36 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I wanna see you one last time before you do it Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 10:36 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I know Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 10:37 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy So do you wanna? Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 11:03 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy yeah Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 11:13 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeah I was right... Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 11:15 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Are you asleep? Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 11:16 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Right about what ?, Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 11:17 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy the plan I had won't work Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 11:18 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy diesal engines carbon monoxide is very low Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 11:18 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy So you need the tank thing or a different car Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 11:20 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I just don't know where to get one Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 11:22 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy but I'm gonna find out Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 11:23 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeah do some research tomorrow Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 11:25 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy okay Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 11:27 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy fml. like rlly Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 11:28 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Just relax, you'll be okay. Good night I love you :) Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 11:28 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy ilyt Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 11:29 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Spell it out! Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 11:30 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I hate that abbreviation Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 11:30 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy it out Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 11:31 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy 😑😑😑😑 Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 11:31 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Roy Conrad ���������������� Michelle SMS Messages

7/6/14 11:31 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Roy Conrad Michelle SMS Messages

7/6/14 11:33 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy sorry I'm just really pissed Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 11:34 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I know I'm sorry Michelle SMS Messages 7/6/14 11:41 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy it's not your fault, I knew it was too good to be true Michelle SMS Messages You can't come over today sorry, I didn't know I had plans. 7/7/14 8:23 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy But tomorrow you can, unless you were planning on doing Michelle SMS Messages the CO tonight 7/7/14 9:42 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay Michelle SMS Messages 7/7/14 3:05 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Hi Michelle SMS Messages 7/7/14 3:20 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Hey what's up Michelle SMS Messages 7/7/14 3:21 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy just chillin hbu Michelle SMS Messages 7/7/14 3:29 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy okay I have come to a conclusion Michelle SMS Messages 7/7/14 3:33 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay tell me. And sorry I was at the camp Michelle SMS Messages Well I've spent my whole day looking shit up over and over 7/7/14 3:51 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy again. and the reason why the bag didn't work last time Michelle SMS Messages because it was a shaws bag, very thin. so I have acquired a thicker plastic bag. which I will use, 7/7/14 3:51 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy and I've already taken 12 Benedryl. which made me really Michelle SMS Messages tired. so I'm hoping to fall asleep 7/7/14 3:51 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy and not wake up Michelle SMS Messages When did you take the benedryl ? And I thought you were 7/7/14 3:52 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages doing the CO? 7/7/14 3:53 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Are you doing this now? Michelle SMS Messages 7/7/14 4:03 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Conrad Michelle SMS Messages 7/7/14 4:05 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Saturday night Michelle SMS Messages 7/7/14 4:07 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Today's only Monday.... Michelle SMS Messages I meant I took the Benedryl Saturday night. I realized that 7/7/14 4:14 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy staggered overdosing is more effective than major Michelle SMS Messages overdosing too. 7/7/14 5:12 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Sorry I fell asleep but Ohhhh okay Michelle SMS Messages 7/7/14 5:19 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy How was your day ? Michelle SMS Messages 7/7/14 5:19 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy When are you doing it? Michelle SMS Messages Since you don't get your snapchat anymore I send them to 7/7/14 5:19 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Conrad SMS Messages you 7/7/14 5:30 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy :) Michelle SMS Messages 7/7/14 5:30 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy 😞 Michelle SMS Messages 7/7/14 5:30 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Roy Conrad ���� Michelle SMS Messages

7/7/14 5:30 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Roy Conrad Michelle SMS Messages

7/7/14 5:35 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy My day was okay how was yours? Michelle SMS Messages 7/7/14 5:37 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Good Michelle SMS Messages 7/7/14 5:39 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Really? Michelle SMS Messages 7/7/14 5:40 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yes Michelle SMS Messages 7/7/14 5:42 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy That's great! What did you do? Michelle SMS Messages ended up going to work for a little bit and then just looked 7/7/14 5:43 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages stuff up 7/7/14 5:50 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy When are you gonna do it Michelle SMS Messages 7/7/14 6:28 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Stop ignoring the question Michelle SMS Messages 7/7/14 8:49 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy ???? Michelle SMS Messages 7/7/14 8:53 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Are you okay? Michelle SMS Messages 7/7/14 9:09 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy no Michelle SMS Messages 7/7/14 9:09 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Talk to me what's wrong Michelle SMS Messages 7/7/14 9:11 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I've been crying for the last hour Michelle SMS Messages 7/7/14 9:12 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Babe why talk to me? Michelle SMS Messages 7/7/14 9:13 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I Hate myself so much. I can't take it Michelle SMS Messages 7/7/14 9:15 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What are you gonna do? Michelle SMS Messages I hate seeing you this way. I want to help you but I know 7/7/14 9:18 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages that my help doesn't work 7/7/14 9:19 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy It's comforting, I appreciate it. I just don't deserve it Michelle SMS Messages It's comforting, I ap_�_�40__!______�1____ 7/7/14 9:19 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages ______You do deserve it though and that's what you don't 7/7/14 9:19 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages understand 7/7/14 9:24 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Can you please tell me what the plan is tho so I know Michelle SMS Messages 7/7/14 9:26 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm so screwed it's not even funny. anymore Michelle SMS Messages 7/7/14 9:26 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What do you mean Michelle SMS Messages I love you and care about you and everyone. but I wish I 7/7/14 9:26 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy didn't have to talk to anyone ever again. I'm dying on the Michelle SMS Messages inside. I'm just freaking out right know bad. you can say whatever 7/7/14 9:27 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages u want about me idc. I love you too and I know you''re feeling that way. I've known for a while that you're completely dead on the 7/7/14 9:29 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages inside. And freaking out how? Are you doing it tonight? And I would never judge you stop it. 7/7/14 9:31 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm having a complete panic attack I can't stop shaking Michelle SMS Messages I wanna call you right now but I can't. Calm down, sit down 7/7/14 9:32 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages and drink some water I wanna call you right now but I can't. Calm down, sit 7/7/14 9:32 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Conrad SMS Messages down and drink some water 7/7/14 9:34 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Close your eyes and breathe Michelle SMS Messages 7/7/14 9:34 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm laying down Michelle SMS Messages 7/7/14 9:35 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I wish I was a baby Michelle SMS Messages 7/7/14 9:45 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Why Michelle SMS Messages 7/7/14 9:49 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy because I could live and start over Michelle SMS Messages 7/7/14 9:49 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeah I wish I was too then Michelle SMS Messages 7/7/14 9:50 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I just don't see anything positive.. everything's negative Michelle SMS Messages 7/7/14 9:51 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Well what am I? Michelle SMS Messages 7/7/14 9:52 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy you're Michelle Michelle SMS Messages 7/7/14 9:52 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Haha yes,, but am I positive or negative? Michelle SMS Messages 7/7/14 9:53 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Well positive but like you know what I mean Michelle SMS Messages 7/7/14 9:55 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeah Michelle SMS Messages I keep doing research on this shit. but Idk I just negatively 7/7/14 9:57 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages with this too like it won't work 7/7/14 9:58 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Why do you think it won't work ? Michelle SMS Messages I don't know where to get a co tank.. I'm just thinking about 7/7/14 9:58 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages hanging myself at this point You aren't gonna know unless you try, and if you don't try something you're just gonna get worse and worse and I don't even think you can get any worse at this point. The 7/7/14 10:00 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages longer you wait in fear of it not working,, the longer you're gonna keep thinking about it and researching and its gonna drive you even more insane well I've thought about it for going on 3 weeks. now and I 7/7/14 10:02 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages am insane So what are you gonna do? Because you can't live this way 7/7/14 10:04 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages anymore 7/7/14 10:17 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Conrad Michelle SMS Messages I really don't know what to do. like I'm afraid of failing and 7/7/14 10:18 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy causing way more damage to myself and looking like a fool Michelle SMS Messages for the rest of my life.... UHhhhhh 7/7/14 10:23 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You can't be afraid to fail Michelle SMS Messages 7/7/14 10:24 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You weren't afraid the first time, why are you afraid now? Michelle SMS Messages 7/7/14 10:26 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I just did it. I didn't think. I just did it Michelle SMS Messages 7/7/14 10:26 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Well maybe not thinking is the way to go Michelle SMS Messages 7/7/14 10:28 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy true Michelle SMS Messages 7/7/14 10:28 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeah Michelle SMS Messages Because if you don't think about it, You won't think about 7/7/14 10:29 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages failing. You'll just do it thinking you'll succeed right. that's what I'm talking about. I've read so much about 7/7/14 10:32 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages failed attempts gone wrong that it's gotten me discouraged Yeah exactly so stop doing that! There's more success 7/7/14 10:33 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages then there are fails 7/7/14 10:34 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy are you kidding me Michelle SMS Messages 7/7/14 10:34 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You have to look at it that way Michelle SMS Messages And people only fail because they have the same mindset 7/7/14 10:35 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages as you..thinking they'll fail 7/7/14 10:35 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I really wanna believe you Michelle SMS Messages 7/7/14 10:36 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Why don't you? Michelle SMS Messages 7/7/14 10:40 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy if you were in my position. honestly what would you do Michelle SMS Messages I would get help. That's just me tho. When I have a serious 7/7/14 10:41 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy problem like that, my first instinct is to get help because I Michelle SMS Messages know I can't do it on my own 7/7/14 10:43 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Well it's too late I already gave up. I meant like which wat Michelle SMS Messages 7/7/14 10:43 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy way Michelle SMS Messages 7/7/14 10:43 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy based on pain/time and everything Michelle SMS Messages Ohhh okay well I'd do the CO. That's honestly the best 7/7/14 10:45 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy way. And i know it's hard to find a tank so if you could use Michelle SMS Messages another car or something than do that. 7/7/14 10:47 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy But next I'd try the bag or hanging Michelle SMS Messages 7/7/14 10:47 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Hanging is painless and takes like a second if you do it right Michelle SMS Messages It's like nearly impossible now. that article was made in 7/7/14 10:56 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy 1993. and like they don't have big tanks like that. I just Michelle SMS Messages think it would be fucked to take my parents car. I mean I do have a garage at my dad's house 7/7/14 10:56 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages but his car is a 2009 Well there's more ways to make CO. Google ways to make 7/7/14 10:57 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages it... 7/7/14 11:04 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Omg Michelle SMS Messages 7/7/14 11:04 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What Michelle SMS Messages 7/7/14 11:04 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy portable generator that's it Michelle SMS Messages 7/7/14 11:05 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy That makes CO? Michelle SMS Messages 7/7/14 11:05 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy yeah! it's an internal combustion engine Michelle SMS Messages 7/7/14 11:06 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Do you have one of those? Michelle SMS Messages 7/7/14 11:06 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy There's one at work Michelle SMS Messages 7/7/14 11:06 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Well how would you get that home? Michelle SMS Messages 7/7/14 11:07 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy it's portable I can carry it Michelle SMS Messages 7/7/14 11:07 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Ohhh right haha Michelle SMS Messages I was thinking turning it on in my truck and passing out 7/7/14 11:08 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages asleep 7/7/14 11:08 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Does it emit enough CO? Michelle SMS Messages 7/7/14 11:11 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy you're a genius Michelle SMS Messages 7/7/14 11:12 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I know Michelle SMS Messages Do they still give off a lot of it tho or did they fix it after that 7/7/14 11:13 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages article called them out? 7/7/14 11:13 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy it emits more than cars Michelle SMS Messages 7/7/14 11:13 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Are you positive? Michelle SMS Messages 7/7/14 11:13 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy December 2013.. pretty recent Michelle SMS Messages You could take that in your truck, and take some benedryls 7/7/14 11:14 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages just incase 7/7/14 11:14 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeah I'm gonna fall asleep and peacefully die Michelle SMS Messages 7/7/14 11:15 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeah Michelle SMS Messages 7/7/14 11:15 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy That's the best way Michelle SMS Messages 7/7/14 11:16 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy See i knew you would help me find a better way Michelle SMS Messages It's so easy. all I need to do is get it. fill it with gas. and 7/7/14 11:16 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages boom 7/7/14 11:17 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yup Haha it's that simple Michelle SMS Messages well as soon as I get to work tomorrow I'm going to find the 7/7/14 11:18 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages generator and look up the model and make sure 7/7/14 11:21 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy And that's a government website I sent u the pic to Michelle SMS Messages 7/7/14 11:21 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay haha and then it must be true then Michelle SMS Messages So if the model works, are you gonna take it home and do 7/7/14 11:21 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages this tomorrow? 