July/August 2012 • Volume 39, Number 4

p. 7 p. 9 p. 20 Six ASPB Members People Teach with a Story Join NAS Brutnell, Frommer Call Case studies help Highest honors go for Investment in Plant students learn science to six ASPB members Science Research for their exemplary Kay Appointed USC Dean achievements in Bush Appointed Colorado original research State Vice Provost

The newsletter of the American Society of Plant Biologists

ASPB Executive Committee President’s Letter 2012 Election Results ASPB Can Thanks to those of you who took the time to vote, and congratulations to Prosper—But the incoming Executive Committee members! They will begin their new cycle of service to ASPB on October 1, 2012. Look for more information Only with about each winning candidate in an upcoming issue of the ASPB News. Your Help!


Without you, and others like you, ASPB would wither like an unwatered plant. That is, perhaps, a statement of the obvious, but what I mean is that each member is essential to the Society. Working together, we can collectively advance successive generations of sci- entists while shaping the course of plant science research. We work toward these objectives by advocating for funding President-elect Secretary-elect Elected Member to support national research missions; Alan Jones, Karen Koch, MariaElena Zavala, fostering and facilitating collaborations University of North Carolina, University of Florida California State University, within and across the public and private Chapel Hill Northridge sectors; and, of course, by communicat- ing information about plant science through our journals, our meetings, continued on page 3 Contents ASPB staff are dedicated to serving our members. We welcome your questions and feedback. For quick response, e-mail us at [email protected] or visit our FAQ at www.aspb.org/faq.

1 President’s Letter ASPB Executive Committee President Steven C. Huber Immediate past president Nicholas Carpita President-elect Peggy Lemaux Secretary Julia Bailey-Serres People Treasurer Jonathan Monroe 5 Jessica McDonald Is 2012 ASPB/AAAS Mass Media Fellow Chair, Board of Trustees Mary Lou Guerinot Chair, Publications Committee Sally Mackenzie Chair, Women in Plant Biology Committee Marta Laskowski 7 ASPB Members Elected to 2012 Class of the National Chair, Minority Affairs Committee MariaElena B. Zavala Academy of Sciences Chair, Education Committee Erin Dolan Chair, International Committee Leon V. Kochian 9 Tom Brutnell, Wolf Frommer Call for $100 Billion Investment Chair, Membership Committee David Horvath Chair, Committee on Public Affairs Richard Sayre in Plant Science Research Elected members Gloria Muday Marguerite Varagona 9 Steve Kay Named Dean of USC’s College of Letters, Richard Vierstra Arts and Sciences Sectional Representatives Midwestern Sarah E. Wyatt Northeastern Estelle Hrabak 10 Dan Bush Named Colorado State’s Vice Provost for Southern Kent Chapman Faculty Affairs Mid-Atlantic Zhongchi Liu Western David Logan 11 From Around the Web ASPB Staff

Executive director Crispin Taylor, [email protected] Executive and governance affairs administrator Sylvia Lee, [email protected] Membership Corner Assoc. director of finance and administration Kim Kimnach, [email protected] 12 Prateek Tripathi Accounts receivable and payable specialist Stephanie Liu-Kuan, [email protected] Senior staff accountant Jotee Pundu, [email protected] Director of meetings, Jean Rosenberg, [email protected] marketing, and membership Manager of marketing and web services vacant Public Affairs Membership manager Shoshana Kronfeld, [email protected] Subscriptions manager Suzanne Cholwek, [email protected] 13 Policy Update Subscriptions assistant Linda Palmer, [email protected] Assoc. director of public affairs Kathy Munkvold, [email protected] Education coordinator Katie Engen, [email protected] Director of publications Nancy A. Winchester, [email protected] Education Forum Publications assistant Diane McCauley, [email protected] Managing editor Patti Lockhart, [email protected] 17 Findings from Discipline-Based Education Research Could Science writer, Plant Physiology Peter Minorsky, [email protected] Improve Undergraduate Science and Engineering Teaching Production manager, Plant Physiology Jon Munn, [email protected] but Are Not Yet Widely Used Manuscript manager, Plant Physiology Ashton Wolf, [email protected] Senior features editor, The Plant Cell Nan Eckardt, [email protected] 19 USA Science & Engineering Festival 2012 Features editor, The Plant Cell Mary Williams, [email protected] Production manager, The Plant Cell Susan Entwistle, [email protected] Manuscript manager, The Plant Cell Annette Kessler, [email protected] 20 Teach with a Story: Using Case Studies to Help Students

Learn Science ASPB News is distributed to all ASPB members and is published six times annually, in odd-numbered months. It is edited and prepared by ASPB staff from material provided 21 Fascination of Plants Day at the Glasgow Botanic Gardens by ASPB members and other interested parties. Copy deadline is the 5th day of the preceding even-numbered month (for example, December 5 for January/February publication). Contact: Nancy A. Winchester, Editor, ASPB News, 15501 Monona Drive, Rockville, MD 20855-2768 USA; [email protected]; 301-296-0904. © 2012 American Society of Plant Biologists

2  ASPB NEWS | JULY/AUGUST 2012 President’s Letter

PRESIDENT’S LETTER population support the Society however continued from page 1 that has no we can, with annual member- direct ties ship and personal involvement. and our public outreach to agricul- But that’s not all. Importantly, efforts. The results will ture, many some of us may be in a posi- span basic and applied of whom do tion to offer more substantive outcomes, contributing not appreci- financial support for ASPB. The not only to fundamental ate the im- Society is exploring the possibil- knowledge but also im- portance of ity of establishing a development pacting societal needs. plants in our office to receive such gifts and We all belong to ASPB daily lives or bequests. Of course, whether or for some “reason(s),” have a good not a new development office whether tangible or not. Steve Huber understand- is formed, we will gratefully For many members, ing of where accept donations and gifts, and ASPB is their primary profes- their food comes from there are numerous sponsor- sional society, and they wouldn’t • educational programs and re- ship and naming opportunities consider for a moment letting sources for students and teach- to choose from (http://my.aspb. their membership lapse. For ers at all levels that help attract org/?page=AF_SponsorNaming). others, there are some tangible the best students to plant biol- The important thing is that we and immediate benefits, such as ogy and related fields must all do what we can, and that, lower registration fees for the • visits to Washington, D.C., to I believe, starts with each of us annual Plant Biology meeting share information with legisla- recalling and acknowledging the and the opportunity to submit an tors on Capitol Hill and federal incredible array of good works abstract. If you’re not a member, agencies about the importance done by ASPB. Do you have thoughts on any at least for the year, you can’t of plants and fundamental of these topics? Please share them present a poster or a minisym- plant science research as a with me ([email protected])! n posium talk at Plant Biology, the major foundation for innova- 2012 version of which we just tion and discoveries that drive enjoyed in Austin, Texas. There private-sector investments and are, in fact, many tangible benefits economic growth of membership (http://my.aspb. ASPB is acutely aware of the need to provide • sharing of information with meaningful benefits to its membership and is org/?page=M_Index), but I the general public and elected would like to focus on the intan- officials about the need for constantly striving to enhance those benefits. gible benefits that arise because GMOs to be part of the mix if Accordingly, ASPB has contracted with an outside ASPB—with your support—is as we’re going to have any hope consultant to seek input from members through strong as it is. of feeding the 9 billion people an in-depth survey targeted to a subset of mem- Here are just a few of the predicted to be on this planet intangible benefits that I find in 2050 bers (chosen at random) from diverse groups particularly compelling: • promotion of research integ- (academia, industry, government) and member- • increased diversity in plant bi- rity as well as enforcement ship status (active as well as lapsed members). ology with inclusion of under- of ethical guidelines—in the Thanks to all of you who participated. Results journals and beyond! represented groups will be shared and, of course, recommendations • networking, training, and The bottom line is that ASPB career development for succes- speaks with authority as an unbi- implemented as soon as possible, so look for more sive generations of scientists ased source in the public domain information on this in the near future. (also a tangible benefit for to promote plant biology in ways those involved) that benefit each of us—regardless • outreach activities that help of what sector we work (or study) connect the 98+% of the U.S. in. Accordingly, we all need to

