Judaism for Dummies, 2Nd Edition
Index Apocrypha, 38, 176 • A • Aron Kodesh, 35, 55 The Arranged Table abortion, 97–98 (Schilchan Aruch) (Caro), 48, 354 Abraham (Bible character), 44, 155–157 arranging funerals, 140–144 act, charged to, 91–92 art, anti-Semitism in, 225–226 ADL (Anti-Defamation League), 228, 395 Arvit, 52 Adonai, 26 Aseret Ha-Dibrot/Aseret Ha’D’varim, 46–47 African-Americans, 227–228 Aseret Y’mai Teshuvah (“Ten Days of afterlife, 148 Repentance”), 259–260 aggadah, 41 Ashamnu, 268 agricultural roots, of Counting of the Omer, Ashkenazi, 14, 196–197, 309 329–330 Ashkenazi Charoset recipe, 319 agunah, 134–135 assisted suicide, 140 Ain Sof, 85 Assiyah, 86 Akiba (rabbi), 182 “atonement” (kapparah), 264 Al Khet, 268 attending funerals and burials, 142–144 Aleinu, 54 Atzilut, 86 Alexander II, Tsar of Russia, 200 aufruf, 126 aliyah, 119, 246 Ausubel, Nathan (author) alter kahker, 377 394 American Jewish Committee (website), 395 A Treasury of Jewish Folklore, autopsies, 141 American Jewish Congress (website), 395 Avinu Malkenu, 269 American National Socialist Movement, 229 Avodah, 269 Americas avoiding enticement, 96–97 about, 212 100 assimilation in, 212–213 Avot De Rabbi Natan, Ayn Sof, 84 “choosing” rather than “chosen” people, 213 Amidah, 53–54, 266 • B • Amitai, Yona (professor), 312 animals, respecting, 101–103 Ba’al Shem Tov, 76, 132, 355 Anti-Defamation League (ADL), 228, 395 ba’al teshuvah, 215, 217 anti-Jewish sentiment, 188 Babylonian Talmud (Bavli), 184 Antioch, 220 bad news, blessings on hearing, 392 Antiochus IV, Emperor,COPYRIGHTED 176, 282, 283
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