ASJMC INSIGHTSSPRING 2007 GOOD SCHOOL PAPERS COULD HELP STEM READERSHIP SLIDE Paul Tash, The St. Petersburg Times WE NEED TO STIMULATE, PROTECT STUDENT JOURNALISM Loren Ghiglione, ASJMC president, Northwestern University SECONDARY SCHOOLS Students, Teachers Face Uphill Battle Julie E. Dodd, University of Florida COLLEGES Hosty Decision Further Muddies the Water David L. Adams, Indiana University at Bloomington THE COMPLICATED STATE OF STUDENT PRESS LAW Mark Goodman, Student Press Law Center WHAT J-SCHOOLS CAN DO FOR STUDENT JOURNALISM Linda Shockley, Dow Jones Newspaper Fund COMING TOGETHER GLOBALLY AS A FIELD: The World Journalism Education Congress, Singapore 2007 Joe Foote, University of Oklahoma INTERNSHIPS CAN ASSIST IN ASSESSMENT Betsy B. Alderman, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga OPINION Educating Journalism Students Melvin Mencher, Columbia University ASJMC Insights Editor: Robert M. Ruggles Layout and production: Kyshia Brown The Association of Schools of Journalism and Mass Communication (ASJMC) 234 Outlet Pointe Boulevard, Suite A Columbia, SC 29210 803/798-0271 803/772-3509 (fax) ASJMC is a non-profit educational organization. More than 200 programs, both accredited and non-accredited, teaching journalism and mass communication at the college level are members of the association. ASJMC on the Web: ASJMC Insights is a publication of the Association of Schools of Journalism and Mass Communication. Copyright © 2007 by ASJMC All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic, mechanical, photocopying, and recording, with- out the prior permission of the publisher. For information on getting permission for reprints and excerpts, or ordering additional copies, contact
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