ASPB NEWS | VolUME 39, NUMBER 4  3 ProvidencesavedateFINAL:Layout 1 6/26/12 5:03 PM Page 1

SAVE THE DATE! JULY 20-24, 2013 Providence, Rhode Island Plant Biology 2013

www.aspb.org People

Jessica McDonald Is 2012 ASPB/AAAS Mass Media Fellow

essica McDonald, a by modifying their own genomes Since 2010, Jessica has been graduate student at Yale yet avoid dangerous DNA altera- a columnist for the Science & JUniversity, is the recipient tions that could result in . Technology section of the Yale of this year’s ASPB/AAAS Mass While at Yale, Jessica has Daily News and was editor-in- Media Science & Engineering demonstrated interest in engag- chief of the Yale Journal of Biology Fellowship. Beginning in June, ing with the community about a & Medicine. Previously, she Jessica will spend 10 weeks mak- broad range of science topics. As combined her dual love of science ing science accessible to the a first-year graduate student, she and writing at Haverford College, public at KUNC-FM, an NPR- helped co-found a campus science where she received her BS in both network radio station in Greeley, policy and outreach group, now Biology and English in 2006. Colorado. There, Jessica will known as Yale Science Diplomats. Jessica is excited to make her write and produce local science For the past two years, she has news radio debut in Colorado, news stories for the radio as well been integral in the Diplomats’ thanks to ASPB’s generosity. If as contribute online content. flagship program, Science in the you’re in the area, tune in to Jessica is currently finishing News, a lecture series for New KUNC at 91.5 FM, or go to her PhD in immunobiology with cells that protect animals from Haven citizens covering topics kunc.org to check out the Dr. David Schatz, studying the infections. Her work is such as genetically modified latest updates. We’ll hear again inner workings of B cells, focused on understanding how B foods, personalized medicine, and from Jessica at the end of the antibody-producing immune cells improve their effectiveness evolution, among others. summer. n

2013 WSSA Undergraduate Research Award The Weed Science Society of America (WSSA) has developed an Undergraduate Student Research Grant designed to encourage and involve exceptional under- graduates in agricultural research. Interested faculty members are encouraged to identify potential award candidates and discuss the possibility of sponsoring a research project. Awards may be used as a stipend, for research budget expenses (travel, supplies, etc.), to defer fees, to defray living expenses for summer research, or any combination of these items.

AWARD: Up to $1000 for support of undergraduate research to be conducted over a minimum of one quarter/semester during 2013. This award may be used to defray the cost of research supplies or as a stipend. Support of a faculty sponsor is required. Awards will be made to the student, to be administered by the faculty sponsor’s department.

APPLICANT: The applicant is an undergraduate student with a strong interest in Weed Science. Students majoring in all related disciplines may apply.

TO APPLY: Applicants should prepare a 2-3 page research proposal including name, address, phone number, E-mail address, title, objective, experimental ap- proach, discussion, budget and references. The discussion section of the proposal should describe the expected results and their possible significance to Weed Science. The student should provide a cover letter in which general academic and career goals are discussed. A copy of the student’s academic transcripts must also be provided.

FACULTY SPONSOR: Any faculty member who is actively engaged in Weed Science research is qualified to be a sponsor. The faculty sponsor should review the research proposal with special attention to the budget; the distribution of funds should be approved by both the student and sponsor. In addition, the sponsor should provide a letter of reference including a statement of his/her willingness to supervise the proposed research and to provide any needed space, equipment and supplies above those requested in the proposal. The sponsor is encouraged to assist the student in presenting his/her results at a regional Weed Science Meeting.

HOW TO APPLY: The completed proposal, academic transcripts, cover letter and faculty letter of support should be forwarded to: Dr. John Jachetta, Dow AgroSciences, 9330 Zionsville Road, Indianapolis, IN 46268-1054; Phone: (317) 337-4686, Fax (317) 337-4649, E-mail: [email protected]. Proposals should be received no later than November 16, 2012. Funding decisions will be made by January 25, 2013 and presented at the 2013 WSSA National Meeting Awards Ceremony.

ASPB NEWS | VolUME 39, NUMBER 4  5 LI-6400XT Portable Photosynthesis System with Lighted Whole Plant Arabidopsis Chamber

LI-COR® also offers the following instruments for Arabidopsis Research:

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ASPB Members Elected to 2012 Class of the National Academy of Sciences

lant biology research was stated, “Words cannot express his lab focuses on the biology well represented in this my heartfelt appreciation and of flavor quality in fruits and Pyear’s selections to the gratitude for the support of the vegetables, with an emphasis on National Academy of Sciences plant research community and for tomatoes. (NAS). Four ASPB members were family members (especially my Regarding his election to NAS, elected as new members and two husband), friends, and colleagues Harry stated, “My feelings have as foreign associates. Each year, in different disciplines who evolved from initial shock and the academy elects a maximum helped me with my research. It awe to complete humility. I am of 84 members and 21 foreign as- feels so wonderful to be recog- humbled both by the recogni- sociates based on their exemplary nized by fellow scientists. I will tion that I am now a member of achievements in original research. have to try even harder to live up an organization with so many Congratulations to the follow- to this great honor.” members, past and present, who ing plant biologists and ASPB Earlier this year, Xinnian was have served as role models for so members selected for this highest also named a AAAS Fellow. She long. [I am] also humbled by the Xinnian Dong honor. currently serves as a coeditor for thought that there are so many The Plant Cell and has previously brilliant scientists who are equally Xinnian Dong served as a monitoring editor for deserving of this honor.” Plant Physiology. Harry was also named a AAAS Howard Hughes Medical Fellow in 2009. He was editor of Institute and Duke University Harry Klee The Plant Journal from 2002 to 2009. Xinnian is a Howard Hughes University of Florida, Medical Institute–Gordon and Betty Gainesville Sabeeha Merchant Moore Foundation Investigator and professor of biology at Duke Harry received his PhD from the University of California, University. She received her PhD University of Massachusetts. He Los Angeles from Northwestern University, fol- completed his postdoctoral stud- Sabeeha received her PhD from lowed by a postdoctoral position ies with Eugene Nester, a pioneer the University of Wisconsin– at Harvard University studying the of Agrobacterium-transformation Madison, worked as a post- Harry Klee plant immune system. In 1992, she of plants, and in 1984 took a posi- doctoral scholar at Harvard started her own laboratory at Duke. tion with Monsanto in research University, and in 1987 joined the Building on her postdoctoral work, and development. After 11 years Department of Chemistry and Xinnian embraced Arabidopsis at Monsanto, he made the jump Biochemistry at UCLA, where as a model system and identified from industry to academia, she is currently a professor of a key regulator, NPR1, required dispelling the myth that you biochemistry. Sabeeha’s laboratory for systemic acquired resistance, a can never go back (see Harry’s focuses on metal metabolism, pho- type of broad spectrum resistance commentary on the subject in a tosynthesis, and genomics in the experienced by the entire plant 2001 edition of Plant Physiology model alga Chamydomonas. after localized pathogen infection. at http://www.plantphysiol. When asked about being elect- Throughout her career, she has con- org/content/126/3/924.full). ed to NAS, Sabeeha commented, tinued to unveil additional molecu- He is now the Lyle C. Dickman “My immediate thought was that lar details of plant immunity. Eminent Scholar Chair in Plant I miss my father, who would have When asked about her reac- Improvement and a professor been the first person I would have tion upon receiving this pres- of horticultural sciences at the Sabeeha Merchant tigious recognition, Xinnian University of Florida, where continued on page 8 ASPB NEWS | VolUME 39, NUMBER 4  7 People

