How to Get Over That Bitch


Grow Balls They Can’t Resist

“The Masculine Way to Leave, Love, and Attract Women.”

By former professional male escort, international dating & relationship coach, Anthony Clark “The Game Dr.” 1

How to Get Over That Bitch


Grow Balls They Can’t Resist

“The Masculine Way to Leave, Love, and Attract Women.”

By former professional male escort, international dating & relationship coach, Anthony Clark “The Game Dr.”

with Melanie Clark

Game Dr. Publications


Copyright © 2004 Anthony Clark All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions, Published in the United States by Game Dr. Publications.

No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

ISBN: 0-9729360-6-8


*This book was not written to degrade or humiliate women in any form or fashion.

I use the term “Bitch,” only to express the anger and frustration that men feel towards the women who dumped them, or have broken their hearts.

The “Bitch,” whom I am referring to in the title… can also pertain to a man, a boss, or anyone who disrespect you!


• “The only reason you fail with women is because you have been trained to fail!” 90% of what most guys have been taught about romance is a lie. Hollywood, Religion, and PhD geeks (who can’t even get laid) have filled your brain with dating and relationship advice that doesn’t work. You’ll continue to get rejected and disrespected by girls as long as you keep using extremely outdated, and feminized, traditional advice!

• Now is the time to experience the power of “Masculine Advantage Techniques,” aka “Basic Game.” “How to Get Over That Bitch and Grow Balls They Can’t Resist” is not only a must have romance guide for men, it is a book that shows you how to command nothing less than the absolute very best in every single aspect of your life.


The Masculine Advantage/Basic Game techniques Work!

Most girls are instinctively vulnerable and irresistibly attracted to specific types of masculine behavior, even if they struggle not to be. This vulnerability literally controls their sexual, spiritual & emotional desires. Masculine Advantage technique teaches you how to finally harness these feminine vulnerabilities – and makes them work to your advantage (masculine advantage).

By simply exhibiting the correct masculine behavior, you can literally command women to be attracted to you sexually, spiritually, and emotionally (even if they don’t want to be). Masculine Advantage philosophies and techniques are based on the brutal truths about human needs, desires& behaviors. 6

Most of the approaches and tactics are very politically in-correct, and may offend some of you. But this philosophy is designed to be realistic, and not politically correct.

This book will introduce you to the basic fundamentals of Masculine Advantage attitude and philosophies, which will give you the ability to achieve all of your dating & romantic relationship goals!



Foreword xvii Introduction xxi

CHAPTER 1 The Mourning After 19 The Truth Comes Out 23 The Legal Owner 25 Step Away From the 26 No More Contact 28 Respect 29

CHAPTER 2 Lynn 30 Thinking With Your 32 Abandoned By Your Master 35 Animal Instincts 36 The President’s Dick 39 The Sex Industry 40


CHAPTER 3 The Pussy Monster 42 Time 43 Five Fingers of Death 43 The Pussy Monster is Dead 46 Don’t Jump Back on the Saddle 47

CHAPTER 4 Donny and Pat 49 The Ball Theory 52 The Wide World of Ball Snatchers 56 Give Me My Balls 57 How to Hold On to Your Balls 58 50–50 = You’re Screwed 59 Pity Pussy 62

CHAPTER 5 Kevin 64 The Curse of the Virgin 66 If She Does or Doesn’t 69 Greener Grass 72 No-Win Situation 77 9

The Whore and the Virgin 75

CHAPTER 6 Ray and Karen 77 False Impersonation 78 Don’t Buy the Cow 80

CHAPTER 7 Larry and Gina 81 No Shame in My Game 84 Larry and Tina 86 Whore, , and In-Between Theory 87 The Whore 89 The Queen 90 The In-Between 93

CHAPTER 8 Marcus and Linda 94 Marcus and Carmen 95 Keep it Real 97


CHAPTER 9 Mike and Denise 99 The Rating Scale 102 The 2 Point Limit 104 The Image Maker 107 The Trophy Chaser 108

CHAPTER 10 Bill and Alicia 110 The Repairman 111 Captain Save a Ho 113 Earning Your Cape 114

CHAPTER 11 Tim and Jenny 116 The Game is Over 118 Individuality and------Space 120 Taking a Good Woman for Granted 121 Never Give them Everything 123 Terry and Michelle 124 Don’t Cry for Me 126


CHAPTER 12 Keep Her on Her Toes 127 The Buttologist 129 A True Buttman 132 Blue Balls 135 A Quick Tip 137

CHAPTER 13 The Best for Last 138 If You can’t do the Job 139 The Power of “Grade A” Dick 141 Does Size Matter? 143 WARNING: Small Dick Owners 144

CHAPTER 14 Back in the Game 146 Improve Your Rating 147 The Make Over 148 A Woman’s Touch 149 Don’t Jump In 151 Research 153


CHAPTER 15 Pussy Control 155 Unconditional Acceptance 157 Never NEED the Pussy 159 Control 160 They’ll Remember 161

CHAPTER 16 Keeping it Real 163 The No Question Policy 164 If it Gets Twisted 166 BEWARE! BEWARE! 167 No One is Perfect 169 I’m Not Buying Pussy, I’m Selling DICK 170 The Approach 171 Dare, Date, and Date 172 Eureka! 173



14 Years ago, not only was I going through a traumatic divorce (at age 23)…but my ex-wife also dropped a bomb on me and told me that I was NOT the biological father of our 3 year old twin boys. I was completely devastated and even contemplated suicide.

I spent the next 6 months analyzing my relationship and trying to figure out exactly why it had failed. Eventually, I came to the shocking conclusion that it was traditional relationship advice that had ruined my marriage. I was completely convinced that traditional relationship advice feminized guys by training them/us to be docile and extremely submissive in their relationships with women. This Ball-less behavior forced women to play the dominant role in the relationship – which ultimately caused them to lose passion, admiration, and respect 14 for their men. Eventually this destroyed their relationships just like it had destroyed my marriage. The scariest part of this dilemma was that there were literally no other options available for guys besides traditional advice that obviously doesn’t work for most men.

I knew there had to be a better way for us guys to get the sex, love, and respect that we wanted from girls without giving up our balls. This inspired me to try and create my own alternative to traditional advice.

Over the next 14-yrs I literally interviewed, analyzed, and dissected the relationships of thousands of couples. I dated hundreds of women while testing countless numbers of dating philosophies on them. Soon I learned to seduce females so well that I became a professional male escort. I learned more about girls than 98% of guys will ever know!


In time, I came to my biggest breakthrough. I figured out that women were instinctively vulnerable & attracted to specific masculine behavior. This vulnerability controlled their sexual, spiritually, and emotional desires. And by simply exhibiting these behaviors girls will instinctively be attracted to you, even if they struggled not to be

Then I created an extremely simple yet incredibly powerful philosophy that could any guy could use to harness and control this amazing feminine vulnerability. By simply exhibiting the correct masculine behaviors, you can command women to be attracted to you sexually, spiritually, and emotionally – regardless of how you look.

I named this new & powerful dating and relationship approach, “The Masculine Advantage” aka “Basic Game,” because it gave men a naturally unfair advantage over girls when it came to dating & relationships. 16

Ultimately this benefited women just as well. Over the years, I have taught thousands of regular guys just like you, how to use these techniques to achieve almost every dating & relationship goal you can imagine.

14 Years ago, I made a promised to myself that I would find an alternative to traditional dating & relationship advice. Not only did I make that dream a reality, but writing this book has given me the opportunity to help all guys to finally experience the true advantages of being a man.

“How to Get Over That Bitch and Grow Balls They Can’t Resist” is not only a must have dating and relationship guide for men, it’s a manual that shows all guys how to command nothing less than the absolute best in every single aspect of their lives!



In the first chapter of this book I will begin coaching a fictitious character that is struggling to get over his ex-girlfriend after getting dumped by her. Not only will I show him how to instantly get over his ex – but by the end of this book he will be transformed into an incredibly powerful man who can command girls to be attracted to him.

His plight, along with the stories of men and women whom I have counseled over the years, will allow you to see exactly where and why many of you are failing miserably with the opposite sex. But worry not, these tactics and philosophies will give you real solutions that will repair and protect you from future disasters.

The things you’ll learn can be used to create a healthy and happy relationship. Or, you 18 can use what you’ll learn to get laid more than you ever imagined you could and have women treating you like a God. The choice is yours, but at last you have a real choice!


Chapter 1 The Mourning After

Okay, she dumped you and now you are experiencing agonizing pain, frustration, and confusion. You can’t sleep, you cannot eat - but luckily you can still drink like a fish!

Maybe she said that she’s dumping you because “she needed her space.” Or God forbid that she dumped you for another guy, (which by the way, it also means the same as “she needed her space”).

Either way, you are in excruciating pain and have tried every pathetic tactic you could think of to get her to come back to you. You yelled, you cursed her out, and you even tried to impress her by punching holes in the wall (like that’s really gonna work). You’ve even begged and cried like a little bitch. After all of that drama… she still dumped 20 your ass. And the only things you got out of it were a broken hand and dissed (way to go idiot, you can kiss your girl goodbye as well as your $500 security deposit. Punching holes in the wall can get really expensive).

Your next wrong move after that was that you constantly called and harassed her on the phone and online (classic stalker move). And she’s really lucky that you didn’t catch her with that other guy or else you would’ve beaten the living shit out of him, huh? (Hell yeah, taking into account of course that he’s a vegetarian and half your size).

And let’s not forget some of your greatest infamous threats, like: • “If I can’t have you, nobody else will!” • “I’ll kill myself if you leave try to leave me!” (Don’t tempt her dumb ass!).

If you’re thinking about utilizing these tired, pathetic, and degrading tactic to get your ex 21 back… don’t be stupid. If you already used them…well yeah you’re pretty stupid. But don’t worry. You’re just one of the billions of men, since Java-Man, who has thrown one of these humiliating tantrums. Even yours truly has made a complete ass of him-self.

The truth is plain & simple. Once a woman wants to leave you it’s almost impossible to salvage the relationship. And even if you make her feel guilty enough to stay…she’ll still treat you like crap, and she’ll have no respect for you, and she’ll continue to make your life miserable. It’s not worth it!

When a woman says “I am leaving you,” don’t fool yourself into thinking that she came up with this brainstorm last night. By the time she gets to this point, it means that she spent hundreds of hours contemplating whether or not she should dump you face to face – or just stab you in your sleep. And when someone puts that much time, 22 thought & energy into something it means they want it very badly and they should probably have it.

Don’t tell me that you expected me to wipe your tears and tell you that she’s wrong for dumping you. A woman has just as much right as a man… to dump a loser!

Let’s get this straight. I’m not here to baby you. I am only here to give you men the tools that you must have in-order to be successful with the opposite sex.


The Truth Comes Out

I’m gonna keep it real. 75% of the rage, grief & jealousy a man experiences when he breaks up with his woman are due to the fact that he is losing all rights to the pussy – better known as the “Coochie.”

Yeah she may be smart, funny, and a great cook…but the bottom line is that it’s “your pussy.” And just the mere thought of her leaving you and giving your pussy away to some other guy, makes you lose your damn mind, “especially a guy that might indulge in it DEEPER and more skillfully than you!”


But what if you could remove the pussy and keep it with you? Now imagine if she came to you and screamed, “I’m leaving you”!

If you knew you were keeping the pussy, I guarantee that you wouldn’t trip on her nearly as much. In fact, you’d probably have a big ass fucking grin on your face while you willingly and excitedly helped her pack.

But unfortunately as of yet, those bigheaded PhD scientists have not figured out how to remove a woman’s vagina. So I’ll give you a more realistic alternative called the truth. Are you ready, okay here it is…the truth is

…it’s not your pussy! It never was, and never will be your pussy!


The Legal Owner

Okay, of course sex is great. And the prettier the chick, the better the sex and the blowjobs seem. And when she screams, moans & fakes her orgasms (while mentally balancing her check book) it makes you feel like you’re the ruler of her galaxy.

