29 July 2016 Bank of Communications Schroder Fund Management Co

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29 July 2016 Bank of Communications Schroder Fund Management Co 29 July 2016 Bank of Communications Schroder Fund Management Co., Ltd (the “Manager”) – Prospectus Summary (Updated) (Edition 1 of 2016) of BOCOM Schroder Stable Allocation Mixed Securities Investment Fund* (*The name of the fund is not indicative of the fund’s performance and return). Dear Investors, We are pleased to inform you that the prospectus summary (Edition 1 of 2016) of the abovementioned fund managed by the Manager (the “Prospectus Summary”) are now available on the website of the Manager’s Hong Kong Representative at www.bocomschroder.com.hk*. (*This website has not been reviewed by the Securities and Futures Commission.) Thank you for your continued support of BOCOM Schroder. Should you have any enquiries, please contact our Customer Service hotline on +852 2793 9688, directly with your bank or financial adviser or to view the website of our Hong Kong Representative at www.bocomschroder.com.hk*. (*This website has not been reviewed by the Securities and Futures Commission.) Yours faithfully, Lee Huei Jing Managing Director Head of Distribution Address: Suite 3208, 32/F Champion Tower, 3 Garden Road, Central, Hong Kong Telephone: 2793 9688 Email: hkservice@bocomschroder.com.hk Website: www.bocomschroder.com.hk 公司地址: 香港中環花園道 3 號冠君大廈 32 樓 3208 室 電話:2793 9688 電郵:hkservice@bocomschroder.com.hk 網址:www.bocomschroder.com.hk Fund Manager: Bank of Communications Schroder Fund Management Co., Ltd. Fund Custodian: China Construction Bank Corporation The Fund Prospectus is revised every 6 months and announced within 45 days after each relevant 6 month period updating to the last day of the relevant 6 month period. [Important InformatIon] The BOCOM Schroder Stable Allocation Mixed Securities Investment Fund (hereinafter referred to as the “Fund”) was offered upon approval by the China Securities Regulatory Commission (“CSRC”) on April 25, 2006 pursuant to Document No.78 [2006] of the CSRC. The Fund Contract of the Fund comes into effect as of June 14, 2006. The Fund Manager guarantees that the contents of this Prospectus are true, accurate and complete. This Prospectus has been approved by the CSRC, but any decision made concerning the Fund does not imply that the CSRC’s substantive judgment on or guarantee for the value and returns of the Fund, or that investment in the Fund is risk-free. The Fund Manager shall manage and use Fund assets pursuant to the principles of due diligence, good faith and prudence. However, it cannot ensure the Fund profit, nor the minimum returns for Fund Unitholders. As a result of Fund price fluctuation, it cannot be guaranteed either that Fund Unitholders will get back all of their original investment. All investments involve risks. Investors are advised to carefully read this Prospectus prior to (Initial) Subscription. The past performance of the Fund does not represent its future performance. Performance of other funds managed by the Fund Manager are no guarantee of the performance of the Fund. This Prospectus Summary has been prepared in accordance with the Fund Contract of the Fund Prospectus. The Fund Contract is a legal document stipulating the rights and obligations of the Parties to the Fund Contract. Fund Investors become Fund Unitholders and Parties to the Fund Contract from the date they acquire Fund units pursuant to the Fund Contract. Their holding of Fund units indicates their acknowledgment and acceptance of the Fund Contract and they shall enjoy rights and assume obligations pursuant to the Fund Law, Measures for Operations, the Fund Contract and other relevant provisions. Fund Investors shall carefully read the Fund Contract to understand the rights and obligations of Fund Unitholders. The contents of this Prospectus are as at June 14, 2016, while relevant financial data and Net Asset Value performance at March 31, 2016. The financial data set out in this Prospectus have not been audited. 1 I. fund manager (I) Introduction to the fund manager Name: Bank of Communications Schroder Fund Management Co., Ltd. Domicile: 2nd Floor, Bank of Communications Tower, 188 Middle Yincheng Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai Office Address: 21/F and 22/F, Two IFC, 8 Century Avenue, Pudong New Area, Shanghai Zip Code: 200120 Legal Representative: YU Ya Li Date of Establishment: August 4, 2005 Registered Capital: RMB 200 million Term of Operations: Continuous operations Contact: HE Wan Jin Telephone: (021) 61055050 Fax: (021) 61055034 Bank of Communications Schroder Fund Management Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) was established by approval from the Document No.128 [2005] of the CSRC. Shareholding structure is presented as follows: Shareholder Equity Ratio Bank of Communications Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as