MEMBERS ELECTED TO NAS for Plant Cell Biology and the Norwich. In 2001, George moved continued from page 7 Institute for Integrative Genome to the Max Planck Institute for Biology (IIGB). Her laboratory Plant Breeding Research, where called. He would have been happy has focused on understanding en- he has served as director ever and proud.” She added, “The dosomal and vacuolar trafficking since. George’s laboratory has fo- credit belongs to all the people in plant cells and was a pioneer in cused on uncovering the molecu- I’ve had the good fortune to work harnessing the power of chemical lar details of the timing of floral with—students and postdoctoral genomics to elucidate the molec- development in the model plant researchers, of course, but also ular dynamics of this system. Arabidopsis in response to chang- collaborators and colleagues—all Regarding her recognition ing day length. of whom have generously shared as a new NAS member, Natasha In regards to being elected to their creativity and work with me.” stated, “In general, there are more NAS, George commented, “I am Sabeeha has received numer- deserving people than there are delighted and honored to have ous awards, including the Gilbert awards, so it is wonderful that been elected, and I thank all the Morgan Smith Medal from NAS NAS recognized our research in members of my group in Norwich Natasha Raikhel in 2006, and she was named plant cell biology, and I am eter- and Cologne over the last 20 years a AAAS Fellow in 2005. She nally grateful. I am sharing this who did the experiments that has also received several ASPB recognition with my former and made this happen.” awards, including the Charles current students and postdocs, Among his many awards, Albert Shull Award in 1999 and as this award is a result of team George became an elected member the Charles F. Kettering Award work. I also could not have been of the European in 2010. She was named an ASPB where I am now without the Organization (EMBO) in 2001 Fellow in 2008. love and support of my wonder- and a fellow of the Royal Society, ful family, my late very loving London, in 2007. Natasha Raikhel parents, and my dear friends.” University of California, Natasha was named a AAAS Ottoline Leyser Fellow in 2003 and an ASPB Riverside The Sainsbury Laboratory Fellow in 2007. Additionally, she Natasha received her PhD from received the ASPB Stephen Hales the Institute of Cytology in Prize for her pioneering work Ottoline received her PhD in Leningrad, USSR, where she in plant biology in 2004. She from the University of George Coupland went on to become an assistant served as editor-in-chief of Plant Cambridge, followed by postdoc- professor. After immigrating to Physiology from 2000 to 2005. toral research at the University the United States, she became a of Indiana and the University of at the Cambridge. In 1994, she started University of Georgia. In 1986, Foreign Associates her own laboratory studying she joined the Department signaling at the University of Energy–Plant Research George Coupland of York, where she remained until Laboratory (PRL) at Michigan Director, Max Planck Institute 2010. She now serves as director State University as an assistant for Plant Breeding Research of The Sainsbury Laboratory at professor and remained there the University of Cambridge. Her until 2001, when she moved to George received his PhD from laboratory continues to focus on Riverside. Natasha currently Edinburgh University, UK, fol- auxin signaling, with an emphasis holds the Ernst and Helen lowed by a postdoctoral experi- on understanding the molecular Leibacher Endowed Chair in ence at the University of Cologne mechanisms that underlie shoot Plant Molecular, Cell Biology and and the Max Planck Institute branching in Arabidopsis. Genetics and is a distinguished for Plant Breeding Research. “It came as a complete Ottoline Leyser professor of plant biology at In 1989, he joined the Plant surprise,” Ottoline said in the University of California, Breeding Institute in Cambridge, response to her election to NAS. Riverside. She also serves as which shortly afterward became “It is really an extraordinary feel- the director of both the Center part of the John Innes Centre in ing to have been chosen by so 8  ASPB NEWS | JULY/AUGUST 2012 People

many eminent scientists. And looking at the list this year, Tom Brutnell, Wolf Frommer Call for it has been a great year for women and for plant biology.” $100 Billion Investment in Ottoline has been recog- nized for her outstanding Plant Science Research independent research by her election as a member of EMBO and a fellow of the Royal om Brutnell, director of curity on the order of $100 billion Society, London, both in 2007. the Enterprise Rent-A-Car over 10 years, similar to the U.S. Additionally, Ottoline formerly TInstitute for Renewable investment to send a man to the served on the editorial board Fuels at the Donald Danforth moon in the 1960s. of The Arabidopsis Book (TAB), Plant Science Center, and Tom and Wolf emphasize the which is published by ASPB. Wolf Frommer, director of the need for innovations in agriculture One additional plant Department of Plant Biology to feed a growing global popula- at the Carnegie Institution for tion that is expected to reach 9 biologist, unaffiliated with the Tom Brutnell Society, was also elected to the Science, contributed an opinion billion by 2050. An increased academy: Pedro Sanchez, direc- piece to the June 2012 issue of The demand for meat as nations tor of Tropical Agriculture and Scientist. The article, titled “Food develop requires additional grain Rural Environment for The for Thought: Plant Research production, adding further strain Earth Institute at Columbia Remains Grossly Underfunded, on an already dire situation. The University. n Despite the Demand for Increased article also highlights the increased Crop Production to Support a pressure on food prices caused by Growing Population,” calls for a biofuel production and climate large-scale national investment in change. For access to the full arti- plant science research to address cle, visit http://bit.ly/KOEg5b. n challenges in food and energy se-

Wolf Frommer

Steve Kay Appointed Dean of USC’s College of Letters, Arts and Sciences

teve Kay has been ap- the University of California, San rhythms of plants: he was elected pointed dean of the Dana Diego, where he also holds the to the National Academy of Sand David Dornsife title of Distinguished Professor of Sciences in 2008, named a AAAS College of Letters, Arts and Cell and . Fellow in 2009, and awarded the Sciences at the University of His appointment as dean at USC ASPB Martin Gibbs Medal in Southern California (USC). Steve officially begins October 1, 2012. 2011. n currently serves as dean and Steve has been honored many Richard C. Atkinson Chair in the times for his pioneering research Division of Biological Sciences at in the genetics of the circadian Steve Kay ASPB NEWS | VolUME 39, NUMBER 4  9 People

Dan Bush Appointed Colorado State’s Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs

aniel Bush was named physiological and molecular plant plant sugar and amino acid vice provost for faculty biology at Colorado State. transport systems important for Daffairs at Colorado State Dan’s laboratory focuses on resource allocation in plants. University, where he has served resource allocation between vari- Earlier this year, Dan was as professor and chair of the ous plant tissues using biochemi- named a AAAS Fellow, and in Department of Biology in the cal and genetic tools to tease apart 2008 an ASPB Fellow. He also College of Natural Sciences. In the molecular details and regu- served as president of ASPB in addition to his service in the lation of this essential process. 2002–2003 and is a monitoring department, he also has spear- In fact, his lab was the first to editor of Plant Physiology. n headed the development of the characterize the molecular and multidisciplinary program in biochemical function of several Dan Bush

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10  ASPB NEWS | JULY/AUGUST 2012 People

