
mb Nove er ’92

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HHHH,YOUDON’T know the shape I’m “O in,” Levon Helm was wailing plaintively over the P.A. as the lights came up at Off Broad- way, a St. Louis nightclub. The DJ’s choice of that particular Band normally prohibits). Brian McTavish of the number couldn’t have been more Star’s “Nighthawk” column was on assign- relevant. Four days on the road ment, so no luck there. A television spot with the Band were wasn't in the budget, so we'd have to rely coming to a close, leaving me primarily on word of mouth for ticket sales. fatigued and exhilarated at the same time. Day 1 – Kansas City The show had run late, and The Tom Russell Band, standin’ on the corner: Barry the management was doing its Ramus (bass), Fats Kaplin (, pedal steel, Waiting at the Comfort Inn for , and more), Tom Russell (guitar, vocals), to roll in to town provided a chance to see a best to herd patrons out the Mike Warner (drums, backing vocals), door. As the crowd congratulat- (guitar, harmony vocals). prima donna in action. A member of Lash ing the band dispersed, S LaRue’sband was pressuring the desk clerk staff cartoonist Dug joined me in ap- to change his room assignment, first to down the hall, then, deciding that wasn’t proaching Tom, and in our best Wayne and up a request for an interview left on his toll good enough, to a different floor. “I have to Garth imitation, simultaneously kowtow- free merchandise line, 1-800-Dark-Angel. play with them every night, I don’t want to ing and proclaiming “we’re not worthy, Calling from his Brooklyn apartment, he ex- see them during the day,” he whined. Was we’re not worthy.” pressed concern that it not take more than this type of bickering what I had to look for- “Somebody grab the video camera,” twenty minutes or so. One thing about Tom— ward to with Russell's entourage? Tom commented, his voice rumbling over he spends a lot of time on the phone (check It was time to find out, since their van the laughter. out the list on page 6). was just pulling up. Introductions were The first time I had heard that low During those twenty fame-filled minutes made, including the newest member of the rumble was last winter when Tom followed of the fanzine writer, I queried him as to when band, bassist Barry Ramus, who had signed he would be gigging in Kansas City.“The band’s on a mere week before after the abrupt de- INSIDE never played west of the Mississippi” was a parture of Billy Troiani. “Where’sthe nearest surprising response from an artist with such liquor store?” asked Fats Kaplin, the pedal ITMIGHTBEABLUEBIRD, close ties to the country scene. Before the in- steel player. I spent the afternoon drinking IDON’TKNOW terview concluded, I’d promised to see what in the hotel room with Fats and guitarist ex- Page 5 could be done about securing a club date. traordinare Andrew Hardin, talking about were made, and the Tom their sideline Hawaiian band, the Haoles; LOOKINGFORAFEWBALD Russell Band was booked for the Grand Andrew producing and Cris WOMEN:THESINÉADBRIGADE Emporium on the fifth day of May,with S Cuddy; troubles with the producer during Page 6 as official sponsor. The staff scrambled to put the recording of Poor Man's Dream; the together flyers and posters. Our public rela- music scene in general, and Fats’ near-pro- AREYOUREADY?: tions department called in favors from the fessional rating as a chess player. CORNFROMHOME New Times in hopes of some coverage—we The Emporium’s sound engineer was Page 8 managed to score a “Critic's Choice” (a conflict of interest which their journalistic integrity Friend let me take you just a little bit farther, to page 4.

= Tom Russell content Ⅲ Tears of a Clown: Nigro’s Western Store (10/14/92). I was buying a pair of jeans when E-Z PIECES the Garth Brooks fall fashion collection ar-  NDANNY LOPEZN rived—three dozen of those goofy-looking black and blue shirts Brooks wears when per- SUSUNDN D forming. To make the ensemble complete, you Ⅲ Tom Russell: Cowboy Real need one of those headset microphones he (Philo).The cover of Cowboy Real BOARD uses that make him look like he’s taking orders brings to mind the old Smoth- at the Taco Bell drive-through window. Garth ers Brothers parody of “The should hope those shirts are water repellent C J. C Streets of Laredo”: “we could because the big guy can't stop from weeping Publisher/Managing General Partner see by his outfit that he was a when he talks about his wife and kid: sobbing cowboy. If you get an outfit, on “Dateline” with Jane Pauley and blubber-   you can be a cowboy too.” J Y ing away at the CMA Awards where he said And it reminds me of my Hard-Nosed Muckraking Senior Editor he’s taking eight months off next year “to be childhood when the TV- Mr. Dad” to his baby girl. “It hurts me so bad. cowboy was king—Cisco and It kills me not touring. But if my family suffers Pancho, the Lone Ranger, and because of the music, I’ve got to sacrifice the Layout,Design and Typesetting St. Louis’ own TV-cowpoke, Bruce, music.” Yeah, and I’ll bet he cried when he saw Arthur D. Bradley whose daily signoff, “Whoopie, tie me up, little Bambi. It’s Brooks’ hardworking fans who buckaroo” later resulted in a long prison term. should be bawling—having to shell out the “su- Contributors But it was TV-cowgirl, Annie Oakley, who put a perstar” price of $15.99 for 37 minutes of music Cheryl Burns, Arthur Goldklang, Steven Hill, stirring in my pre-pubescent loins: a petite, on his new CD, The Chase. Frankie Lee, Danny Lopez, Arthur McBride, proto-feminist blonde with pigtails and an “Big” Jim Diamond, Henry Porter, itchy trigger finger whose memory keeps me Ⅲ Murder in My Heart for the Judge: The Kansas searching for a woman who smells of the dus- City Star (10/14/92). “The Supreme Court re- Doris Saltkill try trail. So saddle up, pardner, and head for the fused to reinstate lawsuits that said rock star Detractors nearest tradin' post for a copy of Cowboy Real, Ozzy Osbourne’s song, ‘Suicide Solutions,’ and return to those thrilling days of yester- caused two teenagers to commit suicide. Lower GWAR year—the ersatz cowboy rides again. courts said Osbourne's free speech rights pro- Lynn Anderson’s husband, dammit tect him against such suits.” Ⅲ Ask Danny Lopez: Yanni Dear Danny: I'm having a problem with my Cartoonist boyfriend. He used to be a big time rock star who wrote sappy songs about life and love that Dug sold millions. We had piles of cash and mounds Some gave all: of coke. Then he decided he had to record sappy songs that reflected his left-wing political Bones, John McQuitty, James Lucas, views. Not only did his career go to hell, but the Ed Becker, Bill Lavery, Johnny B, Stretch house was crawling with Sandinistas. He be- came cranky and nasty—asking me when I was Benefactors going to make another cavegirl movie. When enemy. Barry Bottger, Richard Ludwick, and we went to the video store, the only movies he Teniesha Anastasia Kessler real wanted to rent were Silkwood or The China (Your name here still only $5) Syndrome. I knew he was on the edge, but all I said was, “It takes my luxurious blonde hair so Dedication