You want to believe that you are thee only man that has ever, and will ever, make her feel that level of pure heavenly pleasure. She may even tell you on cue that it’s your pussy. But since I’m the author, it’s my duty to burst your bubble. The truth is incredibly simple; “you came into this world by your damn self, and you’re gonna leave this world by your damn self!” So if you’re a guy, odds are, you didn’t come in to this world with a vagina. So that means that you don’t 26 own a vagina (yes, even if she tells you differently). But by that same token – she does not own your incredible penis either.

The ugly face of jealousy in both guys and girls always comes into play whenever they tell themselves that they own their partner’s genitalia, which is frigging ludicrous. Though society and religion have brainwashed most of us into thinking this way…it doesn’t mean that we have to continue to accept it.

Step Away from the Pussy!

You’ve got to realize that you do not (repeat) YOU DO NOT OWN the pussy. If anything, you’re only leasing it. At any point she decides, your girl could give her vagina away to another guy, woman, or large farm animal and you would never even know! 27

But if you really want to get petty about it, the pussy would belong to her ex, more than it would belong to you…simply for the fact that he had it before you did, “First cum come, first served.”

And if you really, really, really want to get petty about it, the pussy would belong to her very first sexual partner more than it would belong to anyone else simply because he tapped that before everyone else - yes even including that large farm animal.

Nonetheless, the pussy is hers and solely hers. And the sooner that you realize it the sooner you’ll be able to get over her. Of course changing your way of thinking will take lots of time & effort. But once you do it, you’ll become more attractive to girls, and you’ll suddenly have more romantic power over girls than you ever imagined possible. I’ll tell you how to get over the “evil pussy monster.” that is haunting you and turning 28 you into a psychotic maniac. But first you must vow to cut off all contact with your ex that dumped you and broke your heart.

No More Contact

Now before we go any further it’s extremely crucial that you avoid all contact with the woman that dumped you. Right now you’re in a desperate, vulnerable and “prone to do real dumb shit that you’ll regret later” state of mind. So remember…

• No phone calls! • No stopping by her house! • No stalking her! • No contact with her at all!

*The only exception would be if there are kids involved. If so, then keep spending 29 time with the children but without their mother being around.

The more contact that you have with your ex, the more it increases the odds of you whining, begging, or crying like a little bitch. And if that happens she’ll lose even more respect for you and will be reminded of why she dumped your pathetic ass in the first place. So regardless of all of the resentment and anger you are currently experiencing , just drink a tall glass of “shut the hell up” and keep it to yourself.


News flash: Once a woman loses respect for a man also lose the ability to distinguish him from a hot and steamy pile of dog-shit – and she will treat him as such. 30

If you don’t harass her, she might actually gain a degree of respect for you and might even come back around. But if she does come back around DON’T take her back! This is one of those situations where if you sacrifice and remain strong now it’ll pay off later. But if you get weak and give in, you will regret It. Trust me, I am speaking from first-hand experience when I say that.

Chapter 2


Back in my drinking days I was living with a girlfriend named Lynn. I quickly grew convinced that Lynn was on a literally on a mission for Satan to make my fucking life a living Hell. She was constantly bitching and complaining about stupid, insignificant shit. So of course we fought like cats and dogs.


But one day, after many previously failed attempts, I finally managed to escape her evil hold on me, and I miraculously found the Balls to actually dump her ass and move out. But it wasn’t long before Lynn came back around pawing and sniffing at my door like the Hound from Hell that she was.

I told myself to remain strong and not give in. But Lynn took advantage of my one true weakness, and it wasn’t kryptonite (I can’t fucking resist a great blowjob).

So one really dumb ass thing led to another and we had unprotected “ex-sex.” 3 months later, Lynn gloatingly confessed that she was pregnant with my twins. I would regret having that ex-sex for the rest of my entire life. And it’s a textbook example of what happens when we guys think with our Dicks.


*Just for the record my regret was towards Lynn, not the children. To find out what happened with that, check out my next book (plug).

Thinking with Your Dick

Let’s be truly honest guys. We’ve all been guilty of this and it’s a curse that we have to live with and battle on a daily basis. It’s that never-ending struggle between the head on our shoulders (The Brain), and the head in our pants (Mr. Penis), to see which one of them will ultimately control us.

Yes we sometimes feel like a pawn caught in the middle of a sick and perverted game, 33 helplessly waiting to see which head will be our master (Mr. Penis, or The Brain?)

Girls will never understand the power of these battling Titans and their constant lust and determination to rule us.

When Lynn came back sniffing around my door, The Brain warned me that I’d regret it if I let her in. It also reminded me of all the times that she treated me like shit. But most importantly it also reminded me that I still DID NOT LIKE HER ASS!!!

I looked through the peephole and saw her wearing a dress that hugged her curves and exaggerated her large, firm, mouth-watering (gotta give credit where it’s due).

Mr. Penis made me open up the door and he made me let her in. And once Satan, I meant Lynn was inside of my house…The 34

Brain warned me that she would use sex to lure me back under her evil spell.

I knew that every single thing The Brain told me was 100% true but there was absolutely, positively no way in Hell that I would fall for another one of Lynn’s sex tricks. I was no longer that weak, horny man that could be easily manipulated by a fucking blowjob!

So of course, when she suddenly dropped down to her knees and began going down on me I turned into a weak, horny man that could be manipulated by blowjobs! “Hey, I’m tried to warn you, I’m only human.”

Then to make matters worse…Mr. Penis began giving me even more great advice:

Mr. Penis: You went this far so you might as well screw her. Mr. Idiot (me): But Mr. Penis, I can’t do that because I don’t have a condom. 35

Mr. Penis: So what, it’ll feel better without one. Trust me. Mr. Idiot: Duh…even though you’ve been wrong almost every single time in the past, and even though I know you don’t have my best interest in mind, I’ll trust you anyway. And once again Mr. Penis betrayed me. I had sex with Lynn, and afterwards I had to deal with the costly repercussions of taking advice from a fucking Dick!

Abandoned by Your Master

After Mr. Penis has his momentary reign (meaning, once you come after having sex), he will immediately abandon the poor guy and surrender all control back to The Brain. This is the moment when a cheating man will feel extremely guilty, remorseful, and humiliated. This is usually followed by a 36 vow to never let it happen again. 5 minutes later, an incredibly hot girl passes by us and Mr. Penis is back… the saga continues.

Most, if not all of you guys should be able to completely relate to this inner struggle that we constantly battle with on a daily basis. But the bottom line is if you do not control it, it will control you. And if it does control you, it could destroy your relationships, get you imprisoned, or even killed. The amount of chaos it can potentially cause is incredibly terrifying. But the only way you will be able to control it is to first understand it.

Animal Instincts

Whether we are willing to admit it or not, humans are animals. Though we may be extremely intelligent animals (some of us) nonetheless we are still just horny little 37 animals. Men produce millions of sperm per day and it’s not by luck. Mother Nature intended for us guys to mass-reproduce in order to ensure the survival of the species. To help us deal with this really important God given task (to screw a lot of chicks) Mother Nature gave us guys a chemical called Oxytocin “The Horny- aide.”

When we guys get horny, the testosterone levels in our brain are completely replaced by Oxytocin. This is also known as “The Bonding Chemical.” The Oxytocin is just one of the chemicals that causes you to get turned on by chicks, and it is also the chemical that makes you feel the sensation of being in “romantic love.”

But once you ejaculate, the Oxytocin in his brain is replaced with testosterone. This is why you why a lot of you tell girls that you love them while you are having hot sex with 38 them - but once you come your feeling will suddenly change and you’ll no longer want anything to do with her ass (Jekyll and Hyde syndrome). Ironically, women have Oxytocin in that head of theirs as well, but their levels remain constant. This is also why chicks are often more serious than guys are when they confess their love during the heat of passion (when you’re tapping that ass).

Oxytocin was created to ensure that men would not hesitate to reproduce when the opportunity arose. If males were too picky and spent too much time overanalyzing sexual opportunities – other males would move in and steal the prize. And as you could imagine, this would not be good.

Of course this Horny-aide was more useful before we became “civilized.” And although our environment has drastically changed, the Horny-aide that Mother Nature gave us has not. The Horny-aide does not care 39 about consequences, ruining relationships, dangers, or laws. It only cares about is screwing anything and everything with a pulse in-order to ensure the preservation of the human species on this planet.

So be aware that when your Horny-aide kicks in, your ability to judge and rationalize will be drastically weakened and often non- existent. So be extremely careful of what you wish for cause you just may get a Lynn.

The President’s Dick

Let’s look at former President Bill Clinton. This man spent an entire career and millions & millions of dollars to become the leader of the free world. Yet he put it all on the line, including his family, and all for 40 what? For head from a chunky chick that doesn’t even swallow! No offense to BBW. *If the Horny-aide can control and lead the leader of the free world – then the average Joe is definitely FUCKED!

The Sex Industry

The Sex Industry is a billion dollar entity funded by us horny guys and another perfect example of the power of the Horny- aide. So why in Hell would millions of men just give away their hard earned money so willingly? I’ll tell you why…”it’s because the Horny-aide, that Mother Nature gave us, isn’t nearly as useful in today’s society. So men have turned to the sex industry as a way of channeling their over abundance of nature’s sexual energy. 41

In today’s society we men are only allowed to have one spouse. And if we ever get caught cheating on that spouse there will be a shit-load of negative consequences.

And let’s not forget about all the religious punishment that’s supposed to come with being unfaithful (I’ve heard that Hell really sucks, especially this time of year).

Having multiple sex partners is looked down upon by society, and is illegal in most of the U S. This basically leaves the male screwed – or should I say unscrewed.

I’ve often wondered whether or not Mother Nature realizes that there’s no longer a dire need for men to mass reproduce. And if she does realize it, then the bitch has got one sick sense of humor!


Chapter 3

The Pussy Monster

The Pussy Monster will be your biggest obstacle in your battle to get over your ex. Just the mere thought of her being twisted like a pretzel while some other guy is tapping that ass, is enough to drive you insane. Ignore the psychiatrists, counselors, and priests that tell you to take Prozac, a time out, or to simply pray about it. None of that shit works in the real world… especially when your ex is in pretzel mode.

Based on extensive research and my own personal experience, I have come to the conclusion that it really comes down to just two realistic choices:

1. Time. 2. The Five Fingers of Death. 43


It’s true. Time heals the broken heart and can kill the Pussy Monster. But this can take you months, years, or even a lifetime of suffering before the evil Pussy Monster’s rotting corpse sets you free. And by then you could be a babbling old and bitter idiot. But if you’re into dying a slow and painful death, then time may actually be your best bet for getting over that woman that broke your heart. Good luck with that plan, sucker!

Five Fingers of Death

This may seem strange to many of you. But trust me, it works. Whenever you think about another guy treating your ex like a sex pretzel, use “Five Fingers of Death” to slay the Pussy Monster. That’s right you 44 heard me. I’m telling you to masturbate, jerk off, choke de , jerky-jerky-jerky!

I know that most of you are sitting there with a big ass question mark above your heads right now. But just trust me fellas, this weird, freaky deeky shit really works. And it’s also one of the many reasons that this book is incredibly unique and cutting edge.

Let’s be honest guys. Inevitably, the thought of your ex screwing another guy is going to cross your mind. But instead of going into a rage and killing everybody, just incorporate it into your “Masturbation Fantasy Catalog.” That’s right: jerk off to it.

Just the mere thought of your ex embracing another man’s Dick, will piss you the fuck off. Then again it evokes feelings of rage and jealousy. But it’s also very taboo and can evoke a degree of sexual tension as well (your mileage may vary based on each 45 individual). Masturbating to this can produce unusually powerful orgasms due to the very conflicting emotions that are involved.

Immediately afterwards, the rage will take over again along with a degree of guilt. But the more you masturbate to it, the quicker the rage levels will decrease. And soon you’ll find yourself completely desensitized and you won’t give a damn about who - or what she’s screwing. And over time you will practically forget that she ever even existed.

