The Official Gazette of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya

The Official Gazette of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya

THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF THE COLONY AND PROTECTORATE OF KENYA Publ~shedunder the Authonty of HIS Excellency the Governor of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya - - VO!. XLIX-NO. 31 NAIROBI, July 29, 1947 Pr~ce50 Cents Regtstered as a Newspaper at the G P 0 Publrshed every Tuesday - -- CONTENTS OFFICIAL GAZETTF SUPPLEMENT No 33 Govt Notlce No - PAGE Proclamat~ons Rules and Regulatio~zs I947 755-Apolntments, etc 395 Govt Not~ceNo - PAGE 756-The Increase of Rent and of Moltgage Interest 774-The Suppress~onof Mosqu~toes (Amendment) (Restr~ctlons)Ord~nance-Appomtment 395 Rules, 1946 199 757-Arnvals and Departures 396 775-The Defence (Control of D~str~butlonand 758-Vacanc~es in Government Departments 397 Ratlomng of Foodstuffs) Regulations, 1944- 759-760-The Courts Ord~nanc~Appomtments 397 Coupon Values 761-763-The Natlve Autho~~tyOrdinance-Appoint- 776-The Resident Laboure~s(Trans Nzo~aDlstr~ct) ments 397 (Amendment) Order, 1947 764-The Marnage Ordmance-Appo~ntment 398 777-The Dlseases of Anlmals (Foot and Mouth 765-The Pnsons Ord~nance-Appomtment 398 D~sease)Rules, 1947 766-The Museums Trustees-Appomtments 398 778-The AI~Navlgatlon (Colon~es, Protectorates 767-The Pubhc Health (Div~s~onof Lands) Ordm- and Mandated Terr~tor~es)Orde~ , 1927- ance, 1928-Appomtment 198 Authorlzat~on 768-769-The Land Acqu~slt~onAct, 1894-Declara- 779-The Motor Vehlcles Insurance (Th~rd Party tlon and Appo~ntment 398 R~sks)Ord~nance 770-771-The Trout Protect~on Ord~nance-Flshmg 780-HIS Majesty s Forces Penslons and Gratu~tles Not~ces 398 (European Personnel) Regulat~ons, 1947 772-The Land Board-Appo~ntment 399 781-The Wattle Bark (Improvement and Inspect~on) 173-Award of the Colonla1 Pol~ce Medal for (Amendment No 2) Rules, 1947 Gallantry 399 782-The Courts Ordnance-Junsd~ctlon General Not~cesNos 1315-1370 399 783--Confi~matlon of Ordinance THOMASHODGKINSON to be W~relessOfficer, Grade APPOINTMENTS JOHN I, Jo~ntPosts and Telegraphs Department w~theffect from 1st ARTHURCHRISTOPHER CYRIL ROBERTS to be Acting Accountant, Janual y, 1947 Act ountant Generals Department, w~th effect from 1st ROBERTWILLIAM LILLEY to be W~reless office^, Grade I, Jo~nt January, 1947 Posts and T~legraphs Department, wlth effect fiom 1st DUDIEYBADLEY to be Tax Officer Inland Revenue Department, Janua~y, 1947 w1t1 effect from 1st January, 1947 NORMANSANDERSON A M I R E to be W~relessOfficer, Grade I, .TAME',DOUGLAS DORRITY to be Dlstr~ctOfficer, Isiolo hsttlct, Jo~ntPosts and Telegraphs Department, with effect from 1st Noitl~etnProvince, w~theffect from 1st July, 1947 January, 1947 GORDONMATHEWS HECTOR to be Distr~ctOfficer, Nand1 Dls- GRAHAMGAMBLE to be Agncultural Officer, Department of Agri- t~~ct,Rlft Valley Province, w~theffect f~om14th July, 1947 culture, wlth effect from 24th July, 1946 FREDIRICK CANDISHSub-Engneer, to be Act~ngAmstant Eng~n- THEODOREHERBERT JACKSON DIP HORT (READING),to