:- -:13 =~ -T-" I- Size. 3X2x1~II, £L.52;1

:- -:13 =~ -T-" I- Size. 3X2x1~II, £L.52;1

D.~~ ~a~~3 ~J~S2. u~3<=_e!l5, ~L ~~3~2~3. :orf_= 1, EIQ_and. i2_.".0.: _ G~ S_~<d a32~21 (STD CE22) V.~.-.·O.: 132-7352-57 P:~"'~~~Y ri~12= e~d css~etcred ~~ a 7-cay exeri-atic basis, SLl:J~S::7,; : -_~i~:p =~f~-c gU2=e-'p~d OG =e" =- ~: the s~2ci~2~(S), i- -- .... P:~=== c-::~ ~ ~ -~-~ e j -_~~3~ of : e s;ec: 2n(s) =e~~i~2d, 2~d e~C_C5e ~ C~/ ~2~_2 Li~~ u~ce=. c:'1 p:o:::ES =:-e irc1'_:'::J3 G .A.-. _= ~2~~:V2 ~~2 =~;~~ ~J -a<8 51i~~~ S_b3:::u~ic-a, ~eC25sa=v, unless a~~is2c -:re cor:: r~:- '. S;:.:c:.al =2:.t..:2StS and "L~;-I~S l:i..sts" a~e L21c::..... e. - ~c~~ ~-=~ ~: ~2, ce 3f SC-3 se=vic2 ~~ C~, a G~--:-- _: ,- ~;:; c:=-_ r.:-35. --------- ~ ::.:::.. ° ',.S .. _::~c==J: . ,,;;=a'.ie. Sell s a=~ glassy tra;-Sp3I"s:ot ~~ o:..:'J.' :-:-8= G.-~ ::~l =- ~C~- i-;~i~ic gos5an _i-:~ _ J>:.... ·~";:..l= 3~a a :'':':r.:''2 :2_ 55i:;e. 3x;~..<1t" ~ €.f .. 5::J 2 !" ~~=?-~-t, L_-==r_~~c, S~i~ht_v :r=~c2s~E~ v:J--~~s ~,~=~_ cGvering a ca1_uleT ~at~ix wi~ _"'0 3·~,2~;,·7". £3.25p 30 .;;::·:rl:T~o s:. G _-~:'-:::,:... ...._:::~: c :;:''::-).E:-':::.. :::~:::-;J "::-3-S0=re-t cre~"'" co U:-EC :-:.z~ ·~2-::-:"X w:~ L:'~.J:i~e C:- J S:2!S T. ..... !.. - -::.' -::.::-=_-:...1 ':_::- .... :JCC coa-:ed _2:'_ ... :}-:..L.:' .• .J :....n;11~ -:: -:- S~L..2 i, ess c:at;lO-'" 2;-x1~", £:::.5[ h~SC .~~ r;;::Tc.. i i .... :J c:-3 ~:...= .... :: l-=sr.'-:: ~-::: i· -='<1;::J .. Fi-e oris c si very shar t2~i-3:~j e~C-;S:;2j C~.= 2~3 ~~ I ~~ ~~ 1:-;: ~~i=~lV ccvering 2 ~vri:es -3~!'il: L':':~ :::.:... 5.:..1:: '-'':.::::: ....... -:- _=--~ ::- :- -:13 =~ =~~_E:-g2~~ 8" g:~~acLive ~~E=~-e~ .. 3~2x'~·: :~3 .. r- ..,0 -& '-...1- _ ::. ~2-=:"i::'=! ~,·;:cc:-:: -~--- , 0235. 2:!x1~"-;'1:;-"J. £3025 -i;:::;CIT V2StC::-3 J 5 _3C"_:l. ~t~ 2x~ 11, £" .75;:J 7 .. -Z_~:T~. -,<-c:;C- ).:12: Co. ::=21 2 1 :::i:-e. ::-i:~ ::~:~'-: :::!-e C~ 5ta1 :'052tt2S a-c -:~:.::, c:J=~31_i-~ =:-~sts sc~~~e~ac c- C~~~:~SE r~::~x L::;h ace patc~es o~ Qree0:'5~ ";:;_2=~ite. I divic_al c- ste_ T03S'.;t;:;S :'Tl;s _~ i;~ -t-" i- size. 3x2x1~II, £L.52;1 ~~ ;~_~II~c L2_=·~-. ~t~i=2 D:5t~~C~, G:29C2. ~::V ~:=~ ~=ig~L ~l~e to:~ ~ica_ ==_5t c: 5-211 S;:2:- _i-; C~ =::2:"S "to icl<_ COVE~:,""g =--':'r.~ ':':is '-a:.r·x.....X3Zx1-~II, €"'-.:: I~S. L2;; =Je o.i'1e~ _2;-5"-= ::~::.~. 'I:J:<shi~=. S:""e:";J lus:;:-:lUS c~ea~\f CO_:Jl-:-2: L_=~ge-like C=J5t=!