From Around the Web Your Guide to Plant Biology News on the Internet

rticles on the science for Renewable Fuels at the in May. Both The Times bit.ly/LDAPua) and National news website, Science Donald Danforth Plant Science (http://nyti.ms/KDxTC6) and The Public Radio’s food blog, The Salt ADaily, recently featured Center, and Jeff Bennetzen, pro- Washington Post (http://wapo.st/ (http://n.pr/K5qKt8), for his lab’s a long list of ASPB members, fessor of genetics at the University LdjR5i) featured Jim Giovannoni, recent work published in Current including Sheng Yang He, pro- of Georgia, for their work in a scientist at the Boyce Thompson Biology on the chemical basis of fessor of microbiology and sequencing the Setaria genome Institute for Plant Research and tomato flavor. Harry was also at Michigan to be used as a reference genome USDA–ARS, in articles on the interviewed in an article appear- State University, for his lab’s work for switchgrass (http://bit.ly/ genomic sequences of a Heinz ing in The Scientist (http://bit.ly/ on the balance between plant NVXnZb). tomato variety and a wild relative K5qYAy) on making a success- growth and pest and pathogen Interviews with ASPB of tomato. Avtar Handa, profes- ful transition from industry to resistance (http://bit.ly/LdiFyJ); members Sharon Long (http:// sor of horticulture at Purdue academia, something that he also Takato Imaizumi, assistant profes- bit.ly/LDznrx), professor of biol- University, was featured in The wrote about in Plant Physiology in sor of biology at the University ogy at Stanford University, and New York Times blog, Green 2001 (http://bit.ly/MnTsoG). of Washington, for his lab’s work Pamela Ronald (http://bit.ly/ (http://nyti.ms/NW2kkD), for his ASPB President-elect Peggy on a photoreceptor involved in JS4n5x), professor of plant pathol- work on finding a genetic cure Lemaux also appeared in an article flowering time, recently published ogy at the University of California, for blossom end rot of tomato, a on The Salt (http://n.pr/KoE0pl) in Science (http://bit.ly/Ljfk30); Davis, were featured on Scientific condition resulting in economic concerning California’s upcom- Joseph Noel, professor and di- American blogs in April. The losses in tomato production. ing referendum on modified food rector of the Jack H. Skirball series included graduate student In keeping with the tomato labeling. For more science-based Center for Chemical Biology and interviews with leading women theme, Harry Klee, professor of information on GMO labeling and Proteomics at the Salk Institute, biologists from the Women horticulture at the University of other agriculture biotech issues, and Eve Syrkin Wurtele, professor in Science Symposium held at Florida, Gainesville, in addition visit http://www.ucbiotech.org. of genetics, development, and cell Cornell University in April. to being recently elected to the Work from Mark Johnson’s labo- biology at Iowa State University, Tomatoes were the “it” plant in National Academy of Sciences ratory on the precision of fertiliza- for their identification of three the media recently, as the tomato (see page 7), was featured on tion of a single ovule by a single proteins involved in fatty acid genome was published in Nature the Wired Science blog (http:// pollen tube, recently published in metabolism that could be used Current Biology, was featured in to boost seed oil production of a New York Times article (http:// crop plants, which was recently nyti.ms/MnTY65). Mark is an published in Nature (http://bit. Please visit the Plants in the News blog post at http://bit.ly/ associate professor of biology ly/KOFtcs); Michael Thomashow, Nt09av for easy access to all the articles highlighted in at Brown University. And BBC director of the MSU–DOE Plant this column. News reported on (http://bbc.in/ Research Laboratory at Michigan LD9PZH) the release of What “From Around the Web” represents a subset of the plant State University, for his lab’s a Plant Knows, a book by ASPB biology news posted on ASPB’s Plants in the News blog, work on the connection between member Daniel Chamovitz, direc- Facebook page, and Twitter feed. To stay up-to-date, circadian rhythms and freezing tor of the Manna Center for Plant subscribe to the blog (www.aspb.org/plantsinthenews), tolerance (http://bit.ly/KDxeAx); Biosciences at , “like” us on Facebook (www.facebook.com/myASPB), and Tom Brutnell, director of the on how plants perceive and and “follow” us on Twitter (www.twitter.com/ASPB). Enterprise Rent-A-Car Institute respond to their environment. n If you or your colleagues have been featured in the news and would like to be included in the next issue of the ASPB News, please contact ASPB’s Associate Public Affairs Director Kathy Munkvold ([email protected]).

ASPB NEWS | VolUME 39, NUMBER 4  11 Membership Corner

ASPB members share a common goal of promoting the growth, development, and outreach of plant biology as a pure and applied science. This column features some of the dedicated and innovative members of ASPB who believe that membership in our Society is crucial to the future of plant biology. If you are interested in contributing to this feature, please contact ASPB Membership at [email protected].

Was someone instrumental in ASPB functions such as the Prateek Tripathi getting you to join ASPB? annual meeting have allowed me to present my work and helped My adviser, Dr. Paul Rushton, was me gain more confidence. Such Title: Graduate student (PhD) the person who discussed his per- functions also gave me an oppor- sonal experience with ASPB and Place of work or school: South Dakota State University tunity to take a lead in setting an encouraged me to join. He said Research area: Molecular biology of abiotic stress industrial collaboration for my to me many times, “After all my Member since: 2009 lab. It makes me feel so proud years of experience in science, it’s that I got to do something instru- really worth it to join ASPB,” and mental for my lab and group. I finally did. Now, I know how you will find yourself getting That’s why I mentioned better right he was. After becoming an acquainted in this competitive networking as a key asset of ASPB ASPB graduate student ambassa- world. Better networking not only membership. The questions dor, I am honestly feeling happier helps you aquire the necessary asked and the suggestions offered and more confident. answers related to science you are during my presentation helped involved in, but also teaches you me explore the subject in more Have you enhanced your career how to develop a team and deter- detail, gave me a new approach to using ASPB job postings or mine what role you are going to answer my research question, and through networking at an ASPB serve in a team with the ensuing also enhanced my public speak- function? responsibilities. ing skills. ASPB networking and Annual Plant Biology meet- Yes, absolutely. ASPB played a presentation opportunities have ings are not just meant for our huge role in shaping my present definitely helped me with my career—and likely will continue seniors, but in fact, they are career. After finishing my mas- to do so. designed and geared toward the ter’s in biotechnology, I started student perspective. The annual looking for positions to pursue What person, living or deceased, meeting will give you a chance to my doctorate in America and do you most admire? What would you tell colleagues learn how your cohorts are utiliz- Europe. My search started with to encourage them to join ASPB? ing various directional approach- ASPB. In the end, I received Whenever this question is asked, I I would tell my friends who es to answer different questions or the project I wanted, which had can think of only one answer: my haven’t joined ASPB that they perhaps even the same question been advertised in the ASPB Job parents. My biggest asset is hav- are really missing an opportunity you want to answer. Also, the Bank. The complete description ing them in my life. My father is to explore a whole new world of different workshops organized of the project as advertised by a professor, which I think helped plant biology. After joining ASPB, during the meeting (such as the my adviser not only saved me me get accustomed to the field they will have access to its presti- career workshops) can help you time by helping me find a PhD of science; in fact, my passion gious publications, The Plant Cell find the “real-world” advice you position, but also gave me an op- for science seems to be innate and Plant Physiology; be able to need. Having a discussion with portunity to make up my mind in me. My mom has been a real attend the annual Plant Biology someone whose work you have as to what I wanted to do for muse to me for being patient and meetings at reduced rates; and long admired not only boosts my doctoral work. Being a PhD perseverant. No matter what situ- open new horizons of better net- your morale and enthusiasm to student, I would say that identi- ation, happy or sad, those two working. continue in the field, but also fying a project you are interested are always there for me. Their ad- I would like to emphasize the encourages you to make your in will better prepare you for miration and desire for me to be notion of better networking research more remarkable. There the bench and help you finish successful inspires me a lot. n because I believe the sooner you is just so much waiting for you in time with better results and acquire this skill, the sooner when you join ASPB. publications.