* By confronting and embracing your fears, you’ll take away its control over you. This is a truth that will help you to have amazing power in every single aspects of your life.


The Pussy Monster is Dead!

Once you slay the Pussy Monster you will be free of your ex, and you’ll be free of your jealousy & suffering. And when you finally accomplish it, that evil Pussy Monster will never enslave you again – provided that you don’t forget what you have learned from reading this manual.

I am quite sure the Five Fingers of Death tactic seems extremely bizarre to many of you. But you have to trust me this is a quick and easy way to kill the P-Monster forever!


Don’t Jump Back on the Saddle

Now just because you killed the Pussy Monster doesn’t mean that it’s time to start dating other women. In fact, I strongly advise that you don’t. You have to realize that you’re damaged goods. You’re a used car that’s a lemon. And even if someone else is stupid enough to buy you, they will eventually find out that you are a lemon and you’ll be screwed again. But if you take this time to implement and master the advice in this book, you’ll become a mint vehicle with greatly increased value that girls will love.

In the meantime remain patient, utilize the Five Fingers of Death, finally slay the Pussy Monster and continue down your road to restoration. So now that we have covered the biggest your toughest challenge ahead 48

(the Pussy Monster), throughout the rest of this book I will enlighten you on the biggest mistakes that men commit with women, that leads to disaster each & every single time.

I’ll utilize the real life stories of people that I have counseled over the years. These men and women have all been misled by the lies of outdated traditional relationship advice.

But I don’t worry I will show you how to use these Masculine Advantage / Basic Game techniques to overcome all of your romantic obstacles. You will earn from their mistakes and successes, and be well on your way to becoming a man that women can’t resist!


Chapter 4 Donny and Pat

Donny was a buddy of mine who’d been married to his wife Pat for almost 3 years. When Donny first told me that he was getting married, I swear I almost went into shock. “Not Donny the lady killer,” I laughed. But yes it was true. Pat was a very attractive brunette with long legs and a petite figure. She was drawn to Donny’s bad boy ways and his take charge attitude. Donny use to always brag about their incredibly wild sex life and I was really happy for them both.

But after Donny got married to Pat, I noticed that he was hanging with the guys less and less. He also traded in his Harley bike for a mini-van and quit working out at the gym. On one very rare occasion he and his lovely wife invited me to their house for dinner. 50

Pat was really short-tempered and snappy with Donny, and he let her get away with it. This once hard-core friend of mine was now a timid little pussy, and it made me sick to my stomach to watch him go out like that!

About three months later, Donny came to me in tears and told me that Pat had left him for another guy. I sighed, handed Donny a beer, then sat and talked all night.

Donny told me how great things were in the begining of their relationship, but over time they began to argue more and more over stupid, insignificant shit like:

• Donny leaving the toilet seat up. • Channel surfing too fast with the remote.

Eventually Donny got tired of fighting Pat. He just figured that he could avoid a lot of headaches and confrontations if he simply did what Pat told him to do (wrong move). 51

This very traditional way of thinking is why Donny had sold his bike, and changed his entire manly lifestyle.

Pat began to ration the wild and plentiful sex until it became almost non-existent as well as boring. On those very rare occasions that she did give him sex, Donny felt like she did it completely out of pity (and she did).

And after all the drama that Pat put Donny through, she still dumped his ass and ran off with another guy. Poor Donny was a text book victim of what I call “The Ball Theory.”


The Ball Theory

In the Animal Kingdom, whenever a female looks for a mate, she looks for an Alpha Male (the strongest, smartest, and most capable male) that can protect, hunt and provide for her and her offspring. It is vital to their survival that the dominant male that she chooses, doesn’t get weak, old, or show any such warning sign.

So instinctively, the female will periodically challenge the male just to see if he’ll stand up to her (she tries to take his Balls). How well or horribly the male performs on these “Ball tests” will determine the quality of their relationship. And In the event that the male begins to lose his Alpha Male qualities, the female will dump him for a more capable Alpha Male (survival of the fittest). 53

“You can’t compare animal behavior to humans,” I’m sure many of you are thinking at this moment. But let’s not forget that we human beings are also part of the Animal Kingdom. And even though we are at the top of the food chain, we are still just horny, little, neurotic animals.

So let’s take a moment to recap on this Ball Theory concept. Most heterosexual females are instinctively attracted to the Alpha Male (a guy with big Balls), capable of protecting and providing for her and her family. Once she gets hands on that Alpha Male she is ecstatic, and the sex is hot and plentiful.

But instinctively she’ll begin to test him to see if she can take his Balls away from him. “It’s a power struggle to see who will be the leader.” And if her man is truly an real Alpha Male she will not be able to take his Balls. But if he is not a true Alpha Male, then she will succeed in taking his undeserving Balls. 54

The following is a perfect example of how a female can go from being a loving mate – to becoming a total Ball snatching bitch. The process begins very subtly, and if the man allows, it will continue to escalate until she has taken complete and total control of the relationship and his masculinity.

* Pay attention to how sweet the woman is in the first months of the relationship. But over time she loses more & more respect.

The Neutering Process:

(1st month) “You’re the kind of guy that I’ve always wanted… you’re perfect!”

(2nd) “If you make a commitment to me I’ll do all of those naughty things that you have been asking me to do to you during sex!”

(3rd) “You’d better be home on time!”


(4th) “When we go out tonight shut the hell up and try not to get on my damn nerves!”

(5th) “I told you I have a headache (again). So stop begging me for sex…and take out the damn garbage you fucking moron!”

One day Donny woke up and was at #5. He was completely baffled as to how his role in the relationship had sunk to this level of degradation. Donny had officially lost his Balls and was a coward whom his wife had no respect for. Once Pat had completely taken Donny’s Balls, she subconsciously began looking for other men with Balls.

It was only just a matter of time before she found Mr. Good Balls, screwed him and then ran off with him. Ironically, she will continue to repeat this same ritual with her new Alpha Male. It is simply just her female nature. But let me warn you though… not all women will run off with the other guy. 56

The Wide World of Ball


Some girls will stay with you while they treat you like total crap and screw other guys on the side (a matter of convenience). And then there are those that will take your Balls and treat you like crap - yet never try to have an affair with another guy (although they would love to). Below are just a few of the reasons why these girls may not cheat:

• Religious guilt • Fear of getting caught • Fear of what family and friends may think • Fear of losing financial security • Fear of losing the time invested in the relationship


Give Me My Balls!

So now that Donny had lost his Balls, my mission was to help him get them back. How would this be done? By teaching him what I am teaching you in this manual. But in the meantime, I encouraged Donny to take a temporary break from dating. Then again, most women wouldn’t want to date Donny anyway because girls are attracted to guys with Balls (and he was Ball-less). Many of you men reading this book are in various stages of Ball snatching and must realize that it is extremely vital that you keep your Balls. If you have already lost them, this book will be the best investment you’ve ever made without her permission!


How to Hold on to Your Balls

Whenever a woman nags at you or tries to treat you like an idiot…you have to call her on her shit. Don’t hit her, or use any of that physical crap. Simply, yet firmly tell her that you did not appreciate what she did or said. Then let her know that you will not let her (or anyone) disrespect you that way.

At that point, she’ll either stop disrespecting you or she will continue to disrespect you. If she still keeps trying to take your Balls then make sure you keep your word and dump her ass. Then thank God that you got that bitch out of your life before it was too late.

*The key isn’t to walk all over her… *The key is to not let her walk all over you!


The worst mistake that you could make is to keep threatening to dump her yet not follow through. Lacking the Balls to follow through will only make your girl disrespect you even more (and she’ll treat you even worse).

But if you keep your word and you dump her ass, she may actually gain more respect for you and may change her ways - and plead for you to take her back. But the best part of it all is that you will feel better about yourself and you’ll get your Balls & confidence back. Trust me it’s a win, win situation my friend

50/50 = You’re Screwed

Most of today’s committed romantic couples have literally been brainwashed into believing that a relationship is supposed to be a 50/50 partnership (meaning 2 Chiefs 60 and no Indians). In other words, the woman and the man should both wear the pants in the relationship. Based on my experience, this theory looks really noble and politically correct on paper. But tell me, when was the last time that you’ve seen two people able to comfortably fit into 1 pair of pants? Never!

In the real world, a 50/50 relationship is just another way of saying, “It’s only a matter of time before the poor guy ends up wearing the pretty dress in the relationship.”

I’ve found that in the overwhelming majority of relationships, the man must command a natural, unforced, degree of dominance. In this kind of romantic environment women tend to feel more secure with their selves and in the relationship – when makes it much easier to keep it strong and exciting.

If it is 50/50, then it will be too easy for the woman to take the guy’s Balls. This theory 61 is similar to playing a 15 point basketball game against your woman, and spotting her 14 points (it’s way too risky). Let not forget that if she takes your Balls, the game is over and you lose buddy. Worst-case scenario, the man should have the final say.

This may not be the truth for all couples, but based on my experience this works best for most couples. So guys be smart and avoid choosing a chick that has bigger Balls than you. The rare exception would be if you’re a man that loves to be dominated, and your woman truly enjoys being dominant. And if that’s what works best for you then great, have at it my friend…wear the Hell out of that pretty dress .


Pity Pussy

I touched on this topic a few pages ago, and it is an extremely important one. If your girl is not giving you sex, never beg, whine or mope about it. If you do, it will only irritate her more and make her feel sorry for you, and turn her off sexually. Then she’ll give you “Pity Pussy,” just to shut your little whiney ass up. But be warned, if you accept her Pity Pussy it will make her lose even more respect for you!

If your girl doesn’t want to give up the sex, don’t trip on her. Yet keep in mind that what is occurring is a power struggle that you cannot afford to lose. Simply pretend to be oblivious to the sex drought and go about your daily business. Then when you are alone… jerk off, jerk off, and then jerk off till 63 you throw your shoulder out (just joking). Don’t throw your shoulder out (but I’m not joking about jerking off).

Do whatever you need to do to in order to relieve your sexual tension without her Pity Pussy. Believe me. It will make her feel very uneasy and insecure when she realizes that she has not been giving you sex – and you are not even stressing it. It’s only a matter of time before she approaches you and initiates the dialogue. Then the ball will be in your court, so don’t blow it. Trust me. It’ll work to your advantage this way.

When a woman thinks you don’t want her it tends to make her want you more (in most cases). If she still doesn’t want you, odds are the relationship is screwed anyway. So get smart and just dump her and move on.


* Be aware that when a woman cuts off the sex, it’s usually a huge red flag that something is wrong. Read the warning signs and proceed with extreme caution!

Chapter 5 Kevin

Kevin was a friend of mine who I met through Donny. Although Kevin wasn’t the most attractive guy in the world, he was still a good guy. Kevin was having an extremely hard time getting women. And whenever he did get one they’d usually dump him within a couple of days, or just a few weeks of dating One day Kevin and I were playing ball at the gym. And even though he had lost every single game, he still had this big KOOL- AID® smile on his face. Eventually I asked him what the Hell he was so happy about. 65

Kevin excitedly began telling me about his new girlfriend named Jessica, and bragged about her being a 27 year-old virgin. He told me he proposed to her and she accepted.

Although I was fucking cringing inside, I still manage to bite my tongue and not piss on his parade. I knew that Kevin was making a mistake – yet sometimes you just have to let some people figure things out on their own (and this was one of those times). Plus, as hard as it was for Kevin to get sex… I was pretty certain that he wasn’t going to call off the wedding because I told him to.

A week later, Kevin married the virgin like he promised he would. Immediately after the wedding he moved back with her to her hometown and that was the last that I had heard from Kevin for a while.

3 years later I ran into Kevin at a party. He looked depressed and I knew exactly why. I 66 asked him what he had been up to, and all of a sudden he got really emotional.

