A mergermArket report on globAl m&A Activity Monthly M&A InsIder AUgUSt 2010 CONTENTS GlobAl overvIew 01 AmericAS: Latin AmericA 05 North AmericA 12 ASiA-Pacific 23 eUrope 34 middle eASt & AfricA 46 mergermarket Monthly M&A InsIder Part of the mergermarket group www.mergermarket.com 80 Strand 895 broadway #4 Suite 2401-3 london, Wc2r 0rl new york, ny 10003 grand millennium plaza United kingdom USA 181 Queen’s road, central hong kong t: +44 (0)20 7059 6100 t: +1 212 686-5606 t: +852 2158 9700 f: +44 (0)20 7059 6101 f: +1 212 686-2664 f: +852 2158 9701
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] global overview GLobAL ovERvIEW global overview global THe ToP end oF the global M&a MarKeT HaS SeeN SigNiFiCant activiTy iN reCent weeks with a number oF HigH ProFile Transactions announceD. NoTably, Two oF the three largest DealS oF 2010 Have CoMe To MarKeT Since the beginniNg oF JUly, indiCaTiNg thaT CaSH-riCH CorPoraTe aND PrivaTe eqUiTy bUyerS Feel iNCreaSiNgly well PlaCeD To MaKe a reTUrN To broKeriNg large-CaP M&a. The top deal was announced in the Canadian industrials & outside of the corporate M&a sphere, it is also telling that Chemicals space with bHP billiton launching a US$41.91bn private equity houses have also been busying themselves over hostile takeover bid for Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan, the summer break. after months of predominantly scouring the world’s largest fertiliser company by capacity. The outcome targets in the mid-market space, it seems that financial of the situation is uncertain after Potash’s board rejected investors are increasingly eager to target sizeable firms in bHP’s US$130.00 per share offer, claiming that it undervalues the public arena.