The Official Gazette of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya

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The Official Gazette of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF THE COLONY AND PROTECTORATE OF KENYA Publ~shedunder the Authonty of HIS Excellency the Governor of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya - - VO!. XLIX-NO. 31 NAIROBI, July 29, 1947 Pr~ce50 Cents Regtstered as a Newspaper at the G P 0 Publrshed every Tuesday - -- CONTENTS OFFICIAL GAZETTF SUPPLEMENT No 33 Govt Notlce No - PAGE Proclamat~ons Rules and Regulatio~zs I947 755-Apolntments, etc 395 Govt Not~ceNo - PAGE 756-The Increase of Rent and of Moltgage Interest 774-The Suppress~onof Mosqu~toes (Amendment) (Restr~ctlons)Ord~nance-Appomtment 395 Rules, 1946 199 757-Arnvals and Departures 396 775-The Defence (Control of D~str~butlonand 758-Vacanc~es in Government Departments 397 Ratlomng of Foodstuffs) Regulations, 1944- 759-760-The Courts Ord~nanc~Appomtments 397 Coupon Values 761-763-The Natlve Autho~~tyOrdinance-Appoint- 776-The Resident Laboure~s(Trans Nzo~aDlstr~ct) ments 397 (Amendment) Order, 1947 764-The Marnage Ordmance-Appo~ntment 398 777-The Dlseases of Anlmals (Foot and Mouth 765-The Pnsons Ord~nance-Appomtment 398 D~sease)Rules, 1947 766-The Museums Trustees-Appomtments 398 778-The AI~Navlgatlon (Colon~es, Protectorates 767-The Pubhc Health (Div~s~onof Lands) Ordm- and Mandated Terr~tor~es)Orde~ , 1927- ance, 1928-Appomtment 198 Authorlzat~on 768-769-The Land Acqu~slt~onAct, 1894-Declara- 779-The Motor Vehlcles Insurance (Th~rd Party tlon and Appo~ntment 398 R~sks)Ord~nance 770-771-The Trout Protect~on Ord~nance-Flshmg 780-HIS Majesty s Forces Penslons and Gratu~tles Not~ces 398 (European Personnel) Regulat~ons, 1947 772-The Land Board-Appo~ntment 399 781-The Wattle Bark (Improvement and Inspect~on) 173-Award of the Colonla1 Pol~ce Medal for (Amendment No 2) Rules, 1947 Gallantry 399 782-The Courts Ordnance-Junsd~ctlon General Not~cesNos 1315-1370 399 783--Confi~matlon of Ordinance THOMASHODGKINSON to be W~relessOfficer, Grade APPOINTMENTS JOHN I, Jo~ntPosts and Telegraphs Department w~theffect from 1st ARTHURCHRISTOPHER CYRIL ROBERTS to be Acting Accountant, Janual y, 1947 Act ountant Generals Department, w~th effect from 1st ROBERTWILLIAM LILLEY to be W~reless office^, Grade I, Jo~nt January, 1947 Posts and T~legraphs Department, wlth effect fiom 1st DUDIEYBADLEY to be Tax Officer Inland Revenue Department, Janua~y, 1947 w1t1 effect from 1st January, 1947 NORMANSANDERSON A M I R E to be W~relessOfficer, Grade I, .TAME',DOUGLAS DORRITY to be Dlstr~ctOfficer, Isiolo hsttlct, Jo~ntPosts and Telegraphs Department, with effect from 1st Noitl~etnProvince, w~theffect from 1st July, 1947 January, 1947 GORDONMATHEWS HECTOR to be Distr~ctOfficer, Nand1 Dls- GRAHAMGAMBLE to be Agncultural Officer, Department of Agri- t~~ct,Rlft Valley Province, w~theffect f~om14th July, 1947 culture, wlth effect from 24th July, 1946 FREDIRICK CANDISHSub-Engneer, to be Act~ngAmstant Eng~n- THEODOREHERBERT JACKSON DIP HORT (READING),to