Kevin broke down into tears and confessed that Jessica had dumped him for a guy who she was having an affair with. She also took half of everything that Kevin owned. That other guy was now driving around in Kevin’s Jag and living in Kevin’s million dollar home with Kevin’s ex-wife (ouch!!!).

* Kevin was a textbook example of what I call “The Curse of the Virgin.” And I saw it coming from day number 1.

The Curse of the Virgin

Both society & religion have literally brain washed us into believing that marrying 67 a virgin is such a great blessing. But truth is, in most cases it’ll turn out to be a curse.

A virgin or a woman that hasn’t had many sexual partners, are the last creatures on earth you should marry. Having sex with or dating one is cool. But don’t marry her!

For most men, the thought of marrying a virgin is extremely appealing. These idiots, I mean men, believe that virgins are special because they haven’t been sexually tainted by another man’s penis. But the truth is, most guys are extremely sexually insecure and don’t want a girl who has test driven a lot of Dicks. These men are afraid that they will be laughed at for being with a “Whore.” They also prefer naïve virgins who can’t tell the difference between good or bad sex (hmm, I wonder why?).

And Kevin was no different from most men who believe that they’ll be Sex Gods to their 68 virgin wives. And for a while, they actually may be. After all, like I said earlier a virgin can’t tell the difference between great or bad sex. But let me warn you. Even though she may thoroughly enjoy making love to you, after a while she’ll become obsessed with other guys that she finds attractive. She will begin to fantasize about these men and will wonder what sex with them would be like – since she hasn’t sowed her oats.

Of course, she will feel extremely guilty about having these thoughts and will try her best to suppress them. But the more she tries to suppress them the stronger these urges will become. Eventually she will either act upon these urges or she won’t. Either way you’ll probably lose in the long run.


If She Does or Doesn’t

(If she decides not to cheat)

If she decides to NOT have an affair with another man, it may cause her to have lots of resentment towards you. Why would she have resentment towards you?

“because you are the main obstacles standing in the way of her having what she really wants…to sow her oats.”

Here are a few other reasons why these women may not cheat on their men even though they would really love to:

• Religious guilt • Fear of being ostracized by friends • Fear of being ostracized by relatives • Fear of losing financial security • Fear of losing her time invested


She will try her best to rationalize and fight her powerful temptations to cheat. But what is happening to her is purely part of being a sexual being and it won’t be ignored!

Like I mentioned earlier, more than likely she’ll have lots of resentment towards you. Because in her mind, you’re preventing her from sex-periencing the forbidden pleasures that life has to offer (sex with other men). This will make her resentful towards you, as well as passively aggressive.

• She’ll nag a lot more • She’ll start more arguments • She’ll blow little things out of proportion i.e.… leaving the toilet seat up, or surfing through the television channels too fast! • She’ll stop giving you sex

Her passive aggressiveness is her way of subconsciously sabotaging the relationship so that she can have what she really wants. 71

In time, either the relationship will die - or you will both stick it out and just continue to make each other’s lives a living Hell. And if that happen the relationship is still doomed!

If she decides to cheat: a. She will cheat, and the sex will be better than it is with her mate. b. She will cheat, and the sex will not be better than it is with her mate.


Greener Grass

After she cheats, if the sex with the other man/men is better than the sex with her mate, she’ll still experience a degree of guilt. But the point of no return has already been crossed and odds are that she will continue to secretly screw with the other guy/guys. If she wants it bad enough, she may even break up with her mate so she can have complete freedom to screw her others – and that’s what happened to Kevin.

If she decides to stay with her mate odds are, she’ll be resentful, and will completely lose her respect and passion for him. So once again:

• She will either leave him. • Or, she’ll stay and make his life Hell. If sex with the other man is not as good as 73 the sex is with her mate – she will cheat on him again. This initial guilt may last for days, months, or possibly even years. But since she has already ventured past the point of no return, it is only a matter of time before she cheats again.

She’ll constantly fantasize and masturbate while thinking about having sex with other guys, and will convince herself that the next guy she has an affair with…will be a better experience than her previous one. And in time she’ll be out on the prowl again. After all, she has done it before and realizes that creeping (cheating) is not nearly as hard as she thought it was. And if she continues to do it the relationship will still be doomed.


(If the sex is not as good)

If sex is not as good as it is with her man she will scurry back to him while feeling an enormous amount of guilt and regret. Next she will genuinely cherish and appreciate what she has with her guy, and promise herself that she will never do it again. But because she already crossed the point of no return, it’s just a matter of time before she cheats on her clueless guy again.

No Win Situation

The bottom line is you should never marry a virgin. And if you do, odds are you’ll be setting yourself up to get screwed - and I am not talking about the good screwed. On that note, why in Hell would you commit to a woman who doesn’t know how to get the job done in the bedroom in the first place? 75

The Whore and the Virgin

The Whore

Women who have had a lot of sexual partners are typically labeled as “Whores.” This is just another example of an insecure male society. But that so called whore, can distinguish between great and bad Dick because she has experience.

A whore is smart enough to not get into a serious relationship with a guy that’s a bad or mediocre lover (she knows it’s too risky). But if she feels that you’re up to par, she’ll be more willing to have a serious committed relationship with you. And odds are, she’ll remain loyal and will keep you very sexually satisfied. Unlike naïve virgins, whores know whether or not the grass is greener. 76

“I’m not telling you to go fall in love with a $10.00 crack head - but experience can truly be extremely priceless.”

This is similar to a guy who has very limited or no sexual experience at all. But he still goes out and gets married anyway. Now this poor guy will then struggle throughout his entire marriage to remain faithful. Then again, most guys will experience these urges whether they’re virgins or porn stars.


Chapter 6 Ray and Karen

Ray is definitely a person who I’m not proud to say was a friend of mine. One day, Ray hooked up with a really nice girl named Karen. He was determined to marry her because she was a great catch. Ray wined and dined Karen every chance he got and was the perfect gentlemen.

He went to church with her and her parents every Sunday, and he even babysat Karen’s Chihuahua. Believing that he was the man of her dreams, she eagerly accepted when Ray proposed to her.

After a year of marriage, Karen began to see another side of Ray. She learned that he was a compulsive liar, extremely cheap, an atheist, and hated animals. Ray was the 78 complete opposite of who he had initially portrayed himself to be in the beginning. Karen was already pregnant by the time she discovered who the real Ray was. If she would have saw his true colors from the start she would’ve ran the other way. Still, Karen chose to stay in the marriage for the sake of her child. Of course the arguing and constant fighting continued, and the both of them were extremely miserable. Eventually Ray abandoned his family and literally left them completely penniless.

False Impersonation

Both sexes are often guilty of “False Impersonation.” In the earlier stages of the relationship they only show the other person what they want them to see (instead of who they really are). They’ll continue to be phony with each other until things get serious. 79

After the deal is sealed, their true colors will slowly but surely begin to show. And once their true personalities are finally revealed, they will usually discover that they are not truly compatible. And more times than not, they discover that they don’t even like each other. These relationships are destined to fail from because they are built on a lie.

Whenever you get into a relationship, the both of you should show your true colors in the beginning or you’ll both pay dearly in the end. If you’re one ballerina suit away from being a serial killer, let her know it from the start. Yes there’s a good chance that she’ll scream and run the other way.

But then again you never know – she may even get really excited and pull out her own ballerina suit -and the both of you can learn to love and kill together. Ah that’s so sweet But either way, it pays to be real in the very beginning instead of waiting for her to find 80 body parts buried in your backyard. If you show her your true colors up front, she will either leave or she’ll love and accept you for whom you truly are. And believe me… you don’t want to be in a relationship where you’re not allowed to be your true self!

Don’t Buy the Cow

This brings us to another important point. I recommend that you never marry a girl until you have lived with her for at least one year. This way you are improving the odds of getting on her last nerve and seeing her true colors. “If you buy the cow without testing the milk for free, then you may find yourself stuck with a heifer with bad tits.”


Chapter 7

Larry and Gina

Larry was a decent looking 30-year old nerd and an ex-roommate of mine. He married his wife when she was only 16 and he was 25 (WTF, yeah, I know). After only 5 years of marriage Larry’s wife went through the Virgin Curse that we talked about earlier and she dumped him for another guy.

It was bad enough that he was attempting to recover from a failed marriage and lowered self-esteem - but now to make matters even worse, Larry had the audacity to jump right back into the dating scene without finishing his restorations work (learning basic game).

Larry met a 42 yr old divorced and wealthy woman named Gina. They dated for 2 entire months before they actually did “the nasty.” 82

In my horny opinion, 2 months seemed like a long time to wait for sex… and especially when dealing with a hot, 42 year old Milf like Gina. But Larry eventually admitted that he didn’t want to ask Gina for sex because he didn’t want to offend her honor. “I’ll take “Corny-” for $100 please.”

But after they had sex a few times, Gina suddenly stopped calling Larry. It wasn’t long before he came around begging me to help him to regain her interest?

So after picking Larry’s brain, I found out that Gina had never performed on him (slobbed a knob, sucked a Dick). Larry swore that she was not that type. “ I’ll take “Naïve Motherfuckers” for $200 please.”

As I restrained myself from slapping Larry, I explained to him that Gina was definitely “that type of girl.” I also guaranteed him that she loved performing oral sex and would be 83 a pro at it. It also turned out that Larry was only making slow and tender love to Gina. Now don’t get me wrong – gentle & tender love making is a great thing. But what Gina needed was to get “FUCKED!”

I advised Larry to stop calling her, and trying to wine and dine her. I warned him that he needed to be more sexually aggressive and needed to start fucking her instead of just “making love” to her. Larry was appalled but he also knew that he had no other option.

The next time Larry had sex with Gina, he did exactly what I told him to. And of course she turned out to be the wild woman I predicted. Not only did Gina give him the best blowjob he ever had - but it intimidated Larry so badly that he never called her back. “She literally blew him away.”


No Shame in My Game

One night I ran into Gina at a nightclub. We had a few drinks and by the end of the night she was literally putty in my hands. I walked her to her BMW, pulled her by the hair, and gave her a long & firm kiss that made her very moist. We went to her house and she got the fucking of her life!

No, I did not make gentle love to Gina. She wanted her hair pulled, her ass spanked and to be called a dirty - and she didn’t even have to ask. The entire neighborhood now knew that Gina was a screamer.

After that night, “Gina The Screamer” was officially addicted to me. Every chance she got she would spoil me and buy me gifts. And yet I still blew her off and stood her up on dates – which only made her want me more. Almost overnight, Gina started to fall 85 in love with me. But since I wasn’t looking for a committed relationship…I had to stop seeing her. Yet Gina would have still done anything in the world for me if I asked.

One day Mr. Larry confronted me and he demanded to know if I had been making love to Gina behind his back. “No, I was just fucking her,” I replied. Surprisingly he took it . Plus, by then Larry was already dating a different woman named Tina.


Larry and Tina

Tina was a homely looking woman with a reputation for being a little loose. She was 30-years old and had a total of 6 kids, from 5 different guys. Larry met Tina at a little hole in the wall bar, where she was a regular. He bought her drinks all night long and was genuinely interested in her.

Larry drove Tina home and completely blew her away when he didn’t try to make a move on her right away. Then Larry scored even more brownie points by taking Tina and her 6 kids to Disney Land the very next day.

When Larry and Tina eventually had sex – he made slow and gentle love to her. This was a huge change from most guys that only banged the crap out of her. Larry put her needs first and treated her like she was a Queen. Literally overnight, Tina fell head 87 over heels in love with Larry. And she would have done anything in the world for him if he asked her to. He was also head over heals in love with Tina and they got married.

Whore, Queen, and In-Between Theory

Though all women are unique in their own way, I have discovered that there are 3 main groups (or personality types). And every single girl you meet will belong to at least 1 of the following 3 groups:

1. The Whore 2. The Queen 3. The In-Between Each one of these groups has a unique and specific way that they need to be treated in 88 order to attract them and keep them head over heals in love with you.