be Agri- eer, Joint Posts and Telegraphs Department, wlth effect f~om cultural Officer, Department of Agr~culture wlth effect from 24th May 1947 lqt January, 1947 THOMASROLAND HUMPHREY GOLDING to be m Asslstant So11 Conservation Officer, Grade I (D A R A ), Agr~cultural De- REVERSION pariment, wtth effect from 10th March, 1947 GERALDLEWIS KRAUSS reverted to h~ssubstantive rank of Clerk, LESLIIRUSSELL WHITE M B E to be an Asslstant Agr~cultural Grade I, Accountant General's Depa~tment,w~th effect from Offizer, Agr~culturalDepartment, w~theffect from 1st May 28th June. 1947 194 7 C H THORNLEY, BRIANRONALD NORMAN to be a Laboratory Ass~stant Agn- Actlng Chlef Secretary cult ~ralDepartment, wlth efcect from 11th May 1947 WILLIIM BARR CLELLANDDANKS B sc M R c v s Senlor Vet( rlnary Officer, to be Asslstant D~rector, Production D~vls~on,East Afr~canCentral Veter~nary Resea~chInst~tute, GOVERNMENTNOTICE NO 756 (G Lnd 26/12/5) w~theffe~t flom 1st May, 1947 THE INCREASE OF RENT AND OF MORTGAGE RICHAIUI N~THANIELTWISTLETON-WlKEH4M-FIENNES B A lNTEREST (RESTRICTIONS) ORDINANCE (CANTAB), M R c v s Veter~naryResearch Officer, to be Sen101 Resfarch Officer, East African Central Veter~nary Research APPOINTMENT Institute, w~theffect from 1st January, 1947 IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred upon the Governor ARTHLRMILNER DICKESON HOWES to be Act~ngD~rector of by sub-sectlon (2) of section 3 of the Inciease of Rent and of CIVI Av~at~on,East Afnca, with effect from 19th July, 1947 Mortgage Interest (Restnct~ons)Ord~nance, 1940, HIS Excellency LESLIERUSSELL FISHER Barr~ster-at-Law (Gray's Inn), to be the Act~ngGovernor has been pleased to appolnt- Actl~gDeputy Cornmlssloner of Inland Revenue and Income Tax w~theffect from 5th July, 1947 JOSEPEREED BURGESS A L A A to be Act~ngRegonal Comm~s- to be a membe~ of the Rent Control Board for the D~str~cts slonc I of Income Tax with effect from 5th July, 1947 of Naku~u,Rav~ne, Na~vasha, La~k~pia-Samburuand Bar~ngo In the place of Mr W W Cresswell (resigned) PROMOTIONS Government Notice No 553 of 14th June, 1943, 1s vaned DAVIDDALRYMPLE to be Wlreless Officer, Grade I, Jo~ntPosts accordingly and Telegraphs Department, with effect from 1st Janualy, 1947 By Command of HIS Excellency the Act~ngGovernor MICHA-LFRANCIS KENNEDY to be Wileless Officer, Grade I, Jolnl Posts and Teegraphs Depaltment wlth effect from 1st Nalrob~, C H THORNLEY, Tanuary, 1947 19th July, 1947 Acting Chref,Secretni y 396 TH E O FFICIA L G A ZEW E July 29, 1947 G OVERNMENT N OTIR N o 757 ARRIVA LS N am e D eszgnatzon From lea: e ov ozz D ate of leavlng D ate of Arzzval m 1st Appolntm ent E ngland the Colony J Ptm ton Inspector of W orks P W D (D A. R A ) 1st Appolntm ent *22nd J'une, 1947 30th J'une. 1947 E T Stewazt do ,, ,, ,, Af L T M zlnga; Staff Sun ey or, Lands, M znes and Survey Depaztm ent Leave 1'28th M arch, 1947 23rd May , 1947 M lss L M E den Fem ale E dueatzon Om eer E ducatlon D ept ,, 19th J'une, 1947 10th J'uly, 1947 A F V alentlne 'Fozem an Publzc W ozkq D ept lst Appolntm ent ,, ,, W 1) H arverson A sst Com