long to dry. I could sure use one of those new Bite the Cat and Victor, skin illustrators atomic-powered hairdryers,” and BAM! he To get some background on this important bounces me around the house like a superball. decision, S’s Supreme Court Correspon- Fine Print Required by Our Attorneys My friends say leave, but he can be so sweet dent spoke with Associate Justice, Clarence Copyright ©1992 by S. sometimes. I want to stay just a little bit longer. Thomas. Said Thomas, “Certainly, there’s a Long haired, freaky people need not apply; What do you think, Danny? minority on the Court who believe heavy metal anybody caught trespassing will be shot on sight; Running on Empty music is inspired directly by Satan and want to you’ve got to have a membership card see it wiped from the face of the earth. But the to get inside, huuhhhn. Dear Running: (1) Call Marvin Mitchelson; (2) majority realize it’s just so much bombastic No other warranty, XPress or implied, is Go to a women’s shelter or the Park Avenue nonsense. Sure, metal heads disfigure their intended or should be inferred. mansion of the Sexiest Man in the U.S.A. and bodies with crude homemade tattoos, bang heir to the Kennedy legacy; (3) Call Allen their heads against large immovable objects, S is published Dershowitz; (4) When are you going to make and will stand in a cold rain for hours to get monthly, except another cavegirl movie? floor seats for Slayer. But does it make them January—if you’re in the blow their brains out? I don’t think so. Heck, Crown tonight, have a drink on me I’ve been a fan of Ozzy’s since he was in Black Sabbath. In fact, I can still get a rise out of Mrs. Subscription rates $15 per year Thomas by rubbing up against her and moan- domestic, $20 foreign. Shipped in plain ing, “I am Iron Man.” brown wrapper upon request. Ⅲ Pigskin Preview: USA Today (9/9/92). “The NFL Submissions welcomed, no guarantees. has signed Michael Jackson as its sole half-time performer for Super Bowl XXVII on January 31.” Call, write, or streak through RECORDS, TAPES & CD’S Now here's America’s complete entertain- for display ad rates: ment package—freaks on the field, a freak at S 7222 W. 75TH STREET half-time. If you’re lucky, you’ll be invited to a 5732 Johnson Drive Super Bowl party where you’re served chips (75th and Metcalf) and dip out of a football helmet and people Mission, Kansas 66202 Overland Park, Kansas 913-384-2499 endlessly ask, “What’s the score?” and “Has (913) 262-3744 FAX (913) 262-3743 Michael been on yet?” We reserve the right to do it our way.

 SOUND I tell myself I didn’t lose her ’cause you can’t lose a friend you never had caution of a haz-mat team, held my nose, and ceeds to do his “favorite circus song of all NEW TREND IN THE MEDIA SEEMS dropped it in the boom box. I’m still in shock time,” 's “.” No, it A to be bashing Michael Bolton's new over hearing twelve more songs cut, make that doesn’t matter what you think, you can’t imag- , Timeless, on which he hacks up some butchered, during the Timeless sessions. ine what he does to that song. might fine chestnuts from the 60s. To be sure, If you thought his version of “Yesterday” Speaking of imagine, the next cut is a ballad it would be hard to come up with a worse was an abortion, wait ’til you hear Bolton’s au- version of “Woman Is The Nigger of the record. Ever. But Michael has proved useful to topsy of another Beatles classic, “A Day In The World.” And why anyone would cover Pink the industry, though. Thanks to him, they’ve Floyd's “Brain Damage” is a mystery to me, but gained valuable demographic data on how he does. Had enough? I don't think so. A live- many women buy records. A nationwide poll in-the-studio cut of ’ “Lola” that uncovered that only eighteen men own a segued into Garth Brooks' “Friends In Low recording by Mr. Bolton. Places” was a real finger down the throat. By S, not content with taking pot shots at contrast, Bolton’s version of the Doors’ “The the balding warbler, decided to dig dipper. End” was a sort of welcome relief (like finding Wondering, if a record this bad managed to get out they’re only going to amputate one leg), released, what would the outtakes possibly be except that it was nearly twenty minutes long. like, they assigned ol' Hank to do some inves- Lou Reed’s “Heroin” has never sounded so tigative reporting. A legal Life.” It's performed solo on the piano with melodic, but I’m still shaking over the last two department spokesperson, fearing a scandal if Bolton’s voice holding the last note for 2:57. cuts. The first is an a capella duet with Sinéad the truth leaked out, claimed that all the mate- This was followed by the Beach Boys’ “Heroes on “Cop Killer,” with O’Connor shouting “fight rial recorded for the project had been used, and Villains,” with Michael, not willing to share the realenemy” in the background. But the last and even if it hadn’t been they “would not sub- the vocalspotlight, overdubbing his own voice song, well, if I hadn’t heard it, I wouldn’t be- ject [the songs] to the mean-spirited scrutiny repeatedly until he sounds like the gospel lieve it. A duet with Phil Collins on Queen’s of your little paper.” Yikes! choir that backs up on “Church.” “Bohemian Rhapsody.” Honestly, people, this So I placed a (very) long distance call to the Trying to be different just for the sake of is where legalizing drugs could prove helpful. Sony home office in , impersonating a being different doesn’t usually work, especially For probably the first time, Freddie’s parents Columbia exec. I was told they would send me when Bolton’s version of Hendrix’s “Stone and friends are glad he’s dead. a complete tape of the unused songs by Free” is done as (I swear) rap. By the time any of these see release on a overnight courier. They seemed somewhat In a turgidly dramatic spoken-word intro, Bolton boxed set, maybe it’ll be possible to live anxious to be relieved of the material, anyway. Bolton narrates the story of his going to the on another planet, ‘cause this one ain’t big Receiving the package, I opened it with the circus for the first time as a child, then pro- enough for him and me. If you think being in the music business has its advantages and perks, just remember how ol’ Hank got more SOUNDOFF than he bargained for.

