Report No. 59 GOVERNMENT OF- KENYA MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES GEOLOGICAL SURYEY OF KENYA OF THE NORTH--MA€HÄKOS-l4EIIKA- • AREA DEGREE SHEET 52 N.W. (with coloured geological map) by W. A. FAIRBURN, B.Sc. Geologist Twelve Shillings - 1963 .t* v-*"-y--*'*,#.a»rs*i s^-fils- ' ISHICJLIBRAfiY Kf E - '1963 03 f - - Wageningen , * The Setherlands Scanned from original by ISRIC - World Soil Information, as ICSU World Data Centre for Soils. The purpose is to make a safe depository for endangered documents and to make the accrued information available for consultation, following Fair Use 3uidelines. Every effort is taken to respect Copyright of the -naterials within the archives where the identification of the Copyright holder is clear and, where feasible, to contact the Driginators. For questions please contact
[email protected] ndicating the item reference number concerned. GEOLOGY OF THE NORTH MACHAKOS-THIKA AREA DEGREE SHEET 52 N.W. (with coloured geological map) by W. A. FAIRBURN, B.Sc. Geologist \5S\3 FOREWORD The field-work that lead to the account of the geology of the North Machakos-Thika area given in this report continued to the north the geological survey of the area around and south of Machakos township, which was published as Report No. 27 (1954). In passing from the southern area to the northern there is a notable change in geology, which is reflected in the topography. In the North Machakos-Thika area, in contrast to the area south of Machakos, there is less hill-country made up of ancient rocks and what there is is concentrated in the east side of the area.