12  ASPB NEWS | JULY/AUGUST 2012 Public Affairs

Policy Update BY KATHY R. MUNKVOLD, PhD ASPB Associate Director of Public Affairs, [email protected]

he fiscal year (FY) 2013 ap- er increase than most other USDA National Institute of Food and Nutrition, and Forestry approved propriations process is in programs in both the Senate and Agriculture (NIFA), in which legislation that, if enacted into Tfull swing in Congress, and House appropriations bills (up AFRI is housed, which would see law, would result in a far-reaching although some research programs 13% in the Senate and 5% in the a decrease of 2% in the House and reorganization of programs sup- are facing budgetary setbacks, it House from FY2012). Meanwhile, an increase of 3% in the Senate. porting U.S. agriculture. The bill, is important to note that research USDA’s Agricultural Research The chart below contains S. 3240, the Agriculture Reform, is not the main target in deficit Service (ARS) would face a cut of a complete breakdown of the Food, and Jobs Act of 2012 (also reduction. Due to the political 2% in the House and 1% in the FY2013 appropriations bills as of known as the Farm Bill), would and fiscal environment, however, Senate. The U.S. Department of mid-June. Although the appropri- dramatically restructure farm flat research budgets should be Energy’s (DOE’s) Office of Science ations process proceeded into the income support and crop insur- considered a “win.” Biological and Environmental summer, Congress is expected to ance programs as well as elimi- In mid-June, funding levels Research (BER), Advanced delay passage of many of the fund- nate, consolidate, and streamline for plant biology research in the Research Projects Agency–Energy ing bills, if not all of them, until existing programs for conserva- FY2013 budget bills, although (ARPA-E), and Energy Efficiency after the November elections. tion, rural development, trade, generally positive, were looking and Renewable Energy (EERE) nutrition, energy, research and like a bit of a mixed bag. The NSF programs all would receive cuts Senate Agriculture extension, forestry, and related would fare well overall, especially in the House—some of which Committee Releases programs for the five-year period its Research and Related Activities would be major. But these same 2012 Farm Bill (R&RA) account, and the USDA’s DOE programs would receive through FY2017. Meanwhile, the Agriculture and Food Research small increases in the Senate. This On April 26, the Senate House Agriculture Committee Initiative (AFRI) would see a larg- also would be the case for USDA’s Committee on Agriculture, continued on page 14

FY2013 Appropriations Bills (in millions)

Department/ FY2012 FY2013 Senate % Change FY2013 House % Change Program Agency Enacted Senate Mark from FY2012 House Mark from FY2012

DOE Office of Science 4,874 4,909 1.8% 4,825 (1.0%)

DOE BER 612 625 2.2% 542 (11.4%)

DOE ARPA-E 275 312 13.5% 200 (27.3%)

DOE EERE 1,825 1,986 8.8% 1,451 (20.5%)

NSFH Total 7,033 7,273 3.4% 7,333 4.3%

NSFH R&RA 5,719 5,883 2.9% 5,942 3.9%

USDA NIFA 1,202 1,239 3.1% 1,175 (2.3%)

USDA ARS 1,094 1,101 0.7% 1,073 (1.9%)

USDA AFRI 264.5 298 12.7% 276.5 4.5%

All amounts expressed in U.S. dollars in millions; H approved by the full House of Representatives; parentheses indicate a decrease in budget percentage. ASPB NEWS | VolUME 39, NUMBER 4  13 Public Affairs

POLICY UPDATE million toward this effort, which Just one week before Chris (S. 1789) in the Senate. The letter, continued from page 13 must be matched by nonfederal Kaiser was slated to begin his spearheaded by the American has concluded hearings on the funding through the foundation. post as director of the National Association for the Advancement Farm Bill and anticipates prepar- The Senate Farm Bill would Institute for General Medical of Science, focused on the ing its own bill later this summer. extend existing energy programs Sciences (NIGMS), NIH lost its amendments’ severe restrictions For USDA research and exten- affecting rural areas, includ- nominee for personal reasons. on the ability of government sion, the Senate bill would largely ing the Biomass Research and NIGMS funds the majority of personnel to attend meetings and extend current programs, includ- Development Initiative (BRDI), plant biology research supported conferences. The amendments ing authorization for intramural which would be authorized at by NIH. Until another candidate were provoked by the General research by ARS through FY2017. $30 million annually. The most is in place, Judith Greenberg, Services Administration scan- The Senate bill also would reau- significant amendment adopted current acting director, will dal involving lavish spending thorize NIFA through FY2017 during the committee consider- remain in the position. on a conference in Las Vegas in and extend the authorization ation of the bill would provide In June, Carl Wieman, Nobel October 2010. The full letter and for NIFA’s extramural competi- $800 million in mandatory Prize–winning physicist and list of signatories can be found at tive grants program, AFRI, at spending to continue existing STEM (science, technology, engi- http://bit.ly/LsXFr7. the same $700 million annual energy programs. Of this amount, neering, and mathematics) educa- In June, ASPB, along with level as the 2008 Farm Bill (AFRI $26 million in mandatory fund- tion advocate, announced that he 38 other organizations, signed is currently funded at $264.5 ing is provided each year through is leaving his position as associate a letter to the president of the million in FY2012). In addition, FY2017 for BRDI. director for science at OSTP for United States, thanking him for the bill would reauthorize fund- For a full report on the personal reasons. Shortly after his emphasizing the role of produc- ing for the Extension Service. Senate’s 2012 Farm Bill from our departure, it was unclear whether tion agriculture in food security The Senate version of the government affairs consultants, the White House would fill his at the Chicago Council on Global Farm Bill has no provisions Lewis-Burke Associates, please position before the November Affairs’ G8 discussion titled affecting the current formula visit http://bit.ly/Lsp4Ju. elections. “Advancing Food and Nutrition grant programs for land grant In contrast to DOE, NIH, and Security.” The letter highlighted institutions. Formula programs Personnel Changes Rock OSTP, USDA gained a new direc- the need for U.S. support of agri- authorized under the Hatch U.S. Science Agencies tor of NIFA. Sonny Ramaswamy, cultural innovation and biotech- and Smith-Lever Acts have former dean of the College of nology in addressing future open-ended authorizations for DOE, the National Institutes of Agricultural Sciences at Oregon requirements for food, feed, fuel, appropriations at “such sums as Health (NIH), and the White State University, was sworn in and fiber. The letter, including the may be necessary.” Additionally, House Office of Science and as director of NIFA on May 9, list of signatories, can be found at the Senate bill does not address Technology Policy (OSTP) each filling the position left vacant by http://bit.ly/N9GddU. the indirect cost rate as the 2008 recently experienced resignations ASPB member Roger Beachy in In keeping with ASPB’s previ- Farm Bill did. Thus, under the or withdrawals of staff in top posi- spring 2011. ous advocacy efforts regarding the proposed Senate bill, the indi- tions. Arun Majumdar, the first formation of the Foundation for rect cost rate remains at the director of DOE’s ARPA-E, left ASPB Signs onto Food and Agriculture Research, current level of 30% established his position in June, reportedly Advocacy Letters the Society joined 71 other orga- in the FY2012 Agriculture to spend more time with his fam- nizations as a signatory on a letter Appropriations bill. The 2008 ily in California. Majumdar was ASPB recently joined forces with to members of the U.S. House of Farm Bill increased the indirect nominated by President Barack various scientific organizations by Representative’s Committee on cost rate from 19% to 22%. Obama to fill the position of un- signing onto three letters of ad- Agriculture in June. The letter The bill would establish a dersecretary of energy in late 2011, vocacy. In May, ASPB joined 50 urged the committee to include significant new research initia- but he was never confirmed by the additional scientific professional language for the formation of a tive in the creation of a non- Senate. Majumdar’s resignation societies as a signatory on a letter foundation supporting public– profit Foundation for Food and leaves the DOE with three vacant to members of both the Senate private partnerships to fund food Agriculture Research, which top positions to fill: director of and the House of Representatives and agriculture research in the would promote public–private ARPA-E, undersecretary of energy, in opposition to amendments to 2012 Farm Bill, similar to autho- partnerships to leverage addi- and undersecretary for science. the Digital Accountability and rizing language that is included tional funding for agriculture The latter position was previously Transparency Act (DATA Act, in the Senate version of the bill. research. The Senate bill includes filled by Steven Koonin, who H.R. 2146) in the House and the The letter and list of signatories is mandatory funding of $100 stepped down in November 2011. 21st Century Postal Service Act located at http://bit.ly/Kz8nJT. 14  ASPB NEWS | JULY/AUGUST 2012 Public Affairs

