July/August 2012 • Volume 39, Number 4 p. 7 p. 9 p. 20 Six ASPB Members People Teach with a Story Join NAS Brutnell, Frommer Call Case studies help Highest honors go for Investment in Plant students learn science to six ASPB members Science Research for their exemplary Kay Appointed USC Dean achievements in Bush Appointed Colorado original research State Vice Provost THE NEWSLEttER OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF PLANT BIOLOGIsts ASPB Executive Committee President’s Letter 2012 Election Results ASPB Can Thanks to those of you who took the time to vote, and congratulations to Prosper—But the incoming Executive Committee members! They will begin their new cycle of service to ASPB on October 1, 2012. Look for more information Only with about each winning candidate in an upcoming issue of the ASPB News. Your Help! STEVE HUBER, ASPB PRESIDENT [email protected] Without you, and others like you, ASPB would wither like an unwatered plant. That is, perhaps, a statement of the obvious, but what I mean is that each member is essential to the Society. Working together, we can collectively advance successive generations of sci- entists while shaping the course of plant science research. We work toward these objectives by advocating for funding President-elect Secretary-elect Elected Member to support national research missions; Alan Jones, Karen Koch, MariaElena Zavala, fostering and facilitating collaborations University of North Carolina, University of Florida California State University, within and across the public and private Chapel Hill Northridge sectors; and, of course, by communicat- ing information about plant science through our journals, our meetings, continued on page 3 Contents ASPB staff are dedicated to serving our members. We welcome your questions and feedback. For quick response, e-mail us at [email protected] or visit our FAQ at www.aspb.org/faq. ASPB Executive Committee 1 President’s Letter President Steven C. Huber Immediate past president Nicholas Carpita President-elect Peggy Lemaux Secretary Julia Bailey-Serres People Treasurer Jonathan Monroe Chair, Board of Trustees Mary Lou Guerinot 5 Jessica McDonald Is 2012 ASPB/AAAS Mass Media Fellow Chair, Publications Committee Sally Mackenzie Chair, Women in Plant Biology Committee Marta Laskowski 7 ASPB Members Elected to 2012 Class of the National Chair, Minority Affairs Committee MariaElena B. Zavala Academy of Sciences Chair, Education Committee Erin Dolan Chair, International Committee Leon V. Kochian Chair, Membership Committee David Horvath 9 Tom Brutnell, Wolf Frommer Call for $100 Billion Investment Chair, Committee on Public Affairs Richard Sayre in Plant Science Research Elected members Gloria Muday Marguerite Varagona 9 Steve Kay Named Dean of USC’s College of Letters, Richard Vierstra Sectional Representatives Arts and Sciences Midwestern Sarah E. Wyatt Northeastern Estelle Hrabak 10 Dan Bush Named Colorado State’s Vice Provost for Southern Kent Chapman Faculty Affairs Mid-Atlantic Zhongchi Liu Western David Logan 11 From Around the Web ASPB Staff Executive director Crispin Taylor, [email protected] Executive and governance affairs administrator Sylvia Lee, [email protected] Membership Corner Assoc. director of finance and administration Kim Kimnach, [email protected] Accounts receivable and payable specialist Stephanie Liu-Kuan, [email protected] 12 Prateek Tripathi Senior staff accountant Jotee Pundu, [email protected] Director of meetings, Jean Rosenberg, [email protected] marketing, and membership Manager of marketing and web services vacant Public Affairs Membership manager Shoshana Kronfeld, [email protected] Subscriptions manager Suzanne Cholwek, [email protected] 13 Policy Update Subscriptions assistant Linda Palmer, [email protected] Assoc. director of public affairs Kathy Munkvold, [email protected] Education coordinator Katie Engen, [email protected] Director of publications Nancy A. Winchester, [email protected] Education Forum Publications assistant Diane McCauley, [email protected] Managing editor Patti Lockhart, [email protected] 17 Findings from Discipline-Based Education Research Could Science writer, Plant Physiology Peter Minorsky, [email protected] Improve Undergraduate Science and Engineering Teaching Production manager, Plant Physiology Jon Munn, [email protected] but Are Not Yet Widely Used Manuscript manager, Plant Physiology Ashton Wolf, [email protected] Senior features editor, The Plant Cell Nan Eckardt, [email protected] Features editor, The Plant Cell Mary Williams, [email protected] 19 USA Science & Engineering Festival 2012 Production manager, The Plant Cell Susan Entwistle, [email protected] Manuscript manager, The Plant Cell Annette Kessler, [email protected] 20 Teach with a Story: Using Case Studies to Help Students Learn Science ASPB News is distributed to all ASPB members and is published six times annually, in odd-numbered months. It is edited and prepared by ASPB staff from material provided by ASPB members and other interested parties. 