be Agri- eer, Joint Posts and Telegraphs Department, wlth effect f~om cultural Officer, Department of Agr~culture wlth effect from 24th May 1947 lqt January, 1947 THOMASROLAND HUMPHREY GOLDING to be m Asslstant So11 Conservation Officer, Grade I (D A R A ), Agr~cultural De- REVERSION pariment, wtth effect from 10th March, 1947 GERALDLEWIS KRAUSS reverted to h~ssubstantive rank of Clerk, LESLIIRUSSELL WHITE M B E to be an Asslstant Agr~cultural Grade I, Accountant General's Depa~tment,w~th effect from Offizer, Agr~culturalDepartment, w~theffect from 1st May 28th June. 1947 194 7 C H THORNLEY, BRIANRONALD NORMAN to be a Laboratory Ass~stant Agn- Actlng Chlef Secretary cult ~ralDepartment, wlth efcect from 11th May 1947 WILLIIM BARR CLELLANDDANKS B sc M R c v s Senlor Vet( rlnary Officer, to be Asslstant D~rector, Production D~vls~on,East Afr~canCentral Veter~nary Resea~chInst~tute, GOVERNMENTNOTICE NO 756 (G Lnd 26/12/5) w~theffe~t flom 1st May, 1947 THE INCREASE OF RENT AND OF MORTGAGE RICHAIUI N~THANIELTWISTLETON-WlKEH4M-FIENNES B A lNTEREST (RESTRICTIONS) ORDINANCE (CANTAB), M R c v s Veter~naryResearch Officer, to be Sen101 Resfarch Officer, East African Central Veter~nary Research APPOINTMENT Institute, w~theffect from 1st January, 1947 IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred upon the Governor ARTHLRMILNER DICKESON HOWES to be Act~ngD~rector of by sub-sectlon (2) of section 3 of the Inciease of Rent and of CIVI Av~at~on,East Afnca, with effect from 19th July, 1947 Mortgage Interest (Restnct~ons)Ord~nance, 1940, HIS Excellency LESLIERUSSELL FISHER Barr~ster-at-Law (Gray's Inn), to be the Act~ngGovernor has been pleased to appolnt- Actl~gDeputy Cornmlssloner of Inland Revenue and Income Tax w~theffect from 5th July, 1947 JOSEPEREED BURGESS A L A A to be Act~ngRegonal Comm~s- to be a membe~ of the Rent Control Board for the D~str~cts slonc I of Income Tax with effect from 5th July, 1947 of Naku~u,Rav~ne, Na~vasha, La~k~pia-Samburuand Bar~ngo In the place of Mr W W Cresswell (resigned) PROMOTIONS Government Notice No 553 of 14th June, 1943, 1s vaned DAVIDDALRYMPLE to be Wlreless Officer, Grade I, Jo~ntPosts accordingly and Telegraphs Department, with effect from 1st Janualy, 1947 By Command of HIS Excellency the Act~ngGovernor MICHA-LFRANCIS KENNEDY to be Wileless Officer, Grade I, Jolnl Posts and Teegraphs Depaltment wlth effect from 1st Nalrob~, C H THORNLEY, Tanuary, 1947 19th July, 1947 Acting Chref,Secretni y 396 TH E O FFICIA L G A ZEW E July 29, 1947 G OVERNMENT N OTIR N o 757 ARRIVA LS N am e D eszgnatzon From lea: e ov ozz D ate of leavlng D ate of Arzzval m 1st Appolntm ent E ngland the Colony J Ptm ton Inspector of W orks P W D (D A. R A ) 1st Appolntm ent *22nd J'une, 1947 30th J'une. 1947 E T Stewazt do ,, ,, ,, Af L T M zlnga; Staff Sun ey or, Lands, M znes and Survey Depaztm ent Leave 1'28th M arch, 1947 23rd May , 1947 M lss L M E den Fem ale E dueatzon Om eer E ducatlon D ept ,, 19th J'une, 1947 10th J'uly, 1947 A F V alentlne 'Fozem an Publzc W ozkq D ept lst Appolntm ent ,, ,, W 1) H arverson A sst Com m