OSTP Releases National vision. It does not announce processes, and reduce costs targeted investments as the way to Bioeconomy Blueprint any new initiatives, but rather while protecting human and accelerate these types of discover- provides guidance to federal environmental health. ies and innovations. On April 26, the White House agencies on how they can better 4. Update training programs and The blueprint also underscores OSTP released its National accelerate discoveries in the align academic institution the importance of academic Bioeconomy Blueprint. In at- biological sciences. The priori- incentives with student training institutions in training the future tendance at the exclusive rollout ties and guidance laid out in the for national workforce needs. bioeconomy workforce. It states event, featuring OSTP Director blueprint will form the building 5. Identify and support opportu- that universities should focus on John Holdren; U.S. Department blocks for the president’s FY2014 nities for the development of boosting entrepreneurial activi- of Health and Human Services budget request. public–private partnerships ties; align academic incentives Secretary Kathleen Sebelius; and The blueprint lays out five and precompetitive collabo- with training for future workforce USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack, strategic objectives to bolster a rations—where competitors needs; continue to stress the was ASPB Past President Nick national bioeconomy with the pool resources, knowledge, importance of STEM education Carpita. The administration first ability to generate economic and expertise to learn from at all levels; and strengthen rela- announced it would be creat- growth while addressing societal successes and failures.” tionships with the federal govern- ing a Bioeconomy Blueprint needs. These objectives align with ment, nonprofits, and industry to Although the blueprint high- in August 2011 and called for the topic areas included in last leverage existing knowledge and lights the progress being made stakeholder input on five topic fall’s call for stakeholder input resources. in these areas, it also calls upon areas related to advancing the and include the following: The National Bioeconomy federal agencies to accelerate their bioeconomy, including research, Blueprint is available at http:// 1. “Support R&D investments efforts to harness the biological technology transfer, regulatory www.whitehouse.gov/sites/ that will provide the foun- sciences. It outlines trends in the barriers, workforce development, default/files/microsites/ostp/ dation for the future U.S. fields of health, agriculture, ener- and public–private partner- national_bioeconomy_blueprint_ bioeconomy. gy, and the environment as indi- ships, to which ASPB submit- april_2012.pdf. n ted a response (see http://bit.ly/ 2. Facilitate the transition of cators of how the bioeconomy is t4w7I3). The blueprint reflects bioinventions from research advancing. According to the blue- the administration’s focus on lab to market, including an print, the future of the nation’s commercialization and more ap- increased focus on transla- bioeconomy is dependent on the plied research to make impacts tional and regulatory sciences. expansion of emerging technolo- in grand societal challenges. 3. Develop and reform regula- gies, including synthetic biology, Specifically, the blueprint repre- tions to reduce barriers, proteomics, and bioinformatics. sents the administration’s efforts increase the speed and The administration cites coor- to harness the nation’s biological predictability of regulatory dinated strategic programs and research toward solving national problems in energy, food, health, and the environment while creat- This column provides just a small sample of the content from ASPB public ing high-skill jobs. The blueprint lays out the affairs, including material provided by ASPB’s government relations con- administration’s vision for future sultants, Lewis-Burke Associates, LLC. Also be sure to check out our blogs: economic activity powered by Plant Biology Policy, Funding Opportunities, and Plants in the News. Please visit research and innovation in the http://www.aspb.org/publicaffairs for the most up-to-date news. biosciences and highlights recent federal efforts to achieve this

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Findings from Discipline-Based Education Research Could Improve Undergraduate Science and Engineering Teaching but Are Not Yet Widely Used This article is based on a May 21, 2012, news release from the National Academy of Science that reports on the NAS study Discipline- Based Education Research: Understanding and Improving Learning in Undergraduate Science and Engineering.

iscipline-based education in terms of establishing their research (DBER) has fields, the report says that these ASPB and DBER: Insight from Susan Dgenerated insights that scholars still face challenges in could help improve undergradu- identifying pathways for training Singer, Lead DBER Study Author ate education in science and en- and professional recognition. And gineering, but these findings have findings from DBER have not yet The DBER report calls on pro- not yet prompted widespread led to widespread change in the fessional societies to contribute changes in teaching practice, teaching of undergraduate science to the advancement of robust says a new report (http://www. and engineering. research in DBER and support nap.edu/catalog.php?record_ Notable research findings from faculty in implementing research- id=13362) from the National DBER on undergraduate teaching based approaches to teaching and Research Council. According to and learning include the following: learning. ASPB has played and can continue to play an impor- the report, science and engineer- • Student-centered learning tant role in supporting the ad- ing faculty, institutions, disciplin- strategies can enhance learn- vancement and implementation ary societies, and professional ing more than traditional of DBER findings. societies should all support high- lectures. Examples of effec- A range of well-implemented, quality DBER and the adoption of tive, research-based approach- Susan Singer research-based approaches to the evidence-based teaching strat- es are making lectures more teaching that actively engage egies that have emerged from it. interactive, having students students in their own learning are more effective than tradi- DBER is a collection of related work in groups, and incorpo- tional lecturing. But clear evidence of effectiveness has yet research fields that investigate rating authentic problems and to prompt widespread changes in teaching practices among how students learn in particular activities. science and engineering faculty. scientific disciplines and identify • Students have incorrect There’s no silver bullet to move from the evidence to the ways to improve instruction. This understandings about funda- implemention of effective teaching practices. Departments, research is emerging in many mental concepts—particu- institutions, professional societies, funding agencies, and faculty scientific disciplines, including larly phenomena that are all have a role to play in transforming undergraduate science physics, chemistry, biology, the not directly observable, such and engineering teaching. geosciences, and astronomy, as as those that involve very Strategies are needed to translate the findings of DBER and well as in engineering. A DBER large or very small scales of related research into practice. There are a number of barriers scholar in physics, for example, time and space. For example, to overcome, including the faculty reward system, the relative might investigate how students students often have difficulty valuing of teaching and research, support for faculty interested learn concepts such as force or understanding processes that in learning how to use research-based practices, and workload acceleration and try to identify involve deep time, such as concerns. effective ways for instructors to Earth’s history or natural DBER requires deep disciplinary expertise and an under- teach these concepts. selection, and many learning standing of learning and teaching to address the challenges of Scholars in all DBER fields challenges in chemistry result changing students’ incorrect ideas and beliefs about fundamen- share the goal of improving from students’ difficulties in tal concepts and to develop strategies that help students become teaching and learning by using comprehending that matter is findings from empirical research. more expert-like problem solvers. Although they have made inroads continued on page 18 ASPB NEWS | VolUME 39, NUMBER 4  17 Education Forum