If you can identify what group a girl belongs to, and you know how to treat her type, then you will be unstoppable with girls. And that where the “Whore, Queen and In-Between Theory,” comes into play.

• You Treat a Queen like a Whore… • You treat a Whore like a Queen…. • Then there are those few females that are In-Between.

This is the Golden Rule that you must learn and follow if you truly want to succeed with women. If you learn it and master it you will get more beautiful women, amazing sex, and more incredibly fulfilling relationships than you’ve ever imagined possible.

If you don’t learn it, then you’ll continue to play humiliating guessing games when it 89 comes to getting girls. And you will continue to get rejected and frustrated. So pay close attention to how the Whore, Queen and In- Between theory works. This may literally be the most valuable lesson you’ll ever learn about women in your entire life.

The Whore

Now keep in mind that I personally don’t believe in the word “Whore.” I believe that both men and women have the right to have as many sexual experiences as they want. It’s nobody’s business. But I only use the word because it is one that you readers are familiar with and use all of the time.

Tina was the perfect example of a “Whore.” A woman that usually has low self-esteem and guys use her for one thing, “The Nasty.” 90

Men constantly treat her like shit and she lets them. And once they’re done with her, they simply toss her to the curb like trash. These women don’t think that they deserve better or can do better.

One day Tina runs across a guy like Larry. He treats her with respect, and wants to hear her thoughts and dreams. He wines and dines her, and doesn’t try to have sex with her right away. When they are intimate, he makes slow and gentle love to her.

She has never experienced this before and it makes her feel like a Queen. She’ll fall head over heels in love, and she will walk barefoot to hell and back for him. Why? “Because he treated a Whore like a Queen.”


The Queen

Gina was the perfect example of a “Queen.” A woman who is usually attractive, spoiled, and very stuck up. Men worship the ground that she walks on - and as a result she just doesn’t believe that her shit stinks.

Whenever she has sex, the guys are so honored to be in her presence that they only make slow and tender love to her. And most Queens will quickly grow bored with that. So as you could imagine, Queens usually tend to be really spoiled and they expect guys to always kiss their ass (and most guys do).

But ironically, most Queens are turned off by submissive men and prefer men that will stand up to them and take charge. But sadly because most guys don’t have the Balls to stand up to them, Queens walk around with 92 major fucking attitudes. Then one day, this Queen runs across a guy who is a “Bad Boy.” He ignores her and doesn’t kiss her ass like all of the other buffoons. She is appalled, yet incredibly intrigued by him.

This makes her work harder to secretly get his attention and she loves it. Once they start dating, he makes it perfectly obvious that he is the one in control and she loves it. And when they have sex, he is aggressive, kinky, and treats her like a Whore. And guess what? “She absolutely loves it!”

All of her girlfriends think that she is crazy for going out with him but she doesn’t care. For the first time in her life she feels fulfilled. A stuck-up Queen will fall head over heels for a Bad Boy every single time. And she’ll walk bare-foot to hell & back for him. Why? “Cause he treated a Queen like a Whore.”


The In-Between

An “In-Between” is a woman who has both Whore and Queen personality traits. And because she can comfortably balance and embrace the them both, she is an In-Between. An In-Between may want to be treated like a Whore in the bedroom and a Queen in public (or vise – versa). They are usually multi-dimensional and confident.

The In-Betweens are the smallest segment of the female population. And although all women have a degree of Whore and Queen in them - all women are just not comfortable enough to embrace them both. So they will usually run to one extreme or the other. It is similar to the conservative librarian that lets down her long hair, and suddenly turns into a hot and sexy vixen. But don’t fool yourself. Although she is a very naughty little girl, she is definitely still a lady! 94

Chapter 8 Marcus and Linda

Marcus was a wealthy jerk I used to run into at Starbucks. He was a trust fund baby who hadn’t held a real job in his entire life. Marcus married a sweet and elegant woman named Linda. She bore two children for him and then he practically turned Linda into his personal domestic slave.

Linda’s new life consisted of her catering to Marcus and the kids, then getting all prettied up so that she could be his trophy at various functions. Their marriage was cold & phony, and I could tell that Linda was miserable.

One day Marcus confessed that he had never French-Kissed Linda – nor had she ever gone down on him (performed oral sex). I asked him why, and he replied… 95

“Are you kidding me, she kisses my kids with that mouth!” Marcus also told me, that he and his wife only had sex on scheduled days. And even then – he would only do her in the Missionary Position.

Marcus and Carmen

Many of you are probably under the misassumption that Marcus was not a very sexual person. But you’re wrong! Marcus was the horniest guy I’d ever met. In fact, he spent over a thousand dollars a week on hookers. Then one day, he fell head over heals for a hot stripper named Carmen.

Marcus spent a fortune on Carmen and eventually lured her in. He put her up in a luxurious apartment, and bought her a new 96 car and wardrobe. He would visit Carmen early in the day, and in the afternoon he’d go back to Linda and the kids.

One night at the club Carmen confessed to me that Marcus had a weird fetish for being defecated on. She said that it disgusted her and she only went along with it because she needed the money. She also told me about a couple of his other fetishes, including one involving Gerbils (TMI).

Eventually, he got arrested for attempting to soliciting sex from a street hooker who was actually an undercover cop. Linda divorced Marcus and left town with the kids as well as with most of his money.


Keep it real

Many of you men are making the same stupid mistake that Marcus made. He only wanted Linda because she completed his “Norman Rockwell Family Portrait.” In other words, Marcus married Linda so that she could bare & raise his kids, maintain the household, and look pretty at his functions.

Marcus didn’t marry Linda because he loved her. Hell, I’m pretty sure that he didn’t even like her. But Marcus should have just been real with himself, as well as with Linda in the beginning - and life would’ve been better for every body. Marcus knew he was a Freak before he even met Linda. Therefore Marcus should have found a wife that could take care of home, look pretty at functions, and still be a Freak Mama in the bedroom.


But because of all of his insecurities and his personal hang-ups, he couldn’t keep it real. As a result, he screwed it up for everybody!

“You can put a dog in a cat costume but it’s still going to piss on trees.”

Men and women have to understand that the key to having an incredible relationship starts with being real with themselves as well as with being real with each other.


Chapter 9 Mike and Denise

Mike was my workout partner and over the years we had become pretty close friends. He was a decent looking guy who made pretty decent money. But according to Mike, his problem was that it was really hard for him to get dates because girls constantly rejected him and he didn’t understand why.

One day I decided to go club hopping with him and I immediately saw where he was going wrong. Mike was hitting on the hottest chicks in the club and he was getting shot down before he could even open up his horny mouth. It was pretty painful to watch.


Now don’t get me wrong, I applaud any guy that has the balls to approach a chick that he’s interested in – whether she’s a super model or the local neighborhood crack head. But the truth was that Mike was just out of his league to make some changes.

I explained to Mike girls were constantly turning him down. The bottom line was he needed to lower his expectations. He got offended and pointed out an older, kind of hideous looking man who was with a knock out blonde. “I look better than him,” Mike protested. And yes he was right, Mike was better looking than the older guy – but I had to remind Mike that the hideous guy was the owner of that $150,000 sports car that Mike was just drooling over outside, on our way into the night club.


He must have taken what I said to heart because within a week Mike started dating an average looking woman named Denise. Although she was no super model, Denise was exactly what Mike needed.

Mike immediately began taking Denise on shopping sprees and getting her complete makeovers. Eventually he even got her 10 grand worth of implants and plastic surgery. Mike grew obsessed with trying to turn Denise into “Eye Candy,” that other guys would drool over. And after spending a small fortune, he accomplished just that.

The new, upgraded Denise was so sexy that even I was shocked. But not only did Denise get better looking. But unfortunately she went from being shy & sweet to being a snobby, selfish & demanding little biatch.


Mike’s plan to physically improve Denise ended up working so well, that she dumped Mike for a million dollar Pro athlete. “I’ll take “I Can’t Believe This Did That!” for $300 please.”

Mike was a textbook victim of 2 things: 1. The Rating Scale. 2. The Image Maker Syndrome.

The Rating Scale

Every one of us has rated our self on a 1 to 10 scale, or has an idea of where we at least think we stand on that rating-scale (1 being the lowest score and 10 being the highest). The rating scale comes into play whenever we are looking for that perfect 103 catch. Though physical appearance covers the majority of the points, other factors also come into play when assessing our overall point grade on that “1 to 1o scale.”

Here are a few of the other factors: • The amount of money you make. • The kind of car you drive. • Whether or not you own a house. • How funny, interesting, or deep you are. • Whether you have kids or are divorced. • Whether you’re a good or bad lover.

Let’s say that you’re a good-looking guy that’s about an (8). Now let’s add a great personality and a good job and now you’re looking at a (10). But most people are not very good looking; so let’s say that you’re a (5). But if you’re a 5 that makes shit load of of money, that could bump you up to a (7).


These are all factors that both women and men always take into account when sizing each other up – regardless of whether we do it consciously or subconsciously.

The 2 Point Limit

Like I mentioned earlier, physical appearance covers the bulk of the points. And if you are attractive then the world is usually at your pretty feet. But for most of the population, it’s an entirely different ball game. Even if you are a low number you’ll still desire others that are a higher number than you. But this is where the cruel “2 Point Limit” comes into play.


Mike was a 5 in the looks department, but he owned his house, had a great personality and a decent job. Taking all of these details into account, Mike was about a 7.

Mike was getting dissed by chicks hard at the clubs because he was going after chicks that were 10’s. He’s out of his 2 point limit. He is way out of his limit allowance.

These hot girls are also looking for guys that are (10’s). Yet these girls will not settle for a guy who is less than an (8), (2 point limit). A very few of the rare occasions where these female 10’s might make an exception are:

• If the guy is a celebrity • If she heard that he was an incredible lay • If the guy is outrageously fun • If she is drunk off of her ass


But even under those rare circumstances, she will only hang around until a higher number guy comes along. The same thing goes for a person guy ir girl who is a (4). They usually can’t get a (10,) (9), or an (8), but they may occasionally pull off a (6).

Yet even those (4’s) will not want to touch anything that’s less than a (2). But don’t get it twisted…if a higher number comes along you can safely bet that that (2) is gonna get dumped on their ugly ass. But during slow or hard times, whether you’re a (5) or (10), we will all gladly take whatever we can get!

*So keep your beer goggles close by. It's better to have them and not need them, then to need them and not have them.


The Image Maker

Mike (7) started dating Denise (7). Mike had always dreamed of having a head turning chick, so he spent a fortune turning Denise into a (9). Mike achieved his goal, but his numbers were now below Denise’s who now had access to (9’s) and (10’s). So of course, Denise dumped Mike’s ass and ran off with a Pro- Athlete (who was a 9).

Mike is a textbook example of what’s called an “Image Maker.” And whether you are a guy or girl, being an Image Maker is one of the worst moves that a person can make in a romantic relationship. Take his example:

* A desperate and homely woman will marry a man with potential. She’ll clean him up, pay his way through medical school and teach him how to behave well in public. 108

As soon as this new Dr. gets a taste of the good life, “adios sucker,” he’s running off with his hot, young nurse. Listen up guys, don’t get into a relationship with a chick and then attempt to improve her numbers unless you’re going to improve your numbers as well. If it’s not broke, don’t fix it!

The Trophy Chaser

Mike was also what I refer to as a “Trophy Chaser.” Trophy Chasers love to be with beautiful girls that turn heads. It makes these guys feel like studs and it raises their self-esteem. Now believe me, no one enjoys a hot chick more than I do. But If I was you I would very careful for what you wish for. 109

These beautiful trophy chicks are status symbols for these trophy hunting men. Yet these guys are usually miserable, bored, and headed for the poor house trying to keep up the maintenance that many of these trophy chicks require.

But if you can find a trophy that also has some substance to her - then you are one lucky bastard. Take it from a man who has been with a long line of gorgeous girls; after a while looks don’t mean quite as much.

