Mapping the Regenerative Standards Landscape


Alter Eco Grove Collaborative New Hope Network Sambazon Annie's Guayaki New Morning Market Stonyfield Associated Labels and Happy Family Organics Numi Organic Tea Strategic Rise Partners Packaging Harmless Nutiva Straus Family Creamery Aurora Organic Dairy INFRA Oregon's Wild Harvest Studio Fab Cheer Pack Justin’s Organic India Sweet Additions Clif Bar & Company KeHE Organic Valley Tiger Cool Express Danone North America Lotus Foods Outpost Natural Foods Traditional Medicinals Decker and Jessica Lundberg Family Farms Patagonia Trayak Rolph MegaFood Plum Organics Whole Foods Market Dr. Bronner’s MOM's Organic Market Pluot Consulting Mountain Rose Herbs Presence Marketing Foodstirs National Co+op REBBL Gaia Herbs Grocers Rogue Creamery General Mills Natural Habitats Safe Sterilization USA gimMe Snacks Nature's Path West Griffith Foods Our Speakers


Lisa Spicka Associate Director Sustainable Food Trade Association (SFTA)

Sarah Andrysiak Elizabeth Whitlow Chris Kerston Senior Director, and Executive Director Director of Market Engagement Networks Regenerative Organic & Public Outreach Green America Center for Alliance Savory Institute Sustainability Solutions Today’s Program

- Program Development Process/Status Carbon - Standards & Verification Process Index

- ROC’s 3 Pillars and Standards Regenerative Organic Certified - Pilot Project Reflections

- Hub Management Model Savory Institute - Key Standards - Land to Market Program

Discussion - Q&A from Audience Please submit Q&A throughout session!

All three standards agree: Healthy soil is foundational to healthy food, healthy people, and a healthy planet.

❖ Shared principles across all three standards: What gets measured and tracked: • 5 principles of : ✓ Soil armor (cover crops) ✓ Roots in the ground ROC ✓ SAVORY Social fairness, ✓ Minimal disturbance (reduced tillage) Ecosystem ✓ Integration of animals animal welfare, function, soil and land • Continuous improvement is key including soil management • Need for regionally specific, farmer-to-farmer education and outreach SOIL HEALTH • Need for third party verification / validation • Desire to improve agricultural data • Interest in alignment with other standards to grow the market and accelerate soil regeneration ❖ Differences: Initiative • On pack or not Soil health and • Practices vs. outcomes carbon only • The audit process January 2020

THE SOIL CARBON INDEX (SCI) A Verification and Recognition Standard To Facilitate Improvement in Soil Health

Sequestering soil carbon and building soil health to address and restore farmer livelihoods | 8 The goal of the Soil Carbon Initiative is to encourage, motivate and aid in the adoption of as a means to drive robust soil health and to mitigate – and even reverse – climate change, and provide all of the many benefits of soil health.

The Soil Carbon Index (SCI) standard – with growing interest from governments and farmers in the US, Thailand, Australia, Ecuador and more – will beneficially transform our soil, our climate, and our future.

| 9 SCI Design Team

In addition to the leadership of our design team, over 150 stakeholders, including farmers, farmer advocacy organizations, brands, retailers, ingredient suppliers, seed dealers, and technical advisors aligned on the design criteria and reviewed iterations of SCI.

We are grateful to Paloma Blanca Foundation and Kristina Hall for essential support of this work. | 10 SCI Design Criteria and Vision

Design Criteria Vision > Provide independent, third-party verified > SCI motivates everyone who touches the standard for soil health and carbon soil to sequester carbon and build soil sequestration health so that agriculture can help reverse climate change > Measure outcomes (don’t dictate practices) > SCI becomes the independent, third- party standard & verification process for > Achieve verified and meaningful results and soil health > Complement, and not compete with, > Over time, SCI’s data connects on-farm existing standards: design for inter- actions (regenerative agriculture) with operability carbon draw down to improve the > Engage the entire agriculture spectrum – validity of sustainability outcomes from organic to conventional tracking (scope 3, science based targets, etc.) > Ensure that it works for farmers agronomically & economically > SCI is incorporated by on-pack certifications who want assurance of soil- > Evolve as new testing technologies emerge carbon impact > Require ongoing improvement | 11 To ensure scientific rigor and on-farm utility, we formed a soil committee of expert farmers and soil scientists