DISCIPLINE-BASED EDUCATION • Students are challenged by especially if instructors are who understand research findings continued from page 17 important aspects of the not aware of them. Several on learning and teaching and who domain that can seem easy strategies appear to improve value effective teaching as part of made up of discrete particles. or obvious to experts. For problem-solving skills, such their career aspirations. And they [In plant biology, two critical instance, in problem solv- as providing support and should support venues for DBER misconceptions center on how ing, students tend to focus prompts, known as “scaffold- scholars to share their research plants gain mass and whether on the superficial aspects ing,” as students work their findings at meetings and in high- or not plants respire.] DBER of a problem rather than its way through problems. quality journals. has identified instructional deep structure. Students in all Institutions, disciplinary soci- Future directions for DBER techniques that may help, like disciplines also have trouble eties, and professional societies investigations should include using “bridging analogies” that understanding representations should support faculty efforts research that explores similarities link students’ correct under- like graphs, models, and simu- to use evidence-based teaching and differences in learning among various student populations, standings and the situation lations. These challenges pose strategies in their classrooms. longitudinal studies that can shed about which they harbor a serious impediments to learn- In addition, they should work light on how students acquire misconception. ing in science and engineering, together to prepare future faculty and retain understanding (or misunderstanding) of concepts, studies that investigate student ASPB Links to DBER—Past, Present, and Future outcomes other than test scores, and studies of organizational and behavioral change that could aid SRO for NSF @ PB07! the translation of DBER findings Inaugural Planning Session for Vision & Change for Undergraduate Education into practice. http://newsletter.aspb.org/2007/septoct07.pdf#page=54 The study was sponsored by the National Science Foundation. Fostering Change in Undergraduate Biology Education—What Can ASPB Do? For more information, visit http://newsletter.aspb.org/2008/julaug08.pdf#page=38 http://national-academies.org. Changing Practice to Meet Vision: A Call to Action Prepublication copies of Discipline- “The Changing Nature of Biology” Based Education Research: http://newsletter.aspb.org/2011/julaug11.pdf#page=26 Understanding and Improving Learning in Undergraduate Science Vision & Change in Undergraduate Biology 2011 Final Report and Engineering (http://tinyurl.com/ http://visionandchange.org/finalreport 7qjxg3q) are available from The ASPB Catalyzes Implementation of Vision & Change in Undergraduate Biology Education National Academies Press at http://newsletter.aspb.org/2011/septoct11.pdf#page=44 202-334-3313 or 1-800-624-6242 or on the Internet at http://www. SABER at the Ready! nap.edu. n “Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research Prepares to Lead the Charge” http://newsletter.aspb.org/2012/janfeb12.pdf#page=25 The ASPB Vision & Change for Undergraduate Biology Blog http://my.aspb.org/members/blogs.asp?id=72494%20 June 2012: ASPB working group drafts core concepts in undergraduate plant science education. Teach with a Story (on page 20 of this issue)

18  ASPB NEWS | JULY/AUGUST 2012 Education Forum

USA Science & Engineering Festival 2012 ASPB Shares Plant Biology Love at “the Woodstock of Science” KATIE ENGEN, MEd ASPB Education Coordinator, [email protected]

t was a three-day science saur museum on wheels, and an (http://www.usasciencefestival. and engineering love fest at entire team of STEM cheerlead- org/2012festival/schoolprograms/ Thank You, Ithe Walter E. Washington ers. Yet plenty of people found the stem-advice-corner). On Saturday ASPB Volunteers! Convention Center in Washington, ASPB booth! and Sunday, families of all sizes D.C., April 27–29. The expo’s sci- On Sneak Peek Friday, ASPB and career-oriented young adults This busy outreach event ence blog (http://scienceblogs. volunteers and staff kept pace flooded the hall for a weekend full would not have been possi- com/usasciencefestival) cap- with youngsters and teach- of mentally engaging mania. ble without the time and ex- tures some of the energy with ers invited from local and All told, ASPB sent close to pertise volunteered by these various videos (from sponsor regional schools who were 2,000 STEM-career seekers home energetic Society members Engineering.com) that recap the eager to make garden cup neck- with growing plants to care for and associates: first day and offer insight into sci- laces, view seeds and plantlets and visions of plant biology’s Jim Anderson ence and public education from through a microscope, and talk impact on food, fuel, and fibers Jin Barnaby Bill Nye the Science Guy, Dr. about careers in plant biology dancing in their heads. n Neel Barnaby Mayim Bailik (Big Bang Theory), Mary Clutter the Myth Busters, and other Anne Datko attention-getting scientists and Rob Donaldson science educators. Chioma Ebiringa The vast event hall was so Irwin Forseth packed with 150,000-plus ener- Mario Izaguirre-Sierra getic STEM explorers and more Melantha Jackson than 3,000 hands-on science Samuel Jones and engineering activities that at Kristen Lennon times it actually was hard to find Mel Oliver an F-16 fighter jet, a giant dino- David Puthoff Jennifer Shemansky Richard Sicher Stacey A. Simon Janet Slovin Heven Sze Hemayet Ullah Gabi Yamoah Staff representatives Katie Engen, Kathy Munkvold, and Crispin Taylor are grate- ful for the volunteers’ gener- ous efforts to create a fun, information-packed experi- ence for booth visitors.

A plant fan compares seeds to plantlets. ASPB NEWS | VolUME 39, NUMBER 4  19 Education Forum

Teach with a Story: Using Case Studies to Help Students Learn Science BY PAULA P. LEMONS University of Georgia, Plant Biology