~ ~o si~e "t-~C~!I o ~ ~ t'l in c:v2r , and f=e2-s a'di .... on -a:-:i..x. 3x2>1~II. £L. 3Cp =~'_O=O:TE. _~eal C2:~C-~E~. ~~~'2cr, CC~~LEll. Li~2 g~e2r cclo~r=c ri=~ cr~s~s of s;:e:-k:'i-;; -i::=:J CT':=::=ls cu'-c:-ir-g ar::35 8:1 a. c i .... i--g cal..iti25 iil L;-2:-:: VEi'-s:~-f~ c.;-tx1" I ~}.2::? 11. ECF.-.:'::. C~r 5=-~' i -'!. Illcg,=~, LarrL2 1. 5-a_l snar:J ta:,~isne;:; c ::Jic crYSt3:s s::attc:rec Gn :J"'~ L:l~ c; Lc_l~13:' c ..... a~I,.Z~5e v8i~st.Jfc" 1tX1x1", £4.5Cp '2. 5il~2: -~=-e~ t i~~Ed cwg- pel c=-ys~31s -:0 3 i~ - - -=e-s1_cc-c ligr~ ~~~-is~ 5~~21e~i!e c:- sc3 s _. 37x2~x17r. £'3.0C 2 .3. 5~A :ITE. 50exeryd, S~ala-d, S Eden. Sparkli 9 Jlackis~ -ic:-o crvsca s ric 11 li irg cavities i ~ -assive grey b.auri-:e. 27x1tx~", £<. SeD ,l. C~LCITE. Bo SO'-lr· ~'ine, 'lookhope, Co. ""u:- 0'. I-Tte:-groL- grouJ of la:-ge c:-ea-v to greyis. skarp fla "lail-"lead c:-ystals to 2~" i- size. !'. t:-actice S:Jeci-2­ '-or displa. Sx ... x2", £3.CO 5. ~exico. SelEct S-C -LricE la:-ge s~a=~ r orti:: c"ysta_ -a~rix Lit~ ace s-al_E:- a citE crvstels a-c a Spna_erite e,d odd sral crys als OC crassv r D. i cergroLI grou~ f ve:-I 1 st:-o s crystals LO 1" i _e-.a;t . A 3x2x1~", £l.5C'!:J 17. CASSITER1TE. St. ~gnes, orrLall. ~ strous blac is to aeep b:-o , sharD cr stals ~o 3 -r i size r:c 1 scattered ove~ =o~~ SiCES of a ~2ss:ve cassiterite -a~~ix. nod laoe_ is anec es to cnE soeci-e. 21x2x1';;-", G .00 8. C SS1TERITE. it ill ~i,e, Callirgtor, C rrL~ll. ,eEV\ cee~ =roL c:- t21li-e .... ass associatEd .:"t a i-tIe clacr< tOL_ a i e :3-0 Lritl-. 2 -iX711 area of 'JS~ ~r' ht tra,sluce brow is s arp cr sLals ~o l ~ i size Doe s rface. 2+x1~Xlt", £ .750 19. C SS1TERITE. _ al_agua, FOL Si, 301ivia. Selec sro p 0 J~ign 0 ac s a~p Lwi-nec I lI crystals to rearly t- . r size on rassive c2ssi erite. 1xt- , £6 .. 5=. 20. CELESTITE. aLe, near Bristol, lCLc6stErerir9. Speci,en~: C OiCE _USt:-o s orargey co_o reo ta~u:er crystals LO nea~l t" i size c,ickl irtercTOL:' or 'assive celEsti~E. 3x2x1~", £3.25. Spa::i e 5: s s~eci-E"':I, 11x-~", i'.25J 21. CER ~E1TE. ~. eal -or a d, SL. Day, CorrLell. SpEci e, A: ~ic lighL ~l~e "i~ro er s~3__ is2d c. Sts 0 a..,d i cell la:, uar::ZOSE .atrix itr- - c~ __ s~:-o-,s E:_ c:-ys-:21 ':'s2d C_I [·4 Tt: i-, associ::r:io,o 1-b<"b<1 11 , f.E.,5Cp,. SpeCi-2'l~: =<ic- :i;;"'-:, 1 e crusts D and i i;ossa I,' matrix. 17x1x ", £2. 