Dear S: I forget which of your staff members wrote that excellent Tymon Dogg piece a while back, but he might like to know that Justin Hayward Dear S: of the Moody produced a Tymon Dogg Love the mag, but how about an issue that doesn’t include a photo of the editor? Maybe 45 back in 1970 I own a copy and would be Recommended Concerts happy to send you a dub if you’re interested follow that up with an issue that doesn't men- Recommended Concerts S is God. tion the publisher on every page? November 1 Steven Greenwood Jim Jones Lawrence, KS Editor’s Note: Let me check with Corky and get Grand Emporium Editor’s Note: Actually, we promised a story on back with you on that request. November 2 Tymon last December which has yet to be pub- lished. Would love to hear the demo, Steven. By Dear Henry Porter: Grand Emporium the way, you had four correct answers in the My favorite letter to went lyric contest, shy of winning by one. But guess- November 10 like this: ing Andy Griffith’s “What It Was,Was Football” Chris LeDoux for the Holy Modal Rounders song (in addition “Dear Sirs: Please cancel my subscription!” Guitars and Cadillacs to that wonderful second paragraph of your It was never published. November 14 letter) has qualified you as this month’s official Jerry Kessler runner-up. American Royal No wonder Burroughs lives there! The Lawrence faction proved to be far November 17 hipper than the Kansas City philistines on the lyric quote contest last month. Arc Angels Charles Brown is this month’s big winner with five correct. We were especially Lone Star impressed that Charles got “.” Can you measuer up November 19 after such a guess as this? Send song titles and artists for this month’s lyrics (by November 22nd) to SOUND, 5732 Johnson Drive, Mission Kansas Tom Russell 66202, or do your digits on our fax machine at (913) 262-3743. The Shadow

They tell us that we lost our tails evolving up from little snails. I say it's all just wind in sails. Are we not men? SOUND  HEART OF THE WORKING BAND “Dug and I have a request,” I mentioned to Tom, immediately seeing the apprehension continued from cover cross his brow. “You’ve been changing the line late, not used to bands planning to really play about the two-headed calf in ‘Road To Baya- at the appointed show time, which delayed the mon’ each night How about making it a two- sound check. Dug and I treated the band to headed goat this evening?” Arthur Bryant’s, stopping by 12th and Vine on “I knew you guys were satanists,” he said, the way back to snap a group portrait. There only half-jokingly. really wasn't much of anything at 12th and Over the course of these four shows, several Vine, except a cop who pulled us over and told new songs had been introduced, making it all us to make it home before dark. the more difficult to wait for the next full band We returned just in time to catch the album to be released. “Waterloo,” probably second half of Iris DeMent’s crowd-pleasing Tom’s hardest rocking song, relates with did- opening set. I reminded Tom, “if you want to his-homework accuracy the closing of the get paid, you have to do ‘William Faulkner in John Deere plant in Waterloo, Iowa. Fats Hollywood’ with the extra verse.” Obviously claimed their performance of “Blood Oranges” not intimidated by a would-be concert pro- (which could use some work lyrically) was “the moter, my request was promptly ignored. For- tightest we’ve been on stage musically in tunately for them, their set was hot enough to years.” make me forget my threat, and the crowd was “Angel of León” is a typical Russell lost love large enough that we were able to pay the band heart-wrencher wherein the unrequited pro- and not go in the hole ourselves. tagonist roams the streets “‘Ave Maria,’ or at least the parts he knew.” But the prime Tom Russell returns to Kansas City with Day 2 – Lawrence cut of new Tom has to be “Annette,” an ode to guitarist Andrew Hardin in an acoustic Julie Ann, a prostitute (“her work- appearance at the Shadow, on Thursday, Dropping off a couple dozen Lamar’s ing name’s Annette”). The sixteen year-old call November 19, 8:00 p.m. And when we say donuts at the motel the next morning, I gave girl makes no apologies for her lifestyle, but the show will start on time, believe it! Andrew, the designated driver, directions to the gets her sad message across Lawrence, promising to meet up with them Tom's melodic hooks lend themselves well to nevertheless. again before the show. I arrived at the such reinvention. And true to his word, Tom completed what Haus an hour before show time, only to find Thanks in large part to Ed Becker, funeral must have seemed to him to be my inex- the place emptier than Rush Limbaugh’s head. director, occasional S contributor, and haustible request list with an electric version of The band was huddled at the back of the bar, long-time Tom Russel supporter, the band has “Northern Towns” followed by a blowout en- burning up the “Music” category on the Trivia managed to build up quite a following in the core finale of “Road To Bayamon,” replete with Whiz. St. Louis area. Ed, his wife Shelley, and several two-head goat. “Ohhhh, you don’t know the Despite Tom’s fibbing to the Kansas City other friends met the Russell entourage at a shape I’m in,” Levon Helm was plaintively wail- audience that William Burroughs was sched- cajun restaurant nearby the club. Dug and I ing over the P.A. as the lights came up. uled to open for them the next night, the turn were politely invited, and impolitely accepted out for the first half of the set was light. By the an invitation to join them, although we did feel There’s Got To Be latter part of the evening, the bar was clogged somewhat like fifth and sixth wheels. A Morning After with students skidding back to earth, sharing As memorable as the Kansas City show had the experience of their final exams with each been, the energy level of both the crowd and S has kept in touch with Tom ever other, oblivious to how tight and professional the band easily surpassed it down here at the since. Our resident typesetter and layout ex- the band remained in the face of indifference. gateway to the Midwest. Beatle Bob, a local ec- pert, Art Bradley, designed the official Tom It had to be disappointing going from per- centric, performed his own interpretive dance Russell Band newslet- forming a concert one night to being relegated moves throughout the entire evening, adding ter, “Blood Shots” (get to bar-band status the next. And to top it off, further color. And, yes, they finally dusted off a your free copy by Burroughs was a no-show. take on “William Faulkner in Hollywood” with dialing 1-800-327- “Come to St. Louis, and you’ll hear any- the famous lost verse. 5264). Yours truly is thing you want,” Tom guaranteed me after- We hadn’t planned on staying for the next presently helping wards, in an effort to assuage my protests that night’s show. No longer satisfied with hearing Tom compile a he still hadn't played “William Faulkner.” “Faulkner," I asked, “If we stay, will you do press kit when not Tom’s explanation that Barry hadn’t had a “Northern Towns” tomorrow night?” We took joining staff car- chance to learn it yet was legit enough, and the them at their word that they would. toonist Dug in promise that the band would rehearse it the acts of Russell-in- next night—their night off—convinced me to Day 4 – St. Louis #2 spired self-muti- make the trip across the state. lation (see story The Beckers and some local radio jocks opposite page). Day 3 – St. Louis #1 threw a barbeque in honor of the band during And S publisher Corky Carrel the afternoon. Never fearing public humilia- has arranged for Tom’s tri umphant return to Dug and I spent the drive time making up tion, I allowed Fats to talk me into a game of town on November 19 at the Shadow in West- alternate lyrics to Tom Russell songs. “Are you chess. “Hmmm, interesting,” he would com- port. “He won’t have the band with him, ex- Donna or Marie, Margaret or Elaine?” from ment in bewilderment at each move I made, as cept Andrew, but those two go together like “Hurricane Season,” for example, became “Are if he thought I actually had a strategy. Did Boris Peaches & Herb, so it'll be a great show,” Car- you Donny or Marie, Michael or Jermaine?” Spassky feel this humiliated? rel commented. 