7/7/14 11:22 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yup Michelle SMS Messages 7/7/14 11:33 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Like tomorrow night ? For real this time Michelle SMS Messages 7/7/14 11:37 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yes I'm gonna. maybe not tomorrow night but the night after Michelle SMS Messages 7/7/14 11:47 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Idk if I'll be able to talk Wednesday night Michelle SMS Messages 7/7/14 11:47 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy why Michelle SMS Messages Sleepover with friends but no I will that's stupid of me not 7/7/14 11:53 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages to. Why not tomorrow tho? it's alright. I'm glad you are spending time with your friends 7/7/14 11:55 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages haha I don't know when I'll be back tomorrow. it could be late at 7/7/14 11:56 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages night. You're more important so I'll talk to you if that's when you plan on doing it. But thanks haha, yeah it should be fun, I 7/7/14 11:57 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages haven't seen them since before I went away so I'm excited to see them again. But where are you going tomorrow? And the best thing about it is. my truck doesn't have to be on. I can park somewhere and croakAnd the best thing about it is. my truck doesn't have to be on. I can park somewhere and croakAnd the best thing about it is. my truck doesn't have to be on. I can park somewhere and croakAnd the best thing about it is. my truck doesn't have to be on. I can park somewhere and croakAnd the best thing about it is. my truck doesn't have to be on. I can park somewhere and croakAnd the best thing 7/7/14 11:57 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages about it is. my truck doesn't have to be on. I can park somewhere and croakAnd the best thing about it is. my truck doesn't have to be on. I can park somewhere and croakAnd the best thing about it is. my truck doesn't have to be on. I can park somewhere and croakAnd the best thing about it is. my truck doesn't have to be on. I can park somewhere and croakAnd the best thing about it is. my truck doesn't have to be on. I can park somewhere and croakAnd the best thing about it is my 7/7/14 11:57 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy dump run. cape cod Michelle SMS Messages 7/7/14 11:58 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Gotcha, and yeah that's true Michelle SMS Messages My neck is killing me rn tho.My neck is killing me rn tho.My neck is killing me rn tho.My neck is killing me rn tho.My neck is killing me rn tho.My neck is killing me rn tho.My neck is killing me rn tho.My neck is killing me rn tho.My neck is killing me rn tho.My neck is killing me rn tho.My neck is killing me rn tho.My neck is killing me rn tho.My neck is killing me rn tho.My neck is killing me rn tho.My neck is killing me rn tho.My neck is killing 7/7/14 11:58 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages me rn tho.My neck is killing me rn tho.My neck is killing me rn tho.My neck is killing me rn tho.My neck is killing me rn tho.My neck is killing me rn tho.My neck is killing me rn tho.My neck is killing me rn tho.My neck is killing me rn tho.My neck is killing me rn tho.My neck is killing me rn tho.My neck is killing me rn tho.My neck is killing me rn tho.My neck is killing me rn tho.My neck is killing me rn tho.My neck is killing me rn tho My neck is killing 7/8/14 12:13 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Why Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 12:20 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy idk it hurts Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 12:32 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I love you Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 12:37 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I love you too Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 12:39 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 12:40 AM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Conrad SMS Messages 7/8/14 12:40 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I like when you spell it out like that Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 12:40 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy forever Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 12:41 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Forever :) Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 12:42 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy 4evr Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 12:45 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Haha you totally just ruined the moment Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 12:45 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I wanted to be a pain Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 12:46 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Well it worked lol Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 12:46 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yay I gess Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 12:47 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Are you tired Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 12:47 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy yeah I'm gonna pass out Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 12:47 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Same haha text me in the morning Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 12:51 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy okayyy Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 12:52 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Sweet dreams I love you :) Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 5:22 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Hi Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 9:03 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Hey Michelle SMS Messages I can't stay up past midnight anymore because my mom's 7/8/14 10:19 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages mad. She said if I do it again she will take my phone away 7/8/14 10:42 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy How does es know Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 10:48 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy She looks it up on our phone info Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 10:49 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Does she read your texts? Michelle SMS Messages Our family shares an account so she can look at 7/8/14 10:49 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy everyone's stuff. She can't read the messages just sees Michelle SMS Messages what time they were sent and recieved 7/8/14 10:50 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Alright well I'm doing this ASAP. so don't worry Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 10:53 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy So tonight? Like early Michelle SMS Messages All you have to do is get the generator, drive in your truck 7/8/14 10:59 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages somewhere and do it 7/8/14 1:00 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy yes Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 1:17 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yes what Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 1:21 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You're doing it tonight? Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 3:55 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Hello Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 4:49 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I have such bad service out here Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 4:49 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Clearly haha Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 4:53 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm getting closer to shore. so I'll be able to text Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 4:54 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay haha Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 4:55 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy So yeah today's the day Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 4:55 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy It is? Do you have the generator? Michelle SMS Messages And what time are you gonna do it because I can't stay up 7/8/14 5:02 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages past 12 remember :( 7/8/14 5:08 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy not yet im gonna get it when I get back Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 5:08 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay let me know Michelle SMS Messages I just have to get the keys to the storage area where it's 7/8/14 5:09 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages being held from my dad. I still am questioning where to go 7/8/14 5:10 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy So you don't even know where it is? Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 5:11 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I know where it is Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 5:11 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Oh okay. Well how are you gonna get the keys? Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 5:12 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy there in my dad's truck Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 5:12 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I love you Michelle Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 5:13 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I love you forever Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 5:13 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy But how are you gonna get the keys without him seeing? Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 5:22 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy :) you think it will work tho Michelle SMS Messages Yes I think it will work. You say generators produce a lot of CO, so if you just turn it on in your car, take some beneryls 7/8/14 5:23 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages before just incase, and then you'll breathe it in and pass out and die very quickly and peacefully with no pain at all 7/8/14 5:30 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy There's no way you can fail Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 5:53 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay I trust you Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 5:54 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy i still have no clue where to go Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 5:55 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What do you mean you don't know where to go? Michelle SMS Messages like I guess I can go anywhere but whoevers gonna find me 7/8/14 5:57 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages is gonna be exposed to serious CO Ohhh well I think they'll know that you did that when they 7/8/14 5:58 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages see the generator and the fact that you're in a car 7/8/14 6:02 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Was my tweet funny Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 6:03 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy lmaoooo just read if Michelle SMS Messages Haha favorite it! That happened earlier today it was 7/8/14 6:04 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages terrifying 7/8/14 6:07 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy well ur not supposed to stand on those things lol Michelle SMS Messages Thanks :) and haha I know I didnt know that they were so 7/8/14 6:08 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages wobbleyy 7/8/14 6:10 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy So I found out the generator is by Honda haha Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 6:10 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Is that good or bad Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 6:11 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy idk yet Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 6:12 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Are you gonna research it Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 6:15 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy So it's gonna work Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 6:15 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yes of course Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 6:16 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy and now I wanna make it seem like an accident Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 6:18 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy How would you do that? Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 6:19 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy idk prob won't work Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 6:19 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What won't? Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 6:19 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy but at least I know what I'm doin Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 6:20 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Wait what won't work? Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 6:27 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Make it seem accidental at this point Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 6:27 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Brb driving Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 6:28 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy don't crash Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 6:29 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Thanks Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 6:45 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Haha you're welcome Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 7:26 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Backkk Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 7:40 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy So are you doing it soon? Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 7:59 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm not back yet Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 8:01 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy When will you be back? Michelle SMS Messages like 3 hours. still heading back. I might just do it tomorrow 7/8/14 8:02 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages night 7/8/14 8:05 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Oh okay well I might not be able to text alot tomorrow night Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 8:07 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy okay Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 8:09 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy So are you sure you don't wanna tonight? Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 8:09 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy what do you mean am I sure ? Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 8:11 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Like are you definitely not doing it tonight? Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 8:12 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Idk yet I'll let you know Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 8:12 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Because I'll stay up with you if you wanna do it tonight Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 8:17 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy another day wouldn't hurt Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 8:18 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You can't keep pushing it off tho, that's all you keep doing Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 8:21 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Do I want my dad too see me grab the generator? not really Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 8:22 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Oh you didn't get it yet? Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 8:24 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy No. Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 8:24 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Oh so when are you gonna get it Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 8:26 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy whenever nobody's around Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 8:26 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 8:58 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I loveee youuu Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 9:30 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy love you too Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 9:59 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Tomorrow is our last day? Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 10:17 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 10:45 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy well thanks haha Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 10:45 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter well thanks haha Conrad SMS Messages 7/8/14 11:02 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Sorry haha Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 11:04 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy it's true Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 11:04 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm miserable Michelle SMS Messages Yeah, just wanted to let you know I don't think it's selfish. I 7/8/14 11:04 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages understand 7/8/14 11:06 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy well good because I'm that miserable Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 11:06 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Are you doing it tomorrow? Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 11:13 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Let me know Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 11:27 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter okay Conrad SMS Messages 7/8/14 11:27 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy okay Michelle SMS Messages 7/8/14 11:33 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy well I'll let you go I don't want you to be in trouble Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 10:39 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Hey Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 11:28 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy hey Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 11:56 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What's up Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 12:50 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter chillin u Conrad SMS Messages 7/9/14 12:51 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Brb therapy at 1 Conrad SMS Messages the equate sleeping pills I got worked. I passed out and 7/9/14 12:51 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Conrad SMS Messages slept like 9 hours 7/9/14 1:34 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter and I'm gonna do it soon Conrad SMS Messages 7/9/14 1:56 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Hey sorry I'm back. But soon when? Conrad SMS Messages well I have the key, so I'm gonna get the generator in a 7/9/14 1:57 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Conrad SMS Messages few hours 7/9/14 1:58 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter A few hours isn't soon haaha Conrad SMS Messages 7/9/14 2:04 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter well I'm gonna be prepared Conrad SMS Messages 7/9/14 2:07 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter That's true Conrad SMS Messages 7/9/14 2:07 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Are you scared or are you ready? Conrad SMS Messages 7/9/14 2:08 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter not scared at all: I'm gonna be asleep Conrad SMS Messages 7/9/14 2:09 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter real question, are u scared Conrad SMS Messages 7/9/14 2:10 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Yeah true. And of course I am Conrad SMS Messages Well keep thinking about it is gonna just kill me. so might 7/9/14 2:10 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Conrad SMS Messages as well do it Yeah I mean I know it will work, I'm not scared of it not 7/9/14 2:12 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter working because it will. I'm just scared of losing you and Conrad SMS Messages having to live without you the generator lasts about 9 hours, so I prob don't even 7/9/14 2:15 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter need that much gas since it's gonna work in less than 30 Conrad SMS Messages minutes 7/9/14 2:16 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter What do you mean gas...like from the car? Conrad SMS Messages 7/9/14 2:22 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter the generator needs gas to run Conrad SMS Messages 7/9/14 2:23 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Oh okay. So you think it should take like 30 mins to work? Conrad SMS Messages 7/9/14 2:23 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Yeah Conrad SMS Messages 7/9/14 2:24 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter I'll lose consciousness first Conrad SMS Messages 7/9/14 2:25 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Yeah and the sleeping pills will work Conrad SMS Messages 7/9/14 2:34 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy So what time do you think you're gonna do it Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 2:35 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy 9-10 Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 2:39 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 2:43 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I could just do it in my driveway Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 2:43 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy but slight chance I'm found Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 2:44 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Don't do it in your driveway? You'll easily be found Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 2:45 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy ok lol Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 2:45 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Haha Idk why you're even think that Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 2:47 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Truep Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 2:47 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I love you Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 3:06 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy love u to Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 3:06 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm getting the generator now Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 3:06 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay tell me when you get it Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 3:07 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy like 10 minutes I just gotta hide It Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 3:07 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 3:10 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy fuck my uncles there Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 3:11 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 3:11 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Conrad SMS Messages 7/9/14 3:11 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy lll grab it later then Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 3:12 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okieee Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 3:13 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Haha yep oh well Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 3:16 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy So when can you get it haha Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 3:17 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I guess I'll get it like late tonight when no one is around Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 3:17 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Gotcha Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 3:17 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy all I need is that max find and the sleeping pills Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 3:18 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy machine Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 3:18 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy True Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 3:18 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter True Conrad SMS Messages 7/9/14 3:24 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy then poof. straight to heaven Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 3:25 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Stright to heaven guided by God Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 3:27 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy and I'll be happy again Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 3:32 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yes you will :) Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 3:33 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy remember don't feel any pain just smile back Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 3:38 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Always babe <3 Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 3:51 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy what are you doin ? Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 4:36 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Sorry I was cleaning Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 4:51 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy it's oaky Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 4:51 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Hah Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 5:09 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What's something fun to do at sleepovers? Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 5:10 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Watch movies. idk lol Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 5:11 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Haha this is why I hate hosting Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 5:13 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy how many people haha Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 5:14 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy 2 haha but maybe 4 Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 5:16 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm thinking about doing this high Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 5:17 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Why? Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 5:17 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy and oh that sounds like fun. I hope you're okay though Michelle SMS Messages And yeah I hope it will be fun haha. And yeah I'm okay right 7/9/14 5:17 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages now but later I won't be :( 7/9/14 5:20 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Why not? Michelle SMS Messages Because you're gonna be dead. You're actually doing this 7/9/14 5:21 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages tonight right? 7/9/14 5:24 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yes Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 5:25 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I love you to the moon and back Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 5:26 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy deeper than the ocean and higher than the pines Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 5:27 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay, and there's no way you can fail so I believe you Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 5:28 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy it's the easiest way Michelle SMS Messages I love you to the moon and back and deeper than the 7/9/14 5:28 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy ocean and higher than the pines too babe. Forever and Michelle SMS Messages always 7/9/14 5:28 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Its painless and quick Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 5:29 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy there's gonna be pain but it will subside Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 5:30 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You're strong Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 5:41 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You will be too Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 5:42 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I will for you Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 5:55 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy i hope so,:) Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 5:56 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You'll always be with me I know that Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 5:56 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter You'll always be with me I know that Conrad SMS Messages 7/9/14 5:56 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'll be up in the sky. looking down on you Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 5:56 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I love you so much Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 5:57 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter I love you so much Conrad SMS Messages 7/9/14 6:13 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'll read that everyday Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 6:14 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy good <3 Michelle SMS Messages You're my beautiful guardian angel forever and ever :) I'll 7/9/14 6:21 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages always smile up at you and know you aren't far away 7/9/14 6:35 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Awww:) thank you Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 6:43 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Alwways :) Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 6:47 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy can I call you Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 6:48 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm in the car! Haha can you call later tonight? Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 6:48 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy how late haha Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 6:48 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm sorry, what do you wanna talk about? Michelle SMS Messages And like 10? Right before you're about to do it I want you to 7/9/14 6:49 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages call me 7/9/14 6:49 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy C'mon lol Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 6:50 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy well I left I said I was going to a friends house Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 6:50 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Do you have the generator? Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 6:53 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy not yet lol Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 6:53 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy WELL WHEN ARE YOU GETTING IT Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 6:54 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy now Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 6:55 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 6:57 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy this is it Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 6:59 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy a song came up and gets me everytime Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 7:01 PM Outgoing To: (774) 678-8888 Conrad Roy What song Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 7:02 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy you look pretty, roller coaster luke Bryan idk why Michelle SMS Messages Omg that's like the first time you called me that haha :) 7/9/14 7:05 PM Outgoing To: (774) 678-8888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages thanks, and I'll listen to it 7/9/14 7:05 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Did you get it Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 7:06 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Nah I want to make sure No ones there Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 7:07 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okayy Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 7:21 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy have it Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 7:25 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy That thing is bigger than I thought hhaa Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 7:43 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Conrad? Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 7:44 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy yeah buddy Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 7:45 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy When u doing it? Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 7:46 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy when it gets dark Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 7:46 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 7:47 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy still doin circles about where to go Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 7:49 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Find a spot Michelle SMS Messages idk I'm thinking a public place if I go somewhere private 7/9/14 7:51 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages they might call cops 7/9/14 7:52 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Well then someone will notice you... Michelle SMS Messages You better not be bull shiting me and saying you're gonna 7/9/14 7:52 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages do this and then purposely get caught 7/9/14 7:52 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy how Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 7:54 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy no none of that Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 7:54 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay good Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 7:56 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy can I call you now Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 7:56 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm playing ping pong haha in a lil bit Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 7:57 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy okayyy Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 9:01 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You okay? Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 9:01 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I have no clue where to go Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 9:02 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Just go sosomewhere haha Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 9:03 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy can I call Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 9:03 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Illl call you in 20 Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 9:06 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy okkk Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 9:24 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy :3 Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 9:58 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Hey Michelle SMS Messages Sorry I was with friends and they told me to put my phone 7/9/14 9:59 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages away 7/9/14 10:03 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Hey Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 10:03 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy it's okay. hah Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 10:03 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Are you doing it soon? Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 10:04 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy yup Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 10:04 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy When Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 10:05 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy soon I gotta wait till this place dies down Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 10:07 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay let me know Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 10:07 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I think this a good spot I mean idk Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 10:08 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Is there anyone around you? Michelle SMS Messages Do you think you'll get caught? I mean it takes only 30 mins 7/9/14 10:08 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages right? 7/9/14 10:09 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy how will I get caught.? like it's quiet and I'm just in my truck Michelle SMS Messages Idk haha you said when out quotes down so I didn't know if 7/9/14 10:10 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages people were around 7/9/14 10:10 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy what Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 10:10 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Idk haha Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 10:11 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy what Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 10:11 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Stop Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 10:12 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy stop what Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 10:12 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Saying what haha Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 10:14 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy oh quiets* Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 10:16 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I love youuu Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 10:18 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I love you tooo Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 10:24 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay I just took sleeping pills Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 10:24 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Are you doing it right now? Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 10:24 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Call me when you turn on the generator Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 10:25 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay I'm trying to get really sleepy Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 10:25 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Ok Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 10:26 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm sorry Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 10:27 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy For what Michelle SMS Messages just doing this and everything. like I just have one life and 7/9/14 10:28 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages I'm blowing it 7/9/14 10:31 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Don't be sorry Conrad Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 10:31 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I love you Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 10:31 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I love you too Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 10:34 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy turning it on Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 10:34 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm gonna delete my messages now Michelle SMS Messages Why are you depleting them? And okay babe I love you so 7/9/14 10:34 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages much 7/9/14 10:35 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy someone's gonna see my phone Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 10:36 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm such a dumbfuck Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 10:37 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Put a lock on it Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 10:37 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Don't worry about youre phoone Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 10:38 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy no not that Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 10:38 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I can't get the generator started Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 10:39 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Why not? Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 10:39 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy not working oh boy Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 10:44 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I knew this would happen Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 10:47 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy haha I'm joking Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 10:50 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Don't joke haha. Is it on? Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 10:51 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy yeah Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 10:51 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy How long til you die :( Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 10:53 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy idk it could be in 5/30 min Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 10:53 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I love you so much Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 10:55 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I love you too Michelle SMS Messages Wait so this is serious right like the thing is on and you're 7/9/14 10:56 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages gonna die soon? 7/9/14 11:02 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Conrad Michelle SMS Messages 7/9/14 11:06 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Cornad please answer me Michelle SMS Messages 7/10/14 5:32 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Conrad Michelle SMS Messages 7/10/14 8:41 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Conrad please answer me right now you're scaring me Michelle SMS Messages 7/10/14 9:50 AM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter I'm ok Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 10:01 AM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter You didn't do it? Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 10:17 AM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter What happened Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 10:29 AM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter I don't wanna talk to anyone Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 11:02 AM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter like it started and then it shut off Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 11:03 AM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter What do u mean it shut off? Conrad SMS Messages it stopped working I'm trying to figure out what's wrong 7/10/14 11:03 AM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Conrad SMS Messages with it 7/10/14 11:05 AM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Oh okay so are you gonna try to fix it? Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 11:08 AM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Yeah. I put new gas in it Conrad SMS Messages So are you gonna do it tonight then? I'll be able to talk 7/10/14 11:09 AM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Conrad SMS Messages more 7/10/14 11:09 AM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter thank you for not being mean lol Conrad SMS Messages Im sorry about it. I'm reading the owners manual now. but did you have a good night ?I'm sorry about it. I'm reading the owners manual now. but did you have a good night ?I'm sorry about it. I'm reading the owners manual now. but did you have a good night ?I'm sorry about it. I'm reading the owners manual now. but did you have a good night ?I'm sorry about it. I'm reading the owners manual now. but did you have a good night ?I'm sorry about it. I'm reading the owners manual now. but did you have a good night ?I'm sorry about it. I'm reading the owners manual now. but 7/10/14 11:10 AM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Conrad SMS Messages did you have a good night ?I'm sorry about it. I'm reading the owners manual now. but did you have a good night ?I'm sorry about it. I'm reading the owners manual now. but did you have a good night ?I'm sorry about it. I'm reading the owners manual now. but did you have a good night ?I'm sorry about it. I'm reading the owners manual now. but did you have a good night ?I'm sorry about it. I'm reading the owners manual now. but did you have a good night ?I'm sorry about it. I'm reading the owners manual now. but did you have a good night ?I'm sorry about it I'm reading the owners manual now but Why would I be mean? Haha I understand I'm not mad. 7/10/14 11:12 AM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Don't be sorry it's okay babe. And yes I did thank you. It Conrad SMS Messages felt good to hang out again with friends Idk you always say I knew this wouldn't happen. you're 7/10/14 11:13 AM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Conrad SMS Messages just making me look stupid 7/10/14 11:14 AM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you feel that way at all Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 11:18 AM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter it's okay. I just thought I was getting your frustrated Conrad SMS Messages Well I mean kinda I guess, just because you always say 7/10/14 11:20 AM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter you're gonna do it but you don't. But last night I know you Conrad SMS Messages really wanted to do it and I'm not mad Well I mean kinda I guess, just because you always say 7/10/14 11:20 AM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter you're gonna do it but you don't. But last night I know you Conrad SMS Messages really wanted to do it and I'm not mad 7/10/14 11:20 AM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter i can assure you that it wasn't an excuse Conrad SMS Messages I know its not. Last night was gonna be the night we both 7/10/14 11:21 AM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Conrad SMS Messages thought that 7/10/14 11:23 AM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter I just don't know what's wrong with it Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 11:25 AM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Is it broken? Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 11:31 AM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter well obviously Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 11:35 AM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Are you able to fix it? Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 11:43 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy no clue Michelle SMS Messages 7/10/14 11:45 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Ohh Michelle SMS Messages 7/10/14 11:51 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy there's somethin wrong Michelle SMS Messages 7/10/14 11:55 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What Michelle SMS Messages 7/10/14 11:57 AM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter I give up :( Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 11:57 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Idk what's wrong with it Michelle SMS Messages 7/10/14 12:01 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter What do u mean u give up Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 12:01 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter I have no clue why it won't start Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 12:08 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Has it worked before? Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 12:17 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Yeah it worked the other day Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 12:19 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Hmm well idk Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 12:19 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter I'm literly freaking the fuck out Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 12:20 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter I can't think at all Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 12:22 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Okay relax calm down. Did u read the manual? Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 12:26 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter yeah but idk how to fix it Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 12:27 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter I'm gonna try taking a nap Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 12:27 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Okay text me when u wake up Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 12:27 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter I love you Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 1:54 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter what do I do Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 1:59 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Are you sure the generator doesn't work? Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 2:00 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Yes I don't know how to fix it Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 2:00 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Can you make CO any other way? Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 2:01 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter maybe you could help me get it to work Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 2:02 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter How? Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 2:02 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter idk wanna look it up with me Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 2:04 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter hold on. Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 2:04 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Okay well have you been looking it up? Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 2:40 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Conrad? Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 2:42 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter yeah but idk Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 2:42 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Why'd you say hold on? Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 2:43 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter because I'm trying to fix it Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 2:44 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter No luck? Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 2:44 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter no I'm gonna try to drain the fuel out Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 2:44 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Okay Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 2:45 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter see what happens after that Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 2:45 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter and I'm gonna go get tools to take it all apart Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 2:47 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Do you think you can fix it? Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 2:47 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Probably not but it doesn't hurt to try I guess Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 2:49 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Well if u can't fix it what are u gonna do? Buy a new one? Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 2:50 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter They are a grand haha Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 2:50 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Oh Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 2:51 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter I have it but idk id rather try to get this one working Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 2:51 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Okay, are you fixing it right now? Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 2:52 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter I'm running to the store Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 2:53 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Okay Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 2:54 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter You should bring it and ask them if they know how to fix it Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 3:06 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter who would I bring it to Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 3:06 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Idk haha a place that sells them? Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 3:06 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Lowe's or home depot? Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 3:08 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter I'm gonna try to fix it fuck it Conrad SMS Messages You don't think you'll be able to...and the people at those 7/10/14 3:10 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter stores would know how...just ask them and say it's for Conrad SMS Messages your work 7/10/14 3:16 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter that's true but I think I can now Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 3:16 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Really? Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 3:17 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Yes Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 3:17 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Well that's good! Do u know what's wrong with it? Conrad SMS Messages gonna put new oil. get a spark plug, and drain gas it should 7/10/14 3:20 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Conrad SMS Messages work after that 7/10/14 3:22 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I love you btw Michelle SMS Messages Okay how long will that take? And thank you for saying 7/10/14 3:23 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Conrad SMS Messages that, I love you so much 7/10/14 3:31 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter I just bought everything 30 bucks and I'm goin home now Conrad SMS Messages Okay tell me when you fix it. But don't like fix it at home 7/10/14 3:32 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Conrad SMS Messages so your parents will see! 7/10/14 3:32 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter I'm at my moms house Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 3:33 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter they won't think anythin of it Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 3:33 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Still tho, she could tell your dad Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 3:33 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter I got like an hour than Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 3:33 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Theylll ask why you wanna fix it so bad Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 3:33 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter at least I bought new parts Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 3:33 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter What do u mean u have an hour? Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 3:34 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter till they get home Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 3:34 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Oh okay. You can probably fix it in an hour Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 3:35 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter yeah I got all the tools I'm just gettin home now Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 3:35 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Okay tell me when it's fixed Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 3:45 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter okay Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 3:53 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter How's it going Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 4:22 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter I tried but nothin worked Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 4:22 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter :( Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 4:25 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Bring it to the store Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 4:28 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter yeah I think I'm gonna have to Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 4:29 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Yeah just ask them like how to fix it Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 4:29 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Maybe they'll do it for you Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 4:52 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter where tho Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 4:53 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Lowes, hope depot? Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 4:53 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Home* Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 4:54 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter I don't think the service them Conrad SMS Messages Well they may know how just ask. Idk where else you'd 7/10/14 4:55 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Conrad SMS Messages buy a generator 7/10/14 4:58 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter I just called them and they do not Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 4:58 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Well then idk Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 4:59 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter guess I'm screwed Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 5:00 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Is there another generator? Conrad SMS Messages Just Google "how to fix a portable generator" and a lot of 7/10/14 5:04 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Conrad SMS Messages stuff comes up I checked 7/10/14 5:05 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter okay Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 5:05 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter OMG GO TO SEARS! THEY SELL THEM THEY CAN HELP Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 5:07 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter really? Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 5:10 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Yup Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 5:10 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter where did you find out if they can help Conrad SMS Messages They sell them and there's a department in Sears that fixes 7/10/14 5:11 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Conrad SMS Messages machines and stuff so give it a try 7/10/14 5:12 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter they sell a brand new one for 135 Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 5:13 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter it's a cheap one but it prob will work Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 5:13 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter That's not that expensive....wanna go buy it? Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 5:13 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Yeah it will but just make sure it produces enough of it Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 5:16 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter yeah it's a generator it will produce enough Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 5:17 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Okay are u gonna buy it? Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 5:18 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter I think so Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 5:24 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Okay when? Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 5:26 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter soon haha Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 5:27 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter You're definitely buying it tho? Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 5:28 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Yeah haha Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 5:28 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter I'm prob gonna do it tonight Conrad SMS Messages Well yeah you're gonna buy the generator zoo I assumed u 7/10/14 5:29 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Conrad SMS Messages were gonna do it tonight 7/10/14 5:29 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter So‐ Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 5:31 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Fuck it I'm goin now Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 5:31 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter That's what I thought you were gonna do? Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 5:32 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Haha Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 5:33 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter gonna buy the cheapest lol Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 5:34 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter fuck my life lol Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 5:34 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Are you gonna do this tonight? Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 5:35 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter fuck yeah Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 5:35 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter there's no point in waiting anymore Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 5:36 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Yeah that's very true Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 5:37 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter guess who's here Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 5:37 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Who? Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 5:37 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Wait where? Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 5:37 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Jesus Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 5:38 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Hahah it's meant to be Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 5:39 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter literly there's a guy walking around in a Jesus costume Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 5:39 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter HAHAHHAH it's a sign, it's your calling Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 5:42 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter right haha the cheapest one here is 700 Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 5:43 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter You said it was 135.... Conrad SMS Messages I went to the small store around here I gotta go to the 7/10/14 5:44 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Conrad SMS Messages retail store he said 7/10/14 5:45 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter What's the retail store Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 5:46 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter the store with everything that store was a small sears Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 5:47 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter So are you going to a big Sears? Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 5:47 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Yeah like 15 min away Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 5:47 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter if no there's a lowes Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 5:48 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Okay Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 5:54 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter :) Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 5:55 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter :) Conrad SMS Messages they don t got the cheap ones at sears I'm goin to lowsthey don't got the cheap ones at sears I'm goin to lowsthey don't got the cheap ones at sears I'm goin to lowsthey don't got the cheap ones at sears I'm goin to lowsthey don't got the cheap ones at sears I'm goin to lowsthey don't got the cheap ones at sears I'm goin to lowsthey don't got the cheap ones at sears I'm goin to lowsthey don't got the cheap ones at sears I'm goin to lowsthey don't got the cheap ones at sears I'm goin to lowsthey don't got the cheap ones at sears I'm goin to lowsthey don't got the cheap ones at sears I'm goin to lowsthey don't got the cheap ones at sears I'm goin to lowsthey don't got the cheap ones at sears I'm goin to lowsthey don't got the cheap ones at sears 7/10/14 6:04 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Conrad SMS Messages I'm goin to lowsthey don't got the cheap ones at sears I'm goin to lowsthey don't got the cheap ones at sears I'm goin to lowsthey don't got the cheap ones at sears I'm goin to lowsthey don't got the cheap ones at sears I'm goin to lowsthey don't got the cheap ones at sears I'm goin to lowsthey don't got the cheap ones at sears I'm goin to lowsthey don't got the cheap ones at sears I'm goin to lowsthey don't got the cheap ones at sears I'm goin to lowsthey don't got the cheap ones at sears I'm goin to lowsthey don't got the cheap ones at sears I'm goin to lowsthey don't got the cheap ones at sears I'm goin to lowsthey don't got the cheap ones at sears I'm goin to lowsthey don't got the cheap ones at sears I'm goin to lowsthey don't got the cheap ones at sears 7/10/14 6:08 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Well u should ask them how to fix it then Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 6:08 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter I have a feeling u aren't gonna get one or do this Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 6:12 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Yeah they don't have the ones that they do online Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 6:18 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Ask them how to fix it Conrad Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 6:24 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter all I need is a small gas powered machine Conrad SMS Messages Well can u find one somehow? I also read online u can 7/10/14 6:26 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Conrad SMS Messages make CO from a candle and glass 7/10/14 6:26 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter what??? Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 6:26 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter really lole Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 6:27 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter I think so Idk look it up Conrad SMS Messages But a gas machine would probably be better. Do u any at 7/10/14 6:28 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Conrad SMS Messages work that u can go get ? 7/10/14 6:29 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Yeah probably haha Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 6:30 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter GO GET ONE Conrad SMS Messages Haha I really wanna get this fuckin generator going it's 7/10/14 6:31 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Conrad SMS Messages perfect 7/10/14 6:32 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Well u said you can't Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 6:38 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter there's gotta be another way Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 6:39 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter So what are u gonna do Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 6:40 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter kill myself Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 6:41 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Well can u see if theres another gas machine? Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 6:42 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter there's actually another generator at my dad's house Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 6:43 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter ...... can you get it? Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 6:53 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter possibly. I'll talk to you tomorrow Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 6:53 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter What Why? Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 6:54 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter I'm gonna take a bunch of Benadryl and fall asleep Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 6:56 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Why haha? Conrad SMS Messages 7/10/14 7:00 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I love you Michelle SMS Messages 7/10/14 7:00 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Fine, text me in the morning Conrad SMS Messages 7/11/14 8:25 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I have camp today 8:30 to 3:30 Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 9:17 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy ok Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 1:49 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Are u getting the generator Conrad SMS Messages 7/11/14 2:02 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter it's like brand new, he hasn't opened it yet Conrad SMS Messages 7/11/14 2:03 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter So? Conrad SMS Messages 7/11/14 2:03 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter haha idk Conrad SMS Messages I mean u want to use a generator. He has a brand new one 7/11/14 2:20 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Conrad SMS Messages so it will obviously work 7/11/14 2:25 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter yeah it will Conrad SMS Messages 7/11/14 2:35 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Guess what Conrad SMS Messages 7/11/14 2:38 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter What Conrad SMS Messages 7/11/14 2:42 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter My dad's away tonight. Conrad SMS Messages 7/11/14 2:49 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter That's good right? So u can take the generator Conrad SMS Messages 7/11/14 2:53 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter yeah haha Conrad SMS Messages 7/11/14 2:57 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Are u gonna do it tonight? Conrad SMS Messages 7/11/14 2:59 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Yeah Conrad SMS Messages 7/11/14 3:13 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Okay, what time babe Conrad SMS Messages 7/11/14 3:20 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Idk I'm takin a nap brb Conrad SMS Messages 7/11/14 3:24 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Okay Conrad SMS Messages 7/11/14 4:25 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter hi Conrad SMS Messages 7/11/14 4:28 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Hey Conrad SMS Messages 7/11/14 4:33 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter what's up? Conrad SMS Messages 7/11/14 4:33 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Nothing much just got home Conrad SMS Messages 7/11/14 4:33 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter You? Conrad SMS Messages 7/11/14 4:38 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter how was it today Conrad SMS Messages It was hot and chaotic haha the kids would not cooperate 7/11/14 4:41 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Conrad SMS Messages at all today it was rough 7/11/14 4:43 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Damn that sucks. I'm getting the generator running Conrad SMS Messages 7/11/14 4:44 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Yeah haha but wait are you doing it now ? Conrad SMS Messages 7/11/14 4:44 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Are u sure it produces CO Conrad SMS Messages 7/11/14 4:45 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Positive. all gas engines produce it Conrad SMS Messages 7/11/14 4:45 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter the label says it can kill me in minutes. highly toxic Conrad SMS Messages Okay well that's exactly what you want, are you doing it 7/11/14 4:47 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Conrad SMS Messages now or tonight? 7/11/14 4:47 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter does it matter ? Conrad SMS Messages 7/11/14 4:48 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter No but I wanna know! Conrad SMS Messages 7/11/14 4:49 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter prob later tonight Conrad SMS Messages 7/11/14 4:49 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter But you're definitely doing it right ? Conrad SMS Messages 7/11/14 4:51 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter I'll be here for you Conrad SMS Messages 7/11/14 4:54 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Okayy Conrad SMS Messages 7/11/14 4:54 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Are you tho? Conrad SMS Messages 7/11/14 4:59 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter I found a pump in gonna use instead Conrad SMS Messages 7/11/14 5:00 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter What do u mean ? Conrad SMS Messages 7/11/14 5:00 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter You're got using the generator? Conrad SMS Messages 7/11/14 5:00 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter this will work too Conrad SMS Messages The generator will work 100% and quick. I don't get why 7/11/14 5:01 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages you don't just use that 7/11/14 5:03 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy yeah I guess Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 5:04 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Is it because you're afraid of dying? Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 5:05 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy no not that Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 5:05 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Then what Michelle SMS Messages they both work and it's easier because I don't have to do 7/11/14 5:06 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Conrad SMS Messages any maintenance 7/11/14 5:07 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Maintenance ? Conrad SMS Messages 7/11/14 5:07 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter like put in gas/ oil Conrad SMS Messages 7/11/14 5:08 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Ohhh well what's the pump thing do? Michelle SMS Messages I see haha. Well in my opinion, I think u should do the 7/11/14 5:13 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy generator because I don't know much about the pump and Michelle SMS Messages with a generator u can't fail 7/11/14 5:14 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy it's a water pump. but I guess I'll just use the generator Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 5:14 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeah just use that Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 5:16 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I don't trust the pump Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 5:23 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Perfect Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 5:30 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy still in the box lol Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 5:31 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Why.... Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 5:34 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy what do you mean why Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 5:34 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Why aren't u taking it out Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 5:37 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm not doin it yet Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 6:09 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle ? Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 6:22 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Hi sorry I fell asleep Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 6:23 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm scared babe Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 6:23 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You called me babe :) Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 6:31 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm serious Michelle SMS Messages Sorry I liked that. But don't be scared. You already made this decision and if you don't do it tonight, you're gonna be thinking about all the time and stuff for the rest of yourr life 7/11/14 6:33 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages and be miserable. You're finally gonna be happy in heaven. No more pain, no more bad thoughts and worries. Youlll be free Its okay to be scared and its normal. I mean you're about to die, I would be concerned if u weren't scared. But I know 7/11/14 6:35 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages how bad u want this and how bad u wanna be happy. You have to face your fears for what you want I guess last time that didn't even cross my mind as much. 7/11/14 6:38 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy now I know how to do it and it'll work, I just really want them Michelle SMS Messages to be happy I'm not scared of doing it, the only thing thats been on my 7/11/14 6:38 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy mind is what are people gonna say. like my family and Michelle SMS Messages people that know me I'm just to sensitive. I want my family to know there was 7/11/14 6:40 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages nothing they could do. I am entrapped in my own thoughts like no I would be happy if they had no guilt about it. 7/11/14 6:41 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy because I have a bad feeling tht this is gonna create a lot Michelle SMS Messages of depression between my parents/sisters 7/11/14 6:57 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm overthinking everything.. fuck. I gotta stop and just do It Michelle SMS Messages I think your parents know you're in a really bad place. Im not saying they want you to do it, but I honestly feel like they can except it. They know there's nothing they can do, they've tried helping, everyone's tried. But there's a point that comes where there isn't anything anyone can do to 7/11/14 6:59 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages save you, not even yourself, and you've hit that point and I think your parents know you've hit that point. You said you're mom saw the suicide thing on your computer and she didn't say anything. I think she knows it's on your mind, and she's prepared for it Everyone will be sad for a while, but they will get over it and move on. They won't be in depression I won't let that happen. They know how sad you are and they know that 7/11/14 7:00 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages you're doing this to be happy, and I think they will understand and accept it. They'll always carry u in their hearts 7/11/14 7:02 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy awww thank you Michelle :) Michelle SMS Messages They will move on for you, because they know that's what u would have wanted. They know u wouldn't want them to be 7/11/14 7:02 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy sad and be depressed and be angry and guilty, they know Michelle SMS Messages you want them to live their lives and be happy. So they will for you You're right, u need to stop thinking about and just do it 7/11/14 7:03 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages because overturning always kills 7/11/14 7:03 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Overthinking * Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 7:05 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeah it does. I've been thinking about it for too long Michelle SMS Messages Always :) and yeah you just have to do it. You have 7/11/14 7:06 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy everything you need. There is no way u can fail. Tonight is Michelle SMS Messages the night, it's now or never 7/11/14 7:08 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy i don't want anyone hurt in the process though Michelle SMS Messages I meant when they open the door, all the carbon monoxide 7/11/14 7:09 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy is gonna come out and they can't see it or smell it. whoever Michelle SMS Messages opens the door They will see the generator and know that you died of CO. But I also don't think that they will breathe enough in to be 7/11/14 7:12 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages injured because they will see u and pull you out, they'll probably call 911. If u lock the door, someone will call 911 7/11/14 7:14 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy okay Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 7:14 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Don't worry about that Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 7:15 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I really don't know where to go. Michelle SMS Messages Somehere kinda private but not too sketchy. Just park your 7/11/14 7:16 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy car and sit there and it will take like 20 mins. Its not a big Michelle SMS Messages deal 7/11/14 7:23 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy alright haha Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 7:24 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You're ready. When are u gonna do it? Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 7:27 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy don't really matter Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 7:27 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Well it does because I want to know when... Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 7:28 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'll let you know when Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 7:29 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Well is it gonna be soon? Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 7:32 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy few hours Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 7:33 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 7:39 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy love u Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 7:39 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I love you too Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 7:40 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy :) Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 7:40 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy <3 Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 7:48 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What are you doing ? Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 7:49 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Watching glee haha you? Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 7:49 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy playin one last game of madden ! Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 7:52 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Haha aww that's good Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 7:52 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Ahah ikr Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 7:53 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy hey can you do me a favor Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 7:54 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yes of course Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 8:06 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy just be there for my family :) Michelle SMS Messages Conrad, of course I will be there for your family. I will help 7/11/14 8:09 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy them as much as I can to get thru this, ill tell them about Michelle SMS Messages how amazing their son/brother truly was 7/11/14 8:11 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Thank you :) it means a lot to me Michelle SMS Messages I am so blessed and thankful that I got the chance to know 7/11/14 8:13 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy you like I did and that you let me love you, and that you Michelle SMS Messages loved me in return 7/11/14 8:13 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yes forever. when I see you again in heaven Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 8:14 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What do you mean? Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 8:15 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I don't know ahha Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 8:16 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy No I was just confused. But yes forever and ever Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 8:18 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy When I go to heaven, will you promise to come find me? Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 8:22 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I won't need to find you. it would be easy Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 8:22 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy :) you're gonna look over me forever right? Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 8:26 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy forever and ever Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 8:26 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I love you so much Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 8:27 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I love you too Michelle SMS Messages Will you give me some kind of signs to let me know you're 7/11/14 8:28 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages still with me? 7/11/14 8:29 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yesss definitely Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 8:29 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Like what Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 8:30 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I can't tell you that Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 8:31 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Why not? Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 8:31 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy because that's cheating Michelle SMS Messages Well I wanna know when you're with me, what I can look 7/11/14 8:32 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages for to know you're there 7/11/14 8:34 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy you'll know Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 8:36 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeah, I will Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 8:36 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy haha trust me Michelle SMS Messages I do babe, wrap your arms around me and let me know 7/11/14 8:38 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages you're watching over me, and I'll always smile back 7/11/14 8:42 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy yes :) Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 8:43 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You're the best thing that ever happened to me Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 8:45 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy :))) Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 8:46 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy :) Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 8:46 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Soon? Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 8:46 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm eating dinner soon Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 8:47 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay, and then are you gonna do it? Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 8:51 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy nah like later Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 8:55 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You are doing it right? Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 8:57 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeah I am gonna Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 8:58 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 8:58 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I have everything ready in my truck Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 8:58 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay well I'm gonna be here for you until you turn it on Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 9:07 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay:p Michelle SMS Messages You're really doing this tho right? You're not joking about 7/11/14 9:10 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages this or bull shitting me right? 7/11/14 9:13 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy why would I joke about this .... I'm really serious Michelle SMS Messages Idk I just wanna make sure you're being serious. Like I 7/11/14 9:14 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy know you are but idk you always say you're gonna do it but Michelle SMS Messages u never do. I just wanna make sure tonight is the real thing 7/11/14 9:25 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Conrad Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 9:31 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Brb Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 9:31 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy ...okay Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 10:01 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Conrad? Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 10:08 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy what Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 10:08 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You said brb....is everything okay? Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 10:09 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy And u didnt answer my question Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 10:10 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeah Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 10:10 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeah what? Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 10:11 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy yes Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 10:12 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yes you're gonna do it? Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 10:16 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You're ready babe, you can do it Michelle SMS Messages yes but I decided to go to my moms house I just gotta wait 7/11/14 10:18 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages till they all asleep 7/11/14 10:18 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay, when will that be? Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 10:19 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy you can go to bed Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 10:19 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Why would I go to bed? Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 10:19 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy This is the last time I'm ever gonna talk to you Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 10:20 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I don't wanna keep you up Michelle SMS Messages No I'm not gonna sleep until you're in your car with the 7/11/14 10:21 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages generator on Well I prob just should have stayed at my dad's but I 7/11/14 10:22 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages wanted to see my sisters and mom for the last time 7/11/14 10:23 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy and I can't just leave now, I gotta wait till they are asleep Michelle SMS Messages I understand that. Did you have a good last time with 7/11/14 10:24 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy them? And I mean you could leave and just say you're Michelle SMS Messages gonna go back to your dad's 7/11/14 10:31 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy wasn't too bad and ehh that's sketchy Michelle SMS Messages Well wouldn't it be more sketchy to sneak out and have a 7/11/14 10:33 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages possibility to wake your mom...? 7/11/14 10:35 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy that's why I gotta wait it's too late now Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 10:36 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 10:36 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy <333 Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 10:38 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy <3333 Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 10:41 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy love u Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 10:41 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I love you more Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 10:54 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Let me know when you're gonna do it Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 11:03 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Conrad Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 11:19 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Seriously answer me Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 11:36 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You told me you were gonna tell me when! Michelle SMS Messages 7/11/14 11:45 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Really right now Conrad Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 12:40 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy okayy Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 4:07 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Conrad! Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 4:18 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Hey you there? Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 4:19 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy hey sorry I fell asleep Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 4:19 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Its okay, Why haven't you done it yet tho? Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 4:21 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm too messed up to Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 4:21 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What are you talking about Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 4:21 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy my head Michelle SMS Messages You can't think about it You just have to do it? You said you 7/12/14 4:22 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages were gonna do it like I don't get why you arent 7/12/14 4:24 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I don't get it either. idk Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 4:25 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy So I guess you aren't gonna do it then, all that for nothing Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 4:27 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm just confused like you were so ready and determined Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 4:27 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I am gonna eventfully Michelle SMS Messages I really don't know what I'm waiting for.. but I have everything lined upI really don't know what I'm waiting for.. but I have everything lined upI really don't know what I'm waiting for.. but I have everything lined upI really don't know what I'm waiting for.. but I have everything lined upI really don't know what I'm waiting for.. but I have everything lined upI really don't know what I'm waiting for.. but I have everything lined upI really don't know what I'm waiting for.. but I have everything lined upI really don't know what I'm waiting for.. but I have everything lined upI really don't 7/12/14 4:28 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages know what I'm waiting for.. but I have everything lined upI really don't know what I'm waiting for.. but I have everything lined upI really don't know what I'm waiting for.. but I have everything lined upI really don't know what I'm waiting for.. but I have everything lined upI really don't know what I'm waiting for.. but I have everything lined upI really don't know what I'm waiting for.. but I have everything lined upI really don't know what I'm waiting for.. but I have everything lined upI really don't know what I'm waiting for but I have everything lined upI really don't No you're not Conrad. Last night was it. You keep pushing 7/12/14 4:28 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy it off and you say you'll do it but u never do. Its always Michelle SMS Messages gonna be that way if u don't take action You're just making it harder on yourself by pushing it off, 7/12/14 4:29 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages you just have to do it 7/12/14 4:30 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Do u wanna do it now? Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 4:32 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Is it too late ? Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 4:33 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Idkk it's already light outside Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 4:33 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm gonna go back to sleep, love you I'll text you tomorrow Michelle SMS Messages No? Its probably the best time now because everyone's 7/12/14 4:33 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy sleeping. Just go somewhere in your truck. And no one's Michelle SMS Messages really out right now because it's an awkward time 7/12/14 4:34 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy If u don't do it now you're never gonna do it Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 4:34 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy And u can say you'll do it tomorrow but you probably won't Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 4:35 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Tonight* Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 4:35 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Love you Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 4:37 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy thank you :) Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 4:57 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy For what Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 9:03 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Are u awake Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 9:17 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy yes Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 9:18 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Are you gonna do it today Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 9:18 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yesss Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 9:19 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Like in the day time Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 9:19 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy should I? Michelle SMS Messages Yeah. Its less suspicious, you won't think about it as much, 7/12/14 9:22 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages and you'll get it over with instead of waiting 7/12/14 9:23 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yeah then I will. like where Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 9:23 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy like I could go in any enclosed area Michelle SMS Messages Go in your truck and drive in a sparkling lot somewhere, to 7/12/14 9:30 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages a park or something 7/12/14 9:30 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Do it now like early Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 9:36 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy didn't we say this was suspicious Michelle SMS Messages No I think night is more suspicious. A kid sitting in his car 7/12/14 9:37 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy just turn on the radio and do it. It won't be suspicious, and it Michelle SMS Messages won't take long 7/12/14 9:39 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy alright I'm taking holly for a walk Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 9:39 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 9:45 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy idk why I'm like this Michelle SMS Messages Sometimes things happen and we never have the answers 7/12/14 9:48 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages why 7/12/14 9:48 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy like why am I so hesitant lately Michelle SMS Messages like 2 weeks ago I was willing to try everything. and now I'm 7/12/14 9:49 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy worse really bad and I'm lol not Falling through. it's eating Michelle SMS Messages me inside. You're so hesistant because you keep overthinking it and 7/12/14 9:52 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy pushing it off. You just need to do it Conrad. The more you Michelle SMS Messages push it off, the more it will eat at you. You're ready and prepared. All you have to do is turn the 7/12/14 9:53 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy generator on and you bee free and happy. No more Michelle SMS Messages pushing it off, no more waiting 7/12/14 9:59 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy youre right. Michelle SMS Messages If you want it as bad as you say you do, its time to do it 7/12/14 10:00 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages today 7/12/14 10:02 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yup no more waiting Michelle SMS Messages Okay, I'm serious. Like you can't even wait til tonight. You 7/12/14 10:04 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages have to do it when u get back from your walk 7/12/14 10:05 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Thank you. Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 10:06 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy For what Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 10:07 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy still bring here Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 10:07 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy being Michelle SMS Messages I would never leave you, you're the love of my life, my 7/12/14 10:08 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages boyfriend. You're my heart, I'd never leave you 7/12/14 10:08 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Awww :) Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 10:09 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy :) I love you Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 10:09 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy love you tooo :D Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 10:10 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy When will u be back from your walk? Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 10:10 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy like 5 minutes Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 10:11 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay so are you gonna do it? Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 10:12 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I guess Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 10:12 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Well I want you to be ready and sure Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 10:13 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy :P Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 10:14 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What's that mean haha Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 10:18 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Idk I'm freaking out again Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 10:19 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm overthinking Michelle SMS Messages I thought you wanted to do this. The time is right and you're ready, you just need to do it! You can't keep living this way. 7/12/14 10:21 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You just need to do it like you did last time and not think Michelle SMS Messages about it and just do it babe. You can't keep doing this everyday 7/12/14 10:22 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I do want to. but like I'm freaking out for my family. I guess Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 10:24 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy idkkk Michelle SMS Messages Conrad. I told you I'll take care of them. Everyone will take care of them to make sure they won't be alone and people 7/12/14 10:26 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy will help them get thru it. We talked about this, they will be Michelle SMS Messages okay and accept it. People who commit suicide don't think this much and they just do it 7/12/14 10:27 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I know I know lol. thinking just drives me more crazy Michelle SMS Messages Exactly. You just need to do it Conrad or I'm gonna get you 7/12/14 10:28 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages help 7/12/14 10:28 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy You can't keep doing this everyday Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 10:29 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay I'm gonna do it today Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 10:32 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Do you promise Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 10:32 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I promise babe Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 10:33 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I have to now Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 10:34 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Like right now? Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 10:34 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy where do I go? :( Michelle SMS Messages And u can't a break a promise. And just go in a quiet 7/12/14 10:35 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages parking lot or something 7/12/14 10:36 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay Michelle SMS Messages Go somewhere you know you wont get caught. You can 7/12/14 10:36 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages find a place I know u can 7/12/14 10:44 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Are u doing it now? Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 10:44 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy still have no clue Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 10:44 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Not finding a place to go isn't an excuse... Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 10:46 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I know where to go Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 10:46 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Where Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 10:46 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy a park and ride Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 10:46 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Ride? Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 10:49 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy that's what it's called it's like a parking lot Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 10:51 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Ohhhh okay gotcha. Are you going now? Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 10:55 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy either that or go to the beach Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 10:55 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Why would u go to the beach? Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 11:06 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy well that's where My moms going Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 11:18 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I thought u were just gonna do it Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 11:34 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy my moms making me go Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 11:35 AM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy When I get home I'm gonna do it Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 12:04 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay promise? I'm going kayaking anyways Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 12:05 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Haha you love kayaking Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 12:06 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yup :) s0something I wish we coulda done :( Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 12:08 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Make sure you take your son kayaking :) Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 12:18 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Haha of course I will :) Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 12:22 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy goood what's uppp Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 12:35 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Kayaking haha Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 12:37 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy still? Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 12:40 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Yup but I'm done now Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 12:41 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Yup but I'm done now Conrad SMS Messages 7/12/14 12:46 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I love you. so much Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 12:47 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I love you forever Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 12:57 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm in the worst pain right now. like it's unbearable Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 12:58 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I think it's time to do it now then Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 1:04 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Do you agree Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 1:11 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Conrad Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 1:27 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Please answer me Conrad SMS Messages 7/12/14 2:13 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter I'm still at the beach Conrad SMS Messages 7/12/14 2:13 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Oh okay sorry Conrad SMS Messages 7/12/14 2:18 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Let me know when you're leaving Conrad SMS Messages 7/12/14 2:20 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Okay Conrad SMS Messages Sorry that was my friend who called. She wanted to know 7/12/14 3:34 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Conrad SMS Messages if she could borrow my bike because hers has a flat tire hha 7/12/14 3:35 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter It's all good. don't worry about it Conrad SMS Messages 7/12/14 3:35 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Okay Conrad SMS Messages 7/12/14 3:40 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter I'm determined Conrad SMS Messages 7/12/14 3:41 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter I'm happy to hear that Conrad SMS Messages 7/12/14 3:42 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter I'm ready Conrad SMS Messages 7/12/14 3:44 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Good because it's time babe, you know that Conrad SMS Messages When you get back from the beach, you gotta d do it. 7/12/14 3:47 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages You're ready, you're determined. Its the best time 7/12/14 4:25 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Okay I will Conrad SMS Messages 7/12/14 4:26 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Are you back? Conrad SMS Messages 7/12/14 4:26 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter no more thinking Conrad SMS Messages Yes, no more thinking you need to just do it. No more 7/12/14 4:27 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Conrad SMS Messages waiting 7/12/14 4:28 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter on way back Conrad SMS Messages 7/12/14 4:28 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter I know where to go now Conrad SMS Messages 7/12/14 4:28 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Where?? Conrad SMS Messages a parking lot. there's gonna be no cars there at 9 so that's 7/12/14 4:29 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Conrad SMS Messages when I'll be found 7/12/14 4:30 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Okay perfect Conrad SMS Messages 7/12/14 4:39 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter When will u be home Conrad SMS Messages 7/12/14 4:47 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter 10 minutes Conrad SMS Messages 7/12/14 4:47 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Haha that's perfect ? Conrad SMS Messages 7/12/14 4:47 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Okay and well yeah idk Conrad SMS Messages 7/12/14 4:50 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Like I don't wanna kill anyone else with me Conrad SMS Messages 7/12/14 4:50 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter You won't? Conrad SMS Messages 7/12/14 4:52 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter when they open the door ? Conrad SMS Messages 7/12/14 4:52 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter they won't know it's odorless and colorless Conrad SMS Messages You're overturning....They will see the genertor and realize 7/12/14 4:54 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Conrad SMS Messages you breathed in CO 7/12/14 4:54 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter so should I keep it in the back seat? Conrad SMS Messages 7/12/14 4:55 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter or front Conrad SMS Messages In front. You could write on a piece of paper and tape it on 7/12/14 4:56 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Conrad SMS Messages saying "carbon monoxide" or something if you're scared 7/12/14 4:58 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter I was thinkin that. but someone might see it Conrad SMS Messages 7/12/14 4:58 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter before it actually happens Conrad SMS Messages Well wait the generator is gonna be on because you'll be 7/12/14 5:01 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Conrad SMS Messages passed out so they'll know you used carbon posioning 7/12/14 5:01 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Dead* Conrad SMS Messages 7/12/14 5:01 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Its not loud is it? Conrad SMS Messages 7/12/14 5:05 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Not really lmao Conrad SMS Messages 7/12/14 5:05 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Okay good Conrad SMS Messages 7/12/14 5:08 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Are you gonna do it now? Conrad SMS Messages 7/12/14 5:09 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter I'm home. Conrad SMS Messages 7/12/14 5:09 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Okay Conrad SMS Messages 7/12/14 5:13 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Ahhh Conrad SMS Messages 7/12/14 5:14 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter What? Conrad SMS Messages 7/12/14 5:14 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Idkk I'm stressin Conrad SMS Messages You're fine, it's gonna be okay. You just gotta do it babe, 7/12/14 5:15 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Conrad SMS Messages you can't think about it 7/12/14 5:16 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter okay. okay I got this Conrad SMS Messages 7/12/14 5:17 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Yes you do, I believe in you. Did you delete the messages? Conrad SMS Messages 7/12/14 5:17 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Yes but ur gonna keep messaging me? Conrad SMS Messages 7/12/14 5:19 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter I will until you turn on the generator Conrad SMS Messages 7/12/14 5:21 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay well I'm bringing my sisters for ice cream. Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 5:22 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy So will you do it when u get back? Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 5:24 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy yup I'll go right there Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 5:24 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Okay Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 5:25 PM Incoming From: 7746788888 Conrad Roy love you Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 5:26 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I love you so much Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 5:28 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter :))) Conrad SMS Messages 7/12/14 5:29 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter <33 Conrad SMS Messages 7/12/14 5:36 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Haha what are you doin? Conrad SMS Messages 7/12/14 5:37 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Nothing really just resting Conrad SMS Messages 7/12/14 6:00 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Okay haha I'm procrastinating Conrad SMS Messages 7/12/14 6:03 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Yeah haha I know...are you back? Conrad SMS Messages 7/12/14 6:05 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Yuppp Conrad SMS Messages 7/12/14 6:05 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter So it's time. Conrad SMS Messages 7/12/14 6:06 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Oh it's been time Conrad SMS Messages 7/12/14 6:07 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Are you gonna do it now? Conrad SMS Messages 7/12/14 6:07 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter i just don't know how to leave them ya know Conrad SMS Messages 7/12/14 6:08 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Say you're going to the store or something Conrad SMS Messages 7/12/14 6:08 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Like I want them to know I love them Conrad SMS Messages 7/12/14 6:09 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter They know, that's one thing they definitely know Conrad SMS Messages 7/12/14 6:09 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter You're overthinking Conrad SMS Messages I know I'm overthinking, I've been overthinking for awhile 7/12/14 6:09 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Conrad SMS Messages how 7/12/14 6:11 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter I know, you just have to do it like you said Conrad SMS Messages 7/12/14 6:19 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Are you gonna do it now Conrad SMS Messages 7/12/14 6:19 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter I haven't left yet haha Conrad SMS Messages 7/12/14 6:20 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Why... Conrad SMS Messages 7/12/14 6:20 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter leavin now Conrad SMS Messages 7/12/14 6:20 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Okay. You can do this Conrad SMS Messages 7/12/14 6:25 PM Outgoing To: +15088384879 Michelle Carter okay I'm almost there Conrad SMS Messages 7/12/14 6:28 PM Incoming From: +15088384879 Michelle Carter Okay Conrad SMS Messages 7/12/14 9:19 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Please answer me Michelle SMS Messages 7/12/14 9:19 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm scared are you okay? I love you please answer Michelle SMS Messages You're at your dad's...Camdyn told me. I'll get you help 7/12/14 10:38 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages soon I guess 7/12/14 10:38 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I thought you actually did it Michelle SMS Messages I'm gonna tell your mom that you need to get help. I can't 7/13/14 10:01 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy stand to see you this way anymore and you can't live like Michelle SMS Messages this. You need to get help whether you want to or not Did you do something??! Conrad I love you so much please tell me this is a joke. I'm so sorry I didn't think you were being serious Conrad please don't leave us like this. I 7/13/14 10:41 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages let you down I'm so sorry I should of saved you, I need you please answer me. I'm gonna get you help and you're gonna get better we will make it thru this 7/15/14 3:16 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I love you so much Michelle SMS Messages Sweet dreams babe, I know you're up there smiling down 7/16/14 11:50 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages on me. I'll always smile back. I love you forever 7/17/14 11:41 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I love you. I'll see you're family tomorrow at your wake Michelle SMS Messages I miss you so much. Im saying goodbye to you tomorrow, I 7/18/14 11:23 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages love you forever. Fly high 😇 I miss you so much. Im saying goodbye to you tomorrow, I 7/18/14 11:23 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Roy Conrad Michelle SMS Messages love you forever. Fly high ���� I miss you so much. Im saying goodbye to you tomorrow, I 7/18/14 11:23 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Roy Conrad Michelle SMS Messages love you forever. Fly high I just went to your funeral. It was beautiful. Your uncle made a wonderful and heartfelt eulogy about you. He talked about all the good times and memories, and then mentioned how you were struggling at some points. We all knew you needed help, and I'm so sorry I didn't do enough. I'm sorry I let you do this I should of stopped you. I miss you so much. I wish you could have seen how many people loved and cared about you, maybe then you'd still 7/19/14 1:46 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy be here. I told your mom I would come over and hangout Michelle SMS Messages with Camdyn and Morgan. I'll do that soon. I also went to Kmart and put flowers and a shell down at your memorial, because we first met in Florida. And your life was the ocean, so I thought it was nice. Read the message I wrote on it Today I said goodbye to you, but it wasn't forever. I love you so much. I'm smiling up at you, do you see me? You're my guardian angel, I know you're smiling back like you said 7/19/14 11:03 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Goodnight babe I love you Michelle SMS Messages 7/20/14 2:55 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I miss you so much Michelle SMS Messages 7/20/14 11:25 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I love you forever my Angel Michelle SMS Messages Conrad I am so sorry for everything. Your mom loves you so much and I should of got you help sooner I'm so sorry. I didn't think you were actually gonna do this I didnt belive you when you said you were gonna do it I honestly didn't believe you I'm so sorry. I was supposed to save you and prevent you from doing this and everything we talked about 7/21/14 10:03 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages made it seem like I wanted you to do this but I didn't! I loved you more than anything else in this world. I was saying that stuff to try to make you realize how stupid you were being so you wouldn't do it! Why did you really do it Conrad ?! I love you so much I miss you everyday. I'm so sorry The day you did it I thought you were kidding and I was about to call your mom the next day to get you help because I couldn't stand seeing you in so much pain! If you waited one more day you would be here. If I fucking got 7/21/14 10:06 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy you help one day sooner you would be here. Its all my fault Michelle SMS Messages I'm so sorry babe I'm never going to forgive myself ever. I didn't think you were serious you told me you would never do it! I knew you wouldn't do it either but you did and I'm so sorry I waited too long. You should be here right now. You're the love of my life I 7/21/14 10:08 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy thought we would be together forever. I don't understand Michelle SMS Messages why you left me like this! It still doesn't seem real I never tried harder to save someone than I tried to save you. I tried telling you not to do this every day, but every day you wouldn't listen and were just in so much pain. I should have gotten you more help than you were receiving, I knew that therapist wasn't enough. But every time I said I'd bring you to a mental hospital, you refused and I just I'm so sorry Conrad. I read this thing online about trying to agree with the person and that would make them change 7/21/14 10:15 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages their mind because they see how stupid they're being. But it didn't work for you and I did it for too long. You probably thought I was okay with it and You talked about being in heaven and being my angel and at the time I went along with it because i knew you weren't gonna do anything. But you fucking did it and I'm so sorry I didn't save you. I tried so hard I loved you so much. You'll forever be in my heart Conrad 7/22/14 11:32 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Goodnight I love you Michelle SMS Messages I miss you all day everyday. I love you forever, smile down 7/23/14 11:31 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages on all of us and protect us Good night I love you, can't wait til you hear about my 7/24/14 11:50 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages surprise The surprise sounds like a good idea so far, Im excited to 7/25/14 11:03 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages tell your mom! I love you babe 7/26/14 5:17 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I was at the beach today. I looked for you Michelle SMS Messages I love you and miss you so much babe. I wish you were still 7/27/14 10:06 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages here 7/28/14 10:46 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Goonight I love you Michelle SMS Messages 7/29/14 9:59 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I love you and miss you babe Michelle SMS Messages Haha did you see me struggling on that hike today? I gotta 7/30/14 10:42 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy get back into shape. Im gonna do it for me and you :) I love Michelle SMS Messages you and miss you everyday 7/30/14 10:46 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I'm looking up at the stars, do you see me? Michelle SMS Messages 7/31/14 10:04 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I love you babe. Fl high up there my angel Michelle SMS Messages 7/31/14 10:07 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Fly* Michelle SMS Messages 8/1/14 9:59 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Good night I miss you and love you so much Michelle SMS Messages 8/2/14 5:50 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy What's heaven like babe? Michelle SMS Messages 8/2/14 11:15 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I love you Michelle SMS Messages Good night I love and miss you. I'm starting my 8/3/14 11:35 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy transformation tomorrow. Watch over me and help me Michelle SMS Messages along my journey, I'll need it 8/4/14 11:54 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I love you, Good night Michelle SMS Messages 8/5/14 11:47 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I love you and miss you babe Michelle SMS Messages 8/6/14 11:15 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I've been thinking about you a lot. I miss you so much Michelle SMS Messages 8/6/14 11:17 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Its weird not talking to you everyday. I miss your voice Michelle SMS Messages 8/7/14 11:34 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Goodnight babe I love you Michelle SMS Messages 8/8/14 10:41 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I love and miss you everyday 💕 Michelle SMS Messages 8/8/14 10:41 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Roy Conrad I love and miss you everyday ���� Michelle SMS Messages 8/8/14 10:41 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Roy Conrad I love and miss you everyday Michelle SMS Messages I really wish you were still here. I miss talking to you so 8/9/14 10:20 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages much. I love you sweet dreams Its my birthday tomorrow. I really wish you were here to 8/10/14 10:50 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages celebrate it with me. I love you and miss you so much I had a great birthday and I miss you and it feels weird not 8/11/14 10:55 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy to hear from you. I love you and I just really miss you. I Michelle SMS Messages wish you were here 8/12/14 10:44 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I love you Michelle SMS Messages Today has been one month since you passed. It was a hard day for all of us. I hope you were looking down with a 8/13/14 11:23 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages smile. I just hope you're finally happy babe. I miss you more and more each day. I love you 8/15/14 12:22 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Good night I love you Michelle SMS Messages 8/15/14 11:15 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I miss you so much, sweetest dreams Angel Michelle SMS Messages 8/16/14 12:15 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I really fucking miss you Michelle SMS Messages Today was a really hard day for me. I kept thinking about 8/16/14 10:14 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages you and I just really missed you today. I love you so much 8/17/14 10:22 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Good night I love you Michelle SMS Messages 8/18/14 11:42 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Thought about you a lot today. I miss you so much Michelle SMS Messages 8/19/14 11:36 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I love you Michelle SMS Messages 8/19/14 11:36 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Goodnight babe Michelle SMS Messages Im planning your tournament today I know you'd be 8/20/14 11:45 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy proud of me. I love you so much and I miss you more than Michelle SMS Messages you can imagine 8/22/14 12:08 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I love you babe goodnight Michelle SMS Messages 8/23/14 12:02 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Sweet dreams i love you so much 💕 Michelle SMS Messages 8/23/14 12:02 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Sweet dreams i love y___d1__!______Michelle SMS Messages 8/23/14 12:02 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Roy Conrad Sweet dreams i love you so much ���� Michelle SMS Messages 8/23/14 12:02 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Roy Conrad Sweet dreams i love you so much Michelle SMS Messages I can't handle you being gone. I miss you incredibly it hurts. 8/23/14 10:51 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages I love you forever 8/25/14 12:26 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Good night babe, i love you Michelle SMS Messages The tournament is really happening! im so happy! i hope 8/26/14 12:49 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy youre smiling down on me and i hope youre happy too. I Michelle SMS Messages miss you and love you so much I hope you were watching down on me today when i started organizing the tournament and getting the word out there. I 8/27/14 12:02 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages love you so much, Im so happy this is happening babe. We are gonna help people like we always wanted 8/28/14 12:12 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Good night babe i love and miss you Michelle SMS Messages 8/28/14 11:31 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I love you forever Michelle SMS Messages I broke down today. I miss you so much it hurts. Im so mad 8/30/14 12:07 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy at you and myself and I just wish you were here to talk to Michelle SMS Messages me, I miss your voice. I love you Conrad 8/30/14 10:53 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Goodnight babe I love you ❤ Michelle SMS Messages 8/31/14 10:44 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I miss you so much Michelle SMS Messages 9/2/14 12:04 AM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Goodnight babe I love you Michelle SMS Messages Tomorrows my first day! Wish me luck and watch over me! 9/2/14 9:27 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages I love you I had a good day but idk some of my friends didn't act how I thought they were gonna act towards me. And my hair was really sticky because it was SO HOT OMG. And tommrows supposed to be hotter lol. But i liked my outfit, i know you did too ;) and i like the people in my classes except for 9/3/14 10:32 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages science but I can handle it. Ill make all the boys want me haha. Im yours for life tho, always remember that. Tomorrow I hope will go well, I'm hanging up your flyers with Sam which will be nice. I love you and miss you so much babe 9/4/14 10:10 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Good night babe I love you and miss you Michelle SMS Messages Im so sorry I'm didnt say good night last night. I fell asleep 9/6/14 7:12 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages and I didnt get the chance. I love you 9/6/14 10:11 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Good night my angel Michelle SMS Messages 9/7/14 11:26 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I love and miss you so much babe Michelle SMS Messages 9/8/14 10:34 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Goodnight I love you Michelle SMS Messages 9/9/14 10:54 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I love you so much Michelle SMS Messages I thought about you a lot today babe. Its ironic that suicide awarenss week is this week with your birthday and the 9/10/14 11:23 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages tournament its like a sign youre sending, I love you and miss you always Hey babe. I hope your birthday was beautiful and happy yesterday. I was thinking about you the whole day. I wish I was there to celebrate with you. But the tournament went so well today, I know you were probably looking down with 9/13/14 10:51 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy Michelle SMS Messages a smile watching the games. I raised over $2300 for you babe! This is the start of my journey to help others. I love you and miss you so so much. Youre forever in my heart, smile down on me. I hope I made you proud 9/21/14 11:22 PM Outgoing To: 7746788888 Conrad Roy I love you and miss you so much babe Michelle SMS Messages