> Steven Apfelbaum, M.S., Applied Ecological Svcs. > Daniel Kane, PhD., Yale University > Dr. Kofi Boa, Howard G. Buffett Foundation Centre > Rattan Lal, PhD., The Ohio State University for No-Till Agriculture > Tim LaSalle, California State University, Chico > Roland Bunch, Consultant > Andre Leu, Regeneration International > Rebecca Burgess, M.Ed., Fibershed > David Montgomery, PhD., University of Washington > Jill Clapperton, PhD., Rhizoterra > Henry Rowlands, The Detox Project > Rick Clark, Consultant and Farmer > Richard Teague, PhD., Texas A & M University > Cynthia Daley, PhD., CA State University, Chico > Eric Toensmeier, The Carbon Farming Solution > Richard Haney, PhD., USDA ARS > Steve Tucker, AgriForce Seed > Will Harris, White Oak Pastures > Chris Weigert, Healthy Food Ingredients > Jerry Hatfield PhD., USDA ARS > Allen Williams, PhD., Joyce Farms > David Johnson, PhD., New Mexico State University

| 12 Soil Carbon Index Progress

Expand SCI Draft Innovation Standard Create Curate Agreements Circle Public Refine soil SOIL Farmer with Pilot Companies Comment Incorporate sampling Launch SCI COMMITTEE Support Delivery (Spring Comments and testing Foundations Pilots (150 Resource Partners 2018) protocol Donors Stakeholders Library (Labs, Data involved!) Platform) Pilot Supply Chains

Q1/2 Q1-3 2020 2020

| 13 Highlights

Open to everyone who touches the soil, regardless of production system, scale, crop or geography

Measures and verifies soil health & carbon sequestration outcomes (improvement & achievement)

Awards points for soil health, soil health knowledge and applying the five soil health principles

Functions at the field level not the product level (could be embedded in on-pack certifications)

Creates a common measurement framework to facilitate tracking and reporting at multiple scales

Launching pilots this spring to test and refine our protocols

| 14 SCI collects two types of data to verify outcomes: evidence of on-farm actions & soil test results COMMITMENTS PERFORMANCE (self-reported OUTCOMES evidence) AREAS (soil test)

• Learn/Teach re soil • Soil Organic Carbon & ecosystem health • Carbon • Aggregate Stability • Act to improve soil • Water Infiltration Sequestration health 1.Min soil disturbance • Microbial • Improved Soil 2.Max biodiversity or Activity Health 3.Soil covered 4.Living roots lab test results or Verified outcomes based 5.Integrate animals farmer-reported on lab tests results of in-field Checklists, tests Directional indication of photos, etc. leading indicators outcomes from self- to monitor progress reported data

| 15 All producers can participate in SCI


1 Enrollment Location, acreage, crops, other certifications Sign up for the program (fields or farm)

1. Advance ecosystem & soil health knowledge • Engage in education 2. Make plans/take actions aligned with core • Submit annual Commitment Plans 2 Make SCI Commitments soil health principles • Implement On-Farm Actions and 3. (Complete baseline performance area test) monitoring Earn Stamp of 3 Recognizes that the farm is committed to Soil Health and Carbon Sequestration Participation

Measure Performance - Baseline Test: gauge starting 1. Soil Organic Carbon Areas through soil tests point through 4 performance area tests 2. Water Holding Capacity 4 Two tracks: - Test Performance Areas every 3 years 3. Aggregate Stability - Points for improvement and for achievement • Reported (SCI-R) 4. Microbial Biomass (or microbial activity) • Verified (SCI-V) - Use SCI sampling plan and testing protocol Receive Verification Farms that achieve required SCI points are designated "SCI-Verified” or 5 (Points) “SCI-Reported” depending on their performance area testing track.

| 16 SCI’s two tracks provide flexibility SCI Supply Chain requires third-party verification of carbon sequestration and soil health impact When desired, SCI Verified facilitates participation Track Farmers comply with sampling and lab test protocols in verified carbon (baseline, and sampling every 3 years) market programs by allowing aggregation Farmers are encouraged to track leading indicators to at landscape scale monitor progress on an annual basis SCI Supply Chain desired directional evidence of soil Reported carbon accumulation and soil health Track Farmers must complete baseline tests and required in- field tests and monitor and report on leading indicators SCI will audit on-farm results periodically

| 17 SCI helps farmers build healthy soil – and reap the benefits

Healthy Soil Ecosystem Services Performance Commitments: • Reduced Inputs Baseline Area Tests: Degraded Learning & • Improved Yield Testing Feedback, Soil Action • Improved Resilience Validation • Carbon Sequestration Carbon Markets Carbon Draw Through SCI participation, farmers get: Down • Tools to improve soil health: soil health knowledge, structured testing and measurement, guidance • Agronomic and economic co-benefits • Data for and access to ecosystem services and carbon markets | 18 Everyone who works with farmers can use SCI to motivate, measure and report on climate and soil benefits.