 SOUND Westminster Abbey, the tower of Big Ben, the rosy red cheeks of the little children up on the plan. John explains: “Jake, one IMAGES AND of the bartenders at Dave’s, is a big coun- DISTORTED FACTS try music fan, so he Quotes from the labels’ release sheets: helped get Poor Man’s Read between the lies to discover Dream on the CD just how smart they think you are. jukebox. It’s the only dive in town with ‘Blue on Wing’ on the juke— The Great Pretender

photos by Tiny ᮡDug before Dug and I by Freddie Mercury: played the song “Various producers have com- a few times, pletely redone some of these then headed for songs, with the exception of East Coast Al’s.” course of Freddie’s stellar I look at this vocals, topdate the recordings HE HEADLINE MIGHT BE blue wing and I and to give the entire record courtesy of the Pretenders, but ᮡJohn before close my eyes ... hit potential for today’s Tthe inspiration for this story is Victor and Cat market.” Tom Russell’s “Blue Wing,” the tale loaded new needles, 11:20 of a down-and-out jailbird who ᮡDug during scrubbed, donned Private Music carves a wing on his shoulder while r u b b e r on Reflections sharing a prison cell with bluesman gloves, and of Passion & Little Willie John. p laced an In Celebration of Vivid animal imagery in several Rus- outline of Life (Gift Set) by sell songs lends itself to tattoos—crazy the wing art one-eyed chickens, two-headed calves, for size and Yanni: stylish tweed goats ... but it was the position ap- “We have coupled the mil- moving story of Blue Wing which sent ᮡJohn during proval. Next, lion-selling Reflections of S editor John Yuelkenbeck and a buzz simi- Passion, a collection of his most romantic themes, with In cartoonist Dug to the ’too parlor. ᮡDug after lar to a den- He had a blue wing tattooed on his tist’s drill was Celebration of Life, ten of his most powerful and uplifting shoulder / Well it might have been a ᮤ John after heard, and works, allowing Yanni’s loyal bluebird, I don’t know ...The first task there was no legion of fans to continue to was to come up with the right design. going back. “Did I men- turn their friends and rela- Seeking out a local graphic artist, tion I was a hemophiliac?” tives onto two very differ- Johnny B, the willing victims gave him joked Dug. ent but dramatic sides of a copy of the song to become familiar Then I fly away, beyond these Yanni with a single pur- with and to gain inspiration. Meanwhile, they walls / Up above the clouds where the rain don’t chase. “We have created the stopped by SRO to rent The Illustrated Man fall / On a poor man’s dream ... Neither patient perfect year-long gift for oc- with Rod Steiger and Tattoo with Bruce Dern. flinched during the session, and both claimed casions such as Christmas, “Just to get us psyched up for going under the it was relatively painless, but this writer never- Mother's Day and birth- needle,” says Yuelkenbeck. theless refrained from joining them. “Although days. So as not to conflict He said he got that blue wing up in Walla I’m completely satisfied with how it turned with any current or future Walla ...Traveling to Washington state wasn’t out,” warned John, “I would suggest someone Yanni campaigns, our in- in the budget, but researching the local par- contemplating a tattoo wear a temporary for a tent is to allow this pack- lors was the second step in ensuring customer couple of weeks just to be sure it’s absolutely age to run its natural satisfaction. “Price is a secondary considera- what you want.” course through the mar- tion when getting something as permanent as “It is kind of a macho bonding thing,” said a skin illustration,” Dug commented, “finding Dug. “I feel more like Popeye than ever, hug- a reputable establishment, the right artist, a gug-gug, and John’s been opening Guinness sanitary environment—these are all important bottles with his teeth. We’re both shopping for factors.” Harleys.” Is he ready to get another one? “Tom’s Starting at Grimm’s, the pair then checked got that ‘Road to Bayamon’ song where Gypsy DISCS & TAPES out The Illustrated Man and Ink Slingers before has ‘love’ and ‘hate’ tattooed on her fists, so —— ——— —— settling on East Coast Al’s at 15th and Central maybe next time ...” new used in Kansas City, Kansas. “Going from Johnny B’s As for the songwriter, does he have any skin DOLLARS OFF WITH THIS AD sketch, Cat did John’s and Victor did mine,” said illustrations? “I’m not telling—you’re a jour- New Tape or CD $1 off Dug. “They’re pretty much identical, although nalist,” Russell answered in a phone interview, I must admit mine’s a little bit better.” but was finally persuaded to admit that he had Used Tape or CD $2 off But he’d get stone drunk and talk about the logo of his first music publishing company, Sale items excluded ...Cat said a majority of his clientele is La Frontera, on his leg. SANTA FE composed of impulse buyers, but quality Where, you ask, was our uxorious S ૽ Olathe studios refuse drunks. John and Dug did stop publisher during these proceedings? “I want 113 S. Mur-Len by Dave’s Stage Coach Inn for a couple pints of one, but if I get it, it will be the last thing I do as MUR-LEN 829-8333 Guinness to muster the courage for following a married man,” he grumbled. 

This is the police! You are surrounded! Give yourself up! SOUND  OUND OFFICIALLY EN- tion cast. The older audience mem- dorses Sinéad. It’s not a popu- bers (by far the majority), mistook Slar stance, we know, but that’s her for , who had been no- what being part of the under- ticeably absent from the proceed- ground press is all about. Clearly, ings, and were showing their we don’t really like her music all disapproval at her new hairdo. So that well, she has come off as a what if she decided to pay tribute to hypocrite on more than one oc- by Arthur McBride by singing “War” in- casion, and she doesn't always stead of Bob Dylan by singing “I Be- think things through before act- lieve In You”? We can hear her Dylan cover on ing. But these are all elements of Let’s take this Andrew Dice Clay A Very Special Christmas II, anyway, and it was humanity which have been sorely hubbub next. Sinéad’s from . nice to have a few moments that weren’t on missed from the pre-packaged, Abortions are illegal there, and she the teleprompter at that shindig. scripted entertainment industry was a victim of child abuse, so her Speaking of unplanned moments, let’s of late. She’s one of the last true fighting for women's pride is ad- tackle the big one: this tearing up the picture rebel voices. Rave on, O’Connor! mirable. If she doesn't want a loud- of the Pope on “Saturday Night Live” contro- Let’s examine some of the mouthed misogynist sharing a versy. She’s from Ireland. They’ve been fighting particulars. This national anthem stage with her, it’s a bit chauvinistic over this issue for a long time there. But Chris- debacle, for starters. She’s from of us to force him on her. Just don't tianity has survived a long time, and if it’s worth Ireland. If she doesn't want “The Fight the real enemy: ask us to explain her supporting its salt, it will stand up to a frail little skinhead Star Spangled Banner” played be- Sinéad prepares to Mike Tyson as a poor unfortunate questioning the institutionalization and struc- fore her concert, it's a bit jingois- rip us up in a recent Rolling Stone interview. turing of its philosophy. Or maybe she’ll just tic of us to force it on her. How can we still have Maybe she's just jealous that the Dice-man bring it to its knees, who knows?. much national pride left for a song that gets sells out Madison Square Garden, whereas she Madonna may cause some feigned shocks cheers from a World Series crowd even when was booed off the stage at the Dylan tribute to the puritan crowd, but the neat thing about it’s sung by Billy Ray Cyrus? It’s time to set aside there. She’s from Ireland—is that any way for us Sinéad is how she truly stirs people up. With- the “us” and “them” constraints of love-it-or- to show her U.S. hospitality? Actually, the out a bustier, but with ideas. We disagree with leave-it patriotism for a global pride that values younger members of the crowd supported her her when she says everyone should smoke pot, everyone’s opinions. Then we won’t have to unequivocally—they were simply jeering at no one should vote, and the L.A. riots were the worry about whether or not the Maple Leaf is that gown get-up which makes her look like an right way to go about things. But, hey, she’s upside-down. extra from the Star Trek: The Next Degenera- from Ireland, and they brew Guinness there.