m lsstoner of M lneq Leave 14th June, 1947 13th q'fuly, 1947 T N ell Admn Omcez (cadet) 1st appoantm ent ,. ,, M lss 1n w oodford Telephonzst P & T D ept ,, ,, ,, M alor G eneral J K E dv ards D eputy Chalrm an, Agmc Productlon B oazd ,, ,, L E Tayloz A sslstant Engm eer, P & T D ept On trausfer from ,, N lgerza I.t A stam ers Smtth Asszstant Commtssloner of Sm veys On transfer from 1:7th J'uh , 1947 15th July, 1947 Colom bo * Durban tNew Zealand $ Colombo D EPA RTURES N am e D eslgnatton On Leave or Term m atzon D ate of D eparture of Appom tm ent () A(E Johnston D vstzzct O m cer Adm znzstratlon Leave 26th J'tm e, 1947 G w L ow Stock Inspectozs V eterznazy D ept ,, .- .R Hunter Educatton Officcr Educatzon Dept ,, ;; .E A Fenw zck D lstrtct R evenue Officer, Adm zm stratton #: k'f I-I S Todd Crow n Counsel Izegal D ept ,, I 11 Hudson Deputy Dzrector (Lab Servzces) Vetermary Dept ,, G. 1-1 Bralthw atte Governm ent Plzntez, Governm ent Press ;# 11 W 5m 1th A sst Accountant General, Aceountant G eneral's D ept ># A Phzlhps J'udlm al Advzser Legal D ept ,, ,. EI E Iuam bezt Fenzoz D astzzct Om cer, Adm znlstratzon ,, ,- . , w G Quann Eem oz Colleetor of Ctwtom s Custom s Dept Leave pendzng tram fer to 30th J'une, 1947 N zgerza L J' Turton W eventzve O fllcer Leave pendzng term znatzon ,, of appozntm ent D t R M N attrass Fenzor Plant Pathologzst, A grzcultural D ept Lea: e 4th July, 1947 W J Cozkhlll A sst A gzlcultural O m eer, A gmcultural D ept , E Belhs A glleultural Om cez, A grleultural D ept .tR, E T H obbs Sem or A gzzcultural O m cer, A grteultural D ept ,, J' F w alcl A grleultural Om cer, A grlcultural D ept Leave pendm g transfer to N zgerza V de V A llan A sst Suyldt of Pztsons, Pzlsons D ept Leave Db D r E A. Lew zs Chtef Fzeld Zoologzst, V eterznary D ept ,, I .P D enw ett Stock Inspeetor, V eterznao D ept R etzred (? B Jolley do Leavo 1% G M errzfeld Press Engznetm Przntzng and Statlonery J S Tem pleton Legal Asslstant, Legal Dept M tss M Pow les N urszng Slster, M edzcal D ept D r H O W atkm s Pztehford M edzcal Oo cer, M edlcal D ept W J H enftey Bupdt lnfecttous D zseases H ospttsl, M edzeal D ept M lss M M A shM ortlz Clerlt M edzcal D ept y, M Sm urthw alte M ale M ental N urse, M edlcal D epb $9 M rs E M Sm urthw atte Fem ale M ental N urse, M edzeal D ept M lss E M Bunele N ursm g Szster, M edteal D ept L Lew zs H ealth Inspeetor M edtcal D ept M zss R % M Gozzett Clerk, Custom s D ept G L K rauss Clerk, A ccountant Genezal's D ept M zss N' M M cLean Educatlon O fficer, E ducatzon D ept A F Bull do P C C Evans do W H Oêlenby Teclm zeal Instruetor, E ducatzon D ept J R ae do ,, M Tss E A Iuane M atzon E ducatton D ept Leave pendm g retzrem ent F> E J' Boase Asst M aster, E ducatlon D ept Leave B H Joneq Assessor, Jolnt Incom e Tax D ept ,, R G D arroch D zstnct Om cer, Adrnm zstratzon R etned o M cK av do Leave pendm g retzrem ent w s Gra-nt fnspector P osts and Telepzaphs D ept Leave pmor to reverslon F> to B P O E H Llndqey Asst Inspector of P ollce, Pohce D ept Leave .

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