But if she doesn’t have more to her, like intelligence, a sense of humor, or great credit... the thrill will be gone as soon as you climax. All she will be good for is one thing. Then again, sometimes that one thing is all we guys really want and need.


Chapter 10

Bill and Alicia

A friend of mine named Alicia started dating a guy named Bill. Alicia was a really hot stripper who was outgoing, friendly, and going to college to become a teacher.

Though she enjoyed dressing provocatively, Alicia was still a class act. Once her and Bill got more seriously involved, Bill began to try to “fix her,” He believed that there was no longer a need for Alicia to seek a career, to go out partying, or to continue wearing sexy clothes. Tired of constantly arguing about it, Alicia eventually gave in to Bill’s demands.

She eventually dropped out of college, quit stripping, and began dressing like a bland, boring, and frumpy ass housewife. 111

Soon, Alicia grew to hate her-self…and Bill. He became increasingly controlling and in time he even became physically abusive. But fortunately Alicia caught onto Bills game and she dropped him like a bad habit.

The Repairman

Now Bill knew exactly who and what Alicia was when he first met her. She was obviously good enough for him back then (especially since he’s the one who pursued her). Therefore, Bill was wrong for trying to change Alicia into something that she was not -.and did not want to become. Guys like Bill are what I refer to as a “Repairman.”

When a Repairman gets into a relationship he pretends to like the woman for who she is. As the relationship grows more serious, he attempts to try to fix her by changing the 112 things that he personally dislikes about her. Many of you readers are Repairmen. And if you are than I would highly recommend that you use this opportunity to re-evaluate yourself and maybe even seek coaching, or therapy. Being a Repairman is extremely destructive, misleading, and dangerous. So either learn to accept people for whom they truly are – or simply keep it moving.


Captain Save a Ho

I had an acquaintance named Curt who would always end up with women that were in the midst of crisis. Like Yvette, who had a new baby by a guy who was in prison.

Curt was at his happiest whenever he was saving chicks like Yvette from their never- ending perils. He started off by paying her rent the first day he met her. He would even borrow money from me to give to her. And of course I thought Curt was stupid. But what could I say as long as he repaid me.

Curt eventually let Yvette move in with him and he wasn’t even fucking her. The baby’s dad paroled early and that Yvette wasted no time running back to him. And the chick never even thanked Curt for all of his help. Curt simply went right back to his normal 114 depressed self - until the next woman in crisis came along. I call this the “Captain Save a Ho” complex.

Earning Your Cape

A “Captain Save a Ho,” is usually a guy with low self-esteem, and rescuing women gives him a feeling of self-worth. These men love saving women in distress (sort of like a super hero). A Captain Save a Ho will never ever experience healthy relationship as long as he keeps pursuing troubled and dysfunctional girls who are incapable of having healthy relationships. So to all of you cape wearing, Captain Save a Ho guys flying around out there…it’s time for you to get a frigging clue. It’s a “no win” situation (know when you’re being stupid). 115

The key to not becoming a Captain Save a Ho is learning to just say No!

The following is a practice guide: • Can you pay my rent? No! • Can you pay my car note? No! • Can you pay for a hotel, so my girlfriend and I can have a threesome with you? No! I mean, yes I can do that for you!


Chapter 11

Tim and Jenny

Tim came to me as a referral from Mike. Tim’s wife Jenny had grown extremely unhappy in their 7-year marriage which was on the verge of divorce. Jenny had admitted that she no longer enjoyed spending time with or having sex with her husband. In fact she actually spent most of her time trying to find any activities that enabled her to avoid coming home to Tim.

Whenever they were alone she was cold, quiet, and distant. And the more Tim tried to talk to her, the colder and more distant she grew. After a long talk with Tim I found out exactly where Tim had gone wrong.

When Jenny and Tim first met, Tim was involved in lots of organizations and prided 117 himself on always discovering & trying new and exciting adventures (Thing like skiing, sky diving, scuba diving). The “Old Tim” was an exciting guy and that’s what mad Jenny fall in love with him in the first place.

But after the passionate couple got married, he stopped doing all of those adventurous things that made him exciting. Most of Tim’s time was spent on the couch watching TV, drinking beer, and listening to his as getting fatter. This common occurrence is what I refer to as, “The Game Over,” Syndrome.


The Game Over

Guys like Tim foolishly believe that once they are married the “Game is over.” They believe they no longer have to stay in shape and do all those things that attracted their mates to them in the first place. After all, their goal of the whole dating game was just to get hitched, and they obviously have already achieved that (the Game is over).

If you want a great relationship you have to continue doing the things that attracted your lady to you in the first place. The both of you should always strive to become even more interesting & very appealing to each other. Jenny originally fell in love with and married Tim because she was extremely attracted to his adventurous spirit. But the Adventurer… transformed into a dud with a beer gut - and 119

Jenny resented him because of it. “But then again, can you really blame her for that?”

* Once a woman loses respect for a man, she will no longer be able to distinguish him - from a pile of hot and steamy dog shit… and she will treat him as such!

Tim took me up on my advice and began picking up some of his old hobbies. Not only did he get back into shape, but he was also able to rekindle the fire in his marriage. Tim and Jenny were extremely lucky to survive The Game Over syndrome…most couples aren’t nearly as fortunate.

Women are also guilty of The Game is Over syndrome. They will dress sexy and look hot when you first start dating them. But once you commit to them, they get amnesia and forget how to be sexy…they “Butch Up.” “Whenever you commit to a person the game is not over – it’s just beginning!” 120

Individuality and------Space

When in a relationship, it’s just as important to spend time away from each other as it is for couples to spend time with each other. When I first started dating my ex-wife, we spent every second of the day up underneath each other. Eventually it all backfired on us because we both ended up neglecting our daily responsibilities, as well as our own personal individuality.

Basically we stopped doing the things that we enjoyed doing separately – like hanging out with our individual friends and spending quality time with ourselves. As a result we felt smothered and we lost our individual identities. And boy did this only lead to more problems…you know my Lynn story! 121

*You’ll never make others happy, until you’re happy with yourself. So never choose piece of ass, over peace of mind!

Taking a Good Women For Granted

Years back, I met a very unhappily married woman named Laura. She was an incredibly sexy lady who was 10-years older than me. Although she was a supervisor at my job, we still enjoyed flirting with each other. I would always compliment Laura on the little things like her smile, her perfume, and her clothes. My compliments were very genuine and Laura enjoyed receiving them as much as I enjoyed giving them.

One day, she confessed that she hadn’t had sex with her husband in over a year. So of 122 course, it made all the sense in the world when she propositioned me. I graciously accepted her seductive offer and over the next 6 months, I did my absolute very best to help Laura get caught up on her sex life

3-months into our affair, Laura admitted that she was cheating on her husband because he took her for granted. For 14 years she cooked, cleaned, and raised 2 beautiful kids for him. Yet he never thanked her or made her feel appreciated. What attracted Laura to me was that I always complimented her and made her feel really special.

Now don’t get me wrong, I do realize that being a woman’s lover is a lot less work it is to be her full time man. But regardless, if you take her for granted eventually she will find someone that will appreciate her (or at

123 least pretend to). So if you don’t appreciate her, then be a man and let her go. This way she can find somebody who will.

Never give Them Everything

Women always claim that they want an open minded, sensitive man. They want a guy that will share details about his past, present, and future. But trust me fellas when I tell you that “you don’t want to do that!”

Communication and intimacy are a must if you want a good relationship. But never let her know you inside and out to the point that she can read you like a book. Whenever you know a book word for word… yes it will eventually get boring and very predictable. And eventually, it’s going to get put away on the shelf – and maybe even thrown out and replaced. Get my point? 124

Terry and Michelle

In college a buddy of mine named Terry, slipped into a deep depression after getting dumped by his girlfriend. For about 6 weeks he locked himself up inside his dorm room crying like a little bitch. So I decided to visit him and see if I could help the brother out. When he saw me… he hugged me and began sobbing like a baby. I peeled Terry off of me and wiped his tears and snot off my shoulder. The entire time he kept crying out “I miss you Michele,” over and over.

For years, I’ve waited for the chance to calm down a hysterical guy by slapping the shit out of him (just like in the old movies). And for a minute it looked like Terry was going to give me my first opportunity. But I realized that his delicate frame couldn’t handle it. Plus, I remembered that I was supposed to 125 be there to help him and not to kick his ass. So we grabbed beers and we began to talk.

Terry told me the story of how he met his Michelle (that chick that dumped him), and how their relationship got really serious after only 1 month of dating.

Terry was an extremely wimpy and overly sensitive guy who was raised in a house full of radical feminist. In the beginning of their romance Michelle thought it was cute that he enjoyed watching chick-flicks that made him cry. But after a while, Terry’s sensitive side began to irritate her – and she finally realized that he was too wimpy for her. “I need a man, not a girlfriend,” were the last words Michelle told Terry before she walked out of his overly sensitive life.


Don’t Cry for Me

No matter how much a woman may cry, beg, or pout it’s very important that you keep a degree of mystique to your persona. Never open up to her 100%. If you let her, she will chew the flavor out of you like used gum - eventually, you’ll end up stuck on the bottom of her shoe. Get my drift?

And for God sakes don’t turn into a crying wimp. Sharing a tender moment with a girl is cool, but any more than that will become suicidal. A tear or two every blue moon is understandable. But even then, it better be justified. Turning into an oversensitive little bitch is definitely a sign that you have lost your Balls. But if you’re the kind of guy that just can’t resist a good cry – go do it where she can’t see you humiliate yourself.


Chapter 12 Keep Her on Her Toes

Have you noticed your ass getting fatter? Has it become permanently glued to your couch, in front of your big screen TV? If you answered yes to any of the above two questions odds are you have also grown complacent in your relationship. And if so, you’re in the fast track to getting screwed. And no, I don’t mean the “good screwed!”

Odds are your woman also knows that you have grown complacent in the relationship and is taking advantage of the situation by taking your balls more and more with each passing day. And if that’s the case then she also is also losing her respect for you and believes that you have already grown too complacent to ever leave the relationship. 128

Your actions (or inactions) are also making her grow too relaxed with your relationship as well - and as a result she is also probably taking you for granted. And that’s definitely not a good thing either!

Then again, you have to take responsibility because it was your doing. After all, you’re the one who initially took the relationship for granted and became a “Couch Potato.” In the next lesson, “The Buttologist,” I will share a few simple techniques that I’ve used to keep girlfriends on their toes. And I am willing to bet that they will work for you as well… if you’ve got the Balls of course.


The Buttologist

Butt (ass) watching is one of my favorite past times. And I do consider myself to be quite the Buttologist (one who studies the female butt). Some guys are breastmen, some guys are legmen, and I’m a buttman.

One day, I was hanging with my friend Rob and his girlfriend, Jana. Then this sexy 6ft Amazon (a tall woman) with the perfect ass walked by us and I literally watched Rob intentionally looked away from her.

This was just not a normal response for a heterosexual guy with vision – that I know is a fellow Buttologist. I also noticed that Jana was watching him very closely and giving him that “I’ll stab you in the fucking heart if you look at her ass” look! 130

Later on I checked Rob on his Ball-less behavior. He tried to defend himself by telling me how Jana gets pissed off if he even looks in the direction of another girl. But needless to say that didn’t fly with me!

I tried to make Rob understand that there was nothing wrong with admiring other girls. As long as he wasn’t drooling and being disrespectful – Jana had no right to tell him what he should or should not look at.

I assured Rob that checking out other ass was a perfectly natural instinct that should not be suppressed. And though it may have hurt his man feelings, I also pointed out how Jana walks all over him and takes him for granted. She had turned Rob into a wimp that wouldn’t even look at another female, let alone flirt with one. Rob had become a perfectly harmless, toothless tiger.


I refreshed his memory on how Jana use to treat him like he was “The Man,” when they first started dating. She respected Rob back then, and would always look and act her very best. But then again, Rob was dating a lot of hot chicks and Jana knew she had lots of stiff competition when it came down to it.