ase study teaching uses the problem, identify the resources been shown to improve student real-world situations to they need to address the problem, retention (Fasko, 2003) as well as Chook students into learning and come up with a solution to the students’ problem-solving skills science content and developing problem. This approach works well (Levin, 1997; Fasko, 2003) and thinking skills. For example, I may in classes with a small instructor- abilities to make objective judg- Paula Lemons tell students about Patrick, a seem- to-student ratio. The Interrupted ments (Dinan and Frydrychowski, ingly normal teenager whose hand Case Method also emphasizes 1995). Interestingly, some research Fasko, D. (2003). Case studies started twitching at dinner one collaborative learning, but the has shown that these effects are and methods in teaching and evening and who ended up para- instructor progressively discloses to more pronounced for women learning. Paper presented at the lyzed five months later (Knabb, students (e.g., over one or two class undergraduates (Lundeberg et al., annual meeting of the Society 2010). I help students discover that periods) the critical pieces of infor- 2002). of Educators and Scholars, Patrick suffered from pyruvate mation they need to solve the case. I teach with case studies for Louisville. dehydrogenase complex disease, Recently, case study methods have all these reasons, but also because Herreid, C. F. (2007). Start an inherited disease that prevents been expanded to produce “Clicker it’s fun. It is exciting to prepare with a story: The case study the conversion of pyruvate to Cases,” case studies for large class instructional materials when I method of teaching college sci- acetyl-CoA in glucose metabolism. settings that use personal response have an idea for a new case. I am ence. Arlington, VA: National After being introduced to Patrick, systems (i.e., “clickers”) to guide not alone: in a survey of instruc- Science Teachers Association students learn about enzyme-cat- and pace student work (Herreid, tors who participated in profes- Press. alyzed reactions, metabolic path- 2006; Wolter et al., 2011). sional development on case study Herreid, C. F. (2006). Clicker ways, and glucose metabolism. By Case studies start with a teaching, 84% report going on to cases. Journal of College Science the end of the case, students can story, and students connect most use case studies in their courses Teaching 36(2):43–47. explain the biological basis for strongly with stories about people (Yadav et al., 2007). If you are Herreid, C. F. (2004). An alterna- Patrick’s paralysis. like them, facing challenges they interested in teaching with case tive to lecturing in the sciences. Case study teaching can be could face. Case studies also studies, check out the Case Study Chapter 5 in Team-Based used in almost any classroom depend on complex questions that Collection at the National Center Learning: A Transformative Use of setting (Herreid, 1994, 1998, 2004, can only be resolved with discus- for Case Study Teaching in Science Small Groups in College Teaching, 2007) and can be implemented in sion, research, additional scien- (http://sciencecases.lib.buffalo. edited by Larry K. Michaelsen et multiple ways depending on the tific knowledge, and sometimes edu/cs). Also, make plans to attend al. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing. classroom context and instructor even debate. Cases with these the ASPB Education Committee’s Herreid, C. F. (1998). Sorting preference. The Discussion Method characteristics compel students Teaching Using Case Studies work- potatoes for Miss Bonner: relies on good open-ended ques- to learn science and provide shop at Plant Biology 2012 or the Bringing order to case-study tions for students to discuss while opportunities for students to inte- Annual Conference on Case Study methodology through a clas- the instructor serves as facilitator. grate multiple sources of infor- Teaching in Science in September sification scheme. Journal This method has a long history in mation (Lundeberg et al., 1999). (http://sciencecases.lib.buffalo.edu/ of College Science Teaching professional schools and medical Moreover, case study teaching has cs/training/conference). n 27:236–239. education, and it works well in been shown to improve students’ Herreid, C. F. (1994). Case stud- small to moderate-size classrooms. understanding of ethical issues, References ies in science: A novel method The Problem-Based Learning interpretation of scientific data, Dinan, F., and Frydrychowski, of science education. Journal Method involves giving students and confidence in understand- V. (1995). A team learning of College Science Teaching a real-world challenge in the form ing science concepts and proce- method for organic chemistry. 23:221–229. of an ill-defined problem. Students dures (Lundeberg et al., 1999). Journal of Chemical Education then work collaboratively to define Case study teaching has also 72(5):429–431. continued on page 22 20  ASPB NEWS | JULY/AUGUST 2012 Education Forum

Fascination of Plants Day at the Glasgow Botanic Gardens BY MARY WILLIAMS Features Editor, The Plant Cell, [email protected]

he first international science, children’s drawings, Fascination of Plants Day and photographs of plants in Twas recently celebrated the gardens. The event was held around the world by universi- in the beautiful Kibble Palace ties, botanic gardens, and other glasshouse, which dates from groups. In Glasgow, Scotland, the 1870s and houses Scotland’s in an event jointly sponsored by national collection of tree ferns, the University of Glasgow, nearly many of which have been growing 500 school children celebrated there since the building’s open- the day at the Glasgow Botanic ing. Videos made for the event Gardens, with activities ranging by the university’s plant science from painting with plant pig- research group can be seen at ments to isolating DNA from http://www.youtube.com/user/ bananas. Exhibitions included ThePSRG?feature=watch. n displays about 21st-century plant

Louise Bustard, director of education at the Botanic Gardens, uses a cacao pod to explain fascinating facts about seeds.

Curator Stephen Herrington helps students make take-away plant University of Glasgow students Emanuela Sani and Bobby Bayne (a 2012 propagators. ASPB SURF recipient, visiting from the University of North Carolina) demonstrate pigment extraction. ASPB NEWS | VolUME 39, NUMBER 4  21 Education Forum

TEACH WITH A STORY continued from page 20 Knabb, M. (2010). Why is Patrick paralyzed? National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science Case Collection. http:// sciencecases.lib.buffalo.edu/ The American Society of Plant Biologists cs/collection/detail.asp?case_ invites members to join the 2012–2013 id=482&id=482. Levin, B. (1997). The influence PlantingScience Master Plant Science Team of context in case-based teach- ing: Personal dilemmas, moral issues or real change in teach- The Master Plant Science Team is designed to provide compensation for a cohort of 12 ers’ thinking? Paper presented graduate students who make a substantial contribution as an online scientist mentor. To at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research support your efforts, there are benefits and support systems. Association, Chicago. Lundeberg, M. A., Levin, B. B., Members of the Master and Harrington, H. (Eds.). Plant Science Team receive “Participating as a mentor with PlantingScience has (1999). Who learns what from • free membership to ASPB been A tremendously valuable experience! I feel like I cases and how: The research base have an opportunity to communicate my life’s passion for the year commitment for teaching and learning with as a scientist and researcher to students in a medium cases. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence • 50% off meeting registration that makes such communication possible like no other Erlbaum Associates, Inc. • PlantingScience T-shirt resource I have seen... Lundeberg, M. A., Mogen, K., How could any scientist not want to do this? Learning Bergland, M., Klyczek, K., from the students and understanding how they Johnson, D., and MacDonald, Joining the Team involves approach scientific topics and the scientific method E. (2002). Fostering ethical • participating in online helps me communicate my research to a more general awareness about human genet- mentorship training audience. Simply put, PlantingScience makes me a ics through multimedia-based • mentoring about four better researcher and teacher.” cases. Journal of College Science student teams via the Teaching 32(1):64–69. —2009–2010 PlantingScience Mentor web during BOTH fall Wolter, B.H.K., Lundeberg, M. A., and spring sessions (each Kang, H., and Herreid, C. F. (2011). Students’ perceptions session lasts about two One year as a member of the Master Plant Science of using personal response months) Team has the potential to positively affect the rest of systems (“clickers”) with cases • posting to student web pages your professional life and inspire lifelong appreciation in science. Journal of College about three times per week for plant science inyoung learners. Science Teaching 40(4):14–19. • providing extra support and Yadav, A., Lundeberg, M. A., facilitating communication DeSchryver, M., Dirkin, K., for one classroom teacher Schiller, N. A., Maier, K., and and his/her teams Herreid, C. F. (2007). Teaching science with case studies: A national survey of faculty perceptions of the benefits Apply at www.plantingscience.org and challenges of using cases. Please apply by August 31, 2012. For questions, contact Journal of College Science Teaching 37(1):34–37. the PlantingScience team at [email protected]. ASPB membership is not required. Please pass this information on to others who might be interested.

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Plant Physiology® 2011 Update Collection Now Available The 2011 edition of the Annual Update Collection compiles all the front-section Updates published in Plant Physiology in 2011, along with the prologue editorials written by the guest editors of that year’s Focus Issues. Updates review recent progress in the thematic areas covered by the Focus Issues (and more) and are written to be accessible and interesting for people reading them as an introduction to a particular topic, preparing for a lecture, or making classroom assignments.

The 2011 Collection covers • Enhancing Photosynthesis • Plastid Biology • Phosphorus Plant Biology • Nine other updates

The Annual Update Collection 2011 is available in a convenient printed format for only $35 (shipping included). To order, visit https://aspb.site-ym.com/store/default.asp

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ASPB News (ISSN 1535-5489; Online ISSN 1544-9149) is published bimonthly by the American Society of Plant Biologists, 15501 Monona Drive, Rockville, MD 20855-2768 USA, telephone 301-251-0560, fax 301- 279-2996. Members’ dues include a subscription price of $2 per year to ASPB News. Subscription price to nonmembers is $30 per year. Periodicals postage paid at Rockville, MD, and at additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Please send address changes to ASPB News, 15501 Monona Drive, Rockville, MD 20855-2768 USA.