by its full name or as “Bank of Communications”) 65% Schroder Investment Management Limited 30% China International Marine Containers (Group) Co., Ltd. 5% (II) Information of Key personnel 1. Members of Board of Directors of Fund Manager Ms. YU Ya Li, Chairperson of the Board, Master Degree holder. She currently serves as the Executive Director and Vice-President of Bank of Communications Co., Ltd. She has successively served as the Head of the Accounting Department of Zheng Zhou Branch of Bank of Communications, Deputy General Manager then General Manager of the Accounting Department of Bank of Communications, General Manager of the Budget and Finance Department of Bank of Communications, and the Chief Financial Officer of Bank of Communications. Mr. David LUI, Vice-Chairman of the Board, Bachelor Degree holder, Honorary Fellowship of Canadian Securities Institute and Hong Kong Securities and Investment Institute. He has served successively as the Fund Manager of Barclays Fund Management Company Limited, Executive Director of Schroder Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited, and General Manager of Bank of Communications Schroder Fund Management Co., Ltd. Previously, he had been a member of the Overseas Expert Panel of the Open-ended Funds of the CSRC. Ms. RUAN Hong, Director, General Manager, Doctoral Degree holder. She also serves as the Chairperson of Bank of Communications Schroder Asset Management Company Limited. She has served successively as the Deputy Officer then Officer of the General Office of Bank of Communications, Deputy General Manager then General Manager of the Overseas Institution Administration Department of Bank of Communications, Vice President of Shanghai Branch, Bank of Communications, and General Manager of Asset Custody Department of Bank of Communications and General Manager of Investment Management Department of Bank of Communications. Mr. TAO Wen, Director, Master Degree holder. He currently serves as the General Manager of the Personal Finance Services of Bank of Communications. He has successively served as the Vice President then President of Xu Zhou Branch, Bank of Communications, Vice President of Nanjing Branch, Bank of Communications, President of Hainan Branch, Bank of Communications. Mr. SUN Pei Ji, Director, Bachelor Degree holder. He currently serves as the Deputy General Manager of the Risk Management Department of Bank of Communications. He had successively served as the Deputy Officer then Officer of the board of directors’ Office of Bank of Communications, Senior Manager of the Budget and Finance Department of Bank of Communications, Vice President of Hainan Branch, Bank of Communications, Deputy General Manager of the Audit Department of Bank of Communications. Mr. Richard Mountford, Director, Master Degree holder. He currently serves as the CEO, Asia-Pacific, Schroder Investment Management Limited. He has served successively as the Analyst then Investment Manager of Schroder Investment Management Limited, Vice Chairman of Schroder Investment Management (Singapore) Limited, Executive Director of Schroder Investment Management International Limited, General Manager of Schroder Investment Management (Luxembourg) Limited, General Manager of Schroder Investment Management (Japan) Limited, General Manager and Sales Director then Director of Global Intermediary Sales of Schroder Investment Management Limited UK. Mr. XIE Dan Yang, Independent Director, Doctoral Degree holder. He currently serves as the Dean of School of Economics and Management in Wuhan University and Professor of Department of Economics in the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. He has served successively as the Assistant Professor of the Department of Economics in Université de Montréal, Economist and Senior Economist of the International Monetary Fund, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor then Professor and Head of Department of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, then Director of the Shui On Center for China Business and Management. Mr. YUAN Zhi Gang, Independent Director, Doctoral Degree holder. He currently serves as the professor of the Department of Economics in Fudan University. He has served successively as the Associate Professor then Professor, the Head of the Department of Economics then the Dean of School of Economics in Fudan University. 2 Mr. ZHOU Lin, Independent Director, Doctoral Degree holder. He currently serves as the Dean and Professor of Antai College of Economics and Management in Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He has served successively as the Assistant Lecturer of School of Management in Fudan University, Associate Professor then Assistant Professor of the Department of Economics in Yale University, Assistant Professor of the Department of Economics in Duke University, Professor of the Department
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