If Jana had caught him looking at another woman back then it would have made her extremely jealous. But it would have also made her work harder to make Rob happy, and even more attracted to her. But once Rob committed to her, Jana no longer felt like she had to compete with other women.

At that point, she began to take Rob for granted because she knew that he didn’t have the Balls to be unfaithful. And as an added precaution, Jana punked Rob into being afraid to even look at other women!


A True Buttman

I’ll admit that I use to be extremely hesitant to look at other girl’s butts when I was with my ex-wife. But after our horrible marriage and wonderful divorce, I promised myself that I would never again let a chick alter who or what I was – no matter how hot!

For example; years back I was dating this girl named Charlene. We were on our way to lunch when a girl with a great ass walked by. Charlene was watching me like she was the KGB. “I saw you looking at her ass,” she yelled at me. I explained to her how I shall use my 20/20 vision to look at whatever ass I chose to look at. I assured her that my two eyes were for looking. and just because we were sleeping together it did not mean that I was blind. I promised that I would continue to take full advantage of my eyesight.


“If you let her control your eyesight, next she’ll control your brain… and then your penis… and then your life. Got that?”

Charlene got pissed off, but I was honest and gave her the choice to either take it or leave it. So Charlene, like every woman that has been in my life since decided to take it.

Once again guys let me emphasize that I never drool or make it obvious when I am checking out other women. I have always tried my best to not offend or disrespect the woman that I am with, as well as the girl that I just happen to be checking out.

And yes I also respect the fact that what’s good for the gander is good for the goose. Women are just as entitled to check out the opposite sex as men - just do it respectfully. Too admire is simply part of human nature. It’s not only perfectly healthy…it also helps keep your mate on her toes. 134

Most men are afraid that they’ will get in trouble if their “ball and chain” catches them looking at another woman. But what these men don’t realize is that whenever their women forbid them from looking at other chicks – she’s Ball snatching!

*If your lady conditions you to be too afraid to even look at her competition, it will ensure your complacency in the relationship which will make it easier for her to neuter you. So if you see a nice ass, you better take the time to admire it.


Blue Balls

Here is another simple and easy technique that I’ve used in the past to keep girls on their toes in order to make sure that they will never ever take me for granted.

Whenever most couples have sex, the guy is often the only one that climaxes… leaving the girl sexually unsatisfied. She will simply wait for “Dumbo” to go to sleep, and then she’ll masturbate and simply get herself off.

She will also feel a degree of resentment for her guy due to is sexual inadequacy and selfishness. It may even motivate her to go outside of the relationship in order to find a guy or girl that can fulfill her sexual needs.

I have discovered a way to take some of that power away from women, and turn the tables on them. Every now and then during 136 sex, I would bring the woman to orgasm, yet I’ll stop myself from coming. “Why didn’t you come”? They would curiously ask me. “Just because I didn’t come, doesn’t mean that I didn’t enjoy myself,” I would respond back.

This made them feel really insecure about their sexual adequacy. Then they would all try harder to please me sexually in hopes of gaining back my confidence and attraction for them (which never actually left). This also prevented them from ever feeling like they had me all figured out and wrapped around their fingers. And believe it or not, it makes the sex better because now she will be willing to go the extra mile and 9 inches.


A Quick Tip

Guys if you want to know if a girl has faked an orgasm, lightly touch her clitoris immediately after her “supposed” climax. If she had a clitoral orgasm, her clitoris will be overly-sensitive and she’ll flinch due to the discomfort of your touch. If she doesn’t flinch, odds are she faked it (you stud).


Chapter 13 Best for Last

The previously discussed pitfalls can, and will affect the quality of sex in your relationship. And once the sex life dies, the relationship will follow. Typically, troubled romantic relationships will usually have a negative sexual effect on the female first.

Unfortunately, when the woman is affected negatively, she’ll lose her desire to have sex with you – If she even has sex with you at all. Men for the most part can separate their emotions from sex, unlike most females. A guy may hate his girlfriend’s or wife’s guts, but if she threw him a coochie crumb, he’d still scurry for it like the coochie hound that nature created him to be. Yet if a woman hates her husband’s guts, her skin will crawl 139 at the mere thought of him touching her. A good sex life is definitely crucial if you are striving for a passionate, exciting, and healthy relationship.

If you can’t do the Job

A former neighbor of mine named Larry once bragged to me that he could make love to his wife for up to ten whole minutes (wow). Larry also confessed to me that he never has, and never will perform oral sex on any woman. “I just refuse to eat anything that bleeds for a week and doesn’t die,” Larry gloatingly confessed to me.

I was shocked to hear Larry “the lover” admit these things so proudly. I warned him that he was a sexual retard and that his wife 140 would eventually dump him. He assured me she was satisfied and not going anywhere.

2 months later…Larry’s wife dumped him and filed for a divorce. But before she left him, she confessed that she had not had an orgasm during sex with him in the entire 5 years they were married. She also admitted that she’d been screwing a neighbor for the last 4 years of their marriage. “No it wasn’t me… no, really.”

Eventually Larry came to me for counseling. I recommended that he reevaluate his sex techniques and sexual perspectives before he ruined another woman. “No, seriously I wasn’t the neighbor. Although I will admit that I would’ve done her if I had the chance.


The Power of Grade ‘A’ Dick

Over the years, I have literally had thousands of conversations with men and women. From my vast sexperiences and research, I’ve come to the conclusion that less than 10% of the male population knows how to give women “Grade ‘A’ Dick.” Those few gifted men that know how, are what we respectfully refer to as the “Top Guns.”

Top Guns are the ones that women lose their frigging minds over. And just to keep these extremely rare sex Gods in their lives, women will put up with shit that 90% of you would never believe. If you happen to have a buddy who’s a Top Gun, I’m sure you’ve witnessed firsthand how females literally worship the ground that he walks on.


Being a Top Gun has definitely been one of the greatest experiences of my fucking life. Top Guns are those guys your wives and girlfriends donate your hard earned money to when business doesn’t get handled in the bedroom because you’ve been sleeping on the job. Trust me when I tell you that women treat Top Guns like Gods – and treat “non” Top Guns like shit!

Top Gun status is one thing that all males should strive for. If you truly reach this level it will empower you and instantly open up an amazing world of respect, and opportunity that 90% of men have never experienced!

Women will spoil you every single chance they get. They will always try to look and act their very best for you and they will give you the most incredible sex that they can. And if they can’t cut it, they’ll get their girlfriends to lend a hand, mouth, or vagina. 143

Does Size Matter?

Does a man’s penis size matter to women? I hate saying the word “Penis.” It makes me feel like a dork. FYI: A dork is a whale’s penis. Though I will admit that I am not a woman…I’ve been exposed to enough of them to definitely know the answer to this often asked often lied about question. The answer is (drum roll please)… “Yes!”

Most heterosexual females definitely prefer an endowed penis over a micro-penis. But if the man doesn’t know what he’s doing with it (he’s a lousy lover), then the penis size is insignificant. I have found that once a girl has had sex with an endowed man that’s a pretty good lover - sex with a micro-penis man won’t be as satisfying even if he is a pretty good lover as well. Women who tell you differently are usually… 144

• A woman who have never been with an endowed man, who was a good lover. • A woman who is trying to protect the ego of her un-endowed lover. • A woman who has an unusually small vagina or has feminine medical problems. • A woman who has been traumatized by a guy that was hung like a Yak.

Warning Small Dick Owners

If you own a very small Dick, then you’re at a disadvantage when it comes to the ladies. But if you are willing to accept your shortcomings (no pun intended) and take my advice, then you’ll be okay. You will definitely have to work harder and smarter than endowed men but it will all be worth it. If you have a small Dick, you must become a king at sexual foreplay and learn how to 145 manipulate females with your hands, voice, mouth, imagination, toys and more. But then again, that goes for any guy that is striving to be a Top Gun (endowed or not).

You’ll definitely have to practice the lessons that I teach in this manual. And Like I said earlier, I won’t get into sexual techniques in this particular book and will save it for my next one (wow, another shameless plug).


Back in the Game

Hopefully by now you’ve learned the biggest mistakes and misassumptions that guys make about girls, love & relationships. You’ve taken some time off from the dating scene… and now you are feeling confident that you’re ready to get back into the game. And if so, then it is time for us to continue restoring that lemon of a car (you), into a new mint-conditioned vehicle with greatly improved value and appeal.


Improving Your Rating

The rest of this manual is going to teach you how to improve your numbers on the rating scale. You have to force yourself to drop old ways of thinking and be open minded. Remember; if your old ways were so wonderful then you would not be in the romantic situation that you’re in right now.

This is an exciting new beginning for you. You should embrace these opportunities to grow and empower yourself. If you do, you will be extremely attractive to the opposite sex. Believe me; what you have learned so far is more than what 90% of guys will ever know about girls. When it comes down to it, the few that know the game are destined to rule it. It may not be fair, but it’s still a fact.


The Makeover

A new attitude definitely deserves a new look. The way we physically perceive ourselves isn’t the way the rest of the world may perceive us. If you are just coming out of a long-term relationship, odds are, your appearance is not up to par with the modern dating world. But don’t worry it’s nothing that can’t be fixed with a little time and effort.

If you’re overweight, then get back into the gym and start watching your diet. This is a great way to channel built up, toxic hostility you may have lingering from your failed relationship. Try to use it as fuel to enhance your workout. If you’re fragile and too scrawny, hit the heavy weights and put on some muscle. What better way to get back at your ex, than for her to see you looking great? Plus, it will fool other guys into believing that you can actually fight!  149

Don’t try to rush this process because it can take a while before you see results. The key is to incorporate working out & eating right into your entire new lifestyle and not just as a quick cosmetic fix. And have fun with it!

A Woman’s Touch

Next, you may need a makeover that’ll give you a new and confident attitude as well as make you look more appealing to the ladies. You will NOT accomplish this by asking your buddy who only wears 3-piece polyester suits, with baseball caps. What you need at this point is a woman’s touch. Find a classy hair-salon that employ female stylists, similar to the age and style of the girls that you want to attract. Ask the stylists to give you her honest opinion of what style 150 of haircut would look most attractive on you. And you never ever know, she may even be interested in hooking up with you. Either way, you’ve literally got nothing to lose and everything to gain. But try your best to avoid asking female relatives for their opinions on styles. They don’t see you as a sexual being and may suggest a cut that’ll make you look like you’re not a sexual being.

Use this same tactic when looking for new clothing styles. Go to retailers that employ saleswomen, similar to the age and style of women that you’re planning on attracting. But please use your common sense and avoid sales girls that are trying to sell you Amish clothing, just to make a commission.

Go out and buy some really nice smelling, up to date cologne. It might be extremely difficult for you to drop the “Old Spice,” but this is one of those sacrifices that need to 151 be made. The key is to look well groomed and to smell really good. Your personal hygiene is often a major deciding factor to whether a woman says Yay or Nay to you.

Don’t Jump in

Hopefully by now you’ve utilized my most of my makeover tips and your physical appearance has dramatically improved. By now you should also have a good grasp on women, relationships, and your true needs. If so, then you’re ready to move on. But that does not mean you should jump right back into another serious relationship just yet. In fact I would strongly advise against it. This priceless period of newfound freedom and self-awareness may literally be a once in a lifetime opportunity for you that you should take advantage of for as long as you can. 152

Right now the last thing you need is another serious relationship. Use this time to explore new interests and spend time with the most important person in the world (you).

Go check out new & exciting exhibits at the museum. Go enjoy the adrenaline-rush of skydiving. Check out your favorite bands in concert. Go out for long walks on the beach. Stay updated on the latest movies & escape reality. Last but not least, masturbate a lot. A whole fucking lot…and be proud of it!