O TIRED, TIRED OF WAITING, TIRED SOF WAITING FOR YOU More important callers we were We’re compiling a top ten ladder WE ARE placed on hold for when talking to competition that you’ll see updated CAR STEREO Tom Russell each month as the year progresses. 1. 83rd & Santa Fe 1. (musician; former Blaster) Bob Dylan WE’RE READY FOR THIRTY MORE YEARS Overland Park, Kansas 2. Burning Questions 2. Dave Wilkins (booking agent) Graham Parker 649-8500 3. Cowboy Real 3. (musician; former Plimsoul) Tom Russell 4. Criminal Under My Own Hat 4. Citibank 5. Bone Machine Kin Lin 5. Susan (photographer) Chinese Restaurant Tom Waits 6. Sweet Old World “Best egg rolls in town” 6. Roundtower Records – SOUND magazine Lucinda Williams 7. Love And Danger EDITOR’S REPEAT 314 East 51st Street, Kansas City 7. Katy Moffatt (musician) CUT OF THE MONTH: (816) 561-4334 Joe Ely “SHE COLLECTED” 8. Unidentified interviewer 8. Hurricane Season One FREE Egg Roll Tom Russell Band with dinner purchase (after 2:30 p.m.) 9. Jon Polk (legal consultant) 9. and this coupon Jayhawks Limit one coupon Coupon expires 10. Barence Whitfield (musician) 10. Automatic For The People per visit November 30, 1992 R.E.M.

 SOUND At dawn my lover comes to me and tells me of her dreams, with no attempts to shovel a glimpse into the ditch of what each one means NEW RELEASES COMING TO YOU AT THE it ... what kind of a question is Are You Normal coming from a group called Ned’s Atomic Dustbin?... Feel This is the latest from the Merry Monks of the Catholic Church. Just kidding, it’s the new Jeff Healy ... by now country fans Meet the new boss: Ice-T, the official presidential candidate of Rock are used to taking the good (, George, Jones, Michael and Rap Confidential, takes his message to the people with his personal Martin Murphy) with the bad (Reba McEntire). electronic Town Hall, Home Invasion ... J.J. Cale returns for his tenth, imaginatively titled Ten. Word is that he had to seek Same as the old boss: A tip of the hat to the CD permission from for use of the title ... it’s probably release of Who Came First, ’s highly re- not what Jon Landau saw, but The Future is coming from quested solo debut ... but don’t get fooled by Capitol again, ... the parole board voted its approval for re- How they’re ripping off once more with their Singles leasing Universal James, the newest from the hardest work- can I Collection ... even worse is Columbia re-releasing Willie measure ing trustee in show business, James Brown ... they can’t up to Nelson’s IRS Tapes—the original 63-minute single disc is dance, but Genesis will show us The Way We Walk. A caveat: anyone now being issued as a two-disc set complete with a two-disc it’s subtitled Vol. I ... continuing his streak of recent releases now price. This is total deception on the part of the label, and after is blues great John Lee Hooker with Boom Boom. Reports such a they should be ashamed ... an anthology from Curtis May- that he covers ZZ Top’s “La Grange” are unsubstantiated at disc as field and the Impressions joins ‘best of’ collections from press time ... am I too blue for you? More blues on the way this? early rock pioneers, Smiley Lewis, , and from Little Charlie and the Nightcats called Night Vision, Gene McDaniels ... as if the market weren't saturated and Hey Where’s Your Brother from Johnny Winter ... as much as he enough, how about some more from Frank Zappa ... Motown enters wants to make History, Loudon Wainwright III is still remembered for the boxed set bonanza with four discs of essential tracks restored to that song about the dead skunk ... Bon Jovi’s hoping their fans have mono (thank God they scrapped initial plans to include a laser disc managed to Keep The Faith in the four or so years they’ve been away. copy of The Big Chill containing extra footage) ... also on the boxed set Maybe if some of them didn't make it through adolescence yet ... Glo- horizon: Jefferson Airplane, Fleetwood Mac, Pink Floyd, and it gets ria Estefan's Greatest Hits, Taylor Dane’s Trust, and 's worse! Rudolph won’t cut it this Christmas—Santa’s going to need an air soundtrack to her film debut, The Bodyguard, will all contribute to keep- traffic controller to avoid these mid-air collision collections: Barry ing VH-1 on the air ... after that last trio, the airwaves are unfortu- Manilow, Barry White, and (if those ain't the Barry’s) how about a three- nately too polluted for ’s Boats to Build, you’ll just have to buy disc set from Journey. No wonder the country’s in such a mess.

All right, so we glam-slammed Prince last month, too, but this was just too good to pass up. To really do it justice, though, we would need to be a full-color magazine. Prince and Barry are both decked out in these marvelous bluish-purple jumpsuits, both holding microphones in their left hands. Word in the industry is that if you play the last thirty seconds of “Sexy M.F.” backwards, you’ll hear a snip of “Copacabana.”

We’re all gonna rock to the rules that I make SOUND  What’s so special about ex- temely hard, colorless crystalline car- bon and rounded deposits formed in the shells of mollusks?