5~ 22 .. CE=iL-:;SITE. P=-op::'ie"t2r~ Fire, 8:-0 2 .... -ill, -~.s .. -,,=2.E3, tJ'.Js::r2 ia. JeT. c~ :'C2 _ustrous c:-Ea" 1,'-1. iLE large Lwi nee Lab lar er 5L3_=' to 2" in size i tergroL or a car i"o,:t:c matrix. Fi,e speci E- 'or CiSP_3Y, Lhicr Les col_e~tec 82T-V t' is ca frOi'7'..,8 ig .Er Lo=-<ir~s Dc :;"'e -:'1'2.. tX37x2-:lt, €3d. 23. CE'lUSS1TE. SL eb, ~avi, S•• Africa. S~eci~2n A: Croice ver l~stro~s ~_essy leer s~2rp tLi r.ed er stals ~o 1 c~ i SiZE ric IV sC2::e~ed over -2~~ix L1: .... cree I,' colo-ite crystals in eS50c' ation. x2b<1~", £. 5.5Cp. Specil1'e 8: ':Is specirE :CLL Lith crysLals :;0 0,11,' ~II ir size. 3tx1~x1", £5.5C::1 2. H;;_COP ':1 E. Gra eview Vi,E, Gra c Ca,yo, , Arizona, U.5.!\. 5'< ~ ue s1::; :; If OLr oidal silk c. sts li ing joi LS i lil1'o itie -aLrix. 1t-x1 11 , i1.;!5p 25. ChA COCITE. Ti cro-t .'ine, Illogar, CO~i1l..'2 : Select b~:g t si v,,::- - grey well fo ed sLriated crystals to -t" in 1 li i 9 a 1-txt" saviL i ~ atrix. 1tx1t", £11. DD. SpEci~e 5: C siIvery-g:'e _21 fo ec 't inred crJs als to " i- s· ze t ic< i. coverirg ~atrix. 1X111, £5.5Jp. 26. C-A~COC1TE. TrerLit Vire, 5 • IVES, CorrLell. ~ic eav g::-2 ish -e'21 i:: -ass associated w't a li e car ished spneleri e. 2+x1~1-t", £2.25p 27. CHnLCDPV~ITE. Silvertor," Col raco, J.s.n. Selec t~i'~ec c:-,s als to over -t" i, size i'1-erg_ow o~ ma r'x wit a lit:'tle cr s allised L I :;uartz and curved i::jrc OrDLr crystals of s· derice and a li t e ~ rices. 27x2'"-x'1~1I, £"" 26. C-:1LDREr.ITE. :;2orge & Cnar~o Le ire, ~r. TaliistocK, Davor. Speci-en::\: C"'oi~e coFfee co o_red spar~ling sherp crys als to ~ in size Tic 11,' cov2rir g large a"ees of a :erEc lIei"lstu c. 3x2", £9.80. Speci;->e, 5: L~S:TouS ~offee colourec snarp spark i r : cr stals rOScl aTpu,d 1 ffr i, size r~c'l, lini-o cavitiES i­ siceri e r;latriy. 1~X1~", £ .750. S;J2ci.e C: As specirren c, :Ct..:t-rot qdt2 so ricn. 12 ", £3.25p. :-=~s~cs~_. -~:E5 :~:r:, -z-lo=/-E~:, -_-:~~e5. Sca~~=­ :Ji:- -r::;-: ___-' ­I.:: :~:=, =:~=rt: =O~~.8~~=_ ~~~5: ~c~E~i-~ -2:~ix _i:- ~ :!.i:::2 -==C_ 2:.== .... ite: 2-} 1':'11, £ .. ,.,2=:; T:s ..... -::;·3CC[L_.:., ·"0:-2-:: ':irE -:-iZO-2, _,,= .. -. ~. -- =:_is--;:-Ee- -ass _i:- s_:-~2=e =~JE:-2= ~i:- =G:~:J:~2:' ~-2:'=E~u-: _-i=- -25 3 =~:J_:-:_~ Il ~:-2e-:s- :i--: =-_2 "i:C :.-~ ;..,,-=E:-l~i-_ ::-=-)=o::c2.._e. 2x 1h"- , £-.5':= 3". L[=:_T:-E, -2<2-S=C, ~5:-=-~2-=, ~ ~-=­ ~2:'C~: ~=-:;-: 5::)2=-1 S-2=-= =~:5:=: =-=Ecce~ :- ;:1:::-:-07;'t2 -3:.=-ix" X "i':-X" 11 , £.f;,5::; -E3rly - -- :- s:ze =a:-:i2:- i "7 32.

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