21 Fascination of Plants Day at the Glasgow Botanic Gardens Copy deadline is the 5th day of the preceding even-numbered month (for example, December 5 for January/February publication). Contact: Nancy A. Winchester, Editor, ASPB News, 15501 Monona Drive, Rockville, MD 20855-2768 USA; [email protected]; 301-296-0904. © 2012 American Society of Plant Biologists 2 ASPB NEWS | JULY/AUGUST 2012 President’s Letter PRESIDENT’S LETTER population support the Society however continued from page 1 that has no we can, with annual member- direct ties ship and personal involvement. and our public outreach to agricul- But that’s not all. Importantly, efforts. The results will ture, many some of us may be in a posi- span basic and applied of whom do tion to offer more substantive outcomes, contributing not appreci- financial support for ASPB. The not only to fundamental ate the im- Society is exploring the possibil- knowledge but also im- portance of ity of establishing a development pacting societal needs. plants in our office to receive such gifts and We all belong to ASPB daily lives or bequests. Of course, whether or for some “reason(s),” have a good not a new development office whether tangible or not. Steve Huber understand- is formed, we will gratefully For many members, ing of where accept donations and gifts, and ASPB is their primary profes- their food comes from there are numerous sponsor- sional society, and they wouldn’t • educational programs and re- ship and naming opportunities consider for a moment letting sources for students and teach- to choose from (http://my.aspb. their membership lapse. For ers at all levels that help attract org/?page=AF_SponsorNaming). others, there are some tangible the best students to plant biol- The important thing is that we and immediate benefits, such as ogy and related fields must all do what we can, and that, lower registration fees for the • visits to Washington, D.C., to I believe, starts with each of us annual Plant Biology meeting share information with legisla- recalling and acknowledging the and the opportunity to submit an tors on Capitol Hill and federal incredible array of good works abstract. If you’re not a member, agencies about the importance done by ASPB. Do you have thoughts on any at least for the year, you can’t of plants and fundamental of these topics? Please share them present a poster or a minisym- plant science research as a with me ([email protected])! n posium talk at Plant Biology, the major foundation for innova- 2012 version of which we just tion and discoveries that drive enjoyed in Austin, Texas. There private-sector investments and are, in fact, many tangible benefits economic growth of membership (http://my.aspb. ASPB is acutely aware of the need to provide • sharing of information with meaningful benefits to its membership and is org/?page=M_Index), but I the general public and elected would like to focus on the intan- officials about the need for constantly striving to enhance those benefits. gible benefits that arise because GMOs to be part of the mix if Accordingly, ASPB has contracted with an outside ASPB—with your support—is as we’re going to have any hope consultant to seek input from members through strong as it is. of feeding the 9 billion people an in-depth survey targeted to a subset of mem- Here are just a few of the predicted to be on this planet intangible benefits that I find in 2050 bers (chosen at random) from diverse groups particularly compelling: • promotion of research integ- (academia, industry, government) and member- • increased diversity in plant bi- rity as well as enforcement ship status (active as well as lapsed members). ology with inclusion of under- of ethical guidelines—in the Thanks to all of you who participated. Results journals and beyond! represented groups will be shared and, of course, recommendations • networking, training, and The bottom line is that ASPB career development for succes- speaks with authority as an unbi- implemented as soon as possible, so look for more sive generations of scientists ased source in the public domain information on this in the near future. (also a tangible benefit for to promote plant biology in ways those involved) that benefit each of us—regardless • outreach activities that help of what sector we work (or study) connect the 98+% of the U.S. in. Accordingly, we all need to ASPB NEWS | VOLUME 39, NUMBER 4 3 ProvidencesavedateFINAL:Layout 1 6/26/12 5:03 PM Page 1 SAVE THE DATE! JULY 20-24, 2013 Providence, Rhode Island Plant Biology 2013 www.aspb.org People Jessica McDonald Is 2012 ASPB/AAAS Mass Media Fellow essica McDonald, a by modifying their own genomes Since 2010, Jessica has been graduate student at Yale yet avoid dangerous DNA altera- a columnist for the Science & JUniversity, is the recipient tions that could result in cancer. Technology section of the Yale of this year’s ASPB/AAAS Mass While at Yale, Jessica has Daily News and was editor-in- Media Science & Engineering demonstrated interest in engag- chief of the Yale Journal of Biology Fellowship.
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