If I gave u diamonds and pearls would u be a happy boy or a girl —Prince, “Diamonds and Pearls” We thrash in the heat in an effort to beat up the world then we lose our identities, replace them with diamonds and pearls —Graham Parker, “Love Is A Burning Question” Your heart is like a diamond, you throw your pearls at swine —Rolling Stones, “No Expectations” My love explodes in diamonds and pearls for you, just you —Dukes of Stratosphear, “My Love Explodes” She had diamonds, pearls and wine, she just needed more; I gave hear all of my time, she just needed more —Joe Ely, “She Collected”

 SOUND Time washes clean love’s wounds unseen—that’s what someone told me, but I don’t know what it means SUGAR Copper Blue SSU U N DD (Ryko) Rating: 3 tbsp. Sugar: Just a spoonful helps S U N D the Prozac go down. ADVICE LTHOUGH COPPER BLUE .... is a solidly written record- STACCATO NOTE S TOM RUSSELL ing, don’t be surprised if it Hollywood Town Hall Asends you to the medicine cabinet for a Cowboy Real Rating: 50/50 (Def American) Prozac fix. The latest collection of Bob      (Philo) Rating:  Mould’s songwriting talents, Copper Blue is as Your response to the following statement is dark as anything ever did; but where crucial: “It reminds me of The Silos.” If a green CTOR KEVIN KLINE, COMMENTING and the boys often had a dim sense light immediately flashes saying “might be on his one-man Shakespeare show of ironic humor, Mould’s songs seem to convey worth it,” pick up Hollywood Town Hall. But if that rolled through town recently, a never-ending doom. Women get drowned by the orange caution light warns “uh-oh, that notedA how much he hated the Great Shake lovers, companions die from AIDS, and was the album that got raves from the critics when he was in high school. All the over- one poor soul tells his story from his life-sup- and all my friends but I just never got the wrought dramatic performances and stylized port systemed bed after some bad luck on slip- point,” you might have some reservations. language. It was Olivier's Hamlet which first pery pavement. I feel guilty complaining Since it’s a given that this won’t get any airplay, turned him around. about my love life after this. it all comes down to how much extra dispos- Like Shakespeare, escargot, or a pint of After two critically received solo records, able income you can budget for the month. Guinness, Cowboy Real is an acquired taste. the sometimes melodic Workbook and the ag- Mainly medium-tempo rockers with a nice Even if, or maybe especially if, Hurricane Sea- gressive, bludgeoning guitar laden Black Sheets tap-your-foot and sway-your-head beat, and son and Poor Man's Dream have been on your of Rain, Mould returns to the three piece for- lyrics that rarely complement the music in any hot ten list as long as they’ve been on S’s. mat he worked so successfully in as a member consequential way. Above-average for the bar- of Hüsker Dü. Mould fronts Sugar with back- These songs are further away from - band scene—catch them live, relax with a few ing from (Mercyland) on bass and rock of those records than the Chiefs are from beers, it would probably be a fun evening. But the Super Bowl. Malcolm Travis (Zulus) on drums. not the stuff to put on at home and meditate to These are sing-around-the-campfire west- Despite all the lyrical despondency, the if you like being moved to tears. But The Silos ern songs to be approached with boots and a recording really is enjoyable listening. Overall, had “(We’ll Go) Out Of Town,” and Hollywood bolo, not jeans and a tee. And, like Olivier, Rus- the sound of Sugar seems to combine Town Hall has “Nevada, ” for its “play sell’s presentation outstrips cowpoke wanna- elements of Hüsker Dü with accents from be’s . Was George Strait's Pure Country the Mould’s solo projects. It’s a full sound, but not that one again” cut. feel-good movie experience you’d been need- slick—there’s even a splash of keyboards here —Lucy Watson ing? Then Cowboy Real probably isn't for you. and there. Although Russell wrote, adapted, or Lurking mid-way through the recording is arranged the majority of this material, he really a bona fide hit just waiting to be discovered. If giddy-ups on two covers. Joe Ely’s “Indian Cow- Top 40 radio can include REM, Red Hot Chili boy” pays tribute to those who sacrifice them- Peppers and Nirvana, then Sugar should be the selves for the greater good of us all; fellow next cassette single sensation with “If I Can’t guitar picker Andrew Hardin shines like a spur Change Your Mind.” This is pure pop in the in his capacity as supporting vocalist, even tradition of the Monkees’ “The Girl I Knew though he doesn’t harmonize until the last line Somewhere” and, it’s got a jangly guitar and re- (one of several nice, but subtle touches here). ally snappy rhymes—listen up radio execs! Cover number two, Blackie Farrel’s “Sonora’s Also on Copper Blue are several gems des- Death Row,” relays the narrative better than tined to be alternative/college radio staples. Of ’s version, (much like Robert course, those of us in Kansas City will never Earl holds attention on his “Road Goes On For- know since we have NO alternative/college ever” better than Joe Ely’s attempt). radio, except possibly an hour or two on that We’ve come to expect sad tales of lost love, Sunday night Westport Free Radio broadcast desperation, and murdered game wardens from 102. But I digress. “Changes,” “Helpless” from Russell; pathos we use for a cathartic re- and “Fortune Teller” are all perfectly suited for lease from our own mundane lives. Take for ex- those stations left of the dial. ample “The Basque,” a rugged Spanish During my guitar-band idolizing period immigrant as hardy as they come, but “crip- back in college, I’d have completely flipped pled deep to the core” by love: “One night he over this recording. In fact, as an aging, coun- walked out in the desert / He sang and he cried trified-folk-Texas-singer/songwriter-worship- all night long / And we found his remains three per, I’m still very taken with Copper Blue. It days later / After the coyotes were done.” grows on me with every listen—maybe it takes Admittedly, Cowboy Real may at first longer to flip over something once you’ve given hornswoggle fans who haven’t got enough of up drinking beer from quart-sized fishbowl Tom’s work with his band. But you eat too glasses. Give Sugar a spin; you’ll like it, and it’ll much candy, and you’re gonna get sick. Have a be good for the economy, even if none of the handful of trail mix instead. It’s better for you. presidential candidates turn out to be. Expires 11/30/92 —“Big” Jim Diamond —Doris Saltkill

The albatross and the whale they are my brother SOUND  R.E.M.Automatic For The People (Warner Brothers, huge conglomerate) Rating:

N R.E.M.’S LATEST RELEASE, Automatic For The People, Michael Tom RussellCowboy Real O Stipe changes direction with the audio equivalent of a mood ring. The Rating:  (Philo) Tom Russell: eighth LP takes a darker stand than the wild western by Arthur Goldklang Special Guest Critic yarns commercially hip Out Of Time. Newly converted fans may gag on the lush or- N THIS NEW PHILO/ROUNDER chestration and mellow tone. Former compact disc, Tom Russell intro- bass player John Paul Oduces us to eleven of his old friends. Jones reportedly wrote string arrange- We meet “The Basque,” a sheep herder out ments for four of the songs. west, who drank to chase away the demons “Drive” is the dreary MTV staple created by a woman from his past, only to lose which lacklusterly opens the twelve- out to their powers. We meet the outlaw track package. Highlights include “Claude Dallas,” driven to the outlaw life by the “The Sidewinder Sleeps Tonight,” rem- closed-mindedness of a society he wanted no iniscent of Life's Rich Pageant, and part of. complete with Stipe’s trademark inde- We are introduced to old-time packer cipherable mumblings. sitting around and playing some of their fa- “Rayburn Crane,” who lead tourists into the Overall, Stipe’s vocals are stronger than vorite songs of the past. One old friend, Ian mountains for fishing and hunting. “The good ever. Case in point: “ Instrumen- Tyson of Ian and Sylvia fame. They duet on packer,” as Tom says in the liner notes, was a tal No. 1.” His inaudible rambling are replaced Tom's “Navajo Rug” and the always-moving “skilled combination of horseshoer, doctor, with confidence and clarity, pleading with the “Gallo del Cielo.” cook, storyteller, and backwoods therapist.” listener to cry along on “.” Going further in this trip out west, Tom Much the same role Tom plays as artist. “Man On The Moon,” about the esoteric narrates his story of “Zane Gray,” a broken- This CD is a change of pace in that it was comic and “Taxi” star Andy Kauffman, ques- spirited horse that one could outrun them all. recorded with all acoustic instruments, which tions society’s outlook on popular culture But time has only improved the tall tales of gives you the feeling of a group of friends while contemplating lost youth and inno- “Roanie,” who Tom describes as one of the last cence. It is the only selection that breaks the great western “bullshit artists.” disc's solemn tone; a candy-coated exercise in This trip backwards by Tom is our trip for- Absolutely Independent ... ward in recognizing the sing and playing abil- ity of a true writer, storyteller, and musicians whose feeling of joy in singing these songs en- Absolutely hances our pleasure in the listening. Buy and the Best listen carefully. Cowboy Real is the real deal. Tired of know-it-all music critics? Often catch yourself saying “I could’ve written that!”? Prove it. Send us a record or concert review. If we print it, you’ll receive a special gift chosen especially for Shake off the Chains of you. For Mr. Goldklang we have a double-woven Chain Store selection with Navajo we bought at a fire sale. over 15,000 titles on compact disc. Mail to: Sound Of The Street, Music for music lovers 5732 Johnson Drive, Mission, Kansas 66202 R.E.M.: In gear or on auto-pilot? selected by music lovers. Great selection on goofy lyrics that try hard to succeed—pure pop cassette, closeouts galore on vinyl. music for now people. Although its shallow- ness is fun, it shows that R.E.M.’s strength lies Thirty-one years of sound in their poetic ambiguity.The best example of experience ... seven days a week. this, and possibly the best track on Automatic, is “,” a leftover from the Out Of Time sessions. It’s no wonder Stipe appears to have an at- titude and swollen ego. After such success as they had last time out, R.E.M. continues to be innovative, possibly at the cost of sales and fans. Also costly may be their decision not to 2429 Iowa – P.O. Box 2 tour in support of the disc. Buying it may be Lawrence, Kansas 66044 the only to way to satisfy your hankering. —Frankie Lee

 SOUND She can tell you about the plane crash with a gleam in her eye $5 for classifieds of reasonable length (or make an offer). Ads should pertain to music; personals will not be printed but might be responded to by the staff.  OURS  NTICIPATION LEVEL: HIGH. FIRST in a souped-up silver seaplane.” Interesting, new Joe Ely studio recording in four yes, but it never quite transcends the obvious. GET LOUD CHILDREN! 5000 WATTS ALL JBL. A years, Love And Danger. Managed to “She Collected” uses a similar approach, but 16 Channels, 100 foot snake, Mics, Monitors, Effects. score a pre-release promo. Notice a lack of fares much better with its brilliantly written First time discount. Below reasonable rates. R & R Pro- songs, but inclusion of two by surprise bridge: “At first I hardly noticed / I just ductions 241-1905. Robert Earl Keen, Jr. Hmmm ... we’ll see about thought she was showing affection / But when TOWNES VAN ZANDT, Iain Matthews, Chris that. her carpenter came / To measure me for a Smither, Elliott Murphy. The comprehensive source Art fair schedules found this itinerant critic frame / I walked right out of her collection.” for newsletters, CDs, tapes, and tees for these great headed toward Fairview Heights, Illinois Truly puzzling is Ely’s decision to re-record singer-. Call us today (or tomorrow, if you (forget Rand McNally; “Settle For Love” off of must). Young/Hunter Management 1-800-359-BLUE. let Tom Waits be your Dig All Night. A good Until SOUND publishes VISION, the movie mag of road map: “East of East song, but we’re only choice is Film Threat. U.S. subscriptions: $11.85 (6 St. Louis / The wind talking subtle issues). Send check to Film Threat, 9171 Wilshire Blvd., was making speeches / changes, not a dra- Suite 300, Beverly Hills, CA Nine-Zero-Two-One-Zero. And the rain sounded matically new ver- like a round of ap- sion. Short on ideas, NEW NAME, SAME GAME. Rock & Roll Confidential is now Rock & Rap Confidential. News, views, lots of plause”). Packing the Joe? Sneaking it in music. Fight the real enemy! For sample copy, send $2 portable CD player, it since Dig All Night ($19.95 for one year sub) to: RRC, Dept. SO, Box was time to become was on the indie 341305, , CA 90034. immersed in Ely for Hightone label in- the long haul. Nothing stead of MCA, and a  THEIRS  makes a ten-hour drive few fans might have missed it? Fans worth easier to endure than Billboard (the William Morris Agency of Rock) having new music their salt know better. October 31: cranking. Love And Danger MANAGEMENT NEEDED. Serious and connected But is it new music is only the second Ely only for singer/songwriter with looks, image, and or had Love and Dan- album not to include moves. Showcasing November 5. Demo and PR kit ger been mistakenly The new Joe Ely Collection—”Truly Puzzling” at least one Butch available. (212) 673-6452. switched with Dig All Hancock gem. Han- Night or Live at (minus the ap- cock is among the best writers in the Texas plause)? Ely is using the same band as on songwriter tradition, and Ely has the voice and DISCOUNT COUPON those two recordings; didn’t guitarist David delivery to convert those doubting Hancock’s Grissom split for Mellencamp’s band? A abilities as a singer. Ely makes an unfortunate lengthy interview from July of 1991 had Ely choice instead to cover Robert Earl Keen, Jr. wondering how his band’s sound would Keen may be a top notch writer, but I bet I’m change with Grissom’s departure. True, it was a not the only one who played “The Road Goes magical pairing right up there with Jackson On Forever” to death. Ely’s version errs by being Browne and David Lindley, but in the year and a bit too earnest.“Whenever Kindness Fails” not 10 % a half since the news, I had actually become one of Keen’s stronger tunes, is actually quite OFF excited to hear how Ely's music might evolve. fun when Robert Earl plays it in concert, cour- 5732 Grissom’s doing triple time these days; turning tesy his tongue-in-cheek delivery; Ely’s version ENTIRE JOHNSON up on James McMurtry's excellent Candyland. exposes it as mediocre songwriting. PURCHASE DRIVE A good part of the Dig All Night credit went The crown jewel on Love And Danger is a Some MISSION, to the Ely/Grissom collaboration, so how does cover of Dave Alvin’s “Every Night About This restrictions Love And Danger fare? Would that it equals or Time.” Ely’s returns as masterful interpreter may apply. KANSAS surpasses Dig All Night, but no such luck. Ely here in full force, plunging to new depths of Void where and Grissom both sound like they are coasting. sadness. If I could only sing like this, I wouldn't prohibited. (913) Of the seven Ely originals included, none has have to sell pottery “East of East St. Louis.” Prices slightly 262-3722 the depth of “Behind the Bamboo Shade” or (Guess I would have to play there while on the higher in “Dig All Night.” concert circuit—might even be a worse fate!). . Ely has always had a knack for stringing to- Question of the month: Settle For Love And gether clever one-liners to construct his songs, Danger? Hell yes! It’s Joe Ely, after all. At its best, but this technique seldom leads to great writ- it rivals his last two releases. When coasting, ing. The opener, “Sleepless In Love,” is a per- Ely’s still better than most of the junk you’ve fect example: “They went crazy, crazy as a wild been wasting your money on. Question for the wild west wind / When it chases, a tumbleweed months to come: Will MCA back Ely and Gris- records • tapes • discs with too much topspin / They made love like som on tour? I thought that opportunity has wild horses in a hurricane / Chasing rainbows been missed forever, but now there is hope!