Spending this quality time with yourself will broaden your horizons and make you more interesting. This is the time to do the things that you have been afraid to try before. “No, that doesn’t include robbing banks!” While recovering from my divorce, I tried my luck as an male exotic dancer. It was weird in the beginning, but the quick money and even quicker sex helped me to adapt really fast. I’m not telling you to go out there and 153 shake your ass for money - but this period of newfound freedom is the perfect time for new experiences and growth.


Back when I was going through my restoration phase, one of my main goals was to understand women better than most women understood themselves. So I went straight to the source and hung-out with female friends (purely platonic).

I encouraged them to speak freely and honestly about everything from food to sex. I also spent a lot of my time around female friends of mine that were lesbians, and I read a lot about the lesbian experience.


I realized that a lot of straight girls turned to other women because guys were not giving them something that they needed. Most of the time it was compassion, communication, intimacy & friendship that they were craving. Good sex also played an important role, but it wasn’t always the main thing. I studied the sexuality of women and how it connected to their emotions. I learned how different men and women were, yet how similar we all are. I obsessed over mastering the art of sex and the spirituality that gave it life. I learned to reevaluate my perception of relationships, sex, love, the Universe and myself.

Your research doesn’t have to be nearly as extensive as mine – but the more research that you do now, the better off you’ll be in the long run. Trust me on this one my friend!


Chapter 15 Pussy Control

After my restoration period, I didn’t just want to jump right back into the dating scene. My goal was not to simply get laid - I wanted women to be so in awe of me that they’d treasure our friendship and would never place any other man above me. So I learned how to sexually satisfy them better than anyone else ever had done before.

I put their sexual needs and desires ahead of mine. This made them feel so grateful, that they would then go above and beyond to please me back. No questions asked.

I learned how to listen to the female body and give it exactly what it asked for. I was completely in tune with it. I knew exactly what women wanted sexually, even if they 156 didn’t know themselves. But I won’t go into details on how I did it since that could take up another 100 pages. I’ll save that for my next book. “I don’t know how many more of these shameless plugs I have left in me?”

These women realized the value of what I gave them and they cherished it. No matter what happened between us these women would always be there for me “emotionally, financially, spiritually, and sexually.” Even if we had been out of contact for a couple of years and they moved on and married; just one phone call from me and they’d risk it all (not that I would let them).

I became the standard these loyal women measured other guys by. And believe me. These ladies were extremely disappointed with the poor saps that had to follow my act.

Part of the reason why these women were so loyal to me was definitely because of the 157 powerful sexual chemistry that we had. But there was also something else that I gave them that was even far more powerful than Grade ‘A’ Dick, “Unconditional Acceptance.”

Unconditional Acceptance

Whenever most guys use the words “unconditional acceptance,” odds are they are full of shit. Yes he will accept a woman unconditionally just as long as she acts the way that he wants her to act. Most guys are bull shitters and women know it. Women realize that they’ll get ridiculed if they truly revealed their most intimate thoughts and fantasies to men. Let her tell him that she fantasizes about having a threesome with two guys. Watch him call her a whore and make her feel dirty. Since girls know this will happen, they will never confide in you – and you’ll never know the “true her.” 158

A long time ago I learned that if I accepted a girl unconditionally and earned her trust she will open up to me completely. She’ll share her most intimate secrets, thoughts, and fantasies that she had never shared with anyone else before.

Most importantly, no matter what it was that she confided in me, I never used it against her or threw it in her face. In the very rare event that I was actually freaked out about something she told me… I simply kept my mouth shut and remained impartial.

This true unconditional acceptance made her feel a bond with me that she cherished. And when all was said and done, I basically gave her true love & friendship. So would you rather be around somebody whom you had to be phony with and always walking on eggshells with? Or would you prefer to be around someone whom you could be your true self with? 159

“Combine that with incredible great sex, and now you’re playing with power!”

Never NEED the Pussy

Before you even attempt to jump back into the dating scene, you must truly condition yourself to “never ever NEED the pussy.” Now don’t get me wrong, girls and sex are beautiful things. But when you tell yourself that you must have something, you will become enslaved to it. This philosophy also applies to drugs, alcohol, and material possessions (cars, clothing, homes, etc).

When a girl knows that you are desperate for the pussy, you are no longer a challenge to her… and everybody loves a challenge. But if she senses that you can either take it or leave it, then she’ll want to give it to you 160 even more (well at least in most cases). So whether your using masturbation or cold showers … do whatever you must in order to avoid being controlled by the pussy.

“Being controlled by pussy will create an evil Pussy Monster that may eventually castrate and destroy you!”


It is extremely crucial that the man has the majority of power and control in the relationship. Women are extremely attracted to guys in control. But once you give up that control to your girl it will be your downfall. A lack of control can make a man come off as desperate and weak, which turns women off. Women know that desperate men do 161 really dumb shit like begging, lying, and refusing to obey police restraining orders!

“But guys who play indifferent will always intrigue girls and drive them crazy.” It’s also important for you to understand that control through physical or mental abuse is not the kind of control that I am talking about or that I condone. Only extremely weak & insecure guys use that kind of control.

They’ll remember

If you can unconditionally accept a woman and give her incredible sex…then you’ll have definitely given her the perfect relationship. In her pretty eyes, you’ll be a superman amongst mere mortal men, when she compares you to the rest of the male 162 population. So enjoy it you stud, because you’ve earned it. That’s my boy!


Chapter 16

Keeping it real

Now that you’re a God amongst mere mortal men, you should never have to jump through hoops, tell lies, or beg just to get into a girl’s panties. Women can spot a Top Gun by his amazing confidence. And trust me, if you truly achieve the Top Gun level chicks will constantly fall for you.

But it is your duty to warn them up front that you are not trying to fall in love, nor are you looking for a serious relationship (unless you are of course). Even though this attitude may seem a little bit arrogant, women will definitely respect you for it. It will also make them more attracted to you because you have the Balls to keep it real. And that is a powerful trademark of an Alpha Male!


The No Question Policy

You must lay down the rules in the beginning of your relationship instead of leaving it solely up to the women. She may think that you are being a jerk, but she will respect you for your honesty. If you don’t want a serious relationship let her know from the start. It’s completely up to you to set the boundaries and layout the rules!

If you don’t want a serious relationship, then let her know that you and her are only fuck buddies (good friends that have sex). You don’t have to use those exact words - but you get the point. You should also agree that neither of you will question the other about who they are dating or sleeping with.

One night, I ran into one of my fuck buddies while she was out on a date. She looked 165 completely terrified as I approached the two of them. I could tell that she was afraid that I was going to get pissed off and start a fight… but that is definitely not my style.

I respectfully said hello to her as if we were no more than old friends. I then introduced myself to her date and shook his hand. We all exchanged a little small talk and then all kept it moving and went on along our way.

Later on that evening, she nervously called me up on the telephone and asked if I was upset? “Why would I be upset, that’s your personal life,” I reminded her. She invited me over, we did our sex thing and that was that. She was amazed that I didn’t go ballistic and stab the two of them. And I never ever brought the incident back up again, which made her feel closer to me. This made her have to give me that same respect back the day that she ran into me while I was on a date. So do you see? All of 166 that drama, jealousy and stabbing people is completely unnecessary and definitely not worth it. If something actually pisses you off that much … just simply walk away.

If it gets twisted

There should also be an agreement, that in the likely event that she falls in love with you (or vise versa), she must be honest and let you know right away. At that point, you should end the friendship and prevent things from going any further - unless you both want a serious relationship of course.

Doing this will prevent her from ever setting herself up for romantic rejection. That’s why it’s crucial that you make it extremely clear that you don’t want a serious relationship. 167

If you have truly learned and practiced everything in this book, women will fall in love with you very easily - you’re no longer an average Joe. You are now part of a very rare breed of men…and women love rare things. Your girls will dread the thought of dating mere mortal men, especially after sexperiencing a Top Gun.


Like I just said earlier, if you’ve truly grasped the basic game in this book, girls will fall in love with you. And although she may have agreed to warn you if she falls for you, I would still be extremely cautious. A woman in love is controlled by her emotions which will cause her to act more irrational than usual - so she may not admit she has fallen for you. So read the warning signs. 168

Here are a few warning signs: • More mood swings than usual • Being clingy or jealous • Urinating on you to mark her territory

If she exhibits any of these warning signs, then it’s time to “Run Forest, Run!”

It’s also important that you use your own condoms whenever you have sex. I strongly recommend that you always keep a couple with you and always avoid using her supply. Believe it or not, in this day and age there are still a lot of scandalous-ass girls that will poke pinholes in condoms to intentionally try to get pregnant and lock you down!


No one is perfect

This book will greatly improve your success with girls. But don’t think that you’re going to conquer every chick you want. This is still the real world that some of us live in. Even Top Guns can’t get every woman they want. If you have ever done sales then you know that it’s all a numbers game. And even in the world of dating, it’s not much different.

You are the product that you are selling and girls are the customers you are selling your product to. So the more that you put your product out there the more rejection you will receive. Then again, the more that you put your product out there…the more success that you’ll inevitably have as well .


I’m Not Buying Pussy, I’m

Selling Dick!

“I’m not buying Pussy, I’m selling Dick,” is the attitude you should have when approaching any female. You must realize that you’re special and you’re offering her something that she wants, needs, and can only get from you. And if she’s too dumb to realize it – that’s her loss. Remind yourself that you are not like other men that beg for Pussy Crumbs. This new attitude will ooze confidence and its nectar will attract women to you like hungry flies to a Venus Fly Trap.


The Approach

For many guys, approaching girls can be a very intimidating ordeal. There’s nothing worse than trying to your confidence to approach a chick – only to get rejected. So it comes as no surprise that men are always asking me for good pick-up lines. But the truth is I don’t have any.

I’ve learned that pick-up lines can make you look corny unless you’re extremely creative and charismatic. I prefer to simply go up to a woman and give her a compliment on her outfit, perfume, or hair (find something).

After giving her the compliment I just walk off nonchalantly. This will intrigue her, yet lets her know I’m interested. At this point if she’s interested in me she’ll let me know as well. I broke the ice without putting pressure 172 or fear of rejection on either one of us. Remember. You don’t need the pussy.

Another really effective way to break down a woman’s defenses is to catch her off guard by making her laugh. Learn my Masculine Advantage tactics for picking up women in my next book (What do ya know, I still had one more shameless plug left in me).

Date, Date, and Date

Date as many women as possible and experiment with a variety of personality types as well. Don’t go into every date with preconceived expectations: yes like, “getting laid.” Take in the experience of the date and gather as much data as possible and learn as much about her as you possibly can. 173

Shut up, listen, and soak up everything like a sponge. And when it’s time for you to talk, subtly pick her brain and learn what turns her on and off. This can be a goldmine of knowledge that will make you even more powerful and attractive. Women love it when men listen to them, and especially when we actually encourage them to run their mouth.


So you have been out in the dating world for a while - and you’ve utilized all the knowledge and advice that this book has to offer. You’ve dated a variety of women and have learned what you want – as well as what you don’t want. You’ve even learned to understand and love yourself, which means you’re now capable of loving someone else. 174

This book was written to teach all guys to stop settling for unfulfilling love lives. The ultimate truth is – if you are anything less than ecstatic about your love life than you’re cheating yourself. You’re only on this planet for a short time and it shouldn’t be wasted settling for bullshit in any area of your world!

No matter who you are, there are plenty of women out there for you. And the tools that I have given you in this book will help you to identify them and truly enjoy them.

It is only a matter of time before you meet that very special woman who makes you want to settle down into an extremely deep and meaningful relationship. And if that’s what makes you happy, then I say go for it!

Or maybe you’re determined to remain single and try to bang every chick on the 175 planet earth. And if that’s what makes you happy, then I still say to go for it!

Regardless of whichever road you choose, continue to use this manual as your lifelong dating & relationship bible and you’ll never ever go wrong. So to you my good friend I wish the best of luck. And enjoy your...

….Big Balls! 176

-The End-


Contact Anthony Clark “The Game Dr.” today to get live one on one coaching from the #1 dating & relationship coach for guys in the country.

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