lsstoner of M lneq Leave 14th June, 1947 13th q'fuly, 1947 T N ell Admn Omcez (cadet) 1st appoantm ent ,. ,, M lss 1n w oodford Telephonzst P & T D ept ,, ,, ,, M alor G eneral J K E dv ards D eputy Chalrm an, Agmc Productlon B oazd ,, ,, L E Tayloz A sslstant Engm eer, P & T D ept On trausfer from ,, N lgerza I.t A stam ers Smtth Asszstant Commtssloner of Sm veys On transfer from 1:7th J'uh , 1947 15th July, 1947 Colom bo * Durban tNew Zealand $ Colombo D EPA RTURES N am e D eslgnatton On Leave or Term m atzon D ate of D eparture of Appom tm ent () A(E Johnston D vstzzct O m cer Adm znzstratlon Leave 26th J'tm e, 1947 G w L ow Stock Inspectozs V eterznazy D ept ,, .- .R Hunter Educatton Officcr Educatzon Dept ,, ;; .E A Fenw zck D lstrtct R evenue Officer, Adm zm stratton #: k'f I-I S Todd Crow n Counsel Izegal D ept ,, I 11 Hudson Deputy Dzrector (Lab Servzces) Vetermary Dept ,, G. 1-1 Bralthw atte Governm ent Plzntez, Governm ent Press ;# 11 W 5m 1th A sst Accountant General, Aceountant G eneral's D ept ># A Phzlhps J'udlm al Advzser Legal D ept ,, ,. EI E Iuam bezt Fenzoz D astzzct Om cer, Adm znlstratzon ,, ,- . , w G Quann Eem oz Colleetor of Ctwtom s Custom s Dept Leave pendzng tram fer to 30th J'une, 1947 N zgerza L J' Turton W eventzve O fllcer Leave pendzng term znatzon ,, of appozntm ent D t R M N attrass Fenzor Plant Pathologzst, A grzcultural D ept Lea: e 4th July, 1947 W J Cozkhlll A sst A gzlcultural O m eer, A gmcultural D ept , E Belhs A glleultural Om cez, A grleultural D ept .tR, E T H obbs Sem or A gzzcultural O m cer, A grteultural D ept ,, J' F w alcl A grleultural Om cer, A grlcultural D ept Leave pendm g transfer to N zgerza V de V A llan A sst Suyldt of Pztsons, Pzlsons D ept Leave Db D r E A. Lew zs Chtef Fzeld Zoologzst, V eterznary D ept ,, I .P D enw ett Stock Inspeetor, V eterznao D ept R etzred (? B Jolley do Leavo 1% G M errzfeld Press Engznetm Przntzng and Statlonery J S Tem pleton Legal Asslstant, Legal Dept M tss M Pow les N urszng Slster, M edzcal D ept D r H O W atkm s Pztehford M edzcal Oo cer, M edlcal D ept W J H enftey Bupdt lnfecttous D zseases H ospttsl, M edzeal D ept M lss M M A shM ortlz Clerlt M edzcal D ept y, M Sm urthw alte M ale M ental N urse, M edlcal D epb $9 M rs E M Sm urthw atte Fem ale M ental N urse, M edzeal D ept M lss E M Bunele N ursm g Szster, M edteal D ept L Lew zs H ealth Inspeetor M edtcal D ept M zss R % M Gozzett Clerk, Custom s D ept G L K rauss Clerk, A ccountant Genezal's D ept M zss N' M M cLean Educatlon O fficer, E ducatzon D ept A F Bull do P C C Evans do W H Oêlenby Teclm zeal Instruetor, E ducatzon D ept J R ae do ,, M Tss E A Iuane M atzon E ducatton D ept Leave pendm g retzrem ent F> E J' Boase Asst M aster, E ducatlon D ept Leave B H Joneq Assessor, Jolnt Incom e Tax D ept ,, R G D arroch D zstnct Om cer, Adrnm zstratzon R etned o M cK av do Leave pendm g retzrem ent w s Gra-nt fnspector P osts and Telepzaphs D ept Leave pmor to reverslon F> to B P O E H Llndqey Asst Inspector of P ollce, Pohce D ept Leave .
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