November I’ll give thanks that you belong to me SOUND  EFORE COWBOY REAL, BEFORE made up for by sustained vocal notes that trail Tracy Chapman, even before Donovan, off and slide through the diatonic scale, closely Band way before “MTV Unplugged,” approximating a blues harp. there was Bobby Dylan, acoustic troubadour. Reports that these songs were recorded live Yet at Columbia Records’ recent all-star thirtieth in one take, with no overdubs, caused some anniversary tribute to the master, it was only initial apprehension that this disc would either fitting that Dylan’s first selection of the evening GYPSY DAVY WITH A BLOWTORCH be absolutely incredible or an “I’ve-got-a-con - would be “,” his way of remind- tract - to-ful fill-and-I’m bone-dry-of-ideas” dis- ing us that others came before him as well. by John Yuelkenbeck aster. But such is not the case. The hypnotic lilt “Song To Woody” and “Talkin’ ” of the nasal crooning and guitar strumming on were the only two original compositions on Waits fans waiting for “Hard Times” and “Tomorrow Night” are the Bob Dylan, his 1962 debut. John Hammond’s him to ditch the faux highest of many points on Good As I Been To prescience in recognizing the singer, and not Satchmo shtick are You. the song, would soon be overshadowed by the disappointed to find “Froggy Went A-Courtin’” would have emerging songwriting talent, but for his next it gets stronger on been a more respectable track than the novelty three-and-a-half (Freewheelin’, Times each successive “This Old Man” on Disney’s For Our Children They Are A-Changin’, Another Side, and part of recording, fans collection. Dylan has had a penchant of late Bringing It All Back Home), Dylan relied almost expecting for children’s songs, or at least that’s the best wholly on his voice, guitar, and harmonica— Dylan to back defense that's been offered up for Under The and it sufficed. ' jangling away on away from the Red Sky. (Not a good enough rationale for me.) “Mr. Tambourine Man” definitely explored ex- obfuscated an- Again, the influence of Woody Guthrie casts its citing new horizons, but didn’t come within nunciation may long shadow. (Remember “Car Car,” “Howdy eight miles of the passion Dylan imbued in it write this off as Doo,” and “Put Your Finger In The Air”?) Since when he sang about the diamond sky and self-parody. When managed to interpret Dylan’s forgetting about today until tomorrow. he cut “Pretty Boy “Man Gave Names To All ” for the But tomorrow has finally arrived, and Floyd” a few younger set, there may be something to the it looks like yesterday. Good As I Been years ago theory after all. To You, Dylan’s new solely acoustic on the A “Frankie and Johnnie,” recorded by Jimmie record, ignores the songwriting Vision Rodgers and among many, many but reaffirms Dylan's status as a Shared others, has been Zimmerized as “Frankie and singer beyond compare. Leave project, Albert.” Not sure where that came from, but the overproduced re-makes of Dylan's un- Look Back, the official Dylan periodical, will no standards to Linda Ronstadt, Toni expectedly doubt devote heavy coverage to the recording Tennille, and Michael Bolton. Get past s t r a i g h t - history of the songs and possible sources for the fact that it sounds as if Dylan’s been forward cover Dylan. If there’s a little bit of Alan Lomax in taking diction lessons from Shane Mac- raised hopes you, write to them for subscription informa- Gowan—after all, we’ve heard “Sittin’ On tion at: PO Box 857, Chardon, Ohio 44024. Top Of The World” before. Watch for an “Unplugged” appearance, But we’ve never heard these songs ren- predicted back in May by our own staff dered quite like this. “A voice like sand and Nostradamus, Henry Porter. glue,” is how Bowie described that unique sound in his “Song To Bob Dylan.” Just as Tom among Dylanologists for more of the same. Answers to last issue’s lyric quotes (by page #): Good As I Been To You is closer in tone, though, 2. Sign Language 3. What About Me Quick- silver Messenger Service 4. Blues In The Bottle Holy to what many die-hards consider the truly Modal Rounders 5. Biko Peter Gabriel 6. Motorpsycho exciting moments during several of the “Never- Nitemare Bob Dylan 7. Good Vibrations Beach Boys Ending Tour” sets: the acoustic portion when 8. Junk Paul McCartney 9. Did She Jump Or Was She Pushed Richard and Linda Thompson 10. Atlantis Dylan pulls out obscure gems such as “Mary of Donovan 11. Jesus and Mama the Wild Moors,” “Lake Pontchartrain Blues” 12. Pineola Lucinda Williams or “Buffalo Skinners.” He then proceeds to daz- zle anyone paying more attention to the show than to getting their alcohol bracelet. But even if the hippie hold-overs weren't Jose Josephph August shouting “Everybody must get stoned!” dur- ing these otherwise transcendent concert Ed BlackwellBlackwell moments, it would probably still be difficult to make out most of the words. But who cares? As Ton yy BurrelloBurrello at the shows, the storylines are secondary on 5815 Good As I Been To You. Eventually, about the EdEdd dieie KendricksKendricks johnson drive ninth or tenth listen to “Canadee-I-O,” the mission mind takes over from the heart and begins Roge Rogerr MillerMiller kansas deciphering the tale of the Yentl-style adven- turess who barely escapes walking the plank

middlebird cards gifts66202 novelties Earl Ear l VanVan DykeDyke after stowing away with her seafaring lover. The spare use of harmonica (two songs, “Sittin’ On Top Of The World,” “Tomorrow Night”) is

 SOUND Drums keep pounding rhythm to the brain, la de da de de, la de da de da