JOURNAL OF The Russell Society Volume 19, 2016 JOURNAL OF THE RUSSELL SOCIETY The journal of British Isles topographical mineralogy EDITOR Dr Malcolm Southwood 7 Campbell Court, Warrandyte, Victoria 3113, Australia. (
[email protected]) JOURNAL MANAGER Frank Ince 78 Leconfield Road, Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE11 3SQ. EDITORIAL BOARD R.E. Bevins, Cardiff, U.K. M.T. Price, OUMNH, Oxford, U.K. R.S.W. Braithwaite, Manchester, U.K. M.S. Rumsey, NHM, London, U.K. A. Dyer, Hoddlesden, Darwen, U.K. R.E. Starkey, Bromsgrove, U.K. N.J. Elton, St Austell, U.K. P.A. Williams, Kingswood, Australia. I.R. Plimer, Kensington Gardens, S. Australia. Aims and Scope: The Journal publishes refereed articles by both amateur and professional mineralogists dealing with all aspects of mineralogy relating to the British Isles. Contributions are welcome from both members and non-members of the Russell Society. Notes for contributors can be found at the back of this issue, on the Society website ( or obtained from the Editor or Journal Manager. Subscription rates: The Journal is free to members of the Russell Society. The non-member subscription rates for this volume are: UK £13 (including P&P) and Overseas £15 (including P&P). Enquiries should be made to the Journal Manager at the above address. Back numbers of the Journal may also be ordered through the Journal Manager. The Russell Society: named after the eminent amateur mineralogist Sir Arthur Russell (1878–1964), is a society of amateur and professional mineralogists which encourages the study, recording and conservation of mineralogical sites and material.