Coops/Brands/Retailers Carbon Market Makers Policy Makers SCI can track the regenerative activity SCI can reduce costs of administering By providing SCI enrollments at of supply chains, or be a sourcing and validating soil carbon by landscape or regional level, SCI can spec. Over time, SCI may support aggregating farms into landscape- help gauge climate change resiliency, tracking other impacts such as scale projects to drive down the cost watershed improvements and other pesticide use, biodiversity, and water. of sampling and administration ecosystem outcomes.

Ecosystem Project Investors Markets By measuring the soil health and soil SCI’s data on outcomes and actions carbon outcomes of projects, SCI can can be used to validate results for unlock ecosystem investment. Ecosystem Service Markets.

SCI provides a common framework for all agricultural stakeholders to measure, motivate and validate soil health improvements, carbon sequestration, and the reversal of climate change. | 19 Next Steps

• Enroll additional pilots for the 2020 growing season • Hire dedicated staff and launch significant fundraising to support scale up and roll out of SCI • If you are interested in learning more, providing feedback, or participating in the pilot, please email me:

[email protected]

| 20 Details if Questions Arise

| 21 Demonstrating Commitments Requires Learning and Action that Lead to Soil Health & Carbon Outcomes

Advance Build Soil Health to sequester Carbon and provide ecosystem benefits Knowledge of Maximize crop Maintain Living Soil & Ecosystem Minimize Soil Keep the Soil Integrate diversity and on- Roots Year Disturbance Covered Livestock Health farm biodiversity Round Commitment Soil Health Farmers submit annual commitment reports documenting actions Improvement Checklist for which might include: & increased learning: • Buffer Strips or Buffer Zones • Mulching Application carbon ❑ Workshops • Application • Perennial Planting sequestration ❑ Field Days • Cover Crops • Pollinator Habitats, Insectary Strips, or • ❑ Crop Rotations Wildlife Habitat capacity Online • Forage & Biomass Planting • Reduction of Off-Farm Inputs & resources • Forest Stand Improvement and Forest • Recycling of On-Farm Biomass Proven in ❑ Studies Slash Treatment • Riparian Restoration Performance ❑ Research • Grassed Waterways • Silvopasture Establishment Area Tests Demonstration papers • Herbaceous Wind Barriers & Field • Tree / Shrub Establishment Borders • Vegetative Barriers ❑ Peer to peer • Integrated Crops & Animals • Water Conservation and/or Wetland network • Moisture-Sensing Technologies for Restoration Irrigation • Windbreak & Shelter Belt Establishment | 22 The Performance Area Tests Allow Farmers to Track Progress and Validate Results Progress Indicators Third-Party Verified Results

Performance Qualitative Recommended Freq. (no more In-Field Tests In-Lab Test Area Assessments Depth* than)

Dry Combustion 0-6”, then subsoil 6- Future Sensor: Yale Once per year Soil Organic Carbon Soil Color TOC/TC 12”, 12-24”, 24-36” Quick Carbon SOM (%LOI) 0-6” Every 3 years NRCS Infiltration Water Holding Water Infiltration Dual Head Pressure Plate 0-6” Every 3 years Capacity Assessment Infiltrometer

Penetration ARS Wet Aggregate Aggregate Stability Slake Test Every 3 years Resistance Test 0-6”

Below Ground - Insects / Solvita C02 Burst PLFA 0-6” Every 3 years Microbial Arthropods Future Sensor: Biomass/Act. - Underwear BioMeter? Haney Test 0-6” Once per year

*SCI will consider substitute tests on a case by case basis; farmers must choose at least one test in every performance area | 23 SCI Awards Points to document improvement and achievement

A minimum number of commitment points must be Points For: achieved to earn the Stamp of Participation • Demonstrating Commitments (planning, A minimum number of additional points must be earned implementing, learning) for farmers to receive SCI Recognition. • Completing the Baseline • SCI-Reported designation is available to farmers who use in- Tests field tests and achieve a certain minimum number of points • Demonstrating • SCI-Verified is available to farmers who use lab tests and Improvement in the achieve a certain minimum number of points. Performance Areas • Demonstrating strong soil Farms must demonstrate improvement or high health through the achievement in the performance areas. performance area tests • Building Soil Organic Carbon Farmers are rewarded for learning and teaching.

| 24 January 2020

The Regenerative Organic Certification

NSF INTERNATIONAL 789 N. Dixboro Road, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48105 USA “Healthy Soil = Healthy ood = Healthy People” -J.I. Rodale, May 1942


Soil Health Animal Welfare Social Fairness

*Baseline for ROC

Note: For each module, there are additional requirements that need to be met to achieve ROC 30 Requirements: Soil Health & Land Management

• Existing Certification: Organic certification is a baseline for ROC.

• Crops must be grown in the ground. Soil-less practices such as hydroponics, container, and aquaponics ineligible.

• Conservation Tillage: Tillage allowed only when necessary and never deeper than 10", except for planting perennials (e.g. tree crops)..

• Pesticides & GMOs: Organic pesticides that are highly toxic to pollinators are not allowed. Genetic modification and gene editing is prohibited, including emergring technologies..

• Regenerative Practices: The incorporation of practices to improve overall ecosystem health and productivity, as listed in ROC Framework. Requirements: Animal Welfare

• Existing Certifications: Not required for operations without animals or commercial livestock production • Must hold recognized Animal Welfare certification (GAP 4 or above, AWA, Certified Humane) for any animal that is used in production of dairy, meat, or fiber. • Feeding: Concentrated Animal Feedlot Operations (CAFO’s) are prohibited. Operations must be pasture-based.

• Five Freedoms: All animals are verified to have freedom from hunger and thirst; discomfort; pain, injury & disease; fear and distress; and to express natural behaviors. Requirements: Social Fairness

• Human Trafficking: People are not forced to work or remain on premises against their will.

• Child Labor: With the exception of family members, no children below the age of 15, legal age or age of compulsory schooling are employed.

• Fair Wages: Farms must demonstrate commitment to pay a living wage or progress towards it. Gold level certification requires living wages paid to all workers.


Before After

Annual Perennial

Monoculture Polyculture

Manipulation of Parts Management of Wholes

Reactive Proactive

reductionist holistic

Australia #

SCALING UP: THE GLOBAL NETWORK A decentralized nodal network of regional learning Hubs, educating farmers on the benefits of Holistic Management and supporting implementation

Savory Institute The central 501(c)(3), accrediting Hubs, creating resources, and removing barriers for adoption.

Hub Network Regional learning centers, all independently owned/operated, teaching HM in a contextually- Land Managers relevant manner and providing Farmers become better land support. managers through the training and support received from their local Savory Hub.

SINCE 2009: 43 5,227 8,827,759 Total Land Managers Hectares of Land Under Hubs Trained Management THE GLOBAL NETWORK

North America Central / South America Our mission is • Arizona • Argentina now scaled • California (northern) • Brazil across a nodal • California (southern)* • Chile • Colorado • Colombia* network of • Georgia regional • Hawaii* Europe • Ohio learning Hubs. • Oklahoma* • Croatia* • Maine* • Denmark* • Manitoba, Canada* • Finland* • Michigan • France* • Missouri • Germany* • Minnesota • Spain • New Hampshire • Sweden • Northern Territory, Canada • Turkey • Texas • United Kingdom • Virginia • Wyoming* Africa • Ethiopia* Asia / South Pacific • Ghana* • India* • Kenya • Pakistan • Nigeria* • New South Wales, Australia • South Africa • New Zealand • Uganda* • Perth, Australia* • Zimbabwe * denotes a Hub in training (12-18 month onboarding process)

Producers want to differentiate, brands want access to supply Contributors

Soil Health Water Infiltration & Holding Capacity Biodiversity Ecosystem Function All properties are compared to a local reference area within their ecoregion Each property gets a score called an Ecological Health Index Leading indicators have the most value for management

Mgt – Katie Binoculars

Lagging indicators have the most value for story & impact Drastically different than a typical certification audit The protocol verifies outcomesOutcome Based rather than practices New Value Streams • Premiums • Market Share • Whole Farm Utilization • Ecosystems Service Markets • Land Assessment The entire program is designed to cultivate additional support for producers as needed

Less Energy Required

Degenerative Sustainability is Sustainable a bridge, Regenerative Living Regenerative System Design is the Living & Whole Technical More Systems System Energy Pattern Thinking destination Required Design Technologies & Techniques Fragmented Thinking Onboarding producers now moving into go-to-market phase Frontier Founders October 2018: first product w/ Ecological Outcome Verified

SRIRACHA BEEF BITES FROM EPIC PROVISIONS 1st EOV product available in the marketplace 100% of protein sourced from regenerating land base Positive trend in ecological health indicators verified with EOV data USDA approved label

40% uptick in sales on this product

Many more Land to Market products coming to market in 2020 Renewable Energy Eco-Tourism

Bringing Food & Fiber Together

Meat Dairy Wool Leather Removes the Confusion Empowers consumers like never before. Giving a voice to the land The world’s first verified regenerative supply chain

Producers The World’s First Verified Regenerative Sourcing Solution

Chris Kerston Savory Institute Director of Market Engagement [email protected] Discussion


Lisa Spicka Associate Director Sustainable Food Trade Association (SFTA)

Sarah Andrysiak Elizabeth Whitlow Chris Kerston Senior Director, Climate and Executive Director Director of Market Engagement Agriculture Networks Regenerative Organic & Public Outreach Green America Center for Alliance Savory Institute Sustainability Solutions

@ClimateColl #climatecollaborative
